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Quote:The grips are rare to find new and also Black is the coolest and probably rarest colour of them all.
And those beys cost around $10 each anyway.

It comes with 2 blue ones .. haha

Though I have 2 Black/Browny looking ones (?) with one which has the orange rubber.
Yeah, I just posted that. I own that set, it's the best tornado attack set I've seen, and that is the best price I've seen, and an absolutely incredible price all around.

It comes with a Black Grip and a Blue Grip, WITH rubbers which you can swap around. I actually like it swapped, with red rubber on the black one and black rubber on the blue one, but either way is nice.

I'm actually considering getting one for my birthday, but I'm going to hold off as I want to give others a chance to own a Tornado Attack, for the sake of the plastics metagame :3

By the way, if you guys do buy these, I would suggest reinforcing them before you use them as the plastic is quite thin and they aren't easy to replace. Electrical Tape on the underside of the corners at the very least, if you can use some kind of filler (I'm going to use some expanding foam to reinforce mine). It'd also be cool if you guys chip in with testing or thoughts once you have that stadium and some good beys to use in it, but no pressure. Best stadium ever made though.
Oh I was going just by the box pic. Still worth it by so much. It would still be worth it at $50.
I have that set and it came with one black and one blue. Perhaps there was a mixup with the one they showed or something, but yeah.

It really is a ridiculously good price for it, TA alone is worth that.
I did this with my HMS Stadium - since I use it with plastics. I think I only put like one layer at first, and I think one side cracked. Shame ..

&, Meh, I think I'll pass on it fortunately .. since I need to save up for ZGRB2 Full Set. Tired

Holy carp, that stadium set is a steal! Lucky for me I just made a $30 dollar sale, so I'm gonna go ahead and buy one. I needed a Tornado Ridge stadium anyways, and those grips look incredibly nice. However, if it's worth mentioning the Dranzer+Dragoon set has a blue and a black, while the Draciel+Dragoon set only has two blues. I'm going for the Dranzer+Dragoon set and paying my mom the $10 out of my own pocket. So worth it.
(Jul. 19, 2012  10:52 AM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]By the way, if you guys do buy these, I would suggest reinforcing them before you use them as the plastic is quite thin and they aren't easy to replace. Electrical Tape on the underside of the corners at the very least, if you can use some kind of filler (I'm going to use some expanding foam to reinforce mine). It'd also be cool if you guys chip in with testing or thoughts once you have that stadium and some good beys to use in it, but no pressure. Best stadium ever made though.
Don't worry, once it arrives (Says August 7th?) I'll make sure to try it out and see what I think. I'm considering putting a video of it on my YT channel, so I'll post that as well if it happens.
The draciel/dragoon set does usually come with a blue and a black as I said. I own one. I don't know what's up with the picture they took, but if it's a factory error then the same thing could happen with the dragoon/dranzer set too (which isn't worth the extra $10 btw, as for only slightly more you could buy a sonokong dranzer g separately IIRC, though maybe I'm wrong).

If there are any left when I get up tomorrow I'll probably get one for my birthday.
Yeah the Dranzer G is $16 so only a bit more than the $10 more for the Dragoon vs Dranzer set.
(Jul. 19, 2012  6:31 PM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]The draciel/dragoon set does usually come with a blue and a black as I said. I own one. I don't know what's up with the picture they took, but if it's a factory error then the same thing could happen with the dragoon/dranzer set too (which isn't worth the extra $10 btw, as for only slightly more you could buy a sonokong dranzer g separately IIRC, though maybe I'm wrong).

If there are any left when I get up tomorrow I'll probably get one for my birthday.

Oh, interesting. So I guess it's all luck then? I might buy the Draciel Set then, but the reason I want the dranzer one is because my Dranzer G's tabs are broken off and the springs missing. I could use a new one anyways, and I already have a Hasbro DCG, so I think it might be worth it to spend the extra $10.

EDIT: Oh, I see. I guess I could just do that then, and technically for $5 more I'm getting 3 beyblades. May be worth it.
No one needs a Dranzer G. It's a horrible beyblade.
I know it is, but that's not why I want it. I just really like the Dranzer Series as a whole, and if I get this and a Dranzer S (And a Dranzer MF, if it counts), I'll own all the dranzer beyblades. I'm not really concerned with using it competitively; I just like the way it looks and want it for my collection. And I figure $10 extra bucks for me and how much I like it is a good deal.
It's not luck, it's advertised on the box and everything, it's the same luck as any purchase where you can't see the contents of the box you buy before buying.

Dranzer g ain't so bad, the AR is fairly competitive in the force smash setup I mentioned a while ago. It's just really, really bad at being a Dranzer, eagle attack ring and plain bb.

Do you have ultimate frostic Dranzer (kei's first Dranzer in the manga) and auto change balancer (the first real Dranzer even if Kei didn't use it)? There's also Metal Dranzer, Master Dranzer, Knight Dranzer and Black Dranzer.
Well, I've had issues with SK before where I bought something that was different than advertised - but these problems have only been with them. The seller told me it was a real Dranzer V, but when I bought it it was an electronic one. And the HMS Grip+Beyblades set I got a while back was supposed to have a Dranzer MS and a Draciel MS, but instead came with a Gaia Dragoon MS and the Draciel. Once I bought an SK Dragoon G NIB, and got an SK Gaia Dragoon G.

I'm just worried they're gonna screw up again, like they have for me in the past. I don't have a clue if it's the same seller or not, but I guess I'm just paranoid about this stuff.

EDIT: I ordered an ACB, have a weird looking red and gold dranzer with 4 spikes (Maybe the master?), no black dranzer, UFD, or knight. Damn, I have a long way to go...
Oh, yes, that's entirely possible, sk's qc is a little lacking, but there is just as much chance of it happening if you buy a Dranzer set.

Also that first one sounds like a lying seller rather than sk, the second like an incorrect listing or seller error (that set usually comes with the beys you received), and the third again like seller error.
Well what happened with the second one was there were 2 sets: one with a DCMS+GDMS and one with a DZMS and DCMS. The one with Dranzer was the same price, so I figured I'd get that one. But it came with the beyblades from the other package...

Yes, you're probably right. I don't know, it seems stupid to spend $10 more on something that may not even have what you want, but I do want that Whatever. I've gotta go to diving so I'll decide later. Probably just get the draciel set though.
i heard this from th!nk

Bit chip sticker sheets or something, Apparently they sold packs with these things in them so I was wondering does anyone have any evidence of this? I'm curious to know because it keep coming back to me in my mind.,
: Red/Gold would be master dranzer, the hyperblades recolour of it.

: Takara and I guess from the fact they're in the tower set, Sonokong too, sold bit chip boosters. As far as I know they contained stickers and a frame of black bit chips, I'm pretty sure it was 24 per pack. There's an example in the Tower Stadium set we were talking about on the last couple of pages, and they pop up on Y!JA every so often. I'm fairly sure they didn't always come with those grey backings with points on either side, as shown in the tower set, though I can't guarantee that.
I've seen them before. That's really evidence enough. Th!nk doesn't lie to people either...
well if any one and i mean anyone can find one on ebay or somewhere PLEASE notify me! and yes I got an ebay thing to get some beys NOW I AM INVINCIBLE!...ok not really but still ya know what i mean
They're practically impossible to find these days. The only place you'd ever find them is on YJA and I haven't seen any come in a long time.
(Jul. 20, 2012  10:44 AM)Ultra Wrote: [ -> ]They're practically impossible to find these days. The only place you'd ever find them is on YJA and I haven't seen any come in a long time.

eh not the end of the world...wait at the moment of typing this i had a thought um Please don't take this the wrong way or think its stupid but uh how does one Assemble a plastic bey? like you get it and its all model kit like so uh yeah...if anyone can inform me that would be great.
Just snap the plastic bit out of the frame. You can cut them out as well so there's less of a nub (the plastic bit from the frame that is still on the bey).
The instructions, even in Japanese or Korean, explain it pretty decently.
(Jul. 20, 2012  11:12 AM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]The instructions, even in Japanese or Korean, explain it pretty decently.

thanks so use to using a tool its gonna be weird! once again to everyone thank you for infecting me with plastic addict!
What combo can I make out of these beys:
Apollon (Hasbro)
Knight Dranzer
Wing Attacker
Dragoon G
Flash Leopard 2
Seaborg 2
and for weight disks I have the following:
Eight Wide
Six Wide
Ten Wide
Ten Balance
Six Heavy
Magnetic Weight Disk (not sure which one, came with flash leopard 2)
Eight Heavy
By the way I already have 10bbistool as one of my combos so don't reccomend that XD