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Is Torch Pegasus any good? And is it true you can launch it from the bey itself?
It's AR is very nice for stamina and compacts but is outclassed by tiger defenser and a couple of other things.

Yes, the gimmick of Gyro Gear is that you can launch using a ripcord and the base, however this isn't legal in tournaments. No clue why, I'm yet to find anything overpowered with it thanks to the inaccessible second bearing that isn't a shielded ball bearing.
Not really. The AR has some uses but is outclassed in those. Yes there's a switch on it which allows you to switch between launching it with a launcher and ripcord and putting a ripcord into the gyro, then pulling it out and placing it into the stadium.
when looking for beyblades of the plastic vareity on ebay what word should i look under? I know its stupid but i want to be accurate also by a collection stand point what would you reccomend?
(Jul. 15, 2012  10:37 PM)Clonetos Wrote: [ -> ]when looking for beyblades of the plastic vareity on ebay what word should i look under? I know its stupid but i want to be accurate also by a collection stand point what would you reccomend?

Personally, I type in Beyblade 2001, Beyblade 2002, Beyblade 2003, Beyblade 2004, and Beyblade 2005 the results are pretty decent actually.
I also use "Beyblade G-Revolution, Beyblade MG or Magnacore, Beyblade EG or Engine Gear"
and if all else fails I type in Beyblade Plastics haha
hope this helps ^^
For someone starting with plastics, consider these.
Driger G: Exellent beyblade if you are on a tight budget and has an exellent AR.
Driger V2: One of the best beyblades uncustomized, although not exellent pricewize. All of its parts are in sync together, although it is even better if you add a heavy metal core and ten heavy (can be obtained in metal driger)
Driger S: Exellent beyblade uncustomized. It has two exellent parts, Tiger Defencer and Metal Change Base. DO NOT BUY THE SONOKONG VERSION!!! THEY ARE WORSE QUALITY AND DON'T FIT HASBRO AND TAKARA PARTS WITHOUT FORCE!!! Driger S especially, the metal change base is usually VERY bad quality.
I wish sellers listed them as "plastic beyblade" or something similar, usually I just end up searching specific beyblade names, but it doesn't cover it all, it's just not worth the effort to trawl through 100 pages of rapidity mfb on the off chance of finding some plastics (though I've done it once or twice, only once did it pay off).
i went on ebay found NOTHING but sonokong >< I feel so jipped -3-
There are plenty of takara blades on there (driger g, wolborg 4, dragoon g, draciel g mainly)...

: Don't post stuff that you've taken from my posts and made slightly worse in response to unrelated questions, it shows, and you're seriously getting on my nerves now.
UPDATE found some beys worth while (Tell me what you think)

Gaia Dragooon V
Driger V
burning Kereberous
I've not seen Gaia Dragoon V for a decent price on ebay, nor Burning Kerberous, and they're the only two really good beys there.
(Jul. 16, 2012  1:44 AM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]I've not seen Gaia Dragoon V for a decent price on ebay, nor Burning Kerberous, and they're the only two really good beys there.

i went to another site also remember I'm collecting them I know it sounds silly but i don't want them to be broken I think of them like the elderly those who can't do what they use to get what im saying
Is Strata Dragoon G useful in Any way?
: People in the marketplace subforum here don't expect such ludicrous prices as those on ebay, and Yahoo Japan Auctions is also generally cheaper if you buy in bulk (just be wary of shipping and middleman fees).

: Covered the SAR Here:
The EG is the best attack EG but that's like being the best at sucking carp.
I've said all of this before though, albeit I use the Takara name.

How much would a Magnacore Arena Tray be? I'm considering on buying one haha, and also is Orca Diver any good I'm thinking of buying one
In which was is driger S tip is to be inserted into its base
Ok let me get this straight the gold sonokong beybaldes on ebay are "Bad" right? so like avoid them?
They aren't Sonokong; they are Rapidity, which is the main producer of fakes. If you don't see the Takara Tomy logo or it says RAPIDITY anywhere on the package, it's a fake. Also, many Rapidity beyblades have opaque parts when they should be transparent, or excessively shiny Metal Wheels. There's also the obviously fake metal tips, which are usually pretty obvious. Finally, look at the seller rating and scroll down to the seller and item descripion. If the parts are not Takara Tomy, it will usually say it there.
(Jul. 16, 2012  1:37 PM)Cake Wrote: [ -> ]They aren't Sonokong; they are Rapidity, which is the main producer of fakes. If you don't see the Takara Tomy logo or it says RAPIDITY anywhere on the package, it's a fake. Also, many Rapidity beyblades have opaque parts when they should be transparent, or excessively shiny Metal Wheels. There's also the obviously fake metal tips, which are usually pretty obvious. Finally, look at the seller rating and scroll down to the seller and item descripion. If the parts are not Takara Tomy, it will usually say it there.

This is plastics! There are no Plastic Rapidity ... And SonoKong is real.
(Jul. 16, 2012  4:50 AM)Clonetos Wrote: [ -> ]Ok let me get this straight the gold sonokong beybaldes on ebay are "Bad" right? so like avoid them?

They aren't bad really; somewhat of the cheapest alternative to get good parts. But yeah, they have those compatibility issues...
I am still confused as to what those compatibility issues are related to (i.e. to SG, BB or AR), but yeah...
(Jul. 16, 2012  1:58 PM)Cannon Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jul. 16, 2012  1:37 PM)Cake Wrote: [ -> ]They aren't Sonokong; they are Rapidity, which is the main producer of fakes. If you don't see the Takara Tomy logo or it says RAPIDITY anywhere on the package, it's a fake. Also, many Rapidity beyblades have opaque parts when they should be transparent, or excessively shiny Metal Wheels. There's also the obviously fake metal tips, which are usually pretty obvious. Finally, look at the seller rating and scroll down to the seller and item descripion. If the parts are not Takara Tomy, it will usually say it there.

This is plastics! There are no Plastic Rapidity ... And SonoKong is real.

Whoops, sorry! I totally screwed up there. X(
(Jul. 16, 2012  2:03 PM)Janstarblast Wrote: [ -> ]w
They aren't bad really; somewhat of the cheapest alternative to get good parts. But yeah, they have those compatibility issues...
I am still confused as to what those compatibility issues are related to (i.e. to SG, BB or AR), but yeah...

Janstarblast! It's been a while!

I've bought my fair share of SK beyblades, and the main problem is the AR and WD. This is because if the blade base is tight, it doesn't matter since everything bigger goes on top of that. However, a lot of SK AR's don't fit on TT or Hasbro SG's and therefore hard to customize with.

However, if you're getting a Driger S it's less of a problem since it's just so damn good, even uncustomized.
(Jul. 16, 2012  4:07 PM)Sparta Wrote: [ -> ]However, if you're getting a Driger S it's less of a problem since it's just so damn good, even uncustomized.

No, the tip on the SOK Driger S is completely horrible, and not at all like a regular Metal Change Base tip.
Really? I would think the only differences would be in the type of material used to make the beyblade, but not the tip...
The tip is a completely different shape on the SOK Driger S. It's very, very rounded.