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They would have been released around the same time for both the Takara and Hasbro release. I can give you a vague dates if you want (the year only) Yes that is the only version apart from takara ones which would be impossible to find these days.
I've updated the title to make it clear that this thread covers purchase consultation and combo advice seeing as lots of people don't seem to get that, AND updated the OP with Ultra's improved RB contents list and Esperrs price list.

Given plastics remembrance should be coming up some time soonish, IIRC, and that we haven't managed to make beywiki much less of a horrid pile of misinformation than it was last year, I imagine this thread might get busy soon. I'm working on a project that I hope to complete soon that should have all of my info on every plastic beyblade in a very concise form, but yeah.
There are still a few beys that need to have some proper testing done before articles can be made. Bakushin-o should be tested for attack and Driger V needs to be tested for compacts and Attack and probably some more i'm forgetting. I'm gonna start on my Master Dranzer/Metal Draciel article soon as well. Also I guess there's articles on Random booster beys which I can make a start on with general info which can then be corrected by people who own the parts.
Most of the old articles need to be corrected and improved, too, sadly, hence my focus is on my own more streamlined project, though I will still be getting Dranzer V/Guardian Driger/Trygle 2 done within the next couple of days. Obviously I don't know everything or own every part (I'm short by like.. 40 or something) but with Kei's complete disinterest, the amount of discouragement that's caused, and the fact so few plastic writers are left, I don't have any other choice if I want to have a reasonably reliable source of information out there before remembrance.

As for Bakushin-Oh for attack, I really don't see it being effective, it's poorly spaced, rather small, and flimsy, though I don't own one, it really doesn't look effective to me.
How much is a used Hasbro Orthros G worth and a Used Takara Desert Sphynxer worth?
Is this lot of Beyblades worth it? The seller is selling it at $65, and I can bargain with him too.
Edit: How much do you think I can bargain with the seller?


Launchers/Launcher Grips:


Hi, I am relativity new to Plastics and HMS. Any tips on what I should get for Remembrance Day?
It's hard to recommend stuff as there are so many different beyblades, types and so on, it kinda depends on your budget and what type you want, but generally:

There are a lot of good plastics beyblades. Driger S is generally the best one to start with, if you get that, getting a Driger G and Wolborg 4 would be a good way to start, as you could make a good combo using Driger S's AR, Driger G's WD and Wolborg 4's BB, and Driger S is okay unmodified. The SOK and Gold Series Driger S's on ebay are quite small and have badly shaped tips, so generally avoid them, though I've found that my Driger S AR's from that size range DO fit in on Wolborg 4's engine gear with some effort.

Driger V2 is probably the best uncustomized beyblade in plastics, and getting that, metal driger, and Driger S lets you use either a Driger S compact or an improved Driger V2 setup by using the 10 Heavy WD and HMC (in Driger V2's casings) from metal driger in either one, and you can switch the WD and SG between them if you want to switch it up.

Wow. Most of that meant. Nothing to me, as I essentially had no idea what that meant. But you are saying Driger S or Driger V2? Are those relativly cheap?
This might help a little:

And SOK is a logo Sonokong used on pre-g rev beyblades, and their products aren't fully compatible with regular beys because they're slightly smaller.

Most plastics aren't cheap or easy to find, Driger S isn't that expensive used, driger V2 is pricier but I can't give you exact figures. If you're on a really restricted budget, a gold series or SOK driger S may be your best bet, Driger G might also work okay, but in all cases you should check that they come with launchers and ripcords (and even then, their ripcords are short, though if you can get a TT Light Launcher 1 ripcord (from the first season beys), those can be used with plastics (and are the longest ripcords for them)). That said, if you're going to a plastic tournament, someone will probably be willing to lend you a launcher at least.
How much is a Customize Grip BB (Dragoon V2) worth?
I currently have an offer for it for $10.
Depends on tip condition. I'd think at least 15 if it's in good condition, but see what Ultra etc. say.

Just a reminder to everyone, the first post of this thread has some rules and a load of really helpful links that you should read and check out before posting here as they may contain your answers, or be able to teach you stuff. Beywiki isn't a bad resource but a lot of it's stuff about performance of parts and how they compare isn't accurate (and a number of the combos listed simply do not work, or cannot actually go together, etc), so don't neccessarily just rely on it, but it can still be a good way to start learning about plastics and so on.

I'm working on something that should be more reliable, quick, and helpful but it's going to take time to complete, and I have a lot on my plate right now.
(Jul. 03, 2012  2:19 AM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]This might help a little:

And SOK is a logo Sonokong used on pre-g rev beyblades, and their products aren't fully compatible with regular beys because they're slightly smaller.

Most plastics aren't cheap or easy to find, Driger S isn't that expensive used, driger V2 is pricier but I can't give you exact figures. If you're on a really restricted budget, a gold series or SOK driger S may be your best bet, Driger G might also work okay, but in all cases you should check that they come with launchers and ripcords (and even then, their ripcords are short, though if you can get a TT Light Launcher 1 ripcord (from the first season beys), those can be used with plastics (and are the longest ripcords for them)). That said, if you're going to a plastic tournament, someone will probably be willing to lend you a launcher at least.

This is one of the best prices for a Driger S on ebay. The seller is in the US and sends the item quickly. If this bey is not in your price range, then you are out of luck for most plastic beys. This one is a starter (with launcher).

This is the cheapest Metal Driger on ebay and is a REALLY good price. This one is a starter (has launcher).

Driger G's are pretty cheap nowdays. The reason I think this one is good is because it is one of the cheapest ones and you can make an offer. Sadly, this one is a booster (no launcher).

Wolborg 4's are pretty cheap nowdays also. You can make an offer on this one and this seller is REALLy reliable. This one is also a booster (no launcher).

Sadly, they are all sonokong, but that doesn't matter too much if you don't care if it is sonokong or not.
This is a bit off topic, but in my opinion, Driger is one of the best line of plastic beys.
If you read my post fully, for the Driger S it does matter a whole lot - all of sonokong's Pre-Grev beys have the same issues as their gold series beys, making them not fully compatible with regular Takara/Hasbro/Sonokong G-Rev beyblades. Their Driger S also has a less effective rounded metal tip instead of a proper metal change. All of these beys, at least all we've seen so far, use the SOK logo (an older sonokong logo), so we usually call them that.

Also, metal driger is basically useless until you have some Neo Casings, so getting that and a driger s without any beys that have neo casings is pointless.
I was trying to be helpful by giving him shopping suggestions if it didn't matter to him if it was Sonokong or not. If you read the bottom of my post, you would have read that they were all sonokong and to only buy them if you didn't care about if it was sonokong or not.
Also, you said that Metal Driger was a good bey to get once you get the casings, so I was preparing him ahead of time.
Your post say "they're all sonokong but it doesn't matter much", not "if you don't care about getting beyblades that aren't full compatible with others, or even other sonokong blades depending which generation each is from, then you could get these".

There is a massive difference, and if you're going to lie about what you've said, edit your posts before the lie so no one can take Screenshots like this one here.

I'm busy enough as it is without dealing with people giving bad advice and then trying to cover it up with lies.
I already did. Also, when I said that, I meant to say that that is what i meant.
You edited it after lying about what you'd said, as well as rudely implying I did not read the last line of your post as I would have seen you saying something you didn't say when I made my post, definitely not saying "that is what I meant to say" at all. Furthermore, the edited last sentence of your post still doesn't make sense - of course it wouldn't matter if they didn't care if it was sonokong or not - and it also doesn't cover the fact that SOME sonokong beys are fully compatible and some are not.

Re: what you said about metal driger, I quite specifically said it was good once he had casings because it is good ONCE he has casings, not before. Furthermore, the links you posted aren't exactly something people cannot find themselves extremely easily.

Honestly, all you had to do was apologise, instead you've decided to lie about it and act like you were right all along.
There seems to be a lot more drama than necessary. Is this all about the fact that SonoKong should essentially not be recommended for most plastics ?

You should all relax and work on your side separately for the upcoming one-day festivities.
For anything pre-g-rev, yes, they should not be recommended, and right now, because most people aren't aware of it, it should be made clear when recommending any beyblade that is also available from them that they should be avoided.

I was more offended about him lying about what he said than anything, as well as implying I was at fault (though people who give poor advice like that are really not at all needed here - I'm busy enough without having to correct that kind of thing), where a simple "ok sorry" would have been fine. It's not the first time he's done things like this, either, hence my reaction.
Sorry about that, I was just trying to be helpful although I guess it didn't really workout.
No. They're all pretty carp. The only one worth buying at all is the Draciel MS for its heavier WD but only once you have better parts to use it with. The first dragoon bey was Ultimate/Spin Dragoon. The first one in the series is Dragoon Grip Attacker and the first beyblade in the series with the dragoon bit beast in it is Dragoon S. You should read the wiki before asking questions because all of this is on there already (not the bit about the anime though).
I know you said Driger MS was bad, but I tested him and he defeated my Pirates Orojya! I know it is a bit off topic, but I'm just saying.
Well firstly MFB vs doesn't mean much and secondly out of HMS yes those are some of the worst if not the worst.