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It's harder, but the only parts that you can't get easily are the ones I mentioned in particularly.
The rest is easily found in lots.
PM this and I'll try and help you out. I need prices and details.
I have green Beyblade Plasric that says Dracial and its green. is it a certain type of Dracial?
There's a lot of Draciels.
Metal Ball Defenser,
Viper 2,
Metal Shield..
That's it.
If you want to give a description of what it looks like, that would help us identify it.
I believe its Dracial G. thank you Neo.Smile
(Jul. 24, 2014  7:05 AM)Neo Wrote: [ -> ]It has really damn good LAD. The best in fact.
Probably give it like, Bistool's AR or Zeus.

nah, Spiral Change Base has the best LAD.

(Jul. 24, 2014  11:00 AM)Poseidon Wrote: [ -> ]How much is this worth (best 2 combos in the games):
AR: Bearing gyros- Immaculate
WD: Red plated Wide Survivor
SG: Wolborg 2- Immaculate
BB: Wolborg 2- Immaculate

AR: Triple Tiger
WD: Immaculate Gold Plated Wide Defence
SP: Voltic Apes
BB: Burning Keberous
Uriel 2's rubber tip.

those arent the best two combos in the game.
the first one would be better with Dragoon V2 BB and Defense Ring, as well as BK's casings.

besides, the best combo in the game is this B)
How much is a Plastics duotron launcher in good condition worth?
(Jul. 24, 2014  6:56 PM)DRANZER KING Wrote: [ -> ]How much is a Plastics duotron launcher in good condition worth?

They're common and they don't get damaged easily.

Does it being blue/gray change anything? I only see the red/gray ones on ebay.
I think its less than that, or if not there not in high demand.
No, not really Pinching_eyes_2

Is this known about? I find it so unique XD
Yeah. It's pretty cool.
It's useful.
I had a gazzly one, I made such a mess of it haha
I wouldn't trust myself with one Pinching_eyes
i think it looks fine uncolored
Looks kinda like Gabriel in a way.
(Jul. 24, 2014  1:04 AM)Neo Wrote: [ -> ]You need Dragoon V2, Burning Kerberous, Voltaic Ape, and Metal Driger Smile
They're must haves!

(Jul. 24, 2014  6:50 AM)Mc Frown Wrote: [ -> ]Bistool, Wolborg 2, Master/Kid Dragoon, Gaia Dragoon V, Wide Defense Weight Disk, 10 Balance Weight Disk, Left Spin Gear (not Neo), Tiger Defenser AR

those are the most necessary plastics/parts imo. you have good compact, zombie, defense, and attack combos there.

Very well complemented by Dranzer S, Dragoon V2 and a Defense Ring, as well as Burning Kerberous' Spin Gear, Wide Survivor, and Driger F's shaft.
Heavy Metal Core never hurts.
Thanks for the advice guys but my behaviour is to like buy 2 25$ beys rather than a 50$ beyblade. I am not really in to customizations since there are no beyblade tournaments in my country(sadly).
I will buy a Metal Driger for sure and ı am really into buying Burning Kerberous, Voltaic Ape. But dragoon v2... wow what a price...
I'm willing to drop $200 on a bey I really Dragoon or Dranzer GT.
But a cheap and GOOD bey is Kids Dragoon/Master Dragoon. Amazing.
(Jul. 25, 2014  6:48 AM)Neo Wrote: [ -> ]I'm willing to drop $200 on a bey I really Dragoon or Dranzer GT.
But a cheap and GOOD bey is Kids Dragoon/Master Dragoon. Amazing.

I will buy them some day, hopefully. I am just starting to this right now Wink
Just avoid any SK beys that aren't G-Revolution.
Get Metal Driger, Dragoon G, Driger G, Dragoon S and you have a good deal to work with.
Dragoon V2 Shouldnt be $50 used....
you really just need the BB
If you're not really junto customizations I wouldn't. Recommend metal driver at the moment, master dragons a much better idea for now
(Jul. 25, 2014  9:10 AM)Mc Frown Wrote: [ -> ]Dragoon V2 Shouldnt be $50 used....
you really just need the BB

How to get any Plastics Cheap:
Look in Beyblade lots on eBay. The ones that parents are selling off because their kids are 20 something and "don't need it".
They have no clue on value.
You can find tons of beys for cheap.
(Jul. 24, 2014  5:55 PM)Mc Frown Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jul. 24, 2014  7:05 AM)Neo Wrote: [ -> ]It has really damn good LAD. The best in fact.
Probably give it like, Bistool's AR or Zeus.

nah, Spiral Change Base has the best LAD.

(Jul. 24, 2014  11:00 AM)Poseidon Wrote: [ -> ]How much is this worth (best 2 combos in the games):
AR: Bearing gyros- Immaculate
WD: Red plated Wide Survivor
SG: Wolborg 2- Immaculate
BB: Wolborg 2- Immaculate

AR: Triple Tiger
WD: Immaculate Gold Plated Wide Defence
SP: Voltic Apes
BB: Burning Keberous
Uriel 2's rubber tip.

those arent the best two combos in the game.
the first one would be better with Dragoon V2 BB and Defense Ring, as well as BK's casings.

besides, the best combo in the game is this B)
I just checked and yeah it actually does have Dragoon V2 BB. I used voltic apes SP, I preferred it in such a combo, works better IMO.
The gabriel combo, because I totally have that haha