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(Dec. 10, 2014  8:53 AM)RDF3 Wrote: [ -> ]: Control isn't a reason to sacrifice potential power. Yes with 10H you get more control. But
Attack is inherently difficult to control properly (except for things like SG MF2) especially on fast tips.

Furthermore, Uriel 2's tip like many other rubber-tipped Attack tips/bottoms, will get easier to control with wear (though it's speed will decrease too).

And may i ask you nicely: elaborate. Tell them why you think so. Otherwise they might not take you seriously.

: Don't use what you learnt from the show in real life because what you see in the show might not apply in real life.
Magnetic WD's suck (they're not circular except w/o casings which is illegal and they're really recoily with casings.) for spin stealing, or anything else for that matter. Driger V is eh (recoily AR, decent at best BB) and DGV2 winning a tourney beating th!nk in the past has happened before, but I'd not trust that combo.

Also, Voltaic Ape isn't left, it's got a Neo Right SG with MW core IIRC.

Have you tried it?
Bistool 10b is carp but

Bistool Mold AR
MG WD (Mold 2)
Neo Right HMC
SG Semi-Flat Base/ Metal Flat (Driger V) (actually a metal semi-flat)

takes the idea and improves it trifold.
The plastic is of rubbery material (not rubber, but "bendy") and it actually is good.
Outside of that, no uses in Attack, Defense, or Endurance due to where the weight is going to.

(Dec. 10, 2014  7:03 PM)Driger_Guy Wrote: [ -> ]You may actually be better off with a 10 Heavy to try balancing it out. The weight should make it less likely to knock itself out. (according to theory anyway.) I myself have a driger V and can tell you Magne Weight Disk isn't a good option for it. Magne weight disk doesn't do enough for Driger V to help with recoil and actually seems to make it worse. I'm hoping that a 10 heavy and maybe switching MagneCore for Solid Metal Core will help by adding weight. If not I recommend dropping V in favor of V2.

The AR on Driger V is terrible.
It's so thin I swear it's waiting to break. And a compact WD like 10H is making that scare Even more.

The base is interesting.
Um SG Semi Flat base is awful though and Driger V's base is pretty similar...
Magnetic WD? Definitely prefer 10 Heavy for me. A compact needs heavy, centralized weight distribution to work well. One example is:

Wing Cross
10 Heavy
Neo Right SG (Heavy Metal Core)
Metal Change Base

Heck if you're good enough to use left spin compacts (which aren't offensive, nothing has good offense in left spin while keeping very low levels of recoil) you can try:

Scissor Attacker
10 Heavy
Neo Left SG (HMC)
Metal Change Base

And I swear, for carp, Driger V's AR sucks. Too aggresive for defensive purposes, too rounded to do anything offensively. DGV's base is okay (as long as it isn't Hasbro's sharp tip) but outclassed in every way by Metal Change Base (as well as V2's CMCB, Metal Ball Base, etc etc)

and tbh a combo with the same concept as 10b Bistool isn't saying much, because there are WAY WAY WAY better compacts out there.

So, end word: MG WD sucks, period.
(Dec. 11, 2014  10:05 AM)Ultra Wrote: [ -> ]Um SG Semi Flat base is awful though and Driger V's base is pretty similar...

Circular shape is better then something stupid like SG Metal Ball.
I think he was trying to do minimal customizing, otherwise i would've suggested more changes. I personally plan to change ARs on my own DRGV. Might run in left spin if i can re-locate my FL2 for its AR.
(Dec. 11, 2014  9:13 PM)Driger_Guy Wrote: [ -> ]I think he was trying to do minimal customizing, otherwise i would've suggested more changes. I personally plan to change ARs on my own DRGV. Might run in left spin if i can re-locate my FL2 for its AR.

Yea It was my intentions but it went farther than I expected. its nice to know what it I can get several opinions thoo~ helps a bunch
(Dec. 11, 2014  7:02 PM)Neo Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 11, 2014  10:05 AM)Ultra Wrote: [ -> ]Um SG Semi Flat base is awful though and Driger V's base is pretty similar...

Circular shape is better then something stupid like SG Metal Ball.

SG Metal Ball is a defence type and SG Semi Flat is compacts.... You can't really compare them and you're changing the subject anyway. SG Semi Flat sucks circular shape or not. The shape of the tip is more important.
I have a question: is a used Dragoon GT AR still good? And how much would it be worth?
(Dec. 13, 2014  1:27 AM)Hato-Bokkun Wrote: [ -> ]I have a question: is a used Dragoon GT AR still good? And how much would it be worth?

There are many other better alternatives instead of that expensive AR
Check the plastic competitive list thread
(Dec. 13, 2014  5:32 AM)ashton pinto Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 13, 2014  1:27 AM)Hato-Bokkun Wrote: [ -> ]I have a question: is a used Dragoon GT AR still good? And how much would it be worth?

There are many other better alternatives instead of that expensive AR
Check the plastic competitive list thread

Actually, I found a Dragoon GT and Draciel G for 25 dollars... Used, but the Dragoon GT AR is in decent condition.
(Dec. 13, 2014  12:55 AM)Ultra Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 11, 2014  7:02 PM)Neo Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 11, 2014  10:05 AM)Ultra Wrote: [ -> ]Um SG Semi Flat base is awful though and Driger V's base is pretty similar...

Circular shape is better then something stupid like SG Metal Ball.

SG Metal Ball is a defence type and SG Semi Flat is compacts.... You can't really compare them and you're changing the subject anyway. SG Semi Flat sucks circular shape or not. The shape of the tip is more important.

Idk what I'm saying,
But Semi-Flat works well with Bistool because of- well that's the combo, no?
? Don't really know what you're getting at but Bistool has a different base than SG Semi Flat.
Bistool and the other Wing Cross equipped beys carry Semi-Flat Base lol. It's the 4layer version of SG Semi Flat.

I believe if there's any reason to use SG Semi Flat it's the ability to carry HMC (central importance to compacts) and ability to use left spin. Other than that, it sucks.
(Dec. 13, 2014  3:28 PM)Ultra Wrote: [ -> ]? Don't really know what you're getting at but Bistool has a different base than SG Semi Flat.

I know that...
I'm using HMC...
It's a combo.
Which customs will driger s struggle against the most? Driger s in question is fully stock.
Attack and zombie combos most likely. Unless it can knock out a zombie a stock driger S will be unspun and this is even worse for driger S presumably against defensive zombies which are harder to knock out reducing it's chance of success even more.
Just thought of this:

1. What confirmed countries were hasbro beyblades widely distributed and what countries were TT beyblade widely distributed? Also SK? I know you might find smaller stores carrying beyblades from a company not widely distributed in that country rarely, but when SK and hasbro bought the rights to buy and distribute beyblades, was there like an agreement to where they should focus sales? Like they couldn't sell beyblades widely in Japan but people could import them? If someone could make a graph showing where widely confirmed sales happened in large company stores ?

2. Say hasbro/SK/TT beys were being distributed in a foreign country where the main language was English/Korean/Japanese, would the box have Foreign language writing on it? And I assume it'd be worth more?
(Dec. 30, 2014  10:00 PM)DRAGON KING Wrote: [ -> ]Just thought of this:

1. What confirmed countries were hasbro beyblades widely distributed and what countries were TT beyblade widely distributed? Also SK? I know you might find smaller stores carrying beyblades from a company not widely distributed in that country rarely, but when SK and hasbro bought the rights to buy and distribute beyblades, was there like an agreement to where they should focus sales? Like they couldn't sell beyblades widely in Japan but people could import them? If someone could make a graph showing where widely confirmed sales happened in large company stores ?

2. Say hasbro/SK/TT beys were being distributed in a foreign country where the main language was English/Korean/Japanese, would the box have Foreign language writing on it? And I assume it'd be worth more?

hasbro sold the beyblade in the Eu i guess. TT is a fake and SK produced some models after takara and hasbro stopped producing i think. anyway... sk has a bader quality and a bad combaility.
(Dec. 30, 2014  10:12 PM)taxus Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 30, 2014  10:00 PM)DRAGON KING Wrote: [ -> ]Just thought of this:

1. What confirmed countries were hasbro beyblades widely distributed and what countries were TT beyblade widely distributed? Also SK? I know you might find smaller stores carrying beyblades from a company not widely distributed in that country rarely, but when SK and hasbro bought the rights to buy and distribute beyblades, was there like an agreement to where they should focus sales? Like they couldn't sell beyblades widely in Japan but people could import them? If someone could make a graph showing where widely confirmed sales happened in large company stores ?

2. Say hasbro/SK/TT beys were being distributed in a foreign country where the main language was English/Korean/Japanese, would the box have Foreign language writing on it? And I assume it'd be worth more?

hasbro sold the beyblade in the Eu i guess. TT is a fake and SK produced some models after takara and hasbro stopped producing i think. anyway... sk has a bader quality and a bad combaility.

The original makers of beyblades are fakes Gasp (unless you thought I said stay-hongli).I wasn't asking the quality of the companies.

Another question: when did takara and tomy combine (before or after beyblade)? And if after beyblade, can someone show me a tomy beyblade box?
Since this is the plastics thread and he is also a plastics and HMS collector he might have just automatically assumed you mean TT Hongli. The companies joined in 2006 after the original beyblade had stopped being released in Asia.

As for box i'm not sure what you're asking really. If you're asking for a beyblade release that has just the Tomy brand on it well there isn't one. They're known as Takara Tomy in japan so MFB releases will have the Takara Tomy logo on them and not the Tomy logo.
I'm talking about plastics, the boxes just would say tomy?

Also, I guess no one understood my other question. I'll try to explain it better:

Say Hasbro was selling beyblades in France, would the box mostly have French writing or still mostly English ?
(Jan. 03, 2015  1:19 AM)DRAGON KING Wrote: [ -> ]I'm talking about plastics, the boxes just would say tomy?

Also, I guess no one understood my other question. I'll try to explain it better:

Say Hasbro was selling beyblades in France, would the box mostly have French writing or still mostly English ?

if the hasbro box is sold in france the box stills in original style. on the box are different languages. it can be that the box has a different style than a box which were realeased in germany.
(Jan. 03, 2015  1:19 AM)DRAGON KING Wrote: [ -> ]I'm talking about plastics, the boxes just would say tomy?

Also, I guess no one understood my other question. I'll try to explain it better:

Say Hasbro was selling beyblades in France, would the box mostly have French writing or still mostly English ?

It would say Takara; not TakaraTomy.
The plastic generation was produced before the merger of the toy companies.
It would make more sense for TT to mean TT Hongli in this thread, so let's refrain from calling the company Takara Tomy and stick to Takara.
Oh yeah, it's Takara, not Tomy. Tongue_out. Did SK make HMS blades? I don't think they did but I want confirmation. Also, did Mani Ltd. Make plastics/HMS?
(Jan. 03, 2015  6:09 AM)DRAGON KING Wrote: [ -> ]Oh yeah, it's Takara, not Tomy. Tongue_out. Did SK make HMS blades? I don't think they did but I want confirmation. Also, did Mani Ltd. Make plastics/HMS?

Yes, they did make HMS Beyblades.
I believe they only made the ones pre MA-Series. Only the first 5 were released as far as I know.
(Meaning Dragoon, Dranzer, Draciel, Driger, and Gaia MS)
Quality is is on par. Differences are some decal text changed to Korean, (such as Japanese text to Korean, or Dragoon to just Dragon.) The Neo Grip was also changed to a finger grooved design, with a more adult sized hand fit. They made some HMS dual packs as well. (Dragoon and Dranzer starts in a new outer box, or the Draciel and Gaia dual pack with the SK Neo Grip.

I do not believe Mani had any affiliation with Takara until (after merger) MFB.