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Im just wondering if there are mould differences for master dranzer takara and hasbro versions? Also if there is, which is better.
I believe that the Hasbro hyperblade mould has reinforced contact points for the AR (turtle survivor) but I'm afraid I'm unsure whether this applies to all Hasbro versions.

Hopefully th!nk will have an answer from his brainbank of plastics knowledge and oblige ^^

(Feb. 10, 2014  6:17 AM)VelocityVee Wrote: [ -> ]Im just wondering if there are mould differences for master dranzer takara and hasbro versions? Also if there is, which is better.
Hi, i dont got so much experience with Plastic beys so ...
My cousin got hasbro Plastic generation beys and i want know if he have rare in his collection.
(they are all hasbro)
- Galman
- Bump king
- Roller defenser
- Galzzly,
and others like a JUMBO violet beyblade (perhaps electronic) ,
They are rare ?
No, none of them are really rare.
(Feb. 13, 2014  3:52 PM)Dual Wrote: [ -> ]No, none of them are really rare.

What is the name of the jumbo-sized bey ? I can't find it anywhere.
1. Few of us pay attention to the electronic tops because they weren't tournament legal and remain that way today.
2. "Violet" is not much to go on.

(Feb. 11, 2014  3:21 AM)Turquoise Wrote: [ -> ]I believe that the Hasbro hyperblade mould has reinforced contact points for the AR (turtle survivor) but I'm afraid I'm unsure whether this applies to all Hasbro versions.

Hopefully th!nk will have an answer from his brainbank of plastics knowledge and oblige ^^

(Feb. 10, 2014  6:17 AM)VelocityVee Wrote: [ -> ]Im just wondering if there are mould differences for master dranzer takara and hasbro versions? Also if there is, which is better.

I'm actually not sure, but I'd assume it would be the same for all of them, Hasbro were remolding parts to make them more resilient (didn't do much in the case of Master Dranzer) pretty much from the start, and I doubt they'd have missed Master Dranzer/Metal Draciel's AR fragility issues.
I need a combo. I have plastic beyblades but I'm terrible at making combos. I own
kids dragoon
knight dranzer
bistool x2
draciel f
I also have trigle stars attack ring.
soon im getting dragoon g, draciel g, rock bison, stata dragoon v, and grip attacker
(Feb. 18, 2014  11:30 PM)rage sagittero Wrote: [ -> ]I need a combo. I have plastic beyblades but I'm terrible at making combos. I own
kids dragoon
knight dranzer
bistool x2
draciel f
I also have trigle stars attack ring.
soon im getting dragoon g, draciel g, rock bison, stata dragoon v, and grip attacker

Smash Attack:
AR: Triple Wing (Trygle's Attack Ring)
WD: 10 Wide (Dragoon/Draciel G)
BB: Grip Base (Grip Attacker)
Alternatively you could use Strata Dragoon V's SG and Base to trade speed and power for more Stamina.

Upper Attack:
AR: Upper Dragoon (Kids Dragoon)
WD: 10 Heavy (Rock Bison)
BB: Grip Base (Grip Attacker)

AR: War Monkey (Galman)
WD: 10 Heavy (Rock Bison)
SG: SG Oil Ball (Draciel F)
BB: Fortress Base (Draciel F)

Stamina: Nothing really. Look into getting a Driger S and Wolborg 4, and if possible, a Wide Defense Weight Disk. Use these to make

AR: Tiger Defenser (Driger S)
WD: Wide Defense
SG: EG Circle Defenser (Rock Bison)
BB: Slow Release Wolborg 4 Version (Wolborg 4)

You're pretty much set for Attack if that Grip Base is in good condition, and the combo I just listed will cover you for Stamina and Defense.
Thanks for the combos. I will also find a driger s and wolborg 4
I have the follong beys..which combo would be best using them for each class. Thank you
driger v
driger g
dranzer v
dranzer f
draciel s
strata dragoon v
Uh, I already answered you in Build Me a Combo, so you didn't need to repeat the question here - just to remember that future questions about plastics go here rather than there.

(Feb. 21, 2014  1:14 PM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]You've mostly got aggressive parts. Your best combo right now is:
AR: Triple Tiger (Driger G)
WD: 10 Wide (Strata Dragoon V)
SG: Neo Right SG (South Magnecore) (Strata Dragoon V/Driger V)
BB: SG Metal Flat Base (Gaia Dragoon V Version) (Strata Dragoon V)

Which is a good Attack custom - though launching SG Metal Flat Base (Gaia Dragoon V Version) may take some getting used to so you can actually get it to pass through the centre repeatedly to hit stuff - mostly down to banking (launching at an angle to the stadium surface), so not too hard.

You could use the following for defense, however Dranzer F's Attack Ring is very fragile, especially in Right Spin, so I wouldn't recommend it. Sadly the rest of your Attack Rings are very aggressive so Driger V's Sonic Tiger might be the best which is not very good.
AR: Flame Wing (Dranzer F)
WD: Ten Balance/Eight Heavy
SG: Neo Right SG (South Magnecore) (Strata Dragoon V/Driger V)
BB: SG Metal Ball Base (Draciel S)

It's pretty outclassed, especially with only two metal balls in the base, and as I said, the AR is fragile and your next best one is pretty poor.

For a compact, again with the fragility problems of Flame Wing meaning it'll probably break:
AR: Flame Wing (Dranzer F) > Sonic Tiger (Driger V)
WD: Ten Balance > Eight Heavy
SG: Neo Right SG (South Magnecore) (Strata Dragoon V/Driger V - you can use Dranzer V's, though then you won't be able to use its base (or use it as well if you use one of the other Magnecores with it, as it becomes a little too tall))
BB: SG Metal Flat Base (Driger V)

The best you can do for survival is probably something like:
AR: Flame Wing > Sonic Tiger (Driger V)
WD: Ten Wide
SG: Neo Right SG (Dranzer V South Magnecore Version) (Dranzer V)
BB: Volcano Change Base (Flat/Attack Mode) (Dranzer V)

Which could *maybe* outspin some random left spin stuff but really it's very outclassed.
K thnx a lot Smile and sorry bout kinda a noob
Is 255 USD overkill even for something as rare as a BNIB Uriel 2?
(Feb. 21, 2014  7:37 PM)kamadude1216 Wrote: [ -> ]Is 255 USD overkill even for something as rare as a BNIB Uriel 2?

Very, very few beyblades are worth that much (we're and Uriel 2, while relatively rare, is absolutely not one of them (also beyblades that will fall apart sitting in a box long enough aren't good investments). Uriel 2 is from a relatively popular random booster, it's rare, but not "something as rare as X" territory by any means (I mean jeez I own three (one's broken, yes, and I don't have two intact base clips because they break if you touch them at this point) - now yes I hoarded them because the tip means a lot to me, and got lucky on good deals on each of them, but "someone owns three of it" is pretty solid exclusion from the $200+ Rarity Mark). Anything that high is an extremely rare, popular recolor of rare, very popular beyblade territory, and even then I'd argue that only a very exclusive handful of beyblades - the majority of which would be HMS, would be worth anywhere near the $300 mark.
I see, thank you very much for the info. I knew it was quite rare, but I wasn't quite sure if it was worth it because of the gold plastic syndrome I've been reading about. That and the fact that the tip is still simply rubber and wears out. On that note, are you willing to part with any of those rubber tips?
I'm afraid I'm not willing to part with very much of my collection, especially those. I rarely buy anything with the intention to sell, sorry.
@th!nk: Wow. I never heard of Uriel 2 falling apart inside a box.... That GPS must be fierce!

Anyway, is Dragoon V2 a good buy for a first beyblade (Man i wish i had paypal, plastics and HMS are awesome!)
and is $150 worth it for the Fire Red Ver (or whatever it's called haha)?
(Please be careful with my opinion, I collected and battled Plastics some years, but I'm not a pro):

Dragoon V2 isn't the best "first buy" in my opinion.
Besides the Hasbro Championship version it has some interesting parts, the magnetic WD as a nice gimmick (but a very light one, defenitely not useful in any serious combos), the light SG core which is unique and useful in some attack combos, the rubber tip and of course the customize grip base, which is one of the best parts regarding support parts and "6-layer" combos.
If you're searching for an aggresive attack type with some good parts to use, this is of course a good one, but the bey itself is hard to control in my opinion and it's not as good as other V2 series beys like Driger or Dranzer V2 (which got also good parts).
I think you should check some sellers here to get an idea of a good price, I think around $50 for a Dragoon V2 in good condition (also for the tip). Be careful and have a look at the tip if there are photos, I think a mint one is also okay.
The Toys R Us version is of course a cool color, but in my opinion something to collect, 'cause $150 to use a Dragoon V2... I don't think that's a good deal.
You can have a look at OkinawamTS's store, there are some in good condition and a mint yellow one from the RB, that's a good price I think...

Best regards
(Feb. 23, 2014  8:31 AM)RDF3 Wrote: [ -> ]@th!nk: Wow. I never heard of Uriel 2 falling apart inside a box.... That GPS must be fierce!

Anyway, is Dragoon V2 a good buy for a first beyblade (Man i wish i had paypal, plastics and HMS are awesome!)
and is $150 worth it for the Fire Red Ver (or whatever it's called haha)?

It's a good beyblade but if you've got the cash you can do much, much better for a first buy. Rock Bison, Wolborg 4 and Roller Defenser collectively would set you back around the same as a Dragoon V2 and you'd get a broke as heck combination and three beyblades instead of one. If you just want one beyblade and like the V2's, then Driger V2 is the way to go. If you want Attack, then Seaborg, Driger G and something with a ten wide (Wolborg 4 being a good choice in the long term) would be the way to go.

Dragoon V2 itself became obnoxiously overpriced a while back for some reason, and any attractive recolor of it, well, $150 could be what they go for for all I know (I'm not sure), but I sure as heck wouldn't pay it.
Dragoon V2 has only started to be common lately for me, so the spark-jump-up in price wasn't quite surprising.

I know Rock Bison and WB4 do well as Circle Survivor defense (unless Mountain Hammer bludgeons them in the face LOL) but isn't Driger S or Flash Leopard better than Roller Defenser for Circle Survivor AR?

Anyway, is the black Uriel 2 as fragile as the golden one? (which according to you is liable to fall apart inside a box. GOOD LORD MAN!) Sorry if I ask too many questions.....
AR: Roller Defenser
WD: 10 Heavy
SG: Right Engine Gear (Circle Defenser)
BB: Normal Base (Wolborg 4 Version)
CEW Part: Circle Survivor

Pretty much gamebreaking if you know what to wind the eg against and can launch hard enough to get a couple of helpful KO's. Also not significantly troubled by mountain hammer.

There is only one color of Uriel 2, though Wolborg 03 (Uriel)'s original gold version suffers from similar issues, though they seem to be less pronounced. The black versions of that beyblade do not.
As for them falling apart inside the box, ehhhh perhaps I phrased that too dramatically - I haven't heard of it happening yet and IIRC technically that will happen to most plastics given enough time (a looooot of time), but it is apparently something that has been seen with Transformers or at least something that the transformers community believes will occur, and they seem pretty in the know about it. Given the thickness of the AR at least, I wouldn't worry about that so much, though I imagine it would break down sooner than another beyblade given sufficient time. Thinner parts, though, well, I would at best be very careful removing base clips from a runner frame at this point in time. Give it another ten years, well... Basically what I'm saying is that if you were choosing a beyblade to buy as an investment (i.e. to resell perhaps the next time beyblade is the big thing again), I would probably suggest something other than Uriel 2, because of the gold plastic syndrome.
Hey guys,
I just noticed that the stickers of one of my Poseidon are self-printed... Does that reduce its value very much? The bey itself is mint, only the stickers are "fake".
It would reduce it, but Poseidon is still very rare so I'm not sure if it'd be a significant amount - I mean it's one of those beys where the price fluctuates pretty wildly anyway depending on whether someone with enough money and little enough sense decides they want one at any cost or not, so the difference might end up being lost in that fluctuation anyway. It would probably also depend on just how well the stickers are done, too.
The stickers are done quite well. That´s because I haven´t noticed for almost two months... I only noticed because the stickers weren´t glossy but mat like normal print-out paper.
It was $95. For a completely mint Poseidon I think it´s good, but how about one with self-printed stickers?
Does anyone know of a way to prevent beyblades from falling apart on launch due to loose AR and SG connections, that doesn't prevent it from competitive use?

I think that in the old OTC days I read that putting a little nail varnish or pieces of sticker paper was allowed, but I'm not sure whether that's true.