World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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The best things for you to purchase is either a used galeon and Gaia Dragoon G or just Driger G.
Ok, thanks.
Galeon and Gaia Dragoon for the AR and Sub-AR to be used together, respectively?
And if I got them, what would my best combos be?
If I got Driger G?

I also have Roller Defenser.
Dranzer S lets you make a right spin zombie/zombie killer (dranzer s base, right sg, wide defense/10 wide if you have to, and tiger defenser), though it's hard to use. If you get left casings you could also use it as a zombie. That would be the most useful combo you'd get out of a purchase, and the base isn't outclassed by anything for what it does (it's just not very practical because of how easily it is KO'd and the fact that unlike regular zombie setups it doesn't work well as a regular stamina combo in same spin matchups.)

If you want an attacker at all, which could be useful as you've already got a decent defensive option in the obvious circle survivor combo, then using Driger G either on Driger S's base or with its own EG and Wolborg 4 or rock bison's base, always with wide defense, would work okay.

I think the latter would give you more coverage immediately, though there'd still be gaps for things that have some defense and still outspin circle survivor combos through some means (force smash, etc), so that's probably what I'd go with but I can't say I'm 100% sure.

EDIT: Uh, I wouldn't bother with galeon+gaia dragoon g, you already have tiger defenser, wide defense and a decent defensive combo.
Sorry I was wrong. I hadn't considered that he would use Dranzer S with Wide Defence since it's much better to use it with Wide Survivor.
Honestly they're actually pretty close - I mean the only extra thing Wide Defense won't outspin is an opposite spin SCB combo using wide survivor as far as I recall (IIRC it also does better same spin but I can't guarantee that).

But seeing as SCB combos are primarily used for outspinning stuff, I generally err on the side of having absolutely nothing be able to beat mine by OS - I already have a conventional zombie for more practical applications anyway - and the defensive zombies I'd intend to use it against aren't going to KO it anyway, at least not without a lot of luck and skill. And do remember they also work with 10 Wide, seeing as he has that too - it's obviously not as good, but it still outspins basically everything in opposite spin because SCB has such a ridiculous amount of LAD it still steals spin effectively despite the recoil (and has low inertia to let it steal spin easily/efficiently). Of course 10 Wide also makes you way, way easier to KO and will lose to just about everything in same-spin battles - you get what you pay for (in these price ranges anyway - overall it's pretty much logarithmic)

You probably know all this already but I think it needs to be said anyway.
I would suggest you get a Wolborg 2 and a Dragoon F/S and a Dranzer S, as Ultra and Th!nk said. What's your price range? I'll PM you with a link for a good priced lot.
He said he could only buy one beyblade...

And also, for the record I was split between dranzer s and driger g, leaning slightly towards the latter.
I know he could only buy one beyblade... but I know him in real life so I gave him a link.
Yeah buying a lot is definitely a better option like 95% of the time.
this is a good attack combo? (and is the SG well made?)
AR: Cybernetic Dragon
WD: Wide Defense
SG: Right Spin Gear
SG Casings: Free Shaft Version
SG Shaft: Bearing Version 2 Shaft
SG Tip: Wolborg 2's tip
BB: Defense Grip Base 2
It's not horrible but not great either. Also it depends on how well aggro your SG is.
Thanks Ultra, I will keep it in mind!
No, don't use cybernetic dragon for attack. The one time I managed to do enough to control the recoil, it had very little power and proceeded to bend itself back over the SG, leaving that AR a little bent to this day. Cybernetic Dragon is for looks and nothing else.
A real shame! is really nice and it seemed to be a good AR! well, I will try with another AR


EDIT: Is Poseidon's AR (Trident Vector) useful for something?
no one have yet to try or explore its potential....since it is 200-300 bucks..haahah..lets someone will do someday...
Really? Why? I didn't search the price! I was only curious about its AR!

EDIT: I'm a really shocked person right now
Someone did try it for me, I wish I could remember who but I don't want to attribute it to the wrong person...

Apparently it has a lot of recoil. I'm not sure whether that would be compensated for by ariel 2's tip or not, but you'd have to be at least as crazy as me to actually use it - and a hell of a lot richer to boot.

EDIT: Yeah honestly stuffed if I know why it's so expensive. It's rarer than it should be but still nowhere near enough to justify what people pay for it. Heck people have paid a lot for the ugly mustard-colored one... A matter of people having more money than sense IMO.
(Jun. 13, 2013  4:03 PM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]you'd have to be at least as crazy as me to actually use it - and a hell of a lot richer to boot.

I'm not crazy, is my inner child! he says "play with it! you waited 12 years! PLAY IT AND ENJOY IT!" and then, eventually I broke it (depending in how fragile it is), I buy a new one and promise to myself I will only keep it has part of a collection, but then, then! the horror once again! "play with it... you know you want to"

(that's the reason limited edition beyblades I have have the paintings all scratched)
Can anyone confirm to me that all Sonokong SOK plastic parts are incompatible with TT/Hasbro parts until around the G-Rev era beyblades?

And could anyone identify the launcher pictured here:
The Sonokong Beyblades are smaller than the Takara and Hasbro Beyblades. This means that they are incompatible with the other Plastic Beyblades. As for the launcher... I believe it is the EZ Shooter for the #Series. I could be wrong.
Yes I can confirm that. Also that is a fake launcher.
Cheers Shining and Ultra!
What was the point of two part bitchips (see through plastics and then underlying part that is easy to have pop out) and is it all takara beys from a certain number range that come with them or what?
Well, I'm guessing to protect the bitchip. and to answer your other question... takara beys have these bitchips up until A-1, which is Dragoon S (Anime Version).
That was just the original design, I guess - and I also figure it was to protect the sticker. Then they realised it was kinda excessive and also fragile due to the tiny little things that hold small bitchips in place breaking off real easy and started making them bigger.

(Jun. 13, 2013  4:12 PM)Izhkoort Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jun. 13, 2013  4:03 PM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]you'd have to be at least as crazy as me to actually use it - and a hell of a lot richer to boot.

I'm not crazy, is my inner child! he says "play with it! you waited 12 years! PLAY IT AND ENJOY IT!" and then, eventually I broke it (depending in how fragile it is), I buy a new one and promise to myself I will only keep it has part of a collection, but then, then! the horror once again! "play with it... you know you want to"

(that's the reason limited edition beyblades I have have the paintings all scratched)

Don't worry, I understand completely haha. Smile

I just tell myself it's for the good of the world's collective bey-knowledge and no one else will do it so I have to - and in the end I usually don't mind it (it does hurt me a little to use Orthrus).