EVERY TECHNOX EPISODE UP TILL 17! Man, this was super hard.
Beyblade Burst TechnoX
Chapter 1
Welcome To Spain! Techno Ultravor!!
~In An Airplane~
???: And make sure you're eating healthy too!
Me: Yes mom!
Mom: And be nice to everyone!
Me: Yes.
Mom: Unova Bushida I’m serious!
Me: *Sighs*
Mom: Unova, just be careful, ok?
Me: I promise!
???: Mom, can I talk to Unova?
Mom: Sure, Unova your brother wants to talk to you!
Me: Ok!
???: Hey little bro!
Me: Hey Rowan! Do you miss me yet?
Rowan: A little bit, have you figured out the bey you're going to create with those instructions?
Me: I haven’t even finished them yet! I don’t think I can come up with my own Beyblade system!
Rowan: All you’ve gotta do is breathe and find your true peace!
Me: Ok, I’ll try! Bye Rowan!!
Rowan: Bye Unova! Stay safe!!
(I hang up)
Me: Find my peace.
(I close my eyes and start concentrating, I get pulled into a white void)
???: Hello.
Me: *Gasps* Who are you?
???: You’ll find out later, I know you have what it takes to finish the instructions!
Me: I don’t think I can, I’ve thought of everything but I’ve still got nothing.
???: Are you sure?
Me: *Gasps*
(I get pulled out of the white void)
Me: I’ve got it!
(I start drawing out the instructions on the piece of paper)
Me: Done! With this new system! BC Sol won’t know what hit ‘em!
~We Land in Spain 4 Hours Later~
Me: So this is Spain! I’ve gotta find BC Sol so I can create my new bey!
(A taxi drives up to me)
Taxi Driver: BC Sol hired me to take you there!
Me: I dunno, this seems kinda sketchy.
Taxi Driver: This is your entry letter to BC Sol, isn’t it?
(The Taxi Driver shows me my entry letter)
Me: Ok, let’s go!
(I hop in the car and we drive off)
Me: I heard BC Sol is the strongest team in the world!
Taxi Driver: I dunno about strongest but it is pretty strong, you’ll be lucky if you get on!
Me: Yeah!
(I pull out the instructions of my Beyblade system and start writing in it)
Taxi Driver: What’s that?
Me: Oh this? I made my own Beyblade system on my plane here!
Taxi Driver: Wow, you must be one smart dude!
Me: Thanks!
~At BC Sol~
Me: Thanks for the drive!
Taxi Driver: No sweat! I hope you make it to the big leagues!
Me: Thanks!
(I wave as the Taxi drives away)
Me: Time to create my bey!!
(I start running fast, I run through the doors)
All: *Gasps*
???: Hey--
(I run straight past the person who was trying to talk to me)
Me: Sorry!
(I stop running)
Me: I think I’m lost.
???: Um hello.
(A tall kid with blond hair and a smirk walks up to me)
Me: Hey!
???: I haven’t seen you around, are you new?
Me: Yep, I’m looking for the 3D Printing room!
Aleph: I’ll take you there! By the way, my name is Aleph Murphy!
Me: Unova Bushida! Nice to meet you!
~In The 3D Printer Room~
Me: Wow, this place has an awesome setup!
Aleph: Yeah, now why are you here?
Me: Oh, I’m creating my own Bey based on my own Beyblade system!
Aleph: Ok, what is this “New System”
Me: It’s the TechnoX system, it's unbeatable!
Aleph (Thoughts): Don’t worry, I’ll beat it!
(I start working on my bey)
Me: Aleph can you bring me some more tools?
Aleph: Sure!
(Aleph brings some tools for me to work with)
Me: Thanks!
(Two people walk in the room)
???: You can’t just run in here without saying anything!
Aleph: Kris! Um, sorry about--
(I continue working on my bey)
Kris: Are you even--
???: Hold it, Kris, he’s in the zone!
Kris: Really?
Aleph: Yup! What Raul said! He’s in the zone!
Kris: Wait a minute.
(Kris looks at me closely)
Raul: Something wrong?
Kris: He’s the blader that said he was going to try getting on our team!
Aleph: Yeah! He said his name was Unova Bashida!
Kris: Yep, he’s the one trying out for our team!
Raul: Nice! It’ll be good to see what he’s made of!
~30 Minutes Later~
Me: It’s done! Techno Ultravor!!
(Ultravor glimmers in the light)
Raul: Looking real dandy kid!
Me: *Gasps* Raul? BC Sol’s trainer?!
Raul: Yup, that’s me!
Kris: Hello Unova!
Me: Hi Kristina Kuroda! Sorry about--
Kris: It’s ok, also you can just call me Kris.
Me: Ok, thanks, Kris!!
Kris: I see you worked hard to build that bey!
Me: I did!
Aleph: I can help you test it out! If you think you can handle me!
Me: Bring it!
(I hold up my new Launcher)
Kris: Be careful Unova, Aleph is one of our strongest bladers!
Me: I can handle anything!
Kris (Thoughts): That confidence reminds me of…
~In BC Sol’s Main Gym~
???: Kris, what’s going on?
Kris: Hey Valt, one of our new bladers came and challenged Aleph!
Valt: Really? Well, this is going to be interesting! Huh Free?
Free: I guess. Let’s see how long they can hold my attention.
Anton: I’m Anton, I’ll be the referee for battles in BC Sol!
Me: Nice to meet your Anton!
Anton: Inspect your opponent's bey!
Aleph (Thoughts): Techno Ultravor, the first TechnoX Beyblade! It has four dragon heads that act as blades! It looks like it has an armor piece on top to add some extra weight to the bey! Looks like all TechnoX beys have them, it attaches to the core but you need to put the core in from the bottom! The driver is hole flat and can sink once it takes enough damage! It also has a rubber ring around it that it can lean on to gain speed! The Launcher is interesting as well, the inside blows up to add more launch power but it takes a lot of power to pull a launch like that off!
(I take back my bey and launcher)
Aleph: Vanish Balkesh will take you down!
Anton: First battle! Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Aelph: Let it… rip!!
Me (Thoughts): No Techno Launch?!
(Vanish Balkesh takes the center, Ultravor speeds around the stadium)
Me: Hit it!
(Ultravor slams into Vanish Balkesh, Balkesh gets sent flying)
Aleph: *Gasps*
Valt: Woah!
Aleph: Hang in there!
(Vanish Balkesh hits the wall, Vanish Balkesh reclaims the center)
Me: Attack more and more!!
(Ultravor hits Vanish Balkesh with a barrage of attacks)
Aleph: How is it doing that?
Ultravor: Let’s get serious!
Me: *Gasps*
(I get pulled into a white void)
Me: Ultravor?
Ultravor: Yes, it's me!
Me: This is so cool!
Ultravor: It’s wicked! Now, let’s go all out!
Me: You’ve got it!
(I get pulled out of the white void)
Me: Ultravor!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up Ultravor blazes out of the bey)
Free/Raul: *Gasps*
Me: Knock ‘em out! Techno Discharge!!
(Ultravor slams into Vanish Balkesh, Vanish Balkesh bursts)
Aleph: *Gasps*
Anton: It’s Techno Ultravor with a burst finish! The winner is um, what’s your name?
Me: Unova Bashida!
Anton: The winner is Unova Bashida!
(Everyone starts clapping)
Aleph: Good Game!
Me: Same! Battling you was so much fun!
(Kris walks up to me)
Kris: That was very impressive Unova! You’re a very strong blader!
Me: Thanks!
Kris: But you still have to pass the entry test!
Me: Wait what?!
TechnoX Chapter 2
Beyblade Burst TechnoX
Chapter 2
The Greatest Rival! Saber Valtryek!!
Me: Say what now?
Kris: You’ve still got to prove that you’re strong enough to be on BC Sol!
Me: How can I do that?
Raul: You could do the BC Sol Entry Cup! Or battle one of our top-tier bladers!
Me: I wanna battle the top-tier bladers!
Kris: That bold huh? Anyways, who do you wanna battle with?
(Valt comes running down the stairs)
Valt: How about he battles me?!
Me: Valt Aoi?!
Kris: You really wanna take him on?
Valt: Sure, battling him would be fun!
Raul: Well, what do you say Unova?
Me: Battling the #1 blader in the world?! Of course!
Kris: Ok!
(Aleph walks up to us)
Aleph: Hey guys, what’s up?
Raul: Unova here is gonna battle Valt!
Aleph: Excuse me?!
Kris: That’s right if he wins he’ll get a spot on BC Sol!
Aleph: Don’t you think that’s a bit harsh?
Kris: Believe it or not, the decision was made by Valt.
Aleph: This is getting weirder by the second!
Me: Don’t worry Aleph, I can beat him!
Aleph: This is the World Champion we’re talking about!
Me: Which will make my victory much sweeter!
Aleph: Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Kris: Aleph, could you be the judge?
Aleph: It would be my pleasure!
Valt: Alright! Battling you is gonna be fun!
Me: I can’t deny that!
(Ultravor starts glowing in my pocket, I get pulled into a white void)
Ultravor: So, we will be battling Valt Aoi with his Saber Valtryek?
Me: Yup, it’s gonna be epic!
Ultravor: Stay focused and trust me! Then we’ll topple Valt Aoi!
Me: Got it!
(I get pulled out of the white void, My Resonance Aura flares up)
Raul (Thoughts): Looks like he’s getting serious again!
Valt (Thoughts): He’s gonna be a tough nut to crack, but me and Valtryek got this!
Aleph: First battle!
(Me and Valt get in launching position)
Aleph: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Valt: Let it… rip!!
(Valt pulls of an explosion launch, I pull off a Techno Launch)
Valt (Thoughts): What type of launch is that?
Me: Techno Launch!!
Valt: Rush Launch!!
(Valtryek and Ultravor hit each other with a barrage of attacks)
Aleph/Raul/Kris: *Gasps*
Raul (Thoughts): He’s standing up to Rush Launch! Maybe this kid isn’t all so bad!
Valt: Hit it!
(Valtryek slams into Ultravor with its rubber, Ultravor gets sent flying across the stadium)
Me: Hang in there!
(Ultravor slams into the wall)
Me: Come on!
(Ultravor bounces off and picks up speed, Ultravor slams into Valtryek)
Valt: *Gasps*
Me: Keep it up!
(Ultravor pummels Valtryek with a strong barrage of attacks)
Kris (Thoughts): Wow, he’s really putting Valt in the hotspot here!
Valt: Get outta there!
(Valtryek leans on its driver and speeds off)
Valt: Nice! Now hit it hard! Rush Launch one more time!
(Valtryek hits Ultravor with a powerful barrage of attacks)
Me (Thoughts): He’s totally in control with his bey!
Ultravor: Don’t be scared! Attack head-on!
Me: You're right! Ultravor!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up Ultravor blazes out of the bey)
Me: End this! Techno Discharge!!
(Ultravor speeds up and heads straight for Valtryek)
Valt: Not gonna happen! Shot Jump!!
(The shot driver springs up, Valtryek jumps in the air)
Me: *Gasps*’
Valt: Valtryek!!
(Valt’s Resonance Aura flares up Valtryek blazes out of the bey)
Valt: End this! Saber Whip!!
(Valtryek speeds towards Ultravor)
Me: One last time! Techno Discharge!!
(Valtryek and Ultravor slams into each other and start clashing fiercely, energy bursts from the stadium sending everyone but me and Valt flying away from the stadium)
Me: Burst it!!
(Valtryek gets shot out of the stadium and starts getting close to the ground, Ultravor gets shot up in the air)
Valt: *Gasps*
Me: Yes!
(Ultravor hits the wall and bursts Valtryek hits the ground)
Aleph: It’s Saber Valtryek with a burst finish! The winner is Valt Aoi!
Me: No!
(I pass out)
~10 Minutes Later~
(I start waking up with everyone looking at me)
Free: That’s some power.
(Free walks away)
Me: Did I win?
Aleph: Sorry bud.
Me: Dang it!
Raul: You don’t need to worry about that!
Me; What do you mean?
Kris: The battle with Valt was merely a test and you passed with flying colors!
Me: Does that mean?
Raul: You bet it does kid! You're on!
(I jump up)
Me: Yes!
Kris: We’d be happy to have you!
Aleph: Nice job Unova!
Me: Thanks!
Valt: You really had me on the ropes! Battling you again will be fun!
Me: You can count on it!
TechnoX Chapter 3
Beyblade Burst TechnoX
Chapter 3
Welcome To BC Sol!!
Me: So, you’re gonna take me to the Meeting Room where I meet the legends!
Aleph: Yeah, and I’ll show you your dorm!
Me: I wonder who I’m going to be bunking with!
Aleph: Actually it’s--
Kris (On Speaker): Unova Bashida, we’re ready for you in the Meeting Room!
Me: Looks like it’s time to go!
Aleph: Let’s go!
~In The Meeting Room~
Kris: Hi Unova.
Me: Hey Kris!
Kris: These are the top bladers on BC Sol!
(Valt, Free, and two other bladers come through the door)
Valt: Hey Unova!
Me: Hey Valt!
???: You know this pipsqueak?
Valt: Yeah, I battled him yesterday!
(Valt Free and the two other bladers walk up to the front)
Kris: If you wouldn’t mind, why don’t you all introduce yourselves?
Valt: I’m Valt Aoi!
Free: I’m Free De La Hoya.
Silas: I’m Silas Karsile!
Honch: I’m Rantaro Kiyama but you can call me Honcho!
Me: I’m Unova Bashida!
Silas: So Kris, why’d you let this pipsqueak join?
Me: Excuse me?!
Silas: Let’s face it, we both know you're not BC Sol material!
Me: Wanna battle me and find out?
Kris: Calm down you two. Actually, Silas, he backed Valt in a corner!
Silas: You’re kidding!
Valt: Yup, he’s no pushover!
Silas: Well, guess I’ll be the one to knock you down a notch!
Me: Grr! Wanna test that theory!
(Aleph walks into the Meeting Room)
Aleph: Alright, time to go!
Me: What? I’ve gotta show Silas a piece of me!
Aleph: You can do that later!
(Aleph drags me by the hood)
Me: Silas, I’m gonna show you what’s up! Just wait for me!!
~In The Cafeteria~
Me: Woah, this place smells good!
Aleph: Yeah, this is the cafeteria! When you're looking for a quick snack stop by here!
(I run-up to the cafeteria kitchen)
Me: Hello!
???: Why Hello! Are you new?
Me: Yep, I’m Unova Bushida!
Ange: I’m Ange Lopez! Nice to meet you!
Me: Nice to meet you too!
Aleph: Time to go to the next place!
~In BC Sol’s Main Gym~
Aleph: This is BC Sol’s main training room! You’ll be training here!
Me: The name kinda gave it away.
Aleph: Whatever, anyways let’s go to our dorm!
Me: “Our”?
Aleph: Yep, I’m your roommate!
Me: Awesome!
~In My Dorm~
Me: This place is awesome!
(I start jumping on my bed)
Aleph: I hope you don’t snore!
Me: I don’t.
(Someone knocks on our door)
Me: Come in!
(Kris walks in)
Kris: I don’t mean to interrupt, I just wanted to see how Unova was settling in.
Me: This place is awesome!
Kris: Ok, just don’t forget you’re here to battle too!
Me: Trust me, I won’t!
(Kris leaves)
Me: Battling here is gonna be awesome!
Aleph: You said it! Wanna practice?
Me: You read my mind!
~In BC Sol’s Main Gym~
Me/Aleph: 3! 2! 1! Let it… rip!!
Me: No Techno Launch again?!
Aleph: Take the center! Vanish Balkesh!!
Me: Techno Launch!!
(Ultravor slams into Vanish Balkesh, Vanish Balkesh bursts)
Aleph: You’ve gotta be kidding!
Me: Alright!
Aleph: One more time!
~5 Minutes Later~
(Vanish Balkesh bursts)
Aleph: Not again!
Me: Well, that wasn’t hard!
Aleph (Thoughts): The TechnoX System is super strong, I’ve gotta have a bey like that!
TechnoX Chapter 4
07-22-2021 07:54 AM
Chapter 4 wants to know your location
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Beyblade Burst TechnoX
Chapter 4
Spin Master! Eternal Aion!!
(I wake up)
Me: Dang! That was an awesome sleep!
(Aleph gets up)
Aleph: Breakfast is in ten minutes so we should probably get ready!
Me: Ok!
~In The Cafeteria~
Me: Hello Ange!
Ange: Hello boys, how are you?
Aleph: We’re doing great!
(Ange gives us a plate of food)
Ange: Enjoy!
(We sit at a clear table)
Me: So what do we do after breakfast?
Aleph: After this, we’ll do some training!
Me: Awesome, I’m so gonna blow everyone away!
(Someone walks up to our table)
???: Are you Unova Bashida?
Me: Yes.
Oliver: I’m Oliver Agawa! And you will not take my place on BC Sol!!
Me: What do you mean?
Aleph: Knock it off Oliver!
Oliver: You’re on my territory so you play by my rules!
Aleph: You don’t own BC Sol!
Ange: Boys! Calm down, Oliver go eat.
Oliver: Yes, Ange!
(Oliver rolls his eyes and walks away)
Me: What was that all about?
Aleph: Oliver, he’s one of the strongest bladers here, he’s even rivaled Honcho before! He acts like he’s the boss of BC Sol!
Me: He sounds awful!
Aleph: He really is!
Speaker: All bladers report to BC Sol’s Main Gym for training!
Me: Looks like it’s time to go!
~In BC Sol’s Main Gym~
Me: I’m--
(A burst of energy knocks me off my feet)
Me: *Gasps*
Honcho: Dual Winged Cyclone!!
(Roktavor creates a huge tornado)
Silas: Triple Twister!!
(Roktavor slams into Satomb, Satomb and Roktavor burst)
Silas: Looks like the DB System isn’t that strong!
Honcho: You’re the one to talk!
(Honcho and Silas look over at me)
Honcho: Are you ok?
Me: Yeah, you just caught me off guard!
(Honcho helps me get up)
Silas: Looks like you’re weaker than I thought!
(Aleph runs in the Main Gym)
Aleph: Unova? Are you ok?
Me: Yeah, Honcho and Silas’ battle just caught me off guard!
Aleph: I’m glad!
Honcho: Valt speaks highly of you! Do you wanna battle?
Me: Of course!
Aleph: I’ll be the referee! First battle!
Honcho (Thoughts): Let’s see if what Valt says about him is true!
Me (Thoughts): I’ve gotta pull off a Techno Launch! Then I’ll be able to beat him!
Aleph: Ready? Set!
(A crowd starts gathering around us)
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Honcho: Let it… rip!!
(Honcho pulls of an explosive launch, I pull off a Techno Launch)
Me: Yes!
Honcho: Take the center, quickly!
Me: Techno Launch!!
(Ultravor hits Roktavor with a barrage of attacks)
Honcho: Roktavor!
(Roktavor takes the center)
Me: Knock it outta there!
(Ultravor hits Roktavor with a powerful barrage of attacks, Roktavor blocks all of them)
Me: *Gasps*
Honcho: Show ‘em what’s up! Roktavor!!
(Honcho’s Resonance Aura flares up Roktavor blazes out of the bey)
Honcho: Blow them away! Dual Wing Cyclone!!
(Rokavor creates a huge tornado, Ultravor gets sucked up in cyclone)
Me: Ultravor!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up Ultravor blazes out of the bey)
Honcho: It’s over!
(Ultravor slams into the wall)
Me: Speed up! Techno Discharge!!
(Ultravor bounces off the wall and charges into Roktavor, Rokavor and Ultravor slam into each other)
Me/Honcho: Take ‘em down!
Aleph: *Gasps*
(Ultravor and Roktavor start wobbling)
Honcho: No way!
Me: Ultravor!! Hang in there!
(Ultravor glows brightly, Roktavor stops spinning then Ultravor)
Honcho: *Gasps*
Me: Oh yeah!
Aleph: It’s Techno Ultravor with a survivor finish! The winner is Unova!
Me: I really won! Against Rantaro Kiyama!!
(I start dancing around)
Aleph (Thoughts): He actually beat Honcho.
Raul: Looks like you had some workout!
Rantaro: Yeah, Unova ain’t someone to take lightly!
(Aleph walks away)
Raul: Aleph, where do you think you’re going?
Aleph: I’m feeling sick.
Me: Are you ok man?
Raul: Take some time to rest!
(Aleph leaves)
~In The Hallway~
(Oliver walks by Aleph)
Oliver: What’s wrong with you?
Aleph: I’m not in the mood Oliver!
Oliver: I heard Unova beat Rantaro! Is that what’s troubling you?
Aleph: Would you knock it off!
Oliver: If you really wanna get stronger, then throw away Vanish Balkesh!
Aleph: Are you crazy!
Oliver: Vanish Balkesh is a disgrace to the blading world, getting rid of it, and create a new bey!
Aleph: Don’t say that!
(Oliver walks up to Aleph menacingly)
Oliver: Wanna become strong or not!!
Aleph: Of course I do!
Oliver: Then you know what to do!!
(Oliver pushes Aleph out of the way)
Aleph: I’m sorry Vanish Balkesh, but he’s right.
(Aleph runs inside our dorm)
Aleph: I’m sure Unova won’t mind if I borrow these instructions!
(Aleph takes the instructions and goes to the Workroom)
Aleph (Thoughts): Let’s give this a try!
(Aiden starts working on his bey)
~In BC Sol’s Main Gym~
(Oliver walks in)
Raul: Oliver, you’re late again!
Oliver: Does it matter?
Raul: It does, now, start practicing!
Me: Go Ultravor!
(A bey bursts)
Anton: You’re kidding me!
Me: Oh yeah! I won!
Oliver: Who let this amateur in?
Me: Excuse me?
Oliver: Oh please! It doesn't take skill to beat Anton!
Anton: Hey!
Me: Anton is a strong blader! I’m starting to think you’re the weak one!
Oliver: Oh no you didn’t!
Anton: Unova.
Raul: That’s enough you two, Oliver, you need to treat your peer bladers nicely.
Oliver: I’m with complete noobs!
All: Grr!!
~In BC Sol’s Workroom~
Aleph: It’s done! Eternal Aion!!
(Aleph holds up his bey, Anton runs in the Workroom)
Anton: Aleph! Your friend is standing up to Oliver!!
Aleph: You’ve gotta be kidding me!
(Aleph runs off)
~In BC Sol’s Main Gym~
Oliver: You shouldn’t be sticking up for them, this is the reality!
Me: Everyone’s strong in their own way! It doesn't matter what you think!
(Valt walks up to us)
Valt: I completely agree! Oliver maybe--
Oliver: Why are you backing him up?! You--
Aleph: Back off Oliver!
Me: *Gasps*
Oliver: Did you listen to me about your bey?
Aleph: I did! Now Aion’s gonna take you down!
(Aion glimmers in the light)
Me: That’s a Techno Bey! Wait, did you steal my instructions?
Aleph: I borrowed it!
Me: More like stole.
Oliver: Vex Solomon is going to take you down!
(Oliver holds up Vex Solomon)
Raul: I’ll be the referee then! Inspect your opponent's bey!
Oliver (Thoughts): Eternal Aion, a clockwise spinning stamina type! It has three rubber contact points to absorb the shock of incoming attacks, looks like this’ll do especially well against counterclockwise spinning beys! Its driver is sharp and heavy making it spin longer and harder to knock out of the center. Let's see how this’ll play out!
Aleph (Thoughts): If I can pull off a Techno Launch I should be able to beat Oliver! It’s a wild theory but, let’s give it a go!
Raul: First battle!
(Aleph leans his launcher forward)
Raul: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Aleph/Oliver: Let it… rip!!
(Oliver pulls off a Lightning Launch, Aleph pulls off a Techno Launch)
Me: That’s a Techno Launch!
Aleph: Take the center, my amigo! ( Don't hurt me Ransou
(Aion takes the center)
Oliver: Attack, Vex Solomon!
(Solomon hits Aion hard, Aion absorbs the attack)
Oliver: *Gasps* You stole a page from Free’s book!
Me: Seriously, what is your deal with stealing things!
Aleph: It’s called borrowing!
Oliver: Keep attacking! Vex Solomon!!
(Solomon starts attacking hard but Aion absorbs all the hits)
Aleph: Aion!
(Aleph’s Resonance Aura flares up Aion blazes out of the bey)
Aleph: Eternal Counter!!
(Aion speeds up and slams into Vex Solomon, Vex Solomon Bursts)
Oliver: *Gasps* No way!
Raul: It's Eternal Aion with a burst finish! The winner is Aleph Murphy!!
Aleph: Yes!
Me: You did awesome!
Oliver: Grr!!
(Oliver storms off)
Aleph: Aion! Let’s get way stronger!
TechnoX Chapter 5
Beyblade Burst TechnoX
Chapter 5
The Legendary Duo!
~Outside Of BC Sol Above The Water~
Oliver: Vex Solomon, you lost.
(Oliver looks at Vex Solomon angrily)
Oliver: You’re useless!!
(Oliver throws Vex Solomon over the cliff, Vex Solomon falls into the water and slowly sinks)
~In Kris’ Office~
(Valt and Honcho walk-in)
Kris: Valt, Rantaro! Thanks for coming!
Honcho: No problem!
Valt: Why’d you call us?
Kris: Well, you know Aleph and Unova right?
Honcho: Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?
Kris: I believe they can be strong bladers, but they need someone to challenge them!
Valt: So you want us to battle them?
Kris: Exactly! It’ll be a special battle, the whole club will be watching!
Honcho: Nice! Honcho is gonna shine brighter than the sun!
Valt/Kris: *Chuckles*
~In My Dorm~
(I fall off my bed)
Aleph: Are you gonna do that every morning?
Me: Probably, I’m a hard sleeper!
(Someone knocks on our door)
Aleph: Come in!
(Honcho comes in through the door)
Me: Honcho?
Honcho: Good Morning yall!
Aleph: Morning Honcho! Need anything?
Honcho: We’re having a battle tonight, and Me and Valt wanna battle you guys!
Me: Are you kidding?
Honcho: More serious than I’ve ever been!
Aleph: I can’t believe it! We’re going up against BC Sol’s strongest bladers!!
Honcho: You’d better get practicing, Me and Valt are not backing down!!
(Honcho leaves)
Me: Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s get practicing!
~In BC Sol’s Main Gym~
Me/Aleph: Let it… rip!!
(Aleph pulls off a Techno Launch)
Me: Techno Launch!!
Aleph: Take the center! Eternal Zone!!
(Aion takes the center while Ultravor pummels it with a barrage of attacks)
Me: Techno Discharge!!
(Ultravor slams into Aion with its blade, Aion, and Ultravor get sent flying out of the stadium)
Me: Grr! You won again!
Aleph: Come on Unova! We’re going up against Valt and Rantaro, you’ve gotta pull off a Techno Launch!
Me: Can’t you see I’m trying!
Aleph: Try harder!
Me: I can’t try harder!!
(I storm off)
Aleph: Unova.
(In The Middle Of The Forest)
Me: Can’t he see that I’m trying!
(I kick a rock and it goes flying at someone)
Me: *Gasps*
(??? catches it)
Me: I’m so--
Me: Free De La Hoya?
Free: Watch where you’re throwing rocks.
Me: Yeah, sorry about that!
Free: Let it… rip!!
(Free pulls off an explosive powerful launch)
Me: *Gasps*
(Free’s bey starts speeding around the stadium)
Me: Is that Vanish Fafnir?
Free: It sure is.
Me: Free De La Hoya! I challenge you to a battle!!
Free: Like I didn’t see that coming.
Me: So?
Free: I accept.
(I get ready to launch my bey)
Ultravor: Change your launch form!
Me: *Gasps*
(I back up and lift my launcher in the air)
Free: Oh?
Me: First battle!
Free/Me: 3! 2! 1!
(I jump in the air and attach Ultravor to my launcher)
Free/Me: Let it… rip!!
(I land and launch my bey, I pull off a Techno Launch)
Me: Now! Techno Launch!!
(Ultravor hits Fafnir with a barrage of attacks)
Free: Is that all!
(My Resonance Aura flares up)
Me: In your dreams!
(Fafnir and Ultravor start clashing wildly, Energy bursts from the stadium)
Free: Kick Counter!!
(Fafnir leans on the Kick driver and bounces back up, Ultravor gets sent flying in the air)
Me: Ultravor!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up Ultravor blazes out of the bey)
Me: Speed up!
(Ultravor’s driver sinks in, Ultravor starts picking up serious speed)
Me: Techno Strike!!
(Ultravor slams into Fafnir with power)
Free: Fafnir!
(Free’s Resonance Aura flares up Fafnir blazes out of the bey)
Free: Vanish Counter!!
(Ultravor hits Fafnir’s absorption blade, Ultravor gets shot into the wall and bursts)
Me: *Gasps*
Free: Huh. You actually made me get serious.
Me: Man, I guess I’m far from beating you.
Free: You are, just remember, finding your source of power will help you get stronger.
(Free walks away)
Me: “Power source”? Wait! I’m gonna be late!!
(I run off)
~In BC Sol’s Main Gym~
(I run right through the door)
Aleph: Unova! I’m so--
(My face turns bright red)
Me: Let’s get training!!
Aleph: Look who’s determined!
Me: Yeah, I battled Free!
Aleph: You battled Free?!
Me: Yeah!
Aleph: And?
Me: I lost!
Aleph: Oh well, I guess it can’t be helped.
Me: But I mastered the Techno Launch!!
Aleph: Awesome! Let’s get training!
~1 Hour Later~
Hanami: Hello all you bladers! Today I’m announcing from BC Sol for a special battle! It’s Valt Aoi and Rantaro Kiyama Vs Unova Bashida and Aleph Murphy!
(We walk out to the stadium)
Hanami: We will be using the Dynamite Driver Stadium!
(Kris watches from her seat)
Kris (Thoughts): Valt, Rantaro Aleph, and Unova! Show me an awesome battle!
Me: Valt! I’m taking you down!
Valt: I’d like to see you try!
Honcho: Aleph! I’m gonna blow you to the fields!!
Aleph: My new bey is gonna take Roktavor down!
Anton: First battle!
Me (Thoughts): Ultravor, let’s go all out!
Honcho (Thoughts): Let’s do this.
(Honcho puts Roktavor in High Mode)
Anton: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Valt/Aleph/Honcho: Let it… rip!!
Honcho: Go Roktavor!
Aleph: I don’t think so!
(Roktavor dodges Aion and takes the center)
Honcho: Dual Winged Cyclone!!
(Roktavor creates a huge tornado)
Hanami: Cyclone Roktavor has just created a huge cyclone!
Valt: Go Valtryek!
(Valtryek picks up speed on the ramp and slams into Ultravor, Ultravor gets sent sky high in the air)
Me: Hang in there!
(Ultravor hits the wall)
Hanami: After being shot into the air Ultravor hangs in there!
Aleph: Eternal Spin!!
(Aion starts hitting Roktavor hard with its rubber and absorbs Roktavor’s spin)
Hanami: Roktavor’s losing spin after each hit from Aion!
Aleph: Aion!!
(Aleph’s Resonance Aura flares up Aion blazes out of the bey)
Aleph: Time to attack!
(Aion picks up speed on the Dynamite Ramps speeds straight towards Roktavor)
Aleph: Eternal Counter!!
(Aion slams into Roktavor, Roktavor and Aion get sent flying)
Honcho: No way!
(Aion bursts, Roktavor lands outside of the stadium)
Aleph: *Gasps*
Hanami: Aion just couldn’t withstand Roktavor’s crazy weight!
Valt: Rush Launch!!
Me: Techno Launch!!
(Valtryek and Ultravor hit each other with a barrage of attacks)
Hanami: Valtryek and UItravor give it they're all!
Me: Ultravor!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up Ultravor blazes out of the bey)
Valt: Valtryek!!
(Valt’s Resonance Aura flares up Valtryek blazes out of the bey)
Me: Techno Strike!!
(Ultravor speeds up and heads toward Valtryek)
Valt: Time to jump!
(The shot driver activates, Valtryek jumps in the air, Ultravor misses)
Me: *Gasps*
Hanami: Valtryek has jumped!
(Valtryek catches onto the Dynamite Ramp and picks up speed and heads toward Ultravor)
Valt: End this! Saber Whip!!
(Valtryek slashes at Ultravor, Ultravor bursts)
Me: *Gasps*
Anton: Saber Valtryek and Cyclone Roktavor win!
Hanami: Valtryek has just burst Ultravor! An amazing victory!
Me: Sorry.
Aleph: You’ve got nothing to be sorry about! You did awesome!
Kris (Thoughts): They’ve gotten stronger! It’s nice to see everyone growing!
(Rantaro and Valt fist bump)
Aleph: You may have gotten lucky this time!
Me: But we’re taking you down next time!
Honcho: Ha! In your dreams!
Free (Thoughts): Maybe this TechnoX system isn’t so bad.
TechnoX Chapter 6
Beyblade Burst TechnoX
Chapter 6
Mega Dragon! Phantom Fafnir!!
(Oliver walks up to Raul)
Oliver: Raul, I need a new bey.
Raul: That’s the fifth time you’ve asked me!
Oliver: Well, my Vex Solomon lost so it’s basically useless.
(Raul pulls out a suitcase)
Raul: Fine, but this is the last one!
(Oliver takes a bey from the suitcase)
Oliver: Which one is this?
Raul: That’s Vex Wyveron!
Oliver: I’ll take it.
Raul: Ever thought that it was you who was bringing your bey down?
Oliver: Of course not, I’m the strongest blader in the world, no question!
Aleph (In a whiny voice): “I’m the strongest blader in the world, no question!”
(I start chuckling)
Oliver: I heard that!!
Honcho: Valt, you ready to be taken down?!
Valt: I’d like to see you try!
Me/Oliver/Aleph: *Gasps*
(Me, Oliver, and Aleph walk over to Valt and Honcho)
Valt: Hey guys!
Me: Valt! You and Honcho are facing off?
Honcho: Yeah, we’re gonna get some practice in!
Valt: Serious practice!
Aleph: We’ve gotta see this!
Raul: Aren’t you supposed to be practicing too?
Me: Come on Raul, we can’t miss this!
Aleph: And besides, we’ll learn a lot watching this battle!
Raul: I suppose you are correct.
Me/Aleph: Yes!
Oliver (Thoughts): Valt Aoi! Watching this battle will help me learn your every move! I’ll learn how to defeat you!
Raul: First battle!
Valt (Thoughts): Let’s go, Valtryek!
Raul: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Valt/Honcho: Let it… rip!!
(Valt and Honcho pull off explosive launches)’
Honcho: Take the center, Roktavor!
Valt: Rush Launch!!
(Roktavor takes the center, Valtryek hits it with a barrage of attacks)
Honcho: Take this! Dual Wing Cyclone!!
(Roktavor creates a huge tornado and sucks Valtryek in, Valtryek gets sent flying)
Valt: Speed up!
(Valtryek slams into the wall and picks up speed)
Honcho: You’ve gotta be kidding!
(Valtryek slams into Roktavor, Roktavor starts wobbling)
Honcho: Roktavor!!
(Honcho’s Resonance Aura flares up Roktavor blazes out of the bey)
Honcho: Make an even bigger cyclone!!
(Roktavor creates an enormous tornado)
Valt: Go Valtryek!
(Valtryek goes under Roktavor’s layer)
All: *Gasps*
Valt: Shot Upper!!
(Valtryek shoots up in the air and sends Roktavor flying)
Honcho: No way!
Aleph: Raul, what did Valt just do?
Raul: He used the force of Roktavor’s tornado to make a big upper attack! When Valtryek jumped, Roktavor got sent flying!
(Roktavor lands in the center and starts wobbling)
Valt: Valtryek!!
(Valt’s Resonance Aura flares up Valtryek blazes out of the bey)
Oliver (Thoughts): He’s the all-out attacking type, that'll be interesting.
(Valtryek catches onto the Dynamite Ramp and speeds up straight towards Roktavor)
Valt: Ultra Saber Whip!!
(Valtryek slashes its rubber blade at Roktavor, Roktavor and Valtryek get sent flying in the air)
All: *Gasps*
(Roktavor bursts)
Honcho: *Gasps*
Raul: It's Saber Valtryek with a burst finish! The winner is Valt!
Valt: Yes!
Honcho: That was some burst.
Raul: Looks like you’ve got some training to do!
Honcho: Yup, can’t stop the Honcho machine!
(Free walks up to us)
Valt: Hey Free!
Free: Hey Valt.
(Free whispers something in my ear)
Me: *Gasps* Sure!
Free: Thanks.
(Free walks away)
Aleph: So?
Me: So what?
Aleph: What did he say?
Oliver: Spill it, paperboy!
Me: Like I’ll ever tell!
Honcho: Seriously!
(Silas walks by)
Me: Silas!
(I run up to Silas at full speed)
Silas: What do you want?
Me: I challenge you to a battle!
Silas: You wanna battle me? Kid, I only battle strong opponents!
Me: I guess Honcho was right.
Silas: About what?
Me: You’re scared to battle me!
Silas: Excuse me!!
(I stick my tongue out)
Silas: Kid, I think it’s time to put you in your place!
Raul: Ok, I guess I’ll be a referee again!
Silas: Curse Satomb isn’t a bey you wanna mess with!
Me: I looked over your bey’s speculations and your past battles! I know how to beat you!
Silas: I’d like to see you try!
(Silas slams Satomb on his launcher)
Raul: First battle!
Me (Thoughts): If I attack and give it my all I should be able to beat Silas!
Aleph: Go Unova! You’ve got this!
Raul: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Silas: Let it… rip!!
(I pull off a powerful Techno Launch, Silas pulls off a Lightning Launch)
Me: Attack Ultravor!
(Ultravor rams into Satomb and sends it flying in the air)
Silas: *Gasps*
Me: Heh! Techno Launch!!
(Ultravor hits Satomb with a barrage of attack, Satomb continuously gets shot up in the air)
Aleph: What is he doing, isn’t he just wasting stamina by doing that?
Raul: Satomb can’t defend or counterattack if it’s not on the ground!
Aleph: Oh, keep it up!
Silas: Get outta there Satomb!
Me: Ultravor!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up Ultravor blazes out of the bey)
Me: Techno Discharge!!
(Ultravor catches onto the Dynamite Ramps and picks up speed, Ultravor slams into Satomb and sends it flying, Satomb bursts)
All: *Gasps*
Raul: It’s Techno Ultravor with a burst finish! The winner is Unova Bashida!!
Me: Yes!
Silas: What?!
Honcho (Thoughts): Man, Unova is a strong dude! He has the potential to become one of the strongest bladers in the world!
Me: Told ya I’d win!
Silas: You’ve gotta be kidding me!!
~In BC Sol’s Workroom~
(Free continues working)
Free (Thoughts): Fafnir’s evolution will be unbeatable, I’ll keep my spot as
a Legend. And I won’t let him beat me!
(Free finishes his bey)
Free: It’s done, Phantom Fafnir!!
(Free holds Fafnir up)
~In BC Sol’s Main Gym~
Me: I can't believe it! I beat Silas Karsile!!
Silas: Get a grip! You only won once!
(Free walks in through the door)
Honcho: Hey Free!
Free: Hey.
Valt: Where were you?
Free: I was busy working on Phantom Fafnir!!
(Free holds up Phantom Fafnir)
Aleph: Is that a TechnoX Bey?!
Free: Yup.
(I start laughing)
Aleh/Olvier/Honcho: You knew about this?!
Me: Yeah, he asked me if he could borrow the plans for the TechnoX bey!
Aleph: *Sighs*
Free: Valt, wanna--
Silas: I’m gonna battle you Free!
All: *Gasps*
Silas: I’m tired of you always taking Me down! It’s time for me to take you down!!
Free: Whatever, I’m down for a battle.
Raul: I’ll be the referee. Inspect your opponent's bey!
Silas (Thoughts): Phantom Fafnir, a Counterclockwise spinning bey! It has quite a bit of rubber on it for absorbing attacks and turning it into spin. When it’s spinning fast enough its dragon heads and mouths close, you can use this for attack or stamina. The Wrest disk can free spin and has rubber on it so it can absorb from there. The driver is great for taking hits and can counter-attack, once it’s spinning fast enough its driver can sink in and pick up speed. This should be interesting!
Free: Don’t be surprised when I win.
Silas: As if!
Raul: First battle!
Silas (Thoughts): I’m going to knock it out early so it can’t steal any spin!
Free (Thoughts): His mind is an open book. It’s obvious he’s trying to knock Fafnir out, but I won’t let him!
Raul: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Free/Silas: Let it… rip!!
(Silas pulls off a Lightning Launch, Free does a light launch)
Silas: Go Satomb!
(Satomb hits Fafnir with a powerful barrage of attacks, Fafnir absorbs all the attacks)
Silas: *Gasps*
Honcho: He’s stealing spin so easily!
Free: Fafnir can absorb all forms of shocks.
Silas: Universe Drift!!
(Satomb starts grinding down on its driver and speeds up towards Fafnir)
Silas: Knock it out!
(Satomb slams into Fafnir, Fafnir speeds off and starts spinning fast, Fafnir’s dragon mouths close)
All: *Gasps*
Free: Fafnir!!
(Free’s Resonance Aura flares up Fafnir blazes out of the bey)
Free: Phantom Claw!!
(Fafnir slams into Satomb, Satomb bursts)
Silas: *Gasps*
Raul: It’s Phantom Fafnir with a burst finish! The winner is Free!!
Free: Didn’t I say not to be shocked?
(Free walks away)
Honcho (Thoughts): TechnoX System. huh?
TechnoX Chapter 7
Beyblade Burst TechnoX
Chapter 7
A Windy Gale! Burster Roktavor!!
~In BC Sol’s Main Gym~
Silas: Let it… rip!!
(Silas pulls off a powerful Lightning Launch)
Silas: Not good enough!
(Silas rapidly starts launching)
Raul: If you really want a tough workout then I’ve got just the thing for you!
Silas: Did you finish it?
Raul: Yeah, wanna give it a try?
Silas: You bet.
Honcho: You practicing without me?!
Silas: Ugh, if you wanna come and lose then be my guest.
Me: We wanna see what Raul built too!
Silas: Ugh!
Raul: Sure, let’s go!
(Raul brings us to a basement)
Aleph: This place makes me wanna scream.
Raul: Only top-tier bladers get to come down here.
(Raul opens the door)
Me: Woah! What is this stadium?!
Raul: It’s the Infinite Bey Stadium!!
Aleph: That looks awesome!
Raul: It’s the ultimate practice stadium!
Honcho: Is that a black Roktavor?
Raul: Yup, because your bey has perfect stamina!
Honcho: Awesome!
Silas: Raul, crank it up to the max!
Raul: Okie Dokie!
(Raul puts the stadium to max power)
Silas: Time to take a hit at this!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Silas: Let it… rip!!
(Silas pulls off a Lightning Launch)
Silas: Go, Satomb!!
(Satomb hits Infinite Roktavor with a barrage of attacks)
Me (Thoughts): Wow, Silas is dishing out a plate of everything!
Silas: Universe Drift!!
(Satomb starts grinding on its driver and speeds up, Satomb slams into Infinite Roktavor, Infinite Roktavor and Satomb get sent flying out of the stadium)
Silas: *Gasps*
Raul: You knocked it out of the center, nice job! Though your attacks could use some work!
Silas: I guess so!
Honcho: My turn!
Raul: Go ahead!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Honcho: Let it… rip!!
(Honcho pulls of an explosive launch)
Honcho Take the center!
(Roktavor and Infinite Roktavor start clashing)
Aleph: Honcho’s battling the exact same bey as him so this shouldn’t be too hard.
Me: Or too easy?
Honcho: Blow it away! Dual Wing Cyclone!!
(Roktavor creates a huge tornado)
Raul: Surprise!
(Infinite Roktavor creates an enormous tornado)
Honcho: *Gasps*
(Roktavor gets sucked in Infinite Roktavor’s tornado, Roktavor bursts)
All: *Gasps*
Silas: Looks like Roktavor’s copycat is stronger than the original!
Honcho: Grr!!
Silas: Oh well, I guess the sequel is always better!
(Honcho storms off)
Raul/Silas: *Gasps*
~While Honcho Walks Away~
Honcho (Thoughts): This isn’t cutting it!
(Honcho walks past the Workroom)
Honcho: Wonder what we can do here!
~In BC Sol’s Basement~
Aleph: Is Honcho going to be okay?
Raul: Honcho’s as tough as an ox! He’ll be fine!
Me: Then I guess it’s my turn on this stadium!
Silas: Are you sure? This stadium isn’t for noobs you know!
Aleph: He beat you didn’t he?
Silas: Grr!!
Raul: All right, start!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me: Let it… rip!!
(I pull off a powerful Techno Launch)
Me: Go!
(Ultravor hits Infinite Roktavor with a barrage of attacks)
Me: Keep going!
(My Resonance Aura blazes up, Ultravor glows brightly)
All: *Gasps*
Silas (Thoughts): He’s really going at it!
Raul: Cranking up to full power!
(Infinite Roktavor starts spinning fast, Infinite Roktavor creates an enormous tornado)
Me: Blow it up! Techno Bomb!!
(Ultravor slams into Infinite Roktavor with powerful force, the whole basement blows up)
All: *Gasps*
(Silas, Aleph, and Raul get blown off their feet, Infinite Roktavor gets sent flying and bursts)
Raul: *Gasps*
Me: Woah! I did it!
Silas: How did he burst it?
Raul: It wasn’t at full power but still very impressive!
Me: Super awesome!
~In The BC Sol Workroom~
Honcho: It’s done! Burster Roktavor!!
(Honcho holds up his new Burster Roktavor)
Honcho: And my new heavy grip!
(Honcho attaches his new heavy grip to his Techno Launcher)
Honcho: This should do the trick!
~In BC Sol’s Basement~
Aleph: Go, Aion!
(Aion starts clashing with Infinite Roktavor, Aion starts wobbling then stops spinning)
Aleph: You’ve gotta be kidding!
Raul: You should work on making Aion spin longer, Try improving your launch!
Aleph: Got it!
???: Silas!
(Honcho runs down the stairs)
Honcho: I challenge you to an unforgettable battle!
(Honcho holds up Burster Roktavor)
All: *Gasps*
Silas: Well, looks like you evolved it, I accept!
~In BC Sol’s Main Gym~
Raul: I’ll be the referee! Inspect your opponent's bey!
Silas (Thoughts): Burster Roktavor, a Clockwise spinning stamina type! It has four blades that can make a windy up force, Two of them are metal! Its disk is the heaviest one I’ve ever seen! And its driver is meant to take the center and never give it back! Let’s see how well you’ll do now!
Raul: First battle!
Honcho (Thoughts): I’m going to blow him away with my new move!
Silas (Thoughts): Whatever trick his new bey has, I’ll easily counter!
Raul: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Silas/Honcho: Let it… rip!!
(Silas pulls off a powerful Lightning Launch, Honcho pulls off a powerful Techno Launch)
Honcho: Go Roktavor!
(Roktavor takes the center)
Me: Wow, Roktavor is super fast!
Raul: He took the center right away!
Silas: Attack Satomb!
(Satomb hits Roktavor with a powerful barrage of attacks, Roktavor doesn't even flinch)
Honcho: We’ve got stamina for days!
Silas: I don’t think so! Universe Drift!!
(Satomb starts grinding on its driver and speeds into Roktavor, Roktavor sends Satomb back flying)
All: *Gasps*
Aleph: Why aren’t Satomb’s attacks doing anything?
Raul: Because good old Honcho pulled off a strong enough launch to be able to withstand Satomb’s attacks!
Silas: Time to end this! Satomb!!
(Silas’ Resonance Aura flares up Satomb blazes out of the bey)
Silas: One more time! Universe Drift!!
Honcho: Roktavor!!
(Honcho’s Resonance Aura flares up Roktavor blazes out of the bey)
Honcho: Blazing Whirlwind!!
(Roktavor creates a huge tornado and sucks Satomb in, Satomb bursts, its parts get sent flying high in the sky)
All: *Gasps*
Raul: Its Burster Roktavor with a burst finish! The winner is Rantaro Kiyama!!
Honcho: Rantaro Kiyama here on never disappointing news!
Silas: Grr!!
(Silas storms off)
Me: That win was completely awesome!
Aleph: You created a huge tornado and completely demolished Satomb!
Honcho: What can I say, all in a day’s work!
Silas (Thoughts): I’m tired of being thrown around by these TechnoX Beys! Time to even up the table!
TechnoX Chapter 8
Beyblade Burst TechnoX
Chapter 8
New Defense! Baleful Satomb!!
~In The Cafeteria~
Me: A good breakfast will get me going!
Aleph: You said it!
(Me and Aleph start eating)
Speaker: Attention all bladers!
All: *Gasps*
Speaker: I have an important announcement that all of you need to hear, so please gather in the Meeting Room!
Me: Wonder what it is?
Aleph: I don’t know, let’s go check it out!
~In The Meeting Room~
Kris: Thank you everyone for coming. I’ve got an important announcement I need to make, The Victories challenged us to a Team Battle!
Valt: The Victories?!
Aleph: You know them?’
Valt: I do, Dante Koryu and Delta Zakuro are on that team!
Me: Dante Koryu? Delta Zakuro?
Aleph: They’re both Legendary Bladers! Dante holds seventh in the world and Delta holds tenth!
Kris: Exactly, they’re strong bladers and should not be taken lightly. Me and Raul will discuss who should go into this match, but I want all of you practicing hard!
All: Yes Kris!
~In BC Sol’s Main Gym~
Me/Aleph: Let it… rip!!
(Me and Aleph pull off strong Techno Launches)
Me: Attack, Ultravor!
Aleph: Knock it outta there, Aion!
(Aion and Ultravor slam into each other, Ultravor and Aion get sent flying out of the stadium)
Me: Dang it! It was a draw!
Aleph: You got lucky there my friend!
Me: Wanna prove that theory?!
Aleph: Sure, why not!
~While Aleph and I are practicing~
Silas: Come on Free, One more time!
Free: Let’s face it, we both know you’re not beating me anytime soon.
Silas: You don’t know that! Now battle me!
Free: Whatever.
(Free holds Fafnir with his hand)
Silas: You’re not even using your launcher?!
Free: Yup.
(Silas slams Satomb on his launcher)
Silas: I’m going to defeat you!
Silas/Free: 3! 2! 1! Let it… rip!!
(Silas pulls off a powerful Lightning Launch, Free launches Fafnir with his hand)
Silas: Take the center, Satomb!
Free: I don’t think so.
(Fafnir takes the center, Fafnir and Satomb start wildly clashing)
Silas: What do you think about that?!
Free: Thanks for your spin.
Silas: *Gasps*
(Fafnir starts draining Satomb’s spin, Fafnir speeds up, Satomb starts wobbling)
Free: Phantom Claw!
(Fafnir slams into Satomb, Satomb bursts)
Silas: Not again!
Free: Told you I’d win.
Silas: You got lucky!
Free: Oh please, this is the third time you’ve lost to me, and I don’t think that’s luck.
(Silas storms off, Honcho walks past)
Honcho: What crawled under his skin?
Free: Frankly, I was telling him the truth.
Honcho Well--
Oliver: Rantaro Kiyama, I challenge you to a battle!
Honcho: You want a piece of Honcho? Then I’ll give it to ya!
Oliver: I chose you because you’re the weakest out of The Legends!
Honcho: Let’s see if you’re still saying that after I send you flying!
Oliver: Raul, you’ll be our referee!
Raul: With pleasure! First battle!
Oliver (Thoughts): I’ve just gotta get some good hits in, then Roktavor will burst!
Honcho (Thoughts): He thinks he can beat me eh? I’ll take the center and send him flying!
Raul: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Honcho/Oliver: Let it… rip!!
(Honcho pulls off a powerful Techno Launch, Oliver pulls off a Lightning Launch)
Oliver: Take the center!
Honcho: The center’s my zone!
(Roktavor and Vex Wvron start clashing hard, Roktavor sends Vex Wvron flying and takes the center)
Oliver: Take the center back!
(Vex Wyvron hits Roktavor with a barrage of attacks, Roktavor doesn't move at all)
Honcho: You call those pokes attacks?
Oliver: Grr! Hit it harder!
(Honcho bites down on his lollipop and breaks it apart)
Honcho: Roktavor!!
(Honcho’s Resonance Aura flares up Roktavor blazes out of the bey)
Honcho: Check this! Blazing Whirlwind!!
(Roktavor creates an enormous tornado and sucks Vex Wyvron in, Vex Wyvron bursts)
Oliver: *Gasps*
Raul: Its Burster Roktavor with a burst finish! Rantaro Kiyama is the winner!!
Honcho: Am I still the weakest Legend?
Oliver: You got lucky!
~2 Minutes Later~
(Vex Wyvron bursts)
Oliver: *Gasps*
Raul: Honcho wins again!
Honcho: That’s not luck my friend, it’s skill!
Oliver: You gave me a bad bey!
Raul: Don’t blame this on me, this is your own undoing!
(Oliver storms off)
~In BC Sol’s Hallway~
Silas: I’ve lost to Honcho, Free, and even Unova, I’m getting tired of this!
(Silas looks in the workroom)
Silas: I could just evolve Satomb!
(Silas walks in and starts working on his new bey)
~2 Hours Later~
Silas: It’s done! Baleful Satomb!!
(Silas holds his bey up)
Silas: It’s time for a little revenge!
~In BC Sol’s Main Gym~
Honcho: Hang in there Roktavor!
Free: It’s over.
(Roktavor stops spinning)
Honcho: Looks like you got me again Free!
Free: Yup, that was fun.
(Oliver runs up to Honcho)
Oliver: I--
Silas: Yo Free, I want a rematch!
(Silas walks in while holding up Baleful Satomb)
Honcho: He evolved into a TechnoX Bey!
(I run over)
Me: A TechnoX Bey?
Silas: That’s right, and I’m going to beat Free with it!
Oliver: You’re battling me!
All: *Gasps*
Silas: Kid--
Oliver: I’m going to beat you because I’m the strongest blader here!
Silas: Fine, if you really want to, let’s battle!
Raul: This should be interesting! Inspect your opponent’s bey!
Oliver (Thoughts): Baleful Satomb, a clockwise spinning defense type! Its layer is free spinning, no surprise there! And its disk looks like a tire and feels like one, it’s also free-spinning! And apparently, he decided to keep the Universe driver on it which was a smart choice, but not smart enough to beat me!
Raul: First battle!
Silas: Get ready to be blown out of the ring!
Oliver: In your dreams!
Raul: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Oliver/Silas: Let it… rip!!
(Silas pulls off a powerful Techno Launch, Oliver pulls off a Lightning Launch)
Silas: Go Satomb!
(Satomb slams into Vex Wyvron, Satomb takes the center)
Oliver: Keep attacking!
(Vex Wyvron hits Satomb with a barrage of attacks, Satomb blocks all the attacks with its free-spinning layer)
Silas: Is that all?!
Oliver: Hit it harder!
(Vex Wyvron slams into Satomb, Satomb gets sent flying across the stadium)
Silas: Satomb!!
(Silas’ Resonance Aura flares up Satomb blazes out of the bey, Satomb starts grinding on its driver)
Silas: Ultra Drift!!
(Satomb speeds up and slams into Vex Wyvron, Vex Wyvron bursts)
Oliver: *Gasps*
Raul: It’s Baleful Satomb with a burst finish! The winner is Silas Karsile!
Silas: I thought you were going to defeat me?
Oliver: Grr!!
(Oliver storms off)
Honcho: Nice going Silas!
Silas: Please, it wasn’t much!
Me (Thoughts): Baleful Satomb is a strong bey! I wonder how strong it is?
TechnoX Chapter 9
Beyblade Burst TechnoX
Chapter 9
The Victories Vs BC Sol!
~On The Way To The Meeting Room~
Me: I hope I get the chance to battle Dante Koryu and Delta Zakuro!
Aleph: Well, I’ll be happy if it’s you or me.
Me: Same bud.
(Me and Aleph fist bump, we open the doors into the Meeting Room and sit down)
Valt: Hey guys!
Me: Hey Valt!
Kris: Good evening everyone! Before we call it a day me and Raul have come up with the ultimate team to take The Victories down!
Raul: That’s right, hold onto your hats because this battle is going to be dozy!
Kris: Our lineup will be… Valt Aoi, Unova Bashida, and Aleph Murphy!
All: *Gasps*
Oliver: Objection!
Raul: You’ve gotta problem Oli boy?
Oliver: Unova joined one week ago and he gets to go up against The Victories? I won’t stand for this! They’re barely proper bladers and they’ve only won a couple of battles!
Kris: I’m sorry Oliver, but my decision is final! I believe Unova and Aleph have what it takes to defeat The Victories, end of discussion.
(Oliver storms off)
Me: The meeting isn’t over.
Oliver: It’s over for me!
(Oliver slams the door)
~Later That Evening~
(Kris has a flashback)
Oliver: It’s over for me!
(Oliver slams the door, Kris ends her flashback)
Raul: Something the matter?
Kris: Did I make the wrong choice?
Raul: Nah, that’s just Oli being Oli!
Kris: He seemed really mad.
Raul: Oli’s just a little sensitive that’s all, don’t worry about it!
Kris: I guess you’re right.
~In My Dorm~
Me: I can’t believe it, We got chosen to battle The Victories!
Aleph: Yeah, tomorrow is gonna be awesome!
Me: I kinda feel bad for Oliver though, it looked like he really wanted to battle.
Aleph: Oliver’s the worst, he drives everyone crazy in BC Sol! Raul said he’s just still fitting in, but he’s purely rude!
Me: I guess.
Aleph: Don’t worry about it, just focus on our match tomorrow.
Me: Ok.
~The Next Day~
Hanami: Hello everyone! Today I’ll be announcing a special match today, BC Sol Vs The Victories! This should be interesting!
Me: I’m so excited!
Aleph: This is going to be awesome!
Valt: Alright, I’ve gotta plan!
Me: What’s the plan?
Valt: Aleph will go out first then me and finally you Unova!
Me: Really?! Saving the best for last!
~Over In The Victories Corner~
Dante: Alright! I’m so excited to get out there and battle!
Arman: Of course you are!
Delta: So what’s our plan?
Arman: We’ve gotta just adjust to the situation we’re in no matter what! This is BC Sol, winning here won’t be easy!
Delta: You’re right, we’ve just gotta go all out.
Dante: We’re gonna rise up and win!
Hanami: Alright, now that our bladers have had some time to strategize let’s get right into this! Will BC Sol win or will the Victories prove they’ve got some tricks up their sleeve!
Valt: You’re going up Aleph, give it you’re all!
Aleph: You bet I will.
Hanami: So it looks like Game 1 will be… Aleph Murphy Vs Arman Kusaba!
(Aleph and Arman walk up to the stage)
Arman: I don’t care if you’ve got a Lightning Bey Or a DB Bey! We’ve studied both systems and you’re going down!
Aleph: Have you studied the TechnoX System?
(Aleph holds up his bey)
Arman/Dante/Delta: *Gasps*
Hanami: And there’s that famous TechnoX Bey! It’s been a while since I’ve seen one!
Arman (Thoughts): I haven’t heard of a TechnoX System! Oh well, I’ll just have to go in giving it everything I’ve got!
Anton: First battle!
Arman: TechnoX System or no, you’re still going down all the same!
Aleph: We’ll see about that!
Anton: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Aleph/Arman: Let it… rip!!
(Aleph pulls off a powerful TechnoX Launch, Arman pulls off a Lightning Launch)
Hanami: I’m seeing powerful Lightning Launches and Techno Launches!
Arman: Take the center, Ashindra!
Aleph: Already there!
Araman: What?!
(Aion takes the center and blocks all of Ashindra’s attacks)
Aleph: Eternal Spin!
(Aion absorbs all of Ashindra’s attacks and turns them into spin power)
Arman: Impossible!
Hanami: Aion is using Ashindra’s attacks to pick up more and more spin!
Aleph: Had enough yet?
Arman: I’m just getting started! Tower Counter!!
(Ashindra speeds up and slams into Aion, Aion spins even faster)
Dante: He even absorbed Tower Counter?!
Hanami: Awesome! Every time Ashindra attacks it’s just more power for Aion!
Aleph: Aion!
(Aleph’s Resonance Aura flares up Aion blazes out of the bey)
Aleph: Eternal Counter!
(Aion speeds up and slams into Ashindra, Ashindra bursts)
Arman: No way!
Anton: It’s Eternal Aion with a burst finish! The winner is Aleph Murphy!
Aleph: Wicked!
Me: Awesome!
Hanami: Aion counters at the last minute and bursts Ashindra! What an incredible victory!
Arman: Sorry about that.
Delta: It’s not your fault, we didn’t expect them to have an entirely new Beyblade System.
Dante: Looks like we’re going into a battle that we don’t know anything about.
Delta: Don’t worry, I’ll take them down in the next battle!
Dante: We know you will!
Aleph: So did I do great or what?
Me: You did awesome, You took down Ashindra like it was nothing!
Valt: You did great, now it’s my turn!
(Valt walks up to the stage)
Hanami: For Game 2, we’ve got our Wonder Boy Valt Aoi Vs Delta Zakuro! It’s student Vs Master I wonder who will win!
Delta: No matter what you throw at me, I’ll defeat it with Demise Devolos!
Valt: Saber Valktryek will burst you!
(Valt holds up his bey)
Anton: First battle!
Delta (Thoughts): Valt, I’ll defeat you and gain The Victories a point, no matter what!
Valt (Thoughts): This is going to be so fun, I’m battling Delta! But I won’t hold back!
Anton: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Valt/Delta: Let it… rip!!
(Delta pulls off a powerful Lightning Launch, Valt pulls of an explosive launch)
Valt: Rush Launch!
Delta: Demise Launch!
(Valtryek and Devolos hit each other with a barrage of attacks)
Hanami: They’ve just launched and we’re already getting some action!
Delta: Knock it out! Demise Smash!!
(Devolos picks up speed and heads toward Valtryek)
Hanami: Devolos just hit the gas!
Valt: Shot Upper!!
(Valtryek jumps and sends Devolos flying)
Hanami: Valtryek’s Shot Upper just countered Devolos’ Demise Smash!
Valt: Pick up some speed, partner!
(Valtryek catches onto the Dynamite Ramps and soars over Devolos)
Hanami: Valtryek is picking up some serious speed!
Delta: End this! Devolos!!
(Delta’s Resonance Aura flares up Devolos blazes out of the bey)
Valt: Not gonna lose! Valtryek!!
(Valt’s Resonance Aura flares up Valtryek blazes out of the bey)
Delta: Demise Upper!!
(Devolos picks up speed and heads straight for Valtryek)
Valt: Ultra Saber Whip!!
(Valtryek picks up speed, Devolos, and Valtryek slam into each other)
Hanami: Both attacks have landed!
(Valtryek and Devlos get shot up in the air, Devolos bursts)
Delta: *Gasps*
Anton: It’s Saber Valtryek with a burst finish! The winner is Valt Aoi!
Valt: Awesome!
Hanami: Valtryek’s valiant attack has just burst Devolos! BC Sol now leads with two games!
Me: Yes! We’re still in the game, and we’re going to win!
Delta: Grr!
(Delta walks away)
Dante: Delta, are you ok?
Delta: Yeah, but if we don’t win the next game, then it’s over.
Dante: Don’t worry, I’ll win the next match!
Arman: We’re counting on you.
Delta: Just, give it your all!
Dante: Try and stop me!
Me: I’m so ready to go out there!
Aleph: Just don’t break our lead!
Me: Trust me, I won’t!
(I walk up to the stage)
Hanami: For Game 3 we’ve got the Legendary Dragon Tamer! Dante Koryu Vs The New Blader On The Block! Unova Bashida!
Dante: Triumph Dragon is gonna take you down!
Me: In your dreams, I’m gonna win for BC Sol!
Anton: First battle!
Me (Thoughts): If I wanna beat Dante I’m gonna have to go all out! blowing everything up to smithereens!
Dante (Thoughts): I need to rise up and win for The Victories!
Anton: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Dante: Let it… rip!!
(Dante pulls off a strong Lightning Launch, I pull off a powerful Techno Launch)
Hanami: Strong launches right out of the gate!
Me: Start things off with Techno Launch!!
Dante: Dragon Launch!
(Dragon and Ultravor hit each other with a barrage of attacks)
Hanami: Both beys are going out with an all-out assault!
Dante: Go Dragon!
(Dragon starts picking up speed and races around the stadium)
Me: Chase it!
(Ultravor follows Dragon)
Hanami: It’s a game of tag! Ultravor tries to knock Dragon out, but it’s going too fast!
Dante: Counterattack! Winged Recoil!!
(Dragon slams into the wall and rebounds off, Dragon sends Ultravor flying out of the stadium)
Me: *Gasps*
Anton: Its Triumph Dragon with a ring-out finish! Dante Koryu claims 1 point!
Hanami: Incredible! Dragon’s done running and pushes Ultravor right on the playground floor!
Dante: That’s the power of Triumph Dragon!
Me (Thoughts): I know we can dish out more power than this, I’ve just gotta concentrate!
(My Resonance Aura flares up)
Dante (Thoughts): If I lose here it’s over, I can’t let my team down!
(Dante’s Resonance Aura flares up)
Hanami: Both Bladers are serious about winning, let’s see which one of them can make it to the top.
Anton: Second battle!
Dante: Let’s go Dragon!
Dragon: We’re going to rise!
Me: Ultravor, I’ve got this!
Ultravor: I’ve got your back all the way!
Anton: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Dante: Let it… rip!!
(I pull off a powerful Techno Launch, Dante pulls off a powerful Lightning Launch)
Dante: Go Dragon!
(Dragon speeds up and slams into Ultravor, Ultravor gets sent flying)
Me: *Gasps*
Hanami: Ultravor gets sent sky-high from a heavy attack!
Dante: Yes!
Me: Nail the landing!
(Ultravor hits the wall and speeds up)
Me: Nice! Techno Strike!
(Ultravor picks up speed and slams into Dragon sending it flying across the stadium)
Dante: *Gasps*
Hanami: Ultravor has counterattacked!
Dante: Time to rise!
(Dragon climbs up the Dynamite Ramps, Dragon picks up speed and heads towards Ultravor)
Dante: Extreme Recoil!
(Dragon slams into Ultravor with its bound blades, Dragon’s bound blades locked out in place)
Me: I’m not gonna lose! Ultravor!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up Ultravor blazes out of the bey)
Dante: I’m gonna win! Dragon!!
(Dante’s Resonance Aura flares up Dragon blazes out of the bey)
Dante: Triumph Break!!
Me: Techno Discharge!!
(Dragon and Ultravor slams into each other, a huge explosion happens blowing smoke in all directions)
All: *Gasps*
(Dragon soars over Dante, Dragon bursts)
Dante: *Gasps*
Anton: It’s Techno Ultravor with a burst finish! The winner is Unova Bashida! With a score of three games to zero, the winner is BC Sol!
(Kris gets up and starts clapping)
Hanami: WHen the odds were stacked against Unova, he made an epic comeback and won the battle!
Me: I did it!
Dante: No!
Delta: It’s all good Dante.
Dante: Really?
Arman: They may have beaten us today but tomorrow is another day!
Delta: And we’re going to come back stronger!
Dante: You bet we are!
(Dante, Delta, and Arman walk away)
~1 Hour Later In The Meeting Room~
Kris: Well done Aleph Unova and Valt! Your match today wasn’t even close!
Me: Well, it was nothing.
Aleph: Yeah, all we did was give it our all!
Kris: I’m very impressed, keep this up and you’ll get on the top team in no time!
Me/Aleph: Awesome!
Valt: It would be interesting to have them on the top team.
Kris: I can see them getting on!
TechnoX Chapter 10
Beyblade Burst TechnoX
Chapter 10
Never-Ending Rivalry!
Me: End it, Techno Counter!
(Ultravor leans on its driver and speeds up, Ultravor slams into Aion and sends it flying out of the stadium)
Aleph: *Gasps*
Anton: It’s Techno Ultravor, with a ring-out finish! Unova wins!
Aleph: Nice one!
Me: Thanks.
Aleph: Wanna call it a day?
Me: Nah, I’ve gotta get stronger, I just really wanna get strong enough to beat Valt!
Aleph: Alright, let’s get training!
~Deep In The Forest~
Valt: Go, Shoot!
(Valt pulls off an explosive shoot)
Valt: Go, Valkyrie!
(Valkyrie hits the wall and bounces into the sky, Valkyrie goes flying)
Valt: *Gasps* Valkyrie!
(Someone catches Valkyrie)
Free: Hard at work, huh?
Valt: Yeah, I wanna get way stronger, like stronger than everyone!
Free: *Chuckles* You're gonna have to beat me if you wanna be the strongest.
Valt: Then let’s battle, I’ll show you how much stronger I’ve gotten!
Free: I’d like to see!
Valt: Ready?
Free/Valt: 3! 2! 1! Go, Shoot!!
(Free pulls off a Techno Shoot, Valt pulls off an explosive Shoot)
~That Night In BC Sol’s Gym~
(I sit down on the bleachers, Valt sits next to me)
Valt: Shouldn’t you be asleep?
Me: I could say the same thing to you.
Valt: *Laughs* I guess you're right! What’s on your mind?
Me: I’ve been training… to beat you.
Valt: Really? I’ve been training just for fun!
Me: For fun?
Valt: Yeah, getting to know Valkyrie, and having fun while I’m Blading!
Me: That’s awesome, I wanna practice now!
Valt: I’ll practice with you!
Me: That would be--
(I fall asleep)
Valt: *Gasps* Well, looks like he was tired! I guess I should go to bed.
~The Next Morning~
(I walk up with a blanket on me)
Me: Oh man, looks like I fell asleep.
(Aleph runs up to me)
Aleph: There you are! I was looking everywhere for you!
Me: Sorry about that! I was talking to Valt and fell asleep!
Aleph: Why would Valt be up that late?
Me: He said he was training.
Aleph: That sounds like Valt.
(Valt walks up to us)
Me: Hi, Valt!
Valt: Hi Unova! I talked to Kris and she said we can battle, in front of everyone!
Aleph/Me: Seriously?!
Valt: Yeah, first thing after breakfast!
Aleph: Breakfast?! We’re going to be late, come on!
(Aleph grabs me by the arm and runs off with me)
Me: Catch you later, Valt!
~In The Cafeteria~
(Everyone looks at me)
Me: Didn’t anyone tell them it’s rude to stare at someone when they’re eating?
Aleph: Yeah, I dunno what their problem is.
(Oliver walks up to us slamming his hand on the table)
Oliver: We’d like an explanation!
Me: Excuse me?
Oliver: Don’t act like you don’t know!
Aleph: Oliver, back--
Oliver: Can it! I’m talking to Unova!
Me: I seriously don’t know what you're talking about.
Oliver: You get to battle Valt, we’ve worked hard too, why don’t we get to battle him too!
Me: He asked me, I don’t know why, but he asked me!
Oliver: You’re just a nobody who just joined, this is so unfair!
Ange: Oliver Agawa, stop it now!
Oliver: Ange, you’ve gotta back me up, it’s unfair!
Ange: Valt has his reasons for who he battles and why, he knows what he’s doing!
Oliver: Grr!!
(Oliver storms off)
Ange: Unova, I’m sorry about him. He can get really riled up sometimes!
Me: It’s good, I just don’t know what his problem is!
Aleph: Unova, your match with Valt is about to start!
Me: You’re right, it’s time to get ready!
~In BC Sol’s Main Gym~
Brandon: Hello everyone! I’m BC Sol’s new announcer, Branden! Anyways, we’ve got a match with the new Shining Star Of BC Sol! Unova Bashida!
(I run out to the stage)
Me: Hey everyone!
Brandon: And we’ve got BC Sol’s Defender! Valt Aoi!
(Valt walks up to the stage)
Valt: We’re gonna give you the match of your life!
Brandon: Both of our Bladers are fired up and ready! So let’s get right into this!
Anton: First battle!
Me: Savior Valkyrie's going down!
Valt: Trust me, I’ll be showing you our true power in this match!
Anton: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Valt: Go, Shoot!!
(I pull off a Techno shoot, Valt pulls off an explosive shoot)
Brandon: Two strong shoots right out the gate!
Valt: Rush Shoot!
Me: Techno Shoot!
(Valkyrie and Ultravor hit each other with a powerful flurry of attacks)
Brandon: Valkyrie and Ultravor hit each other with an onslaught of powerful blows!
Valt: Bound Savior!
(Valkyrie slams into Ultravor with its bound blade, Ultravor gets sent flying)
Me: Come on, hang in there!
(Ultravor slams into the wall and picks up speed)
Brandon: Ultravor survives a deadly attack that could’ve cost it the match!
Me: Techno Bomb!
(Ultravor speeds up and slams into Valkyrie, Valkyrie gets sent flying across the stadium)
Valt: *Gasps*
Brandon: Ultravor attacks Valkyrie with all its might and sends it flying!!
Me: Techno Strike!
(Ultravor leans on its driver and picks up speed, Ultravor heads straight for Valkyrie)
Valt: Shot Driver!
(Valkyrie jumps over Ultravor)
Brandon: Valkyrie just dodged a huge attack!
Me: I knew you’d do that!
Valt: *Gasps*
Me: Now!
(Ultravor picks up speed on the Dynamite ramps)
Valt: I’ll do that too!
(Valkyrie picks up speed on the Dynamite ramp)
Brandon: Looks like Ultravor and Valkyrie have both picked up some serious speed!
Valt: Valkyrie!!
(Valt’s Resonance Aura flares up Valkyrie blazes out of the bey)
Me: Ultravor!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up Ultravor blazes out of the bey)
Valt: True Savior Slash!!
Me: Techno Discharge!
(Ultravor and Valkyrie start clashing wildly, a huge explosion ouccers blowing smoke in all directions)
All (Except Me and Valt): Ah!!
(Valkyrie gets blown high up in the air and bursts)
Valt: *Gasps*
Me: What the-- Yes!
Anton: It’s Techno Ultravor with a burst finish! The winner is Unova Bashida!
(The whole club goes quiet)
Brandon: Our New Shining Star has just beat BC Sol’s Defender!
Aleph: He did it, yes!
(The whole club starts cheering)
Valt: Good game, that was seriously fun!
Me: It really was!
Kris: Attention please, everyone!
All: *Gasps*
Kris: After watching this incredible battle, I’ve decided something. Aleph Murphy and Unova Bashida are on the top team!
Me/Aleph: *Gasps*
Valt: You deserved it, but that’s not all, there’s another class called Legends, you need to be super strong to get there!
Me: I’ll get there, with Ultravor!
Ultravor: That’s right!
TechnoX Chapter 11
Beyblade Burst TechnoX
Chapter 11
Unbreakable Spirit! Bold Valkyrie!!
Aleph: How did you burst Valkyrie? I really need to know!
Me: Um, well, I didn’t really think.
Aleph: You beat Valt without even thinking?!
Me: I trusted Ultravor and went in with full force, that’s how I Blade!
Aleph: So awesome! Thanks to you, we’re on the top team now!
Me: It was nothing, I just went in giving it my all!
(Oliver walks up to us)
Aleph: Ugh, what do you want, Oli?
Oliver: That match with Valt was a complete fluke, I bet you couldn’t do it again!
Me: Yeah, it’s totally a fluke to win against the world’s top blader.
Oliver: Grr! I’m the only one allowed to beat Valt!!
Aleph: In your dreams.
(Oliver storms off)
Oliver: I’ll prove to all of them how strong I really am, I’m going to crush Savior Valkyrie!!
~In BC Sol’s Main Gym~
Valt: Go, Shoot!
(Valt pulls off an explosive shoot)
Valt: Rush Shoot, partner!
(Valkyrie travels around the stadium at high speeds in a rush)
???: Go, Shoot!
(??? Pulls off a Techno Launch)
Valt: So, you’re here, Honcho!
Honcho: I was looking for a good challenge! Take the center, Ragnaruk!
Valt: Again, Rush Shoot!
Honcho: Blazing Whirlwind!
(Valkyrie gets sucked up in Ragnaruk’s tornado, Valkyrie gets sent flying)
Valt: I’m not gonna lose, Honcho!
(Valkyrie speeds up on the Dynamite ramp and heads toward Ragnaruk)
Valt: Shot Upper!!
(Valkyrie jumps right under Ragnaruk and knocks it out)
Honcho: Looks like you got one point, but that’ll be your last point!
Valt: We’ll see about that!
Valt/Honcho: 3! 2! 1! Go, Shoot!
(Valt pulls off an explosive shoot, Honcho pulls off a Techno Shoot)
Valt: Go, Valkyrie! Rush Shoot!
(Valkyrie hits Ragnaruk with a powerful flurry of attacks)
Honcho: *Gasps*
Valt: Shot Drop!!
(Valkyrie jumps up and slams down on Ragnaruk, Ragnaruk starts wobbling)
Honcho: Blazing Whirlwind!
(Ragnaruk creates a huge tornado)
Valt: Ah! Valkyrie!!
(Valt’s Resonance Aura flares up Valkyrie blazes out of the bey)
Valt: Bound Savior!
Honcho: Ragnaruk!!
(Honcho’s Resonance Aura flares up Ragnaruk blazes out of the bey)
Honcho: Deluge Counter!
(Valkyrie picks up speed on the Dynamite ramp and slams into Ragnaruk, Ragnaruk goes up the stadium slope and comes crashing back down)
Valt: I knew it! True Savior Slash!!
(Valkyrie climbs up the Dynamite ramps and slams into Ragnaruk, Ragnaruk gets shot out of the stadium)
Honcho: *Gasps*
Valt: Looks like Me and Valkyrie win this time!
Honcho: So, Unova could beat you but not Me, eh?
Valt: I guess, he’s a strong kid so I can’t say I’m surprised!
Honcho: Don’t you know why he beat you?
Valt: What do you mean?
Honcho: The Techno System is the strongest system out there, Unova created it, he knows its advantages and disadvantages!
Valt: I guess you're right, Unova’s one of the strongest Bladers here, I’m going to have to keep up with him!
(Valt runs off)
Honcho: Where do you think you're going?!
Valt: I’ll be back!
Honcho: Man, if I had a dollar for every time he ditched me like that.
~In BC Sol’s Workroom~
Valt: Valkyrie, I think it’s time to evolve again! What do you say?
(Valkyrie glimmers in the light)
Valt: Awesome! Let’s do this!!
(Valt starts working on Valkyrie)
~In BC Sol’s Main Gym~
Me/Aleph: Go, Shoot!
(Me and Aleph pull off powerful Techno Shoots)
Me: Techno Shoot!
Aleph: Eternal Spin!
(Ultravor hits Aion with a powerful flurry of attacks)
Me: Techno Counter!
(Ultravor leans on its driver and picks up speed, Ultravor and Aion start clashing)
Me/Aleph: Knock ‘em out!
(Ultravor and Aion start wobbling)
Aleph: Ha! You can’t out-spin a stamina type!
Me: We’ll see about that!!
(My Resonance Aura flames up fast and furiously)
Free: *Gasps*
(Free’s Resonance Aura flares up)
Aleph: Keep hanging in there!
(Aion and Ultravor stop spinning at the exact same time)
Me/Aleph: *Gasps*
Me: Um, who won?
Free: It was a draw.
Aleph: *Gasps*
Me: Free?
Free: I watched your battle, pretty impressive. Do you wanna battle?
Aleph: Seriously?!
Me: I’ll battle you and win!
Aleph: I guess I’ll be the referee. First battle!
Free: You're an interesting kid, but can you make this battle fun?
Me: Of course this’ll be fun, I’m one of the strongest Bladers here!
Free: Let’s see if your theory will hold up after this battle!
Aleph: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Free: Go, Shoot!
(Me and Free pull off powerful Techno Shoots)
Me: Techno Shoot!
Free: Phantom Spin!
(Ultravor hits Fafnir with a powerful barrage of attacks, Fafnir absorbs every attack)
Aleph (Thoughts): Fafnir’s gaining power from each blow, how will Unova make a clean hit?
Me: Go, Ultravor!
(Ultravor speeds up the Dynamite ramp and comes crashing down)
Me: Techno Strike!
(Ultravor slams into Fafnir and sends it flying)
Free: Fafnir!
(Free’s Resonance Aura flares up Fafnir blazes out of the bey)
Me: I’m gonna win! Ultravor!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up Ultravor blazes out of the bey)
Me: Techno Bomb!
Free: Phantom Claw!
(Fafnir and Ultravor start clashing wildly sending a surge of power out of the stadium)
Me: I’m not gonna lose! Techno Counter!!
(Ultravor leans on its driver and speeds up the Dynamite ramps, Ultravor slams into Fafnir and sends it flying into the air)
Free: We’re not done yet!
(Fafnir lands hard on the stadium floor, its driver sinks in a picks up speed)
Free: Rivet Break!!
(Fafnir slams into Ultravor and sends it flying into the wall, Ultravor bursts)
Me: *Gasps*
Aleph: It’s Phantom Fafnir with a burst finish! Free is the winner!
Me: But how?!
Free: That was fun, thanks for the wicked battle.
(Free walks away)
Aleph: It’s ok, you’ll get ‘em next time.
~In BC Sol’s Workroom~
Valt: It’s done! Bold Valkyrie!!
(Valt holds up his bey)
Valt: It’s time to challenge Unova to a rematch!
(Valt runs off)
~In BC Sol’s Main Gym~
(Valt bursts through the door)
All: *Gasps*
Valt: Unova!
(Valt runs up to me)
Me: Um, hey Valt.
Valt: Do you wanna battle?!
Aleph: Again?
Valt: Yeah, Bold Valkyrie wants a rematch!
(Valt holds up Bold Valkyrie)
Me: Woah, you made a Techno Bey?!
Valt: You’ve got that right, now I’m itching to battle!
Me: Alright, you’ve got yourself a--
Oliver: He’ll be battling me!
Aleph: Oliver--
Oliver: I don’t need your sass! Valt is battling me, end of discussion!
Valt: Alright, I’ll battle you!
Raul: Somethin going on here?
Me: Ah! How and when did you get here?
Raul: I’m the trainer! I’m always around, lurking.
Aleph/Me: *Gasps*
Raul: Inspect your opponent’s bey!
Oliver (Thoughts): Bold Valkyrie, a Clockwise spinning attack type! It has metal and rubber, the perfect combination for attacking and bursting your opponent’s bey! On the main rubber contact points, there's this small rubber piece, when you burn it down it turns the rubber contact point into a sharp rubber attack! The driver Valiant has rubber on it and it can sink and pick up speed, it also has these thin rubber tabs that can burn and go faster! Valt Aoi, I’ll destroy you in this match!
Raul: First battle!
Oliver: Variant Wyvern is going to beat you!
Valt: Bold Valkyrie is unbeatable!
Raul: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Valt/Oliver: Go, Shoot!
(Oliver pulls off a Lightning Launch, Valt pulls off a powerful Techno Launch)
Valt: Go, Valkyrie!
(Valkyrie climbs up the Dynamite ramps with speed)
Valt: Rush Shoot!
(Valkyrie crashes down the Dynamite ramp and slams into Valiant Wyvern, Valiant Wyvern bursts)
Oliver: *Gasps*
Raul: It’s Bold Valkyrie with a burst finish! The winner is Valt!
All: *Gasps*
Valt: Nice job, Valkyrie!
Me (Thoughts): Bold Valkyrie just knocked Oliver’s bey out in one hit!
Oliver: How did--
Valt: Good game! *Smiles*
(Oliver slaps Valt’s hand away and storms off)
Me: What’s your problem?! He was congratulating you!
Oliver: I don’t need his pity!!
All: *Gasps*
Raul: I smell a train wreck.
TechnoX Chapter 12
Beyblade Burst TechnoX
Chapter 12
The Legendary Tag Duos!
Valt: The strongest Techno Bey, Bold Valkyrie!!
Me: Strongest? I don’t think so, that title belongs to Ultravor!
Aleph: Why don’t you guys battle?
Valt/Me: With pleasure!
Raul: First battle!
Me: I’ve beaten you before, I’ll do it again!
Valt: I’d like to see you try, Valkyrie’s the strongest Bey in the world!
Raul: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Valt: Go, Shoot!
(I pull off a Techno Shoot, Valt pulls off a powerful Techno Shoot)
Valt: Rush Shoot!
Me: Techno Shoot!
(Ultravor and Valkyrie hit each other with a powerful barrage of attacks, Valkyrie sends Ultravor flying)
Me: *Gasps*
Raul (Thoughts): Valkyrie’s overpowering Ultravor, this isn’t good.
(Ultravor lands on the Dynamite ramp, Valkyrie speeds up the Dynamite ramps)
Valt: Go!
(Valkyrie slams into Ultravor on the Dynamite ramp, Ultravor gets sent flying in the air)
Me: Hang in there!
Valt: Valkyrie!!
(Valt’s Resonance Aura flares up Valkyrie blazes out of The Bey)
Me: Ultravor!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up Ultravor blazes out of the Bey)
Me: Techno Discharge!!
Valt: Go, Bold Scimitar!!
(Valkyrie and Ultravor slam into each other, A huge explosion happens, a blue light slashes at Ultravor, Ultravor gets shot up in the air and bursts)
Me: *Gasps*
Raul: It’s Bold Valkyrie with a burst finish! Valt is the winner!
Aleph: That last move, it was so powerful.
Valt: Valkyrie’s power has gone beyond any other Bey’s power!
(I fall to my knees in shock)
Aleph: Are you ok?
Me: That… that attack.
(I pick up Ultravor’s parts and run away)
Aleph: Unova!
Raul: Hold on a second.
Aleph: *Gasps*
Raul: He needs to figure this out on his own, if he doesn't, he’ll never get stronger.
Aleph: Right!
~In BC Sol’s Basement~
Honcho/Silas: Go, Shoot!
(Honcho and Silas pulls off a powerful Techno Shoots)
Honcho: Take the center, Ragnaruk!!
(Ragnaruk takes the center)
Silas: Knock it outta there, Satomb!
(Satomb hits Ragnaruk with a powerful barrage of attacks, Ragnaruk holds down the center)
Honcho: Blazing Whirlwind!
(Ragnaruk creates an enormous tornado)
Silas: *Gasps*
Honcho: Show ‘em everything you’ve got!
(Satomb gets sucked in the tornado and gets flung out of the stadium)
Silas: Nice move.
Honcho: Thanks, it’s nice to get some quiet training here! Did you hear about Valt’s new Techno Bey?
Silas: He seriously made one?
Honcho: Yeah, he beat Unova in a couple of blows.
Silas: Man, now I wanna crush him!
Honcho: Same, how about we do a Tag Battle?
Silas: Sounds good to me, I get to crush both of you at the same time!
Honcho: I’ll get Free and convince Kris to let us do this!
~In The Middle Of The Forest~
Me: Go, Shoot!
(I pull off a powerful Techno Shoot)
Me: Bold Scimitar, huh?
(Ultravor glows brightly pulling me into a white void)
Ultravor: Are you mad about your loss?
Me: Yeah, Valt’s so powerful it’s frustrating!
Ultravor: Then we need to get so strong it’s frustrating to everyone else!
Me: But, Valt’s way above my level.
Ultravor: No matter how strong he is, we can get stronger, and eventually, we’ll surpass Valt Aoi and Valkyrie!
Me: Got it, I’ll become super strong!
(Ultravor nods his head as I get pulled out of the white void, Aleph runs up to me)
Aleph: There you are, Honcho, Valt, Silas, and Free are having a Tag Battle!
Me: Are you serious?!
Aleph: Yeah, we’ve gotta--
(I grab Aleph by the arm and run off with him)
Me: What’re we waiting for?!
~At BC Sol’s Main Gym~
Brandon: Hello Bladers! Today, Kris has organized an awesome Tag Battle! It’s going to be amazing, awesome, and incredible all rolled up in a ball! So, why don’t we start this match already!
(Valt, Honcho, Free, and Silas walk up to the stadium)
Silas: Me and Free are winning this thing!
Valt: Nah, me and Honcho got this match in the bag!
Anton: First battle!
Valt: Don’t hold back you two!
Silas: Trust me, we won’t!
Anton: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Silas/Free/Honcho/Valt: Go, Shoot!
(Silas, Free, Honcho, and Valt pull off powerful Techno Shoots)
Brandon: Powerful Techno Shoots from all corners!
Honcho: Take the center, Ragnaruk!
Free: I don’t think so.
(Fafnir and Ragnaruk start clashing in the center)
Silas: Guess I should help out!
Valt: Not gonna happen!
(Satomb tries slamming into Ragnaruk but Valkyrie hits it away)
Brandon: Valkyrie stops an attack the could’ve been fatal to Ragnaruk!
Valt: Let’s settle this, you and me!
Silas: With pleasure!
(Satomb and Valkyrie hit each other with a barrage of attacks)
Brandon: Satomb and Valkyrie hit each other with a powerful barrage of attacks!
Honcho: Knock it outta there! Ragnaruk!!
(Honcho’s Resonance Aura flares up Ragnaruk blazes out of the Bey)
Honcho: Blazing Whirlwind!
(Ragnaruk creates a huge tornado and sends Fafnir flying)
Brandon: Fafnir’s been sent flying!
Free: Now, Silas!
Silas: Got it!
(Satomb leans on its driver and speeds up, Satomb slams Fafnir into Ragnaruk, Ragnaruk and Fafnir starts wobbling)
Honcho: Keep spinning, buddy!
Free: Fafnir, end this!
(Fafnir and Ragnaruk stop spinning at the exact same time)
Honcho/Free: *Gasps*
Brandon: Ragnaruk and Fafnir are out of juice!
Valt: It’s you and me, SIias!
Silas: I’m taking you down, Ultra Drift!!
(Satomb leans on its driver and speeds up)
Valt: Rush Shoot!
(Valkyrie speeds up and slams into Satomb, Satomb and Valkyrie get sent flying across the stadium)
Valt: Valkyrie!!
(Valt’s Resonance Aura flares up Valkyrie blazes out of the Bey)
Silas: *Gasps*
Valt: Hit it! Bold Scimitar!!
(Valkyrie hits Satomb continuously with powerful blows)
Brandon: Satomb’s barely hanging in there from all Valkyrie’s strong attacks!
Silas: Satomb!!
(Silas roars as Satomb blazes out of the Bey and his Resonance Aura flares up)
Silas: One more time, Ultra Drift!!
(Satomb and Valkyrie slam into each other and start wobbling)
Valt/Silas: *Gasps*
Brandon: Satomb and Valkyrie are on their last legs!
Silas: Hang in there!
(Right before Valkyrie stops spinning Satomb bursts)
Silas: *Gasps*
Anton: Burster Ragnaruk and Bold Valkyrie are the winners!
Brandon: Looks like Satomb has succumbed to Valkyrie’s powerful blows!
Silas: Grr!!
Valt: That was fun, we’ve gotta do that again!
(Silas walks away)
Me: So, that’s… how Legends battle.
TechnoX Chapter 13
Beyblade Burst TechnoX
Chapter 13
The Corrupt Valkyrie!
Me: Go, Shoot!
(I pull off a powerful Techno Shoots)
Me: Go, Ultravor!
(Ultravor speeds up around the stadium)
Raul: Looks like that Tag Battle lit a fire in you!
Aleph: It really did, he wants to get as powerful as the Legends themselves!
Raul: Well, you better get training! Cause you’ve got a long way to go!
Me: I know, but, I’ll get there sooner or later!!
Oliver: You really think you’re worthy of becoming a Legend?!
(Oliver walks over to us)
Aleph: He does, so what?
Oliver: Someone like you could never become a Legendary Blader!
Raul: Some said that about Valt, and look where he is now.
Oliver: I was talking about Unova!
Me: If you really think those things are true, then why don’t you battle me?
Oliver: With pleasure, I’ll put you in your place!
Raul: Well then boys, First battle!
Me: I’m taking you down with style!
Oliver: Like I’d lose to someone like you!
Raul: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Oliver: Go, Shoot!
(I pull off a powerful Techno Shoot, Oliver pulls off a Sparking Shoot)
Me: Techno Shoot!
(Ultravor hits Valiant Wyvern with a powerful barrage of attacks)
Oliver: Hang in there, Valiant Wyvern!
Me: Keep going!
(Valiant Wyvern starts wobbling with each powerful hit from Ultravor)
Oliver: *Gasps*
Me: Ultravor!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up Ultravor blazes out of the Bey)
Me: Techno Discharge!!
(Ultravor slams into Valiant Wyvern, Valiant Wyvern bursts)
Oliver: No way!
Raul: It’s Techno Ultravor with a Burst Finish! Unova Bashida is the winner!
Me: Yeah, that’s the stuff!
Oliver: You must’ve cheated, there’s no way you beat me fair and square!!
Aleph: Oliver, he played fair, so stop being a little kid and accept that you lost!
Oliver: Never! There’s no way he beat me!!
(Oliver runs off)
Me: I kinda feel bad.
Aleph: He’s just being Oliver, he can’t accept a loss without completely losing it!
Me: He’s strong, he just needs to find a way to harness that power.
Raul: Exactly, everyone’s strong! They just need to find out how to harness that power… Even you!
Me: I know, I really wanna become strong, but I don’t know-how.
Raul: Your goal right now is to find out how to become stronger and harness all of your power!
Me: Got it!
Aleph: I’ll--
Raul: You’ll go back to training, Unova’s smart and strong, he’ll figure out a way to become stronger!
Aleph: Alright.
~In My Dorm~
Me: Ultravor, how can we become stronger?
(I get pulled into a white void)
Ultravor: You want us to become stronger?
Me: Stronger than everyone at BC Sol!
Ultravor: We can evolve!
Me: *Gasps*
Ultravor: We can evolve past our limits, becoming the strongest team in the world!
Me: You’ve got it, I’ve got a great idea!
(I get pulled out of the white void)
Me: Time to--
(Raul knocks on my door then walks in with a huge printer and computer)
Me: Woah, what’s the for?
(Raul places the machines on my table)
Raul: I know how much you like creating stuff, so I got this for you, and let me guess, you're planning on upgrading your Bey?
Me: Yeah, how did you--
Raul: Sixth sense, have fun!
Me: Thanks for the stuff!
(Raul walks out of my dorm)
Me (Thoughts): Alright, Ultravor’s attack power is high, but it lacks a good strong defense, so, I’ll create a Defensive Blade for Ultravor! Then, I’ll add an Gear piece on the bottom so I can switch from five-blade to ten-blade! Ultravor’s about to become super strong!!
~In The Workroom~
(Oliver smashes his Bey with a huge hammer)
Oliver: I’ll create a stronger Bey, stronger than any other Bey!
(Oliver has a flashback)
Valt: Rush Shoot!
(Valkyrie slams into Valiant Wyvern, Valiant Wyvern Bursts)
Oliver: *Gasps*
Valt: Yes!
(Oliver ends his flashback)
Oliver: Valkyrie has more power than that, Valt can’t bring it out so I will!
(Oliver starts working on his Bey)
~1 And A Half Hour Later~
Me: It’s done! Ultravor’s second layer is finished! Glaze Ultravor is ready for action!!
(Glaze Ultravor glimmers in the light)
~In The Workroom~
Oliver: It’s done! The dark and true version of Bold Valkyrie!!
(Oliver holds up his Valkyrie)
~In BC Sol’s Main Gym~
(I run inside)
Me: I upgraded Ultravor!
Raul: You did a nice job!
Aleph: So, who are you going to test it out on?
Me: Yo, Honcho!
(Honcho walks up to us)
Honcho: Hey little bud! What’s up?
Me: I upgraded Ultravor, do you wanna battle me?!
Honcho: Sure, bring it on!
Raul: Alright, Inspect your opponent’s Bey!
Honcho (Thoughts): Glaze Ultravor, a clockwise spinning Attack Type! It has 5 big blades that can be used to block attacks, it also has a Gear on the bottom so it can switch from Five-Blade Mode to Ten-Blade Mode! This should be interesting!
Raul: First battle!
Me: I’m going to win this thing!
Honcho: I’d like to see you try!
Raul: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Honcho: Go, Shoot!
(Me and Honcho pull off powerful Techno Shoots)
Me: Go, Ultravor!
(Ultravor speeds up and slams into Ragnaruk, Ragnaruk gets sent flying)
Honcho: *Gasps*
Me: How’s that?
Honcho: Send ‘em flying! Blazing Whirlwind!!
(Ragnaruk creates a huge tornado and takes the center)
Me: Techno Shoot!
(Ultravor hits Ragnaruk with a powerful barrage of attacks)
Honcho: Deluge Counter!
(Ragnaruk speeds up and slams into Ultravor, Ultravor blocks the attack)
All: *Gasps*
Raul: It has a powerful defense!
Me: Ultravor!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up Ultravor blazes out of the Bey)
Me: Glaze Crash!
(Ultravor slams into Ragnaruk, Ragnaruk bursts)
Honcho: *Gasps*
Raul: It’s Glaze Ultravor with a Burst Finish! Unova is the winner!!
Me: Second win today! Aw yeah!!
Honcho: I’ve gotta admit, that move was awesome!
Me: Thanks, I upgraded Ultravor so I could become stronger, now, I’ll be able to beat Valt!
Raul: You’ve gotten stronger, but not strong enough to defeat Valt, keep training and you’ll get there one day!
Me: Don’t worry, we’ll never stop getting stronger!
TechnoX Chapter 14
Beyblade Burst TechnoX
Chapter 14
Ultimate Guardian, Sentry Heimdall!
Me: That battle was so much fun!
Aleph: Yeah, you were really good!
(Oliver bumps into Aleph)
Aleph: Yo, what’s your issue?!
(Oliver glares at Aleph, his eyes glimmer purple)
Aleph: *Gasps*
Me: Yo, what’s going on?
Aleph: He’s always been a jerk, but something’s off about him!
Me: What do you mean?
Aleph: I’m pretty sure we’ll find out sooner or later.
Speaker: Attention Bladers, we have a new Blader joining the team! Please join us in the Main Gym!
Me: Someone’s joining the team?!
Aleph: Yeah, when you came and joined we got the same announcement! Anyways, we should probably get going!
~In BC Sol’s Main Gym~
???: Go!
(Dynamite Ifrit bursts Glide Uranus)
Anton: Not again!
???: Alright!
Raul: Impressive win, You’re getting stronger!
???: Thanks, I’m going to become the strongest Blader here!
(Me and Aleph run over to ??? and Raul)
Me: Hey, Raul! Who’s the new Blader?
Raul: This is Hinote Miziuki!
Hinote: What’s up?
Aleph: Nothing much.
Me: Hi, Hinote! I’m Unova Bashida, do you wanna battle me?!
Oliver: I’ll be battling him.
All: *Gasps*
Oliver: There will be an assembly for the new Blader and he will battle a randomly chosen Blader, Kris chose me so I’ll be battling him!
Aleph: Grr!!
Raul: He is correct.
Me: Go give it your all, Oliver!
Oliver: Like I needed you to tell me that!
Me: *Gasps*
Raul: Now Oliver--
Oliver: I’ve got training to do.
(Oliver walks away)
Hinote: What’s his problem?
Aleph: He’s a jerk, but never to this degree.
Raul: I’ve got to agree with you there.
~10 Minutes Later~
Brandon: Hello Bladers and BC Sol Members! Today, we’ll be having a match that’s cool to the bone! It’s our New Member! Hinote Miziuki!!
(Hinote walks out to the stage)
Brandon: We’ve also got one of our rising stars! Oliver Agawa!!
(Oliver walks out to the stage)
Brandon: Both our Bladers are ready to rumble! So, let’s start this clash of titans!
Anton: First battle!
Hinote: I don’t know much about you, but you’re going down!
Oliver: I’ll crush your Bey with Bold Valkyrie!!
All: *Gasps*
Hinote: I’ve never seen a Bey like that, but isn’t Valkyrie Valt’s Bey!
Oliver: This is the better version!
Me: He made a new Bold Valkyrie!
Honcho: “Better Version?” What’s he talking about?! Valt’s the true Blader for Valkyrie no doubt about it!
Silas: Yeah, this Valt wannabe is gonna get crushed eventually!
Aleph: Dang, Oliver’s nuts!
Valt (Thoughts): “The Better Version?” He won’t be able to connect with Valkyrie’s true feelings… Ever.
Anton: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Oliver/Hinote: Go, Shoot!
(Oliver pulls off a powerful Techno Shoot, Hinote pulls off an explosive Shoot)
Hinote: Go!
(Dynamite Ifrit speeds up and heads for Valkyrie)
Oliver: Rush Shoot!
(Valkyrie speeds up and hits Dynamite Ifrit with a powerful barrage of attacks)
Hinote: I won’t lose to someone like you!
(Dynamite Ifrit leans on its driver and speeds up, Dynamite Ifrit speeds up and slams into Valkyrie)
Oliver: Bold Scimitar!!
(Valkyrie slashes at Dynamite Ifrit causing it to start wobbling)
All: *Gasps*
Honcho: You’ve gotta admit, that move was powerful!
Me: You’re right, it’s just like--
Valt: My training style.
Me: Yeah.
Valt: He’s been copying everything I’ve been doing lately and that’s probably why he was able to pull off a powerful move like mine!
Aleph: Copycat!
Hinote: Hang in there, Dynamite Ifrit!
Oliver: It’s time I broke that Bey!
All: *Gasps*
Oliver: Scimitar Crush!!
(Valkyrie pushes Dynamite Ifrit into the wall and starts crushing it, Valkyrie starts slashing at full power Dynamite Ifrit into the wall, Dynamite Ifrit starts cracking)
Hinote: *Gasps*
Me: Is he gonna--
Honcho: There’s no way!
Silas: Don’t tell me he’s.
(Valkyrie pushes into Dynamite Ifrit with force into the wall, Dynamite Ifrit bursts into fragments)
All: *Gasps*
Anton: It’s-- It’s Bold Valkyrie with a-- a Burst--
Oliver: Spit it out already!
Anton: It’s Bold Valkyrie with a Burst Finish! Oliver Agwa is the winner!
Brandon: Oh no. Valkyrie has just broken…
(Hinote picks up Dynamite Ifrit’s fragments, Oliver notices Dynamite Ifrit's driver next to his foot)
Hinote: Please… give it back.
(Oliver crushes the driver into fragments with his foot and picks up the driver’s fragments)
Oliver: Take it.
(Oliver throws the fragments at Hinote)
Hinote: Dynamite Ifrit… I’m sorry.
(Tears start streaming down Hinote’s face)
Kris: Oliver Agawa, this is unacceptable, apologize right now!
Oliver: *Rolls Eyes* I’m sorry!
(Oliver says sarcastically then walks away)
~In The Hallway~
Me: Oliver’s gone too far!
Aleph: I know, I--
(Hinote walks past us)
Me: Yo, are you ok?
Hinote: No, I lost my first battle here and my Bey got… destroyed.
Aleph: Yeah, that’s Oliver, he’s messed up!
(I put my hand on Hinote’s Shoulder)
Me: We can fix it, and create a new type of Bey!
Hinote: Do you know how to make the Bey he had?
Me: Do I know how to create it?! I was the one who created the system!
Hinote: Really? Can you help me evolve my Bey?!
Aleph: Of course we’ll help you, Amigo!
Me: Since when do you say, Amigo?
Aleph: Since now… apparently!
Hinote: Let’s start!
Me: Alright, let’s go to the workroom!
~In BC Sol’s Workroom~
Hinote: Woah, BC Sol Members can use all of this?!
Me: Yeah, pretty awesome, isn’t it?
Hinote: Awesome is an understatement!
Aleph: Why don’t we get started?
(Aleph turns the computer on)
Hinote: My Bey will be the ultimate defense type! It’ll be able to block attacks from all sides!!
(Hinote starts typing on the computer)
Aleph: Wow, you’re good at this!
Hinote: Yeah, I have a lot of experience with computers!
Me: (That sounds familiar) Ok!
~1 Hour Later~
Hinote: It’s done! Sentry Heimdall!
Aleph: So, it’s the “Ultimate Defense Type?”
Hinote: Yeah, It’ll block every attack then counter ‘em!
Me: I’d like to see you stop Ultravor!
Hinote: We’ll stop it with our awesome Defense!
~In BC Sol’s Main Gym~
Aleph: Alright, inspect your opponent's Bey!
Me (Thoughts): Sentry Heimdall, has 4 contact points that are used as shields, looks like it’ll be able to block huge attacks with these Defense Blades! Its disk has 5 main contact points that balance out the Bey quite a lot so it can stay stable! The driver has a free-spinning ball that can be used to brush off attacks! Taking this Bey down won’t be a walk in the park! I’ll use The Techno Layer!!
Aleph: First battle!
Me: Your Bey may be powerful but I’m still going to beat you!
Hinote: It’s the most powerful Bey out there and no matter what you say you’re going down!
Aleph: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Hinote: Go, Shoot!
(Me and Hinote pull off powerful Techno Shoots)
Me: Techno Shoot!
(Ultravor hits Heimdall with a powerful barrage of attacks)
Hinote: *Smiles*
Me: What’re you smiling about?
Hinote: Look for yourself!
(Heimdall blocks all of Ultravor’s attacks)
Me: *Gasps*
Hinote: Now, Guarding Stance!!
(Heimdall withstands all of Ultravor’s attacks)
Me: I’m not giving up! Techno Strike!!
(Ultravor speeds up and hits Heimdall with a powerful blow, Heimdall gets sent up the stadium ramp)
Me: Oh yeah!
Hinote: Heimdall!!
(Hinote’s Resonance Aura flares up Heimdall blazes out of the Bey)
Hinote: Defender Crash!!
(Heimdall crashes into Ultravor, Ultravor gets sent flying and bursts)
Me: *Gasps*
Aleph: It’s Sentry Heimdall with a Burst Finish! Hinote is the winner!!
Hinote: Aw yeah!
Me: Just one hit, man!
Aleph: Don’t take it too hard, you did a great job!
Me: I guess.
Aleph: We should probably go with Hinote to meet Kris!
Hinote: You guys would really do that for me?
Me: Of course, we’re your amigos!
Aleph: Since when do YOU say, Amigo?
Me: Since you did!
(Me, Hinote, and Aleph start laughing)
~In Kris’s Office~
Kris: Alright, Hinote! Everything’s set up and we’re ready to have you on our team!
Hinote: Thanks!
Kris: And you’ll be sharing a dorm with Aleph and Unova!
Me/Aleph: Awesome, we’ll be roomies!
Hinote: Bunking with you guys will be awesome!
Kris: Raul told me you three were getting along well, so I decided you all should be roommates!
Me: Thanks, Kris!
Kris: *Smiles* No problem!
Me: Things are really getting interesting!
TechnoX Chapter 15
Beyblade Burst TechnoX
Chapter 14
BC Sol’s Rising!
~In The Morning~
Me: *Yawns* Morning everyone!
Aleph/Hinote: Mornin.
Me: Who wants to just go back to sleep?
Aleph/Hinote: Me.
Speaker: Attention all Bladers, We have a very important announcement so please gather in the Meeting Room!
Me: *Sighs* Looks like we’ve got to get ready.
Aleph/Hinote: *Sighs*
~In The Hallway~
Hinote: I wonder what the meeting’s about?
Aleph: Maybe we’re having another team battle?
Me: I want in on that!
(We open the door to the meeting room and sit down)
Kris: Good Morning, Bladers!
All: Good Morning, Kris!
Kris: We’ve been invited to a special tournament called, The Legend’s Team Festival!
All: *Gasps*
Me: That sounds super fun!
Kris: Our Bladers will be, Valt Aoi, Rantaro Kiyama, Silas Karlisle, and Free De La Hoya!
Random Blader: Wait, what about the other Legend?
Me: “Other Legend?”
Aleph: Beats me!
Kris: He wanted one of you Bladers to have a chance to enter, so, he’ll be taking a break from BC Sol. With that being said, all the top team Bladers will be battling in a tournament to decide who will take the final spot!
Me: Seriously?! This is going to be fun!
(Oliver gets up and leaves)
Raul: And, there won’t be training! You have till the afternoon to prepare, so get training for your dorms!
All: Got it!
(Everyone leaves in a hurry)
Hinote: I guess we should get training!
Aleph: I’m battling Unova first!
Me (Thoughts): We’ve gotta get way stronger if we want to win this thing, I know you want to too!
(Ultravor glimmers in the light)
Hinote: Unova?
Me: I’ll be back!
(I run off)
Hinote: What’s up with him?
Aleph: He’s got an idea.
~In My Dorm~
Me: Ultravor, I’ve got a wicked idea on how to make you stronger!
(I get pulled into a white void)
Ultravor: What’s your idea?
Me: Well, I’m gonna make a Stamina Layer, it’ll be able to fend off attacks and spin as long as possible! It’ll also have rubber for stealing spin!!
Ultravor: I like this idea, I know you’ll be able to bring out my full power!!
(Me and Ultravor fist bump, I get pulled out of the white void)
Me: It’s time to start working!
(I start working on the layer)
Aleph: So, you’ve decided to upgrade it again?
Me: Yeah.
Aleph: I’ll be waiting.
~1 Hour Later~
Me: It’s finally done!
(I put the parts together and lift it high in the air)
Me: Voltaic Ultravor!!
(Hinote and Aleph burst into the room)
Aleph: It’s done?!
Me: Yeah, this is the strongest Stamina Bey ever!
Aleph: You’ll have to battle me if you think that’s true!
Me: That’s fine by me! But, don’t hold back!!
Aleph: Sounds good to me!
Hinote: I guess I’ll be the referee!
Me: Ok then, Aleph, you can inspect Ultravor!
(I give Aleph Ultravor)
Aleph (Thoughts): Voltaic Ultravor, it’s still an Attack Type but has a more Stamina Type shape! It has two large Blades that can be used to balance out the Bey so it can have more stamina! It also has some rubber on those Blades so it can spin steal from Counterclockwise Spinning Beys! Man, this upgrade is powerful, I’ll have to go all out!
Me: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Aleph: Go, Shoot!
(Me and Aleph pull off powerful Techno Shoots)
Aleph: Take the center, Aion!
Me: Don’t let it get there!
(Ultravor hits Aion with a powerful blow sending it away from the center)
Aleph: Eternal Zone!
Me: Attack now!
(Ultravor and Aion’s rubber start clashing causing a huge surge of power)
Hinote: Woah, they’re really going at it!
(Ultravor hits Aion with a powerful attack, Aion gets sent flying in the air)
Aleph: Aion!!
(Aleph’s Resonance Aura flares up Aion blazes out of the Bey)
Me: Ultravor!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up Ultravor blazes out of the Bey)\
Aleph: It’s over, Eternal Counter!!
(Aion speeds up and heads straight for Ultravor)
Me: Now, Voltaic Lightning!!
(Ultravor leans on its driver and speeds up, Ultravor hits Aion with a powerful fast barrage of attacks)
Aleph: *Gasps* It's so fast!
(Ultravor sends Aion flying, Aion bursts)
Aleph: *Gasps*
Hinote: It’s Voltaic Ultravor with a Burst Finish! Unova’s the winner!
Me: Yes, super duper awesome!
Aleph: Geez, you got the best of me again? You’re getting way too strong!
Hinote: I wanna taste that power, so Unova, let’s battle!
Me: I’ll take you on! *Smiles*
~In BC Sol’s Main Gym~
Kris: All of you will be battling for a spot in the tournament. I want all of you to take it very seriously and give it your all, so, let the battles begin!
Raul: First up, we’ve got Unova Bashida Vs Romeo! First battle!
(I put the Techno Ring on Ultravor)
Romeo: Listen, kid, I hate to break it to ya, but you're a goner!
Me: Don’t be so cocky, I’ve beaten Valt Aoi before!
Romeo: Only once! Me and First Lucius are going to take you down!!
Raul: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Romeo: Go, Shoot!
(Romeo pulls off a powerful Sparking Shoot, I pull off a powerful Techno Shoot)
Romeo: Now, First Lucius!
Me: Techno Shoot!
(Ultravor speeds up and hits First Lucius, First Lucius bursts)
Romeo: *Gasps*
Raul: It’s Techno Ultravor with a Burst Finish! Unova Bashida is the winner!
Me: Yes!
Romeo: Grr!
~In The Middle Of Hinote’s Battle~
(Heimdall bursts First Ragnaruk)
Raul: It’s Sentry Heimdall with a Burst Finish! The winner is Hinote!
Hinote: Yes!
~In The Middle Of Aleph’s Battle~
Aleph: Eternal Counter!
(Aion speeds up and slams into Variant Satomb, Variant Satomb bursts)
Anton: *Gasps* No way!
Raul: Eternal Aion wins with a Burst Finish! Aleph’s the winner!
Aleph: Yeah, that’s the stuff!
~In The Middle Of Oliver’s Battle~
Oliver: Bold Scimitar!
(A Bey bursts)
Random Blader: *Gasps*
Raul: It’s Bold Valkyrie with a Burst Finish! Oliver takes the win!
Valt (Thoughts): He thinks he’s mastered Valkyrie, but he has a long way to go.
Me: Wow, Oliver’s gotten super strong, I wanna battle him!
Aleph: Settle down, I’m sure we’ll battle him soon.
Hinote: I want revenge for my Bey, I’ll never forgive him for what he did!
(Me, Aleph, and Hinote’s Resonance Aura flares up)
Me/Aleph/Hinote: We’ll defeat you no matter what!!
TechnoX Chapter 15
Beyblade Burst TechnoX
Chapter 15
Old Rivals?! Old Friends?
Me: Glaze Crash!
(Ultravor speeds up and slams into Variant Uranus, Variant Uranus bursts)
Random Bladers: *Gasps*
Raul: It’s Glaze Ultravor with a Burst Finish! Unova is the winner!
Me: I won, yes!
Raul: Aleph Murphy, Oliver Agawa, Hinote Miziuki, and Unova Bashida advance to the Semi-Finals!!
Aleph (Thoughts): Yes, I finally made it!
Raul: The matches will consist of Aleph Murphy Vs Oliver Agawa and Unova Bashida Vs Hinote Mizikuki! The matches will start tomorrow.
(Raul walks away)
Me: Awesome, I’m gonna get to battle Hinote again!
(Aleph gets up and walks away)
Aleph: I’ll be back.
(Aleph runs off)
Me: Aleph…
~Deep In The Forest~
Aleph: Go, Shoot!
(Aleph pulls off a powerful Techno Shoot, Aion takes the center)
Aleph: That’s the stuff, now just keep going!
(Aleph has a flashback)
Kris: Hello everyone, meet our new Blader, Aleph Murphy!
All: Hi Aleph!
Aleph: H-- H-- Hi.
Kris: Treat him nicely and help him fit in.
(Everyone leaves the meeting room, Oliver walks up to Aleph)
Oliver: Hey, Aleph. Are you ok?
Aleph: Yeah, I’m just a little nervous.
Oliver: It’s ok, everyone here is nice! Wanna be friends?
Aleph: Sure!
~During Training Time At BC Sol~
Aleph/Oliver: Go, Shoot!
(Aleph and Oliver pull off Sparking Shoots)
Aleph: Go, Jet Uranus!
Oliver: Knock ‘em out, Super Solomon!
(Jet Uranus and Super Solomon slam into each other and burst)
Aleph/Oliver: *Gasps* *Laughs*
(Aleph’s flashback ends)
Aleph: Then, one day, he completely changed.
(Aleph has another flashback)
Aleph: Today’s the day, Oliver’s back from his special training with Theodore Glass!
(Aleph runs outside and runs up to Oliver)
Aleph: Oliver--
Oliver: Get out of my way.
Aleph: Oliver, what’re you talking about?
Oliver: I said get out of my way!
Aleph: What’re you talking about, I’m your Best Friend!
Oliver: I have no friends.
Aleph: *Gasps*
(Aleph ends his flashback)
Aleph: He’s completely changed, he’ll never come back.
???: Go, Shoot!
(??? pulls off a powerful Eclipse Shoot)
Aleph: *Gasps*
Me: Go, Ultravor!
(Ultravor speeds up and hits Aion with a powerful blow)
Aleph: What’re you doing?
Me: Helping you train!
Aleph: Thanks, go Aion!
(Aion speeds up and slams into Ultravor, Ultravor gets knocked out of the stadium)
Me: *Gasps* Looks like you won!
Aleph: Yeah, I did.
Me: What’s the matter, is it Oliver?
Aleph: *Sighs* I need to tell you something… about Oliver.
(Aleph explains everything that happened between him and Oliver)
Me: Oliver was trained by Theodore Glass?!
Aleph: Yeah, I didn’t know who he was till I did some research.
Me: Theodore Glass forced Shu Kurenai to become an evil Blader, but luckily Valt was able to knock him out of it and bring him back.
Aleph: Yeah, but he wasn’t done, he trained Oliver to become the evilest Blader he could be with trickery and manipulation, and he… succeeded.
Me: So, Oliver used to be friends with you but Theodore Glass turned him into a jerk?
Aleph: Yeah, and… he still feels like my friend, so… I don’t think I can bring myself to battle him.
Me: I have to battle a friend too… So why don’t we train?
Aleph: *Gasps*
Me: If we both train together we’ll be sure to win!
Aleph: *Chuckles* Sure, I’ll be sure to take you down!
Me: In your dreams, I’ll take you down right here and now!
Me/Aleph: 3! 2! 1! Go, Shoot!
(Me and Aleph pull off powerful Techno Shoots)
~The Next Day~
Raul: Good Morning everyone! Today, we’ll be doing the first Semi-Final match! It’ll be Aleph Murphy Vs Oliver Agawa, this will be the first to 3 points! The first Blader to get three points wins! Now, First battle!
Oliver: The True Bold Valkyrie will crush you!
Aleph: That’s not “The True Valkyrie!” That’s just what you think, but in reality, you're just scared you’ll lose!
Oliver: Grr!! That’s it, I’ll crush you swiftly!
Raul: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Aleph/Oliver: Go, Shoot!
(Aleph and Oliver pull off powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Aleph: Take the center, Aion!
Oliver: Rush Shoot!
(Valkyrie hits Aion with a powerful barrage of attacks, Aion absorbs the attacks and start spinning faster)
Sisco: Looks like the puny punk is absorbing all of Oli’s attacks.
Me: Keep it up!
(Valkyrie speeds up and slams into Aion sending it flying in the air)
Aleph: Eternal Counter!
(Aion slams into Valkyrie sending it flying across the stadium)
Oliver: Now, attack!
(Valkyrie speeds up and hits Aion with a mega-powerful barrage of attacks, Aion absorbs the attacks)
Aleph: One more time, Eternal Counter!
(Aion speeds up and slams into Valkyrie, Valkyrie gets shot out of the stadium)
Oliver: What?!
Raul: It’s Eternal Aion with an Over Finish! Aleph claims 1 point!
Me/Hinote: Yeah, that’s how you do it!
Oliver (Thoughts): How did he knock Valkyrie out of the stadium?! its attacks were super powerful!
Aleph: How’s that for you?!
Oliver: Oh please, you think I haven’t seen luck before?!
Raul: Second Battle!
Aleph: What do you mean luck? I just wiped the floor with you!
Oliver: Please, you actually think I was going all out?
Aleph: Prove it!
Oliver: I will!
Raul: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Oliver/Aleph: Go, Shoot!
(Oliver and Aleph pull off powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Aleph: Go for the--
Oliver: Don’t let ‘em get in the center, Rush Shoot!
(Aion tries going in the center but Valkyrie hits it away, Aion continuously tries going for the center but Valkyrie hits it away continuously)
Aleph: *Gasps*
Hinote: Why is Oliver so focused on keeping Aion out of the center?
Honcho: Because when Aion’s in the center it can tank attacks from all sides, but when it’s out of the center it’ll be harder to take attacks!
Oliver: Charge, now!
(Valkyrie starts speeding up and slams into Aion sending it flying into the wall, Aion starts wobbling)
Aleph: *Gasps*
Oliver: Bold Scimitar!!
(Valkyrie slams into Aion with full power, Aion gets shot out of the stadium)
Aleph: It can’t be!
Raul: It’s Bold Valkyrie with an Over Finish! Oliver Agawa claims 1 point!
Oliver: Told you your win earlier was a fluke!
Aleph: Grr! I’ll take you down in the next battle!
Raul: Third battle!
Oliver: You won’t be taking me down, not ever!!
Aleph: We’ll see about that!
Raul: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Aleph/Oliver: Go, Shoot!
(Aleph and Oliver pull off powerful Techno Shoots)
Aleph: Go for the center!
Oliver: Stop it with your Rush Shoot!
(Aion takes the center, Valkyrie hits Aion with a powerful barrage of attacks)
Aleph: True Eternal Zone!!
(Aion blocks all Valkyrie’s attacks and turns them into spin power)
Oliver: Keep going for it!
(Valkyrie keeps attacking rapidly)
Aleph: Aion’s just gonna keep absorbing your hits!
Oliver: That’s what I want!
Aleph: *Gasps*
(Valkyrie slams into Aion with a powerful blow, Aion speeds up and starts wobbling, Valkyrie rapidly hits Aion into the wall)
Oliver: How are you gonna control your Bey now?
Aleph: Oh no.
Hinote: He made Aion go out of control, it’s going to lose!
Oliver: Time to end this, Oblivious Scimitar!!
(Valkyrie slams into Aion sending it flying into the wall, Aion bursts)
Aleph: *Gasps*
Raul: It’s Bold Valkyrie with a Burst Finish! Oliver Agawa wins!
Me: Aleph… lost.
Honcho: He made it lose control so he could try destroying it!
Valt: Grr! Not cool.
Sisco: The runt’s gotten better, I’ll give him that.
Free: He really thinks his Blading Style is how Valkyrie should be used, someone needs to talk some sense to him.
(Free looks at Valt)
~In The Hallway~
Oliver: Valkyrie, let’s crush whoever we face in the finals!
Valt: Valkyrie doesn’t want that.
(Valt walks up to Oliver)
Oliver: What do you mean?! It’s my Bey, I can do what I want with it!
Valt: Don’t just think about what you want, Valkyrie’s battling with you, it’s about both of you!
Oliver: Be quiet, I know my Bey better than you!!
Valt: Is it really your Bey?
Oliver: *Gasps*
(Valt walks away)
Valt (Thoughts): Valkyrie, we can’t let him continue with this Blading Style, he needs to be stopped!
TechnoX Chapter 16
Beyblade Burst TechnoX
Chapter 16
Rival Vs Rival Or Friend Vs Friend?
Me: Go, Shoot!
(I pull off a powerful Techno Shoot, Valt walks in the room)
Valt: Hey, Unova! What’re you doing?
Me: I’m practicing for my battle with Hinote.
Valt: Cool, want some advice?
Me: Yeah, that’d really help!
Valt: Remember, no matter how stressed you are, Ultravor’s always right next to you.
Me: Thanks, I’ll go to the finals and take Oliver down!
Valt: Yeah, he thinks he knows what Valkyrie wants, but in reality, he doesn’t.
Me: What do you mean?
Valt: You know how you can talk to Ultravor, right?
Me: How’d you--
Valt: Everyone’s always wondering why you space off mid-battle!
Me/Valt: *Laughs*
Valt: Anyways, you’re both in sync because you can connect to Ultravor’s heart, but Oliver’s only thinking about what he wants, he’s not thinking about Valkyrie at all.
Me: Don’t worry, I’m totally winning this thing, then I’ll be battling alongside you guys!
Valt: I’m looking forward to it!
(Valt leaves the dorm, Aleph walks in)
Aleph: Can you throw me my pillow?
Me: Um, ok.
(I throw a pillow at Aleph, Aleph starts screaming in it)
Aleph (Muffled): It’s not fair! Ugh!! I was supposed to be the one who won!!
Me: Are you ok?
Aleph: It’s been my dream for a long time to battle with BC Sol’s Legends, and just when I get the chance, he gets in my way and decides to go evil.
Me: If it makes you feel better, I promise I’ll take him down in the finals.
Aleph: Are you sure?
Me: What do you mean by that?
Aleph: I just don’t want you to… leave me, by myself… again.
Me: I’m your Best Friend, I’ll never leave, I’d like to see you try making me leave!
Aleph: Well then, I guess you better not lose!
Me: Ha, I won’t lose like you did!
Aleph: What’re you talking about?! I was going easy on the kid!
Me: Your excuse for losing!!
(Me and Aleph start bickering)
~Deep In The Forest~
Free: Go, Shoot!
(Free pulls off a powerful Techno Shoot)
Free: You can come out, I know you're there.
(Hinote comes out behind the tree)
Free: Huh, I thought Sisco was spying on me again.
Hinote: Free De La Hoya, I challenge you to a battle!
Free: My question is… Why do you wanna battle me?
Hinote: I’ve got an important match with my friend tomorrow, I wanna hone my skills with one of the best Bladers in the world!
Free: Alright, I’ll take you on.
Hinote: Ready?
Free/Hinote: 3! 2! 1! Go, Shoot!
(Free and Hinote pull off powerful Techno Shoots)
Hinote: Go for the center, Heimdall!
Free: Go, Fafnir!
(Heimdall takes the center, Fafnir hits Heimdall with slow weak attacks)
Hinote: Is this seriously all you’ve got?
Free: Watch Heimdall’s spin go all away.
Hinote: *Gasps*
(Fafnir starts clashing with Heimdall, Fafnir starts absorbing Heimdall’s spin)
Hinote: Guarding Stance!!
(Heimdall brushes off Fafnir’s attack, Fafnir tries absorbing Heimdall’s spin but Heimdall blocks it)
Free: So, you’re still hanging in there?
Hinote: Yeah, and I’m not going to stop in till I defeat you!
Free: Alright then. Go, Fafnir!
(Fafnir speeds up and slams into Heimdall, Fafnir speeds up)
Free: Shadow Blow!
(Fafnir leans on its driver and slams into Heimdall sending it flying up the stadium slope)
Hinote: Heimdall!!
(Hinote’s Resonance Aura flares up Heimdall blazes out of the Bey)
Hinote: Now, Defender Crash!!
(Heimdall slams into Fafnir sending it flying)
Free: Aah! Fafnir!!
(Free’s Resonance Aura flares up Fafnir blazes out of the Bey)
Free: Rivet Break!!
(Fafnir’s driver sinks in, Fafnir speeds up and slams into Heimdall, Heimdall bursts)
Hinote: *Gasps*
Free: Well, what do you know, it’s a burst.
Hinote: One more time! I--
Free: People always come up and battle me because they think it’ll make them stronger, but in reality, I can’t make anyone stronger, that’s up to you.
Hinote: *Gasps*
Free: I suggest getting a good night’s sleep before your match tomorrow.
(Free walks away)
Hinote: He can’t make people stronger, what does that mean?
~The Next Day~
Raul: Alright, we’ll be completing the last Semi-Final match! The winner of this match will face Oliver in the finals to get a spot on BC Sol’s team! Now, First battle!
Hinote: Even though we’re friends, you’re still going down!
Me: I’d like to see you try, I’ll be going all out!
(I put the Glaze Ring On Ultravor)
Aleph: C’mon Unova, win this!
Sisco: Which one do you think will win? The American Flag Haired runt or the Defense Wizard?!
Honcho: They both seem like pretty good Bladers, but didn’t Hinote beat Unova a couple of days ago? I’m voting for him!
Free: Unova’s gonna win.
All: *Gasps*
Free: I battled Hinote yesterday night and I can safely say that Unova will win.
Valt: I think Unova will win too, he’s a strong Blader!
Honcho: I bet you both FIVE lollipops that Hinote will win.
Free: Bring it, I’m always in for a good gamble.
Valt: Get those lollipops ready Honcho!
Raul: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Hinote: Go, Shoot!
(Me and Hinote pull off powerful Techno Shoots)
Me: Techno Shoot!
(Ultravor hits Heimdall with a powerful barrage of attacks)
Hinote: Guarding Stance!!
(Heimdall blocks all Ultravor’s attacks)
Me: Glaze Crash!!
(Ultravor speeds up and slams down on Heimdall sending it down to the ground)
Hinote: Not gonna happen!!
(Heimdall shoots back up sending Ultravor flying out of the stadium)
Me: *Gasps*
Raul: Its Sentry Heimdall with an Over Finish! Hinote Miziuki claims 1 point!
Hinote: What’d you think of that!
Me: Grr!
Sisco: Better hold onto the lollipops, Honcho!
Honcho: I’m already on it!
Valt: The battle isn’t over yet, so, you better get ready to cough up those lollipops!
Me: Ultravor, what do I do?
Ultravor: Stop being so careful!
Me: *Gasps*
(I get pulled into a white void)
Ultravor: Why are you playing on the Defense?
Me: Last time I tried attacking he completely dominated me, I’ve got to go in with another strategy!
Ultravor: No.
Me: What do you mean no?
Ultravor: We’ve gotten way stronger and our attacks have gotten way stronger, don’t you believe in me?
Me: *Gasps* Of course I do!
Ultravor: Then let’s attack!
Me: Yeah, what was I thinking?!
Ultravor: That’s the Unova I know.
(I get pulled out of the white void)
Raul: Second battle!
(I put the Techno Ring on Ultravor)
Me: Hinote, will be attacking in this match!
(I hold Ultravor up)
Hinote: I’ll block all those attacks!
Raul: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Hinote: Go, Shoot!
(Me and Hinote pull off powerful Techno Shoots)
Me: Charge, Techno Shoot!
(Ultravor hits Heimdall with a powerful barrage of attacks, Heimdall gets hit off balance with each hit)
Hinote: *Gasps* Take the center!
Me: I won’t let you!
(Ultravor hits Heimdall away from the center with powerful blows, Heimdall gets hit up the stadium slope)
Hinote: Now, Defender Crash!!
Me: Counter, Techno Discharge!!
(Heimdall and Ultravor slam into each other with power, Heimdall gets shot out of the stadium)
Me: Yes!
Raul: It’s Techno Ultravor with an Over Finish! Unova Bashida claims 1 point!
Aleph: Yeah, that’s how you do it!
(Hinote picks up Heimdall)
Hinote: That’s the only fluke you're getting!
Me: Good to know, because that wasn’t a fluke!
Raul: Third Battle!
Me: I’m gonna send Heimdall flying!
Hinote: Ha, I’d like to see you even move it from the center!
(Me and Hinote’s Resonance Aura flares up)
Valt: Woah, looks like the Third Battle is gonna be intense!
Sisco: Yeah, and you’re totally losing this bet!
Free: I wouldn’t be so sure.
Honcho: Don’t worry, Honcho’s always right and I say Hinote’s gonna win!
Raul: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Hinote: Go, Shoot!
(Me and Hinote pull off powerful Techno Shoots)
Me: Go, Techno Shoot!
Hinote: Guarding Stance!!
(Ultravor hits Heimdall with a powerful barrage of attacks, Heimdall gets sent flying across the stadium)
Hinote: Heimdall!!
(Hinote’s Resonance Aura flares up Heimdall blazes out of the Bey)
Me: Ultravor!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up Ultravor blazes out of the Bey)
Hinote: Defender Crash!!
Me: Techno Strike!!
(Heimdall and Ultravor slam into each other, Ultravor gets sent flying sky high)
Me: *Gasps*
Sisco: Looks like it's over!
Me: Finish it with Techno Discharge!!
All: *Gasps*
(Ultravor crashes down on Heimdall, a huge explosion ouccers, Heimdall bursts)
Hinote: *Gasps*
Raul: It’s Techno Ultravor with a Burst Finish! With a score of 1-3, Unova Bashida is the winner!!
Me: Yes, I won!!
Sisco: Dang it, looks like Unova won.
Honcho: *Sighs* Here they are.
(Honcho gives Free and Valt five lollipops each)
Free: How about we change up the deal?
Honcho/Sisco: *Gasps*
~Later That Day In My Dorm~
(Someone knocks on my door)
Me/Aleph/Hinote: Come in!
(Valt comes in the door with a lollipop in his mouth)
Valt; Hey, guys, wanna see something cool?
Me: Sure, what is it?
(We go in the Main Gym and see Honcho and Sisco in clown suits)
Sisco: Don’t you dare laugh!!
Honcho: I’m never doubting you again!
All: *Laughs*
Sisco: I told you not to laugh!!
(Sisco chases after me Hinote and Aleph)
Me: *Laughs* Man, perks of winning!
TechnoX Chapter 17
Beyblade Burst TechnoX
Chapter 17
Valkyrie Vs Ultravor!
Oliver: Go, Shoot!
(Oliver pulls off a powerful Techno Shoots)
Oliver: Unova Bashida, I’ll crush you in this match!
(Valkyrie slams into the wall and speeds up)
Oliver: I’ll crush you with one hit!
(Oliver’s eyes turn purple as he smiles evilly)
~In BC Sol’s Gym~
Me: I’m going up against Oliver! I’m so excited, I feel like I’m gonna explode!
Hinote: I honestly think you’re going to explode, anyways, you’d better go all out in this match!
Me: I’ve got an awesome strategy that Oliver can’t beat!
Aleph: What is it?
Me: Attack and attack!
Hinote: Maybe revise your strategy a bit?
Me: Nah, all I’ve gotta do is attack and keep the pressure up!
Aleph: But if you recklessly attack Valkyrie will definitely drain Ultravor’s stamina and then boom!
Me: Are you saying Ultravor won’t be able to win?!
Aleph: No, I’m saying you need to take a different approach!!
Me/Aleph: Grr!!
Raul: Hey, Unova!
All: *Gasps* Where’d you come from?!
Raul: I’ve been around. Anyways, I’ve got something to show you guys!
~On The Way To BC Sol’s Basement~
Hinote: So, what’re you going to show us?
Raul: A little something I’ve been working on for the match!
(Raul opens the door to show a huge new Stadium)
Me: Woah! Is that a new stadium?!
Raul: A Stadium specifically for Techno Beys! It has two ramps that don’t go up to high but go up and have spinning vortexes in them! On the top of the ramps, there are diverters that speed you up into the vortex! What do you think?
Me/Hinote/Aleph: Awesome! I wanna battle in it!!
Raul: Now, now, you’ll have to wait after Oliver and Unova’s battle! Which will be in the Super Dual Cyclone Stadium!
Me: I can’t wait to battle!
~In BC Sol’s Main Gym~
Brandon: What’s up all you BC Sol Bladers! Today, we’ll be diving into the finals of the BC Sol’s Top Team Tournament!! It’s Oliver Agawa Vs Unova Bashida, I’m bursting just waiting for the match to start so why don’t we dive in?!
Raul: This battle will be first to three points! Spin and Over Finishes is one point! Burst Finishes are two points!! Now, First battle!
Oliver: I’ll crush you for good!
Me: I’ll be the one winning, I’m super stoked for this!
Aleph: Win this, Unova!
Hinote: You’ve got this!
Me (Thoughts): I’m going on the Attack!
(I put The Techno Ring on Ultravor)
Raul: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Oliver: Go, Shoot!
(Me and Oliver pull off powerful Techno Shoots)
Me: Go for broke, Ultravor!
Oliver: Go, Valkyrie!
(Valkyrie and Ultravor start hitting each other with powerful blows)
Brandon: Valkyrie and Ultravor are going for it!
Me: Strike, Techno Bomb!!
(Ultravor speeds up and hits Valkyrie with a powerful strike, Valkyrie gets shot into the spinning pit)
Brandon: Valkyrie has been sent flying into the vortex!
Oliver: Now, speed up, Valkyrie!
(Valkyrie speeds up in the spinning pit, Valkyrie jumps in the air and aims for Ultravor)
Me: Attack, Techno Discharge!!
Oliver: Oblivious Scimitar!!
(Valkyrie and Ultravor slam into each other causing a huge explosion)
Brandon: Both Beys have attacked!
(Ultravor gets shot up in the air and bursts)
Me: *Gasps*
Raul: It’s Bold Valkyrie with a Burst Finish! Oliver Agawa leads with 2 Points!
(I pick up Ultravor’s parts and look at them in shock)
Me: How… How can he be so powerful?
Brandon: Valkyrie gets a clean Burst Finish using the speed it got from the swirling pit!
Oliver: *Laughs* You should just give up before I crush that piece of trash you call a Bey!
Me: Ultravor, what do I do?
(I get pulled into a white void)
Ultravor: Valkyrie’s attack power is that high, huh?
Me: Yeah, it’s a powerhouse.
Ultravor: I’ve got a strategy that’ll beat Valkyrie, but you’ve got to trust me, no matter what!
Me: Ha! Like I wouldn’t trust you either way!
Ultravor: We need to combine Attack and Defense!
Me: Excuse me?
Ultravor: It sounds crazy but it'll work.
Me: How?
Ultravor: Pull off a powerful shoot with the Glaze Ring and attack with all you’ve got! You’ll be able to block hits while dishing out everything you’ve got!
Me: I’ve got it, I’ll give it everything I’ve got and more!
Ultravor: Good, I’m counting on you!
(I get pulled out of the white void)
Raul: Second Battle!
Me: Oliver! I’m taking you down to the ground!!
(I put the Glaze Ring on Ultravor)
Oliver: I don’t know if you forgot but I completely annihilated your Bey a couple of seconds ago!
Me: That was a fluke, I’d like to see you try beating me again!
Oliver: Your wish is my command!!
Raul: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Oliver: Go, Shoot!
(Me and Oliver pull off powerful Techno Shoots)
Oliver: Rush Shoot!
Me: Techno Shoot!
(Ultravor and Valkyrie hit each other with a barrage of attacks, Ultravor blocks all of them)
Brandon: Amazing! Ultravor’s blocking attacks while dishing out even more powerful strikes!!
Oliver: Go, Valkyrie!
(Valkyrie speeds up on the ramp and the vortex, Valkyrie crashes down to the ground and aims for Ultravor)
Oliver: Bold Scimitar!!
Me: Dodge it!
(Ultravor leans on its driver and speeds away, Valkyrie lands and chases after Ultravor)
Brandon: It’s a cat and mouse chase! Valkyrie catching up to Ultravor!!
Me: Now, Techno Counter!
(Ultravor speeds up and goes right behind Valkyrie, Ultravor speeds up behind Valkyrie sending it flying in the air)
Brandon: Valkyrie’s been sent flying!
Me: Ultravor!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up Ultravor blazes out of the Bey)
Me: It’s time to speed up!
(Ultravor speeds up on the ramp and speeds up on the vortex, Ultravor gets shot up in the air and aims for Valkyrie)
Oliver: *Gasps*
Me: Glaze Crash!!
(Ultravor slams down on Valkyrie, Valkyrie gets shot out of the stadium)
Oliver: Are you kidding?!
Raul: It’s Glaze Ultravor with an Over Finish! Unova Bashida claims 1 point!
Aleph: Yeah, that’s the stuff!
Me: Aw yeah!
Oliver: I lost a point… to him!
Me: Oliver, isn’t this fun?
Oliver: No! I’m going to crush you in the next match and nothing’s going to stop me!
Me: But Blading is fun, so, you should try having fun!
Oliver: Don’t tell me what to do, I’ll crush you no matter what!
Aleph: Once a jerk, always a jerk.
Valt (Thoughts): I’m not going to stand by and let you use Valkyrie as a tool.
Raul: Third battle!
Oliver: Valkyrie’s oblivious blade will crush Ultravor and you’ll never Blade again!
Me: I’ll never stop Blading, I won’t stop till I drop and become the strongest in the world!!
Oliver (Thoughts): Why won’t he give up?! It’s so frustrating!! I’ll break Ultravor so he’ll never Blade again, and he’ll leave BC Sol!!!
Raul: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Oliver: Go, Shoot!
(Me and Oliver pull off powerful Techno Shoots)
Me/Oliver: Attack!!
(Valkyrie and Ultravor start clashing wildly in the center causing a yellow light)
Brandon: Valkyrie and Ultravor are going for it!!
(Valkyrie and Ultravor get sent flying into the vortexes)
Me/Oliver: Now, speed up!
(Valkyrie and Ultravor speed up in the vortexes and start clashing in mid-air)
Brandon: Awesome, Ultravor and Valkyrie are clashing like crazy!!=
Oliver: Bold Scimitar!!
(Valkyrie shoots Ultravor down to the stadium, Ultravor speeds up)
Me: Yeah, that’s the stuff!!
Oliver: Knock it out, Valkyrie!
(Valkyrie chases Ultravor and hits it with a powerful barrage of attacks)
Me: You’re kidding…
Brandon: Valkyrie’s giving Ultravor a run for its money!!
Me: Ultravor!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up Ultravor blazes out of the Bey, Ultravor starts wobbling fiercely leaning on its driver multiple times)
Oliver: *Gasps*
Me: True Techno Counter!!
(Ultravor speeds up and slams into Valkyrie sending it flying in the air)
Oliver: *Gasps*
Brandon: Valkyrie’s been sent flying in the air!
Me/Oliver: Final blow!!
Me: Techno Discharge!!
Oliver: Scimitar Crush!!
(Valkyrie and Ultravor start clashing wildly causing a humongous explosion)
Brandon: Woah, a huge surge of power bursts out of the stadium!
(Ultravor falls out of the air and starts wobbling, Valkyrie’s bursted parts fall out of the air)
All: *Gasps*
Raul: It’s Glaze Ultravor with a Burst Finish! Unova Bashida will be the New Member of BC Sol’s Main Team!!
Me: I won!
(Anton walks up to me and gives me a trophy)
Aleph: That’s how you do it!
Hinote: That was awesome!
(Anton tries giving Oliver a trophy but Oliver throws it on the ground shattering it into fragments)
Anton: Seriously? Dude I--
(Oliver walks away)
~In The Hallway~
Oliver: Grr!! I lost!!!
(Oliver starts punching the wall)
Oliver: It’s all your fault!
(Oliver throws Valkyrie, Honcho catches Valkyrie)
Oliver: What do you want?!
Honcho: You to stop.
Oliver: I’m not doing anything, leave me alone!!
Honcho: You’re abusing your Beys that fight so hard when they don’t meet your expectations. Instead of training and bonding with your Bey, you expect them to live up to your expectations with no clear guidance.
Oliver: I’ll crush you if you don’t be quiet!
Honcho: You’ll never become stronger like this.
(Honcho walks away)
Oliver: I’ll crush you, Valt, and all the other Legends! No matter how I have to do it!!