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(Mar. 21, 2022  2:04 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 18 is now up and running! In SK Drive!!
Reviews, Thoughts, or Constructive Criticism is always welcome and I'd like it very much so I can know what to improve on! Don't forget to hit the Like Button and Subscribe! Next week I'll be working on more ApexDrive Episodes
Ah yes. Finally, the LoL begins! But anyway, I really like this chapter, especially the great blend of battle and interaction time with Dax. I also never thought I would be seeing a soft side to Dax, yet lookie here! It really pinched my heart once Dax started crying when his Dad yelled at him for going in his office... With that being said, great chapter and keep up the good work!
There is going to be a Character Contest for ApexDrive and you all basically know the drill by know. Add a Character and give it a description and I’ll decide Next Sunday.

Apex System.

Apex Blade:

Apex Heavy Armor: (Give Weight and Weight Distributions like DB Armor)

Apex Core:



There will be only One Winner so give it your all if you’re going to enter.
(Mar. 21, 2022  4:00 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]There is going to be a Character Contest for ApexDrive and you all basically know the drill by know. Add a Character and give it a description and I’ll decide Next Sunday.

Apex System.

Apex Blade:

Apex Heavy Armor: (Give Weight and Weight Distributions like DB Armor)

Apex Core:



There will be only One Winner so give it your all if you’re going to enter.
Name: Sedit Yami

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Height: 5'10

Character: Sedit is a hardworking, talented, and a natural genius. Highly perceptive and good with problem solving skills, Sedit is a skilled planner and good at mapping out scenarios. Furthermore, Sedit is very popular among peers and adored by his family members. However, his high intelligence and constant praise from adults laid the foundation for an intense level of hubris which quickly took effect once he obtained his corrupted bey. Through use of his bey, Sedit quickly begins to develop a cold and ruthless nature. As a utilitarian, he will take any means in order to achieve his goal to become the best blader of all time and have no one stand in his way.

Appearance: He has brown hair and brown eyes until his aura appears and he uses his dark resonance with his bey his hair and eyes will turn red. Though on the topic of what he wears when not wearing his school uniform, which consists of a tan suit and red tie, he dresses fairly casually, sometimes sporting a dress shirt underneath a jacket or a V-neck sweater with a collared t-shirt underneath.

Bey: Rotten Shinigami Sting Jolt' Terror

Apex Blade (Rotten): A left spinning black blade that has two main metal red attack and two minor plastic attacks points like Zwei.

Apex Heavy Armor (Terror):A red armor that extends on both sides to have three main points. Two of the points on the left and right weight less with most of the armors weight going to the main point in the middle of the three.

Apex Core (Shinigami): A left spinning black core with the avatar in the center being a red Shinigami mask with black eyes and red pupils, golden horns coming out of the masks teeth and head, and grey long hair on the back of the mask.

Disk: A red sting with the plastic points that move being black.

Driver: A black Jolt' with all the rubber parts being red.

Special Moves:

Rotten slam: When Sedit powers up the metal attack points glow red on Rotten causing them to have devastating power.

Death Reflect: Using the power of sting's spring ability Shinigami is able to reflect the opponents attack.
Im back guys
also nice chapter
(Mar. 21, 2022  4:00 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]There is going to be a Character Contest for ApexDrive and you all basically know the drill by know. Add a Character and give it a description and I’ll decide Next Sunday.

Apex System.

Apex Blade:

Apex Heavy Armor: (Give Weight and Weight Distributions like DB Armor)  

Apex Core:



There will be only One Winner so give it your all if you’re going to enter.
Me when contest: >.>
But not today, I feel like you're already saturated with some characters of mine, so I'll pass.
8. Reborn by Flames! Immortal Phoenix!!

9. Reign of the Immortal Bird!!

10. Kurenai Legacy! Royal Spriggan!!

11. Vengence! True Immortal Impact!!

12. Properties of Stamina! Surge Style!!

13. The Phantom Lord's Descent! Righteous Azrael!!

14. Dangerous Attack! Divine Bomber!!

15. The Phantom Lord Vs. The Demon Prince!!

16. Explosive Rebirth! Discord Belial!!

Upcoming Episodes for ApexDrive! I should be working on it tomorrow and the upcoming days until Sunday.
(Mar. 21, 2022  4:00 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]There is going to be a Character Contest for ApexDrive and you all basically know the drill by know. Add a Character and give it a description and I’ll decide Next Sunday.

Apex System.

Apex Blade:

Apex Heavy Armor: (Give Weight and Weight Distributions like DB Armor)  

Apex Core:



There will be only One Winner so give it your all if you’re going to enter.

Oh yeah! Totally joining this character contest! I'm so (not) going to win!
Infinite Achilles Infinite Busts everything in Chapter 19 of SK Drive
Chapter 20 of SK Drive has arisen.

I'd like your thoughts and opinions on the Chapter if you have some spare time.

All Tag Team Matches throughout the Tournament in the Second Stage.

Dax Akagami and Ariana Nyx Vs. Ranjiro Kiyama and Sisco Karlisle

Aiga Akaba and Rantaro Kiyama Vs. Drum Koryu and Free De La Hoya

Valt Aoi and Drum Koryu Vs. Lui Shirasagijo and Ranjiro Kiyama

Ariana Nyx and Rantaro Kiyama Vs. Sisco Karlisle and Free De La Hoya

Dax Akagami and Valt Aoi Vs. Aiga Akaba and Lui Shirasagijo

Post your predictions for the winners and the Top 4
(Mar. 25, 2022  11:34 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 20 of SK Drive has arisen.

I'd like your thoughts and opinions on the Chapter if you have some spare time.

All Tag Team Matches throughout the Tournament in the Second Stage.

Dax Akagami and Ariana Nyx Vs. Ranjiro Kiyama and Sisco Karlisle

Aiga Akaba and Rantaro Kiyama Vs. Drum Koryu and Free De La Hoya

Valt Aoi and Drum Koryu Vs. Lui Shirasagijo and Ranjiro Kiyama

Ariana Nyx and Rantaro Kiyama Vs. Sisco Karlisle and Free De La Hoya

Dax Akagami and Valt Aoi Vs. Aiga Akaba and Lui Shirasagijo

Post your predictions for the winners and the Top 4

Nice job again with this one, UnseenBurst! (Also sorry I couldn't reply on your previous chapter, I only had enough time to read it before I had to do something. Aside from that, I love the full-fledged battle between Dax, Ariana (Grande), Sisco, and Ranjiro! It really shows how powerful Deimos at 75%! Ariana also seems pretty skilled, as Aphrodite was able to quite easily fling Satan out of the stadium! Good work!

Also, here's my predictions for the top 4:
Dax Akagami
Valt Aoi
Ariana Nyx
Aiga Akaba
Post deleted
Forgot about the Character Contest for AprxDrive lol. Anyways Congrats to  because he is the winner. I really liked his character and it was very well put together. He’ll character will come soon enough.

Chapter 24 of Mystic Clash is out! Mystic Clash is back everyone!!

Thoughts or Reviews are very much apperciated! :) Hopefully all the Mystic Clash fans aren't screaming at me anymore
Yeah! Din was awesome as expected Smile
Chapter 25 of Mystic Clash! Rising of the Demon King!!

Reviews or Thoughts or Much Apperciated!
(Apr. 03, 2022  11:07 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 25 of Mystic Clash! Rising of the Demon King!!

Reviews or Thoughts or Much Apperciated!

This episode has totally got to be my favorite episode in the Mystic Clash series so far! I particularly like the intense action in Bell and Xacian's battle. Had me right on the edge of my seat! Also, didn't know Anabelle was the whole movie Turning Red! Hah, anyway, amazing chapter and looking forward to the next one!
(Apr. 04, 2022  12:53 AM)UnknownIfirit Wrote: [ -> ]
(Apr. 03, 2022  11:07 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 25 of Mystic Clash! Rising of the Demon King!!

Reviews or Thoughts or Much Apperciated!

This episode has totally got to be my favorite episode in the Mystic Clash series so far! I particularly like the intense action in Bell and Xacian's battle. Had me right on the edge of my seat! Also, didn't know Anabelle was the whole movie Turning Red! Hah, anyway, amazing chapter and looking forward to the next one!

She's always turning red because she likes Victor XD

Episode 8 of ApexDrive has been released. I know it's been a while but I've been busy catching up with the Other Series.

Reborn by Flames! Immortal Phoenix!!

Reviews and Thoughts would be cool!

Chapter 26 of Mystic Clash is out now! Enjoy and Consider Subscribing.
Please Comment and tell me how I can improve.

How can Tristen turn down Fried Rice? It's really good.
(Apr. 05, 2022  4:52 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 26 of Mystic Clash is out now! Enjoy and Consider Subscribing.
Please Comment and tell me how I can improve.

How can Tristen turn down Fried Rice? It's really good.

Ok, new greatest episode! So much battle! I like how Victor didn't exactly easily win against Hellen, it took him some time and Vulcan pointed out a weakness! And for a moment I was sad about how easily Tristen lost, but when I saw his unplanned battle strategy... I guess he could've done better. Also I am SO hype for next episode, because we get so see who actually wins between Anabelle and Xacian. Xacian's like that kind of powerful macho type blader (I think), but I'm hoping Anabelle has a strategy to pull through in the end. Great chapter overall, and one more thing:

How, and please tell me, how can Tristen turn down Fried Rice? Delicious food!
(Apr. 05, 2022  4:52 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 26 of Mystic Clash is out now! Enjoy and Consider Subscribing.
Please Comment and tell me how I can improve.

"UnknownIfirit" "Hollowmind8" LJ-Blader" "LegendJustice"

How can Tristen turn down Fried Rice? It's really good.
"Harry: You did awesome, buddy! You really burned brightly out there!
Tristen: *Grins* You weren’t bad out there! You were burning out there!!"
Bad puns? Really? I'm disappointed in you two.
Anyhow, Chapter wasn't bad. Idk why Bell out of all people was giving life advice to Tristen. I mean, they know each other a bit I guess, but idk if he would care that much.
The rest was pretty much the same as it always is: There is room for improvement, but it's up to you (making the dialog more natural, include bits in between stuff happening (like between match 1 and 2 there could be some dialog or some stuff happening between characters), you know the drill)
My Next Fanfic Project after Mystic Clash is going to be: Beyblade Burst UB. It is going to be a Beyjitzu2 Fanfic and it'll kinda be a bit hard to understand if you haven't read Beyjitzu here is the link to read it: Since this will be a Beyjitzu2 Fanfic I guess you can kinda guess what UB Stands for. (No not UnseenBurst.) But if you can't then I'm sorry but you'll have to wait till my Next News Update to know what it is actually called. Percy is still the Main Character but the catch is: He won't be the Same Person so he'll have to find who he truly is if you know what I mean. If you read the Percy Jackson Series then you can probably guess what the main Issue with Percy is going to be but here are the First 3 Beys in the Fanfic.

Lagoon Poseidon 5A' Pool

Airforce Valkyrie 6A' Legacy' Metal Evolution

Warden Ashura 3D Around' Metal Atomic Metal

That's all I have for today. There will also be a News Update Next Month around the end of the Month and there will be way more information about this Series coming then but for now, this is all I can tell you. Hopefully you're excited, especially everyone who's an Old Beyjitzu Fan! :)
(Apr. 05, 2022  5:54 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]My Next Fanfic Project after Mystic Clash is going to be: Beyblade Burst UB. It is going to be a Beyjitzu2 Fanfic and it'll kinda be a bit hard to understand if you haven't read Beyjitzu here is the link to read it: Since this will be a Beyjitzu2 Fanfic I guess you can kinda guess what UB Stands for. (No not UnseenBurst.) But if you can't then I'm sorry but you'll have to wait till my Next News Update to know what it is actually called. Percy is still the Main Character but the catch is: He won't be the Same Person so he'll have to find who he truly is if you know what I mean. If you read the Percy Jackson Series then you can probably guess what the main Issue with Percy is going to be but here are the First 3 Beys in the Fanfic.

Lagoon Poseidon 5A' Pool

Airforce Valkyrie 6A' Legacy' Metal Evolution

Warden Ashura 3D Around' Metal Atomic Metal

That's all I have for today. There will also be a News Update Next Month around the end of the Month and there will be way more information about this Series coming then but for now, this is all I can tell you. Hopefully you're excited, especially everyone who's an Old Beyjitzu Fan! Smile
You don't need to be humble, everyone knows UB stands for Unseen Burst. 
Also I'll keep an eye on that.
Chapter 27 of Mystic Clash has fallen from the Sky.

The Chaos King huh? This should be interesting. Give me your thoughts on that.
(Apr. 05, 2022  5:54 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]My Next Fanfic Project after Mystic Clash is going to be: Beyblade Burst UB. It is going to be a Beyjitzu2 Fanfic and it'll kinda be a bit hard to understand if you haven't read Beyjitzu here is the link to read it: Since this will be a Beyjitzu2 Fanfic I guess you can kinda guess what UB Stands for. (No not UnseenBurst.) But if you can't then I'm sorry but you'll have to wait till my Next News Update to know what it is actually called. Percy is still the Main Character but the catch is: He won't be the Same Person so he'll have to find who he truly is if you know what I mean. If you read the Percy Jackson Series then you can probably guess what the main Issue with Percy is going to be but here are the First 3 Beys in the Fanfic.

Lagoon Poseidon 5A' Pool

Airforce Valkyrie 6A' Legacy' Metal Evolution

Warden Ashura 3D Around' Metal Atomic Metal

That's all I have for today. There will also be a News Update Next Month around the end of the Month and there will be way more information about this Series coming then but for now, this is all I can tell you. Hopefully you're excited, especially everyone who's an Old Beyjitzu Fan! Smile

he has dyslexia?! anyway
I'm excited since beyjitzu was my fav one
As you can see now um... I'm an Organizer. Don't worry, I'm not letting this affect my Fanfiction Schedule but on days I decide to Host Events I will not be posting any Chapters that day. I just wanted to update you and let you all know. I have a Passon for Beyblade and Writing Fanfictions and I'm going to be pursuing both Passions since obviously I won't be hosting Tournaments every day and it'll be easier to make Fanfic Chapters daily so I just wanted to tell you all that just because I'm now an Organizer doesn't mean I'll stop making Fanfic Chapters. I'll keep continuing to make New and Improved Chapters.

Chapter 28 of Mystic Clash has been found inside a Fruit? A One-Piece Fruit?

Dang, Gillian's got a Sad Backstory. Anyways, I'd really like if you gave me your thoughts on this Chapter.
Chapter 29 of Mystic Clash has arrived! Folks!

Thoughts or Reviews?
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