Mar. 21, 2022 2:22 AM
(Mar. 21, 2022 2:04 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 18 is now up and running! In SK Drive!!Ah yes. Finally, the LoL begins! But anyway, I really like this chapter, especially the great blend of battle and interaction time with Dax. I also never thought I would be seeing a soft side to Dax, yet lookie here! It really pinched my heart once Dax started crying when his Dad yelled at him for going in his office... With that being said, great chapter and keep up the good work!
Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst SuperKing Drive
Chapter 18
It Begins! A League of Legends!!
~At My House~
(Me, Blue, and Sammy enter through my House door as Mom runs up to me and wraps her arms around me)
Me: Mom?!
Mom: I saw your battle with that Legend earlier! You did Amazing and persevered even when you lost a bunch of times!!
Sammy: *Snickers* Yeah. It was pretty cool.
Me: Mom! We’ve got guests over!
Mom: Sorry!
(Mom lets go of me as I brush myself off and grin at her, We all enter the Living Room)
Mom: I’m guessing you all came to watch the Live-Stream of who will be entering the Ultimate Sparking League?
Blue: Yeah, Mrs. Akagami! Hopefully, both Dax and Sammy can enter the Ultimate Sparking League together!!
Sammy: It’ll probably either be one of us or none of us. We worked really hard so maybe if we get lucky we could both enter.
(I turn on the TV as a Man dressed in Purple and with Gold Hair smiling on the TV with his arms crossed)
Wakiya: Hello, everyone. I’m Wakiya Komurasaki, the WBBA Commissioner and I’m proud to announce that the Ultimate Sparking League will be starting in about 2 Days! We’ll be announcing who will be entering this League of Legends!!
Sammy (Thoughts): C’mon, I’ve wanted to enter this League my whole entire life! I really want this, please!
Wakiya: Obviously, the first participant will be Valt Aoi. The Second Particapant is Aiga Akaba. The Third Participant will be Rantaro Kiyama. The Fourth will be Sisco Karlisle. The Fifth Participant is Lui Shirasagijo. The Sixth is Free De La Hoya.
Me: C’mon! Hurry up and announce my name!!
Mom: *Laughs* Dax, you don’t even know if you’re qualified with the League yet.
Blue: I still think both of you are going to make the League!!
Sammy: *Grins* We probably both will! We’ll both make Finals with you cheering us on!
Wakiya: Our Seventh Entrant is Drum Koryu. Our Eighth Participant will be Ariana Nyx. Our Ninth will be Ranjiro Kiyama!
Blue: *Gasps* Only one of you or none of the both of you could make it right now.
Me: Sorry, Sammy but it is obviously going to be me!
Sammy: In your dreams, Dax! It’ll clearly be me! But don’t worry, I’ll win for you!
Mom: No hard feelings if none of you or only one of you make it. You’ll still be friends!
Me: He’s not my friend! He’s just my Rival who’s helping me become stronger!
Mom: Isn’t a Rival basically a Friend?
Me: No it’s not! It’s two different things!!
Wakiya: Our Final Particapant is… Daxseus Akagami!! Thanks, everyone for trying to participate and the First Match will be a Battle Royal which will be announced tomorrow!!
Me: As expected. The Abyss King is going to the League of Legends!!
Mom: I’m so proud, Dax! I promise I’ll come to every one of your matches!
Sammy: Nice job, Dax. You really… Really deserve to go!!
(Sammy looks down at his Legs as tears start welling up in his eyes and start falling from his face)
Blue: I’m so sorry, Sammy. I’m sure you’ll be able to enter the Next Tournament.
Me: Crying’s not going to do you any good. If you’re upset and frustrated you couldn’t get into the League then that just proves you’ve got to work Way Harder!!
Sammy: D-Dax is right. If I want to enter the League next time, I’ve gotta become way stronger and not cry!!
Mom: It’s about time all of you get home. It’s going to get dark soon and your parents will get worried.
(Sammy and Blue get up from the coach and leave the House as Mom sits next to me on the Coach)
Mom: Y’know you didn’t have to be so harsh about it, right?
Me: It’s true though. Crying doesn’t get you anywhere. It just proves weakness.
Mom: It’s okay to cry sometimes. Your Dad just didn’t like it…
(I have a flashback to a few years back when I was a Young Child as Dad slams his hand onto the table)
Dad: You went to my Office? Didn’t you?!
Me: I-I’m sorry. I-I was just looking for some paper…
Dad: I’ve already told you not to go in there!!
(Tears start flowing out of my eyes as Dax would just continue to glare at me with Utter Rage)
Dad: Why are you crying?!
Me: Sorry…
(My Flashback starts getting fuzzy as it ends as Mom just stares up at the Ceiling)
Mom: You don’t have to hide your feelings. If you feel something then express it.
Me: Anyways, it’s getting late and I’m going to the GT Arena a bit early to do some training for the League. I should probably get some sleep.
Mom: Good Night, Dax.
~The Next Morning~
(I enter the GT Arena and see a Familiar Person in a White Long Coat as he looks back at Me with a Grin)
Ranjiro: Dax Akagami, it’s been a while!
Me: Ranjiro? What’re you doing here?
Ranjiro: The League is 2 Days away. I’ve gotta do some Kiyama Training before I battle the Legends!!
Me: I guess I’m here to do the same. Wanna battle?
Ranjiro: I’ve wanted a rematch for a long time now! Finally, I get a piece of you for Revenge!!
(I hold up Deimos as Ranjiro grins at the sight of it, Ranjiro starts staring at the New Cogs in confusion)
Me: Tragic Deimos is ready to crush you.
Ranjiro: Deimos looks different from the last time I saw it. Did you evolve it?
Me: No. I added Cogs onto Deimos which make it stronger. This is 50% of its Ultimate Power!!
(My Dark Resonance Aura flares up as Dark Electricity surrounds me, Ranjiro steps back in fear as my eyes glow Red with evil)
Dark Me: I’d like to see you try defeating me. I’m stronger than I was back in Tartarus.
Ranjiro: I’ll defeat you and get back at you for defeating my Big Brother twice! Now, Ready? Set!
Dark Me/Ranjiro: 3! 2! 1! Go, Shoot!!
(Both Me and Ranjiro pull off Powerful Shoots as Sparks fly off our Launchers, Both Beys speed around the stadium at High Speeds)
Ranjiro: Go, Ragnaruk!
Dark Me: Knock ‘em down! Tragic Shoot!!
(Deimos tilts on its driver as it pulverizes Ragnaruk with a Powerful Barrage of Strikes, Ragnaruk continuously retakes the center as I start laughing evilly)
Ranjiro: Whip up some Crazy Storms! Super Tornado!!
Dark Me: Trample right over that Storm! Now go!
(Ragnaruk creates a Huge Tornado in the stadium center as Deimos continuously rams into Ragnaruk but Ragnaruk continues to hold itself down in the stadium center)
Ranjiro: If you’re trying to Burst Ragnaruk then good luck because Ragnaruk’s Tornados are unstoppable!
Dark Me: Speak for yourself! Accelerate, Deimos!!
(Deimos catches onto the stadium rim and starts accelerating at High Speeds and goes into Extremely High Speeds as it directs itself right toward Ragnaruk)
Ranjiro: Tch..!
Dark Me: It’s all over! Tragic Saber!!
(Deimos slashes Ragnaruk into the air as it goes extremely High into the air much to Ranjiro’s Shock, Ragnaruk hits the stadium wall and goes back toward the center)
Ranjiro: *Gasps* That’s some Serious Power!!
Dark Me: Keep pushing it back, Deimos!!
(Deimos continues to clash wildly with Ragnaruk as Sparks blast out of the stadium because of the clash, Deimos sends Ragnaruk flying into the wall as it goes in the Super Crater and starts speeding up in the Swirling Crater)
Dark Me: What’re you going to do?! Ranjiro Kiyama?!?
Ranjiro: We’re not losing! Ragnaruk!!
(Ranjiro’s Resonance Aura flares up as Ragnaruk blazes out of the Bey)
Dark Me: Try your best but you’ll fail! Deimos!!
(My Dark Resonance Aura blazes even more brightly as Deimos blazes out of the Bey with Swirling Darkness under it)
Ranjiro: Blow it back! Hyper Tornado!!
Dark Me: Push it back! Tragic Crusher!!
(Both Beys start clashing wildly and hitting each other around the stadium at Full Power, Sammy enters the GT Arena and witnesses the battle as both Bladers roar loudly, Deimos and Ragnaruk start clashing wildly in the center)
Sammy: Dax?! Ranjiro?!
Ranjiro: Rip ‘em apart, Ragnaruk!!
Dark Me: Explode them into bits! Now go!!
(Deimos starts pushing back Ragnaruk as Deimos slashes across Ragnaruk’s Layer causing it to blow up as smoke appears everywhere, Ragnaruks parts fly out of the stadium as steam rises from it)
Ranjiro: *Gasps* You’re kidding me!!
Dark Me: How do you like that?! This is the True Power of the Abyss King!!
Sammy: Guys? What’s going on? Looks like you were having a Pretty Intense Battle.
(My Dark Aura disperses and turns into steam as it disappears and my eyes flashback to their Normal Color)
Me: We were battling for a Little Test Battle before the League. I wanted to prepare for the League and this was supposed to be Training.
Ranjiro: Yeah. We went all out and it looked like Dax won… Again.
Sammy: Well, you guys can’t exclude me from the Training! Even if I couldn’t enter the league, I’m still ready to train you and Dax to the limit so I can make up for not being able to enter!
(Sammy holds up Solomon and his Launcher as he grins at the both of us, I grin back in response as I hold up Deimos towards them)
Me: Well, C’mon, Rival! I’ll show you some tricks and you’ll be able to see me use them in my Ultimate Battles!!
Ranjiro: Count me in!
~In Spain at BC Sol~
Ariana: Go, Shoot!!
(Ariana pulls off a Powerful Sparking Shoot as Aphrodite accelerates around the stadium surrounded by Swirling Pink Flames)
Ariana (Thoughts): Me and Aphrodite’s Bond is becoming tighter and tighter with each day. This is the Power I’ll use to break Deimos!!
Aphrodite: Yes! We’ll break Deimos and prove that we’re the Strongest in the Ultimate Sparking League!!
(Ariana’s Pink Flare surrounds her Blazing Brightly as Aphrodite’s Avatar stands behind her)
Ariana: Let’s show them who the Strongest is!!
~2 Days Later In Front of the Neo Bey Arena~
Me: This is where the Abyss King will prove his dominance! 2 Days of Intense Training will guarantee my Victory!! *Laughs*
Blue: Maybe he’s a little too excited.
Sammy: Tell me something I don’t know. Anyways, we trained pretty hard for this League so Dax should have this in the Bag!!
Me: Should? Of course, I have this in the Bag! I’m the Abyss King!!
Ariana: Daxseus Akagami, it’s you again.
Me: Ariana Nyx.
Ariana: I just wanted to tell you not to lose to anyone until you battle me in the League. If you do…
(Ariana pushes Me to the side as I just glare at her in Rage as I point at her in anger)
Me: You have no right to tell me to win!! I only tell myself that so why don’t you not lose?! What is your problem?!
Blue: Maybe she likes you.
Sammy: *Snickers* What?!
Me: Blue!!
(I chase Blue around the front of the Neo Bey Arena as Valt stops me and waves)
Valt: Nice to see you again, Dax. We should probably get inside now. The Opening Ceremony is starting soon.
Me: I’ll destroy you afterward Blue! Mark my words!
(I continue yelling at Blue as Valt just pulls me into the Neo Bey Arena as Blue and Sammy just chuckle together, I put Deimos into my Pocket inside the GT Arena Locker Room and polish my Launcher as my name is called)
Speaker: Dax Akagami, please step on your Rising Plate for the Opening Ceremony.
Me: It’s time, Deimos. We’ll finally get to prove ourselves!
(Deimos sparkles in the light as I step on my Rising Plate to go onto the Main Battle Ring)
Hanami: Okay Boys and Girls! Get ready because we’re entering a League of Legends! The Ultimate Sparking League!! These Bladers have fought long and hard to become Legends and some of them have just fought Hard to get into the League! So let’s get a round of applause as we clap for all of them!!
Crowd: *Screams* Legends!!!
Hanami: Our First Legend up is our #1 Wonder Boy himself, Valt Aoi!!
(The Spotlight lands on Valt as he waves over at the Crowd and grins widely)
Valt: Hey, everyone! I’ll keep my title as the Strongest Blader in the World and prove to you all that I’m the Strongest!!
Crowd: Yes!!
Hanami: Next up, we’ve got our Crimson Nove himself, Aiga Akaba!
Aiga: What is up, Japan? I’m your Super Z Champion!!
Hanami: Next up, we’ve got the Lone Blader, Free De La Hoya!!
Free: Hey.
Hanami: Now, we’ve got our Winter Demon! Lui Shirasagijo!!
Lui: Dax Akagami?! Where are you?! I demand we have a rematch right now!!
Valt: *Laughs*
Free: *Face Palms* Seriously? He hasn’t even been announced yet.
Hanami: We’ve got our Head Honcho himself! Rantaro Kiyama!!
Rantaro: Ragnaruk’s gonna blow you all out of the way!!
Hanami: The Lone Dark Skater, Sisco Karlisle!!
Sisco: Get ready to be crushed! I’m not holding back!!
Hanami: We’ve got the Captin of our Beyblade Ship! Ranjiro Kiyama!!
Ranjiro: What’s up?!
Hanami: And we’ve got our new Princess of Pink! Ariana Nyx!!
Ariana: I’ll be the winner of this Ultimate Sparking League! Just watch!!
Hanami: And next we have–
???: Why hello, everyone. The Abyss King is coming in hot!!
(I walk out to the stadium in a Tuxedo with lots of Jems and Jewels as I flick my cape into the air, I just grin at the audience)
Valt: Is that a Tuexdo?
Ariana: Ugh.
Me: Your Abyss King is here!!
Hanami: And the Abyss King has arrived here in style! Welcome, Dax Akagami!!
Me: The League of Legends has begun!!
Valt: Let’s do this! We’ll all fight until we’re eliminated!!
Aiga: Valt, prepare to be defeated by Me and My Bey!
Hanami: First, we’ll start off with some Battle Royals! So let’s begin now!!
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