Sep. 11, 2021 5:21 PM
Sep. 11, 2021 5:35 PM
A reminder that there is a Character Contest for Mystic Clash! There will also be on for Yin Yang again since a new Arc is coming up and I'll need a bit more characters, Deadline has been stretched to next Saturday!
Sep. 11, 2021 5:40 PM
(Sep. 11, 2021 5:35 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]A reminder that there is a Character Contest for Mystic Clash! There will also be on for Yin Yang again since a new Arc is coming up and I'll need a bit more characters, Deadline has been stretched to next Saturday!
Can you further explain it? like, relax that I won't try again for Yin Yang, but both end next saturday?
Sep. 11, 2021 5:41 PM
(Sep. 11, 2021 5:40 PM)Hollowmind8 Wrote: [ -> ](Sep. 11, 2021 5:35 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]A reminder that there is a Character Contest for Mystic Clash! There will also be on for Yin Yang again since a new Arc is coming up and I'll need a bit more characters, Deadline has been stretched to next Saturday!
Can you further explain it? like, relax that I won't try again for Yin Yang, but both end next saturday?
I'd kinda like it if the people that won last time didn't enter this one so you guys can give others a chance so thanks Hollowmind and also yes, both Contests end on Saturday
Chapter 2 Of Mystic Clash is out!
Spoiler (Click to View)
[I] [B]
Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash
Chapter 2
New Rival? Or New Foe?
~At The Park~
Ben: Victor, I’ve heard you’ve gotten pretty strong! So, why don’t you take me on!!
Me: Sure, I’ll beat you in a matter of seconds!
Emma: First battle!
Ben: My Cyclone Ifrit will crush your Bey with one hit!
Me: I’d like to see you try, Vulcan’s unbeatable!
Emma: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Ben: Go, Shoot!!
(Vulcan starts speeding around the stadium as Cyclone Ifrit takes the center)
Ben: Crush ‘em!!
Me: Send them flying!
(Vulcan slams into Cyclone Ifrit sending it flying in the air, Cyclone Ifrit bursts)
Ben: Wha-What?!
Emma: It’s Mystic Vulcan with a Burst Finish! Victor’s the winner!!
Victor: That’s how you do it!
Ben: Grr!!
(Ben runs away)
Emma: That was an awesome battle, you’re getting stronger!
Me: Yeah, but I still wanna battle in the Legend’s Class, how do I do that?
(Emma looks something up on her Ipad)
Emma: It says here that the International Mystic Ranking System or IMRS, is a new Ranking System only for Mystic Beyblades, there are Five Classes. Beginner, Basic, Expert, Master, and Legend! When you register you start in Beginner Class then you have to battle other strong Bladers in Ranked Battles to improve your Ranking, once Ranked high enough you’ll move up to Basic Class! And if you win a lot of battles you’ll be in Legend’s Class in no time!!
Me: So all I’ve gotta do is keep winning, alright! Sign me up!!
(Emma starts typing rapidly on her Ipad)
Emma: Yeah and the 1# Blader in the world is declared the Mystic Champion!
Me: I’ll become the Mystic Champion and beat Valt Aoi!!
Emma: There are also tons of Legendary Bladers out there, it’s not just Valt!
Me: I’ll beat ‘em all next then!
Emma: *Chuckles* I’m sure you will!
~In The Beigoma Academy Beyclub~
(A huge explosion ouccers, a Beyblade appears out of the explosion in its Bursted State)
All: *Gasps*
Referee Kid: Tristin Chiaki is the winner!!
Tristen: C’mon! Can’t anyone else give me a challenge?!
Toko: Calm down Tristen, I know you’re training to become the new Captain of the Beigoma Acadamy Bey Club but some Bladers aren’t as strong as you, so chill out.
Tristen: Am I finally ready?
Toko: You sure are, take good care of it.
(Toko gives Tristen his Bey, Screw Trident)
Tristen: Yes, finally, Trident is my Bey!
(Tristen holds up Trident)
Toko: I’ve heard that the Mystic System is pretty popular, thinking of evolving it into one?
Tristen: Nah, I’ll crush everyone with just this Bey!
Toko: Whatever, anyways, I know this club is in good hands with you.
(Toko walks away)
Tristen (Thoughts): Toko… Thanks for teaching me everything I know.
(Ben bursts through the door scrambling over to Tristen)
Tristen: What’s going on?
Ben: There’s this powerful Blader with a Mystic Bey and he’s gonna be entering the International Mystic Cup!
Tristen: So, he’s trying to become the Mystic Champion. Set up a battle with him!
Ben: You’ve got it!
(Ben runs off)
Random Kid: You sure you don’t need a Mystic Bey? He sounds powerful!
Tristen: I know what I’m doing, I’ll crush him myself.
(Tristen walks out the door)
~At The Park~
Me: I’ll become the Mystic Champion, Go Shoot!!
(After a powerful shoot Vulcan speeds around the stadium and slams into the wall and gets sent flying)
Me: *Gasps* No, Vulcan!
(Someone grabs Vulcan)
Tristen: You should be more careful.
Me: Thanks, bud!
Tristen: Victor, I challenge you to a Ranked Battle with my bey Screw Trident!
(Tristen holds up Screw Trident)
Me: Um, that’s a God Bey.
Tristen: So?
Me: You’ll lose pretty fast, God Beys are pretty outclassed.
Tristen: I’ll crush you anyways, now, get ready!
Emma’s Ipad: Tristen Chiaki has challenged Victor Homura to a Ranked Battle, do you wish to accept?
Emma: What do you say, Victor?
Me: Your loss will be my gain, I accept!
(A huge drone comes down)
Drone: First Battle!
Me: I’ll pull off a Mystic Shoot and win this thing!
Tristen (Thoughts): I’ll run down its stamina by dodging its attacks and when it’s wobbling I’ll burst it right there, who cares about the difference between God Beys and Mystic Beys?
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Tristen: Go, Shoot!!
Me (Thoughts): Why can’t I pull off a Mystic Shoot?!
(Both Bey’s land and start speeding around the stadium)
Me: Mystic Shoot!!
(Vulcan speeds up and tries hitting Trident, Trident dodges the attack)
Me: *Gasps*
Tristen: *Grins*
Emma: Trident dodges the attack?!
(Vulcan speeds around the center with a barrage of attacks but Trident dodges all of the attacks)
Me: Grr! I’ve got to make a hit!!
Tristen: You won’t, I’ve practiced this strategy over and over!
(Trident continues to dodge all Vulcan’s attacks)
Emma: C’mon, Victor!
Me: I’ve had enough, Vulcan!
(Vulcan leans on its driver and speeds up, Vulcan changes trajectory)
Tristen: What?!
Emma: Yes, keep it up!
Me: Vulcan!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up Vulcan blazes out of the Bey)
Tristen: Don’t give up, Trident!
Me: It’s over, Mystic Flare Boom!!
(Vulcan’s blades glow as it speeds up and slams into Trident, Trident Bursts)
Tristen: What?!
Drone: It’s Mystic Vulcan with a Burst Finish! Victor Homura is the winner, Rankings will update soon.
(Tristen slams his hands into the ground)
Me: I won, awesome!
Emma: Victor, come look at this!
(Emma shows me the updated Rankings)
Me: Nice, I’ve gotten way better!
Tristen: Grr!!!
(Tristen walks away)
~At Beigoma Acadamy Bey Club~
(Ben looks at Tristen looking like he’ll explode with laughter)
Ben: If it isn’t the Blader who thought they could defeat a Mystic Bey with a God Bey!
(Ben starts laughing wildly)
Tristen: Haha I lost, I’m glad you found that amusing.
(Tristen walks over to the Workroom)
Tristen: I’ll create a Mystic Bey from the depths of the sea that’ll crush Victor and his Bey, Mystic Vulcan.
(Tristen starts typing up a design)
Tristen: I’m coming for your spot… Valt Aoi.
~In The Legend’s Training Center’s Workroom~
Valt: Valkyrie, I’ll finish you super soon so we’ll be able to have some seriously fun battles!
(Valkyrie glimmers in the light)
Valt: I knew you’d like that, now, let’s show the world why we’re the strongest!
Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash
Chapter 2
New Rival? Or New Foe?
~At The Park~
Ben: Victor, I’ve heard you’ve gotten pretty strong! So, why don’t you take me on!!
Me: Sure, I’ll beat you in a matter of seconds!
Emma: First battle!
Ben: My Cyclone Ifrit will crush your Bey with one hit!
Me: I’d like to see you try, Vulcan’s unbeatable!
Emma: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Ben: Go, Shoot!!
(Vulcan starts speeding around the stadium as Cyclone Ifrit takes the center)
Ben: Crush ‘em!!
Me: Send them flying!
(Vulcan slams into Cyclone Ifrit sending it flying in the air, Cyclone Ifrit bursts)
Ben: Wha-What?!
Emma: It’s Mystic Vulcan with a Burst Finish! Victor’s the winner!!
Victor: That’s how you do it!
Ben: Grr!!
(Ben runs away)
Emma: That was an awesome battle, you’re getting stronger!
Me: Yeah, but I still wanna battle in the Legend’s Class, how do I do that?
(Emma looks something up on her Ipad)
Emma: It says here that the International Mystic Ranking System or IMRS, is a new Ranking System only for Mystic Beyblades, there are Five Classes. Beginner, Basic, Expert, Master, and Legend! When you register you start in Beginner Class then you have to battle other strong Bladers in Ranked Battles to improve your Ranking, once Ranked high enough you’ll move up to Basic Class! And if you win a lot of battles you’ll be in Legend’s Class in no time!!
Me: So all I’ve gotta do is keep winning, alright! Sign me up!!
(Emma starts typing rapidly on her Ipad)
Emma: Yeah and the 1# Blader in the world is declared the Mystic Champion!
Me: I’ll become the Mystic Champion and beat Valt Aoi!!
Emma: There are also tons of Legendary Bladers out there, it’s not just Valt!
Me: I’ll beat ‘em all next then!
Emma: *Chuckles* I’m sure you will!
~In The Beigoma Academy Beyclub~
(A huge explosion ouccers, a Beyblade appears out of the explosion in its Bursted State)
All: *Gasps*
Referee Kid: Tristin Chiaki is the winner!!
Tristen: C’mon! Can’t anyone else give me a challenge?!
Toko: Calm down Tristen, I know you’re training to become the new Captain of the Beigoma Acadamy Bey Club but some Bladers aren’t as strong as you, so chill out.
Tristen: Am I finally ready?
Toko: You sure are, take good care of it.
(Toko gives Tristen his Bey, Screw Trident)
Tristen: Yes, finally, Trident is my Bey!
(Tristen holds up Trident)
Toko: I’ve heard that the Mystic System is pretty popular, thinking of evolving it into one?
Tristen: Nah, I’ll crush everyone with just this Bey!
Toko: Whatever, anyways, I know this club is in good hands with you.
(Toko walks away)
Tristen (Thoughts): Toko… Thanks for teaching me everything I know.
(Ben bursts through the door scrambling over to Tristen)
Tristen: What’s going on?
Ben: There’s this powerful Blader with a Mystic Bey and he’s gonna be entering the International Mystic Cup!
Tristen: So, he’s trying to become the Mystic Champion. Set up a battle with him!
Ben: You’ve got it!
(Ben runs off)
Random Kid: You sure you don’t need a Mystic Bey? He sounds powerful!
Tristen: I know what I’m doing, I’ll crush him myself.
(Tristen walks out the door)
~At The Park~
Me: I’ll become the Mystic Champion, Go Shoot!!
(After a powerful shoot Vulcan speeds around the stadium and slams into the wall and gets sent flying)
Me: *Gasps* No, Vulcan!
(Someone grabs Vulcan)
Tristen: You should be more careful.
Me: Thanks, bud!
Tristen: Victor, I challenge you to a Ranked Battle with my bey Screw Trident!
(Tristen holds up Screw Trident)
Me: Um, that’s a God Bey.
Tristen: So?
Me: You’ll lose pretty fast, God Beys are pretty outclassed.
Tristen: I’ll crush you anyways, now, get ready!
Emma’s Ipad: Tristen Chiaki has challenged Victor Homura to a Ranked Battle, do you wish to accept?
Emma: What do you say, Victor?
Me: Your loss will be my gain, I accept!
(A huge drone comes down)
Drone: First Battle!
Me: I’ll pull off a Mystic Shoot and win this thing!
Tristen (Thoughts): I’ll run down its stamina by dodging its attacks and when it’s wobbling I’ll burst it right there, who cares about the difference between God Beys and Mystic Beys?
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Tristen: Go, Shoot!!
Me (Thoughts): Why can’t I pull off a Mystic Shoot?!
(Both Bey’s land and start speeding around the stadium)
Me: Mystic Shoot!!
(Vulcan speeds up and tries hitting Trident, Trident dodges the attack)
Me: *Gasps*
Tristen: *Grins*
Emma: Trident dodges the attack?!
(Vulcan speeds around the center with a barrage of attacks but Trident dodges all of the attacks)
Me: Grr! I’ve got to make a hit!!
Tristen: You won’t, I’ve practiced this strategy over and over!
(Trident continues to dodge all Vulcan’s attacks)
Emma: C’mon, Victor!
Me: I’ve had enough, Vulcan!
(Vulcan leans on its driver and speeds up, Vulcan changes trajectory)
Tristen: What?!
Emma: Yes, keep it up!
Me: Vulcan!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up Vulcan blazes out of the Bey)
Tristen: Don’t give up, Trident!
Me: It’s over, Mystic Flare Boom!!
(Vulcan’s blades glow as it speeds up and slams into Trident, Trident Bursts)
Tristen: What?!
Drone: It’s Mystic Vulcan with a Burst Finish! Victor Homura is the winner, Rankings will update soon.
(Tristen slams his hands into the ground)
Me: I won, awesome!
Emma: Victor, come look at this!
(Emma shows me the updated Rankings)
Me: Nice, I’ve gotten way better!
Tristen: Grr!!!
(Tristen walks away)
~At Beigoma Acadamy Bey Club~
(Ben looks at Tristen looking like he’ll explode with laughter)
Ben: If it isn’t the Blader who thought they could defeat a Mystic Bey with a God Bey!
(Ben starts laughing wildly)
Tristen: Haha I lost, I’m glad you found that amusing.
(Tristen walks over to the Workroom)
Tristen: I’ll create a Mystic Bey from the depths of the sea that’ll crush Victor and his Bey, Mystic Vulcan.
(Tristen starts typing up a design)
Tristen: I’m coming for your spot… Valt Aoi.
~In The Legend’s Training Center’s Workroom~
Valt: Valkyrie, I’ll finish you super soon so we’ll be able to have some seriously fun battles!
(Valkyrie glimmers in the light)
Valt: I knew you’d like that, now, let’s show the world why we’re the strongest!
This chapter wasn't meant to be long and important just a brief chapter of the Main Character's goal and how the series is gonna look like
Sep. 12, 2021 3:42 AM
(Sep. 11, 2021 5:35 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]A reminder that there is a Character Contest for Mystic Clash! There will also be on for Yin Yang again since a new Arc is coming up and I'll need a bit more characters, Deadline has been stretched to next Saturday!here's my entry, it's like 11 pm lol
Spoiler (Click to View)
Name: Christian Ackerman
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Yellow-ish green
Hair: Half Yellow, Half Black. Long, and tied back, like aiger when in resonance it stands up on end super spiky.
Appearance: Christian wears a black tank top with a gear on it, he has a light blue sleeveless jacket over it with a clock on the back. He has black pants with green lines down them, he has large metal cuffs on his wrists, and a bunch of weights on his lower legs. he wears grey running shoes.
Backstory/personality: Christian is the brother of Cuza Ackerman, He is a Determined blader with a goal to be super strong, he wears the arm and leg weights to train his launch skills and body, when he takes the weights off he can launch super hard. He created his Bey after his brother's bey, Chronos. he Took major inspiration from aiger and Lui. he likes to have fun but hates losing, often enough he will try to be the best in everything.
Bey: Fate Chronos.
Mystic core: Chronos: a gray background, there is a black outline of a sharp face, the face has blue eyes, this is mirrored across the other half of the core. in the middle of the core is a big gear design with a C in it. there are gears connected to the main one all around the rest of the core. the First tooth on Chronos is average, the second tooth is extremely good and the last 2 teeth are poor.
Weight: Hour: The hour weight has 2 weight blocks on each side set higher up, leaving a gap at the bottom, then there are 3 small weight blocks on the bottom of the weight on each side.
Disk: Gear: The gear disk is incredibly round with 32 "teeth" on it meant to resemble a gear, around the disk is a plastic ring with 5 blades akin to the fate ring. if you attach this ring to the bottom of the disk it will free spin, if attached from the top it's locked for the attack.
Driver: Eternity: The Eternity driver is a balanced driver with 3 modes. around the top is a free-spinning gear, then it's a cone-shaped round body with 3 different tips. tip 1: Attack - this tip is a flat metal tip surrounded by rubber, the metal pulls down on the driver causing better adherence to the stadium floor creating better attacks. Defense - A sharp tip with an internal free-spinning metal ball for stability and a free-spinning Metal ring, Stamina - A spring-loaded free-spinning ball surrounded by a free-spinning ring, when the ball pushes in the driver tip turns into a free-spinning hole flat.
special moves:
Tight Rope Bomber - In ultra attack mode (both layer and driver are in attack) Fate Chronos lands on the stadium wall after being knocked back and drops down onto the opponent for an epic counter-attack
Death Triangle - Chronos speeds towards the walls, stops, and moves towards the other side, repeating this motion in a triangle shape traping beys in that triangle, causing them to lose a lot of stamina
Time Check - When in ultra stamina mode it sits in the middle, resonance surrounding it, out spinning most beys.
Ultra Drift - when the driver is in stamina mode it leans onto the free-spinning ring and drifts into the opponent akin to curse satan's universe drift.
Grace Launch - Christian launches he launches Chronos(attack mode)higher and slightly tilted to the back, this causes chronos to absorb the impact into the rubber and bounce, akin to hell salamanders operate driver.
BreakAway Launch - Christian Launches extremely high and tilted forward and to the left, when Chronos lands the bey speeds forward extremely fast, dealing early damage.
Normal Launch
3. Shifts left foot back.
2. pulls launcher to side.
1. jumps in the air and does a flip
let it rip: just before landing his flip, he pulls the ripcord.
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Yellow-ish green
Hair: Half Yellow, Half Black. Long, and tied back, like aiger when in resonance it stands up on end super spiky.
Appearance: Christian wears a black tank top with a gear on it, he has a light blue sleeveless jacket over it with a clock on the back. He has black pants with green lines down them, he has large metal cuffs on his wrists, and a bunch of weights on his lower legs. he wears grey running shoes.
Backstory/personality: Christian is the brother of Cuza Ackerman, He is a Determined blader with a goal to be super strong, he wears the arm and leg weights to train his launch skills and body, when he takes the weights off he can launch super hard. He created his Bey after his brother's bey, Chronos. he Took major inspiration from aiger and Lui. he likes to have fun but hates losing, often enough he will try to be the best in everything.
Bey: Fate Chronos.
Mystic core: Chronos: a gray background, there is a black outline of a sharp face, the face has blue eyes, this is mirrored across the other half of the core. in the middle of the core is a big gear design with a C in it. there are gears connected to the main one all around the rest of the core. the First tooth on Chronos is average, the second tooth is extremely good and the last 2 teeth are poor.
Weight: Hour: The hour weight has 2 weight blocks on each side set higher up, leaving a gap at the bottom, then there are 3 small weight blocks on the bottom of the weight on each side.
Disk: Gear: The gear disk is incredibly round with 32 "teeth" on it meant to resemble a gear, around the disk is a plastic ring with 5 blades akin to the fate ring. if you attach this ring to the bottom of the disk it will free spin, if attached from the top it's locked for the attack.
Driver: Eternity: The Eternity driver is a balanced driver with 3 modes. around the top is a free-spinning gear, then it's a cone-shaped round body with 3 different tips. tip 1: Attack - this tip is a flat metal tip surrounded by rubber, the metal pulls down on the driver causing better adherence to the stadium floor creating better attacks. Defense - A sharp tip with an internal free-spinning metal ball for stability and a free-spinning Metal ring, Stamina - A spring-loaded free-spinning ball surrounded by a free-spinning ring, when the ball pushes in the driver tip turns into a free-spinning hole flat.
special moves:
Tight Rope Bomber - In ultra attack mode (both layer and driver are in attack) Fate Chronos lands on the stadium wall after being knocked back and drops down onto the opponent for an epic counter-attack
Death Triangle - Chronos speeds towards the walls, stops, and moves towards the other side, repeating this motion in a triangle shape traping beys in that triangle, causing them to lose a lot of stamina
Time Check - When in ultra stamina mode it sits in the middle, resonance surrounding it, out spinning most beys.
Ultra Drift - when the driver is in stamina mode it leans onto the free-spinning ring and drifts into the opponent akin to curse satan's universe drift.
Grace Launch - Christian launches he launches Chronos(attack mode)higher and slightly tilted to the back, this causes chronos to absorb the impact into the rubber and bounce, akin to hell salamanders operate driver.
BreakAway Launch - Christian Launches extremely high and tilted forward and to the left, when Chronos lands the bey speeds forward extremely fast, dealing early damage.
Normal Launch
3. Shifts left foot back.
2. pulls launcher to side.
1. jumps in the air and does a flip
let it rip: just before landing his flip, he pulls the ripcord.
Sep. 12, 2021 3:45 AM
(Sep. 11, 2021 5:41 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ](Sep. 11, 2021 5:40 PM)Hollowmind8 Wrote: [ -> ]Can you further explain it? like, relax that I won't try again for Yin Yang, but both end next saturday?
I'd kinda like it if the people that won last time didn't enter this one so you guys can give others a chance so thanks Hollowmind and also yes, both Contests end on Saturday
Chapter 2 Of Mystic Clash is out!
Spoiler (Click to View)[I] [B]
Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash
Chapter 2
New Rival? Or New Foe?
~At The Park~
Ben: Victor, I’ve heard you’ve gotten pretty strong! So, why don’t you take me on!!
Me: Sure, I’ll beat you in a matter of seconds!
Emma: First battle!
Ben: My Cyclone Ifrit will crush your Bey with one hit!
Me: I’d like to see you try, Vulcan’s unbeatable!
Emma: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Ben: Go, Shoot!!
(Vulcan starts speeding around the stadium as Cyclone Ifrit takes the center)
Ben: Crush ‘em!!
Me: Send them flying!
(Vulcan slams into Cyclone Ifrit sending it flying in the air, Cyclone Ifrit bursts)
Ben: Wha-What?!
Emma: It’s Mystic Vulcan with a Burst Finish! Victor’s the winner!!
Victor: That’s how you do it!
Ben: Grr!!
(Ben runs away)
Emma: That was an awesome battle, you’re getting stronger!
Me: Yeah, but I still wanna battle in the Legend’s Class, how do I do that?
(Emma looks something up on her Ipad)
Emma: It says here that the International Mystic Ranking System or IMRS, is a new Ranking System only for Mystic Beyblades, there are Five Classes. Beginner, Basic, Expert, Master, and Legend! When you register you start in Beginner Class then you have to battle other strong Bladers in Ranked Battles to improve your Ranking, once Ranked high enough you’ll move up to Basic Class! And if you win a lot of battles you’ll be in Legend’s Class in no time!!
Me: So all I’ve gotta do is keep winning, alright! Sign me up!!
(Emma starts typing rapidly on her Ipad)
Emma: Yeah and the 1# Blader in the world is declared the Mystic Champion!
Me: I’ll become the Mystic Champion and beat Valt Aoi!!
Emma: There are also tons of Legendary Bladers out there, it’s not just Valt!
Me: I’ll beat ‘em all next then!
Emma: *Chuckles* I’m sure you will!
~In The Beigoma Academy Beyclub~
(A huge explosion ouccers, a Beyblade appears out of the explosion in its Bursted State)
All: *Gasps*
Referee Kid: Tristin Chiaki is the winner!!
Tristen: C’mon! Can’t anyone else give me a challenge?!
Toko: Calm down Tristen, I know you’re training to become the new Captain of the Beigoma Acadamy Bey Club but some Bladers aren’t as strong as you, so chill out.
Tristen: Am I finally ready?
Toko: You sure are, take good care of it.
(Toko gives Tristen his Bey, Screw Trident)
Tristen: Yes, finally, Trident is my Bey!
(Tristen holds up Trident)
Toko: I’ve heard that the Mystic System is pretty popular, thinking of evolving it into one?
Tristen: Nah, I’ll crush everyone with just this Bey!
Toko: Whatever, anyways, I know this club is in good hands with you.
(Toko walks away)
Tristen (Thoughts): Toko… Thanks for teaching me everything I know.
(Ben bursts through the door scrambling over to Tristen)
Tristen: What’s going on?
Ben: There’s this powerful Blader with a Mystic Bey and he’s gonna be entering the International Mystic Cup!
Tristen: So, he’s trying to become the Mystic Champion. Set up a battle with him!
Ben: You’ve got it!
(Ben runs off)
Random Kid: You sure you don’t need a Mystic Bey? He sounds powerful!
Tristen: I know what I’m doing, I’ll crush him myself.
(Tristen walks out the door)
~At The Park~
Me: I’ll become the Mystic Champion, Go Shoot!!
(After a powerful shoot Vulcan speeds around the stadium and slams into the wall and gets sent flying)
Me: *Gasps* No, Vulcan!
(Someone grabs Vulcan)
Tristen: You should be more careful.
Me: Thanks, bud!
Tristen: Victor, I challenge you to a Ranked Battle with my bey Screw Trident!
(Tristen holds up Screw Trident)
Me: Um, that’s a God Bey.
Tristen: So?
Me: You’ll lose pretty fast, God Beys are pretty outclassed.
Tristen: I’ll crush you anyways, now, get ready!
Emma’s Ipad: Tristen Chiaki has challenged Victor Homura to a Ranked Battle, do you wish to accept?
Emma: What do you say, Victor?
Me: Your loss will be my gain, I accept!
(A huge drone comes down)
Drone: First Battle!
Me: I’ll pull off a Mystic Shoot and win this thing!
Tristen (Thoughts): I’ll run down its stamina by dodging its attacks and when it’s wobbling I’ll burst it right there, who cares about the difference between God Beys and Mystic Beys?
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Tristen: Go, Shoot!!
Me (Thoughts): Why can’t I pull off a Mystic Shoot?!
(Both Bey’s land and start speeding around the stadium)
Me: Mystic Shoot!!
(Vulcan speeds up and tries hitting Trident, Trident dodges the attack)
Me: *Gasps*
Tristen: *Grins*
Emma: Trident dodges the attack?!
(Vulcan speeds around the center with a barrage of attacks but Trident dodges all of the attacks)
Me: Grr! I’ve got to make a hit!!
Tristen: You won’t, I’ve practiced this strategy over and over!
(Trident continues to dodge all Vulcan’s attacks)
Emma: C’mon, Victor!
Me: I’ve had enough, Vulcan!
(Vulcan leans on its driver and speeds up, Vulcan changes trajectory)
Tristen: What?!
Emma: Yes, keep it up!
Me: Vulcan!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up Vulcan blazes out of the Bey)
Tristen: Don’t give up, Trident!
Me: It’s over, Mystic Flare Boom!!
(Vulcan’s blades glow as it speeds up and slams into Trident, Trident Bursts)
Tristen: What?!
Drone: It’s Mystic Vulcan with a Burst Finish! Victor Homura is the winner, Rankings will update soon.
(Tristen slams his hands into the ground)
Me: I won, awesome!
Emma: Victor, come look at this!
(Emma shows me the updated Rankings)
Me: Nice, I’ve gotten way better!
Tristen: Grr!!!
(Tristen walks away)
~At Beigoma Acadamy Bey Club~
(Ben looks at Tristen looking like he’ll explode with laughter)
Ben: If it isn’t the Blader who thought they could defeat a Mystic Bey with a God Bey!
(Ben starts laughing wildly)
Tristen: Haha I lost, I’m glad you found that amusing.
(Tristen walks over to the Workroom)
Tristen: I’ll create a Mystic Bey from the depths of the sea that’ll crush Victor and his Bey, Mystic Vulcan.
(Tristen starts typing up a design)
Tristen: I’m coming for your spot… Valt Aoi.
~In The Legend’s Training Center’s Workroom~
Valt: Valkyrie, I’ll finish you super soon so we’ll be able to have some seriously fun battles!
(Valkyrie glimmers in the light)
Valt: I knew you’d like that, now, let’s show the world why we’re the strongest!(I apologize if I forgot about you also LJ Blader never told me if you wanted to be pinged so if you want to just ask)
This chapter wasn't meant to be long and important just a brief chapter of the Main Character's goal and how the series is gonna look like
huh, this episode was pretty poggers for an episode with just the main characters goal! nice and im interested for a new trident evolution!
Sep. 12, 2021 5:45 AM
11 AM in my place
I too want to get pinged every episode
I too want to get pinged every episode
Sep. 13, 2021 3:45 AM
Chapter 24 of Yin Yang has reached its pinnacle
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 24
The Requiem Project Lives, Requiem Erebus!
Valt: Holy Scimitar!!
(Valkyrie’s blades glow as it speeds up and slams into Anpao and Asriel, Both Beys get shot out of the stadium)
Adrian/Austin: *Gasps*
Bell: Looks like you’re still not ready to defeat Valt!
Austin: What do you mean? We totally can, he’s just a stepping stone!
Bell: Even Adrian couldn’t beat him and he beat The Demon King twice! So, maybe he’s just gotten rusty!!
Adrian: You better take that back.
Bell: The Head Honcho of Beyblade, Valt Aoi! Vs the cruddy newbies trying to be the best but can’t!!
(Bell sticks his tongue out, Adrian’s eyes turn purple as his Dark Resonance Aura flares up)
Possessed Adrian: Grr!!!
Bell: Chill, The Demon King was kidding.
Austin: Yeah, don’t take it too seriously.
(Adrian slaps Austin’s hand away)
Austin: *Gasps*
Possessed Adrian: I don’t need your pity.
Ren: Maybe you do, you’re on a losing streak!
(Adrian stares down Ren right in the eye, Ren stares back)
Adrian: Why don’t I crush you’re Ragnaruk to teach you a lesson.
Ren: I’d like to see you try, you’re on a losing streak!!
(Adrian’s Flare surrounds him wildly)
Hikaru (Thoughts): *Gasps* His Flare’s that strong already?!
~Deep Inside The Snake Pit~
(Ethan falls over in exhaustion)
Ashtem: Are you giving up?
Ethan: Never, I’ll do whatever it takes to become the strongest in the world!!
(Ethan’s eyes turn black)
Ashtem: Good, you’re ready for your new Bey. Get up.
(Ethan gets up and follows Ashtem into the Requiem Room, huge machinery surrounds them with a huge test tube in the middle)
Evel: I’ve prepared everything you need to perform the Requiem Project again, and I’ve made major improvements to the machine so it’ll take his Resonance to the next level in no time. But has he endured enough brutal training?
Ashtem: I’ve honed him to the bone, given him the most brutal training anyone’s ever suffered through here, and he’s still standing, he’s ready.
Ethan: I’m ready. I’ll break every Bey that gets in my way to become the best.
Evel: Good, but this will be the most brutal thing you’ll be put through, there’s no escaping it once it’s started.
Ashtem: What do you say?
Ethan: Whatever it takes to become stronger.
(Evel hooks Ethan up to the huge capsule and locks him in there)
Ashtem: Let The Requiem Project begin again!!
~Back At The Daikokuten Mansion~
Possessed Adrian: Take ‘em down, Twilight Slash!!
(Asriel speeds up and slams into Ragnaruk, With a huge explosion Ragnaruk bursts)
Ren: *Gasps*
Drone: It’s Twilight Asriel with a Burst Finish! Adrian Saito is the winner!!
Possessed Adrian: I’m sorry, I thought you were going to crush me!!
(Adrian looks at Ren with his purple eyes, Ren falls to his knees)
Ren: I want a rematch!
Wally: Guys, it’s getting late, you can have your rematch tomorrow morning.
Ren: You just wait, I'll crush you tomorrow morning!
Adrian: Sure you will.
(Adrian rolls his eyes and walks away)
Ren: Mate, you just wait for tomorrow!!
~In Adrian’s Dorm~
(Adrian holds up Asriel in his bed, Asriel glows purple)
Adrian: We can still get stronger, I still can’t defeat Valt.
Asriel: When we’re good and ready we’ll crush Valkyrie!
Adrian: Yeah, but for now, we’ve just got to keep training!
(Adrian gets up and walks over to the Battle Room, a shadowy figure starts walking towards Adrian)
Adrian: Grr! What’re you doing here, who are you?
???: I’m pretty sure you’re familiar with who I am.
(The shadowy figure walks out of the dark revealing himself)
Adrian: *Gasps* Shu Kurenai?!
Shu: That’s right, it’s me. And you’re Adrian Saito.
Adrian: How do you know who I am?
Shu: I’ve been watching all of your matches, and Valt told me about you.
Adrian: So, you’ve been seeing how awesomely strong I’ve been getting!
Shu: Unfortunately you're wrong.
Adrian: Let me guess, my Resonance is corrupt and dangerous, I’ve heard that before.
Shu: That’s the reason I came here, your Resonance can be grave and you need to purify it.
Adrian: My bond with Asriel is what keeps me going, I’m not going to stop just because some so-called Legend tells me to!
Shu: I earned the title of Legend with my hard work and skill, but you can’t even call yourself a True Blader.
Adrian: Since you think you know everything, why don’t we have a battle? First-person to Three Points wins!!
Shu: Fine by me, I’ll show you what True Resonance is with Astral Spriggan!
(Shu holds up his Astral Spriggan)
Adrian: Twilight Asriel will show you we do have a True Bond!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up his eyes glow purple as Asriel stands behind him with purple eyes glaring at Shu)
Shu: This is not a True Resonance.
~Deep Within The Snake Pit~
Ashtem: Turn it up all the way.
Evel: He’s just a child, he won’t--
Ashtem: Turn it up.
(Evel turns the machine up all the way)
Ethan: *Screams*
(A purple fire surrounds Ethan while he’s in the machine, the purple fire surrounds him)
Ashtem: What’s going on?
Evel: He’s achieving the ultimate Resonance, Blaze. The evolved version of Flare, with these dangerous flames he’ll become more and more powerful with each battle.
Ashtem: Amazing! The Requiem Project lives stronger and more powerful than ever!! *Laughs Crazily*
(Ethan gets pulled into a White Chamber with a shadowy figure sitting on a huge throne)
???: Who are you?
Ethan: I’m Ethan Gilten, The Ultimate Blader!
???: Prove to me that you’re worthy of my strength.
Ethan: What do you need me to do?
(The humongous avatar stands up and takes Ethan into a kitchen)
Ethan: *Gasps* What am I doing here?
Alexander: Hello, Ethan. Do you want to make cookies?
(A younger version of Ethan runs up to Alexander from behind Ethan)
Young Ethan: Yeah!
Ethan: I don’t get it, what do you want me to do?
(The Avatar holds a ball of purple fire)
???: This is your Blaze, end this disgusting moment with it.
Ethan: This is one of my favorite childhood memories, you want me to burn it down?
???: Yes, but it’s understandable if you can’t do it, which means you’re not worthy of my power.
(Ethan grabs the purple fireball and throws it to the ground, the whole memory burns and turns into golden dust)
???: Good, you’ve reached the first step of harnessing my power.
(Ethan looks at the golden dust with sadness)
~Back At The Daikokuten Mansion~
Drone: First battle!
(Shu puts Spriggan in Counterclockwise Defense Mode)
Shu: I’m going with Defense Mode!
Possessed Adrian: Doesn’t matter to me, I’ll crush you all the same!
(Adrian puts Asriel in Heavy Mode)
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Adrian/Shu: Go, Shoot!!
(Adrian pulls off an extremely powerful Eclipse Shoot, Shu pulls off an Explosive Shoot)
Shu: Go to the center, Spriggan!
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Rip ‘em to shreds with Twilight Shoot!!
(Asriel speeds up and hits Spriggan with a powerful barrage of attacks, Spriggan holds itself down)
Shu: You won’t be beating Spriggan so easily!
(Asriel slams into Spriggan’s rubber with its rubber, a huge explosion ouccers)
Shu: Don’t let it through, Spriggan!
(Asriel gets sent flying)
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Asriel!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel blazes out of the Bey, Asriel glows purple and enters Flare, Asriel hits the wall)
Shu: Those flames, that’s--
Possessed Adrian: Twilight Flight!!
(Asriel catches onto the stadium rim and speeds up, Asriel slams into Spriggan and sends it flying out of the stadium)
Shu: *Gasps*
Drone: Twilight Asriel with a Burst Finish! Adrian Saito claims 1 point!!
Possessed Adrian: *Laughs* Still calling yourself a Legend?!
Shu (Thoughts): So, he’s capable of Flare. I’m going to have to up my game if I want to show him what True Resonance is!
(Shu puts Spriggan in Attack Mode)
Drone: Second Battle!
Adrian: Don’t worry, I’ll crush you in a blink of an eye so you won’t have to worry about a thing!
Shu: I won’t let you, I’ll be crushing you in this battle!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Shu/Adrian: Go, Shoot!!
(Shu pulls off an Explosive Shoot, Adrian pulls off an extremely powerful Eclipse Shoot)
Shu: Go, Spriggan!
(Spriggan speeds up and slams into Asriel, Asriel gets sent flying in the air)
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Asriel!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel blazes out of the Bey)
Possessed Adrian: Crush them with your Twilight Shoot!!
(Asriel speeds up and hits Spriggan with an extremely powerful barrage of attacks)
Shu: Counter, Astral Spark!
(Spriggan leans on its driver and speeds up, Spriggan and Asriel hit each other with an extremely powerful barrage of attacks, Purple lights slash at Adrian)
Adrian: *Groans*
Shu: C’mon, Spriggan!!
(Shu’s Resonance Aura flares up Spriggan blazes out of the Bey, Spriggan leans on its driver and gains lots of speed)
Shu: Astral Slash!!
(Spriggan slams into Asriel at full speed, Asriel bursts, a purple light hits Adrian)
Adrian: *Groans Loudly*
Drone: It’s Astral Spriggan with a Burst Finish! Shu Kurenai claims 2 points!!
Adrian: He… He burst Asriel.
Shu: So, now--
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up, Adrian’s eyes glow as his heartbeats loudly)
Possessed Adrian: I’m gonna win… I’m gonna win… I’m gonna win!!
Shu: *Gasps*
Possessed Adrian: I’m gonna win because I’m… Asriel!!
Shu: No, you’re not. I’m going to show you True Resonance!!
Drone: Third Battle!
(Shu puts Spriggan in Clockwise Mode)
Shu: I’ll end this battle with Astral Spriggan’s true power!
Possessed Adrian: I’ll show you how strong we really are!!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Shu/Adrian: Go, Shoot!!
(Adrian pulls off an extremely powerful Eclipse Shoot, Shu pulls off an Explosive Shoot)
Possessed Adrian: Start things off with Twilight Strike!!
(Asriel leans on its driver and speeds up, Asriel slams into Spriggan sending it flying in the air)
Shu: I’m not giving up, Counter Break!
(Spriggan lands on the ground and speeds up, Spriggan slams into Asriel sending it flying into the wall, Asriel starts wobbling)
Possessed Adrian: *Roars Loudly* True Twilight Flight!!
(Asriel leans on its driver and catches onto the rim, Asriel picks up crazy speed)
Shu: Astral Counter Break!!
(Spriggan catches onto the stadium rim and slams into Asriel, Spriggan forms a crack)
Possessed Adrian: End this, Twilight Blight!!
Shu: Astral Slash!!
(Spriggan and Asriel speed up and slam into each other, a humongous purple beam in light bursts from the stadium, Shu’s scar glows brightly)
Shu/Possessed Adrian: *Roars*
(Spriggan gets shot up in the air and continues to crack, Spriggan bursts into fragments)
Shu: Wha--What?!
Drone: It’s Twilight Asriel with a Burst Finish! Adrian Saito wins with a score of 2-3!!
Possessed Adrian: Yes!!!
(Adrian passes out)
Shu: So, that’s how far your power goes.
(Shu walks away)
~In A White Sandy Place~
(Ethan throws a purple fireball at Astral Spriggan’s Avatar, Spriggan’s Avatar turns into golden dust)
???: Good, you’re ready.
Ethan: Will you finally tell me who you are?
Erebus: I am Erebus, the personification of darkness, you’re Bey.
Ethan: Well Erebus, I guess we’ll be becoming the strongest together.
(Erebus holds a purple fireball in his hand)
Erebus: This is your powerful fighting Blaze, it’ll fuse us and we’ll become one. But this will change you and you’ll be obsessed with strength but nothing else. The choice is yours, when the Blaze is touched it will be permanent. Do you accept it?
(Ethan touches the Purple Fireball)
Ethan: Let’s do this!
(Ethan and Erebus get sucked into the purple fireball)
~Back In The Snake Pit~
(Evel turns the machine off)
Evel: The experiment was a success, Ethan’s Bey, Requiem Erebus has been finished, and Ethan has been fully fused with his Bey.
(The machine capsule opens as Ethan steps out of it)
Ashtem: Marvelous! Red Eye may have been a failure but now I have a new successor!!
(Ashtem hands Ethan a long Black and White coat, Ethan grabs his Bey from the machine)
Ethan: With Erebus in my hand I’ll take over The Blading World!
Ashtem: Yes, your mission is to get stronger with each battle and then get strong enough to overthrow all the Blading Legends!
(Evel looks up Ethan’s Bey on his computer screen)
Evel (Thoughts): Requiem Erebus, a clockwise Defense Type. It has 2 Contact Points on the front that can be used to absorb impacts and takes less damage, it also has 2 Bound Blades that can be used for counterattacks. It’s a pretty thick and round Bey that’ll be able for a powerful defense. Its driver has a plate around it and in the middle has POM in it to brush off attacks creating friction. This is my best work.
Ethan: We’re taking it to the stadium.
Ashtem: Alright, let’s go.
(Ethan and Ashtem walk over to the Training Room)
Ashtem: This machine will dispense Beyblades at high speeds, they’re powerful so they should pose a challenge to your Erebus.
Ethan: 3! 2! 1! Go, Shoot!!
(Ethan pulls off a powerful Eclipse Shoot, the Beyblades dispense from the machine, Ethan’s Blaze flares around him and flickers wildly)
Ethan: Destroy them all, now.
(Erebus takes the center as all of the Beys slam into it, Erebus bursts them all)
Evel: He destroyed our most powerful Beys in no time.
Ashtem: You’ll become the new stronger version of Red Eye in no time.
Ethan: I’m not Red Eye, I’m my own Blader.
(Ethan shoves his coat up and walks away)
Ashtem: Evel, you’ve done great work in completing my dream.
Evel: Are you sure? He could go haywire at any moment?
Ashtem: Quiet fool, this is what he wants.
Evel (Thoughts): You mean what you want.
~On The Roof Of The Daikokuten Mansion~
(Valt sits up there as a shadowy figure approaches him)
Valt: So, you came, Shu.
Shu: Yeah, I couldn’t just leave without saying hello.
Valt: How was your match with Adrian?
Shu: Not great apparently.
(Shu shows Valt Spriggan’s fragments)
Valt: He seriously did that?!
Shu: Yeah, he’s a powerful Blader.
Valt: He’s gotta learn sooner or later.
Shu: Yeah, I’ll teach him his lesson when Spriggan’s back up and running.
Valt: I wonder if he’ll ever learn.
Shu: There’s always a way, Valt, even when it looks impossible.
(Shu gets up and walks away)
Valt: Shu’s right, he’ll learn what True Resonance is… eventually.
Sorry if I forgot about you and also I worked all day on this chapter so I'd appreciate some good feedback please don't just post I liked it. If you don't really have anything to really say just like the post, if you say nice I liked it you need to state why you liked it, or else it'd kinda be considered spam, thanks guys for all your support for the past couple of months on my fanfics you guys are truly my friends and mean the world to me, I hope you know I really mean that, have a nice afternoon.
Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 24
The Requiem Project Lives, Requiem Erebus!
Valt: Holy Scimitar!!
(Valkyrie’s blades glow as it speeds up and slams into Anpao and Asriel, Both Beys get shot out of the stadium)
Adrian/Austin: *Gasps*
Bell: Looks like you’re still not ready to defeat Valt!
Austin: What do you mean? We totally can, he’s just a stepping stone!
Bell: Even Adrian couldn’t beat him and he beat The Demon King twice! So, maybe he’s just gotten rusty!!
Adrian: You better take that back.
Bell: The Head Honcho of Beyblade, Valt Aoi! Vs the cruddy newbies trying to be the best but can’t!!
(Bell sticks his tongue out, Adrian’s eyes turn purple as his Dark Resonance Aura flares up)
Possessed Adrian: Grr!!!
Bell: Chill, The Demon King was kidding.
Austin: Yeah, don’t take it too seriously.
(Adrian slaps Austin’s hand away)
Austin: *Gasps*
Possessed Adrian: I don’t need your pity.
Ren: Maybe you do, you’re on a losing streak!
(Adrian stares down Ren right in the eye, Ren stares back)
Adrian: Why don’t I crush you’re Ragnaruk to teach you a lesson.
Ren: I’d like to see you try, you’re on a losing streak!!
(Adrian’s Flare surrounds him wildly)
Hikaru (Thoughts): *Gasps* His Flare’s that strong already?!
~Deep Inside The Snake Pit~
(Ethan falls over in exhaustion)
Ashtem: Are you giving up?
Ethan: Never, I’ll do whatever it takes to become the strongest in the world!!
(Ethan’s eyes turn black)
Ashtem: Good, you’re ready for your new Bey. Get up.
(Ethan gets up and follows Ashtem into the Requiem Room, huge machinery surrounds them with a huge test tube in the middle)
Evel: I’ve prepared everything you need to perform the Requiem Project again, and I’ve made major improvements to the machine so it’ll take his Resonance to the next level in no time. But has he endured enough brutal training?
Ashtem: I’ve honed him to the bone, given him the most brutal training anyone’s ever suffered through here, and he’s still standing, he’s ready.
Ethan: I’m ready. I’ll break every Bey that gets in my way to become the best.
Evel: Good, but this will be the most brutal thing you’ll be put through, there’s no escaping it once it’s started.
Ashtem: What do you say?
Ethan: Whatever it takes to become stronger.
(Evel hooks Ethan up to the huge capsule and locks him in there)
Ashtem: Let The Requiem Project begin again!!
~Back At The Daikokuten Mansion~
Possessed Adrian: Take ‘em down, Twilight Slash!!
(Asriel speeds up and slams into Ragnaruk, With a huge explosion Ragnaruk bursts)
Ren: *Gasps*
Drone: It’s Twilight Asriel with a Burst Finish! Adrian Saito is the winner!!
Possessed Adrian: I’m sorry, I thought you were going to crush me!!
(Adrian looks at Ren with his purple eyes, Ren falls to his knees)
Ren: I want a rematch!
Wally: Guys, it’s getting late, you can have your rematch tomorrow morning.
Ren: You just wait, I'll crush you tomorrow morning!
Adrian: Sure you will.
(Adrian rolls his eyes and walks away)
Ren: Mate, you just wait for tomorrow!!
~In Adrian’s Dorm~
(Adrian holds up Asriel in his bed, Asriel glows purple)
Adrian: We can still get stronger, I still can’t defeat Valt.
Asriel: When we’re good and ready we’ll crush Valkyrie!
Adrian: Yeah, but for now, we’ve just got to keep training!
(Adrian gets up and walks over to the Battle Room, a shadowy figure starts walking towards Adrian)
Adrian: Grr! What’re you doing here, who are you?
???: I’m pretty sure you’re familiar with who I am.
(The shadowy figure walks out of the dark revealing himself)
Adrian: *Gasps* Shu Kurenai?!
Shu: That’s right, it’s me. And you’re Adrian Saito.
Adrian: How do you know who I am?
Shu: I’ve been watching all of your matches, and Valt told me about you.
Adrian: So, you’ve been seeing how awesomely strong I’ve been getting!
Shu: Unfortunately you're wrong.
Adrian: Let me guess, my Resonance is corrupt and dangerous, I’ve heard that before.
Shu: That’s the reason I came here, your Resonance can be grave and you need to purify it.
Adrian: My bond with Asriel is what keeps me going, I’m not going to stop just because some so-called Legend tells me to!
Shu: I earned the title of Legend with my hard work and skill, but you can’t even call yourself a True Blader.
Adrian: Since you think you know everything, why don’t we have a battle? First-person to Three Points wins!!
Shu: Fine by me, I’ll show you what True Resonance is with Astral Spriggan!
(Shu holds up his Astral Spriggan)
Adrian: Twilight Asriel will show you we do have a True Bond!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up his eyes glow purple as Asriel stands behind him with purple eyes glaring at Shu)
Shu: This is not a True Resonance.
~Deep Within The Snake Pit~
Ashtem: Turn it up all the way.
Evel: He’s just a child, he won’t--
Ashtem: Turn it up.
(Evel turns the machine up all the way)
Ethan: *Screams*
(A purple fire surrounds Ethan while he’s in the machine, the purple fire surrounds him)
Ashtem: What’s going on?
Evel: He’s achieving the ultimate Resonance, Blaze. The evolved version of Flare, with these dangerous flames he’ll become more and more powerful with each battle.
Ashtem: Amazing! The Requiem Project lives stronger and more powerful than ever!! *Laughs Crazily*
(Ethan gets pulled into a White Chamber with a shadowy figure sitting on a huge throne)
???: Who are you?
Ethan: I’m Ethan Gilten, The Ultimate Blader!
???: Prove to me that you’re worthy of my strength.
Ethan: What do you need me to do?
(The humongous avatar stands up and takes Ethan into a kitchen)
Ethan: *Gasps* What am I doing here?
Alexander: Hello, Ethan. Do you want to make cookies?
(A younger version of Ethan runs up to Alexander from behind Ethan)
Young Ethan: Yeah!
Ethan: I don’t get it, what do you want me to do?
(The Avatar holds a ball of purple fire)
???: This is your Blaze, end this disgusting moment with it.
Ethan: This is one of my favorite childhood memories, you want me to burn it down?
???: Yes, but it’s understandable if you can’t do it, which means you’re not worthy of my power.
(Ethan grabs the purple fireball and throws it to the ground, the whole memory burns and turns into golden dust)
???: Good, you’ve reached the first step of harnessing my power.
(Ethan looks at the golden dust with sadness)
~Back At The Daikokuten Mansion~
Drone: First battle!
(Shu puts Spriggan in Counterclockwise Defense Mode)
Shu: I’m going with Defense Mode!
Possessed Adrian: Doesn’t matter to me, I’ll crush you all the same!
(Adrian puts Asriel in Heavy Mode)
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Adrian/Shu: Go, Shoot!!
(Adrian pulls off an extremely powerful Eclipse Shoot, Shu pulls off an Explosive Shoot)
Shu: Go to the center, Spriggan!
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Rip ‘em to shreds with Twilight Shoot!!
(Asriel speeds up and hits Spriggan with a powerful barrage of attacks, Spriggan holds itself down)
Shu: You won’t be beating Spriggan so easily!
(Asriel slams into Spriggan’s rubber with its rubber, a huge explosion ouccers)
Shu: Don’t let it through, Spriggan!
(Asriel gets sent flying)
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Asriel!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel blazes out of the Bey, Asriel glows purple and enters Flare, Asriel hits the wall)
Shu: Those flames, that’s--
Possessed Adrian: Twilight Flight!!
(Asriel catches onto the stadium rim and speeds up, Asriel slams into Spriggan and sends it flying out of the stadium)
Shu: *Gasps*
Drone: Twilight Asriel with a Burst Finish! Adrian Saito claims 1 point!!
Possessed Adrian: *Laughs* Still calling yourself a Legend?!
Shu (Thoughts): So, he’s capable of Flare. I’m going to have to up my game if I want to show him what True Resonance is!
(Shu puts Spriggan in Attack Mode)
Drone: Second Battle!
Adrian: Don’t worry, I’ll crush you in a blink of an eye so you won’t have to worry about a thing!
Shu: I won’t let you, I’ll be crushing you in this battle!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Shu/Adrian: Go, Shoot!!
(Shu pulls off an Explosive Shoot, Adrian pulls off an extremely powerful Eclipse Shoot)
Shu: Go, Spriggan!
(Spriggan speeds up and slams into Asriel, Asriel gets sent flying in the air)
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Asriel!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel blazes out of the Bey)
Possessed Adrian: Crush them with your Twilight Shoot!!
(Asriel speeds up and hits Spriggan with an extremely powerful barrage of attacks)
Shu: Counter, Astral Spark!
(Spriggan leans on its driver and speeds up, Spriggan and Asriel hit each other with an extremely powerful barrage of attacks, Purple lights slash at Adrian)
Adrian: *Groans*
Shu: C’mon, Spriggan!!
(Shu’s Resonance Aura flares up Spriggan blazes out of the Bey, Spriggan leans on its driver and gains lots of speed)
Shu: Astral Slash!!
(Spriggan slams into Asriel at full speed, Asriel bursts, a purple light hits Adrian)
Adrian: *Groans Loudly*
Drone: It’s Astral Spriggan with a Burst Finish! Shu Kurenai claims 2 points!!
Adrian: He… He burst Asriel.
Shu: So, now--
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up, Adrian’s eyes glow as his heartbeats loudly)
Possessed Adrian: I’m gonna win… I’m gonna win… I’m gonna win!!
Shu: *Gasps*
Possessed Adrian: I’m gonna win because I’m… Asriel!!
Shu: No, you’re not. I’m going to show you True Resonance!!
Drone: Third Battle!
(Shu puts Spriggan in Clockwise Mode)
Shu: I’ll end this battle with Astral Spriggan’s true power!
Possessed Adrian: I’ll show you how strong we really are!!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Shu/Adrian: Go, Shoot!!
(Adrian pulls off an extremely powerful Eclipse Shoot, Shu pulls off an Explosive Shoot)
Possessed Adrian: Start things off with Twilight Strike!!
(Asriel leans on its driver and speeds up, Asriel slams into Spriggan sending it flying in the air)
Shu: I’m not giving up, Counter Break!
(Spriggan lands on the ground and speeds up, Spriggan slams into Asriel sending it flying into the wall, Asriel starts wobbling)
Possessed Adrian: *Roars Loudly* True Twilight Flight!!
(Asriel leans on its driver and catches onto the rim, Asriel picks up crazy speed)
Shu: Astral Counter Break!!
(Spriggan catches onto the stadium rim and slams into Asriel, Spriggan forms a crack)
Possessed Adrian: End this, Twilight Blight!!
Shu: Astral Slash!!
(Spriggan and Asriel speed up and slam into each other, a humongous purple beam in light bursts from the stadium, Shu’s scar glows brightly)
Shu/Possessed Adrian: *Roars*
(Spriggan gets shot up in the air and continues to crack, Spriggan bursts into fragments)
Shu: Wha--What?!
Drone: It’s Twilight Asriel with a Burst Finish! Adrian Saito wins with a score of 2-3!!
Possessed Adrian: Yes!!!
(Adrian passes out)
Shu: So, that’s how far your power goes.
(Shu walks away)
~In A White Sandy Place~
(Ethan throws a purple fireball at Astral Spriggan’s Avatar, Spriggan’s Avatar turns into golden dust)
???: Good, you’re ready.
Ethan: Will you finally tell me who you are?
Erebus: I am Erebus, the personification of darkness, you’re Bey.
Ethan: Well Erebus, I guess we’ll be becoming the strongest together.
(Erebus holds a purple fireball in his hand)
Erebus: This is your powerful fighting Blaze, it’ll fuse us and we’ll become one. But this will change you and you’ll be obsessed with strength but nothing else. The choice is yours, when the Blaze is touched it will be permanent. Do you accept it?
(Ethan touches the Purple Fireball)
Ethan: Let’s do this!
(Ethan and Erebus get sucked into the purple fireball)
~Back In The Snake Pit~
(Evel turns the machine off)
Evel: The experiment was a success, Ethan’s Bey, Requiem Erebus has been finished, and Ethan has been fully fused with his Bey.
(The machine capsule opens as Ethan steps out of it)
Ashtem: Marvelous! Red Eye may have been a failure but now I have a new successor!!
(Ashtem hands Ethan a long Black and White coat, Ethan grabs his Bey from the machine)
Ethan: With Erebus in my hand I’ll take over The Blading World!
Ashtem: Yes, your mission is to get stronger with each battle and then get strong enough to overthrow all the Blading Legends!
(Evel looks up Ethan’s Bey on his computer screen)
Evel (Thoughts): Requiem Erebus, a clockwise Defense Type. It has 2 Contact Points on the front that can be used to absorb impacts and takes less damage, it also has 2 Bound Blades that can be used for counterattacks. It’s a pretty thick and round Bey that’ll be able for a powerful defense. Its driver has a plate around it and in the middle has POM in it to brush off attacks creating friction. This is my best work.
Ethan: We’re taking it to the stadium.
Ashtem: Alright, let’s go.
(Ethan and Ashtem walk over to the Training Room)
Ashtem: This machine will dispense Beyblades at high speeds, they’re powerful so they should pose a challenge to your Erebus.
Ethan: 3! 2! 1! Go, Shoot!!
(Ethan pulls off a powerful Eclipse Shoot, the Beyblades dispense from the machine, Ethan’s Blaze flares around him and flickers wildly)
Ethan: Destroy them all, now.
(Erebus takes the center as all of the Beys slam into it, Erebus bursts them all)
Evel: He destroyed our most powerful Beys in no time.
Ashtem: You’ll become the new stronger version of Red Eye in no time.
Ethan: I’m not Red Eye, I’m my own Blader.
(Ethan shoves his coat up and walks away)
Ashtem: Evel, you’ve done great work in completing my dream.
Evel: Are you sure? He could go haywire at any moment?
Ashtem: Quiet fool, this is what he wants.
Evel (Thoughts): You mean what you want.
~On The Roof Of The Daikokuten Mansion~
(Valt sits up there as a shadowy figure approaches him)
Valt: So, you came, Shu.
Shu: Yeah, I couldn’t just leave without saying hello.
Valt: How was your match with Adrian?
Shu: Not great apparently.
(Shu shows Valt Spriggan’s fragments)
Valt: He seriously did that?!
Shu: Yeah, he’s a powerful Blader.
Valt: He’s gotta learn sooner or later.
Shu: Yeah, I’ll teach him his lesson when Spriggan’s back up and running.
Valt: I wonder if he’ll ever learn.
Shu: There’s always a way, Valt, even when it looks impossible.
(Shu gets up and walks away)
Valt: Shu’s right, he’ll learn what True Resonance is… eventually.
Sorry if I forgot about you and also I worked all day on this chapter so I'd appreciate some good feedback please don't just post I liked it. If you don't really have anything to really say just like the post, if you say nice I liked it you need to state why you liked it, or else it'd kinda be considered spam, thanks guys for all your support for the past couple of months on my fanfics you guys are truly my friends and mean the world to me, I hope you know I really mean that, have a nice afternoon.
Sep. 13, 2021 3:57 AM
I love this chapter you spent the whole day making this (which in my opinion is really inspiring) and Evel is starting the dislike Ashtem? Either way this a great chapter looking forward to more!
Sep. 13, 2021 11:53 AM
(Sep. 13, 2021 3:45 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 24 of Yin Yang has reached its pinnacleasthem you dum monkey
Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 24
The Requiem Project Lives, Requiem Erebus!
Valt: Holy Scimitar!!
(Valkyrie’s blades glow as it speeds up and slams into Anpao and Asriel, Both Beys get shot out of the stadium)
Adrian/Austin: *Gasps*
Bell: Looks like you’re still not ready to defeat Valt!
Austin: What do you mean? We totally can, he’s just a stepping stone!
Bell: Even Adrian couldn’t beat him and he beat The Demon King twice! So, maybe he’s just gotten rusty!!
Adrian: You better take that back.
Bell: The Head Honcho of Beyblade, Valt Aoi! Vs the cruddy newbies trying to be the best but can’t!!
(Bell sticks his tongue out, Adrian’s eyes turn purple as his Dark Resonance Aura flares up)
Possessed Adrian: Grr!!!
Bell: Chill, The Demon King was kidding.
Austin: Yeah, don’t take it too seriously.
(Adrian slaps Austin’s hand away)
Austin: *Gasps*
Possessed Adrian: I don’t need your pity.
Ren: Maybe you do, you’re on a losing streak!
(Adrian stares down Ren right in the eye, Ren stares back)
Adrian: Why don’t I crush you’re Ragnaruk to teach you a lesson.
Ren: I’d like to see you try, you’re on a losing streak!!
(Adrian’s Flare surrounds him wildly)
Hikaru (Thoughts): *Gasps* His Flare’s that strong already?!
~Deep Inside The Snake Pit~
(Ethan falls over in exhaustion)
Ashtem: Are you giving up?
Ethan: Never, I’ll do whatever it takes to become the strongest in the world!!
(Ethan’s eyes turn black)
Ashtem: Good, you’re ready for your new Bey. Get up.
(Ethan gets up and follows Ashtem into the Requiem Room, huge machinery surrounds them with a huge test tube in the middle)
Evel: I’ve prepared everything you need to perform the Requiem Project again, and I’ve made major improvements to the machine so it’ll take his Resonance to the next level in no time. But has he endured enough brutal training?
Ashtem: I’ve honed him to the bone, given him the most brutal training anyone’s ever suffered through here, and he’s still standing, he’s ready.
Ethan: I’m ready. I’ll break every Bey that gets in my way to become the best.
Evel: Good, but this will be the most brutal thing you’ll be put through, there’s no escaping it once it’s started.
Ashtem: What do you say?
Ethan: Whatever it takes to become stronger.
(Evel hooks Ethan up to the huge capsule and locks him in there)
Ashtem: Let The Requiem Project begin again!!
~Back At The Daikokuten Mansion~
Possessed Adrian: Take ‘em down, Twilight Slash!!
(Asriel speeds up and slams into Ragnaruk, With a huge explosion Ragnaruk bursts)
Ren: *Gasps*
Drone: It’s Twilight Asriel with a Burst Finish! Adrian Saito is the winner!!
Possessed Adrian: I’m sorry, I thought you were going to crush me!!
(Adrian looks at Ren with his purple eyes, Ren falls to his knees)
Ren: I want a rematch!
Wally: Guys, it’s getting late, you can have your rematch tomorrow morning.
Ren: You just wait, I'll crush you tomorrow morning!
Adrian: Sure you will.
(Adrian rolls his eyes and walks away)
Ren: Mate, you just wait for tomorrow!!
~In Adrian’s Dorm~
(Adrian holds up Asriel in his bed, Asriel glows purple)
Adrian: We can still get stronger, I still can’t defeat Valt.
Asriel: When we’re good and ready we’ll crush Valkyrie!
Adrian: Yeah, but for now, we’ve just got to keep training!
(Adrian gets up and walks over to the Battle Room, a shadowy figure starts walking towards Adrian)
Adrian: Grr! What’re you doing here, who are you?
???: I’m pretty sure you’re familiar with who I am.
(The shadowy figure walks out of the dark revealing himself)
Adrian: *Gasps* Shu Kurenai?!
Shu: That’s right, it’s me. And you’re Adrian Saito.
Adrian: How do you know who I am?
Shu: I’ve been watching all of your matches, and Valt told me about you.
Adrian: So, you’ve been seeing how awesomely strong I’ve been getting!
Shu: Unfortunately you're wrong.
Adrian: Let me guess, my Resonance is corrupt and dangerous, I’ve heard that before.
Shu: That’s the reason I came here, your Resonance can be grave and you need to purify it.
Adrian: My bond with Asriel is what keeps me going, I’m not going to stop just because some so-called Legend tells me to!
Shu: I earned the title of Legend with my hard work and skill, but you can’t even call yourself a True Blader.
Adrian: Since you think you know everything, why don’t we have a battle? First-person to Three Points wins!!
Shu: Fine by me, I’ll show you what True Resonance is with Astral Spriggan!
(Shu holds up his Astral Spriggan)
Adrian: Twilight Asriel will show you we do have a True Bond!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up his eyes glow purple as Asriel stands behind him with purple eyes glaring at Shu)
Shu: This is not a True Resonance.
~Deep Within The Snake Pit~
Ashtem: Turn it up all the way.
Evel: He’s just a child, he won’t--
Ashtem: Turn it up.
(Evel turns the machine up all the way)
Ethan: *Screams*
(A purple fire surrounds Ethan while he’s in the machine, the purple fire surrounds him)
Ashtem: What’s going on?
Evel: He’s achieving the ultimate Resonance, Blaze. The evolved version of Flare, with these dangerous flames he’ll become more and more powerful with each battle.
Ashtem: Amazing! The Requiem Project lives stronger and more powerful than ever!! *Laughs Crazily*
(Ethan gets pulled into a White Chamber with a shadowy figure sitting on a huge throne)
???: Who are you?
Ethan: I’m Ethan Gilten, The Ultimate Blader!
???: Prove to me that you’re worthy of my strength.
Ethan: What do you need me to do?
(The humongous avatar stands up and takes Ethan into a kitchen)
Ethan: *Gasps* What am I doing here?
Alexander: Hello, Ethan. Do you want to make cookies?
(A younger version of Ethan runs up to Alexander from behind Ethan)
Young Ethan: Yeah!
Ethan: I don’t get it, what do you want me to do?
(The Avatar holds a ball of purple fire)
???: This is your Blaze, end this disgusting moment with it.
Ethan: This is one of my favorite childhood memories, you want me to burn it down?
???: Yes, but it’s understandable if you can’t do it, which means you’re not worthy of my power.
(Ethan grabs the purple fireball and throws it to the ground, the whole memory burns and turns into golden dust)
???: Good, you’ve reached the first step of harnessing my power.
(Ethan looks at the golden dust with sadness)
~Back At The Daikokuten Mansion~
Drone: First battle!
(Shu puts Spriggan in Counterclockwise Defense Mode)
Shu: I’m going with Defense Mode!
Possessed Adrian: Doesn’t matter to me, I’ll crush you all the same!
(Adrian puts Asriel in Heavy Mode)
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Adrian/Shu: Go, Shoot!!
(Adrian pulls off an extremely powerful Eclipse Shoot, Shu pulls off an Explosive Shoot)
Shu: Go to the center, Spriggan!
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Rip ‘em to shreds with Twilight Shoot!!
(Asriel speeds up and hits Spriggan with a powerful barrage of attacks, Spriggan holds itself down)
Shu: You won’t be beating Spriggan so easily!
(Asriel slams into Spriggan’s rubber with its rubber, a huge explosion ouccers)
Shu: Don’t let it through, Spriggan!
(Asriel gets sent flying)
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Asriel!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel blazes out of the Bey, Asriel glows purple and enters Flare, Asriel hits the wall)
Shu: Those flames, that’s--
Possessed Adrian: Twilight Flight!!
(Asriel catches onto the stadium rim and speeds up, Asriel slams into Spriggan and sends it flying out of the stadium)
Shu: *Gasps*
Drone: Twilight Asriel with a Burst Finish! Adrian Saito claims 1 point!!
Possessed Adrian: *Laughs* Still calling yourself a Legend?!
Shu (Thoughts): So, he’s capable of Flare. I’m going to have to up my game if I want to show him what True Resonance is!
(Shu puts Spriggan in Attack Mode)
Drone: Second Battle!
Adrian: Don’t worry, I’ll crush you in a blink of an eye so you won’t have to worry about a thing!
Shu: I won’t let you, I’ll be crushing you in this battle!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Shu/Adrian: Go, Shoot!!
(Shu pulls off an Explosive Shoot, Adrian pulls off an extremely powerful Eclipse Shoot)
Shu: Go, Spriggan!
(Spriggan speeds up and slams into Asriel, Asriel gets sent flying in the air)
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Asriel!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel blazes out of the Bey)
Possessed Adrian: Crush them with your Twilight Shoot!!
(Asriel speeds up and hits Spriggan with an extremely powerful barrage of attacks)
Shu: Counter, Astral Spark!
(Spriggan leans on its driver and speeds up, Spriggan and Asriel hit each other with an extremely powerful barrage of attacks, Purple lights slash at Adrian)
Adrian: *Groans*
Shu: C’mon, Spriggan!!
(Shu’s Resonance Aura flares up Spriggan blazes out of the Bey, Spriggan leans on its driver and gains lots of speed)
Shu: Astral Slash!!
(Spriggan slams into Asriel at full speed, Asriel bursts, a purple light hits Adrian)
Adrian: *Groans Loudly*
Drone: It’s Astral Spriggan with a Burst Finish! Shu Kurenai claims 2 points!!
Adrian: He… He burst Asriel.
Shu: So, now--
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up, Adrian’s eyes glow as his heartbeats loudly)
Possessed Adrian: I’m gonna win… I’m gonna win… I’m gonna win!!
Shu: *Gasps*
Possessed Adrian: I’m gonna win because I’m… Asriel!!
Shu: No, you’re not. I’m going to show you True Resonance!!
Drone: Third Battle!
(Shu puts Spriggan in Clockwise Mode)
Shu: I’ll end this battle with Astral Spriggan’s true power!
Possessed Adrian: I’ll show you how strong we really are!!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Shu/Adrian: Go, Shoot!!
(Adrian pulls off an extremely powerful Eclipse Shoot, Shu pulls off an Explosive Shoot)
Possessed Adrian: Start things off with Twilight Strike!!
(Asriel leans on its driver and speeds up, Asriel slams into Spriggan sending it flying in the air)
Shu: I’m not giving up, Counter Break!
(Spriggan lands on the ground and speeds up, Spriggan slams into Asriel sending it flying into the wall, Asriel starts wobbling)
Possessed Adrian: *Roars Loudly* True Twilight Flight!!
(Asriel leans on its driver and catches onto the rim, Asriel picks up crazy speed)
Shu: Astral Counter Break!!
(Spriggan catches onto the stadium rim and slams into Asriel, Spriggan forms a crack)
Possessed Adrian: End this, Twilight Blight!!
Shu: Astral Slash!!
(Spriggan and Asriel speed up and slam into each other, a humongous purple beam in light bursts from the stadium, Shu’s scar glows brightly)
Shu/Possessed Adrian: *Roars*
(Spriggan gets shot up in the air and continues to crack, Spriggan bursts into fragments)
Shu: Wha--What?!
Drone: It’s Twilight Asriel with a Burst Finish! Adrian Saito wins with a score of 2-3!!
Possessed Adrian: Yes!!!
(Adrian passes out)
Shu: So, that’s how far your power goes.
(Shu walks away)
~In A White Sandy Place~
(Ethan throws a purple fireball at Astral Spriggan’s Avatar, Spriggan’s Avatar turns into golden dust)
???: Good, you’re ready.
Ethan: Will you finally tell me who you are?
Erebus: I am Erebus, the personification of darkness, you’re Bey.
Ethan: Well Erebus, I guess we’ll be becoming the strongest together.
(Erebus holds a purple fireball in his hand)
Erebus: This is your powerful fighting Blaze, it’ll fuse us and we’ll become one. But this will change you and you’ll be obsessed with strength but nothing else. The choice is yours, when the Blaze is touched it will be permanent. Do you accept it?
(Ethan touches the Purple Fireball)
Ethan: Let’s do this!
(Ethan and Erebus get sucked into the purple fireball)
~Back In The Snake Pit~
(Evel turns the machine off)
Evel: The experiment was a success, Ethan’s Bey, Requiem Erebus has been finished, and Ethan has been fully fused with his Bey.
(The machine capsule opens as Ethan steps out of it)
Ashtem: Marvelous! Red Eye may have been a failure but now I have a new successor!!
(Ashtem hands Ethan a long Black and White coat, Ethan grabs his Bey from the machine)
Ethan: With Erebus in my hand I’ll take over The Blading World!
Ashtem: Yes, your mission is to get stronger with each battle and then get strong enough to overthrow all the Blading Legends!
(Evel looks up Ethan’s Bey on his computer screen)
Evel (Thoughts): Requiem Erebus, a clockwise Defense Type. It has 2 Contact Points on the front that can be used to absorb impacts and takes less damage, it also has 2 Bound Blades that can be used for counterattacks. It’s a pretty thick and round Bey that’ll be able for a powerful defense. Its driver has a plate around it and in the middle has POM in it to brush off attacks creating friction. This is my best work.
Ethan: We’re taking it to the stadium.
Ashtem: Alright, let’s go.
(Ethan and Ashtem walk over to the Training Room)
Ashtem: This machine will dispense Beyblades at high speeds, they’re powerful so they should pose a challenge to your Erebus.
Ethan: 3! 2! 1! Go, Shoot!!
(Ethan pulls off a powerful Eclipse Shoot, the Beyblades dispense from the machine, Ethan’s Blaze flares around him and flickers wildly)
Ethan: Destroy them all, now.
(Erebus takes the center as all of the Beys slam into it, Erebus bursts them all)
Evel: He destroyed our most powerful Beys in no time.
Ashtem: You’ll become the new stronger version of Red Eye in no time.
Ethan: I’m not Red Eye, I’m my own Blader.
(Ethan shoves his coat up and walks away)
Ashtem: Evel, you’ve done great work in completing my dream.
Evel: Are you sure? He could go haywire at any moment?
Ashtem: Quiet fool, this is what he wants.
Evel (Thoughts): You mean what you want.
~On The Roof Of The Daikokuten Mansion~
(Valt sits up there as a shadowy figure approaches him)
Valt: So, you came, Shu.
Shu: Yeah, I couldn’t just leave without saying hello.
Valt: How was your match with Adrian?
Shu: Not great apparently.
(Shu shows Valt Spriggan’s fragments)
Valt: He seriously did that?!
Shu: Yeah, he’s a powerful Blader.
Valt: He’s gotta learn sooner or later.
Shu: Yeah, I’ll teach him his lesson when Spriggan’s back up and running.
Valt: I wonder if he’ll ever learn.
Shu: There’s always a way, Valt, even when it looks impossible.
(Shu gets up and walks away)
Valt: Shu’s right, he’ll learn what True Resonance is… eventually.
Sorry if I forgot about you and also I worked all day on this chapter so I'd appreciate some good feedback please don't just post I liked it. If you don't really have anything to really say just like the post, if you say nice I liked it you need to state why you liked it, or else it'd kinda be considered spam, thanks guys for all your support for the past couple of months on my fanfics you guys are truly my friends and mean the world to me, I hope you know I really mean that, have a nice afternoon.
awesome chapter I liked how Adrian showed Shu how powerful he is lol. there's not much grammar errors because well grammarly and it explains the main antagonist's goals and perhaps how strong he is. right now he's probably not a match for adrian lol. anyways nice chapter overall and i'd give this a solid 24.5/25
Sep. 13, 2021 12:01 PM
This is probably your best chapter ever. I loved how each character’s personality really showed. The battles were amazing! Especially Shu vs Adrian. I kinda feel
bad for Ethan though…
bad for Ethan though…
Sep. 15, 2021 2:06 AM
No chapter today sorry! I'm actually planning out Arc 2 and writing a chapter for Mystic Clash at the same time (Which will probably release tomorrow or Thursday) But yeah, the Second Arc for Yin Yang is gonna be a hard one to write but that just makes it all the more fun! Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy, I'll be posting the Chapter List probably tomorrow
Trident is actually getting reincarnated
Chapter 3 shall be dubbed: The Tidal Wave Swings Back, Aqua Triton!
(Sep. 12, 2021 3:45 AM)GenesisBlader Wrote: [ -> ](Sep. 11, 2021 5:41 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]I'd kinda like it if the people that won last time didn't enter this one so you guys can give others a chance so thanks Hollowmind and also yes, both Contests end on Saturday
Chapter 2 Of Mystic Clash is out!
Spoiler (Click to View)[I] [B]
Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash
Chapter 2
New Rival? Or New Foe?
~At The Park~
Ben: Victor, I’ve heard you’ve gotten pretty strong! So, why don’t you take me on!!
Me: Sure, I’ll beat you in a matter of seconds!
Emma: First battle!
Ben: My Cyclone Ifrit will crush your Bey with one hit!
Me: I’d like to see you try, Vulcan’s unbeatable!
Emma: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Ben: Go, Shoot!!
(Vulcan starts speeding around the stadium as Cyclone Ifrit takes the center)
Ben: Crush ‘em!!
Me: Send them flying!
(Vulcan slams into Cyclone Ifrit sending it flying in the air, Cyclone Ifrit bursts)
Ben: Wha-What?!
Emma: It’s Mystic Vulcan with a Burst Finish! Victor’s the winner!!
Victor: That’s how you do it!
Ben: Grr!!
(Ben runs away)
Emma: That was an awesome battle, you’re getting stronger!
Me: Yeah, but I still wanna battle in the Legend’s Class, how do I do that?
(Emma looks something up on her Ipad)
Emma: It says here that the International Mystic Ranking System or IMRS, is a new Ranking System only for Mystic Beyblades, there are Five Classes. Beginner, Basic, Expert, Master, and Legend! When you register you start in Beginner Class then you have to battle other strong Bladers in Ranked Battles to improve your Ranking, once Ranked high enough you’ll move up to Basic Class! And if you win a lot of battles you’ll be in Legend’s Class in no time!!
Me: So all I’ve gotta do is keep winning, alright! Sign me up!!
(Emma starts typing rapidly on her Ipad)
Emma: Yeah and the 1# Blader in the world is declared the Mystic Champion!
Me: I’ll become the Mystic Champion and beat Valt Aoi!!
Emma: There are also tons of Legendary Bladers out there, it’s not just Valt!
Me: I’ll beat ‘em all next then!
Emma: *Chuckles* I’m sure you will!
~In The Beigoma Academy Beyclub~
(A huge explosion ouccers, a Beyblade appears out of the explosion in its Bursted State)
All: *Gasps*
Referee Kid: Tristin Chiaki is the winner!!
Tristen: C’mon! Can’t anyone else give me a challenge?!
Toko: Calm down Tristen, I know you’re training to become the new Captain of the Beigoma Acadamy Bey Club but some Bladers aren’t as strong as you, so chill out.
Tristen: Am I finally ready?
Toko: You sure are, take good care of it.
(Toko gives Tristen his Bey, Screw Trident)
Tristen: Yes, finally, Trident is my Bey!
(Tristen holds up Trident)
Toko: I’ve heard that the Mystic System is pretty popular, thinking of evolving it into one?
Tristen: Nah, I’ll crush everyone with just this Bey!
Toko: Whatever, anyways, I know this club is in good hands with you.
(Toko walks away)
Tristen (Thoughts): Toko… Thanks for teaching me everything I know.
(Ben bursts through the door scrambling over to Tristen)
Tristen: What’s going on?
Ben: There’s this powerful Blader with a Mystic Bey and he’s gonna be entering the International Mystic Cup!
Tristen: So, he’s trying to become the Mystic Champion. Set up a battle with him!
Ben: You’ve got it!
(Ben runs off)
Random Kid: You sure you don’t need a Mystic Bey? He sounds powerful!
Tristen: I know what I’m doing, I’ll crush him myself.
(Tristen walks out the door)
~At The Park~
Me: I’ll become the Mystic Champion, Go Shoot!!
(After a powerful shoot Vulcan speeds around the stadium and slams into the wall and gets sent flying)
Me: *Gasps* No, Vulcan!
(Someone grabs Vulcan)
Tristen: You should be more careful.
Me: Thanks, bud!
Tristen: Victor, I challenge you to a Ranked Battle with my bey Screw Trident!
(Tristen holds up Screw Trident)
Me: Um, that’s a God Bey.
Tristen: So?
Me: You’ll lose pretty fast, God Beys are pretty outclassed.
Tristen: I’ll crush you anyways, now, get ready!
Emma’s Ipad: Tristen Chiaki has challenged Victor Homura to a Ranked Battle, do you wish to accept?
Emma: What do you say, Victor?
Me: Your loss will be my gain, I accept!
(A huge drone comes down)
Drone: First Battle!
Me: I’ll pull off a Mystic Shoot and win this thing!
Tristen (Thoughts): I’ll run down its stamina by dodging its attacks and when it’s wobbling I’ll burst it right there, who cares about the difference between God Beys and Mystic Beys?
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Tristen: Go, Shoot!!
Me (Thoughts): Why can’t I pull off a Mystic Shoot?!
(Both Bey’s land and start speeding around the stadium)
Me: Mystic Shoot!!
(Vulcan speeds up and tries hitting Trident, Trident dodges the attack)
Me: *Gasps*
Tristen: *Grins*
Emma: Trident dodges the attack?!
(Vulcan speeds around the center with a barrage of attacks but Trident dodges all of the attacks)
Me: Grr! I’ve got to make a hit!!
Tristen: You won’t, I’ve practiced this strategy over and over!
(Trident continues to dodge all Vulcan’s attacks)
Emma: C’mon, Victor!
Me: I’ve had enough, Vulcan!
(Vulcan leans on its driver and speeds up, Vulcan changes trajectory)
Tristen: What?!
Emma: Yes, keep it up!
Me: Vulcan!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up Vulcan blazes out of the Bey)
Tristen: Don’t give up, Trident!
Me: It’s over, Mystic Flare Boom!!
(Vulcan’s blades glow as it speeds up and slams into Trident, Trident Bursts)
Tristen: What?!
Drone: It’s Mystic Vulcan with a Burst Finish! Victor Homura is the winner, Rankings will update soon.
(Tristen slams his hands into the ground)
Me: I won, awesome!
Emma: Victor, come look at this!
(Emma shows me the updated Rankings)
Me: Nice, I’ve gotten way better!
Tristen: Grr!!!
(Tristen walks away)
~At Beigoma Acadamy Bey Club~
(Ben looks at Tristen looking like he’ll explode with laughter)
Ben: If it isn’t the Blader who thought they could defeat a Mystic Bey with a God Bey!
(Ben starts laughing wildly)
Tristen: Haha I lost, I’m glad you found that amusing.
(Tristen walks over to the Workroom)
Tristen: I’ll create a Mystic Bey from the depths of the sea that’ll crush Victor and his Bey, Mystic Vulcan.
(Tristen starts typing up a design)
Tristen: I’m coming for your spot… Valt Aoi.
~In The Legend’s Training Center’s Workroom~
Valt: Valkyrie, I’ll finish you super soon so we’ll be able to have some seriously fun battles!
(Valkyrie glimmers in the light)
Valt: I knew you’d like that, now, let’s show the world why we’re the strongest!(I apologize if I forgot about you also LJ Blader never told me if you wanted to be pinged so if you want to just ask)
This chapter wasn't meant to be long and important just a brief chapter of the Main Character's goal and how the series is gonna look like
huh, this episode was pretty poggers for an episode with just the main characters goal! nice and im interested for a new trident evolution!
Trident is actually getting reincarnated
Chapter 3 shall be dubbed: The Tidal Wave Swings Back, Aqua Triton!
Sep. 15, 2021 2:43 PM
Chapter 3 is one dozy of a chapter (Mystic Clash)
Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash
Chapter 3
The Tidal Wave Swings Back, Aqua Triton!
~In The Workroom at Beigoma Academy~
(Tristen starts working on his Bey)
Tristen: I’ll evolve Trident into a stronger Bey, a Bey that never loses.
(Tristen has a flashback)
~6 Months After Aiga Akaba Became World Champion~
Tokonatsu: C’mon everybody! I wanna see you all doing your best!!
Random: Woah, Toko’s doing an amazing job as Captain!
Tokonatsu: *Blushes* Thanks, it’s nothing though. I’m just doing what Fubuki would want me to do!!
(The door bursts open)
Tristen: Alright, I’m joining this Bey Club now!
Tokonatsu: Um, you can’t just barge in here.
Tristen: I heard Aiga Akaba was a part of this club, is that true or not?
Tokonatsu: Well, he technically wasn’t a member, he just trained here.
Tristen: Good enough for me, I’m joining.
Tokonatsu: Alright, let’s check how strong you are in a battle.
Tristen: Against?
Tokonatsu: Against me.
Tristen: I’ll accept your challenge!
Kimeru: I’ll be the referee! First Battle!!
Tokonatsu: I won’t be going easy on you, just keep that in mind!
Tristen: Good, I never asked for you to go easy!
Tokonatsu: My Screw Trident will be going all out!
Tristen: My Bey will defeat you!
(Tristen holds up his Air Knight 00 Wall Jaggy’)
Kimeru: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Tristen/Tokonatsu: Go, Shoot!!
(Tristen and Tokonatsu pull off powerful Shoots)
Tristen: C’mon, show ‘em how powerful you are!
(Tristen’s Air Knight would slam into Trident, Trident gains spin as it takes the center)
Tristen: Wha--What?!
Tokonatsu: You’re going to have to hit harder than that if you want to knock Trident over!
Tristen: Show ‘em how strong we are!!
(Air Knight would speed up and slam into Trident with a barrage of attacks, Trident would gain more and more speed with each impact)
Tokonatsu: Screw Counter!!
(Trident speeds up and slams into Air Knight, Air Knight gets sent flying)
Tristen: Hang in there!
Tokonatsu: End this, Trident!!
(Tokonatsu’s Resonance Aura flares up, Trident blazes out of the Bey)
Tristen: Don’t let it through, Air Knight!
Tokonatsu: Triton Strike!!
(Trident speeds up and slams into Air Knight, Air Knight bursts)
Tristen: *Gasps* You’re-- You’re kidding!!
Kimeru: It’s Screw Trident with a Burst Finish! Tokonatsu is the winner!!
(Tristen falls over in utter humiliation)
Tokonatsu: You did awesome, you’re going to be an amazing addition to our team!
Tristen: Grr!!
(Tristen ends his Flashback, Sparks fly as Tristen works on building his Bey)
Tristen: I was determined to defeat Tokonatsu in every and any way possible! I trained myself to the bone, and never stopped until I was sure I was powerful enough for that day!!
(Tristen has another Flashback)
~2 Months After Tristen’s Loss Against Tokonatsu~
Tristen: *Roars* End this!
(Tristen’s Air Knight slams into Forneus, Forneus bursts)
Fubuki: Wha--What?! Unbelievable!!
Tristen: Alright! We did it!!
(Tokonatsu chuckles in the corner as he watches Tristen practice)
Fubuki: Yo Tokonatsu, why don’t you come out and see if you can defeat Tristen. He’s been training a lot ever since he lost to you, and I don’t think he’s planning on losing again.
Tristen: *Gasps* You were watching?!
Tokonatsu: Yeah, I wanted to see the progress you’ve been making. And if Fubuki said it's been a lot, I guess I have no choice but to battle you.
Tristen: Yeah, I’ve been putting in some major work, you won’t be winning this battle!
Fubuki: I’ll be the referee, First Battle!
Tokonatsu (Thoughts): I beat him the last time we faced off but he’s been getting way stronger, he’s been putting in the work just to defeat me! I admit, I’m impressed how fast he’s grown, but he won’t defeat me!
Tristen: Don’t be afraid to hold back, I wanna beat you at your best!
Tokonatsu: *Chuckles* Don’t worry, I’ll be beating you at my best!!
Fubuki: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Tokonatsu/Tristen: Go, Shoot!!
(Tokonatsu and Tristen pull off extremely powerful Shoots)
Tokonatsu: Strike, Screw Counter!!
(Trident speeds up and slams into Air Knight, Air Knight would speed up)
Tristen: *Grins*
Tokonatsu: So, you’ve gotten better, but I have toO!
(Air Knight swings in a powerful barrage of attacks, Trident dodges them all)
Fubuki (Thoughts): Amazing, Trident’s dodging all of Tristen’s Bey’s attacks, Tokonatsu really has gotten better.
Tristen: We’re not giving up, now!
(Air Knight catches onto the stadium rim and speeds up, Air Knight speeds up and slams into Trident sending it flying)
Tokonatsu: Heh. We’re not giving up yet either!
Tristen: You’ve fallen right into my trap!
Tokonatsu/Fubuki: *Gasps*
(Air Knight speeds up and slams into Trident’s underbelly, Trident gets sent flying into the wall and bursts)
Tokonatsu: *Gasps*
Fubuki: *Gasps* Um-- Tristen wins with a Burst Finish!!
Tristen: Aw yeah!!
Tokonatsu: You deserved that win, I’m proud of you.
Tristen: Thanks!
(Tristen’s flashback ends as he completes his Bey)
Tristen: It’s done, I’m gonna make Tokonatsu proud with my new Aqua Triton!!
(Aqua Triton would glimmer in the light)
~At My House~
Me: Go, Shoot!!
(I pull off a powerful shoot, Vulcan speeds around the stadium at full force)
Me: Why can’t I pull off a Mystic Shoot?
(Vulcan starts glowing)
Vulcan: Don’t worry about that now, just worry about getting stronger. We’ll work on the Mystic Shoot when we cross that bridge.
Me: *Smiles* Thanks.
Emma: Um… Why are you talking to your Beyblade?
Me: You didn’t hear it, Vulcan just talked!
Emma: Whatever. (Weirdo)
(The doorbell rings)
Mom: Victor! Your friend is here!!
Me: Friend? I’m not expecting anyone today.
Emma: I wonder who it is.
(Me and Emma rush up the stairs to see Tristen in the doorway)
Me: *Gasps* Tristen?!
Tristen: Vicor Homura, I’m here to battle you with my Aqua Triton!!
(Tristen holds up his Aqua Triton)
Emma: *Gasps* A new Mystic Bey?!
Me: I’ll take you on, Vulcan needs a good challenge anyways!!
Tristen: *Smirks I’m not going to be holding back so you’d better brace yourself!
~At The Park~
Emma: Inspect your opponent’s Bey!
Me (Thoughts): Aqua Triton, a Clockwise Spinning Stamina Type! It has Three Main Blades that it can absorb shocks from and turn them into spin power, once it takes enough damage the wings that are able to absorb shocks retreat inward causing Triton’s defense to go up! Its driver, Gyrate, is a combination of the drivers Never, Revolve, and Wedge! It has metal in the middle creating a sharp tip causing it to have more stamina. On the outside part of the driver, it has free-spinning POM making the driver have way more Stamina! This Bey will be a hard one to knock over but I’ll do it eventually!!
Tristen: So, what do you think about my Bey?
Me: It’s fine, but Vulcan will defeat you!
Emma: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Tristen: Go, Shoot!!
(Me and Tristen pull off Mystic Shoots)
Me: Finally!
Tristen: Go, Triton!!
Me: Counter, Vulcan!
(Triton and Vulcan start clashing causing a huge explosion)
Emma: *Gasps* So intense!
Me: Blow ‘em out of the water!
Tristen: Keep going!
(Triton absorbs some of Vulcan’s spin and speeds off)
Tristen: *Grins* Don’t tell me that’s all you’ve got!
Me: We’ve got a whole lot more!
(Vulcan leans on its driver and speeds up, Vulcan slams into Triton sending it flying into the wall)
Tristen: Triton!!
(Tristen’s Resonance Aura flares up Triton blazes out of the Bey)
Me: Vulcan!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up Vulcan blazes out of the Bey)
Me/Tristen: Go!!!
(Both Beys speed up and start clashing wildly, a humongous explosion ouccers)
Emma (Thoughts): They’re really powerful. How can they withstand that type of power?!
(Triton’s Blades come inward, Triton speeds off)
Me: Wha-- What?!
Tristen: Aqua Counter!!
(Triton leans on its driver and speeds up, Triton slams into Vulcan, Vulcan gets sent flying high into the air and bursts)
Me: *Gasps*
Emma: It’s Aqua Triton with a Burst Finish! Tristen Chiaki is the winner!!
Tristen: Yes, I finally won! Now everyone will believe I’m the strongest Captain ever!!
Me: …
Emma: Victor--
Me: I want a rematch!!
Tristen: I’ve already beaten you, there’s no reason--
Me: Battle me one more time!!
Tristen: Fine, we’ll have a Ranked Battle Tomorrow Afternoon! And to make things more interesting we’ll have it in The Neo Bey Arena!!
Me: I’ll be there and beat you!
(Tristen and I growl at each other as we stare each other down)
Emma: This match will be an interesting one!
Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash
Chapter 3
The Tidal Wave Swings Back, Aqua Triton!
~In The Workroom at Beigoma Academy~
(Tristen starts working on his Bey)
Tristen: I’ll evolve Trident into a stronger Bey, a Bey that never loses.
(Tristen has a flashback)
~6 Months After Aiga Akaba Became World Champion~
Tokonatsu: C’mon everybody! I wanna see you all doing your best!!
Random: Woah, Toko’s doing an amazing job as Captain!
Tokonatsu: *Blushes* Thanks, it’s nothing though. I’m just doing what Fubuki would want me to do!!
(The door bursts open)
Tristen: Alright, I’m joining this Bey Club now!
Tokonatsu: Um, you can’t just barge in here.
Tristen: I heard Aiga Akaba was a part of this club, is that true or not?
Tokonatsu: Well, he technically wasn’t a member, he just trained here.
Tristen: Good enough for me, I’m joining.
Tokonatsu: Alright, let’s check how strong you are in a battle.
Tristen: Against?
Tokonatsu: Against me.
Tristen: I’ll accept your challenge!
Kimeru: I’ll be the referee! First Battle!!
Tokonatsu: I won’t be going easy on you, just keep that in mind!
Tristen: Good, I never asked for you to go easy!
Tokonatsu: My Screw Trident will be going all out!
Tristen: My Bey will defeat you!
(Tristen holds up his Air Knight 00 Wall Jaggy’)
Kimeru: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Tristen/Tokonatsu: Go, Shoot!!
(Tristen and Tokonatsu pull off powerful Shoots)
Tristen: C’mon, show ‘em how powerful you are!
(Tristen’s Air Knight would slam into Trident, Trident gains spin as it takes the center)
Tristen: Wha--What?!
Tokonatsu: You’re going to have to hit harder than that if you want to knock Trident over!
Tristen: Show ‘em how strong we are!!
(Air Knight would speed up and slam into Trident with a barrage of attacks, Trident would gain more and more speed with each impact)
Tokonatsu: Screw Counter!!
(Trident speeds up and slams into Air Knight, Air Knight gets sent flying)
Tristen: Hang in there!
Tokonatsu: End this, Trident!!
(Tokonatsu’s Resonance Aura flares up, Trident blazes out of the Bey)
Tristen: Don’t let it through, Air Knight!
Tokonatsu: Triton Strike!!
(Trident speeds up and slams into Air Knight, Air Knight bursts)
Tristen: *Gasps* You’re-- You’re kidding!!
Kimeru: It’s Screw Trident with a Burst Finish! Tokonatsu is the winner!!
(Tristen falls over in utter humiliation)
Tokonatsu: You did awesome, you’re going to be an amazing addition to our team!
Tristen: Grr!!
(Tristen ends his Flashback, Sparks fly as Tristen works on building his Bey)
Tristen: I was determined to defeat Tokonatsu in every and any way possible! I trained myself to the bone, and never stopped until I was sure I was powerful enough for that day!!
(Tristen has another Flashback)
~2 Months After Tristen’s Loss Against Tokonatsu~
Tristen: *Roars* End this!
(Tristen’s Air Knight slams into Forneus, Forneus bursts)
Fubuki: Wha--What?! Unbelievable!!
Tristen: Alright! We did it!!
(Tokonatsu chuckles in the corner as he watches Tristen practice)
Fubuki: Yo Tokonatsu, why don’t you come out and see if you can defeat Tristen. He’s been training a lot ever since he lost to you, and I don’t think he’s planning on losing again.
Tristen: *Gasps* You were watching?!
Tokonatsu: Yeah, I wanted to see the progress you’ve been making. And if Fubuki said it's been a lot, I guess I have no choice but to battle you.
Tristen: Yeah, I’ve been putting in some major work, you won’t be winning this battle!
Fubuki: I’ll be the referee, First Battle!
Tokonatsu (Thoughts): I beat him the last time we faced off but he’s been getting way stronger, he’s been putting in the work just to defeat me! I admit, I’m impressed how fast he’s grown, but he won’t defeat me!
Tristen: Don’t be afraid to hold back, I wanna beat you at your best!
Tokonatsu: *Chuckles* Don’t worry, I’ll be beating you at my best!!
Fubuki: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Tokonatsu/Tristen: Go, Shoot!!
(Tokonatsu and Tristen pull off extremely powerful Shoots)
Tokonatsu: Strike, Screw Counter!!
(Trident speeds up and slams into Air Knight, Air Knight would speed up)
Tristen: *Grins*
Tokonatsu: So, you’ve gotten better, but I have toO!
(Air Knight swings in a powerful barrage of attacks, Trident dodges them all)
Fubuki (Thoughts): Amazing, Trident’s dodging all of Tristen’s Bey’s attacks, Tokonatsu really has gotten better.
Tristen: We’re not giving up, now!
(Air Knight catches onto the stadium rim and speeds up, Air Knight speeds up and slams into Trident sending it flying)
Tokonatsu: Heh. We’re not giving up yet either!
Tristen: You’ve fallen right into my trap!
Tokonatsu/Fubuki: *Gasps*
(Air Knight speeds up and slams into Trident’s underbelly, Trident gets sent flying into the wall and bursts)
Tokonatsu: *Gasps*
Fubuki: *Gasps* Um-- Tristen wins with a Burst Finish!!
Tristen: Aw yeah!!
Tokonatsu: You deserved that win, I’m proud of you.
Tristen: Thanks!
(Tristen’s flashback ends as he completes his Bey)
Tristen: It’s done, I’m gonna make Tokonatsu proud with my new Aqua Triton!!
(Aqua Triton would glimmer in the light)
~At My House~
Me: Go, Shoot!!
(I pull off a powerful shoot, Vulcan speeds around the stadium at full force)
Me: Why can’t I pull off a Mystic Shoot?
(Vulcan starts glowing)
Vulcan: Don’t worry about that now, just worry about getting stronger. We’ll work on the Mystic Shoot when we cross that bridge.
Me: *Smiles* Thanks.
Emma: Um… Why are you talking to your Beyblade?
Me: You didn’t hear it, Vulcan just talked!
Emma: Whatever. (Weirdo)
(The doorbell rings)
Mom: Victor! Your friend is here!!
Me: Friend? I’m not expecting anyone today.
Emma: I wonder who it is.
(Me and Emma rush up the stairs to see Tristen in the doorway)
Me: *Gasps* Tristen?!
Tristen: Vicor Homura, I’m here to battle you with my Aqua Triton!!
(Tristen holds up his Aqua Triton)
Emma: *Gasps* A new Mystic Bey?!
Me: I’ll take you on, Vulcan needs a good challenge anyways!!
Tristen: *Smirks I’m not going to be holding back so you’d better brace yourself!
~At The Park~
Emma: Inspect your opponent’s Bey!
Me (Thoughts): Aqua Triton, a Clockwise Spinning Stamina Type! It has Three Main Blades that it can absorb shocks from and turn them into spin power, once it takes enough damage the wings that are able to absorb shocks retreat inward causing Triton’s defense to go up! Its driver, Gyrate, is a combination of the drivers Never, Revolve, and Wedge! It has metal in the middle creating a sharp tip causing it to have more stamina. On the outside part of the driver, it has free-spinning POM making the driver have way more Stamina! This Bey will be a hard one to knock over but I’ll do it eventually!!
Tristen: So, what do you think about my Bey?
Me: It’s fine, but Vulcan will defeat you!
Emma: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Tristen: Go, Shoot!!
(Me and Tristen pull off Mystic Shoots)
Me: Finally!
Tristen: Go, Triton!!
Me: Counter, Vulcan!
(Triton and Vulcan start clashing causing a huge explosion)
Emma: *Gasps* So intense!
Me: Blow ‘em out of the water!
Tristen: Keep going!
(Triton absorbs some of Vulcan’s spin and speeds off)
Tristen: *Grins* Don’t tell me that’s all you’ve got!
Me: We’ve got a whole lot more!
(Vulcan leans on its driver and speeds up, Vulcan slams into Triton sending it flying into the wall)
Tristen: Triton!!
(Tristen’s Resonance Aura flares up Triton blazes out of the Bey)
Me: Vulcan!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up Vulcan blazes out of the Bey)
Me/Tristen: Go!!!
(Both Beys speed up and start clashing wildly, a humongous explosion ouccers)
Emma (Thoughts): They’re really powerful. How can they withstand that type of power?!
(Triton’s Blades come inward, Triton speeds off)
Me: Wha-- What?!
Tristen: Aqua Counter!!
(Triton leans on its driver and speeds up, Triton slams into Vulcan, Vulcan gets sent flying high into the air and bursts)
Me: *Gasps*
Emma: It’s Aqua Triton with a Burst Finish! Tristen Chiaki is the winner!!
Tristen: Yes, I finally won! Now everyone will believe I’m the strongest Captain ever!!
Me: …
Emma: Victor--
Me: I want a rematch!!
Tristen: I’ve already beaten you, there’s no reason--
Me: Battle me one more time!!
Tristen: Fine, we’ll have a Ranked Battle Tomorrow Afternoon! And to make things more interesting we’ll have it in The Neo Bey Arena!!
Me: I’ll be there and beat you!
(Tristen and I growl at each other as we stare each other down)
Emma: This match will be an interesting one!
Sep. 17, 2021 1:02 AM
Next chapter is coming out on Saturday, need time to plan it and actually work on it.
Sep. 18, 2021 5:47 PM
The Second Arc has started! Bladers around the world are battling to prove who's the best, so, let's check out Episode 25 of Yin Yang!!
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 25
Ariel Tag Battles, The Ariel Tag League!
(A purple Fire emerges from nowhere as Austin and the others appear next to Adrian)
Adrian: *Gasps* What’re you guys doing here?!
(The Purple fire grabs everyone except Austin)
Adrian: What’s going on, put them down!!
Purple Fire: They’re my prey now.
(The purple fire turns Ren, Illius, Wally, Valt, the Ashi Brothers, and Bell to gold dust)
Adrian: *Gasps* Give them back!!
Purple Fire: No.
(The purple fire grabs Austin, Adrian grabs Austin’s hand and tries pulling him out)
Austin: Adrian…
Adrian: I’ll get you out, don’t worry!
(The purple fire stares Adrian down as a shadowy figure walks up to Adrian)
Adrian: *Screams*
(Adrian gets awoken by Austin shaking him frantically)
Austin: Finally, you’re awake!
Ren: We were worried about you, and by we I mean them.
Bell: We know what you did last night and The Demon King never approved of this!
(Bell shows Adrian a video of his battle with Shu)
Adrian: I don’t need your approval to battle, anyone.
Ren: Excuse me, not a thank you for helping you?
Adrian: I never asked for your help.
Ren: Grr! You know it’s not all about you!!
Valt: Adrian… I have a question for you.
Adrian: What is it?
Valt: Why do you Blade?
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up as his eyes turn purple)
Possessed Adrian: I Blade to become the strongest in the world!!
Valt: That’s it?
Possessed Adrian: Yes, the more I battle the more it fuels my power!!
Austin: Adrian… stop.
Possessed Adrian: No, I’m never going to stop until every Blader I’ve battled is crushed, that’s including you, Valt Aoi!
Bell: The Demon King is getting a bad feeling.
(Ren stares Adrian down)
Ren: Getting stronger isn’t what Beyblade is all about! It’s about having fun, and forming a true bond!!
Wally: Could’ve fooled me, Austin told me the conversation you had with him after the Tag Battle. Not cool dude.
Ren: So you’re saying it’s my fault now?!
Austin: Yeah, you’re becoming no better than Adrian.
(Adrian’s Resonance tones down as his eyes return to normal)
Adrian: Are you saying there’s a problem with me?!
Austin: Yeah, you’re not acting like the Adrian I know!
Adrian: With that attitude, you’re never going to beat any Blading Legends.
Bell: The Demon King--
Wally: We get it, you’re more important than the rest of us “Demon King” now stay out of it.
Bell: Grr! I have a say in this as well, this is The Demon King’s Palace!!
(Everyone starts arguing with each other)
Adrian: None of you have any passion to get stronger, all of you are just weak and pathetic.
Jingemon: Calm down everyone!
(Jingemon comes down from a rope down from the roof)
Austin: *Gasps* Seriously?!
Jingemon: Why don’t we all settle down and battle for a change?
Adrian: Valt Aoi, I challenge you to another battle!
Austin: No, I want to battle Valt!
(Jingemon puts his hand on Austin)
Jingemon: Let Adrian have this battle, it seems important to him.
Valt: I accept your challenge!
Bell: *Laughs* Amazing, the ultimate battle on The Demon King’s turf!
(A Drone comes up to the stadium)
Drone: First Battle!
Valt (Thoughts): I’ll go on the attack in this battle, I’ll counter all of his attacks then end things off with a Burst Finish!
Adrian (Thoughts): I’ll show Valt how powerful me and Asriel are so he won’t underestimate us anymore!
Bell: *Laughs* The Demon’s Castle will explode under the pressure of this amazing battle!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Valt/Adrian: Go, Shoot!!
(Adrian and Valt pull off extremely powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Valt: Rush Shoot!!
(Valkyrie speeds up and launches an extremely powerful barrage of attacks, Asriel gets hit with each blow, Purple lights start slashing at Adrian)
Adrian *Groans Rapidly* C’mon, Asriel!
Valt: Bound Slash!!
(Valkyrie slashes at Asriel with its bound blade sending it flying)
Bell: The Ultimate Valkyrie has attacked and hit Asriel with a powerful blow!
Austin: When did you become the announcer, Bell?
Bell: The Demon King does what pleases him!
(Adrian’s Dark Flare surrounds him as his eyes turn purple)
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Attack!!
(Asriel leans on its driver and speeds up, Asriel slams into Valkyrie sending it flying in the air)
Valt: *Gasps*
Possessed Adrian: Keep attacking, Twilight Shoot!!
(Asriel leans hard on its driver and picks up major speed, Asriel hits Valkyrie with an extremely powerful barrage of attacks sending it flying in the air continuously)
Ren: C’mon Valkyrie, you’ve gotta get out of there!
(Valkyrie slams into the wall and speeds up)
Valt: Super Holy Jet Shoot!!
(Valkyrie bounces off the wall and picks up speed, Valkyrie slams into Asriel sending it flying, a humongous purple light slashes at Adrian)
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Asriel!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel blazes out of the Bey)
Valt: Let loose, Valkyrie!!
(Valt’s Resonance Aura flares up Valkyrie blazes out of the Bey)
Possessed Adrian: Twilight Blight!!
Valt: Holy Scimitar!!
(Valkyrie and Asriel start clashing wildly blowing huge gusts of wind)
Austin: Woah, he’s so powerful.
Valt: End this, Valkyrie!
Possessed Adrian: Destroy Valkyrie already!!
(Both Beys get sent flying in opposite directions, Valkyrie and Asriel burst)
Valt/Adrian: *Gasps*
Drone: It's Holy Valkyrie with a Burst Finish! Valt Aoi is the winner!!
Bell: And our World Champ and No. 1# Blader who takes the victory! It was a close one but Adrian didn’t stand a chance!!
Adrian: Grr! Give me one more--
(We hear a huge plane noise come from the outside)
All: *Gasps* What’s going on?!
Valt: *Laughs* They’ve finally arrived!
Ren: Who’s arrived?
Valt: Go find out!
(Hyuga and Hikaru come out of the bedrooms groggy)
Hikaru: Sorry, everyone I slept--
(Everyone rushes past Hikaru and Hyuga and run outside)
Hyuga: What’s up with them?
Hikaru: We’re about to find out.
(Hikaru and Hyuga rush after us)
~Outside The Daikokuten Mansion~
(A huge Airship comes down from the air)
All: *Gasps*
Bell: What’s going on?!
(A women with pink hair walks out of the door)
Kris: Valt, it's been a while!
Valt: Kris! You’ve finally started it!!
Wakiya: We sure have! It took a long while but we made it!!
(Wakiya walks out of the door with his huge purple jacket)
Austin: Wakiya Komurasaki?!
Ren: Kris Kuroda?!
Wakiya: That’s right, the WBBA’s Commissioner, Wakiya Komurasaki is here!!
Bell: Why are you here, Wakiya?
Kris: Well, we were so moved by the Legend Super Tag League results that we decided to create a new Tag League, except for the newer Generation of Bladers!!
Adrian: So why are you here?
Wakiya: We’re here for you guys, you’re such powerful Bladers from the battles we’ve seen that we had to get you in on this!
Austin: I’m in, I’ll win this thing and become the strongest!!
Adrian: In your dreams, you’ll get crushed in no time.
Illius: I’ll win this thing and prove me and Ifrit are the strongest in the world!
Kris: *Giggles* Then hurry up and get on the ship!
(Illius, Ren, Wally, Adrian, and Austin get on the ship)
Hikaru: Man, it'd be fun facing them in an official tournament.
Hyuga: Yeah, I wanna go zoom vroom bang!!
Bell: Hmp! The Demon King doesn’t approve, he wants to enter!!
Kris: Hop on then.
Hikaru: *Gasps* But, we’re not a new Blading Generation!
Kris: But you three are still not classified as Legendary Bladers, since you’re all in A Tier.
Bell: *Laughs* The Demon King will win this tournament!!
(Bell runs onto the Airship)
Hikaru: This’ll be awesome, we’ll be sure to give it our all!!
Hyuga: Vroom boom kablamo!!
Wakiya: Valt Aoi joined with someone else, will be one of our Special Guests as we continue through our journey!!
Adrian: Who’s the other Blader?
Kris: You’ll just have to wait and find out!
(Everyone gets on the Airship)
Wakiya: It’s time to get going!!
(Wakiya fires up the Airship, The Airship goes high in the air and starts departing)
Austin: Where’s everyone else?!
Wakiya: They’re downstairs, let’s go meet them in the Meeting Room!
~In The Meeting Room~
Wakiya: We’re here! What do you think, you’ll be able to chill and watch the matches from here!!
Adrian: It’s okay I guess.
Wakiya: Don’t you appreciate anything?!
Austin: He really doesn’t.
Wakiya: He’ll appreciate something sooner or later!
Wally: Battling here will be amazing!
(Wakiya pulls up a list on his tablet)
Wakiya: I’m not seeing your--
(A group of kids burst through the door)
Kris: They’re all here!
Wakiya: These are the Bladers you’ll be facing off against!
(Ethan and Adrian stare each other down with rage)
Adrian (Thoughts): So, he was the person who attacked Austin.
Austin: He’s the person--
Adrian: I know.
Wakiya: Let me introduce all the Bladers! We’ve got the always angry but powerful, Po Taint!!
Po: You better give me an awesome battle, or I’ll crush you!!
Austin: *Gasps* This dude’s seriously intense!
Wakiya: The Smooth Breeze, Acheros Izumi!!
Acheros: Yo.
Wakiya: The Beauty herself, Thalia Amana!!
Thalia: Hey!! I’m so gonna have fun battling you guys, I hope you’ll be able to give me a fun and awesome battle!!
Wakiya: The Unseen Blader, Ethan Gilten!!
Ethan: Will you be able to fuel my Blaze? I don’t think so.
Austin: I’ll crush you when we battle in the ring!!
Wakiya: Last but definitely not least, it’s the ominous trickster that you can never trust, Jennifer Pratton!!
Jennifer: I’ll be the one winning this tournament, thanks for understanding.
Adrian: I’ll crush you in the blink of an eye.
(Jennifer and Adrian stare each other down)
Wakiya: And we’ll be introducing our Second Legendary Blader!!
Bell: “Second Legendary Blader?”
Wakiya: Yeah, he calls himself the Invincible Super Z Blader!!
???: That’s right!!
(A mysterious figure bursts through the door doing a front flip)
Aiga: Aiga Akaba, The Super Z Blader that’s ready for some action!!
All: *Gasps* Aiga?!
(Valt appears from behind Aiga)
Valt: Aiga’s a good friend of mine and a powerful rival!!
Ethan (Thoughts): Aiga Akaba, He’s Ranked Third in the world, I’ll be sure to crush him soon so my Blaze can devour him whole!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Flares up Adrian’s eyes turn purple as Asriel’s purple shadow stands behind him)
Possessed Adrian: I want to battle Aiga!!
Aiga (Thoughts): *Gasps* His Resonance it's just like how mine used to be.
Wakiya: You don’t get to choose who you battle, we haven’t even started the tournament yet!!
(Jennifer walks up to Adrian)
Jennifer: Yeah, besides, you’re not special, you don’t get to battle Aiga first just because you want to!
Ren: Grr! The nerve you have!!
Austin: You’re not more important than anyone either.
Jennifer: Oh yes I am. I’m the only person who can defeat Aiga at full power!
Possessed Adrian: I wasn’t asking you, was I?!
Jennifer: I don’t know, were you?
Po: I want to battle Aiga too, I’m stronger than all of you!!
Thalia: I’m a strong Blader too, please accept my challenge Aiga!!
Acheros: I want to battle Aiga.
Wakiya: Nobody is battling Aiga! Now, get ready for your matches tomorrow!!
Aiga: Hold up, Wakiya. Adrian’s the name, isn’t it?
Possessed Adrian: Yeah, now accept my challenge!!
(Adrian holds up Asriel, Asriel emits purple flames as its eyes glow)
Aiga: Challenge accepted, Achilles will show you what Blading's truly about!!
Wakiya: Seriously?!
Kris: This seems important Wakiya. Maybe it could be a little Exhibition Match before the tournament kicks off.
Wakiya: *Moans* Fine, we’ll host it in the Big Room.
Austin: “Big Room?”
Wakiya: This is what I’m most proud of! C’mon everyone, let’s get going!!
~In The Airship’s Main Arena~
Wally: Woah! This place is humongous!!
Wakiya: I’m glad you like it, Wally!
Ren: Battles in this place will be amazing!!
(Adrian and Aiga stand in the middle of the Arena getting ready for their battle)
Aiga: Adrian, what does Blading mean to you?
Possessed Adrian: Blading’s about becoming the strongest in breaking everything that comes in your way!!
Aiga: And then what?
Possessed Adrian: *Gasps*
Wakiya: Take a seat everyone, this battle will amaze all of you! (I hope)
Drone: First battle!
Aiga: Adrian, Infinite Achilles will be your opponent!!
(Aiga holds up his Infinite Achilles)
Possessed Adrian: Asriel will crush Achilles and feed off your despair!!
Aiga: I won’t let you defeat me… ever!!
Austin (Thoughts): Aiga, please bring Adrian back.
Aiga (Thoughts): I’ll get a good look at his Blading Style with Speed Mode!!
(Aiga takes the Infinite Sword off Achilles)
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Aiga/Adrian: Go, Shoot!!
(Adrian pulls off an extremely powerful Eclipse Shoot, Aiga pulls off a powerful Sparking Shoot)
Possessed Adrian: Show ‘em what we’ve got, Twilight Shoot!!
(Asriel leans on the metal of its driver and speeds up)
Aiga: Infinite Shoot!!
(Achilles and Asriel hit each other with powerful strikes over and over, purple lights continue to slash at Adrian)
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Destroy them!!
(Asriel slams into Achilles sending it flying in the air)
Aiga: *Roars* Achilles!!
(Aiga’s Resonance Aura flares up Achilles blazes out of the Bey)
Aiga: Infinite Slash!!
Possessed Adrian: Twilight Slash!!
(Asriel and Achilles start clashing causing powerful gusts of winds and Red and Purple electricity)
Possessed Adrian/Aiga: Blow ‘em away!!
(Asriel and Achilles get shot up in the air, Achilles and Asriel bursts)
Aiga/Adrian: *Gasps*
Drone: It’s Infinite Achilles with a Burst Finish! Aiga Akaba claims 2 points!!
(Adrian’s eyes sink in as he falls to the ground in pain as a purple light slashes at him)
Austin: Adrian…
Aiga: The Resonance you have with Asriel is unhealthy and not good for the both of you. But, I guess it’s all about you, isn’t it?
Adrian: It’s about the both of us! Why do you think you know everything about me and my Bey?!
Aiga: Because I went through the same thing!
Adrian: *Gasps*
Drone: Second battle!!
Adrian: I don’t care what you went through, I’m going to become the strongest Blader no matter what it takes!!
Aiga: In that case, I’ll have to defeat you in this battle!
(Aiga puts Achilles in Shield Mode)
Ren: Let’s see how Adrian will do in this battle.
Illius (Thoughts): Adrian… is this really what you want to accomplish from Blading.
(Adrian puts Asriel in Heavy Mode)
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Aiga/Adrian: Go, Shoot!!
(Aiga pulls off a powerful Sparking Shoots, Adrian pulls off an extremely powerful Eclipse Shoot)
Adrian: Crush them, Asriel!
(Asriel speeds up and hits Achilles with a powerful barrage of attacks, Achilles blocks all the attacks)
Aiga: Infinite Guard!!
(Achilles takes the center and begins to fend off more and more of Asriel’s powerful strikes)
Adrian: Grr!!
Aiga: So, Adrian. What’re you going to do now?
Adrian: *Roars* Asriel!!
(Asriel flickers gold as Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel blazes out of the Bey)
Valt: *Gasps*
Possessed Adrian: C’mon, you’ve gotta tear ‘em apart!!
(Asriel slams into Achilles sending it flying in the air)
Aiga: *Gasps*
Possessed Adrian: Twilight Blight!!
(Asriel leans on its driver and speeds up, Asriel slams into Achilles sending it flying into the wall, Achilles Bursts)
Aiga: Wha--What?!
Drone: It’s Twilight Asriel with a Burst Finish! Adrian Saito claims 2 points!!
Adrian: Hmp! Expected. *Grins*
Wakiya: That battle was amazing, Adrian’s really something else!!
Valt (Thoughts): When Adrian powered up Asriel glimmered gold, was he having fun for a couple of seconds? I think… he’s starting to truly understand Asriel!!
Aiga: That was amazing, you’re a really strong Blader no doubt!!
Adrian: *Chuckles Evilly* It’s nothing, I’ll be sure to crush you in the next battle.
Drone: Third Battle!
Aiga: Adrian, let’s have an all-out attack battle!! *Smiles*
Adrian: My Asriel will crush you in a matter of seconds!!
(Aiga puts Achilles in Attack Mode, Adrian’s Flare surrounds him as he looks at Asriel with a grin)
Valt: *Laughs* Aiga’s having so much fun he’s forgotten why he’s battling!!
Ren: Sheesh, Aiga may be powerful but has a more powerful heart!
Wakiya: That’s Aiga for you.
Kris: I’m seeing a happy ending at the end of this battle!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Aiga/Adrian: Go, Shoot!!
(Aiga pulls off an extremely powerful Sparking Shoot, Adrian pulls off an extremely powerful Eclipse Shoot)
Aiga/Adrian: *Roars* Take ‘em down!!
(Achilles and Asriel speed up and start clashing wildly, Achilles and Asriel strike each other with extremely powerful blows)
Aiga: Blow ‘em away, Infinite Slash!!
(Achilles speeds up and slams into Asriel sending it flying in the air)
Adrian: *Gasps*
Aiga: Infinite Shoot!!
(Achilles speeds up and slams into Asriel with a barrage of extremely powerful blows, Asriel gets sent flying in the air countless times)
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Asriel!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel blazes out of the Bey, Adrian’s dangerous Flare surrounds him and his Bey)
Possessed Adrian: *Corrupt Roar* I’m going to break you because I’m… Asriel!!!
Aiga: I’m going to blow you away, Achilles!!!
(Aiga’s Resonance Aura flares up Achilles blazes out of the Bey, Achilles, and Asriel speed up as both their Blades glow)
Aiga: Infinite Buster!!
Possessed Adrian: Twilight Crunch!!
(Asriel and Achilles start clashing causing a humongous explosion and blows huge gusts of wind in each direction)
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Break Achilles!!!
(Achilles starts cracking, Asriel slashes at Achilles at full power bursting Achilles into fragments)
Aiga: *Gasps* No!! Achilles!!!
Possessed Adrian: Yes, I’m the winner!!
(Achilles fragments clatter on the ground as Asriel bursts)
Drone: It’s Twilight Asriel with a Burst Finish! Adrian Saito is the winner with a score of 4-2!!
Kris: Did he really just…
Valt: He did.. Again.
(Aiga falls to the ground)
Aiga: Achilles…
~Later That Evening~
(Adrian walks up to Aiga)
Adrian: You called me here?
Aiga: Yeah, I want to talk about your Resonance.
Adrian: Ugh, this lecture again.
Aiga: You may not realize it but I went through the same thing you went through.
Adrian: You don’t understand how I feel! (Nobody can)
Aiga: You may not think so, but I actually can. You're striving for power and perfection in your own world, but does your Bey Asriel want that?
Adrian: Grr! Who made you the expert on how my Bey’s feeling!!
Aiga: Achilles kept calling out to me, but I was so focused on becoming stronger I completely ignored him.
Adrian: I can feel the pain Asriel feels, we’re one but nobody understands that!!
Aiga: I’m trying to help you, but you’re not--
(Adrian walks away)
Aiga: Adrian!
(Adrian’s Flare surrounds him as it flickers golden sparks)
Possessed Adrian: I’ll crush everyone on this ship, no matter what!!
~In The Meeting Room~
(Everyone starts gathering inside and sits down)
Po: I wonder what Wakiya wants to announce.
Thalia: I’m sure it’ll be super awesome!
(The TV flickers on, Wakiya’s on the TV with a microphone)
Wakiya (On TV): Hello all you Bladers!
I’m going to be announcing The first match in the tournament!! It’ll be a Battle Royal split into two groups!!
All: “A Battle Royal?!”
Wakiya: A Group will have their own Battle Royal and B Group will also have their own Battle Royal!!
Austin: This is going to be so awesome!!
Wakiya: The A Group Bladers will proceed as! Austin Saito, Hyuga Asahi, Bell Daikokuten, Po Taint, Acheros Izumi, and Ethan Gilten!!
Bell: *Laughs* All of you will lose to the ultimate Demon King, especially you, Ethan Gilten!!
Ethan (Thoughts): I’ll crush all of you in this match, no matter what.
Po: All of you are losing, understand?!
Austin: In your dreams!
Wakiya: Our B Group Bladers will be! Adrian Saito, Hikaru Asahi, Illius Mao, Thalia Amana, Ren Kiyama, and Jennifer Pratton!!
Jennifer: They’re my opponents? Ha! I won’t even break a sweat!!
Thalia: I’ll beat all of you and become the winner of this tournament!!
Wakiya: We’ll be starting these matches bright and early tomorrow and will be battling in the Engulfing Dusk Stadium, you have the rest of the day to practice and I’ll see you tomorrow!!
(The TV turns off as everyone leaves the room)
Austin: This is going to be awesome!!
~That Night In Ethan’s Dorm~
(Ethan talks to Alexander on the phone)
Alexander: Your job is to win that tournament no matter how many Beys you have to break.
(Ethan’s Dark Blaze surrounds him like fire as his eyes glow)
Ethan: I’ll crush every Legendary Blader and everyone on this ship, no matter what!!
(Ethan hangs up, Ethan grabs his Bey, Erebus’ eyes start glowing as it emits a purple flame)
Erebus: Set me wild so I can devour all the Beys I can!!
Ethan: *Smirks* You’ll devour everything in our path to fuel our Blaze!!
Erebus: Good, I’ll devour all of our opponents!!
~In Adrian’s Dorm~
Adrian: Go, Shoot!!
(Adrian pulls off a powerful Eclipse Shoot as his Flare surrounds him glimmering gold, his eyes glow purple as Asriel glows)
Possessed Adrian: I don’t care what Aiga says, I’ll break everyone’s Bey in the Battle Royal!!
(Aiga peaks through Adrian’s door as he practices)
Aiga: *Sighs* I don’t think bringing him out from the darkness will be easy.
Give me your thoughts on this chapter, was it better than the previous one? Worse? Or pretty much the same? Give me your honest opinions
Also, what do you guys think about this arc? Tell me everything!! Lol 
26) The Stormy Skies, Battle Royal!
27) The Yin Yang Shake up!
28) The Sea Scavenger, Typhoon Pirate!
29) Silent But Deadly, Dire Aeneas!
30) The Sea Guardian, Atlantis Trident!
31) The Shinning King, Siege Achilles!
Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 25
Ariel Tag Battles, The Ariel Tag League!
(A purple Fire emerges from nowhere as Austin and the others appear next to Adrian)
Adrian: *Gasps* What’re you guys doing here?!
(The Purple fire grabs everyone except Austin)
Adrian: What’s going on, put them down!!
Purple Fire: They’re my prey now.
(The purple fire turns Ren, Illius, Wally, Valt, the Ashi Brothers, and Bell to gold dust)
Adrian: *Gasps* Give them back!!
Purple Fire: No.
(The purple fire grabs Austin, Adrian grabs Austin’s hand and tries pulling him out)
Austin: Adrian…
Adrian: I’ll get you out, don’t worry!
(The purple fire stares Adrian down as a shadowy figure walks up to Adrian)
Adrian: *Screams*
(Adrian gets awoken by Austin shaking him frantically)
Austin: Finally, you’re awake!
Ren: We were worried about you, and by we I mean them.
Bell: We know what you did last night and The Demon King never approved of this!
(Bell shows Adrian a video of his battle with Shu)
Adrian: I don’t need your approval to battle, anyone.
Ren: Excuse me, not a thank you for helping you?
Adrian: I never asked for your help.
Ren: Grr! You know it’s not all about you!!
Valt: Adrian… I have a question for you.
Adrian: What is it?
Valt: Why do you Blade?
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up as his eyes turn purple)
Possessed Adrian: I Blade to become the strongest in the world!!
Valt: That’s it?
Possessed Adrian: Yes, the more I battle the more it fuels my power!!
Austin: Adrian… stop.
Possessed Adrian: No, I’m never going to stop until every Blader I’ve battled is crushed, that’s including you, Valt Aoi!
Bell: The Demon King is getting a bad feeling.
(Ren stares Adrian down)
Ren: Getting stronger isn’t what Beyblade is all about! It’s about having fun, and forming a true bond!!
Wally: Could’ve fooled me, Austin told me the conversation you had with him after the Tag Battle. Not cool dude.
Ren: So you’re saying it’s my fault now?!
Austin: Yeah, you’re becoming no better than Adrian.
(Adrian’s Resonance tones down as his eyes return to normal)
Adrian: Are you saying there’s a problem with me?!
Austin: Yeah, you’re not acting like the Adrian I know!
Adrian: With that attitude, you’re never going to beat any Blading Legends.
Bell: The Demon King--
Wally: We get it, you’re more important than the rest of us “Demon King” now stay out of it.
Bell: Grr! I have a say in this as well, this is The Demon King’s Palace!!
(Everyone starts arguing with each other)
Adrian: None of you have any passion to get stronger, all of you are just weak and pathetic.
Jingemon: Calm down everyone!
(Jingemon comes down from a rope down from the roof)
Austin: *Gasps* Seriously?!
Jingemon: Why don’t we all settle down and battle for a change?
Adrian: Valt Aoi, I challenge you to another battle!
Austin: No, I want to battle Valt!
(Jingemon puts his hand on Austin)
Jingemon: Let Adrian have this battle, it seems important to him.
Valt: I accept your challenge!
Bell: *Laughs* Amazing, the ultimate battle on The Demon King’s turf!
(A Drone comes up to the stadium)
Drone: First Battle!
Valt (Thoughts): I’ll go on the attack in this battle, I’ll counter all of his attacks then end things off with a Burst Finish!
Adrian (Thoughts): I’ll show Valt how powerful me and Asriel are so he won’t underestimate us anymore!
Bell: *Laughs* The Demon’s Castle will explode under the pressure of this amazing battle!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Valt/Adrian: Go, Shoot!!
(Adrian and Valt pull off extremely powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Valt: Rush Shoot!!
(Valkyrie speeds up and launches an extremely powerful barrage of attacks, Asriel gets hit with each blow, Purple lights start slashing at Adrian)
Adrian *Groans Rapidly* C’mon, Asriel!
Valt: Bound Slash!!
(Valkyrie slashes at Asriel with its bound blade sending it flying)
Bell: The Ultimate Valkyrie has attacked and hit Asriel with a powerful blow!
Austin: When did you become the announcer, Bell?
Bell: The Demon King does what pleases him!
(Adrian’s Dark Flare surrounds him as his eyes turn purple)
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Attack!!
(Asriel leans on its driver and speeds up, Asriel slams into Valkyrie sending it flying in the air)
Valt: *Gasps*
Possessed Adrian: Keep attacking, Twilight Shoot!!
(Asriel leans hard on its driver and picks up major speed, Asriel hits Valkyrie with an extremely powerful barrage of attacks sending it flying in the air continuously)
Ren: C’mon Valkyrie, you’ve gotta get out of there!
(Valkyrie slams into the wall and speeds up)
Valt: Super Holy Jet Shoot!!
(Valkyrie bounces off the wall and picks up speed, Valkyrie slams into Asriel sending it flying, a humongous purple light slashes at Adrian)
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Asriel!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel blazes out of the Bey)
Valt: Let loose, Valkyrie!!
(Valt’s Resonance Aura flares up Valkyrie blazes out of the Bey)
Possessed Adrian: Twilight Blight!!
Valt: Holy Scimitar!!
(Valkyrie and Asriel start clashing wildly blowing huge gusts of wind)
Austin: Woah, he’s so powerful.
Valt: End this, Valkyrie!
Possessed Adrian: Destroy Valkyrie already!!
(Both Beys get sent flying in opposite directions, Valkyrie and Asriel burst)
Valt/Adrian: *Gasps*
Drone: It's Holy Valkyrie with a Burst Finish! Valt Aoi is the winner!!
Bell: And our World Champ and No. 1# Blader who takes the victory! It was a close one but Adrian didn’t stand a chance!!
Adrian: Grr! Give me one more--
(We hear a huge plane noise come from the outside)
All: *Gasps* What’s going on?!
Valt: *Laughs* They’ve finally arrived!
Ren: Who’s arrived?
Valt: Go find out!
(Hyuga and Hikaru come out of the bedrooms groggy)
Hikaru: Sorry, everyone I slept--
(Everyone rushes past Hikaru and Hyuga and run outside)
Hyuga: What’s up with them?
Hikaru: We’re about to find out.
(Hikaru and Hyuga rush after us)
~Outside The Daikokuten Mansion~
(A huge Airship comes down from the air)
All: *Gasps*
Bell: What’s going on?!
(A women with pink hair walks out of the door)
Kris: Valt, it's been a while!
Valt: Kris! You’ve finally started it!!
Wakiya: We sure have! It took a long while but we made it!!
(Wakiya walks out of the door with his huge purple jacket)
Austin: Wakiya Komurasaki?!
Ren: Kris Kuroda?!
Wakiya: That’s right, the WBBA’s Commissioner, Wakiya Komurasaki is here!!
Bell: Why are you here, Wakiya?
Kris: Well, we were so moved by the Legend Super Tag League results that we decided to create a new Tag League, except for the newer Generation of Bladers!!
Adrian: So why are you here?
Wakiya: We’re here for you guys, you’re such powerful Bladers from the battles we’ve seen that we had to get you in on this!
Austin: I’m in, I’ll win this thing and become the strongest!!
Adrian: In your dreams, you’ll get crushed in no time.
Illius: I’ll win this thing and prove me and Ifrit are the strongest in the world!
Kris: *Giggles* Then hurry up and get on the ship!
(Illius, Ren, Wally, Adrian, and Austin get on the ship)
Hikaru: Man, it'd be fun facing them in an official tournament.
Hyuga: Yeah, I wanna go zoom vroom bang!!
Bell: Hmp! The Demon King doesn’t approve, he wants to enter!!
Kris: Hop on then.
Hikaru: *Gasps* But, we’re not a new Blading Generation!
Kris: But you three are still not classified as Legendary Bladers, since you’re all in A Tier.
Bell: *Laughs* The Demon King will win this tournament!!
(Bell runs onto the Airship)
Hikaru: This’ll be awesome, we’ll be sure to give it our all!!
Hyuga: Vroom boom kablamo!!
Wakiya: Valt Aoi joined with someone else, will be one of our Special Guests as we continue through our journey!!
Adrian: Who’s the other Blader?
Kris: You’ll just have to wait and find out!
(Everyone gets on the Airship)
Wakiya: It’s time to get going!!
(Wakiya fires up the Airship, The Airship goes high in the air and starts departing)
Austin: Where’s everyone else?!
Wakiya: They’re downstairs, let’s go meet them in the Meeting Room!
~In The Meeting Room~
Wakiya: We’re here! What do you think, you’ll be able to chill and watch the matches from here!!
Adrian: It’s okay I guess.
Wakiya: Don’t you appreciate anything?!
Austin: He really doesn’t.
Wakiya: He’ll appreciate something sooner or later!
Wally: Battling here will be amazing!
(Wakiya pulls up a list on his tablet)
Wakiya: I’m not seeing your--
(A group of kids burst through the door)
Kris: They’re all here!
Wakiya: These are the Bladers you’ll be facing off against!
(Ethan and Adrian stare each other down with rage)
Adrian (Thoughts): So, he was the person who attacked Austin.
Austin: He’s the person--
Adrian: I know.
Wakiya: Let me introduce all the Bladers! We’ve got the always angry but powerful, Po Taint!!
Po: You better give me an awesome battle, or I’ll crush you!!
Austin: *Gasps* This dude’s seriously intense!
Wakiya: The Smooth Breeze, Acheros Izumi!!
Acheros: Yo.
Wakiya: The Beauty herself, Thalia Amana!!
Thalia: Hey!! I’m so gonna have fun battling you guys, I hope you’ll be able to give me a fun and awesome battle!!
Wakiya: The Unseen Blader, Ethan Gilten!!
Ethan: Will you be able to fuel my Blaze? I don’t think so.
Austin: I’ll crush you when we battle in the ring!!
Wakiya: Last but definitely not least, it’s the ominous trickster that you can never trust, Jennifer Pratton!!
Jennifer: I’ll be the one winning this tournament, thanks for understanding.
Adrian: I’ll crush you in the blink of an eye.
(Jennifer and Adrian stare each other down)
Wakiya: And we’ll be introducing our Second Legendary Blader!!
Bell: “Second Legendary Blader?”
Wakiya: Yeah, he calls himself the Invincible Super Z Blader!!
???: That’s right!!
(A mysterious figure bursts through the door doing a front flip)
Aiga: Aiga Akaba, The Super Z Blader that’s ready for some action!!
All: *Gasps* Aiga?!
(Valt appears from behind Aiga)
Valt: Aiga’s a good friend of mine and a powerful rival!!
Ethan (Thoughts): Aiga Akaba, He’s Ranked Third in the world, I’ll be sure to crush him soon so my Blaze can devour him whole!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Flares up Adrian’s eyes turn purple as Asriel’s purple shadow stands behind him)
Possessed Adrian: I want to battle Aiga!!
Aiga (Thoughts): *Gasps* His Resonance it's just like how mine used to be.
Wakiya: You don’t get to choose who you battle, we haven’t even started the tournament yet!!
(Jennifer walks up to Adrian)
Jennifer: Yeah, besides, you’re not special, you don’t get to battle Aiga first just because you want to!
Ren: Grr! The nerve you have!!
Austin: You’re not more important than anyone either.
Jennifer: Oh yes I am. I’m the only person who can defeat Aiga at full power!
Possessed Adrian: I wasn’t asking you, was I?!
Jennifer: I don’t know, were you?
Po: I want to battle Aiga too, I’m stronger than all of you!!
Thalia: I’m a strong Blader too, please accept my challenge Aiga!!
Acheros: I want to battle Aiga.
Wakiya: Nobody is battling Aiga! Now, get ready for your matches tomorrow!!
Aiga: Hold up, Wakiya. Adrian’s the name, isn’t it?
Possessed Adrian: Yeah, now accept my challenge!!
(Adrian holds up Asriel, Asriel emits purple flames as its eyes glow)
Aiga: Challenge accepted, Achilles will show you what Blading's truly about!!
Wakiya: Seriously?!
Kris: This seems important Wakiya. Maybe it could be a little Exhibition Match before the tournament kicks off.
Wakiya: *Moans* Fine, we’ll host it in the Big Room.
Austin: “Big Room?”
Wakiya: This is what I’m most proud of! C’mon everyone, let’s get going!!
~In The Airship’s Main Arena~
Wally: Woah! This place is humongous!!
Wakiya: I’m glad you like it, Wally!
Ren: Battles in this place will be amazing!!
(Adrian and Aiga stand in the middle of the Arena getting ready for their battle)
Aiga: Adrian, what does Blading mean to you?
Possessed Adrian: Blading’s about becoming the strongest in breaking everything that comes in your way!!
Aiga: And then what?
Possessed Adrian: *Gasps*
Wakiya: Take a seat everyone, this battle will amaze all of you! (I hope)
Drone: First battle!
Aiga: Adrian, Infinite Achilles will be your opponent!!
(Aiga holds up his Infinite Achilles)
Possessed Adrian: Asriel will crush Achilles and feed off your despair!!
Aiga: I won’t let you defeat me… ever!!
Austin (Thoughts): Aiga, please bring Adrian back.
Aiga (Thoughts): I’ll get a good look at his Blading Style with Speed Mode!!
(Aiga takes the Infinite Sword off Achilles)
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Aiga/Adrian: Go, Shoot!!
(Adrian pulls off an extremely powerful Eclipse Shoot, Aiga pulls off a powerful Sparking Shoot)
Possessed Adrian: Show ‘em what we’ve got, Twilight Shoot!!
(Asriel leans on the metal of its driver and speeds up)
Aiga: Infinite Shoot!!
(Achilles and Asriel hit each other with powerful strikes over and over, purple lights continue to slash at Adrian)
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Destroy them!!
(Asriel slams into Achilles sending it flying in the air)
Aiga: *Roars* Achilles!!
(Aiga’s Resonance Aura flares up Achilles blazes out of the Bey)
Aiga: Infinite Slash!!
Possessed Adrian: Twilight Slash!!
(Asriel and Achilles start clashing causing powerful gusts of winds and Red and Purple electricity)
Possessed Adrian/Aiga: Blow ‘em away!!
(Asriel and Achilles get shot up in the air, Achilles and Asriel bursts)
Aiga/Adrian: *Gasps*
Drone: It’s Infinite Achilles with a Burst Finish! Aiga Akaba claims 2 points!!
(Adrian’s eyes sink in as he falls to the ground in pain as a purple light slashes at him)
Austin: Adrian…
Aiga: The Resonance you have with Asriel is unhealthy and not good for the both of you. But, I guess it’s all about you, isn’t it?
Adrian: It’s about the both of us! Why do you think you know everything about me and my Bey?!
Aiga: Because I went through the same thing!
Adrian: *Gasps*
Drone: Second battle!!
Adrian: I don’t care what you went through, I’m going to become the strongest Blader no matter what it takes!!
Aiga: In that case, I’ll have to defeat you in this battle!
(Aiga puts Achilles in Shield Mode)
Ren: Let’s see how Adrian will do in this battle.
Illius (Thoughts): Adrian… is this really what you want to accomplish from Blading.
(Adrian puts Asriel in Heavy Mode)
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Aiga/Adrian: Go, Shoot!!
(Aiga pulls off a powerful Sparking Shoots, Adrian pulls off an extremely powerful Eclipse Shoot)
Adrian: Crush them, Asriel!
(Asriel speeds up and hits Achilles with a powerful barrage of attacks, Achilles blocks all the attacks)
Aiga: Infinite Guard!!
(Achilles takes the center and begins to fend off more and more of Asriel’s powerful strikes)
Adrian: Grr!!
Aiga: So, Adrian. What’re you going to do now?
Adrian: *Roars* Asriel!!
(Asriel flickers gold as Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel blazes out of the Bey)
Valt: *Gasps*
Possessed Adrian: C’mon, you’ve gotta tear ‘em apart!!
(Asriel slams into Achilles sending it flying in the air)
Aiga: *Gasps*
Possessed Adrian: Twilight Blight!!
(Asriel leans on its driver and speeds up, Asriel slams into Achilles sending it flying into the wall, Achilles Bursts)
Aiga: Wha--What?!
Drone: It’s Twilight Asriel with a Burst Finish! Adrian Saito claims 2 points!!
Adrian: Hmp! Expected. *Grins*
Wakiya: That battle was amazing, Adrian’s really something else!!
Valt (Thoughts): When Adrian powered up Asriel glimmered gold, was he having fun for a couple of seconds? I think… he’s starting to truly understand Asriel!!
Aiga: That was amazing, you’re a really strong Blader no doubt!!
Adrian: *Chuckles Evilly* It’s nothing, I’ll be sure to crush you in the next battle.
Drone: Third Battle!
Aiga: Adrian, let’s have an all-out attack battle!! *Smiles*
Adrian: My Asriel will crush you in a matter of seconds!!
(Aiga puts Achilles in Attack Mode, Adrian’s Flare surrounds him as he looks at Asriel with a grin)
Valt: *Laughs* Aiga’s having so much fun he’s forgotten why he’s battling!!
Ren: Sheesh, Aiga may be powerful but has a more powerful heart!
Wakiya: That’s Aiga for you.
Kris: I’m seeing a happy ending at the end of this battle!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Aiga/Adrian: Go, Shoot!!
(Aiga pulls off an extremely powerful Sparking Shoot, Adrian pulls off an extremely powerful Eclipse Shoot)
Aiga/Adrian: *Roars* Take ‘em down!!
(Achilles and Asriel speed up and start clashing wildly, Achilles and Asriel strike each other with extremely powerful blows)
Aiga: Blow ‘em away, Infinite Slash!!
(Achilles speeds up and slams into Asriel sending it flying in the air)
Adrian: *Gasps*
Aiga: Infinite Shoot!!
(Achilles speeds up and slams into Asriel with a barrage of extremely powerful blows, Asriel gets sent flying in the air countless times)
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Asriel!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel blazes out of the Bey, Adrian’s dangerous Flare surrounds him and his Bey)
Possessed Adrian: *Corrupt Roar* I’m going to break you because I’m… Asriel!!!
Aiga: I’m going to blow you away, Achilles!!!
(Aiga’s Resonance Aura flares up Achilles blazes out of the Bey, Achilles, and Asriel speed up as both their Blades glow)
Aiga: Infinite Buster!!
Possessed Adrian: Twilight Crunch!!
(Asriel and Achilles start clashing causing a humongous explosion and blows huge gusts of wind in each direction)
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Break Achilles!!!
(Achilles starts cracking, Asriel slashes at Achilles at full power bursting Achilles into fragments)
Aiga: *Gasps* No!! Achilles!!!
Possessed Adrian: Yes, I’m the winner!!
(Achilles fragments clatter on the ground as Asriel bursts)
Drone: It’s Twilight Asriel with a Burst Finish! Adrian Saito is the winner with a score of 4-2!!
Kris: Did he really just…
Valt: He did.. Again.
(Aiga falls to the ground)
Aiga: Achilles…
~Later That Evening~
(Adrian walks up to Aiga)
Adrian: You called me here?
Aiga: Yeah, I want to talk about your Resonance.
Adrian: Ugh, this lecture again.
Aiga: You may not realize it but I went through the same thing you went through.
Adrian: You don’t understand how I feel! (Nobody can)
Aiga: You may not think so, but I actually can. You're striving for power and perfection in your own world, but does your Bey Asriel want that?
Adrian: Grr! Who made you the expert on how my Bey’s feeling!!
Aiga: Achilles kept calling out to me, but I was so focused on becoming stronger I completely ignored him.
Adrian: I can feel the pain Asriel feels, we’re one but nobody understands that!!
Aiga: I’m trying to help you, but you’re not--
(Adrian walks away)
Aiga: Adrian!
(Adrian’s Flare surrounds him as it flickers golden sparks)
Possessed Adrian: I’ll crush everyone on this ship, no matter what!!
~In The Meeting Room~
(Everyone starts gathering inside and sits down)
Po: I wonder what Wakiya wants to announce.
Thalia: I’m sure it’ll be super awesome!
(The TV flickers on, Wakiya’s on the TV with a microphone)
Wakiya (On TV): Hello all you Bladers!
I’m going to be announcing The first match in the tournament!! It’ll be a Battle Royal split into two groups!!
All: “A Battle Royal?!”
Wakiya: A Group will have their own Battle Royal and B Group will also have their own Battle Royal!!
Austin: This is going to be so awesome!!
Wakiya: The A Group Bladers will proceed as! Austin Saito, Hyuga Asahi, Bell Daikokuten, Po Taint, Acheros Izumi, and Ethan Gilten!!
Bell: *Laughs* All of you will lose to the ultimate Demon King, especially you, Ethan Gilten!!
Ethan (Thoughts): I’ll crush all of you in this match, no matter what.
Po: All of you are losing, understand?!
Austin: In your dreams!
Wakiya: Our B Group Bladers will be! Adrian Saito, Hikaru Asahi, Illius Mao, Thalia Amana, Ren Kiyama, and Jennifer Pratton!!
Jennifer: They’re my opponents? Ha! I won’t even break a sweat!!
Thalia: I’ll beat all of you and become the winner of this tournament!!
Wakiya: We’ll be starting these matches bright and early tomorrow and will be battling in the Engulfing Dusk Stadium, you have the rest of the day to practice and I’ll see you tomorrow!!
(The TV turns off as everyone leaves the room)
Austin: This is going to be awesome!!
~That Night In Ethan’s Dorm~
(Ethan talks to Alexander on the phone)
Alexander: Your job is to win that tournament no matter how many Beys you have to break.
(Ethan’s Dark Blaze surrounds him like fire as his eyes glow)
Ethan: I’ll crush every Legendary Blader and everyone on this ship, no matter what!!
(Ethan hangs up, Ethan grabs his Bey, Erebus’ eyes start glowing as it emits a purple flame)
Erebus: Set me wild so I can devour all the Beys I can!!
Ethan: *Smirks* You’ll devour everything in our path to fuel our Blaze!!
Erebus: Good, I’ll devour all of our opponents!!
~In Adrian’s Dorm~
Adrian: Go, Shoot!!
(Adrian pulls off a powerful Eclipse Shoot as his Flare surrounds him glimmering gold, his eyes glow purple as Asriel glows)
Possessed Adrian: I don’t care what Aiga says, I’ll break everyone’s Bey in the Battle Royal!!
(Aiga peaks through Adrian’s door as he practices)
Aiga: *Sighs* I don’t think bringing him out from the darkness will be easy.
Give me your thoughts on this chapter, was it better than the previous one? Worse? Or pretty much the same? Give me your honest opinions

26) The Stormy Skies, Battle Royal!
27) The Yin Yang Shake up!
28) The Sea Scavenger, Typhoon Pirate!
29) Silent But Deadly, Dire Aeneas!
30) The Sea Guardian, Atlantis Trident!
31) The Shinning King, Siege Achilles!
Sep. 18, 2021 6:23 PM
Yes! I love it!
Spoiler (Click to View)
Still seemed to be a lot of gasping… but overall really good. I hope Adrian listens to agia though…
Sep. 18, 2021 8:42 PM
(Sep. 18, 2021 5:47 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]The Second Arc has started! Bladers around the world are battling to prove who's the best, so, let's check out Episode 25 of Yin Yang!!
"LJ-Blader" "CelBeyBlade" "Hollowmind8" "LegendJustice" "GhostFox"Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 25
Ariel Tag Battles, The Ariel Tag League!
(A purple Fire emerges from nowhere as Austin and the others appear next to Adrian)
Adrian: *Gasps* What’re you guys doing here?!
(The Purple fire grabs everyone except Austin)
Adrian: What’s going on, put them down!!
Purple Fire: They’re my prey now.
(The purple fire turns Ren, Illius, Wally, Valt, the Ashi Brothers, and Bell to gold dust)
Adrian: *Gasps* Give them back!!
Purple Fire: No.
(The purple fire grabs Austin, Adrian grabs Austin’s hand and tries pulling him out)
Austin: Adrian…
Adrian: I’ll get you out, don’t worry!
(The purple fire stares Adrian down as a shadowy figure walks up to Adrian)
Adrian: *Screams*
(Adrian gets awoken by Austin shaking him frantically)
Austin: Finally, you’re awake!
Ren: We were worried about you, and by we I mean them.
Bell: We know what you did last night and The Demon King never approved of this!
(Bell shows Adrian a video of his battle with Shu)
Adrian: I don’t need your approval to battle, anyone.
Ren: Excuse me, not a thank you for helping you?
Adrian: I never asked for your help.
Ren: Grr! You know it’s not all about you!!
Valt: Adrian… I have a question for you.
Adrian: What is it?
Valt: Why do you Blade?
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up as his eyes turn purple)
Possessed Adrian: I Blade to become the strongest in the world!!
Valt: That’s it?
Possessed Adrian: Yes, the more I battle the more it fuels my power!!
Austin: Adrian… stop.
Possessed Adrian: No, I’m never going to stop until every Blader I’ve battled is crushed, that’s including you, Valt Aoi!
Bell: The Demon King is getting a bad feeling.
(Ren stares Adrian down)
Ren: Getting stronger isn’t what Beyblade is all about! It’s about having fun, and forming a true bond!!
Wally: Could’ve fooled me, Austin told me the conversation you had with him after the Tag Battle. Not cool dude.
Ren: So you’re saying it’s my fault now?!
Austin: Yeah, you’re becoming no better than Adrian.
(Adrian’s Resonance tones down as his eyes return to normal)
Adrian: Are you saying there’s a problem with me?!
Austin: Yeah, you’re not acting like the Adrian I know!
Adrian: With that attitude, you’re never going to beat any Blading Legends.
Bell: The Demon King--
Wally: We get it, you’re more important than the rest of us “Demon King” now stay out of it.
Bell: Grr! I have a say in this as well, this is The Demon King’s Palace!!
(Everyone starts arguing with each other)
Adrian: None of you have any passion to get stronger, all of you are just weak and pathetic.
Jingemon: Calm down everyone!
(Jingemon comes down from a rope down from the roof)
Austin: *Gasps* Seriously?!
Jingemon: Why don’t we all settle down and battle for a change?
Adrian: Valt Aoi, I challenge you to another battle!
Austin: No, I want to battle Valt!
(Jingemon puts his hand on Austin)
Jingemon: Let Adrian have this battle, it seems important to him.
Valt: I accept your challenge!
Bell: *Laughs* Amazing, the ultimate battle on The Demon King’s turf!
(A Drone comes up to the stadium)
Drone: First Battle!
Valt (Thoughts): I’ll go on the attack in this battle, I’ll counter all of his attacks then end things off with a Burst Finish!
Adrian (Thoughts): I’ll show Valt how powerful me and Asriel are so he won’t underestimate us anymore!
Bell: *Laughs* The Demon’s Castle will explode under the pressure of this amazing battle!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Valt/Adrian: Go, Shoot!!
(Adrian and Valt pull off extremely powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Valt: Rush Shoot!!
(Valkyrie speeds up and launches an extremely powerful barrage of attacks, Asriel gets hit with each blow, Purple lights start slashing at Adrian)
Adrian *Groans Rapidly* C’mon, Asriel!
Valt: Bound Slash!!
(Valkyrie slashes at Asriel with its bound blade sending it flying)
Bell: The Ultimate Valkyrie has attacked and hit Asriel with a powerful blow!
Austin: When did you become the announcer, Bell?
Bell: The Demon King does what pleases him!
(Adrian’s Dark Flare surrounds him as his eyes turn purple)
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Attack!!
(Asriel leans on its driver and speeds up, Asriel slams into Valkyrie sending it flying in the air)
Valt: *Gasps*
Possessed Adrian: Keep attacking, Twilight Shoot!!
(Asriel leans hard on its driver and picks up major speed, Asriel hits Valkyrie with an extremely powerful barrage of attacks sending it flying in the air continuously)
Ren: C’mon Valkyrie, you’ve gotta get out of there!
(Valkyrie slams into the wall and speeds up)
Valt: Super Holy Jet Shoot!!
(Valkyrie bounces off the wall and picks up speed, Valkyrie slams into Asriel sending it flying, a humongous purple light slashes at Adrian)
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Asriel!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel blazes out of the Bey)
Valt: Let loose, Valkyrie!!
(Valt’s Resonance Aura flares up Valkyrie blazes out of the Bey)
Possessed Adrian: Twilight Blight!!
Valt: Holy Scimitar!!
(Valkyrie and Asriel start clashing wildly blowing huge gusts of wind)
Austin: Woah, he’s so powerful.
Valt: End this, Valkyrie!
Possessed Adrian: Destroy Valkyrie already!!
(Both Beys get sent flying in opposite directions, Valkyrie and Asriel burst)
Valt/Adrian: *Gasps*
Drone: It's Holy Valkyrie with a Burst Finish! Valt Aoi is the winner!!
Bell: And our World Champ and No. 1# Blader who takes the victory! It was a close one but Adrian didn’t stand a chance!!
Adrian: Grr! Give me one more--
(We hear a huge plane noise come from the outside)
All: *Gasps* What’s going on?!
Valt: *Laughs* They’ve finally arrived!
Ren: Who’s arrived?
Valt: Go find out!
(Hyuga and Hikaru come out of the bedrooms groggy)
Hikaru: Sorry, everyone I slept--
(Everyone rushes past Hikaru and Hyuga and run outside)
Hyuga: What’s up with them?
Hikaru: We’re about to find out.
(Hikaru and Hyuga rush after us)
~Outside The Daikokuten Mansion~
(A huge Airship comes down from the air)
All: *Gasps*
Bell: What’s going on?!
(A women with pink hair walks out of the door)
Kris: Valt, it's been a while!
Valt: Kris! You’ve finally started it!!
Wakiya: We sure have! It took a long while but we made it!!
(Wakiya walks out of the door with his huge purple jacket)
Austin: Wakiya Komurasaki?!
Ren: Kris Kuroda?!
Wakiya: That’s right, the WBBA’s Commissioner, Wakiya Komurasaki is here!!
Bell: Why are you here, Wakiya?
Kris: Well, we were so moved by the Legend Super Tag League results that we decided to create a new Tag League, except for the newer Generation of Bladers!!
Adrian: So why are you here?
Wakiya: We’re here for you guys, you’re such powerful Bladers from the battles we’ve seen that we had to get you in on this!
Austin: I’m in, I’ll win this thing and become the strongest!!
Adrian: In your dreams, you’ll get crushed in no time.
Illius: I’ll win this thing and prove me and Ifrit are the strongest in the world!
Kris: *Giggles* Then hurry up and get on the ship!
(Illius, Ren, Wally, Adrian, and Austin get on the ship)
Hikaru: Man, it'd be fun facing them in an official tournament.
Hyuga: Yeah, I wanna go zoom vroom bang!!
Bell: Hmp! The Demon King doesn’t approve, he wants to enter!!
Kris: Hop on then.
Hikaru: *Gasps* But, we’re not a new Blading Generation!
Kris: But you three are still not classified as Legendary Bladers, since you’re all in A Tier.
Bell: *Laughs* The Demon King will win this tournament!!
(Bell runs onto the Airship)
Hikaru: This’ll be awesome, we’ll be sure to give it our all!!
Hyuga: Vroom boom kablamo!!
Wakiya: Valt Aoi joined with someone else, will be one of our Special Guests as we continue through our journey!!
Adrian: Who’s the other Blader?
Kris: You’ll just have to wait and find out!
(Everyone gets on the Airship)
Wakiya: It’s time to get going!!
(Wakiya fires up the Airship, The Airship goes high in the air and starts departing)
Austin: Where’s everyone else?!
Wakiya: They’re downstairs, let’s go meet them in the Meeting Room!
~In The Meeting Room~
Wakiya: We’re here! What do you think, you’ll be able to chill and watch the matches from here!!
Adrian: It’s okay I guess.
Wakiya: Don’t you appreciate anything?!
Austin: He really doesn’t.
Wakiya: He’ll appreciate something sooner or later!
Wally: Battling here will be amazing!
(Wakiya pulls up a list on his tablet)
Wakiya: I’m not seeing your--
(A group of kids burst through the door)
Kris: They’re all here!
Wakiya: These are the Bladers you’ll be facing off against!
(Ethan and Adrian stare each other down with rage)
Adrian (Thoughts): So, he was the person who attacked Austin.
Austin: He’s the person--
Adrian: I know.
Wakiya: Let me introduce all the Bladers! We’ve got the always angry but powerful, Po Taint!!
Po: You better give me an awesome battle, or I’ll crush you!!
Austin: *Gasps* This dude’s seriously intense!
Wakiya: The Smooth Breeze, Acheros Izumi!!
Acheros: Yo.
Wakiya: The Beauty herself, Thalia Amana!!
Thalia: Hey!! I’m so gonna have fun battling you guys, I hope you’ll be able to give me a fun and awesome battle!!
Wakiya: The Unseen Blader, Ethan Gilten!!
Ethan: Will you be able to fuel my Blaze? I don’t think so.
Austin: I’ll crush you when we battle in the ring!!
Wakiya: Last but definitely not least, it’s the ominous trickster that you can never trust, Jennifer Pratton!!
Jennifer: I’ll be the one winning this tournament, thanks for understanding.
Adrian: I’ll crush you in the blink of an eye.
(Jennifer and Adrian stare each other down)
Wakiya: And we’ll be introducing our Second Legendary Blader!!
Bell: “Second Legendary Blader?”
Wakiya: Yeah, he calls himself the Invincible Super Z Blader!!
???: That’s right!!
(A mysterious figure bursts through the door doing a front flip)
Aiga: Aiga Akaba, The Super Z Blader that’s ready for some action!!
All: *Gasps* Aiga?!
(Valt appears from behind Aiga)
Valt: Aiga’s a good friend of mine and a powerful rival!!
Ethan (Thoughts): Aiga Akaba, He’s Ranked Third in the world, I’ll be sure to crush him soon so my Blaze can devour him whole!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Flares up Adrian’s eyes turn purple as Asriel’s purple shadow stands behind him)
Possessed Adrian: I want to battle Aiga!!
Aiga (Thoughts): *Gasps* His Resonance it's just like how mine used to be.
Wakiya: You don’t get to choose who you battle, we haven’t even started the tournament yet!!
(Jennifer walks up to Adrian)
Jennifer: Yeah, besides, you’re not special, you don’t get to battle Aiga first just because you want to!
Ren: Grr! The nerve you have!!
Austin: You’re not more important than anyone either.
Jennifer: Oh yes I am. I’m the only person who can defeat Aiga at full power!
Possessed Adrian: I wasn’t asking you, was I?!
Jennifer: I don’t know, were you?
Po: I want to battle Aiga too, I’m stronger than all of you!!
Thalia: I’m a strong Blader too, please accept my challenge Aiga!!
Acheros: I want to battle Aiga.
Wakiya: Nobody is battling Aiga! Now, get ready for your matches tomorrow!!
Aiga: Hold up, Wakiya. Adrian’s the name, isn’t it?
Possessed Adrian: Yeah, now accept my challenge!!
(Adrian holds up Asriel, Asriel emits purple flames as its eyes glow)
Aiga: Challenge accepted, Achilles will show you what Blading's truly about!!
Wakiya: Seriously?!
Kris: This seems important Wakiya. Maybe it could be a little Exhibition Match before the tournament kicks off.
Wakiya: *Moans* Fine, we’ll host it in the Big Room.
Austin: “Big Room?”
Wakiya: This is what I’m most proud of! C’mon everyone, let’s get going!!
~In The Airship’s Main Arena~
Wally: Woah! This place is humongous!!
Wakiya: I’m glad you like it, Wally!
Ren: Battles in this place will be amazing!!
(Adrian and Aiga stand in the middle of the Arena getting ready for their battle)
Aiga: Adrian, what does Blading mean to you?
Possessed Adrian: Blading’s about becoming the strongest in breaking everything that comes in your way!!
Aiga: And then what?
Possessed Adrian: *Gasps*
Wakiya: Take a seat everyone, this battle will amaze all of you! (I hope)
Drone: First battle!
Aiga: Adrian, Infinite Achilles will be your opponent!!
(Aiga holds up his Infinite Achilles)
Possessed Adrian: Asriel will crush Achilles and feed off your despair!!
Aiga: I won’t let you defeat me… ever!!
Austin (Thoughts): Aiga, please bring Adrian back.
Aiga (Thoughts): I’ll get a good look at his Blading Style with Speed Mode!!
(Aiga takes the Infinite Sword off Achilles)
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Aiga/Adrian: Go, Shoot!!
(Adrian pulls off an extremely powerful Eclipse Shoot, Aiga pulls off a powerful Sparking Shoot)
Possessed Adrian: Show ‘em what we’ve got, Twilight Shoot!!
(Asriel leans on the metal of its driver and speeds up)
Aiga: Infinite Shoot!!
(Achilles and Asriel hit each other with powerful strikes over and over, purple lights continue to slash at Adrian)
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Destroy them!!
(Asriel slams into Achilles sending it flying in the air)
Aiga: *Roars* Achilles!!
(Aiga’s Resonance Aura flares up Achilles blazes out of the Bey)
Aiga: Infinite Slash!!
Possessed Adrian: Twilight Slash!!
(Asriel and Achilles start clashing causing powerful gusts of winds and Red and Purple electricity)
Possessed Adrian/Aiga: Blow ‘em away!!
(Asriel and Achilles get shot up in the air, Achilles and Asriel bursts)
Aiga/Adrian: *Gasps*
Drone: It’s Infinite Achilles with a Burst Finish! Aiga Akaba claims 2 points!!
(Adrian’s eyes sink in as he falls to the ground in pain as a purple light slashes at him)
Austin: Adrian…
Aiga: The Resonance you have with Asriel is unhealthy and not good for the both of you. But, I guess it’s all about you, isn’t it?
Adrian: It’s about the both of us! Why do you think you know everything about me and my Bey?!
Aiga: Because I went through the same thing!
Adrian: *Gasps*
Drone: Second battle!!
Adrian: I don’t care what you went through, I’m going to become the strongest Blader no matter what it takes!!
Aiga: In that case, I’ll have to defeat you in this battle!
(Aiga puts Achilles in Shield Mode)
Ren: Let’s see how Adrian will do in this battle.
Illius (Thoughts): Adrian… is this really what you want to accomplish from Blading.
(Adrian puts Asriel in Heavy Mode)
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Aiga/Adrian: Go, Shoot!!
(Aiga pulls off a powerful Sparking Shoots, Adrian pulls off an extremely powerful Eclipse Shoot)
Adrian: Crush them, Asriel!
(Asriel speeds up and hits Achilles with a powerful barrage of attacks, Achilles blocks all the attacks)
Aiga: Infinite Guard!!
(Achilles takes the center and begins to fend off more and more of Asriel’s powerful strikes)
Adrian: Grr!!
Aiga: So, Adrian. What’re you going to do now?
Adrian: *Roars* Asriel!!
(Asriel flickers gold as Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel blazes out of the Bey)
Valt: *Gasps*
Possessed Adrian: C’mon, you’ve gotta tear ‘em apart!!
(Asriel slams into Achilles sending it flying in the air)
Aiga: *Gasps*
Possessed Adrian: Twilight Blight!!
(Asriel leans on its driver and speeds up, Asriel slams into Achilles sending it flying into the wall, Achilles Bursts)
Aiga: Wha--What?!
Drone: It’s Twilight Asriel with a Burst Finish! Adrian Saito claims 2 points!!
Adrian: Hmp! Expected. *Grins*
Wakiya: That battle was amazing, Adrian’s really something else!!
Valt (Thoughts): When Adrian powered up Asriel glimmered gold, was he having fun for a couple of seconds? I think… he’s starting to truly understand Asriel!!
Aiga: That was amazing, you’re a really strong Blader no doubt!!
Adrian: *Chuckles Evilly* It’s nothing, I’ll be sure to crush you in the next battle.
Drone: Third Battle!
Aiga: Adrian, let’s have an all-out attack battle!! *Smiles*
Adrian: My Asriel will crush you in a matter of seconds!!
(Aiga puts Achilles in Attack Mode, Adrian’s Flare surrounds him as he looks at Asriel with a grin)
Valt: *Laughs* Aiga’s having so much fun he’s forgotten why he’s battling!!
Ren: Sheesh, Aiga may be powerful but has a more powerful heart!
Wakiya: That’s Aiga for you.
Kris: I’m seeing a happy ending at the end of this battle!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Aiga/Adrian: Go, Shoot!!
(Aiga pulls off an extremely powerful Sparking Shoot, Adrian pulls off an extremely powerful Eclipse Shoot)
Aiga/Adrian: *Roars* Take ‘em down!!
(Achilles and Asriel speed up and start clashing wildly, Achilles and Asriel strike each other with extremely powerful blows)
Aiga: Blow ‘em away, Infinite Slash!!
(Achilles speeds up and slams into Asriel sending it flying in the air)
Adrian: *Gasps*
Aiga: Infinite Shoot!!
(Achilles speeds up and slams into Asriel with a barrage of extremely powerful blows, Asriel gets sent flying in the air countless times)
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Asriel!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel blazes out of the Bey, Adrian’s dangerous Flare surrounds him and his Bey)
Possessed Adrian: *Corrupt Roar* I’m going to break you because I’m… Asriel!!!
Aiga: I’m going to blow you away, Achilles!!!
(Aiga’s Resonance Aura flares up Achilles blazes out of the Bey, Achilles, and Asriel speed up as both their Blades glow)
Aiga: Infinite Buster!!
Possessed Adrian: Twilight Crunch!!
(Asriel and Achilles start clashing causing a humongous explosion and blows huge gusts of wind in each direction)
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Break Achilles!!!
(Achilles starts cracking, Asriel slashes at Achilles at full power bursting Achilles into fragments)
Aiga: *Gasps* No!! Achilles!!!
Possessed Adrian: Yes, I’m the winner!!
(Achilles fragments clatter on the ground as Asriel bursts)
Drone: It’s Twilight Asriel with a Burst Finish! Adrian Saito is the winner with a score of 4-2!!
Kris: Did he really just…
Valt: He did.. Again.
(Aiga falls to the ground)
Aiga: Achilles…
~Later That Evening~
(Adrian walks up to Aiga)
Adrian: You called me here?
Aiga: Yeah, I want to talk about your Resonance.
Adrian: Ugh, this lecture again.
Aiga: You may not realize it but I went through the same thing you went through.
Adrian: You don’t understand how I feel! (Nobody can)
Aiga: You may not think so, but I actually can. You're striving for power and perfection in your own world, but does your Bey Asriel want that?
Adrian: Grr! Who made you the expert on how my Bey’s feeling!!
Aiga: Achilles kept calling out to me, but I was so focused on becoming stronger I completely ignored him.
Adrian: I can feel the pain Asriel feels, we’re one but nobody understands that!!
Aiga: I’m trying to help you, but you’re not--
(Adrian walks away)
Aiga: Adrian!
(Adrian’s Flare surrounds him as it flickers golden sparks)
Possessed Adrian: I’ll crush everyone on this ship, no matter what!!
~In The Meeting Room~
(Everyone starts gathering inside and sits down)
Po: I wonder what Wakiya wants to announce.
Thalia: I’m sure it’ll be super awesome!
(The TV flickers on, Wakiya’s on the TV with a microphone)
Wakiya (On TV): Hello all you Bladers!
I’m going to be announcing The first match in the tournament!! It’ll be a Battle Royal split into two groups!!
All: “A Battle Royal?!”
Wakiya: A Group will have their own Battle Royal and B Group will also have their own Battle Royal!!
Austin: This is going to be so awesome!!
Wakiya: The A Group Bladers will proceed as! Austin Saito, Hyuga Asahi, Bell Daikokuten, Po Taint, Acheros Izumi, and Ethan Gilten!!
Bell: *Laughs* All of you will lose to the ultimate Demon King, especially you, Ethan Gilten!!
Ethan (Thoughts): I’ll crush all of you in this match, no matter what.
Po: All of you are losing, understand?!
Austin: In your dreams!
Wakiya: Our B Group Bladers will be! Adrian Saito, Hikaru Asahi, Illius Mao, Thalia Amana, Ren Kiyama, and Jennifer Pratton!!
Jennifer: They’re my opponents? Ha! I won’t even break a sweat!!
Thalia: I’ll beat all of you and become the winner of this tournament!!
Wakiya: We’ll be starting these matches bright and early tomorrow and will be battling in the Engulfing Dusk Stadium, you have the rest of the day to practice and I’ll see you tomorrow!!
(The TV turns off as everyone leaves the room)
Austin: This is going to be awesome!!
~That Night In Ethan’s Dorm~
(Ethan talks to Alexander on the phone)
Alexander: Your job is to win that tournament no matter how many Beys you have to break.
(Ethan’s Dark Blaze surrounds him like fire as his eyes glow)
Ethan: I’ll crush every Legendary Blader and everyone on this ship, no matter what!!
(Ethan hangs up, Ethan grabs his Bey, Erebus’ eyes start glowing as it emits a purple flame)
Erebus: Set me wild so I can devour all the Beys I can!!
Ethan: *Smirks* You’ll devour everything in our path to fuel our Blaze!!
Erebus: Good, I’ll devour all of our opponents!!
~In Adrian’s Dorm~
Adrian: Go, Shoot!!
(Adrian pulls off a powerful Eclipse Shoot as his Flare surrounds him glimmering gold, his eyes glow purple as Asriel glows)
Possessed Adrian: I don’t care what Aiga says, I’ll break everyone’s Bey in the Battle Royal!!
(Aiga peaks through Adrian’s door as he practices)
Aiga: *Sighs* I don’t think bringing him out from the darkness will be easy.
Give me your thoughts on this chapter, was it better than the previous one? Worse? Or pretty much the same? Give me your honest opinionsAlso, what do you guys think about this arc? Tell me everything!! Lol
26) The Surging Storm, Battle Royal!
27) The Yin Yang Shake up!
28) The Sea Scavenger, Typhoon Pirate!
29) Silent But Deadly, Dire Aeneas!
30) The Sea Guardian, Atlantis Trident!
31) The Shinning King, Siege Achilles!
Spoiler (Click to View)
There's a lot of gasps, and some are unnecessary imo (like when aiga revealed that he went through it too, Adrian gasped but then didn't care. So that gasp was random). I guess Adrian is in the middle of pure evil and good. Thalia let's gooo An airship... cool. Adrian just ignoring advices is going to hurt him on the long run. All things considered, that's a really nice chapter. I am bad atgiving rates to chapters, since that really depends on opinion, but I'd say around 23/24 from 25?
Sep. 18, 2021 8:48 PM
Since only two people entered I guess those two are the winners lol.
2nd Place:!
1st Place!
Both of your characters will be featured in Mystic Clash soon!
I'll work on the next chapter of Yin Yang then post two chapters on Mystic Clash after.
Also, sadly because of school I'll only be able to post chapters on weekends and non-school days. Sorry, everyone.
2nd Place:
1st Place
Both of your characters will be featured in Mystic Clash soon!
I'll work on the next chapter of Yin Yang then post two chapters on Mystic Clash after.
Also, sadly because of school I'll only be able to post chapters on weekends and non-school days. Sorry, everyone.
Sep. 18, 2021 8:53 PM
(Sep. 18, 2021 8:48 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Since only two people entered I guess those two are the winners lol.
2nd Place: "LegendJustice"!
1st Place "LJ-Blader"!
Both of your characters will be featured in Mystic Clash soon!
Lol, GG everyone (even tho neither was I participating, nor anyone else except those 2 (I think))
Wait, Genesis also entered on the contest. I think you skipped it (it is the one he says Austin/Adrian is pog (on page 12))
Sep. 18, 2021 8:56 PM
I didn't see that *Face Palm* But sadly that outcome still stays the same
Sep. 18, 2021 10:47 PM
(Sep. 18, 2021 8:56 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]I didn't see that *Face Palm* But sadly that outcome still stays the same
*heavy gasps* bruh
Sep. 19, 2021 6:41 PM
Chapter 26 has dropped down from the sky.
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 26
The Stormy Skies, Battle Royal!
(It starts raining hard as we all look outside)
Austin: It’s super rainy today!
Wally: Yeah, battling in this rain will be pretty hard.
Ren: Luckily we’re battling inside today!
(Wakiya walks up to Wally with a concerned look)
Wally: Wakiya? What’s going on, why haven’t you said which Group I’m in yet?
Wakiya: *Sighs* You didn’t make the cut.
Wally: What?!
Wakiya: Unfortunately in the Junior Rankings you’re not Ranked high enough to enter the tournament.
Austin: I’m sorry, Wally.
Wally: Hmp! You’re The WBBA’s Commissioner couldn't you pull a couple of strings and let me enter! I can do this, I just need the chance to prove myself!!
Wakiya: As WBBA’s Commissioner I need to make this fair for everyone, I’m sorry but you just can’t enter.
Ren: I’m sorry, mate. But you can cheer us on and help us train, won’t that be awesome?!
Wally: Of course, you’re just being selfish because I’m not good enough for you. Like usual!
Wakiya: I spent all night yesterday looking for some kind of loophole for you to enter, and I couldn’t! So, you should be the one who should be thankful!!
Wally: You’re the WBBA’s Commissioner! I’m sure you just wanted Bladers that could live up to your expectation, didn’t you?!
Wakiya: Wally--
Wally: No, I don’t want any part of your stupid tournament anyways! Just leave me alone!!
(Wally runs away)
Ren: Mate!!
(Wakiya puts his hand on Ren’s shoulder)
Wakiya: This is our problem, we need to solve it together.
Austin: Wakiya… Will Wally be okay?
Wakiya: Yeah, he’s just frustrated.
Ethan (Thoughts): His despair will fuel my Blaze, I just need more of it.
Wakiya: Everyone get ready for the Battle Royals, I’ll find Wally and talk to him!
All: Yes, Wakiya!
~In The Airship’s Basement~
Wally: Go, Shoot!!
(Wally pulls off a powerful Eclipse Shoot, Wyvern immediately takes the center)
Wally: All I’ve wanted is to prove myself to the world. But Wakiya always takes the spotlight and leaves me in the dark. But saying I’m not good enough? That really crossed the line!!
???: Go, Shoot!!
(The mysterious figure would pull off a powerful Eclipse Shoot)
Wally: What?!
(Erebus would enter Blaze and slam into Wyvern, Wyvern Bursts)
Wally: Excuse me?!
Ethan: So, that’s how far your power goes. Disappointing.
Wally: What do you mean by “Disappointing?”
Ethan: You said you belonged in the tournament but you barely put up a fight against Erebus, I guess Wakiya was right to leave you out of the tournament.
Wally: You just caught me off guard, I could defeat you hands down!!
Ethan: *Grins Evilly* Then we should have a battle.
Wally: Bring it on!
Ethan: My Bey, Requiem Erebus will crush your Bey.
Wally: Savage Wyvern will blow your Bey away!!
Ethan: Then let’s get started.
Wally: Ready? Set!
Ethan/Wally: 3! 2! 1! Go, Shoot!!
(Ethan and Wally would pull off powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Wally: *Roars* Go Savage, Wyvern!!
(Wyvern speeds and slams into Erebus, Erebus hardly moves, Erebus claims the center)
Ethan: Keep attacking.
Wally: If you want more then that’s what you’re getting, Wyvern!!
(Wally’s Resonance Aura flares up Wyvern blazes out of the Bey)
Wally: Show your savage side!!
(Wyvern hits Erebus with a powerful barrage of attacks, Erebus absorbs Wyvern’s Aura as its eyes glow)
Ethan: You’ve gotta give me more…
Wally: I’ll give you what you want, Super Savage Crash!!
(Wyvern gets sent flying up the stadium slope and starts crashing down, Wyvern slams into Erebus sending it flying in the air)
Ethan: *Roars* Erebus!!
(Ethan’s Blaze surrounds him as his Resonance Aura flares up and Erebus blazes out of the Bey, Erebus enters Blaze)
Wally: *Gasps* Those flames!
Ethan: Send them into the abyss!!!
(Erebus starts crushing Wyvern into the wall, Wyvern begins to crack as Erebus absorbs more and more of its Resonance Aura)
Ethan: Requiem Press!!!
(Erebus slams Wyvern into the wall, Wyvern bursts into fragments)
Wally: No!!!
(Wally falls to the ground)
Ethan: You’re worthless.
(Ethan walks away, tears start streaming down Wally’s face)
Wally: Wyvern, no.
~Inside The Airship~
Wakiya: I’ve looked everywhere and I couldn’t find Wally!
Austin: I’ll look outside--
(Wally walks into the room wet, soggy and depressed)
Wakiya: Wally, you’ve got some nerve running off just because you weren’t able to enter the tournament! Explain yourself!!
Ren: What’s the matter mate, are you okay?
Wally: I thought I belonged in the tournament because I thought I was as powerful as everyone else. But I was wrong, I’m weak, worthless.
Wakiya: Don’t you dare say that stuff about yourself!
Austin: Wally, what happened?
Wally: I wanted to prove I belonged in the tournament so I battled Ethan. He showed me how stupid I was being, I don’t belong here, I’m… worthless.
Illius: You win some and you lose some, don’t beat yourself up.
Wally: Because of my selfishness Wyvern was… Destroyed.
All: *Gasps*
(Wally shows everyone Wyvern’s Fragments)
Ren: Grr!! Who did this to you?!!
Wally: Ethan…
(Wally bursts into tears)
Wally: You were right Wakiya, I didn’t stand a chance in this tournament!!
Wakiya: I never said that. The WBBA Council voted on it and we had to make the logical decision, you don’t know how hard I tried changing their minds but it was no use.
Wally: You… Wanted me to enter?
Wakiya: Of course, but those WBBA Council Members are super stubborn.
Bell: Grr! The Demon King does not approve of this!!
All: What?! Where’d you come from, Bell?!
Bell: I overheard the conversation, did Ethan really do that?
Wally: Yea. But I’ll fix Wyvern and become super strong, promise!!
Wakiya: That’s the Komurasaki spirit!
Austin: Don’t worry, Wally! Me and Bell will defeat Ethan in the Battle Royal, we’ll be aiming to burst him!!
Wakiya: Speaking of the Battle Royals, let’s get ready for them!
~In The Main Arena~
Wakiya: Hello all you amazing Bladers! Today, we’ll be beginning the tournament with a bang, it’s the A Group Battle Royal! Come on out all you wonderful Bladers!!
(All of the Bladers come out of the door)
Austin: I’m so winning this thing!
(Austin puts the Sol Layer on Anpao)
Bell: *Laughs* The Demon King will burst all of your Beys!!
Hyuga: Hyperion’s gonna go kablam!!
Po: Grr! Typhoon Pirate’s going to blow all of you out of the water!!
(Po holds up his Bey)
Acheros: Me and Dire Aeneas are going to win this battle.
Ethan: All of you will be destroyed!
(Bell looks at Ethan angrily)
Bell: The Demon King is going to beat you, Ethan Gilten!!
Ethan: *Grins*
Wakiya: Our Bladers are ready to go, so, why don’t we get started?!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Acheros/Hyuga/Bell/Austin/Ethan: Go, Shoot!!
(Everyone pulls off extremely powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Bell: Go, Belial!
(Belial speeds up and slams into Erebus sending it flying in the air)
Ethan: Grr!
Po: Go, Pirate!
Acheros: Take them down, Aeneas!
(Aeneas and Pirate start clashing wildly)
Hyuga: Vroom!!
Austin: You’re going to be sent flying!
(Hyperion and Anpao start crushing Aeneas and Pirate, Pirate and Aeneas get sent flying out of the stadium)
Po/Acheros: Wha--What?!
Austin: Hyuga, I’ll be ending this thing now!
Hyuga: Like we’d let you!!
(Hyperion and Anpao start clashing creating sparks)
Bell: Torpedo Bomber!!
(Belial leans on its driver and speeds up, Erebus gets sent flying again)
Ethan: Take the center, now!!
(Erebus lands in the center and starts blocking Hyperion and Anpao’s clash)
Aiga: Woah, Erebus is super powerful!
Valt: I heard that Erebus broke Wyvern.
Aiga: Really? Looks like another threat is rising up in the Blading world.
Valt: Yeah, but we’re ready for it.
Aiga: Totally.
Austin: What’re you doing?! This is between me and Hyuga!
Ethan: Not anymore, Erebus!!
(Ethan’s Blaze surrounds him as his Resonance Aura flares and Erebus blazes out of the Bey)
Ethan: Requiem Harbinger!!
(Erebus slashes at both Hyperion and Anpao, Both Beys burst)
Austin/Hyuga: *Gasps* You’ve gotta be kidding me!!
Bell: *Roars* Belial!!
(Bell’s Resonance Aura flares up Belial blazes out of the Bey)
Bell: Torpedo Wing!!
(Belial’s blades glow as it speeds up and aims for Erebus)
Ethan: One last time, Requiem Harbinger!!!
(Belial and Erebus start clashing wildly causing a huge explosion blowing huge gusts of wind in each direction, Ethan’s eyes glow purple)
Ethan: Now you burst!!!
(Erebus slashes at Belial sending it flying out of the stadium, Belial hits the ground and bursts after)
Bell/Ethan: Wha--What?!
Ethan (Thoughts): I didn’t burst. Grr!!!
Drone: Requiem Erebus is the winner!!
Wakiya: Amazing, Erebus grabs the win by crushing Hyperion, Anpao, and Belial! What a devastating turn of events!!!
Ethan: Grr!! You were supposed to burst!!!
Bell: Belial won’t burst to such a weak attack like that!!
(Ethan’s Blaze and Bell’s Resonance Aura flares up)
~In The Hallways~
(Adrian walks past Austin)
Austin: I fought so hard and I couldn’t defeat him, he just mopped the floor with me! I really wanted to get revenge!!
Adrian: There are some people you just can’t beat… At your current level, train, get stronger, and eventually, you’ll mop the floor with him.
(Adrian continues to walk out to the stage)
Austin: Thanks, Adrian!
Wakiya: Now, we’ve got the Second Battle Royal coming up, will our Bladers be able to handle The Engulfing Dusk Stadium?! Let’s find out in this match!!
Jennifer: So, Adrian. How long do you think it’ll take for me to defeat you?
Adrian: You won’t be defeating me, I’ll crush you in this battle.
Jennifer: But wouldn’t it be more fun if you were in Heavy Mode?
Adrian: What do you mean?
Jennifer: If you wanted to prove to me how strong you are, you’d have to show me how powerful you are in Heavy Mode.
Thalia: Stop trying to rig the match, can’t we just have a fun Battle Royal?!
Jennifer: Okay, I guess Adrian is going to have to get lucky if he wants to win this.
Hikaru: He’ll win this thing fair and square!
Ren: You’d better leave him alone mate, you don’t wanna see him when he’s angry.
(Adrian puts Asriel in Heavy Mode)
Hikaru: No way, are you actually going to listen to her?
Thalia: If that’s how you wanna play it then Atlantis Trident will send you’re Bey flying out of the stadium!!
Ren: Ragnaruk’s going to blow your Bey out of the stadium!!
Adrian: Jennifer, don’t be shocked when I crush your Bey.
Jennifer: Rogue Joker isn’t going to lose! In fact, you can inspect it all you want!
Adrian (Thoughts): Rogue Joker, a Clockwise Spinning Balance Type! It has Two Huge Rubber Blades and Two defensive blades that it can use to block attacks. It also has metal on its layer increasing its Attack. Joker also has rubber inside its layer making it harder to burst. Its driver is High Trick’ it’ll be able to switch modes mid-battle making the Bey unpredictable! It’s also a pretty high driver! I’ll crush this Bey in no time!!!
(Illius looks at the stadium with determination, Illius puts Ifrit in Defense Mode)
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Adrian/Jennifer/Illius/Hikaru/Ren: Go, Shoot!!!
(Everyone pulls off extremely powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Ren: Take Ifrit down with style!
Illius: *Roars* Ifrit!!
(Ifrit continuously dodges all of Ragnaruk’s strikes, Asriel speeds around the stadium and starts clashing with Joker)
Possessed Adrian: Take them down, Asriel!!
Jennifer: I don’t think so!
Jennifer (Thoughts): So naive, I tricked him into using Heavy Mode so I could widdle down its stamina!
(Asriel and Joker would hit each other with a powerful barrage of attacks as Helios speeds up and aims for the center, Helios enters flare)
Hikaru: Send them flying, Phoebus Strike!!
(Helios slams into Ragnaruk and Ifrit, Ragnaruk gets shot out of the stadium while Ifrit gets sent flying in the air)
Illius: *Roars* Ifrit!!
(Illius’ Resonance Aura flares up Ifrit blazes out of the Bey)
Illius: Burst them, Combust Smash!!
(Ifrit crashes back down to the stadium and slams Helios down into the ground, Helios gets sent flying out of the stadium)
Hikaru: What?!
Thalia: Keep going, Trident!
Illius: I don’t think so! *Roars*
(Trident and Ifrit hit each other with powerful strikes, Trident and Ifrit start wobbling)
Thalia/Illius: *Gasps*
Illius (Thoughts): Ifrit was able to pull off a win against Ragnaruk and Helios, it’s not going to have enough stamina to deal with Trident!
(Trident and Ifrit stop spinning at the exact same time)
Thalia: What? I’m out already? No fair!!
(Joker and Asriel hit each other with extremely powerful strikes, Asriel starts wobbling as Joker changes into Stamina Mode and takes the center)
Jennifer: Looks like you’re out of Stamina *Sticks Tongue Out* Too bad!
Possessed Adrian: *Grins*
Jennifer: *Gasps*
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Asriel!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel blazes out of the Bey)
Possessed Adrian: Keep going!!!
(Asriel leans on its driver and picks up crazy speed)
Possessed Adrian: Twilight Blight!!
(Asriel slams into Joker’s rubber with its rubber, Joker bursts)
Jennifer: You’re kidding!
Drone: Twilight Asriel is the winner!!
Wakiya: Um… Apparently out of nowhere Asriel speeds up and bursts Joker! So, Adrian Saito is the winner I guess!!
Jennifer: I completely played you, how’d you win?!
Adrian: With Joker’s huge rubber blade it can cause lots of damage to the opposing Bey, but half of that energy is sent back to Joker. You were so focused on taking down Asriel’s stamina you didn’t even think about that. So, I got Asriel to speed up and hit Joker with its rubber causing friction, and even more, the energy got sent back to Joker and it burst. Also, I knew you were trying to play me the whole time.
(Adrian walks away)
Jennifer: Grr! Adrian Saito!!!
~In The Meeting Room~
Austin: Adrian, it was super awesome you were able to win!
Adrian: It was nothing.
(Jennifer would stare down Adrian)
Thalia: Everyone! Wakiya’s coming to announce the next match!!
(Wakiya walks in the room with an Ipad and goes in the front of the room)
Wakiya: The matches for the First Round will be! Illius and Po Vs Ren and Hikaru!!
Hikaru: Alright, Ren! We’ll be the ultimate Tag Partners!!
Ren: You’ve got that mate, we’ll become the strongest!
(Illius and Po stare at each other)
Po: You’d better be powerful and not hold me back, got it?!
Illius: *Nods*
Wakiya: Our Second Match will be! Ethan and Acheros Vs Hyuga and Austin!
Hyuga: Yeah, we get another chance to face Ethan!!
Austin: I’ll be winning this, Ethan!
(Ethan’s eyes glow as he stares down Austin)
Wakiya: Our Final Match will be! Thalia and Jennifer Vs Bell and Adrian!!
Bell: *Laughs* The Demon King has the ultimate partner!!
Adrian: *Grins* Jennifer, I’ll be crushing you again!
Jennifer: *Chuckles* I’d like to see you try!
Wakiya: The matches will take place tomorrow, so, you’d better get ready!
(Wakiya leaves the room)
Wally: Austin, Hyuga, Bell. Thanks for trying to defeat Ethan for me, but, I guess he’s too strong.
Hyuga: I’ll send him flying like kablam no matter what!!
Austin: Yeah, we’ll be the winners!!
Austin/Hyuga: We’ll break our limits!!
~In The Hallway~
(Adrian walks up to Ethan)
Ethan: What do you want?
Adrian: You’re battling Austin in your next battle, aren’t you?
Ethan: Yeah, so what?
Adrian: Don’t you dare try breaking his Bey, if you do I swear you’ll regret it.
Ethan: I’ll do whatever I want.
(Adrian grabs Ethan by the shirt as his Dark Resonance Aura flares up)
Possessed Adrian: Don’t you dare even try! I’ll crush your Bey to a pulp if you do!!!
(Ethan’s Blaze would flare around him as Adrian and his hands lock)
Ethan: Grr! I’ll crush you sooner or later, and destroy your Asriel!!
Possessed Adrian: I’d like to see you try!!
(Ethan just walks away)
Possessed Adrian: You come back here!!
(Ethan's Dark Blaze surrounds him as he grins evilly)
Ethan (Thoughts): Anpao, let's see how long you hold on for.
What did you think of this chapter? I tried lowering down on the Gasping and tried making this episode as interesting as possible. Please give me your thoughts, they help me improve! (Meaningful Thoughts) please and a rating in your opinion would be nice too.
Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 26
The Stormy Skies, Battle Royal!
(It starts raining hard as we all look outside)
Austin: It’s super rainy today!
Wally: Yeah, battling in this rain will be pretty hard.
Ren: Luckily we’re battling inside today!
(Wakiya walks up to Wally with a concerned look)
Wally: Wakiya? What’s going on, why haven’t you said which Group I’m in yet?
Wakiya: *Sighs* You didn’t make the cut.
Wally: What?!
Wakiya: Unfortunately in the Junior Rankings you’re not Ranked high enough to enter the tournament.
Austin: I’m sorry, Wally.
Wally: Hmp! You’re The WBBA’s Commissioner couldn't you pull a couple of strings and let me enter! I can do this, I just need the chance to prove myself!!
Wakiya: As WBBA’s Commissioner I need to make this fair for everyone, I’m sorry but you just can’t enter.
Ren: I’m sorry, mate. But you can cheer us on and help us train, won’t that be awesome?!
Wally: Of course, you’re just being selfish because I’m not good enough for you. Like usual!
Wakiya: I spent all night yesterday looking for some kind of loophole for you to enter, and I couldn’t! So, you should be the one who should be thankful!!
Wally: You’re the WBBA’s Commissioner! I’m sure you just wanted Bladers that could live up to your expectation, didn’t you?!
Wakiya: Wally--
Wally: No, I don’t want any part of your stupid tournament anyways! Just leave me alone!!
(Wally runs away)
Ren: Mate!!
(Wakiya puts his hand on Ren’s shoulder)
Wakiya: This is our problem, we need to solve it together.
Austin: Wakiya… Will Wally be okay?
Wakiya: Yeah, he’s just frustrated.
Ethan (Thoughts): His despair will fuel my Blaze, I just need more of it.
Wakiya: Everyone get ready for the Battle Royals, I’ll find Wally and talk to him!
All: Yes, Wakiya!
~In The Airship’s Basement~
Wally: Go, Shoot!!
(Wally pulls off a powerful Eclipse Shoot, Wyvern immediately takes the center)
Wally: All I’ve wanted is to prove myself to the world. But Wakiya always takes the spotlight and leaves me in the dark. But saying I’m not good enough? That really crossed the line!!
???: Go, Shoot!!
(The mysterious figure would pull off a powerful Eclipse Shoot)
Wally: What?!
(Erebus would enter Blaze and slam into Wyvern, Wyvern Bursts)
Wally: Excuse me?!
Ethan: So, that’s how far your power goes. Disappointing.
Wally: What do you mean by “Disappointing?”
Ethan: You said you belonged in the tournament but you barely put up a fight against Erebus, I guess Wakiya was right to leave you out of the tournament.
Wally: You just caught me off guard, I could defeat you hands down!!
Ethan: *Grins Evilly* Then we should have a battle.
Wally: Bring it on!
Ethan: My Bey, Requiem Erebus will crush your Bey.
Wally: Savage Wyvern will blow your Bey away!!
Ethan: Then let’s get started.
Wally: Ready? Set!
Ethan/Wally: 3! 2! 1! Go, Shoot!!
(Ethan and Wally would pull off powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Wally: *Roars* Go Savage, Wyvern!!
(Wyvern speeds and slams into Erebus, Erebus hardly moves, Erebus claims the center)
Ethan: Keep attacking.
Wally: If you want more then that’s what you’re getting, Wyvern!!
(Wally’s Resonance Aura flares up Wyvern blazes out of the Bey)
Wally: Show your savage side!!
(Wyvern hits Erebus with a powerful barrage of attacks, Erebus absorbs Wyvern’s Aura as its eyes glow)
Ethan: You’ve gotta give me more…
Wally: I’ll give you what you want, Super Savage Crash!!
(Wyvern gets sent flying up the stadium slope and starts crashing down, Wyvern slams into Erebus sending it flying in the air)
Ethan: *Roars* Erebus!!
(Ethan’s Blaze surrounds him as his Resonance Aura flares up and Erebus blazes out of the Bey, Erebus enters Blaze)
Wally: *Gasps* Those flames!
Ethan: Send them into the abyss!!!
(Erebus starts crushing Wyvern into the wall, Wyvern begins to crack as Erebus absorbs more and more of its Resonance Aura)
Ethan: Requiem Press!!!
(Erebus slams Wyvern into the wall, Wyvern bursts into fragments)
Wally: No!!!
(Wally falls to the ground)
Ethan: You’re worthless.
(Ethan walks away, tears start streaming down Wally’s face)
Wally: Wyvern, no.
~Inside The Airship~
Wakiya: I’ve looked everywhere and I couldn’t find Wally!
Austin: I’ll look outside--
(Wally walks into the room wet, soggy and depressed)
Wakiya: Wally, you’ve got some nerve running off just because you weren’t able to enter the tournament! Explain yourself!!
Ren: What’s the matter mate, are you okay?
Wally: I thought I belonged in the tournament because I thought I was as powerful as everyone else. But I was wrong, I’m weak, worthless.
Wakiya: Don’t you dare say that stuff about yourself!
Austin: Wally, what happened?
Wally: I wanted to prove I belonged in the tournament so I battled Ethan. He showed me how stupid I was being, I don’t belong here, I’m… worthless.
Illius: You win some and you lose some, don’t beat yourself up.
Wally: Because of my selfishness Wyvern was… Destroyed.
All: *Gasps*
(Wally shows everyone Wyvern’s Fragments)
Ren: Grr!! Who did this to you?!!
Wally: Ethan…
(Wally bursts into tears)
Wally: You were right Wakiya, I didn’t stand a chance in this tournament!!
Wakiya: I never said that. The WBBA Council voted on it and we had to make the logical decision, you don’t know how hard I tried changing their minds but it was no use.
Wally: You… Wanted me to enter?
Wakiya: Of course, but those WBBA Council Members are super stubborn.
Bell: Grr! The Demon King does not approve of this!!
All: What?! Where’d you come from, Bell?!
Bell: I overheard the conversation, did Ethan really do that?
Wally: Yea. But I’ll fix Wyvern and become super strong, promise!!
Wakiya: That’s the Komurasaki spirit!
Austin: Don’t worry, Wally! Me and Bell will defeat Ethan in the Battle Royal, we’ll be aiming to burst him!!
Wakiya: Speaking of the Battle Royals, let’s get ready for them!
~In The Main Arena~
Wakiya: Hello all you amazing Bladers! Today, we’ll be beginning the tournament with a bang, it’s the A Group Battle Royal! Come on out all you wonderful Bladers!!
(All of the Bladers come out of the door)
Austin: I’m so winning this thing!
(Austin puts the Sol Layer on Anpao)
Bell: *Laughs* The Demon King will burst all of your Beys!!
Hyuga: Hyperion’s gonna go kablam!!
Po: Grr! Typhoon Pirate’s going to blow all of you out of the water!!
(Po holds up his Bey)
Acheros: Me and Dire Aeneas are going to win this battle.
Ethan: All of you will be destroyed!
(Bell looks at Ethan angrily)
Bell: The Demon King is going to beat you, Ethan Gilten!!
Ethan: *Grins*
Wakiya: Our Bladers are ready to go, so, why don’t we get started?!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Acheros/Hyuga/Bell/Austin/Ethan: Go, Shoot!!
(Everyone pulls off extremely powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Bell: Go, Belial!
(Belial speeds up and slams into Erebus sending it flying in the air)
Ethan: Grr!
Po: Go, Pirate!
Acheros: Take them down, Aeneas!
(Aeneas and Pirate start clashing wildly)
Hyuga: Vroom!!
Austin: You’re going to be sent flying!
(Hyperion and Anpao start crushing Aeneas and Pirate, Pirate and Aeneas get sent flying out of the stadium)
Po/Acheros: Wha--What?!
Austin: Hyuga, I’ll be ending this thing now!
Hyuga: Like we’d let you!!
(Hyperion and Anpao start clashing creating sparks)
Bell: Torpedo Bomber!!
(Belial leans on its driver and speeds up, Erebus gets sent flying again)
Ethan: Take the center, now!!
(Erebus lands in the center and starts blocking Hyperion and Anpao’s clash)
Aiga: Woah, Erebus is super powerful!
Valt: I heard that Erebus broke Wyvern.
Aiga: Really? Looks like another threat is rising up in the Blading world.
Valt: Yeah, but we’re ready for it.
Aiga: Totally.
Austin: What’re you doing?! This is between me and Hyuga!
Ethan: Not anymore, Erebus!!
(Ethan’s Blaze surrounds him as his Resonance Aura flares and Erebus blazes out of the Bey)
Ethan: Requiem Harbinger!!
(Erebus slashes at both Hyperion and Anpao, Both Beys burst)
Austin/Hyuga: *Gasps* You’ve gotta be kidding me!!
Bell: *Roars* Belial!!
(Bell’s Resonance Aura flares up Belial blazes out of the Bey)
Bell: Torpedo Wing!!
(Belial’s blades glow as it speeds up and aims for Erebus)
Ethan: One last time, Requiem Harbinger!!!
(Belial and Erebus start clashing wildly causing a huge explosion blowing huge gusts of wind in each direction, Ethan’s eyes glow purple)
Ethan: Now you burst!!!
(Erebus slashes at Belial sending it flying out of the stadium, Belial hits the ground and bursts after)
Bell/Ethan: Wha--What?!
Ethan (Thoughts): I didn’t burst. Grr!!!
Drone: Requiem Erebus is the winner!!
Wakiya: Amazing, Erebus grabs the win by crushing Hyperion, Anpao, and Belial! What a devastating turn of events!!!
Ethan: Grr!! You were supposed to burst!!!
Bell: Belial won’t burst to such a weak attack like that!!
(Ethan’s Blaze and Bell’s Resonance Aura flares up)
~In The Hallways~
(Adrian walks past Austin)
Austin: I fought so hard and I couldn’t defeat him, he just mopped the floor with me! I really wanted to get revenge!!
Adrian: There are some people you just can’t beat… At your current level, train, get stronger, and eventually, you’ll mop the floor with him.
(Adrian continues to walk out to the stage)
Austin: Thanks, Adrian!
Wakiya: Now, we’ve got the Second Battle Royal coming up, will our Bladers be able to handle The Engulfing Dusk Stadium?! Let’s find out in this match!!
Jennifer: So, Adrian. How long do you think it’ll take for me to defeat you?
Adrian: You won’t be defeating me, I’ll crush you in this battle.
Jennifer: But wouldn’t it be more fun if you were in Heavy Mode?
Adrian: What do you mean?
Jennifer: If you wanted to prove to me how strong you are, you’d have to show me how powerful you are in Heavy Mode.
Thalia: Stop trying to rig the match, can’t we just have a fun Battle Royal?!
Jennifer: Okay, I guess Adrian is going to have to get lucky if he wants to win this.
Hikaru: He’ll win this thing fair and square!
Ren: You’d better leave him alone mate, you don’t wanna see him when he’s angry.
(Adrian puts Asriel in Heavy Mode)
Hikaru: No way, are you actually going to listen to her?
Thalia: If that’s how you wanna play it then Atlantis Trident will send you’re Bey flying out of the stadium!!
Ren: Ragnaruk’s going to blow your Bey out of the stadium!!
Adrian: Jennifer, don’t be shocked when I crush your Bey.
Jennifer: Rogue Joker isn’t going to lose! In fact, you can inspect it all you want!
Adrian (Thoughts): Rogue Joker, a Clockwise Spinning Balance Type! It has Two Huge Rubber Blades and Two defensive blades that it can use to block attacks. It also has metal on its layer increasing its Attack. Joker also has rubber inside its layer making it harder to burst. Its driver is High Trick’ it’ll be able to switch modes mid-battle making the Bey unpredictable! It’s also a pretty high driver! I’ll crush this Bey in no time!!!
(Illius looks at the stadium with determination, Illius puts Ifrit in Defense Mode)
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Adrian/Jennifer/Illius/Hikaru/Ren: Go, Shoot!!!
(Everyone pulls off extremely powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Ren: Take Ifrit down with style!
Illius: *Roars* Ifrit!!
(Ifrit continuously dodges all of Ragnaruk’s strikes, Asriel speeds around the stadium and starts clashing with Joker)
Possessed Adrian: Take them down, Asriel!!
Jennifer: I don’t think so!
Jennifer (Thoughts): So naive, I tricked him into using Heavy Mode so I could widdle down its stamina!
(Asriel and Joker would hit each other with a powerful barrage of attacks as Helios speeds up and aims for the center, Helios enters flare)
Hikaru: Send them flying, Phoebus Strike!!
(Helios slams into Ragnaruk and Ifrit, Ragnaruk gets shot out of the stadium while Ifrit gets sent flying in the air)
Illius: *Roars* Ifrit!!
(Illius’ Resonance Aura flares up Ifrit blazes out of the Bey)
Illius: Burst them, Combust Smash!!
(Ifrit crashes back down to the stadium and slams Helios down into the ground, Helios gets sent flying out of the stadium)
Hikaru: What?!
Thalia: Keep going, Trident!
Illius: I don’t think so! *Roars*
(Trident and Ifrit hit each other with powerful strikes, Trident and Ifrit start wobbling)
Thalia/Illius: *Gasps*
Illius (Thoughts): Ifrit was able to pull off a win against Ragnaruk and Helios, it’s not going to have enough stamina to deal with Trident!
(Trident and Ifrit stop spinning at the exact same time)
Thalia: What? I’m out already? No fair!!
(Joker and Asriel hit each other with extremely powerful strikes, Asriel starts wobbling as Joker changes into Stamina Mode and takes the center)
Jennifer: Looks like you’re out of Stamina *Sticks Tongue Out* Too bad!
Possessed Adrian: *Grins*
Jennifer: *Gasps*
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Asriel!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel blazes out of the Bey)
Possessed Adrian: Keep going!!!
(Asriel leans on its driver and picks up crazy speed)
Possessed Adrian: Twilight Blight!!
(Asriel slams into Joker’s rubber with its rubber, Joker bursts)
Jennifer: You’re kidding!
Drone: Twilight Asriel is the winner!!
Wakiya: Um… Apparently out of nowhere Asriel speeds up and bursts Joker! So, Adrian Saito is the winner I guess!!
Jennifer: I completely played you, how’d you win?!
Adrian: With Joker’s huge rubber blade it can cause lots of damage to the opposing Bey, but half of that energy is sent back to Joker. You were so focused on taking down Asriel’s stamina you didn’t even think about that. So, I got Asriel to speed up and hit Joker with its rubber causing friction, and even more, the energy got sent back to Joker and it burst. Also, I knew you were trying to play me the whole time.
(Adrian walks away)
Jennifer: Grr! Adrian Saito!!!
~In The Meeting Room~
Austin: Adrian, it was super awesome you were able to win!
Adrian: It was nothing.
(Jennifer would stare down Adrian)
Thalia: Everyone! Wakiya’s coming to announce the next match!!
(Wakiya walks in the room with an Ipad and goes in the front of the room)
Wakiya: The matches for the First Round will be! Illius and Po Vs Ren and Hikaru!!
Hikaru: Alright, Ren! We’ll be the ultimate Tag Partners!!
Ren: You’ve got that mate, we’ll become the strongest!
(Illius and Po stare at each other)
Po: You’d better be powerful and not hold me back, got it?!
Illius: *Nods*
Wakiya: Our Second Match will be! Ethan and Acheros Vs Hyuga and Austin!
Hyuga: Yeah, we get another chance to face Ethan!!
Austin: I’ll be winning this, Ethan!
(Ethan’s eyes glow as he stares down Austin)
Wakiya: Our Final Match will be! Thalia and Jennifer Vs Bell and Adrian!!
Bell: *Laughs* The Demon King has the ultimate partner!!
Adrian: *Grins* Jennifer, I’ll be crushing you again!
Jennifer: *Chuckles* I’d like to see you try!
Wakiya: The matches will take place tomorrow, so, you’d better get ready!
(Wakiya leaves the room)
Wally: Austin, Hyuga, Bell. Thanks for trying to defeat Ethan for me, but, I guess he’s too strong.
Hyuga: I’ll send him flying like kablam no matter what!!
Austin: Yeah, we’ll be the winners!!
Austin/Hyuga: We’ll break our limits!!
~In The Hallway~
(Adrian walks up to Ethan)
Ethan: What do you want?
Adrian: You’re battling Austin in your next battle, aren’t you?
Ethan: Yeah, so what?
Adrian: Don’t you dare try breaking his Bey, if you do I swear you’ll regret it.
Ethan: I’ll do whatever I want.
(Adrian grabs Ethan by the shirt as his Dark Resonance Aura flares up)
Possessed Adrian: Don’t you dare even try! I’ll crush your Bey to a pulp if you do!!!
(Ethan’s Blaze would flare around him as Adrian and his hands lock)
Ethan: Grr! I’ll crush you sooner or later, and destroy your Asriel!!
Possessed Adrian: I’d like to see you try!!
(Ethan just walks away)
Possessed Adrian: You come back here!!
(Ethan's Dark Blaze surrounds him as he grins evilly)
Ethan (Thoughts): Anpao, let's see how long you hold on for.
What did you think of this chapter? I tried lowering down on the Gasping and tried making this episode as interesting as possible. Please give me your thoughts, they help me improve! (Meaningful Thoughts) please and a rating in your opinion would be nice too.
Sep. 19, 2021 6:57 PM
(Sep. 19, 2021 6:41 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 26 has dropped down from the sky.bruh ethan you dumb baka why'd you have to destroy my dawg wally(kazam)'s bey?! bruh thats not so poggers... anyway liked this chapter because it gives us a bit more insight on ethan's character! also proved that adrian is a boss like 😎🤘and austin still has a ways to go! nice!
Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 26
The Stormy Skies, Battle Royal!
(It starts raining hard as we all look outside)
Austin: It’s super rainy today!
Wally: Yeah, battling in this rain will be pretty hard.
Ren: Luckily we’re battling inside today!
(Wakiya walks up to Wally with a concerned look)
Wally: Wakiya? What’s going on, why haven’t you said which Group I’m in yet?
Wakiya: *Sighs* You didn’t make the cut.
Wally: What?!
Wakiya: Unfortunately in the Junior Rankings you’re not Ranked high enough to enter the tournament.
Austin: I’m sorry, Wally.
Wally: Hmp! You’re The WBBA’s Commissioner couldn't you pull a couple of strings and let me enter! I can do this, I just need the chance to prove myself!!
Wakiya: As WBBA’s Commissioner I need to make this fair for everyone, I’m sorry but you just can’t enter.
Ren: I’m sorry, mate. But you can cheer us on and help us train, won’t that be awesome?!
Wally: Of course, you’re just being selfish because I’m not good enough for you. Like usual!
Wakiya: I spent all night yesterday looking for some kind of loophole for you to enter, and I couldn’t! So, you should be the one who should be thankful!!
Wally: You’re the WBBA’s Commissioner! I’m sure you just wanted Bladers that could live up to your expectation, didn’t you?!
Wakiya: Wally--
Wally: No, I don’t want any part of your stupid tournament anyways! Just leave me alone!!
(Wally runs away)
Ren: Mate!!
(Wakiya puts his hand on Ren’s shoulder)
Wakiya: This is our problem, we need to solve it together.
Austin: Wakiya… Will Wally be okay?
Wakiya: Yeah, he’s just frustrated.
Ethan (Thoughts): His despair will fuel my Blaze, I just need more of it.
Wakiya: Everyone get ready for the Battle Royals, I’ll find Wally and talk to him!
All: Yes, Wakiya!
~In The Airship’s Basement~
Wally: Go, Shoot!!
(Wally pulls off a powerful Eclipse Shoot, Wyvern immediately takes the center)
Wally: All I’ve wanted is to prove myself to the world. But Wakiya always takes the spotlight and leaves me in the dark. But saying I’m not good enough? That really crossed the line!!
???: Go, Shoot!!
(The mysterious figure would pull off a powerful Eclipse Shoot)
Wally: What?!
(Erebus would enter Blaze and slam into Wyvern, Wyvern Bursts)
Wally: Excuse me?!
Ethan: So, that’s how far your power goes. Disappointing.
Wally: What do you mean by “Disappointing?”
Ethan: You said you belonged in the tournament but you barely put up a fight against Erebus, I guess Wakiya was right to leave you out of the tournament.
Wally: You just caught me off guard, I could defeat you hands down!!
Ethan: *Grins Evilly* Then we should have a battle.
Wally: Bring it on!
Ethan: My Bey, Requiem Erebus will crush your Bey.
Wally: Savage Wyvern will blow your Bey away!!
Ethan: Then let’s get started.
Wally: Ready? Set!
Ethan/Wally: 3! 2! 1! Go, Shoot!!
(Ethan and Wally would pull off powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Wally: *Roars* Go Savage, Wyvern!!
(Wyvern speeds and slams into Erebus, Erebus hardly moves, Erebus claims the center)
Ethan: Keep attacking.
Wally: If you want more then that’s what you’re getting, Wyvern!!
(Wally’s Resonance Aura flares up Wyvern blazes out of the Bey)
Wally: Show your savage side!!
(Wyvern hits Erebus with a powerful barrage of attacks, Erebus absorbs Wyvern’s Aura as its eyes glow)
Ethan: You’ve gotta give me more…
Wally: I’ll give you what you want, Super Savage Crash!!
(Wyvern gets sent flying up the stadium slope and starts crashing down, Wyvern slams into Erebus sending it flying in the air)
Ethan: *Roars* Erebus!!
(Ethan’s Blaze surrounds him as his Resonance Aura flares up and Erebus blazes out of the Bey, Erebus enters Blaze)
Wally: *Gasps* Those flames!
Ethan: Send them into the abyss!!!
(Erebus starts crushing Wyvern into the wall, Wyvern begins to crack as Erebus absorbs more and more of its Resonance Aura)
Ethan: Requiem Press!!!
(Erebus slams Wyvern into the wall, Wyvern bursts into fragments)
Wally: No!!!
(Wally falls to the ground)
Ethan: You’re worthless.
(Ethan walks away, tears start streaming down Wally’s face)
Wally: Wyvern, no.
~Inside The Airship~
Wakiya: I’ve looked everywhere and I couldn’t find Wally!
Austin: I’ll look outside--
(Wally walks into the room wet, soggy and depressed)
Wakiya: Wally, you’ve got some nerve running off just because you weren’t able to enter the tournament! Explain yourself!!
Ren: What’s the matter mate, are you okay?
Wally: I thought I belonged in the tournament because I thought I was as powerful as everyone else. But I was wrong, I’m weak, worthless.
Wakiya: Don’t you dare say that stuff about yourself!
Austin: Wally, what happened?
Wally: I wanted to prove I belonged in the tournament so I battled Ethan. He showed me how stupid I was being, I don’t belong here, I’m… worthless.
Illius: You win some and you lose some, don’t beat yourself up.
Wally: Because of my selfishness Wyvern was… Destroyed.
All: *Gasps*
(Wally shows everyone Wyvern’s Fragments)
Ren: Grr!! Who did this to you?!!
Wally: Ethan…
(Wally bursts into tears)
Wally: You were right Wakiya, I didn’t stand a chance in this tournament!!
Wakiya: I never said that. The WBBA Council voted on it and we had to make the logical decision, you don’t know how hard I tried changing their minds but it was no use.
Wally: You… Wanted me to enter?
Wakiya: Of course, but those WBBA Council Members are super stubborn.
Bell: Grr! The Demon King does not approve of this!!
All: What?! Where’d you come from, Bell?!
Bell: I overheard the conversation, did Ethan really do that?
Wally: Yea. But I’ll fix Wyvern and become super strong, promise!!
Wakiya: That’s the Komurasaki spirit!
Austin: Don’t worry, Wally! Me and Bell will defeat Ethan in the Battle Royal, we’ll be aiming to burst him!!
Wakiya: Speaking of the Battle Royals, let’s get ready for them!
~In The Main Arena~
Wakiya: Hello all you amazing Bladers! Today, we’ll be beginning the tournament with a bang, it’s the A Group Battle Royal! Come on out all you wonderful Bladers!!
(All of the Bladers come out of the door)
Austin: I’m so winning this thing!
(Austin puts the Sol Layer on Anpao)
Bell: *Laughs* The Demon King will burst all of your Beys!!
Hyuga: Hyperion’s gonna go kablam!!
Po: Grr! Typhoon Pirate’s going to blow all of you out of the water!!
(Po holds up his Bey)
Acheros: Me and Dire Aeneas are going to win this battle.
Ethan: All of you will be destroyed!
(Bell looks at Ethan angrily)
Bell: The Demon King is going to beat you, Ethan Gilten!!
Ethan: *Grins*
Wakiya: Our Bladers are ready to go, so, why don’t we get started?!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Acheros/Hyuga/Bell/Austin/Ethan: Go, Shoot!!
(Everyone pulls off extremely powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Bell: Go, Belial!
(Belial speeds up and slams into Erebus sending it flying in the air)
Ethan: Grr!
Po: Go, Pirate!
Acheros: Take them down, Aeneas!
(Aeneas and Pirate start clashing wildly)
Hyuga: Vroom!!
Austin: You’re going to be sent flying!
(Hyperion and Anpao start crushing Aeneas and Pirate, Pirate and Aeneas get sent flying out of the stadium)
Po/Acheros: Wha--What?!
Austin: Hyuga, I’ll be ending this thing now!
Hyuga: Like we’d let you!!
(Hyperion and Anpao start clashing creating sparks)
Bell: Torpedo Bomber!!
(Belial leans on its driver and speeds up, Erebus gets sent flying again)
Ethan: Take the center, now!!
(Erebus lands in the center and starts blocking Hyperion and Anpao’s clash)
Aiga: Woah, Erebus is super powerful!
Valt: I heard that Erebus broke Wyvern.
Aiga: Really? Looks like another threat is rising up in the Blading world.
Valt: Yeah, but we’re ready for it.
Aiga: Totally.
Austin: What’re you doing?! This is between me and Hyuga!
Ethan: Not anymore, Erebus!!
(Ethan’s Blaze surrounds him as his Resonance Aura flares and Erebus blazes out of the Bey)
Ethan: Requiem Harbinger!!
(Erebus slashes at both Hyperion and Anpao, Both Beys burst)
Austin/Hyuga: *Gasps* You’ve gotta be kidding me!!
Bell: *Roars* Belial!!
(Bell’s Resonance Aura flares up Belial blazes out of the Bey)
Bell: Torpedo Wing!!
(Belial’s blades glow as it speeds up and aims for Erebus)
Ethan: One last time, Requiem Harbinger!!!
(Belial and Erebus start clashing wildly causing a huge explosion blowing huge gusts of wind in each direction, Ethan’s eyes glow purple)
Ethan: Now you burst!!!
(Erebus slashes at Belial sending it flying out of the stadium, Belial hits the ground and bursts after)
Bell/Ethan: Wha--What?!
Ethan (Thoughts): I didn’t burst. Grr!!!
Drone: Requiem Erebus is the winner!!
Wakiya: Amazing, Erebus grabs the win by crushing Hyperion, Anpao, and Belial! What a devastating turn of events!!!
Ethan: Grr!! You were supposed to burst!!!
Bell: Belial won’t burst to such a weak attack like that!!
(Ethan’s Blaze and Bell’s Resonance Aura flares up)
~In The Hallways~
(Adrian walks past Austin)
Austin: I fought so hard and I couldn’t defeat him, he just mopped the floor with me! I really wanted to get revenge!!
Adrian: There are some people you just can’t beat… At your current level, train, get stronger, and eventually, you’ll mop the floor with him.
(Adrian continues to walk out to the stage)
Austin: Thanks, Adrian!
Wakiya: Now, we’ve got the Second Battle Royal coming up, will our Bladers be able to handle The Engulfing Dusk Stadium?! Let’s find out in this match!!
Jennifer: So, Adrian. How long do you think it’ll take for me to defeat you?
Adrian: You won’t be defeating me, I’ll crush you in this battle.
Jennifer: But wouldn’t it be more fun if you were in Heavy Mode?
Adrian: What do you mean?
Jennifer: If you wanted to prove to me how strong you are, you’d have to show me how powerful you are in Heavy Mode.
Thalia: Stop trying to rig the match, can’t we just have a fun Battle Royal?!
Jennifer: Okay, I guess Adrian is going to have to get lucky if he wants to win this.
Hikaru: He’ll win this thing fair and square!
Ren: You’d better leave him alone mate, you don’t wanna see him when he’s angry.
(Adrian puts Asriel in Heavy Mode)
Hikaru: No way, are you actually going to listen to her?
Thalia: If that’s how you wanna play it then Atlantis Trident will send you’re Bey flying out of the stadium!!
Ren: Ragnaruk’s going to blow your Bey out of the stadium!!
Adrian: Jennifer, don’t be shocked when I crush your Bey.
Jennifer: Rogue Joker isn’t going to lose! In fact, you can inspect it all you want!
Adrian (Thoughts): Rogue Joker, a Clockwise Spinning Balance Type! It has Two Huge Rubber Blades and Two defensive blades that it can use to block attacks. It also has metal on its layer increasing its Attack. Joker also has rubber inside its layer making it harder to burst. Its driver is High Trick’ it’ll be able to switch modes mid-battle making the Bey unpredictable! It’s also a pretty high driver! I’ll crush this Bey in no time!!!
(Illius looks at the stadium with determination, Illius puts Ifrit in Defense Mode)
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Adrian/Jennifer/Illius/Hikaru/Ren: Go, Shoot!!!
(Everyone pulls off extremely powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Ren: Take Ifrit down with style!
Illius: *Roars* Ifrit!!
(Ifrit continuously dodges all of Ragnaruk’s strikes, Asriel speeds around the stadium and starts clashing with Joker)
Possessed Adrian: Take them down, Asriel!!
Jennifer: I don’t think so!
Jennifer (Thoughts): So naive, I tricked him into using Heavy Mode so I could widdle down its stamina!
(Asriel and Joker would hit each other with a powerful barrage of attacks as Helios speeds up and aims for the center, Helios enters flare)
Hikaru: Send them flying, Phoebus Strike!!
(Helios slams into Ragnaruk and Ifrit, Ragnaruk gets shot out of the stadium while Ifrit gets sent flying in the air)
Illius: *Roars* Ifrit!!
(Illius’ Resonance Aura flares up Ifrit blazes out of the Bey)
Illius: Burst them, Combust Smash!!
(Ifrit crashes back down to the stadium and slams Helios down into the ground, Helios gets sent flying out of the stadium)
Hikaru: What?!
Thalia: Keep going, Trident!
Illius: I don’t think so! *Roars*
(Trident and Ifrit hit each other with powerful strikes, Trident and Ifrit start wobbling)
Thalia/Illius: *Gasps*
Illius (Thoughts): Ifrit was able to pull off a win against Ragnaruk and Helios, it’s not going to have enough stamina to deal with Trident!
(Trident and Ifrit stop spinning at the exact same time)
Thalia: What? I’m out already? No fair!!
(Joker and Asriel hit each other with extremely powerful strikes, Asriel starts wobbling as Joker changes into Stamina Mode and takes the center)
Jennifer: Looks like you’re out of Stamina *Sticks Tongue Out* Too bad!
Possessed Adrian: *Grins*
Jennifer: *Gasps*
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Asriel!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel blazes out of the Bey)
Possessed Adrian: Keep going!!!
(Asriel leans on its driver and picks up crazy speed)
Possessed Adrian: Twilight Blight!!
(Asriel slams into Joker’s rubber with its rubber, Joker bursts)
Jennifer: You’re kidding!
Drone: Twilight Asriel is the winner!!
Wakiya: Um… Apparently out of nowhere Asriel speeds up and bursts Joker! So, Adrian Saito is the winner I guess!!
Jennifer: I completely played you, how’d you win?!
Adrian: With Joker’s huge rubber blade it can cause lots of damage to the opposing Bey, but half of that energy is sent back to Joker. You were so focused on taking down Asriel’s stamina you didn’t even think about that. So, I got Asriel to speed up and hit Joker with its rubber causing friction, and even more, the energy got sent back to Joker and it burst. Also, I knew you were trying to play me the whole time.
(Adrian walks away)
Jennifer: Grr! Adrian Saito!!!
~In The Meeting Room~
Austin: Adrian, it was super awesome you were able to win!
Adrian: It was nothing.
(Jennifer would stare down Adrian)
Thalia: Everyone! Wakiya’s coming to announce the next match!!
(Wakiya walks in the room with an Ipad and goes in the front of the room)
Wakiya: The matches for the First Round will be! Illius and Po Vs Ren and Hikaru!!
Hikaru: Alright, Ren! We’ll be the ultimate Tag Partners!!
Ren: You’ve got that mate, we’ll become the strongest!
(Illius and Po stare at each other)
Po: You’d better be powerful and not hold me back, got it?!
Illius: *Nods*
Wakiya: Our Second Match will be! Ethan and Acheros Vs Hyuga and Austin!
Hyuga: Yeah, we get another chance to face Ethan!!
Austin: I’ll be winning this, Ethan!
(Ethan’s eyes glow as he stares down Austin)
Wakiya: Our Final Match will be! Thalia and Jennifer Vs Bell and Adrian!!
Bell: *Laughs* The Demon King has the ultimate partner!!
Adrian: *Grins* Jennifer, I’ll be crushing you again!
Jennifer: *Chuckles* I’d like to see you try!
Wakiya: The matches will take place tomorrow, so, you’d better get ready!
(Wakiya leaves the room)
Wally: Austin, Hyuga, Bell. Thanks for trying to defeat Ethan for me, but, I guess he’s too strong.
Hyuga: I’ll send him flying like kablam no matter what!!
Austin: Yeah, we’ll be the winners!!
Austin/Hyuga: We’ll break our limits!!
~In The Hallway~
(Adrian walks up to Ethan)
Ethan: What do you want?
Adrian: You’re battling Austin in your next battle, aren’t you?
Ethan: Yeah, so what?
Adrian: Don’t you dare try breaking his Bey, if you do I swear you’ll regret it.
Ethan: I’ll do whatever I want.
(Adrian grabs Ethan by the shirt as his Dark Resonance Aura flares up)
Possessed Adrian: Don’t you dare even try! I’ll crush your Bey to a pulp if you do!!!
(Ethan’s Blaze would flare around him as Adrian and his hands lock)
Ethan: Grr! I’ll crush you sooner or later, and destroy your Asriel!!
Possessed Adrian: I’d like to see you try!!
(Ethan just walks away)
Possessed Adrian: You come back here!!
(Ethan's Dark Blaze surrounds him as he grins evilly)
Ethan (Thoughts): Anpao, let's see how long you hold on for.
What did you think of this chapter? I tried lowering down on the Gasping and tried making this episode as interesting as possible. Please give me your thoughts, they help me improve! (Meaningful Thoughts) please and a rating in your opinion would be nice too.
Sep. 19, 2021 7:45 PM
(Sep. 19, 2021 6:41 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 26 has dropped down from the sky.
"LJ-Blader" "LegendJustice" GenesisBlader" "CelBeyBlade" "Hollowmind8" "Ghostfox"Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 26
The Stormy Skies, Battle Royal!
(It starts raining hard as we all look outside)
Austin: It’s super rainy today!
Wally: Yeah, battling in this rain will be pretty hard.
Ren: Luckily we’re battling inside today!
(Wakiya walks up to Wally with a concerned look)
Wally: Wakiya? What’s going on, why haven’t you said which Group I’m in yet?
Wakiya: *Sighs* You didn’t make the cut.
Wally: What?!
Wakiya: Unfortunately in the Junior Rankings you’re not Ranked high enough to enter the tournament.
Austin: I’m sorry, Wally.
Wally: Hmp! You’re The WBBA’s Commissioner couldn't you pull a couple of strings and let me enter! I can do this, I just need the chance to prove myself!!
Wakiya: As WBBA’s Commissioner I need to make this fair for everyone, I’m sorry but you just can’t enter.
Ren: I’m sorry, mate. But you can cheer us on and help us train, won’t that be awesome?!
Wally: Of course, you’re just being selfish because I’m not good enough for you. Like usual!
Wakiya: I spent all night yesterday looking for some kind of loophole for you to enter, and I couldn’t! So, you should be the one who should be thankful!!
Wally: You’re the WBBA’s Commissioner! I’m sure you just wanted Bladers that could live up to your expectation, didn’t you?!
Wakiya: Wally--
Wally: No, I don’t want any part of your stupid tournament anyways! Just leave me alone!!
(Wally runs away)
Ren: Mate!!
(Wakiya puts his hand on Ren’s shoulder)
Wakiya: This is our problem, we need to solve it together.
Austin: Wakiya… Will Wally be okay?
Wakiya: Yeah, he’s just frustrated.
Ethan (Thoughts): His despair will fuel my Blaze, I just need more of it.
Wakiya: Everyone get ready for the Battle Royals, I’ll find Wally and talk to him!
All: Yes, Wakiya!
~In The Airship’s Basement~
Wally: Go, Shoot!!
(Wally pulls off a powerful Eclipse Shoot, Wyvern immediately takes the center)
Wally: All I’ve wanted is to prove myself to the world. But Wakiya always takes the spotlight and leaves me in the dark. But saying I’m not good enough? That really crossed the line!!
???: Go, Shoot!!
(The mysterious figure would pull off a powerful Eclipse Shoot)
Wally: What?!
(Erebus would enter Blaze and slam into Wyvern, Wyvern Bursts)
Wally: Excuse me?!
Ethan: So, that’s how far your power goes. Disappointing.
Wally: What do you mean by “Disappointing?”
Ethan: You said you belonged in the tournament but you barely put up a fight against Erebus, I guess Wakiya was right to leave you out of the tournament.
Wally: You just caught me off guard, I could defeat you hands down!!
Ethan: *Grins Evilly* Then we should have a battle.
Wally: Bring it on!
Ethan: My Bey, Requiem Erebus will crush your Bey.
Wally: Savage Wyvern will blow your Bey away!!
Ethan: Then let’s get started.
Wally: Ready? Set!
Ethan/Wally: 3! 2! 1! Go, Shoot!!
(Ethan and Wally would pull off powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Wally: *Roars* Go Savage, Wyvern!!
(Wyvern speeds and slams into Erebus, Erebus hardly moves, Erebus claims the center)
Ethan: Keep attacking.
Wally: If you want more then that’s what you’re getting, Wyvern!!
(Wally’s Resonance Aura flares up Wyvern blazes out of the Bey)
Wally: Show your savage side!!
(Wyvern hits Erebus with a powerful barrage of attacks, Erebus absorbs Wyvern’s Aura as its eyes glow)
Ethan: You’ve gotta give me more…
Wally: I’ll give you what you want, Super Savage Crash!!
(Wyvern gets sent flying up the stadium slope and starts crashing down, Wyvern slams into Erebus sending it flying in the air)
Ethan: *Roars* Erebus!!
(Ethan’s Blaze surrounds him as his Resonance Aura flares up and Erebus blazes out of the Bey, Erebus enters Blaze)
Wally: *Gasps* Those flames!
Ethan: Send them into the abyss!!!
(Erebus starts crushing Wyvern into the wall, Wyvern begins to crack as Erebus absorbs more and more of its Resonance Aura)
Ethan: Requiem Press!!!
(Erebus slams Wyvern into the wall, Wyvern bursts into fragments)
Wally: No!!!
(Wally falls to the ground)
Ethan: You’re worthless.
(Ethan walks away, tears start streaming down Wally’s face)
Wally: Wyvern, no.
~Inside The Airship~
Wakiya: I’ve looked everywhere and I couldn’t find Wally!
Austin: I’ll look outside--
(Wally walks into the room wet, soggy and depressed)
Wakiya: Wally, you’ve got some nerve running off just because you weren’t able to enter the tournament! Explain yourself!!
Ren: What’s the matter mate, are you okay?
Wally: I thought I belonged in the tournament because I thought I was as powerful as everyone else. But I was wrong, I’m weak, worthless.
Wakiya: Don’t you dare say that stuff about yourself!
Austin: Wally, what happened?
Wally: I wanted to prove I belonged in the tournament so I battled Ethan. He showed me how stupid I was being, I don’t belong here, I’m… worthless.
Illius: You win some and you lose some, don’t beat yourself up.
Wally: Because of my selfishness Wyvern was… Destroyed.
All: *Gasps*
(Wally shows everyone Wyvern’s Fragments)
Ren: Grr!! Who did this to you?!!
Wally: Ethan…
(Wally bursts into tears)
Wally: You were right Wakiya, I didn’t stand a chance in this tournament!!
Wakiya: I never said that. The WBBA Council voted on it and we had to make the logical decision, you don’t know how hard I tried changing their minds but it was no use.
Wally: You… Wanted me to enter?
Wakiya: Of course, but those WBBA Council Members are super stubborn.
Bell: Grr! The Demon King does not approve of this!!
All: What?! Where’d you come from, Bell?!
Bell: I overheard the conversation, did Ethan really do that?
Wally: Yea. But I’ll fix Wyvern and become super strong, promise!!
Wakiya: That’s the Komurasaki spirit!
Austin: Don’t worry, Wally! Me and Bell will defeat Ethan in the Battle Royal, we’ll be aiming to burst him!!
Wakiya: Speaking of the Battle Royals, let’s get ready for them!
~In The Main Arena~
Wakiya: Hello all you amazing Bladers! Today, we’ll be beginning the tournament with a bang, it’s the A Group Battle Royal! Come on out all you wonderful Bladers!!
(All of the Bladers come out of the door)
Austin: I’m so winning this thing!
(Austin puts the Sol Layer on Anpao)
Bell: *Laughs* The Demon King will burst all of your Beys!!
Hyuga: Hyperion’s gonna go kablam!!
Po: Grr! Typhoon Pirate’s going to blow all of you out of the water!!
(Po holds up his Bey)
Acheros: Me and Dire Aeneas are going to win this battle.
Ethan: All of you will be destroyed!
(Bell looks at Ethan angrily)
Bell: The Demon King is going to beat you, Ethan Gilten!!
Ethan: *Grins*
Wakiya: Our Bladers are ready to go, so, why don’t we get started?!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Acheros/Hyuga/Bell/Austin/Ethan: Go, Shoot!!
(Everyone pulls off extremely powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Bell: Go, Belial!
(Belial speeds up and slams into Erebus sending it flying in the air)
Ethan: Grr!
Po: Go, Pirate!
Acheros: Take them down, Aeneas!
(Aeneas and Pirate start clashing wildly)
Hyuga: Vroom!!
Austin: You’re going to be sent flying!
(Hyperion and Anpao start crushing Aeneas and Pirate, Pirate and Aeneas get sent flying out of the stadium)
Po/Acheros: Wha--What?!
Austin: Hyuga, I’ll be ending this thing now!
Hyuga: Like we’d let you!!
(Hyperion and Anpao start clashing creating sparks)
Bell: Torpedo Bomber!!
(Belial leans on its driver and speeds up, Erebus gets sent flying again)
Ethan: Take the center, now!!
(Erebus lands in the center and starts blocking Hyperion and Anpao’s clash)
Aiga: Woah, Erebus is super powerful!
Valt: I heard that Erebus broke Wyvern.
Aiga: Really? Looks like another threat is rising up in the Blading world.
Valt: Yeah, but we’re ready for it.
Aiga: Totally.
Austin: What’re you doing?! This is between me and Hyuga!
Ethan: Not anymore, Erebus!!
(Ethan’s Blaze surrounds him as his Resonance Aura flares and Erebus blazes out of the Bey)
Ethan: Requiem Harbinger!!
(Erebus slashes at both Hyperion and Anpao, Both Beys burst)
Austin/Hyuga: *Gasps* You’ve gotta be kidding me!!
Bell: *Roars* Belial!!
(Bell’s Resonance Aura flares up Belial blazes out of the Bey)
Bell: Torpedo Wing!!
(Belial’s blades glow as it speeds up and aims for Erebus)
Ethan: One last time, Requiem Harbinger!!!
(Belial and Erebus start clashing wildly causing a huge explosion blowing huge gusts of wind in each direction, Ethan’s eyes glow purple)
Ethan: Now you burst!!!
(Erebus slashes at Belial sending it flying out of the stadium, Belial hits the ground and bursts after)
Bell/Ethan: Wha--What?!
Ethan (Thoughts): I didn’t burst. Grr!!!
Drone: Requiem Erebus is the winner!!
Wakiya: Amazing, Erebus grabs the win by crushing Hyperion, Anpao, and Belial! What a devastating turn of events!!!
Ethan: Grr!! You were supposed to burst!!!
Bell: Belial won’t burst to such a weak attack like that!!
(Ethan’s Blaze and Bell’s Resonance Aura flares up)
~In The Hallways~
(Adrian walks past Austin)
Austin: I fought so hard and I couldn’t defeat him, he just mopped the floor with me! I really wanted to get revenge!!
Adrian: There are some people you just can’t beat… At your current level, train, get stronger, and eventually, you’ll mop the floor with him.
(Adrian continues to walk out to the stage)
Austin: Thanks, Adrian!
Wakiya: Now, we’ve got the Second Battle Royal coming up, will our Bladers be able to handle The Engulfing Dusk Stadium?! Let’s find out in this match!!
Jennifer: So, Adrian. How long do you think it’ll take for me to defeat you?
Adrian: You won’t be defeating me, I’ll crush you in this battle.
Jennifer: But wouldn’t it be more fun if you were in Heavy Mode?
Adrian: What do you mean?
Jennifer: If you wanted to prove to me how strong you are, you’d have to show me how powerful you are in Heavy Mode.
Thalia: Stop trying to rig the match, can’t we just have a fun Battle Royal?!
Jennifer: Okay, I guess Adrian is going to have to get lucky if he wants to win this.
Hikaru: He’ll win this thing fair and square!
Ren: You’d better leave him alone mate, you don’t wanna see him when he’s angry.
(Adrian puts Asriel in Heavy Mode)
Hikaru: No way, are you actually going to listen to her?
Thalia: If that’s how you wanna play it then Atlantis Trident will send you’re Bey flying out of the stadium!!
Ren: Ragnaruk’s going to blow your Bey out of the stadium!!
Adrian: Jennifer, don’t be shocked when I crush your Bey.
Jennifer: Rogue Joker isn’t going to lose! In fact, you can inspect it all you want!
Adrian (Thoughts): Rogue Joker, a Clockwise Spinning Balance Type! It has Two Huge Rubber Blades and Two defensive blades that it can use to block attacks. It also has metal on its layer increasing its Attack. Joker also has rubber inside its layer making it harder to burst. Its driver is High Trick’ it’ll be able to switch modes mid-battle making the Bey unpredictable! It’s also a pretty high driver! I’ll crush this Bey in no time!!!
(Illius looks at the stadium with determination, Illius puts Ifrit in Defense Mode)
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Adrian/Jennifer/Illius/Hikaru/Ren: Go, Shoot!!!
(Everyone pulls off extremely powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Ren: Take Ifrit down with style!
Illius: *Roars* Ifrit!!
(Ifrit continuously dodges all of Ragnaruk’s strikes, Asriel speeds around the stadium and starts clashing with Joker)
Possessed Adrian: Take them down, Asriel!!
Jennifer: I don’t think so!
Jennifer (Thoughts): So naive, I tricked him into using Heavy Mode so I could widdle down its stamina!
(Asriel and Joker would hit each other with a powerful barrage of attacks as Helios speeds up and aims for the center, Helios enters flare)
Hikaru: Send them flying, Phoebus Strike!!
(Helios slams into Ragnaruk and Ifrit, Ragnaruk gets shot out of the stadium while Ifrit gets sent flying in the air)
Illius: *Roars* Ifrit!!
(Illius’ Resonance Aura flares up Ifrit blazes out of the Bey)
Illius: Burst them, Combust Smash!!
(Ifrit crashes back down to the stadium and slams Helios down into the ground, Helios gets sent flying out of the stadium)
Hikaru: What?!
Thalia: Keep going, Trident!
Illius: I don’t think so! *Roars*
(Trident and Ifrit hit each other with powerful strikes, Trident and Ifrit start wobbling)
Thalia/Illius: *Gasps*
Illius (Thoughts): Ifrit was able to pull off a win against Ragnaruk and Helios, it’s not going to have enough stamina to deal with Trident!
(Trident and Ifrit stop spinning at the exact same time)
Thalia: What? I’m out already? No fair!!
(Joker and Asriel hit each other with extremely powerful strikes, Asriel starts wobbling as Joker changes into Stamina Mode and takes the center)
Jennifer: Looks like you’re out of Stamina *Sticks Tongue Out* Too bad!
Possessed Adrian: *Grins*
Jennifer: *Gasps*
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Asriel!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel blazes out of the Bey)
Possessed Adrian: Keep going!!!
(Asriel leans on its driver and picks up crazy speed)
Possessed Adrian: Twilight Blight!!
(Asriel slams into Joker’s rubber with its rubber, Joker bursts)
Jennifer: You’re kidding!
Drone: Twilight Asriel is the winner!!
Wakiya: Um… Apparently out of nowhere Asriel speeds up and bursts Joker! So, Adrian Saito is the winner I guess!!
Jennifer: I completely played you, how’d you win?!
Adrian: With Joker’s huge rubber blade it can cause lots of damage to the opposing Bey, but half of that energy is sent back to Joker. You were so focused on taking down Asriel’s stamina you didn’t even think about that. So, I got Asriel to speed up and hit Joker with its rubber causing friction, and even more, the energy got sent back to Joker and it burst. Also, I knew you were trying to play me the whole time.
(Adrian walks away)
Jennifer: Grr! Adrian Saito!!!
~In The Meeting Room~
Austin: Adrian, it was super awesome you were able to win!
Adrian: It was nothing.
(Jennifer would stare down Adrian)
Thalia: Everyone! Wakiya’s coming to announce the next match!!
(Wakiya walks in the room with an Ipad and goes in the front of the room)
Wakiya: The matches for the First Round will be! Illius and Po Vs Ren and Hikaru!!
Hikaru: Alright, Ren! We’ll be the ultimate Tag Partners!!
Ren: You’ve got that mate, we’ll become the strongest!
(Illius and Po stare at each other)
Po: You’d better be powerful and not hold me back, got it?!
Illius: *Nods*
Wakiya: Our Second Match will be! Ethan and Acheros Vs Hyuga and Austin!
Hyuga: Yeah, we get another chance to face Ethan!!
Austin: I’ll be winning this, Ethan!
(Ethan’s eyes glow as he stares down Austin)
Wakiya: Our Final Match will be! Thalia and Jennifer Vs Bell and Adrian!!
Bell: *Laughs* The Demon King has the ultimate partner!!
Adrian: *Grins* Jennifer, I’ll be crushing you again!
Jennifer: *Chuckles* I’d like to see you try!
Wakiya: The matches will take place tomorrow, so, you’d better get ready!
(Wakiya leaves the room)
Wally: Austin, Hyuga, Bell. Thanks for trying to defeat Ethan for me, but, I guess he’s too strong.
Hyuga: I’ll send him flying like kablam no matter what!!
Austin: Yeah, we’ll be the winners!!
Austin/Hyuga: We’ll break our limits!!
~In The Hallway~
(Adrian walks up to Ethan)
Ethan: What do you want?
Adrian: You’re battling Austin in your next battle, aren’t you?
Ethan: Yeah, so what?
Adrian: Don’t you dare try breaking his Bey, if you do I swear you’ll regret it.
Ethan: I’ll do whatever I want.
(Adrian grabs Ethan by the shirt as his Dark Resonance Aura flares up)
Possessed Adrian: Don’t you dare even try! I’ll crush your Bey to a pulp if you do!!!
(Ethan’s Blaze would flare around him as Adrian and his hands lock)
Ethan: Grr! I’ll crush you sooner or later, and destroy your Asriel!!
Possessed Adrian: I’d like to see you try!!
(Ethan just walks away)
Possessed Adrian: You come back here!!
(Ethan's Dark Blaze surrounds him as he grins evilly)
Ethan (Thoughts): Anpao, let's see how long you hold on for.
What did you think of this chapter? I tried lowering down on the Gasping and tried making this episode as interesting as possible. Please give me your thoughts, they help me improve! (Meaningful Thoughts) please and a rating in your opinion would be nice too.
If I open it on the phone it crashes my browser lol.
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The two battle royale-s were good ig. Illius did a triple kill, nice. Adrian scene at the end was something. Bell showing that he's not someone to underrate when his bey doesn't burst is a nice bit. Wally depressed arc let's goooo. I wonder if Wyvern will be rebuilt and, if so, if it is just some adjustments or a whole evo. Anpao will prob get destroyed and then maybe Asriel too, then they evolve into the yin yang system, a mix of the 2 original systems (speculation).
Also, I see you handled multiple personalities pretty well here.
Sep. 19, 2021 8:44 PM
Next episode of Mystic Clash will come out Next Sunday, I'm having my first tournament on Saturday so I don't think I'll be able to make a chapter. I'll try working on it today but there's a very low chance I'll be able to make another chapter today.