Chapter 9 of SK Drive is the Last Chapter I'll be uploading then I'll be on a Week Break because of Family Stuff.
Beyblade Burst SuperKing Drive
Chapter 9
World Corruption! Taking The Skies!!
~At BC Sol in Free’s Dorm~
(Free sits on his Bed as he looks up and watches the battle between Me and Hikaru)
Me (On TV): Now go, Sharp Shoot!
Hikaru: Block its Attacks, Helios!
(Deimos goes for a Barrage of Strikes as Helios blocks the attacks with its 10 Blades as Free’s eyes glow Gold)
Free: His Resonance is corrupting himself. Though he’s getting stronger, he’s risking a lot just to get stronger.
???: Free, what’re you watching?
Free: I’m just watching a match between Dax and Hikaru, nothing much. Aren’t you supposed to be training by now?
???: *Chuckles* Yeah. But you’re not training either, aren’t you?
Free: Whatever. You can stay here for as long as you want but it won’t benefit you.
???: Tsk. Tsk. Free, you’ve gotta treat your fans with More Respect!
(The Mysterious Person leaves the room as she just smiles at Free, Free continues to watch the Match)
~In Japan at the GT Arena~
Valt: Go, Valkyrie!
Rantaro: Knock ‘em sideways, Ragnaruk!
(Valkyrie and Ragnaruk clash wildly as both Beys get sent flying out of the stadium from the shock and land on the ground at the same time)
Me: C’mon, can’t you both do any better? Isn’t this supposed to be a Practice Match between Legends?
Sammy: Dax!
Valt: It’s fine. I guess we could’ve been a bit better, but we’ll get a lot more training and we’ll improve a lot more when we get back to BC Sol!
Blue: Oh yeah. You’re going back to Spain, aren’t you?
Rantaro: Yeah. We were just here to announce the New Tournament and challenge some Powerful Bladers around here!
Me: You can’t leave yet! I haven’t defeated Valt in a battle yet and he’s not leaving until our battle is decided!!
Valt: Sorry but I have to go. There is a lot to do to prepare for the Upcoming Tournament and I’ve got to start pretty soon.
Blue: Just let it go, Dax. Valt has other things he needs to get done instead of spending all of his time solely training everyone here.
Sammy: When are you planning on leaving?
Valt: We’re leaving Tomorrow Afternoon. We’ll be training ourselves to the brim so we’ll be strong enough to take you all on in that League!!
Me: Tch… You’d better come back so you can see how much stronger I’ve gotten and crush you– No, I’ll defeat you at the League and prove to you how much stronger I am than you!
(My Resonance Aura flares up around me as it emits a Purple Shine as my eyes glow evilly, Valt just clenches his fists and he keeps a calm face)
Rantaro: Uh. The GT Arena is closing so you guys should probably head back home. It’s also getting pretty late.
Sammy: Yeah. C’mon, Dax.
(Sammy drags me by my Shirt across the GT Arena floor as I yell in protest, After Sammy, Blue, and I leave the Building Rantaro looks over at Valt with concern)
Rantaro: He’s becoming obsessed. If he continues like this he’ll end up like Lean, Aiga, and all the other threats to Beyblade.
Valt: Yeah. We’ve gotta prevent that from happening or else we could be in major trouble.
Rantaro: Then we’ll just stop him from becoming like any of them. It’s as simple as that!
Valt: Thanks, Honcho. With your help, we should be able to help Dax become a Blader that won’t harm the future of Beyblade.
~At My House~
(I walk through the Front Door and take my shoes off as I run over to the Living Room to see my Mom reading a Book on the coach, Mom looks up at me and starts smiling)
Mom: Dax, you’re home! I’ve got your dinner in the Microwave and if you need anything don’t be afraid to let me know.
Me: Mom, let’s make up a scenario. So let’s say I wanted to go halfway across the World without you and it was just Me, My Friends, and Three of the Strongest Bladers in the World. What would you do about it?
Mom: You’re planning on going HalfWay across the World with your friends? Why?
Me: *Sighs* Mom, there are strong Bladers out there in the World and I want to battle each one of them. I want to become the Next #1 Blader in the World. And if I want to do that, I’ve got to travel to Spain where another Powerful Blader is. Please let me go, Mom.
Mom: *Laughs* They sent out an Email about Valt and the other Legends leaving to go back to Spain at the Legendary Team, BC Sol where there are tons of Bladers. I assumed when you found out you’d wanna go to. So I packed your bag already!
(Mom gives me a Huge Mountain Backpack filled to the brim as I put it on and look at Mom sadly)
Me: Are you sure you’re okay with me leaving? I… I might be gone for a While.
Mom: Daxseus Akagami, I’ve raised and known you for a long time. It was obvious you’d have to leave for a bit before you were even got into Beyblade. You take care of yourself, I’ll be fine.
(Tears well up in my eyes as I try wiping them off my face, Mom just smiles at Me as we both stare at each other as I put my Backpack on the floor)
Me: *Sniffles* I’m… I’m the Abyss King. I’m not meant to cry. If you miss me, that's your problem. I– I’ll defeat every Legendary Blader and prove to you that I’m the Strongest!!
Mom: Then go. Prove to me that you’ll be the Strongest. Anyways, you have to get up early tomorrow to catch your Plane so you’d better get going.
(I put the Backpack in my room as I go into my Room and flop onto my Bed, I put hold up Deimos at I just stare at it as I lay in Bed)
Me: Deimos… I promise you we’ll become the Strongest! There is no doubt in my mind!
(Deimos gets shrouded in a Dark Purple Aura as my eyes glow Purple, I put my Bed on my Desk and fall asleep immediately)
~The Next Morning~
Mom: Got everything you need? I hope you didn’t take anything and I mean anything out of that bag I packed you, Mr. Daxseus.
Me: Mom, it’s Dax and I didn’t even look inside the Bag yet. I’ve got to run along before–
???: Where do you think you’re going without us?
(I look at the Doorway to see Sammy and Blue grinning at me with their own Suitcases)
Sammy: You’re not going anywhere without us. Besides, why would we pass up the chance to battle a Legendary Blader?!
Me: You guys… *Grins* If you really want to witness the Abyss King’s Battles then I guess you could come along with me.
Mom: I’ll see you soon, Dax. And remember to eat your Veggies!!
~At the Aiprort~
Sisco: Tch… What’s the hold up? Our Plane can’t wait forever for us!
Rantaro: Just chill out a bit, Sisco. It was a bit last minute but we’ve got some guests joining us!
Valt: Yeah. They should be here any minute now!
Sammy: Valt! We’re here!!
(Me, Sammy, and Blue run up to Valt and the others right before they enter the Boarding Area, We go inside the Plane with them as we walk through the Tunnel)
Valt: You guys made it! It was kinda last minute when Dax’s Mom asked us if you guys could come with us but we don’t mind!
Sisco: Tsk. Speak for yourself.
Rantaro: Most of us are happy you are here. So you’re coming to BC Sol with us so you guys can get stronger in time for the League?
Me: Yeah. You won’t know what hit you when that League comes around. I’ll be the Strongest and defeat all those so-called “Legends!”
Sisco: You talk a Big Game even though you’ve lost to Valt.
Blue: Valt is the Strongest Blader in the World! No wonder Dax lost!
Me: Excuse me?!
Valt: Trust me. There are tons of More Powerful Bladers than me!
(We all take our seats in the Airplane as the Airplane goes into the air and immediately takes Flight)
Sammy: Woah. Japan looks so small from up here!
Blue: Yeah. We’re Super High into the air so I wouldn’t expect any less!
Me: How does this thing fly? Is this thing even reliable?!
Sisco: Kid, you do know how Airplanes work, right?
Rantaro: Y’know that Airplanes are safer than Cars, right?
Me: I don’t care about safety or whatever. I just don’t like this Plane!
Blue: I think he’s scared of Heights!
Rantaro: That’s no surprise. We are really high in the air and usually, Kings like to stay in their Domain.
Me: Be Quiet! The Abyss King isn’t ever afraid of anything!!
Sammy: Aren’t you afraid of losing or something? Man, I didn’t know the Abyss King was such a Scaredy Cat.
Valt: Guys, maybe–
Me: The Abyss King isn’t afraid of anything!! I’ll crush you all in a Battle and prove to you all who the Strongest in the World is!!!
Sisco: Shut it. Gosh, who knew kids were so annoying these days.
Me: I’m Thirteen for your information!
Sammy: Anyways, Valt. Are we going to face The Blader in Spain?
Valt: Yeah if you guys want to. He’s Super Strong just to let you all know, and he’s currently training a Student!
Sisco: Yeah. His Student is Crazy Powerful so you shouldn’t underestimate her ever! She’ll probably be the one to crush you guys in a Battle!!
Me: *Grins* She can try as she might but her doom will be inescapable!
Rantaro: *Yawns* I’m going to take a Nap. Good Night, guys.
Sisco: Same.
Me/Sammy: Now that I think about it…
(We all put on Sleep Masks over our Eyes as we all snore away as we sleep as the Plane soars through the sky)
~In Spain~
(The Airplane lands at the Spain Airport as we come off the Plane and leave the Aiport yawning)
Me: I didn’t realize how tired I was. We slept through the Whole Flight without waking up once!
Sammy: It takes a long time to get to Spain. Luckily we got to sleep the Whole Time.
Valt: Alright. I arranged a Dorm Room at BC Sol for you guys to borrow for a while as you battle the Prodigy Blader.
Me: Who is this Prodigy Blader? I feel like there is something you’re not telling me!
Sisco: It’s Free De La Hoya, he’s been a Legendary World Ranked Blader for a long time. Even before Valt became #1 and he rivals Valt in battle.
Blue: Yeah. He and Valt have had some Pretty Awesome Battles in the Past! They’re both really strong!!
Valt: Free’s something alright. We’ll probably find him training in the Woods!
(We all head towards the BC Sol Woods as we walk through as a Deer runs up to us as someone runs toward us from the Bushes)
Valt: This is Free’s Deer… But who’s coming out from the bushes?
Me: Come any closer and you’ll have to face the Wrath of the Abyss King!!
???: *Laughs* You think I’m worried about that? I think not– *Gasps*
(A Girl falls out of the Bushes and lands right on her face as Rantaro helps her get up as she grins)
Rantaro: Ariana, you’ve gotta stop being in a rush all the time. What’re you doing now?
Me: Ariana? Who do you think you are? Trying to challenge the Abyss King!
Ariana: Well, I’m Ariana Nyx and I’m a way more Powerful Blader than you so I don’t really care what you say! So you’re Daxseus Akagami.
Sammy: It’s Dax.
Blue: *Gasps* Are you Free’s Student that Valt has been talking about?!
Ariana: You’ve got that right! I’m actually looking for Free right now. I can never figure out this Forest.
Valt: It’s just a bit deeper into the Woods. You should join us, Ariana.
Me: Does she have to?
Ariana: Excuse me?! Where are your Manners, “Abyss King?!”
(We walk deeper into the Forest as we find Free training in the Forest as he does a handstand)
Valt: Free! You’re here!!
Ariana: Free, I’m sorry I’m late for practice! I got lost again!
Free: *Sighs* Hey, Valt. Ariana, it’s fine. Just arrive on time next time. It seems like you guys have brought some friends.
Me: Free De La Hoya… *Grins* Nice to meet you. Now I challenge you to a–
Sammy: Yo, Free! I wanna battle you with my Death Solomon!!
Me: Can you hear or something?! We were about to have a–
Free: Sure. I need the practice anyway so hit me with your Best Shot.
Me: Grr!!
Valt: *Laughs* Anyways, looks like I’ll be the–
Ariana: I’ll be the Referee, if it’s okay with you, Valt.
Me: What do people not understand about how rude it is to interrupt people and take their positions!!
Ariana: Shut it, Jester.
Blue: Oh no she didn’t.
Sammy (Thoughts): I’m up against Mirage Fafnir, a Left Spinning Stamina. If I want to win this Battle then I’ve got to end this pretty quickly!
(Free holds out his Mirage Fafnir with his Hand aiming it over the Stadium)
Me: *Gasps* That’s Free’s Bey?!
Sisco: Yeah. It’s called Mirage Fafnir, one of the Most Powerful Beys in the World and it has an almost unbeatable ability…
Blue: What is it?!
Valt: You’ll see!
Me: Alright, Free! Get your Launcher!!
Free: No thanks. I’m good with Shooting Fafnir with my hand.
Sammy: *Gasps* You’re Shooting with your Hand?!
Me: Dang, looks like Free is the Cocky one.
Rantaro: No he’s not being cocky. He’s doing just what he needs to do to win.
Ariana: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Free/Sammy: Go, Shoot!!
(Free flicks Fafnir off his Hand as Sammy pulls off a Powerful Sparking Shoot, Fafnir wobbles around the stadium as Solomon speeds right for it)
Sammy: End this right now, Solomon!
Free: *Smiles* Do what you’ve gotta do, Fafnir.
(Solomon accelerates around the stadium as it rams directly into Fafnir sending it flying back, Fafnir starts spinning at High Speeds as we all gasp)
Me: How did it gain more Spin Speed?!
Valt: Fafnir is a Counterclockwise Spinning Bey with Rubber so it can spin steal from Right Spinning Beys! The more Solomon attacks the faster it Spins!
Sammy: Tch… Just keep attacking until it Bursts!
(Solomon continuously hits Fafnir with a Barrage of Strikes as Fafnir just gets faster and faster as it speeds off)
Free: Thanks for your Spin. It’ll really help me win this Battle.
Sammy: Fusion Strike!!
Free: Mirage Claw!
(Fafnir accelerates around the stadium as its Blades glow Pure Black, Fafnir slashes at Solomon causing it to burst instantly)
Sammy: What the–?!
Ariana: It’s Mirage Fafnir with a Burst Finish! Free is the Winner!!
Me: Interesting, so it used Solomon’s Spin Power to counterattack and burst it!
Free: You’re pretty strong I guess. But you could be even stronger.
Valt: Nice, Free. You never disappoint!
Me: Free De La Hoya.
Free: Hm?
Me: I challenge you to a True Battle that you’ll never forget! I’ll send you down the Abyss!! *Grins*