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(Jan. 07, 2022  1:31 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ] 4. Venture Through Tartarus! Legends Arise!!

5. Crazy Speed and Rubber Attacks?! Brave Valkyrie!!

6. The Hyper Cyclone! Glide Ragnaruk!!

7. Tournament of Legends?! The Ultimate Legend's League!!

8. The Kings of the Sun! Hyperion Burn and Helios Volcano!!

9. The Most Destructive Flare!!

10. The Unseen Dragon! Mirage Fafnir!!

(Jan. 06, 2022  6:44 PM)LegendJustice Wrote: [ -> ]hmmmm that mcdonalds stuff with dax, were have i heard it before?

You watch it to?

It was just something I came up with from the top of my head but sometimes when I have some time to kill I watch some stories.

Chapter 5 of Beyblade Burst SuperKing Drive has arisen

I know I know, I haven't released a Mystical Boldness Episode is forever. Don't worry, I'll do it tomorrow since I like Uploading them on Fridays and I might get an extra one in on Saturday too.

I really like this chapter, great stuff UB!
Chapter 22 of Beyblade Burst Mystical Boldness is out:

35. Dangerous Defense?! Bell Vs. Basara!!

36. Total Chaos! Battle Royal!!

37. Pumped Up! Pierce Vs. Valt!!

38. Bow Down to the Supreme King! Greatest Spear!!

39. The Dangerous Demon King! Belial Vs. Perseus!!

40. The Ultimate Champions! Ultimate Valkyrie!!

41. Toughing it Out! Ultimate Slash V!!
41.それを強くする!アルティメットスラッシュV !!

42. The Blazing Crimson Bird! Prominence Phoenix!!

43. The Demon King's Nightmare! The Bey of Despair!!

Which Chapter are you most hyped for? Yes. I'm going to be keeping the Episode List up with the Anime just to let yall Know.

Speaking of Beyblade Burst DB Mystical Boldness Episode 23:


I'd like Ratings or just Thoughts about my Recent Chapters so I can know what I'm doing wrong so I can improve.
Sisco goes Beast Mode in Beyblade Burst SuperKing Drive Chapter 6.

Give me any Random Thoughts, Feedback, Or Reviews for this Chapter if you'd like because in my opinion, it's a Pretty Thriller one to read. I hope you all are excited for the next Episode thanks to this Episode. I know the Chapters seem a bit short right now but don't worry. Once we get deeper and more into the Story the Chapters will become so long that your eyes will become sore.
Name: Xacian Musashi

Gender: Male

Race: Sudanese/British

Age: 14

Height: 5'6

Personality/Backstory: He's always striving to get stronger and always pushes himself past his limits which sometimes results in him getting hurt which is why he has a Scar over his Cheek. He inherited Xcalibur from a Powerful Prince named Xhan Bogard after he defeated him easily with his Cho Z Bey. After he got Xcalibur he became more serious and dedicated to living up to what Xcalibur stands for and he even battled Xhaka and almost won but he fell a bit short and wasn't able to defeat him in the end. After, he started training daily and pushing his limits, and eventually, after 2 Years of Training he decided that it was time that he took on the World and promised Xhaka that he'd come back and defeat him one day even if he had to push himself, father, than he ever has before. He heard about the Mystic Coronation Series in an Ad from the WBBA so he decided to build himself a Mystic Bey and join the Tournament right away. He built his Sacred Xcalibur. Katana. High Sword'. and found immense Power from it and quickly climbed up the Rankings. His Goal is to defeat Valt Aoi and Aiga Akaba. The Bladers that Xhaka and Xhan were always talking about.

Sacred: Sacred is a Clockwise Spinning Mystic Blade with High Attack Power. It has a Sword in the Middle of the Layer which has Metal within it and Rubber on the Tip of the Blade and once it hits its 3rd Click the Sword stretches out even Father to increase the Saber Striking Power. On the Layer's Side it has a Spike sticking out (Like Greatest Raphael's Spikes) Which have some Gold and Blue on them which and stretches out a bit to balance the Bey out. The sides come forward into the center and are sharp so it can deal way more damage. Color Scheme, Red, Siler, Gold, and Blue.

Xcalibur: A Simple Xcalibur motif with a Sword in the Middle, Eyes, and a Big X Cresent in the middle. The Sword and X Cresent are both entirely made out of Metal making the Xcalibur Core one of the Heaviest Mystic Clash Cores in the whole System.

Katana: The Katana Disk looks like Buster Xcalibur with the Side Edges and has a Big Long-Sharp Edge on the tip of the Disk resembling a Sword. It can align with the Layer so it has a Heavier Impact Attack and can deal more Damgage. Surrounding the Large Blade Tip are Two Short Spikes which are used to Balance out the front of the Bey and make the Impact Greater.

High Sword': Basically the Sword Driver with a Tighter Plastic Cap and taller.

Special Moves: Sacred Saber Impact: Once the Bey fully aligns it speeds up and crashes into the opposing Bey usually ending the Match in a Burst Finish.

Saber Slash: Xcalibur uses its Large Sword on its Layer to slash at the Opposing Bey which deals lots of damage.

Fifth Impact: Xcalibur speeds up and crashes into the Opposing Bey with lesser force usually causing an Over Finish or does a Good Amount of Damage.

BTW this is a Mystic Clash Character.
Aiga Vs. Dax?! In Beyblade Burst SuperKing Drive in Chapter 7!!

Any Thoughts or Ratings are always appreciated and helpful!
(Jan. 14, 2022  1:54 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Aiga Vs. Dax?! In Beyblade Burst SuperKing Drive in Chapter 7!!
"SpeedySuomi" "LJ-Blader" "Hollowmind8" "GenesisBlader" "LegendJustice" "Kiryu Kazuma" "CelBeyBlade"

Any Thoughts or Ratings are always appreciated and helpful!
Anyhow, nice chapter I guess, only problem is with the breaking of the laws of physics (Valkyrie regaining stamina somehow), but other than that it is fine. Dax standed up to him, which I didn't expected (I thought he would get a lucky KO but then get utterly destroyed). Aiga battle was really interesting too, didn't see that coming either. Aiga will probably win, but who knows.
BTW, I use different ratings for each writer, because everyone is different. So what can be considered good for your fic might be bad for other writer's fic.
Beyblade Burst DB: Mystical Boldness Episode 24:

Sorry if the Preview seems a lot like My Hero Academia. I was watching it while making this and it just brings enjoyment into my Body.
Mystic Clash Upcoming Episodes

15. Breakthrough! Eruption of BC Sol Grounds!!

16. Shinning Light! Shine Bright, Vulcan!!
[font="Titillium Web", sans-serif]16.シャイニングライト!シャインブライト、バルカン!![/font]

17. Athena's Challenge! Athena Vs. Fafnir!!

18. Loving Blast! Anabelle Vs. Rashad!!

19. The Night of the Blood Moon! Blight Ganon!!

Arc 2 Completed

20. The Mystical Islands! The Mystic Juinor League!!

21. The Ultimate Sword! Sacred Xcalibur!!

22. The Ultimate Demon King! Thunder Belial!!

23. 2nd Stage! Working Rivals and Enemies!!

24. The Dark Explosion! Thundering Bomber!!

25. The Lord of the Sky! Solar Jupiter!!
(Jan. 15, 2022  6:55 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]15. Breakthrough! Eruption of BC Sol Grounds!!

16. The Battle of Might! Victor Vs. Valt!!

17. Athena's Challenge! Athena Vs. Fafnir!!

18. Loving Blast! Anabelle Vs. Rashad!!

19. The Night of the Blood Moon! Blight Ganon!!

Arc 2 Completed

20. The Mystical Islands! The Mystic Juinor League!!

21. The Ultimate Sword! Sacred Xcalibur!!

22. The Ultimate Demon King! Thunder Belial!!

23. 2nd Stage! Working Rivals and Enemies!!

24. The Dark Explosion! Thundering Bomber!!

25. The Lord of the Sky! Solar Jupiter!!

Jupiter and Xcalibur >.>
Anyhow, I think the interactions between Bell and Dax will be funny considering both are "kings" and somewhat similar.
(Jan. 15, 2022  7:32 PM)Hollowmind8 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 15, 2022  6:55 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]15. Breakthrough! Eruption of BC Sol Grounds!!

16. The Battle of Might! Victor Vs. Valt!!

17. Athena's Challenge! Athena Vs. Fafnir!!

18. Loving Blast! Anabelle Vs. Rashad!!

19. The Night of the Blood Moon! Blight Ganon!!

Arc 2 Completed

20. The Mystical Islands! The Mystic Juinor League!!

21. The Ultimate Sword! Sacred Xcalibur!!

22. The Ultimate Demon King! Thunder Belial!!

23. 2nd Stage! Working Rivals and Enemies!!

24. The Dark Explosion! Thundering Bomber!!

25. The Lord of the Sky! Solar Jupiter!!

Jupiter and Xcalibur >.>
Anyhow, I think the interactions between Bell and Dax will be funny considering both are "kings" and somewhat similar.

I totally forgot to add the fact that this is Mystic Clash not SK Drive lol. Bell also will not make an Appearance in the Fanfic. He might if I decide to do a Season 3 which is based of the DB System and Series.
Fair enough, 2 kings of different times would be quite wierd together (Bell is DB while Dax is SK). And it does explain some stuff. Idk how I didn't saw Athena there
Imagine what My Beyblade Academia would be like. Chapter 15 of Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash.
I think there was a My Beyblade Academia fic lo.
Anyhow, I'm surprised Victor has any energy left to battle Valt. Slow mo burst, the mighty power of opposite spin matches. To be fair, Annabeth could have asked Harry to try a slowmo burst too since it works both ways or at least explained the concept, so it is a little of her fault but no problem, things like that happen. Anyways, nice.
2x2-4+99-0/21 do the Math in Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash Chapter 16


Me: This battle is going to be Super Cool!

(Athena sparkles Gold as it speeds around the stadium and sends Fafnir flying high in the air)

Me: What?! Anabelle can use Mystic Tubro?!

(Athena glows brightly as it clashes with Raphael, Athena speeds up and hits Raphael with a Barrage of Attacks as it Glows Gold)

Anabelle: Let's go, Athena!!

(Anabelle's Resonance Aura sparkles and glows Gold as Athena's Avatar stands behind her as she roars)

Me: Next time on Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash!

(Raphael and Athena start clashing as they both Glow Bright Gold causing a Burst of Gold Sparkles to erupt from the stadium)

Me: Athena's Challenge! Mystic Turbo!!

All: 3! 2! 1! Go, Shoot!!
(Jan. 16, 2022  6:22 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]2x2-4+99-0/21 do the Math in Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash Chapter 16
"SpeedySuomi" "Hollowmind8" "LegendJustice" "Kiryu Kazuma" "LJ-Blader"


Me: This battle is going to be Super Cool!

(Athena sparkles Gold as it speeds around the stadium and sends Fafnir flying high in the air)

Me: What?! Anabelle can use Mystic Tubro?!

(Athena glows brightly as it clashes with Raphael, Athena speeds up and hits Raphael with a Barrage of Attacks as it Glows Gold)

Anabelle: Let's go, Athena!!

(Anabelle's Resonance Aura sparkles and glows Gold as Athena's Avatar stands behind her as she roars)

Me: Next time on Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash!

(Raphael and Athena start clashing as they both Glow Bright Gold causing a Burst of Gold Sparkles to erupt from the stadium)

Me: Athena's Challenge! Mystic Turbo!!

All: 3! 2! 1! Go, Shoot!!
Finally! Victor got some rest! Now he can rest with Tristen on the bench for a while. 
Anabelle will win for sure, and the preview makes me think Annabelle will go again. So let's see how it works out.
By the way, 2x2-4+99-0/21 = 4-4+99-0 = 99
Fun Fact. Did you know that I write my Fanfics on Google Docs? You probably already knew that so let's get into Chapter 17 of Mystic Clash.

The Finale of Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash Arc 2 is in Chapter 18
What are your thoughts on Arc 2 or This Chapter? Get ready for the Tournament Arc! Will Anabelle and Victor's Friendship evolve? And what challenges will they face with their Mystic Turbo?! Find out in the Future!!

(Jan. 17, 2022  6:48 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Fun Fact. Did you know that I write my Fanfics on Google Docs? You probably already knew that so let's get into Chapter 17 of Mystic Clash.
"Hollowmind8" "SpeedySuomi" "LegendJustice" "CelBeyBlade" "Kiryu Kazuma" "LJ-Blader"

The Finale of Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash Arc 2 is in Chapter 18
What are your thoughts on Arc 2 or This Chapter? Get ready for the Tournament Arc! Will Anabelle and Victor's Friendship evolve? And what challenges will they face with their Mystic Turbo?! Find out in the Future!!

"SpeedySuomi" "Hollowmind8" "LJ-Blader" "LegendJustice" "CelBeyBlade" "Kiryu Kazuma"
2 chapters in a row? I suppose you were filled with inspiration.
Nice arc Ig, cool battle thing, someone got hurt while waking up, "The Bench Bois " ™, Free spreads the "Annabelle has a crush on Victor" disease to Valt, and Victor is colorblind apparently (Annabelle is literally a tomato near him).
The battles had some inconcistences but it happens sometimes.
Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash Eng Dub.

Beyblade Burst StarGaze

Victor Humora-Victora Humora. Voice Actor: Jap Dub: Daiki Yamashita Eng Dub: Tom Holland!

Tristen Chiaki-Tristen Chris. Voice Actor: Jap Dub: Rica Matsumoto Eng Dub: Spencer Boldman

Harry Zen-Harry Zenith. Voice Actor: Jap Dub: Nobuhiko Okamoto Eng Dub: Zeno Robinson

Valt: Same Voice Actors in Both Dubs and Same Name.

Free: Same Voice Actors and Same Name.

Rashad: Same Voice Actors and Same Name.

Bell-Bel Daizora. Same Voice Actors in Both Dubs.

Anabelle Aki-Anabeth Aki. Voice Actor: Jap Dub: Mayuki Makiguchi Eng Dub: Peyton List.

Xacian Musashi-Xcaian Musashi. Voice Actor: Jap Dub: Yoshimasa Hosoya Eng Dub: Tyrel Jackson Williams
News: The 2nd Arc will begin and the First Chapter will most likely release today or Early Tommrow.

SK Drive (SuperKing Drive) is going on Hiatus till Next Friday.

Next Saturday: January 29th 2022, there will be No Chapters uploaded.

44. The Prominence Shield Trap! Valkyrie Vs. Phoenix!!

45. The Perfect Gear Strategy! Challenging the Prominence Crimson Flames!!
You have improved more than before
Which came first, The Chicken or the Egg? Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash Chapter 19

Ratings and Reviews are Appreciated! Or just General Thoughts are fine too.
(Jan. 24, 2022  5:48 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Which came first, The Chicken or the Egg? Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash Chapter 19
"Hollowmind8" "LJ-Blader" "CelBeyBlade" "Kiryu Kazuma" "LegendJustice" Dragon Blader Z"

Ratings and Reviews are Appreciated! Or just General Thoughts are fine too.
I totally didn’t forgot Hellen was here lo (which makes me wonder how Annabelle is the only girl but ok)
Anyhow, why is Phoenix guy a punk? I mean, cool concept but I hope his bey is something like Perfect Phoenix (at least on the color squeme)
I thought Jonathan would have Jinnius, but Jupiter is also cool I guess (Zeus vs Jupiter >.>)
Din... hmmm, Dionysus? Only motif in my mind rn except Dragon.
Battle royale was cool ig, buuuuuut:
Yeah, kinda an underwhelming win ngl. But cool battle nonetheless.
Also, I’m predicting Phoenix is going to win second one, or at least get close to.
Sadly I will have to be putting Beyblade Burst DB: Mystical Boldness away in my Junk Drawer. The reason behind this is the fact that I literally despise the fact that all my Chapters are based on the DB Anime. I just feel like it isn't mine and it isn't really Original anymore and if I can't use my Personal Ideas and Imagination in a Fanfic it just won't work out. I'm sorry to who put in a Character who was so Short-Lived. I don't know if I'll make it up to you because you put in a Lot of Effort into that Character and it pains me to have to throw him away along with the whole fanfic itself. Don't worry though, I'm making a New Fanfic that'll be Way Better and More Original and it is mainly targeted towards Pre Teens and or Higher so just a Warning to you all about that. I apologize for how short-lived this Fanfic was and I had so many good Ideas for the Future. I hope you'll find it in your Heart to forgive me for putting so much effort into it and you guys enjoying it but I just can't keep up with it.
(Jan. 25, 2022  11:56 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Sadly I will have to be putting Beyblade Burst DB: Mystical Boldness away in my Junk Drawer. The reason behind this is the fact that I literally despise the fact that all my Chapters are based on the DB Anime. I just feel like it isn't mine and it isn't really Original anymore and if I can't use my Personal Ideas and Imagination in a Fanfic it just won't work out. I'm sorry to "SpeedySuomi" who put in a Character who was so Short-Lived. I don't know if I'll make it up to you because you put in a Lot of Effort into that Character and it pains me to have to throw him away along with the whole fanfic itself. Don't worry though, I'm making a New Fanfic that'll be Way Better and More Original and it is mainly targeted towards Pre Teens and or Higher so just a Warning to you all about that. I apologize for how short-lived this Fanfic was and I had so many good Ideas for the Future. I hope you'll find it in your Heart to forgive me for putting so much effort into it and you guys enjoying it but I just can't keep up with it.
no worries, I saw it coming a long time ago (not for Mystical Boldness tho, but I wasn't that off). I am very detached from things, I.e. if GX were to be cancelled today, I would be like "Oh ok" and continue with my life. I'm just "too cool" to be attached (/jk, I am not cool)
Also new fic >.>
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