Jan. 07, 2022 6:42 PM
(Jan. 07, 2022 1:31 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ] 4. Venture Through Tartarus! Legends Arise!!
5. Crazy Speed and Rubber Attacks?! Brave Valkyrie!!
6. The Hyper Cyclone! Glide Ragnaruk!!
7. Tournament of Legends?! The Ultimate Legend's League!!
8. The Kings of the Sun! Hyperion Burn and Helios Volcano!!
9. The Most Destructive Flare!!
10. The Unseen Dragon! Mirage Fafnir!!
(Jan. 06, 2022 6:44 PM)LegendJustice Wrote: [ -> ]hmmmm that mcdonalds stuff with dax, were have i heard it before?
You watch it to?
It was just something I came up with from the top of my head but sometimes when I have some time to kill I watch some stories.
Chapter 5 of Beyblade Burst SuperKing Drive has arisen
Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst SuperKing Drive
Chapter 5
Venture Through Tartarus, Legends Arise!
(Me, Blue, and Sammy step off the bus as I start running towards the GT Arena)
Blue: Sammy, Dax. Wait up, I can’t run as fast as you guys can!
Sammy: Tell Dax to slow down, I’ve got to keep up with him so he doesn’t anger everyone in the GT Arena… Again.
Me: *Grins* I’m going to crush 3 Legendary Bladers at a time. I’ll become the Strongest in the World when I pulverize them all!
(We all run inside the GT Arena to see lots of Cameras and people operating them as Hanami watches from the Announcer Box)
Me: Wow. Looks like this is some big deal.
Sammy: Looks like people really wanna see the Abyss King Vs. The Legendary 3 of BC Sol. I’m actually wondering if you’ll even win this challenge.
Me: Of course I will. I’ll destroy Sisco and Rantaro Kiyama and then I’ll break Brave Valkyrie and make Valt Aoi bow down to the Abyss King!
Blue: In your dreams. I’ll be surprised enough if you beat Sisco Karlisle and Rantaro Kiyama but if you defeat Valt, my jaw would fall off.
Me: Why does the Surname Kiyama sound so familiar…
Valt: I’m glad you made it, Dax! I’m super excited so see how you do against Rantaro and Sisco. I’m looking forward to a Legendary Battle!!
Hanami: Okay Boys and Girls we’ve got a Special Ranked Challenge for you all to watch at home! We call it the Venture Through Tartarus. The Challenge consists of the King of Tartarus himself, Dax Akagami facing off against the Legendary Bladers of BC Sol all in a row. To make this extra hard, these battles will be First to 2 Points so if he loses to a Burst… Well, it’s all over! Now, his First Opponent awaiting him is… Ranataro Kiyama!!
Sammy: Rantaro Kiyama has the same Bey as–
Me: Alright. Let’s get this show started so I can break you already!
Rantaro: Ha! You think you can beat me?! I’d like to see you try, I’m getting revenge for Ranjiro!!
Me: Ranjiro?
Rantaro: Yeah. Don’t you remember battling him a few days ago?
Me: Oh! That guy who was a supposed “Legend” but lost in mere seconds to my Tragic Deimos. I knew you sounded familiar!
Rantaro: I’m going to blow that arrogance of yours away with Glide Ragnaruk!!
(Rantaro holds up his Orange Glide Ragnaruk as he grins with his Lolipop in his mouth)
Me: Looks like you have the same Bey as Ranjiro’s. Too bad it’ll suffer the same fate!
(I hold up Tragic Deimos as I grin back at Rantaro, My Dark Resonance Aura surrounds me as I roar softly)
Rantaro: *Gasps* That looks like–
Referee: First Battle!
Me: Rantaro Kiyama, remember me because I’ll be the one who ripped away your Legend Status!
Rantaro: It’s Honcho, actually. And your King status is the only thing that’ll be ripped away in this battle!
Sisco (Thoughts): Looks like Rantaro is getting serious. Dang, he’s going to have to go all out if he wants to be able to defeat Dax!
Valt: Honcho, blow him away with your New Move!
Rantaro: I was planning on it!
Sammy: New Move?!
(Blue starts frantically scrolling through his Ipad as Sammy leans in from the side and watches)
Blue: It doesn’t say anything about any New Moves that Glide Ragnaruk may have.
Sammy: Well–
Referee: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Rantaro: Go, Shoot!!
(Me and Rantaro pull off Powerful Sparking Shoots as Sparks fill the area and surround the both of us, Ragnaruk speeds around the center dodges Deimos from the beginning)
Hanami: Both Bladers have pulled off some Powerful Shoots and it looks like Ragnaruk’s starting with an Attack!
Rantaro: Blow them away, Glide Tornado!!
Me: Tch… Hang in there!
(Ragnaruk’s 3 Blades flame up as they create a Huge Tornado around Ragnaruk, Ragnaruk speeds up and rams into Deimos as Deimos gets blown high into the air as Ragnaruk immediately takes the center afterward)
Hanami: Ragnaruk has literally blown Deimos away. Now, Deimos is flying through the air! Will this be an Over Finish?!
Rantaro: Looks like the battle’s over already!
Me: Keep going. Let loose!!
(Deimos crashes into the wall and ricochets off as it speeds toward Ragnaruk at High Speeds)
Rantaro: What?!
Me: This is it. Now strike!
Hanami: Deimos barely survives and goes in for the Finishing Attack!!
Rantaro: Let’s control the winds and control the center, Glide Zone!!
(Ragnaruk uses its 3 Blades to create a Downward Force holding it down to the ground, Deimos rams directly into Ragnaruk but gets blown back by its Powerful Defense)
Me: Tch…
Hanami: And Ragnaruk blows back Deimos using its Powerful Offensive Powers! Rantaro Kiyama is fighting for the win here!
Rantaro: How do you like these apples? Apples you can’t eat!
Me: Crush them, Sharp Shoot!!
(Deimos tilts on its driver and accelerates as it hits Ragnaruk with a Powerful Flurry of blows, Ragnaruk sits in the center tanking every attack)
Hanami: Deimos gears up for a Flurry of blows but Ragnaruk doesn’t even move an inch!
Rantaro: C’mon, aren’t you supposed to be the great Abyss King?!
Me: Grr!! Silence them, Tragic Crusher!!
(Deimos tilts on its driver and changes its direction as Deimos changes its direction toward Ragnaruk, Deimos’ Blades glow as it rams into Ragnaruk, Both Beys get sent flying out of the stadium but Deimos lands first)
Me/Rantaro: *Gasps*
Referee: It’s Glide Ragnaruk with an Over Finish! Rantaro Kiyama claims 1 Point!!
Rantaro: Ha! Looks like Honcho proves that Blading Legends are more superior then Blading Kings!!
Hanami: And Ragnaruk’s Defense proves superior because it just knocked Deimos flying out of the stadium! Looks like the Abyss King has met one Beast he cannot tame!!
Deimos: Grr!!
(Deimos glows brightly as I get pulled into a White Void, Wind gets blown past my face by Deimos’ Roaring)
Deimos: My Finishing Blow should’ve Burst Ragnaruk right there and then! But its Defenses were too bulked up so I couldn’t finish my Rampage!!
Me: *Grins Happily*
Deimos: Why are you so delighted after our loss?!
Me: Because I know how we can beat Ragnaruk. From what I saw in that Final Attack, Ragnaruk couldn’t withstand the Full Power of Tragic Crusher but barely was able to hang in there long enough for the Over Finish. So if we continue to strike it down with lots of Tragic Crushers at Full Speed then it’ll eventually have to Burst!!
Deimos: I like that plan, Abyss King!! *Laughs*
(I get pulled out of the White Void and grin at Rantaro to his surprise)
Rantaro: Why are you so happy? You just lost a point!
Me: Because Deimos is going to Burst Ragnaruk in the Next Battle and you’ll be bowing down to the Abyss King!!
Referee: Second Battle!!
Rantaro: You don’t know that for sure. Grr!! Don’t make me blown your Bey away!!
(I flip my hair into the air revealing my Purple Eyes dark glow as Rantaro gasps, My Resonance Aura flares up as I stare him down)
Rantaro (Thoughts): Ragnaruk, we’ve gotta stop him before he eventually goes too far.
Valt (Thoughts): His Resonance is so Corrupt. He is going to try destroying Ragnaruk in this battle… No doubt.
Referee: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Rantaro: Go, Shoot!!
(Sparks fly off our Launchers as we pull off Powerful Sparking Shoots, Deimos immediately speeds over towards Ragnaruk)
Me: Tragic Crusher!!
Rantaro: *Gasps*
(Deimos’ Blades glow as it rams into Ragnaruk sending it flying high into the air, Ragnaruk lands in the center but start slightly wobbling)
Hanami: Deimos starts off with a Powerful Attack but Ragnaruk dusts itself off and goes in for the center!
Rantaro: Let’s see how you’ll attack now, Glide Zone!!
Me: Strike again, Twilight Crusher!!
(Ragnaruk uses its wings to create a Downward force gluing itself into the ground, Deimos rams into it again with its Blades as Ragnaruk starts wobbling)
Rantaro: Ragnaruk didn’t block the attack?!
Hanami: Is it just me or is Deimos hammering through Ragnaruk’s Defenses and essentially breaking through?!
Me: Keep hitting it with your Twilight Crusher!!
(Deimos continues rams into Ragnaruk causing it to wobble with each hit as Rantaro’s eyes light up)
Hanami: Ragnaruk can’t continue like this. Is Ragnaruk going to be Out Spun?!
Rantaro: Never underestimate the Power of Stamina! Ragnaruk!!
(Rantaro’s Resonance Aura flares up as Ragnaruk blazes out of the Bey, Ragnaruk gets hit out of the center but speeds around the center at High Speeds)
Me: You’re having fun, aren’t you, Deimos?! Now obliterate them already!!
Rantaro: We won’t let this battle end here, Mach Tornado!!
(A Tornado surrounds Ragnaruk as it speeds around the stadium and rams into Deimos sending it flying high into the air)
Me: Send them to Tartarus, Deimos!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up as Deimos blazes out of the Bey, Purple Flames shimmer around Deimos as both Ragnaruk and Deimos prepare for impact)
Hanami: Both Beys are going for the Finishing Blow as they are Powered up to the Next Level!!
Rantaro: Blow them away, Super Tornado!!
Me: Finish this up, Tragic Crusher!!
(Deimos slashes at Ragnaruk’s Wings stopping the tornado as Purple Sparks fly off Ragnaruk’s Layer as Deimos continues slashing, Ragnaruk gets sent flying into the air and bursts)
Rantaro: W-W-What?!
Me: The Abyss King tames even the most untamable beasts of Tartarus!!
Referee: It’s Tragic Deimos with a Burst Finish! Dax Akagami is the Winner with a score of 2-1!!
Hanami: And Our Abyss King comes out on top in this battle and proves his dominance over the Blading World! Can anyone beat this Crazy Powerful Blader?!
Sisco: That would be me. I never lose any battles, unlike Kiyama here!
Rantaro: Tch… I dare you to try and defeat him. You’ll suffer the same fate!
Sisco: Unlike Kiyama here, I can actually Blade Properly. So, Abyss King… Got what it takes to defeat Curse Satomb?!
Me: I can defeat anyone because I’m the most Powerful Blader in the World!!
Sisco: *Grins* Prove that you’re somewhat decent and I won’t utterly crush you!!
Me: Deimos will be the One who crushes you! And We'll prove to the World that the Abyss King is invincible!!
I know I know, I haven't released a Mystical Boldness Episode is forever. Don't worry, I'll do it tomorrow since I like Uploading them on Fridays and I might get an extra one in on Saturday too.
I really like this chapter, great stuff UB!