Aug. 24, 2021 11:27 PM
Aug. 24, 2021 11:54 PM
(Aug. 24, 2021 11:27 PM)LJ-Blader Wrote: [ -> ]I thought over all it was good, but it seemed as if Valt pulled new moves out of no where. Other than that I love the name… Holy Valkyrie!
Yeah, I think I added a bit too many moves for its debut lol Also, I can't wait to write Venture Into The Demon's Castle and Darkness Roars, Belial Vs Asriel! And I know all you Bell fans will like it too. (It wasn't a spoiler, Venture Into The Demon's Castle and Darkness Roars, Belial Vs Asriel kinda already tells you this is when Bell is gonna debut
Aug. 25, 2021 12:05 PM
(Aug. 24, 2021 11:19 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 16 is sus. (Did I already use that one?)
Thoughts, pleaseSpoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 16
Explosive Scimitar, Holy Valkyrie!
Hanami: What is up with all you daring Bladers! Today, we’ll be diving into an awesome Battle Royal! It’s Free De La Hoya Vs Ren Kiyama, Wally Komurasaki, and Illius Mao!! Let’s get right into this match!!!
Referee: Battle Royal, First battle!
Ren: I’m gonna send you flying, mate!
Wally: Yeah, we’ll use our teamwork to beat you!
Illius *Nods*
(Illius puts Ifrit in Attack Mode)
Free: I’d like to see you try and take your best shot.
Referee: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Free/Wally/Ren: Go, Shoot!
(Illius, Wally, Ren, and Free pull off powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Ren: Take it down, Flaming Winged Tempest!!
(Ragnaruk creates a huge tornado and slams into Fafnir sending it flying towards Wyvern)
Wally: Savage Shield!
(Wyvern slams into Fafnir sending it flying into the center, Fafnir starts wobbling)
Hanami: Ragnaruk and Wyvern pull off a powerful combo attack right out of the gate!
Illius: Combust Shoot!
(Ifrit hits Fafnir with a powerful barrage of attacks, Fafnir wobbles even more with each hit)
Hanami: Fafnir’s being completely overpowered! Will it be taken out?
Ren: Go for broke, Ragnaruk!!
(Ragnaruk slams Fafnir down to the ground, Fafnir lands on its spring-loaded ring)
Free: Enchanting Counter!
(Fafnir bounces back up sending Ragnaruk flying into Wyvern)
Wally/Ren: *Gasps*
(Wyvern and Ragnaruk burst)
Hanami: Incredible! Fafnir knocks Ragnaruk and Wyvern out at the same time with one powerful counter!
Illius: Ifrit!!
(Illius’ Resonance Aura flares up Ifrit blazes out of the Bey)
Free: Fafnir!!
(Free’s Resonance Aura flares up Fafnir blazes out of the Bey)
Illius: Combust Slash!
(Ifrit slashes at Fafnir sending it flying across the stadium)
Free: One more time, Enchanting Counter!!
(Fafnir speeds up and slams into Ifrit, Ifrit shoots up in the air and bursts)
Illius: *Gasps*
Referee: Shade Fafnir is the winner!!
Hanami: Awesome! Fafnir speeds up at the last minute and bursts Ifrit! Free De La Hoya is still the boss!!
Illius (Thoughts): Man, he’s a strong Blader, he took Ifrit down with one counter-attack, I’ve gotta get stronger than this!
~In BC Sol’s Training Room~
Ren: Go, Shoot!
(Ren pulls off a really powerful Eclipse Shoot)
Austin: Still mad about your loss?
Ren: Yeah, I was so close but… grr!!
Adrian: It was your own fault.
Wally/Ren: Excuse me?!
Adrian: If Wally pulled off a stronger shoot, that Savage Shield could’ve drained more of Fafnir’s stamina. If Ragnaruk was in Heavy Mode it could’ve taken Fafnir out. Illius was the only person doing it right… But couldn’t withstand Fafnir’s powerful counter.
Valt: He’s… actually correct.
Austin: You're a good advice giver!
(Austin tries hugging Adrian but Adrian moves away)
Adrian: Just stating facts.
Wally: It’s so frustrating! Austin lost, we lost and Adrian lost, he’s supposed to be the strongest person on our team!!
Ren/Austin: Hey!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up, Adrian emits dark flames)
All: *Gasps*
Wally: I didn’t mean it like--
Possessed Adrian: Move.
(Adrian moves Wally and leaves the room)
Ren: See ya later mate!
Valt: I’ve gotta go too, you guys practice here.
Wally: You’ve got it!
~In BC Sol’s Workroom~
(Valt pulls Valkyrie’s fragments out of his pocket)
Valt: Valkyrie… his Resonance is growing stronger and stronger with each passing moment, I can’t let him go any further! So what do you say, why don’t we evolve?
(Valkyrie glimmers in the light)
Valt: Awesome, let’s do it!
~Deep In The Forest~
Adrian: Go, Shoot!!
(Adrian pulls off a really powerful Eclipse Shoot)
Adrian: Even with our upgrade we weren’t able to crush Fafnir!
Asriel: We’ll crush him and his Bey the next time we battle!
Adrian: Yeah, he got lucky.
(Asriel slams into the wall and gets sent flying out of the stadium)
Adrian: *Gasps* Asriel!
(Free catches Asriel)
Adrian: What’re you doing here?
Free: The same thing you’re doing, practicing.
Adrian: I’m going to crush you the next time we battle!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up, Asriel’s purple shadow stands behind me)
Free: Let’s test that theory.
Adrian: Ready?
Free/Adrian: 3! 2! 1! Go, Shoot!
(Free and Adrian pull off powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Free: Go for the center, Fafnir!
Adrian: Crush ‘em! Twilight Shoot!!
(Asriel hits Fafnir with a powerful barrage of attacks)
Free: Is this all you’ve got? Rivet Parry!!
(Fafnir blows off Asriel attack with its free-spinning disk, Adrian’s heart beats loudly)
Adrian: I’m gonna crush you!! Twilight Blight!!!
(Asriel speeds up and slams into Fafnir sending it flying in the air)
Free: Nice attack.
Adrian: That’s not all we’ve got!!
(My eyes turn purple as Asriel stands behind me, Fafnir lands back on the ground)
Free: Fafnir!!
(Free’s Resonance Aura flares up Fafnir blazes out of the Bey)
Adrian: Asriel!!
(Asriel turns purple and blazes out of the Bey)
Free: Go, Shade Claw!!
Adrian: Twilight Wing!!
(Asriel and Fafnir start clashing wildly causing a huge surge of power out of the stadium)
Adrian: *Roars*
(A humongous explosion ouccers, Fafnir and Asriel emerge in their bursted state from the smoke)
Adrian: Grr!!
(Adrian passes out)
Free: He managed to burst Fafnir but with the cost of bursting Asriel too. He’s dangerous.
(Free walks away)
~In BC Sol’s Workroom~
Valt: It’s done! Holy Valkyrie is ready to rumble!!
(Holy Valkyrie glimmers in the light, Austin and the gang bursts through the door)
Austin: Is he here?!
Valt: Woah, what’s going on guys?
Wally: Adrian’s gone, we’ve looked everywhere but we can’t find him!
(A loud explosion ouccers)
All: *Gasps*
(Valt looks out the window to see a purple light bursting out of the forest)
Valt: I think I found him.
~Deep In The Forest~
Ren: I found him, mates!
Austin: You’ve gotta be kidding!
(Austin starts shaking me frantically)
Adrian: *Sighs* If I got a dollar for every time you’d shake the heck out of me, I’d be rich.
All: *Sighs*
(Ren looks at the stadium in shock)
Wally: What’s up with you?
Ren: The stadium’s completely black!
(Wally looks at the stadium with smoke all over)
Austin: Was there a forest fire here or something?
Adrian: No, I was battling Free.
All: *Gasps*
Wally: He was out here and you battled him?!
Adrian: Yeah, he was super powerful.
Ren: Spit it out, who won?
Adrian: It was a draw.
Valt: You tied with Free?!
Adrian: Yeah, it was an intense battle.
Valt: If you want another intense battle then bring it!
(Valt holds up Valkyrie)
All: *Gasps* You evolved Valkyrie?!
Valt: Yeah, I wanna battle again!
Austin: Battle me!
Adrian: No, you’re battling me!
Valt: I’ll battle both of you!
Adrian/Austin: Wait what?
Valt: You guys versus me! It’ll be fun!
Adrian: Fine.
Austin: Aw yeah! This’ll be fun!!
~In El Astro’s Main Arena~
Hanami: What’s up boys and girls! Today, we’ll be diving into an interesting match today! It’s Valt Aoi Vs, Adrian and Austin Saito! It’ll be a two versus one battle, can Valt Aoi handle it? Let’s find out!!
(Adrian, Valt, and Austin walk out to the stage)
Valt: I’m gonna win this thing!
Austin: No, we’re gonna be the one’s winning!
Adrian: I’m gonna crush you.
Hanami: And guess what?! Valt’s got a new Bey!
(Valt holds up his Bey)
Hanami: It’s Holy Valkyrie!!
Referee: Inspect your opponent’s Bey!
Adrian (Thoughts): Holy Valkyrie, a Clockwise Spinning Attack Type! It has 3 powerful Blades that have rubber on them, they also have metal on them and have bound blades, looks like once the bound blades go back far enough it can awaken and stay locked in place! Its ‘Chassis has 3 Rubber Contact Points that line up with the main Blades! It looks like there are 3 rubber blades inside Valkyrie’s layer, once you shoot hard enough they come out, I wonder what they do. The driver has rubber and has a metal chip around it. I wonder what the driver can do. I’ll crush you again… Valt Aoi!
Austin (Thoughts): If I wanna beat Valt I’ve gotta attack!
(Austin puts Anpao in Attack Mode)
Referee: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Valt/Austin/Adrian: Go, Shoot!
(Valt, Austin, and Adrian pull off powerful Eclipse Shoots, 3 Red Rubber Blades pop out of Valkyrie, a rubber stick pops out of Valkyrie’s driver)
Valt: Yeah, that’s the Holy Awakening!
Adrian/Austin: *Gasps* “Holy Awakening?!”
Valt: Rush Shoot!
(Valkyrie hits Anpao with a powerful barrage of attacks)
Austin: *Gasps*
Hanami: Anpao gets pulverized with a powerful barrage of attacks
Adrian: You’re mine!!
(Asriel speeds up and slams into Valkyrie, Valkyrie and Asriel start clashing)
Hanami: Asriel and Valkyrie are clashing!!
Valt: Holy Bound!
(Valkyrie slashes at Asriel with its bound blade sending Asriel flying, A huge purple light slashes at Adrian)
Hanami: Valkyrie counters!
Adrian: Grr!!
(Adrian falls to the ground in pain)
Austin: Are you ok?
Adrian: I’m fine.
(Asriel and Anpao speed up in perfect synchronization and aim for Valkyrie)
Adrian/Austin: Go!!
Valt: Rush Shoot!
(Valkyrie slams into Anpao and Asriel sending them flying in both different directions)
Adrian/Austin: *Gasps*
Hanami: Valkyrie brushes off the double attack!
Adrian: Austin, go for it.
Austin: Yes! Anpao!!
(Anpao and Asriel start clashing, Anpao and Asriel start rotating together in perfect synch)
Adrian/Austin: Twin Gyro!!
Valt: Now, Holy Scimitar!!
(Valkyrie slams into Asriel and Anpao sending them both flying)
Austin: He beat Twin Gyro?!
Valt: Aah! Valkyrie!!
(Valt’s Resonance Aura flares up Valkyrie blazes out of the Bey)
Valt: Now, Wonder Reboot!!
(Valkyrie speeds up and slams into Anpao and Asriel, Valkyrie, Anpao, and Asriel start clashing in the center)
Austin/Adrian: *Gasps* It sped up?!
Hanami: And they clash!!
Valt: Bound Slash!!
(Valkyrie uses its Bound Blade to slash at Anpao and Asriel, Anpao and Asriel get shot out of the stadium)
Austin/Adrian: *Gasps*
Referee: Holy Valkyrie is the winner!
Hanami: Incredible! Valkyrie knocks out Anpao and Asriel with one powerful slash attack!
Adrian: He defeated me, with just one hit.
Austin: You mean… us.Tell me your fave parts too!
My fav. part
Spoiler (Click to View)
(Valt looks out the window to see a purple light bursting out of the forest)
Valt: I think I found him.
~Deep In The Forest~
Ren: I found him, mates!
Austin: You’ve gotta be kidding!
(Austin starts shaking me frantically)
Adrian: *Sighs* If I got a dollar for every time you’d shake the heck out of me, I’d be rich.
All: *Sighs*
Valt: I think I found him.
~Deep In The Forest~
Ren: I found him, mates!
Austin: You’ve gotta be kidding!
(Austin starts shaking me frantically)
Adrian: *Sighs* If I got a dollar for every time you’d shake the heck out of me, I’d be rich.
All: *Sighs*
Aug. 25, 2021 7:37 PM
Chapter 17 is so relatable.
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 17
Sibling Rivalry!
(Adrian slams his fist into the wall)
Adrian: Grr!! He beat me!!
Austin: Seriously?! I’ve told you so many times it’s us!!
Adrian: You didn’t even do anything in that battle!!
Austin: Really?! You would’ve lost faster if I didn’t help you!!
Wally: Guys calm--
Adrian: Really? The only thing you’re doing is holding me back!!
Austin: *Gasps*
(It goes completely silent, Austin’s face starts tearing up)
Austin: *Sniffles* Fine, if you feel that way I’ll stay out of your way!!
Possessed Adrian: Do it!!
All: *Gasps*
(Austin runs off crying)
Ren: Not cool mate.
Wally: That was seriously messed up.
(Illius looks at Adrian angrily)
(Ren, Wally, and Illius run after Austin)
Adrian: *Sighs*
~Deep In The Forest~
Adrian: Who needs him, he’s just holding me back.
(Adrian has a flashback)
Young Adrian: Mommy, what are we gowna do today?
Mom: Today we’ll stay home and chill out a little.
Young Adrian: Yay! I wuve hanging out!
(Young Austin walks up to Young Adrian)
Mom: Looks like someone woke up from their nap!
Young Adrian: Yay! Austin’s awake!!
Young Austin: A--Adrian!
Mom: *Gasps* Did you just talk?!
Young Austin: Adrian!!
Mom: Aw, looks like your first word was Adrian!
Young Adrian: Yay! I was fwirst!
(Adrian’s flashback ends)
Adrian: *Sighs* Things are… different now.
Valt: Do they really have to be different?
Adrian: *Gasps* How long have you been there?
Valt: Long enough to know what happened.
Adrian: Hmp! It was his fault that happened.
Valt: I know you actually feel sorry for him.
Adrian: What gave it away?
Valt: I’ve been here for a while and you're a horrible liar!!
Adrian: Fine, you’ve got me.
Valt: I have two little siblings so I know how you feel! But…
Adrian: But what?
Valt: I’ve been meaning to talk to you… about your Resonance.
Adrian: What about it?!
Valt: It’s corrupt, you’re controlling your Bey against its will.
Adrian: No way, I feel what Asriel feels, it’s because I’m getting stronger! You just don’t get it!!
Valt: I’ve seen this before, it doesn’t end well. You’ve just gotta trust me, you're better off cooling it.
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up, Adrian’s eyes glow)
Possessed Adrian: Grr!! You don’t get it, I’m crushing Legends left and right with my new power! And you’re just jealous!!
Valt: If you really think I’m jealous then why don’t we battle?!
Possessed Adrian: Bring it, I’ll show you how strong I am!!
(Valt and Adrian go up to the stadium)
Possessed Adrian: I’ll crush you cause I’m Asriel!!
Valt: No, no you’re not!
Valt/Adrian: 3! 2! 1! Go, Shoot!
(Valt and Adrian pull off powerful Eclipse Shoots, 3 Rubber Blades pop out of Valkyrie)
Valt: Awesome!
Possessed Adrian: Take ‘em down! Twilight Shoot!!
(Asriel hits Valkyrie with a powerful barrage of attacks)
Valt: Speed up, Rush Shoot!
(Valkyrie speeds up and starts countering all Asriel’s powerful attacks)
Adrian: Asriel!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel blazes out of the Bey)
Possessed Adrian: Blow ‘em away! Twilight Blight!!
(Asriel slams into Valkyrie sending it flying in the air)
Possessed Adrian: Now you burst!
(Valkyrie’s disk hits a small arrow, Valkyrie lands back on the ground and speeds up)
Adrian: *Gasps*
Valt: This is Valkyrie’s Holy Awakening!!
Adrian: “The Holy Awakening?!”
Valt: When I pull off a powerful Shoot 3 Rubber Blades pop out that I call the Holy Blades! When they’re out Valkyrie’s attack power and burst resistance skyrockets!
Adrian: That’s nice, but your stamina won’t cut it! Twilight Strike!!
(Valkyrie starts wobbling as Asriel speeds up and aims for Valkyrie)
Valt: We’ll see about that! Wonder Reboot!!
(Valkyrie speeds up and dodges Asriel’s attack)
Adrian: *Gasps*
Valt: Valkyrie!!
(Valt’s Resonance Aura flares up Valkyrie blazes out of the Bey, Adrian’s heart starts beating loudly)
Possessed Adrian: Rip ‘em apart, Twilight Wing!!
Valt: Holy Scimitar!!
(Valkyrie and Asriel speed up and start clashing causing a huge surge of power)
Valt/Adrian: Aah!!
(Both Beys get shot up in the air, Asriel bursts)
Adrian: *Gasps*
(A huge purple light slashes at Adrian, Adrian’s eyes flicker purple)
Valt: Looks like I won.
Adrian: You got lucky, one more time!!
Valt: You need to understand that you’re not Resonanating correctly!
Adrian: You don’t know anything, I’m the strongest Blader in the world, so let’s battle again!
Valt: Fine.
~In BC Sol’s Dorm~
(Austin flops himself on his bed)
Austin: Grr! That Idiot!!
(Austin punches his pillow in rage while tears fall from his face)
Ren: Calm down mate, I’m worried you’ll actually punch someone.
Wally: Yeah, please try calming down.
(Austin calms down and flops his head on his pillow)
Austin: Why does Adrian hate me?
Ren: “Hate you?!” Pssh! Nah, he’s just… um… Tough Love?
Wally: Nah, he just is… different.
Austin: I’d like some time by myself, please.
Wally: You’ve got it.
Ren: All yours mate.
(Ren and Wally leave the room while Illius looks at Austin concerningly)
Austin: Um, I kinda meant you too, Illius.
Illius: I know, just hear me out.
Austin: *Gasps* You talked!
Illius: You needed help, anyways, I have an obnoxious older sister that’s always tricking me into doing dumb stuff for her.
Austin: You have a sister?!
Illius: Yeah, Illya Mao.
Austin: “Illya Mao?” Isn’t she friends with Bell Daikokuten?
Illius: Yeah, she can be a real pain sometimes but I know she always has my back!
Austin: How so?
Illius: One time, in School, these kids were bullying me for not talking, and I honestly felt like crying, but Illya saw and came and helped me!
Austin: Really?
Illius: Yeah! I’m sure Adrian’s helped you out a bunch of times!
Austin: No, not--
(Austin has a flashback)
~A Couple Weeks Ago At The Park~
Ben: Why you!
(Ben starts getting close to Austin staring him down, I run up to him angrily)
Adrian: Leave him alone!!
Austin: *Gasps* Adrian…
Ben: Or what?!
Adrian: Or I’ll show you what’s up!
~Yesterday In The Hallway~
Ethan: Grr!! You’ll pay for that!!
(Ethan grabs his launcher and attaches Fallen Phoenix to his launcher)
Ethan: Go, Shoot!
(Ethan shoots Fafnir at Austin)
Austin: *Gasps*
???: Go, Shoot!
(Someone shoots their Bey before it hits Austin, Both Beys burst)
Ethan: *Gasps*
Adrian: Stay away from him!
Ethan: What’re you going to do if I don’t!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Adrian’s eyes turn purple)
Possessed Adrian: You will stay away from him, OR ELSE!!
Ethan: *Gasps* What a destructive Resonance.
(Ethan’ walks away, my Resonance Aura tones down)
Austin: Thanks, Adrian.
Adrian: Stay away from strangers.
(Austin ends his flashback)
Austin: That’s right, Adrian always has my back!
Illius: I don’t know if you knew this, but you’re the most important thing to Adrian in the world, he’ll always be there for you.
Austin: *Gasps*
Illius: I’ve gotta go, just remember what I said.
Austin: Thanks, Illius.
Illius: *Smiles*
~Deep In The Forest~
Valt: Holy Scimitar!!
(Valkyrie slams into Asriel, Asriel bursts)
Adrian: *Gasps*
Valt: If you’re not going to listen then, I’m done.
(Valt walks away, Adrian falls to the ground, Valt’s phone starts ringing)
Valt: What’s up?
Wally: Valt, it’s me, Wally!
Valt: Oh, hey Wally! Is Austin ok?
Wally: He’s doing fine for now, but I have an idea to help Austin and Adrian make up.
(Wally whispers something through the phone)
Valt: Got it, Adrian, I’ll battle you again, but, somewhere special!
Adrian: Fine.
~In BC Sol’s Hallway~
Adrian: Where are we battling again?
Valt: You’ll see.
Wally: Oh there you are, Adrian!
Ren: We made this quiet peaceful place for you to battle Valt!
Adrian: The forest was nice and--
Ren: Just get in there.
(Ren pushes Adrian into the dorm)
Adrian: Austin!!!
Austin: Adrian!!!
(The door slams shut, the room booms loudly with stuff crashing to the ground, and Adrian and Austin yelling at each other)
Ren: I feel like we should do something but I wanna keep listening.
Wally: I think it’s time to get them out.
Valt: Nah, they’ve got this.
(Adrian and Austin come out of the room, Austin comes out with Ice Cream and rapidly licks it)
Austin: Thanks, Adrian!
Adrian: It was nothing.
(Adrian and Austin walk right past Valt and the others)
Ren: I’m speechless.
Wally: So, why don’t we find something to do?
Ren: Yeah, we probably should.
Valt (Thoughts): They remind me of-- *Gasps*
Valt: Guys, I have a perfect idea of where to go next to get stronger!
All: *Gasps*
Austin: Where are we going Valt?
Valt: I know two strong Legendary Bladers in Japan that we can battle!
Adrian: “Legendary Bladers?”
Valt: Yeah, so why don’t we get outta Spain?!
Austin: Yeah, I’m so ready to battle!
~At The Airport~
Austin: Bye, Free! I can’t wait to battle you again!!
Free: I’ll see you then.
(My Dark Resonance Aura flares up)
Adrian: *Growls* I’ll crush you the next time we battle!
Free: Looking forward to it.
(Free and Adrian stare each other down)
Valt: Guys, we’ve gotta get going!
All: Bye, Free!
(We get on the Airplane, Free watches as the Airplane takes off)
Ethan: Now that they’re gone, it’s finally time for our battle.
Free: You won’t be destroying Fafnir.
Ethan: We’ll see about that.
(Ethan’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up)
Free (Thoughts): Looks like you’re dangerous just like him.
Give me all your thoughts!!
Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 17
Sibling Rivalry!
(Adrian slams his fist into the wall)
Adrian: Grr!! He beat me!!
Austin: Seriously?! I’ve told you so many times it’s us!!
Adrian: You didn’t even do anything in that battle!!
Austin: Really?! You would’ve lost faster if I didn’t help you!!
Wally: Guys calm--
Adrian: Really? The only thing you’re doing is holding me back!!
Austin: *Gasps*
(It goes completely silent, Austin’s face starts tearing up)
Austin: *Sniffles* Fine, if you feel that way I’ll stay out of your way!!
Possessed Adrian: Do it!!
All: *Gasps*
(Austin runs off crying)
Ren: Not cool mate.
Wally: That was seriously messed up.
(Illius looks at Adrian angrily)
(Ren, Wally, and Illius run after Austin)
Adrian: *Sighs*
~Deep In The Forest~
Adrian: Who needs him, he’s just holding me back.
(Adrian has a flashback)
Young Adrian: Mommy, what are we gowna do today?
Mom: Today we’ll stay home and chill out a little.
Young Adrian: Yay! I wuve hanging out!
(Young Austin walks up to Young Adrian)
Mom: Looks like someone woke up from their nap!
Young Adrian: Yay! Austin’s awake!!
Young Austin: A--Adrian!
Mom: *Gasps* Did you just talk?!
Young Austin: Adrian!!
Mom: Aw, looks like your first word was Adrian!
Young Adrian: Yay! I was fwirst!
(Adrian’s flashback ends)
Adrian: *Sighs* Things are… different now.
Valt: Do they really have to be different?
Adrian: *Gasps* How long have you been there?
Valt: Long enough to know what happened.
Adrian: Hmp! It was his fault that happened.
Valt: I know you actually feel sorry for him.
Adrian: What gave it away?
Valt: I’ve been here for a while and you're a horrible liar!!
Adrian: Fine, you’ve got me.
Valt: I have two little siblings so I know how you feel! But…
Adrian: But what?
Valt: I’ve been meaning to talk to you… about your Resonance.
Adrian: What about it?!
Valt: It’s corrupt, you’re controlling your Bey against its will.
Adrian: No way, I feel what Asriel feels, it’s because I’m getting stronger! You just don’t get it!!
Valt: I’ve seen this before, it doesn’t end well. You’ve just gotta trust me, you're better off cooling it.
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up, Adrian’s eyes glow)
Possessed Adrian: Grr!! You don’t get it, I’m crushing Legends left and right with my new power! And you’re just jealous!!
Valt: If you really think I’m jealous then why don’t we battle?!
Possessed Adrian: Bring it, I’ll show you how strong I am!!
(Valt and Adrian go up to the stadium)
Possessed Adrian: I’ll crush you cause I’m Asriel!!
Valt: No, no you’re not!
Valt/Adrian: 3! 2! 1! Go, Shoot!
(Valt and Adrian pull off powerful Eclipse Shoots, 3 Rubber Blades pop out of Valkyrie)
Valt: Awesome!
Possessed Adrian: Take ‘em down! Twilight Shoot!!
(Asriel hits Valkyrie with a powerful barrage of attacks)
Valt: Speed up, Rush Shoot!
(Valkyrie speeds up and starts countering all Asriel’s powerful attacks)
Adrian: Asriel!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel blazes out of the Bey)
Possessed Adrian: Blow ‘em away! Twilight Blight!!
(Asriel slams into Valkyrie sending it flying in the air)
Possessed Adrian: Now you burst!
(Valkyrie’s disk hits a small arrow, Valkyrie lands back on the ground and speeds up)
Adrian: *Gasps*
Valt: This is Valkyrie’s Holy Awakening!!
Adrian: “The Holy Awakening?!”
Valt: When I pull off a powerful Shoot 3 Rubber Blades pop out that I call the Holy Blades! When they’re out Valkyrie’s attack power and burst resistance skyrockets!
Adrian: That’s nice, but your stamina won’t cut it! Twilight Strike!!
(Valkyrie starts wobbling as Asriel speeds up and aims for Valkyrie)
Valt: We’ll see about that! Wonder Reboot!!
(Valkyrie speeds up and dodges Asriel’s attack)
Adrian: *Gasps*
Valt: Valkyrie!!
(Valt’s Resonance Aura flares up Valkyrie blazes out of the Bey, Adrian’s heart starts beating loudly)
Possessed Adrian: Rip ‘em apart, Twilight Wing!!
Valt: Holy Scimitar!!
(Valkyrie and Asriel speed up and start clashing causing a huge surge of power)
Valt/Adrian: Aah!!
(Both Beys get shot up in the air, Asriel bursts)
Adrian: *Gasps*
(A huge purple light slashes at Adrian, Adrian’s eyes flicker purple)
Valt: Looks like I won.
Adrian: You got lucky, one more time!!
Valt: You need to understand that you’re not Resonanating correctly!
Adrian: You don’t know anything, I’m the strongest Blader in the world, so let’s battle again!
Valt: Fine.
~In BC Sol’s Dorm~
(Austin flops himself on his bed)
Austin: Grr! That Idiot!!
(Austin punches his pillow in rage while tears fall from his face)
Ren: Calm down mate, I’m worried you’ll actually punch someone.
Wally: Yeah, please try calming down.
(Austin calms down and flops his head on his pillow)
Austin: Why does Adrian hate me?
Ren: “Hate you?!” Pssh! Nah, he’s just… um… Tough Love?
Wally: Nah, he just is… different.
Austin: I’d like some time by myself, please.
Wally: You’ve got it.
Ren: All yours mate.
(Ren and Wally leave the room while Illius looks at Austin concerningly)
Austin: Um, I kinda meant you too, Illius.
Illius: I know, just hear me out.
Austin: *Gasps* You talked!
Illius: You needed help, anyways, I have an obnoxious older sister that’s always tricking me into doing dumb stuff for her.
Austin: You have a sister?!
Illius: Yeah, Illya Mao.
Austin: “Illya Mao?” Isn’t she friends with Bell Daikokuten?
Illius: Yeah, she can be a real pain sometimes but I know she always has my back!
Austin: How so?
Illius: One time, in School, these kids were bullying me for not talking, and I honestly felt like crying, but Illya saw and came and helped me!
Austin: Really?
Illius: Yeah! I’m sure Adrian’s helped you out a bunch of times!
Austin: No, not--
(Austin has a flashback)
~A Couple Weeks Ago At The Park~
Ben: Why you!
(Ben starts getting close to Austin staring him down, I run up to him angrily)
Adrian: Leave him alone!!
Austin: *Gasps* Adrian…
Ben: Or what?!
Adrian: Or I’ll show you what’s up!
~Yesterday In The Hallway~
Ethan: Grr!! You’ll pay for that!!
(Ethan grabs his launcher and attaches Fallen Phoenix to his launcher)
Ethan: Go, Shoot!
(Ethan shoots Fafnir at Austin)
Austin: *Gasps*
???: Go, Shoot!
(Someone shoots their Bey before it hits Austin, Both Beys burst)
Ethan: *Gasps*
Adrian: Stay away from him!
Ethan: What’re you going to do if I don’t!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Adrian’s eyes turn purple)
Possessed Adrian: You will stay away from him, OR ELSE!!
Ethan: *Gasps* What a destructive Resonance.
(Ethan’ walks away, my Resonance Aura tones down)
Austin: Thanks, Adrian.
Adrian: Stay away from strangers.
(Austin ends his flashback)
Austin: That’s right, Adrian always has my back!
Illius: I don’t know if you knew this, but you’re the most important thing to Adrian in the world, he’ll always be there for you.
Austin: *Gasps*
Illius: I’ve gotta go, just remember what I said.
Austin: Thanks, Illius.
Illius: *Smiles*
~Deep In The Forest~
Valt: Holy Scimitar!!
(Valkyrie slams into Asriel, Asriel bursts)
Adrian: *Gasps*
Valt: If you’re not going to listen then, I’m done.
(Valt walks away, Adrian falls to the ground, Valt’s phone starts ringing)
Valt: What’s up?
Wally: Valt, it’s me, Wally!
Valt: Oh, hey Wally! Is Austin ok?
Wally: He’s doing fine for now, but I have an idea to help Austin and Adrian make up.
(Wally whispers something through the phone)
Valt: Got it, Adrian, I’ll battle you again, but, somewhere special!
Adrian: Fine.
~In BC Sol’s Hallway~
Adrian: Where are we battling again?
Valt: You’ll see.
Wally: Oh there you are, Adrian!
Ren: We made this quiet peaceful place for you to battle Valt!
Adrian: The forest was nice and--
Ren: Just get in there.
(Ren pushes Adrian into the dorm)
Adrian: Austin!!!
Austin: Adrian!!!
(The door slams shut, the room booms loudly with stuff crashing to the ground, and Adrian and Austin yelling at each other)
Ren: I feel like we should do something but I wanna keep listening.
Wally: I think it’s time to get them out.
Valt: Nah, they’ve got this.
(Adrian and Austin come out of the room, Austin comes out with Ice Cream and rapidly licks it)
Austin: Thanks, Adrian!
Adrian: It was nothing.
(Adrian and Austin walk right past Valt and the others)
Ren: I’m speechless.
Wally: So, why don’t we find something to do?
Ren: Yeah, we probably should.
Valt (Thoughts): They remind me of-- *Gasps*
Valt: Guys, I have a perfect idea of where to go next to get stronger!
All: *Gasps*
Austin: Where are we going Valt?
Valt: I know two strong Legendary Bladers in Japan that we can battle!
Adrian: “Legendary Bladers?”
Valt: Yeah, so why don’t we get outta Spain?!
Austin: Yeah, I’m so ready to battle!
~At The Airport~
Austin: Bye, Free! I can’t wait to battle you again!!
Free: I’ll see you then.
(My Dark Resonance Aura flares up)
Adrian: *Growls* I’ll crush you the next time we battle!
Free: Looking forward to it.
(Free and Adrian stare each other down)
Valt: Guys, we’ve gotta get going!
All: Bye, Free!
(We get on the Airplane, Free watches as the Airplane takes off)
Ethan: Now that they’re gone, it’s finally time for our battle.
Free: You won’t be destroying Fafnir.
Ethan: We’ll see about that.
(Ethan’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up)
Free (Thoughts): Looks like you’re dangerous just like him.
Aug. 25, 2021 7:48 PM
(Aug. 25, 2021 7:37 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 17 is so relatable.
Give me all your thoughts!!Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 17
Sibling Rivalry!
(Adrian slams his fist into the wall)
Adrian: Grr!! He beat me!!
Austin: Seriously?! I’ve told you so many times it’s us!!
Adrian: You didn’t even do anything in that battle!!
Austin: Really?! You would’ve lost faster if I didn’t help you!!
Wally: Guys calm--
Adrian: Really? The only thing you’re doing is holding me back!!
Austin: *Gasps*
(It goes completely silent, Austin’s face starts tearing up)
Austin: *Sniffles* Fine, if you feel that way I’ll stay out of your way!!
Possessed Adrian: Do it!!
All: *Gasps*
(Austin runs off crying)
Ren: Not cool mate.
Wally: That was seriously messed up.
(Illius looks at Adrian angrily)
(Ren, Wally, and Illius run after Austin)
Adrian: *Sighs*
~Deep In The Forest~
Adrian: Who needs him, he’s just holding me back.
(Adrian has a flashback)
Young Adrian: Mommy, what are we gowna do today?
Mom: Today we’ll stay home and chill out a little.
Young Adrian: Yay! I wuve hanging out!
(Young Austin walks up to Young Adrian)
Mom: Looks like someone woke up from their nap!
Young Adrian: Yay! Austin’s awake!!
Young Austin: A--Adrian!
Mom: *Gasps* Did you just talk?!
Young Austin: Adrian!!
Mom: Aw, looks like your first word was Adrian!
Young Adrian: Yay! I was fwirst!
(Adrian’s flashback ends)
Adrian: *Sighs* Things are… different now.
Valt: Do they really have to be different?
Adrian: *Gasps* How long have you been there?
Valt: Long enough to know what happened.
Adrian: Hmp! It was his fault that happened.
Valt: I know you actually feel sorry for him.
Adrian: What gave it away?
Valt: I’ve been here for a while and you're a horrible liar!!
Adrian: Fine, you’ve got me.
Valt: I have two little siblings so I know how you feel! But…
Adrian: But what?
Valt: I’ve been meaning to talk to you… about your Resonance.
Adrian: What about it?!
Valt: It’s corrupt, you’re controlling your Bey against its will.
Adrian: No way, I feel what Asriel feels, it’s because I’m getting stronger! You just don’t get it!!
Valt: I’ve seen this before, it doesn’t end well. You’ve just gotta trust me, you're better off cooling it.
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up, Adrian’s eyes glow)
Possessed Adrian: Grr!! You don’t get it, I’m crushing Legends left and right with my new power! And you’re just jealous!!
Valt: If you really think I’m jealous then why don’t we battle?!
Possessed Adrian: Bring it, I’ll show you how strong I am!!
(Valt and Adrian go up to the stadium)
Possessed Adrian: I’ll crush you cause I’m Asriel!!
Valt: No, no you’re not!
Valt/Adrian: 3! 2! 1! Go, Shoot!
(Valt and Adrian pull off powerful Eclipse Shoots, 3 Rubber Blades pop out of Valkyrie)
Valt: Awesome!
Possessed Adrian: Take ‘em down! Twilight Shoot!!
(Asriel hits Valkyrie with a powerful barrage of attacks)
Valt: Speed up, Rush Shoot!
(Valkyrie speeds up and starts countering all Asriel’s powerful attacks)
Adrian: Asriel!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel blazes out of the Bey)
Possessed Adrian: Blow ‘em away! Twilight Blight!!
(Asriel slams into Valkyrie sending it flying in the air)
Possessed Adrian: Now you burst!
(Valkyrie’s disk hits a small arrow, Valkyrie lands back on the ground and speeds up)
Adrian: *Gasps*
Valt: This is Valkyrie’s Holy Awakening!!
Adrian: “The Holy Awakening?!”
Valt: When I pull off a powerful Shoot 3 Rubber Blades pop out that I call the Holy Blades! When they’re out Valkyrie’s attack power and burst resistance skyrockets!
Adrian: That’s nice, but your stamina won’t cut it! Twilight Strike!!
(Valkyrie starts wobbling as Asriel speeds up and aims for Valkyrie)
Valt: We’ll see about that! Wonder Reboot!!
(Valkyrie speeds up and dodges Asriel’s attack)
Adrian: *Gasps*
Valt: Valkyrie!!
(Valt’s Resonance Aura flares up Valkyrie blazes out of the Bey, Adrian’s heart starts beating loudly)
Possessed Adrian: Rip ‘em apart, Twilight Wing!!
Valt: Holy Scimitar!!
(Valkyrie and Asriel speed up and start clashing causing a huge surge of power)
Valt/Adrian: Aah!!
(Both Beys get shot up in the air, Asriel bursts)
Adrian: *Gasps*
(A huge purple light slashes at Adrian, Adrian’s eyes flicker purple)
Valt: Looks like I won.
Adrian: You got lucky, one more time!!
Valt: You need to understand that you’re not Resonanating correctly!
Adrian: You don’t know anything, I’m the strongest Blader in the world, so let’s battle again!
Valt: Fine.
~In BC Sol’s Dorm~
(Austin flops himself on his bed)
Austin: Grr! That Idiot!!
(Austin punches his pillow in rage while tears fall from his face)
Ren: Calm down mate, I’m worried you’ll actually punch someone.
Wally: Yeah, please try calming down.
(Austin calms down and flops his head on his pillow)
Austin: Why does Adrian hate me?
Ren: “Hate you?!” Pssh! Nah, he’s just… um… Tough Love?
Wally: Nah, he just is… different.
Austin: I’d like some time by myself, please.
Wally: You’ve got it.
Ren: All yours mate.
(Ren and Wally leave the room while Illius looks at Austin concerningly)
Austin: Um, I kinda meant you too, Illius.
Illius: I know, just hear me out.
Austin: *Gasps* You talked!
Illius: You needed help, anyways, I have an obnoxious older sister that’s always tricking me into doing dumb stuff for her.
Austin: You have a sister?!
Illius: Yeah, Illya Mao.
Austin: “Illya Mao?” Isn’t she friends with Bell Daikokuten?
Illius: Yeah, she can be a real pain sometimes but I know she always has my back!
Austin: How so?
Illius: One time, in School, these kids were bullying me for not talking, and I honestly felt like crying, but Illya saw and came and helped me!
Austin: Really?
Illius: Yeah! I’m sure Adrian’s helped you out a bunch of times!
Austin: No, not--
(Austin has a flashback)
~A Couple Weeks Ago At The Park~
Ben: Why you!
(Ben starts getting close to Austin staring him down, I run up to him angrily)
Adrian: Leave him alone!!
Austin: *Gasps* Adrian…
Ben: Or what?!
Adrian: Or I’ll show you what’s up!
~Yesterday In The Hallway~
Ethan: Grr!! You’ll pay for that!!
(Ethan grabs his launcher and attaches Fallen Phoenix to his launcher)
Ethan: Go, Shoot!
(Ethan shoots Fafnir at Austin)
Austin: *Gasps*
???: Go, Shoot!
(Someone shoots their Bey before it hits Austin, Both Beys burst)
Ethan: *Gasps*
Adrian: Stay away from him!
Ethan: What’re you going to do if I don’t!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Adrian’s eyes turn purple)
Possessed Adrian: You will stay away from him, OR ELSE!!
Ethan: *Gasps* What a destructive Resonance.
(Ethan’ walks away, my Resonance Aura tones down)
Austin: Thanks, Adrian.
Adrian: Stay away from strangers.
(Austin ends his flashback)
Austin: That’s right, Adrian always has my back!
Illius: I don’t know if you knew this, but you’re the most important thing to Adrian in the world, he’ll always be there for you.
Austin: *Gasps*
Illius: I’ve gotta go, just remember what I said.
Austin: Thanks, Illius.
Illius: *Smiles*
~Deep In The Forest~
Valt: Holy Scimitar!!
(Valkyrie slams into Asriel, Asriel bursts)
Adrian: *Gasps*
Valt: If you’re not going to listen then, I’m done.
(Valt walks away, Adrian falls to the ground, Valt’s phone starts ringing)
Valt: What’s up?
Wally: Valt, it’s me, Wally!
Valt: Oh, hey Wally! Is Austin ok?
Wally: He’s doing fine for now, but I have an idea to help Austin and Adrian make up.
(Wally whispers something through the phone)
Valt: Got it, Adrian, I’ll battle you again, but, somewhere special!
Adrian: Fine.
~In BC Sol’s Hallway~
Adrian: Where are we battling again?
Valt: You’ll see.
Wally: Oh there you are, Adrian!
Ren: We made this quiet peaceful place for you to battle Valt!
Adrian: The forest was nice and--
Ren: Just get in there.
(Ren pushes Adrian into the dorm)
Adrian: Austin!!!
Austin: Adrian!!!
(The door slams shut, the room booms loudly with stuff crashing to the ground, and Adrian and Austin yelling at each other)
Ren: I feel like we should do something but I wanna keep listening.
Wally: I think it’s time to get them out.
Valt: Nah, they’ve got this.
(Adrian and Austin come out of the room, Austin comes out with Ice Cream and rapidly licks it)
Austin: Thanks, Adrian!
Adrian: It was nothing.
(Adrian and Austin walk right past Valt and the others)
Ren: I’m speechless.
Wally: So, why don’t we find something to do?
Ren: Yeah, we probably should.
Valt (Thoughts): They remind me of-- *Gasps*
Valt: Guys, I have a perfect idea of where to go next to get stronger!
All: *Gasps*
Austin: Where are we going Valt?
Valt: I know two strong Legendary Bladers in Japan that we can battle!
Adrian: “Legendary Bladers?”
Valt: Yeah, so why don’t we get outta Spain?!
Austin: Yeah, I’m so ready to battle!
~At The Airport~
Austin: Bye, Free! I can’t wait to battle you again!!
Free: I’ll see you then.
(My Dark Resonance Aura flares up)
Adrian: *Growls* I’ll crush you the next time we battle!
Free: Looking forward to it.
(Free and Adrian stare each other down)
Valt: Guys, we’ve gotta get going!
All: Bye, Free!
(We get on the Airplane, Free watches as the Airplane takes off)
Ethan: Now that they’re gone, it’s finally time for our battle.
Free: You won’t be destroying Fafnir.
Ethan: We’ll see about that.
(Ethan’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up)
Free (Thoughts): Looks like you’re dangerous just like him.
Ethan got phoenix.... So he might be getting another bey soon right?
Aug. 25, 2021 7:50 PM
(Aug. 25, 2021 7:48 PM)Kiryu Kazuma Wrote: [ -> ](Aug. 25, 2021 7:37 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 17 is so relatable.
Give me all your thoughts!!Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 17
Sibling Rivalry!
(Adrian slams his fist into the wall)
Adrian: Grr!! He beat me!!
Austin: Seriously?! I’ve told you so many times it’s us!!
Adrian: You didn’t even do anything in that battle!!
Austin: Really?! You would’ve lost faster if I didn’t help you!!
Wally: Guys calm--
Adrian: Really? The only thing you’re doing is holding me back!!
Austin: *Gasps*
(It goes completely silent, Austin’s face starts tearing up)
Austin: *Sniffles* Fine, if you feel that way I’ll stay out of your way!!
Possessed Adrian: Do it!!
All: *Gasps*
(Austin runs off crying)
Ren: Not cool mate.
Wally: That was seriously messed up.
(Illius looks at Adrian angrily)
(Ren, Wally, and Illius run after Austin)
Adrian: *Sighs*
~Deep In The Forest~
Adrian: Who needs him, he’s just holding me back.
(Adrian has a flashback)
Young Adrian: Mommy, what are we gowna do today?
Mom: Today we’ll stay home and chill out a little.
Young Adrian: Yay! I wuve hanging out!
(Young Austin walks up to Young Adrian)
Mom: Looks like someone woke up from their nap!
Young Adrian: Yay! Austin’s awake!!
Young Austin: A--Adrian!
Mom: *Gasps* Did you just talk?!
Young Austin: Adrian!!
Mom: Aw, looks like your first word was Adrian!
Young Adrian: Yay! I was fwirst!
(Adrian’s flashback ends)
Adrian: *Sighs* Things are… different now.
Valt: Do they really have to be different?
Adrian: *Gasps* How long have you been there?
Valt: Long enough to know what happened.
Adrian: Hmp! It was his fault that happened.
Valt: I know you actually feel sorry for him.
Adrian: What gave it away?
Valt: I’ve been here for a while and you're a horrible liar!!
Adrian: Fine, you’ve got me.
Valt: I have two little siblings so I know how you feel! But…
Adrian: But what?
Valt: I’ve been meaning to talk to you… about your Resonance.
Adrian: What about it?!
Valt: It’s corrupt, you’re controlling your Bey against its will.
Adrian: No way, I feel what Asriel feels, it’s because I’m getting stronger! You just don’t get it!!
Valt: I’ve seen this before, it doesn’t end well. You’ve just gotta trust me, you're better off cooling it.
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up, Adrian’s eyes glow)
Possessed Adrian: Grr!! You don’t get it, I’m crushing Legends left and right with my new power! And you’re just jealous!!
Valt: If you really think I’m jealous then why don’t we battle?!
Possessed Adrian: Bring it, I’ll show you how strong I am!!
(Valt and Adrian go up to the stadium)
Possessed Adrian: I’ll crush you cause I’m Asriel!!
Valt: No, no you’re not!
Valt/Adrian: 3! 2! 1! Go, Shoot!
(Valt and Adrian pull off powerful Eclipse Shoots, 3 Rubber Blades pop out of Valkyrie)
Valt: Awesome!
Possessed Adrian: Take ‘em down! Twilight Shoot!!
(Asriel hits Valkyrie with a powerful barrage of attacks)
Valt: Speed up, Rush Shoot!
(Valkyrie speeds up and starts countering all Asriel’s powerful attacks)
Adrian: Asriel!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel blazes out of the Bey)
Possessed Adrian: Blow ‘em away! Twilight Blight!!
(Asriel slams into Valkyrie sending it flying in the air)
Possessed Adrian: Now you burst!
(Valkyrie’s disk hits a small arrow, Valkyrie lands back on the ground and speeds up)
Adrian: *Gasps*
Valt: This is Valkyrie’s Holy Awakening!!
Adrian: “The Holy Awakening?!”
Valt: When I pull off a powerful Shoot 3 Rubber Blades pop out that I call the Holy Blades! When they’re out Valkyrie’s attack power and burst resistance skyrockets!
Adrian: That’s nice, but your stamina won’t cut it! Twilight Strike!!
(Valkyrie starts wobbling as Asriel speeds up and aims for Valkyrie)
Valt: We’ll see about that! Wonder Reboot!!
(Valkyrie speeds up and dodges Asriel’s attack)
Adrian: *Gasps*
Valt: Valkyrie!!
(Valt’s Resonance Aura flares up Valkyrie blazes out of the Bey, Adrian’s heart starts beating loudly)
Possessed Adrian: Rip ‘em apart, Twilight Wing!!
Valt: Holy Scimitar!!
(Valkyrie and Asriel speed up and start clashing causing a huge surge of power)
Valt/Adrian: Aah!!
(Both Beys get shot up in the air, Asriel bursts)
Adrian: *Gasps*
(A huge purple light slashes at Adrian, Adrian’s eyes flicker purple)
Valt: Looks like I won.
Adrian: You got lucky, one more time!!
Valt: You need to understand that you’re not Resonanating correctly!
Adrian: You don’t know anything, I’m the strongest Blader in the world, so let’s battle again!
Valt: Fine.
~In BC Sol’s Dorm~
(Austin flops himself on his bed)
Austin: Grr! That Idiot!!
(Austin punches his pillow in rage while tears fall from his face)
Ren: Calm down mate, I’m worried you’ll actually punch someone.
Wally: Yeah, please try calming down.
(Austin calms down and flops his head on his pillow)
Austin: Why does Adrian hate me?
Ren: “Hate you?!” Pssh! Nah, he’s just… um… Tough Love?
Wally: Nah, he just is… different.
Austin: I’d like some time by myself, please.
Wally: You’ve got it.
Ren: All yours mate.
(Ren and Wally leave the room while Illius looks at Austin concerningly)
Austin: Um, I kinda meant you too, Illius.
Illius: I know, just hear me out.
Austin: *Gasps* You talked!
Illius: You needed help, anyways, I have an obnoxious older sister that’s always tricking me into doing dumb stuff for her.
Austin: You have a sister?!
Illius: Yeah, Illya Mao.
Austin: “Illya Mao?” Isn’t she friends with Bell Daikokuten?
Illius: Yeah, she can be a real pain sometimes but I know she always has my back!
Austin: How so?
Illius: One time, in School, these kids were bullying me for not talking, and I honestly felt like crying, but Illya saw and came and helped me!
Austin: Really?
Illius: Yeah! I’m sure Adrian’s helped you out a bunch of times!
Austin: No, not--
(Austin has a flashback)
~A Couple Weeks Ago At The Park~
Ben: Why you!
(Ben starts getting close to Austin staring him down, I run up to him angrily)
Adrian: Leave him alone!!
Austin: *Gasps* Adrian…
Ben: Or what?!
Adrian: Or I’ll show you what’s up!
~Yesterday In The Hallway~
Ethan: Grr!! You’ll pay for that!!
(Ethan grabs his launcher and attaches Fallen Phoenix to his launcher)
Ethan: Go, Shoot!
(Ethan shoots Fafnir at Austin)
Austin: *Gasps*
???: Go, Shoot!
(Someone shoots their Bey before it hits Austin, Both Beys burst)
Ethan: *Gasps*
Adrian: Stay away from him!
Ethan: What’re you going to do if I don’t!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Adrian’s eyes turn purple)
Possessed Adrian: You will stay away from him, OR ELSE!!
Ethan: *Gasps* What a destructive Resonance.
(Ethan’ walks away, my Resonance Aura tones down)
Austin: Thanks, Adrian.
Adrian: Stay away from strangers.
(Austin ends his flashback)
Austin: That’s right, Adrian always has my back!
Illius: I don’t know if you knew this, but you’re the most important thing to Adrian in the world, he’ll always be there for you.
Austin: *Gasps*
Illius: I’ve gotta go, just remember what I said.
Austin: Thanks, Illius.
Illius: *Smiles*
~Deep In The Forest~
Valt: Holy Scimitar!!
(Valkyrie slams into Asriel, Asriel bursts)
Adrian: *Gasps*
Valt: If you’re not going to listen then, I’m done.
(Valt walks away, Adrian falls to the ground, Valt’s phone starts ringing)
Valt: What’s up?
Wally: Valt, it’s me, Wally!
Valt: Oh, hey Wally! Is Austin ok?
Wally: He’s doing fine for now, but I have an idea to help Austin and Adrian make up.
(Wally whispers something through the phone)
Valt: Got it, Adrian, I’ll battle you again, but, somewhere special!
Adrian: Fine.
~In BC Sol’s Hallway~
Adrian: Where are we battling again?
Valt: You’ll see.
Wally: Oh there you are, Adrian!
Ren: We made this quiet peaceful place for you to battle Valt!
Adrian: The forest was nice and--
Ren: Just get in there.
(Ren pushes Adrian into the dorm)
Adrian: Austin!!!
Austin: Adrian!!!
(The door slams shut, the room booms loudly with stuff crashing to the ground, and Adrian and Austin yelling at each other)
Ren: I feel like we should do something but I wanna keep listening.
Wally: I think it’s time to get them out.
Valt: Nah, they’ve got this.
(Adrian and Austin come out of the room, Austin comes out with Ice Cream and rapidly licks it)
Austin: Thanks, Adrian!
Adrian: It was nothing.
(Adrian and Austin walk right past Valt and the others)
Ren: I’m speechless.
Wally: So, why don’t we find something to do?
Ren: Yeah, we probably should.
Valt (Thoughts): They remind me of-- *Gasps*
Valt: Guys, I have a perfect idea of where to go next to get stronger!
All: *Gasps*
Austin: Where are we going Valt?
Valt: I know two strong Legendary Bladers in Japan that we can battle!
Adrian: “Legendary Bladers?”
Valt: Yeah, so why don’t we get outta Spain?!
Austin: Yeah, I’m so ready to battle!
~At The Airport~
Austin: Bye, Free! I can’t wait to battle you again!!
Free: I’ll see you then.
(My Dark Resonance Aura flares up)
Adrian: *Growls* I’ll crush you the next time we battle!
Free: Looking forward to it.
(Free and Adrian stare each other down)
Valt: Guys, we’ve gotta get going!
All: Bye, Free!
(We get on the Airplane, Free watches as the Airplane takes off)
Ethan: Now that they’re gone, it’s finally time for our battle.
Free: You won’t be destroying Fafnir.
Ethan: We’ll see about that.
(Ethan’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up)
Free (Thoughts): Looks like you’re dangerous just like him.
Ethan got phoenix.... So he might be getting another bey soon right?
Yes, he'll be the main Antagnost so he's gonna need to have his own Bey.
Aug. 25, 2021 7:52 PM
Evil brothers are cool and all… but what is Adrians problem?
Aug. 25, 2021 8:09 PM
(Aug. 25, 2021 7:52 PM)LJ-Blader Wrote: [ -> ]Evil brothers are cool and all… but what is Adrians problem?
It's kinda an Aiga situation here, when he started Blading, all he cared about was winning and winning only, he got so absorbed in winning that he let he corrupted his Bey and himself, also Adrian has ADHD to explain the outbursts of anger
Aug. 25, 2021 8:39 PM
(Aug. 25, 2021 8:09 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ](Aug. 25, 2021 7:52 PM)LJ-Blader Wrote: [ -> ]Evil brothers are cool and all… but what is Adrians problem?
It's kinda an Aiga situation here, when he started Blading, all he cared about was winning and winning only, he got so absorbed in winning that he let he corrupted his Bey and himself, also Adrian has ADHD to explain the outbursts of anger
idk how ADHD explains anything, but ok. Anyways, nice chapter. Where did the ice cream came from?
Edit: nevermind, it explains something
Spoiler (Click to View)
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental, behavioral, and neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by inattention, bouts of excessive energy, hyper-fixation, and impulsivity, which are pervasive, impairing. Some individuals with ADHD also display difficulty regulating emotions or problems with executive function. For a diagnosis, the symptoms have to be present for more than six months, and cause problems in at least two settings (such as school, home, work, or recreational activities). In children, problems paying attention may result in poor school performance. Additionally, it is associated with other mental disorders and substance use disorders. Although it causes impairment, particularly in modern society, many people with ADHD have sustained attention for tasks they find interesting or rewarding, known as hyperfocus.
Aug. 26, 2021 12:56 AM
Chapter 18 is bussin
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 18
The Ultimate Tag Partners!
~At The Warehouse~
Wally: So, Valt, who are we going to battle?
Valt: First, we’ve got a guest who will take us to battle the Legends!
Austin: I love guests, who is it?!
(??? bursts through the door)
???: It’s me!
Austin: Dad?!
(Austin runs up to Dad and hugs him)
Dad: Hey, Austin! It’s been a while since I saw you!!
Austin: It’s been a month!
(Dad walks up to me)
Dad: Adrian! The man with the plan, how’s it going?!
(Dad tries hugging Adrian but Adrian slaps his hand away)
Adrian: Hmp!
Dad: As feisty as ever!
(Dad tries putting his hand out but I grab it and start holding it tightly)
Dad: Ow, Ow!! That hurts very much!!
Austin: What’s your problem, Adrian?!
Adrian: *Sighs* Looks like you were too young to remember.
Austin: Remember what?--
Valt: Alright, so, why don’t we get ready to go?!
All: Alright!
~In The Car~
Ren: Valt, where are we going?
Valt: We’re going to meet the Strongest Tag Team in the world!
Wally: We’re meeting Hyuga and Hikaru Ashi?!
Adrian: I’ll crush ‘em both.
Dad: Now, Adrian, Beyblade’s--
Adrian: About having fun blah, blah, (Like I asked you)
Dad: You’re sassing the person that can ground you?
Adrian: But yet you won’t.
Austin: Seriously, what is going on between you two?!
Adrian/Dad: Family Business.
Austin: But I’m a part of the family too!
Ren: Anyways, what’ll battling Hikaru and Hyuga be like?
Valt: Awesome, I can say that for a fact!
(Valt has a flashback)
Hikaru/Hyuga: Twin Break Impact!!
(Helios launches Hyperion at Valkyrie and Ragnaruk, Hyperion slams down on Valkyrie and Ragnaruk, Hyperion, Valkyrie, and Ragnaruk burst)
All: *Gasps*
(Valt ends his flashback)
Valt: They’re always in perfect synch and they can pull off powerful double attacks! Beating them won’t be easy!!
Ren: I’ll send ‘em flying!
Austin: Me and Adrian are the strongest Tag Team in the world, we’ll be able to beat ‘em!
Adrian: Nope.
Austin: Seriously?
Dad: C’mon, Adrian, why don’t you work with your brother?
Adrian: I’d honestly rather work with him over you.
(Adrian and Dad glare at each other)
Austin: Seriously, what’s going on?!!
~At The Bombers Gym~
Dad: Bye, guys! I’ll pick you up later, remember to work together!
Adrian: As long as it’s not with you!
Dad: *Sighs Deeply*
(Everyone stares at Adrian as Dad drives off)
Adrian: What?
Austin: I think we need to take you to a psychologist.
(We open the door to see a red Beyblade flying at us, Valt catches the Bey)
???: Thanks, I-- Valt?!
???: Valt’s here?!
Valt: Hey, Hyuga and Hikaru!
Hyuga: Hey, Valt!
Hikaru: Valt, who did you bring with you?
Valt: This is Adrian, Austin, Wally, Ren, and Illius!
Hyuga: Hey, guys!
Austin: Hey!
Hikaru: What’s up!
Valt: They came here to battle you to get stronger!
Hikaru: They wanna battle us?
Hyuga: Yeah, I’ll take you guys on!
Valt: To make things interesting, why don’t we have some Tag Battles?
Ren: I’m going first!
Wally: I’ll team up with you!
Hyuga: Hikaru, let’s kablam them out of the stadium!
Hikaru: Yeah, we’re the strongest team around you know!
Valt: I’ll be the referee! First Battle!
Ren: I’ve got an idea, Wally!
(Ren whispers something in Wally’s ear)
Wally: Got it!
Ren: Squall Ragnaruk is gonna blow you away!
(Ren puts Ragnaruk in Heavy Mode)
Wally: You won’t beat Savage Wyvern!
Hikaru: *Gasps* I’ve never seen Beys like that before!
Austin: That’s the Yin Yang System! My brother and I created it!
Hikaru: That’s nice but, we’ll still be the winners!
Hyuga: Yeah, Hyperion Burn will send you flying!
Hikaru: Helios Volcano is going to beat you!
Valt: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Hikaru/Hyuga/Ren/Wally: Go, Shoot!
(Hikaru and Hyuga pull off powerful Sparking Shoots, Ren and Wally pull off powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Ren: Go, Ragnaruk!
Hyuga: Send ‘em flying! Hyperion!!
(Hyperion slams into Ragnaruk but gets sent flying in the air)
Hikaru/Hyuga: *Gasps*
Ren: That’s Ragnaruk’s Heavy Mode, knocking it out will be a challenge mate!
Wally: Go, Wyvern!!
(Ragnaruk takes the center while Wyvern speeds around it)
Wally/Ren: Savage Squall!!
(Ragnaruk creates a wind barrier and carriers Wyvern around it, Wyvern speeds around Ragnaruk using the wind, Wyvern blocks all Hyperion and Helios’ attacks)
Valt: Wyvern’s blocking all of Hyperion and Helios’ attacks, and Ragnaruk is retaining stamina!!
Hikaru: Hyuga, it’s time!
Hyuga: Vroom, Hyperion!!
(Hyperion and Helios speed up and start clashing)
Hikaru: Helios!
Hyuga: Hyperion!
(Hyuga and Hikaru’s Resonance Aura flares up Hyperion and Helios blaze out of the Beys, Hyperion and Helios start speeding up and creating sparks)
Hyuga/Hikaru: Twin Strike!!
(Hyperion and Helios slam into Wyvern, Wyvern bursts)
Wally: *Gasps*
Hyuga/Hikaru: Now, Twin Limit Break!!
(Hyperion and Helios slam into Ragnaruk, Hyperion and Helios’ Limit Break activates, Ragnaruk gets sent flying into the wall and bursts)
Ren: *Gasps*
Valt: Helios Volcano and Hyperion Burn are the winners!
Ren: They beat us in no time!
Wally: Grr!! They’re so strong!
Valt: Maybe you guys should start practicing even harder when we get back!
Ren: You’ve got it, we’ll train so hard our arms will fall off!!
Wally: Yeah, I’m gonna become the strongest part of this team!
Adrian: Hyuga and Hikaru Ashi! You’re battling me next!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up, Asriel’s purple shadow stands behind Adrian)
Hyuga: His Resonance, it’s like…
Hikaru: It’s like… What Lain was like before he changed.
Austin: I wanna battle!
Adrian: I’m gonna be the one battling!
Hikaru: Don’t forget these battles are Tag Battles, so both of you can battle!
Austin: Looks like you’re my partner, Adrian!
Adrian: Fine, whatever it takes to crush you guys!
Valt: First battle!
Adrian: Austin, you’ll go for Hyperion and match if blow for blow!
Austin: But wouldn’t going in Stamina Mode seal the deal?
Adrian: Just trust me, go on the blitz!
Austin: Okay.
(Austin puts Anpao in Attack Mode)
Hikaru: We’re the Tag Team World Champs! You won’t be beating us so easily!
Hyuga: Yeah, Hyperion will go kablam boom!
Valt: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Hyuga/Hikaru/Adrian/Austin: Go, Shoot!
(Austin and Adrian pull off powerful Eclipse Shoots, Hyuga and Hikaru pull off powerful Sparking Shoots)
Hyuga: Go, Hyperion!
Hikaru: Now, Helios!
(Hyperion and Helios aim for Anpao moving in perfect synchronization)
Austin: *Gasps*
Adrian: I’m your opponent!
(Asriel slams into Hyperion and Helios sending them flying)
Hyuga: Try again, Hyperion!!
(Hyperion speeds up and aims for Asriel)
Adrian: Twilight Strike!!
Hyuga: Burning Strike!
(Hyperion and Asriel slam into each other sending each other flying, a purple light his Adrian)
Adrian: *Winces*
Austin: Sol Burn!
(Anpao speeds up and slams into Helios sending both of them flying)
Hikaru: Now, Hyuga!
(Hyperion and Helios speed up and hit Asriel and Anpao with a powerful barrage of attacks, Asriel and Anpao get hit back and forth, purple lights slash at Adrian)
Adrian: Grr!!! Now, Asriel!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel blazes out of the Bey)
Austin: Anpao!!
(Austin’s Resonance Aura flares up Anpao blazes out of the Bey)
Austin/Adrian: Let’s go!!
(Asriel and Anpao slam into each other and get shot out of the barrage)
Hikaru/Hyuga: *Gasps*
Adrian: Twilight Wing!!
Austin: Follow up with Sol Spark!
(Asriel slashes at Helios sending it flying at Hyperion, Hyperion gets hit with a powerful blow from Anpao, Hyperion and Helios start wobbling)
Hyuga: Hyperion!!
(Hyuga’s Resonance Aura flares up Hyperion blazes out of the Bey)
Hikaru: Helios!!
(Hikaru’s Resonance Aura flares up Helios blazes out of the Bey, Helios and Hyperion start clashing)
Hikaru/Hyuga: Twin Break Impact!!
(Helios launches Hyperion at Asriel, Hyperion starts speeding up and aims for Asriel)
Adrian: *Gasps*
Austin: I’ve got your back!!
(Anpao speeds up and slams into Hyperion, Hyperion and Anpao burst)
All: *Gasps*
Adrian: You didn’t need to do that.
Austin: Just win this thing for me, got it?
Adrian: *Roars*
(Asriel flickers gold before turning black and purple)
Valt: *Gasps*
Possessed Adrian: Tear ‘em apart!! Twilight Blight!!!
(Asriel speeds up and aims for Helios)
Hikaru: C’mon, you’ve got this!!
(Helios enters flare, Hikaru’s hair flares up wildly)
Hikaru: Volcano Bound!!
(Helios and Asriel start clashing wildly causing a huge explosion, power bursts out of the stadium)
Hikaru/Possesed Adrian: Aah!!!
(Helios gets shot up in the air and bursts, Asriel wobbles and stops spinning)
Hikaru: *Gasps*
Valt: Twilight Asriel and Sol Anpao are the winners!!
Adrian: Yes!!
(Adrian’s voice booms around the gym)
Austin: We won, we really did it!
Adrian: You mean me!
Austin: Asriel would’ve burst if I didn’t take the hit!
Adrian: Hmp! Asriel would’ve been fine.
(Hikaru walks up to Valt)
Hikaru: Is it just me noticing Adrian’s Resonance?
Valt: Nah, it’s not just you, I’m working on that.
Hikaru: You know what happens when you can’t control that power.
Valt: I know, I’ve still got time.
Hyuga: That battle was super fun! I wanna battle again!
Austin: We’re just across Japan if you wanna battle us!
Hyuga: Yeah, I’ll win next time!!
(Austin and Hyuga’s face turns red)
Hikaru: So, where are you taking them next?
Valt: That’s a good question, I really want ‘em to get stronger, who do you think would be strong enough to give ‘em a run for their money?
Hikaru: See if The Demon King’s home.
Valt: That’s an awesome idea, they’ll get so much stronger with the help of The Demon King!
Adrian: “The Demon King?”
Valt: Yeah, that’s the next person we’re going to battle!
Austin: I can’t wait to battle him!
Adrian (Thoughts): Okay, Demon King, you’ll be the next person I crush.
~Deep In BC Sol’s Forest~
Free: Shade Claw!!
(Fafnir slashes at Fallen Phoenix, Phoenix bursts)
Ethan: *Gasps*
Free: Your evil Blading Style will never break Fafnir, so, instead of trying to destroy every Bey actually try having fun.
(Free walks away, A man in a purple and black mask walks up to Ethan)
???: That was a very disappointing battle, Ethan.
Ethan: I’m sorry, Master Ashtem.
Ashtem: Sorry is no excuse for your performance in that battle, if I want to control the Blading World again you’ll have to be unbeatable!
Ethan: That Yin Yang System is powerful, I suggest we make the Ultimate Bey with it.
Ashtem: Yes, but to do that we need one thing.
Ethan: What is it, Master?
Ashtem: We’ll have to bring the Requiem Project back alive, but with a new subject.
Ethan: Who is it?
Ashtem: You.
Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 18
The Ultimate Tag Partners!
~At The Warehouse~
Wally: So, Valt, who are we going to battle?
Valt: First, we’ve got a guest who will take us to battle the Legends!
Austin: I love guests, who is it?!
(??? bursts through the door)
???: It’s me!
Austin: Dad?!
(Austin runs up to Dad and hugs him)
Dad: Hey, Austin! It’s been a while since I saw you!!
Austin: It’s been a month!
(Dad walks up to me)
Dad: Adrian! The man with the plan, how’s it going?!
(Dad tries hugging Adrian but Adrian slaps his hand away)
Adrian: Hmp!
Dad: As feisty as ever!
(Dad tries putting his hand out but I grab it and start holding it tightly)
Dad: Ow, Ow!! That hurts very much!!
Austin: What’s your problem, Adrian?!
Adrian: *Sighs* Looks like you were too young to remember.
Austin: Remember what?--
Valt: Alright, so, why don’t we get ready to go?!
All: Alright!
~In The Car~
Ren: Valt, where are we going?
Valt: We’re going to meet the Strongest Tag Team in the world!
Wally: We’re meeting Hyuga and Hikaru Ashi?!
Adrian: I’ll crush ‘em both.
Dad: Now, Adrian, Beyblade’s--
Adrian: About having fun blah, blah, (Like I asked you)
Dad: You’re sassing the person that can ground you?
Adrian: But yet you won’t.
Austin: Seriously, what is going on between you two?!
Adrian/Dad: Family Business.
Austin: But I’m a part of the family too!
Ren: Anyways, what’ll battling Hikaru and Hyuga be like?
Valt: Awesome, I can say that for a fact!
(Valt has a flashback)
Hikaru/Hyuga: Twin Break Impact!!
(Helios launches Hyperion at Valkyrie and Ragnaruk, Hyperion slams down on Valkyrie and Ragnaruk, Hyperion, Valkyrie, and Ragnaruk burst)
All: *Gasps*
(Valt ends his flashback)
Valt: They’re always in perfect synch and they can pull off powerful double attacks! Beating them won’t be easy!!
Ren: I’ll send ‘em flying!
Austin: Me and Adrian are the strongest Tag Team in the world, we’ll be able to beat ‘em!
Adrian: Nope.
Austin: Seriously?
Dad: C’mon, Adrian, why don’t you work with your brother?
Adrian: I’d honestly rather work with him over you.
(Adrian and Dad glare at each other)
Austin: Seriously, what’s going on?!!
~At The Bombers Gym~
Dad: Bye, guys! I’ll pick you up later, remember to work together!
Adrian: As long as it’s not with you!
Dad: *Sighs Deeply*
(Everyone stares at Adrian as Dad drives off)
Adrian: What?
Austin: I think we need to take you to a psychologist.
(We open the door to see a red Beyblade flying at us, Valt catches the Bey)
???: Thanks, I-- Valt?!
???: Valt’s here?!
Valt: Hey, Hyuga and Hikaru!
Hyuga: Hey, Valt!
Hikaru: Valt, who did you bring with you?
Valt: This is Adrian, Austin, Wally, Ren, and Illius!
Hyuga: Hey, guys!
Austin: Hey!
Hikaru: What’s up!
Valt: They came here to battle you to get stronger!
Hikaru: They wanna battle us?
Hyuga: Yeah, I’ll take you guys on!
Valt: To make things interesting, why don’t we have some Tag Battles?
Ren: I’m going first!
Wally: I’ll team up with you!
Hyuga: Hikaru, let’s kablam them out of the stadium!
Hikaru: Yeah, we’re the strongest team around you know!
Valt: I’ll be the referee! First Battle!
Ren: I’ve got an idea, Wally!
(Ren whispers something in Wally’s ear)
Wally: Got it!
Ren: Squall Ragnaruk is gonna blow you away!
(Ren puts Ragnaruk in Heavy Mode)
Wally: You won’t beat Savage Wyvern!
Hikaru: *Gasps* I’ve never seen Beys like that before!
Austin: That’s the Yin Yang System! My brother and I created it!
Hikaru: That’s nice but, we’ll still be the winners!
Hyuga: Yeah, Hyperion Burn will send you flying!
Hikaru: Helios Volcano is going to beat you!
Valt: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Hikaru/Hyuga/Ren/Wally: Go, Shoot!
(Hikaru and Hyuga pull off powerful Sparking Shoots, Ren and Wally pull off powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Ren: Go, Ragnaruk!
Hyuga: Send ‘em flying! Hyperion!!
(Hyperion slams into Ragnaruk but gets sent flying in the air)
Hikaru/Hyuga: *Gasps*
Ren: That’s Ragnaruk’s Heavy Mode, knocking it out will be a challenge mate!
Wally: Go, Wyvern!!
(Ragnaruk takes the center while Wyvern speeds around it)
Wally/Ren: Savage Squall!!
(Ragnaruk creates a wind barrier and carriers Wyvern around it, Wyvern speeds around Ragnaruk using the wind, Wyvern blocks all Hyperion and Helios’ attacks)
Valt: Wyvern’s blocking all of Hyperion and Helios’ attacks, and Ragnaruk is retaining stamina!!
Hikaru: Hyuga, it’s time!
Hyuga: Vroom, Hyperion!!
(Hyperion and Helios speed up and start clashing)
Hikaru: Helios!
Hyuga: Hyperion!
(Hyuga and Hikaru’s Resonance Aura flares up Hyperion and Helios blaze out of the Beys, Hyperion and Helios start speeding up and creating sparks)
Hyuga/Hikaru: Twin Strike!!
(Hyperion and Helios slam into Wyvern, Wyvern bursts)
Wally: *Gasps*
Hyuga/Hikaru: Now, Twin Limit Break!!
(Hyperion and Helios slam into Ragnaruk, Hyperion and Helios’ Limit Break activates, Ragnaruk gets sent flying into the wall and bursts)
Ren: *Gasps*
Valt: Helios Volcano and Hyperion Burn are the winners!
Ren: They beat us in no time!
Wally: Grr!! They’re so strong!
Valt: Maybe you guys should start practicing even harder when we get back!
Ren: You’ve got it, we’ll train so hard our arms will fall off!!
Wally: Yeah, I’m gonna become the strongest part of this team!
Adrian: Hyuga and Hikaru Ashi! You’re battling me next!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up, Asriel’s purple shadow stands behind Adrian)
Hyuga: His Resonance, it’s like…
Hikaru: It’s like… What Lain was like before he changed.
Austin: I wanna battle!
Adrian: I’m gonna be the one battling!
Hikaru: Don’t forget these battles are Tag Battles, so both of you can battle!
Austin: Looks like you’re my partner, Adrian!
Adrian: Fine, whatever it takes to crush you guys!
Valt: First battle!
Adrian: Austin, you’ll go for Hyperion and match if blow for blow!
Austin: But wouldn’t going in Stamina Mode seal the deal?
Adrian: Just trust me, go on the blitz!
Austin: Okay.
(Austin puts Anpao in Attack Mode)
Hikaru: We’re the Tag Team World Champs! You won’t be beating us so easily!
Hyuga: Yeah, Hyperion will go kablam boom!
Valt: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Hyuga/Hikaru/Adrian/Austin: Go, Shoot!
(Austin and Adrian pull off powerful Eclipse Shoots, Hyuga and Hikaru pull off powerful Sparking Shoots)
Hyuga: Go, Hyperion!
Hikaru: Now, Helios!
(Hyperion and Helios aim for Anpao moving in perfect synchronization)
Austin: *Gasps*
Adrian: I’m your opponent!
(Asriel slams into Hyperion and Helios sending them flying)
Hyuga: Try again, Hyperion!!
(Hyperion speeds up and aims for Asriel)
Adrian: Twilight Strike!!
Hyuga: Burning Strike!
(Hyperion and Asriel slam into each other sending each other flying, a purple light his Adrian)
Adrian: *Winces*
Austin: Sol Burn!
(Anpao speeds up and slams into Helios sending both of them flying)
Hikaru: Now, Hyuga!
(Hyperion and Helios speed up and hit Asriel and Anpao with a powerful barrage of attacks, Asriel and Anpao get hit back and forth, purple lights slash at Adrian)
Adrian: Grr!!! Now, Asriel!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel blazes out of the Bey)
Austin: Anpao!!
(Austin’s Resonance Aura flares up Anpao blazes out of the Bey)
Austin/Adrian: Let’s go!!
(Asriel and Anpao slam into each other and get shot out of the barrage)
Hikaru/Hyuga: *Gasps*
Adrian: Twilight Wing!!
Austin: Follow up with Sol Spark!
(Asriel slashes at Helios sending it flying at Hyperion, Hyperion gets hit with a powerful blow from Anpao, Hyperion and Helios start wobbling)
Hyuga: Hyperion!!
(Hyuga’s Resonance Aura flares up Hyperion blazes out of the Bey)
Hikaru: Helios!!
(Hikaru’s Resonance Aura flares up Helios blazes out of the Bey, Helios and Hyperion start clashing)
Hikaru/Hyuga: Twin Break Impact!!
(Helios launches Hyperion at Asriel, Hyperion starts speeding up and aims for Asriel)
Adrian: *Gasps*
Austin: I’ve got your back!!
(Anpao speeds up and slams into Hyperion, Hyperion and Anpao burst)
All: *Gasps*
Adrian: You didn’t need to do that.
Austin: Just win this thing for me, got it?
Adrian: *Roars*
(Asriel flickers gold before turning black and purple)
Valt: *Gasps*
Possessed Adrian: Tear ‘em apart!! Twilight Blight!!!
(Asriel speeds up and aims for Helios)
Hikaru: C’mon, you’ve got this!!
(Helios enters flare, Hikaru’s hair flares up wildly)
Hikaru: Volcano Bound!!
(Helios and Asriel start clashing wildly causing a huge explosion, power bursts out of the stadium)
Hikaru/Possesed Adrian: Aah!!!
(Helios gets shot up in the air and bursts, Asriel wobbles and stops spinning)
Hikaru: *Gasps*
Valt: Twilight Asriel and Sol Anpao are the winners!!
Adrian: Yes!!
(Adrian’s voice booms around the gym)
Austin: We won, we really did it!
Adrian: You mean me!
Austin: Asriel would’ve burst if I didn’t take the hit!
Adrian: Hmp! Asriel would’ve been fine.
(Hikaru walks up to Valt)
Hikaru: Is it just me noticing Adrian’s Resonance?
Valt: Nah, it’s not just you, I’m working on that.
Hikaru: You know what happens when you can’t control that power.
Valt: I know, I’ve still got time.
Hyuga: That battle was super fun! I wanna battle again!
Austin: We’re just across Japan if you wanna battle us!
Hyuga: Yeah, I’ll win next time!!
(Austin and Hyuga’s face turns red)
Hikaru: So, where are you taking them next?
Valt: That’s a good question, I really want ‘em to get stronger, who do you think would be strong enough to give ‘em a run for their money?
Hikaru: See if The Demon King’s home.
Valt: That’s an awesome idea, they’ll get so much stronger with the help of The Demon King!
Adrian: “The Demon King?”
Valt: Yeah, that’s the next person we’re going to battle!
Austin: I can’t wait to battle him!
Adrian (Thoughts): Okay, Demon King, you’ll be the next person I crush.
~Deep In BC Sol’s Forest~
Free: Shade Claw!!
(Fafnir slashes at Fallen Phoenix, Phoenix bursts)
Ethan: *Gasps*
Free: Your evil Blading Style will never break Fafnir, so, instead of trying to destroy every Bey actually try having fun.
(Free walks away, A man in a purple and black mask walks up to Ethan)
???: That was a very disappointing battle, Ethan.
Ethan: I’m sorry, Master Ashtem.
Ashtem: Sorry is no excuse for your performance in that battle, if I want to control the Blading World again you’ll have to be unbeatable!
Ethan: That Yin Yang System is powerful, I suggest we make the Ultimate Bey with it.
Ashtem: Yes, but to do that we need one thing.
Ethan: What is it, Master?
Ashtem: We’ll have to bring the Requiem Project back alive, but with a new subject.
Ethan: Who is it?
Ashtem: You.
Aug. 26, 2021 3:02 AM
Adrien the man wiith a plan, Me: is that a Man with a plan reference? (you watched the show?), great chapter! Ashtem you little....
Aug. 26, 2021 4:39 AM
(Aug. 26, 2021 3:02 AM)LegendJustice Wrote: [ -> ]Adrien the man wiith a plan, Me: is that a Man with a plan reference? (you watched the show?), great chapter! Ashtem you little....
It's actually a reference from the new Loud House Movie! I loved it
Aug. 26, 2021 4:53 AM
(Aug. 26, 2021 4:39 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ](Aug. 26, 2021 3:02 AM)LegendJustice Wrote: [ -> ]Adrien the man wiith a plan, Me: is that a Man with a plan reference? (you watched the show?), great chapter! Ashtem you little....
It's actually a reference from the new Loud House Movie! I loved it
Yay! Loud House!
The movie was fun, but I also love the show!
Aug. 26, 2021 5:03 AM
19) Venture To The Demon's Castle!
20) Darkness Roars, Belial Vs Asriel!
21) The Demon King Rises, Torpedo Belial!
22) The Demon's Challenge!
23) Ultimate Tag Duo, Phoebus Helios and, Kindle Hyperion!
Which chapter are you most excited for? Please tell me!!
20) Darkness Roars, Belial Vs Asriel!
21) The Demon King Rises, Torpedo Belial!
22) The Demon's Challenge!
23) Ultimate Tag Duo, Phoebus Helios and, Kindle Hyperion!
Which chapter are you most excited for? Please tell me!!
Aug. 26, 2021 7:07 AM
(Aug. 26, 2021 5:03 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]19) Venture To The Demon's Castle!
20) Darkness Roars, Belial Vs Asriel!
21) The Demon King Rises, Torpedo Belial!
22) The Demon's Challenge!
23) Ultimate Tag Duo, Phoebus Helios and, Kindle Hyperion!
Which chapter are you most excited for? Please tell me!!
Probably chapter 23!
Will they add limit breaks to the Yin Yang System?
Aug. 26, 2021 9:38 PM
(Aug. 26, 2021 4:39 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]I love that movie!(Aug. 26, 2021 3:02 AM)LegendJustice Wrote: [ -> ]Adrien the man wiith a plan, Me: is that a Man with a plan reference? (you watched the show?), great chapter! Ashtem you little....
It's actually a reference from the new Loud House Movie! I loved it
Aug. 26, 2021 9:59 PM
I know you didn't mean't to, but Kindle Hyperion does sound like a new version of Kindle.
Aug. 27, 2021 8:12 AM
How about Solar Hyperion or Combust Hyperion.
Aug. 27, 2021 5:32 PM
(Aug. 27, 2021 8:12 AM)Kiryu Kazuma Wrote: [ -> ]How about Solar Hyperion or Combust Hyperion.
Combust was taken by Ifrit and Solar is Anpao's Stamina Layer
The 2nd Arc Of Yin Yang will take place in the skies! The gang is riding a huge Airship and traveling around the whole world! The Juinor Tag League will take place here, 12 Bladers in total will battle on it and the Tag Partners will be mixed up every round! So, get ready, Legendary Bladers around the world will appear as they make stops in various places, but who will be the winners?!
Aug. 28, 2021 6:07 PM
All You Bell fans will love Chapter 19
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 19
Venture To The Demon’s Castle!
Adrian: *Sneezes*
Mom: Adrian, honey, maybe you should stay home today, I’m sure Valt will take you on another field trip later, but you need to rest!
Adrian (Muffled): I’m fine, just a little cold. *Sneezes*
Austin: Seriously, you should stay home!
Adrian (Muffled): Don’t tell me what to do, kitty.
Austin: I’m not sure if I should be offended or…
Mom: He’s so sick that he’s hallucinating!
Adrian (Muffled): I… I just need to battle.
Mom: *Sighs* Austin, make sure your brother doesn’t burn himself out.
Austin: Ok, mom!
(Adrian walks right into the wall and falls over)
Adrian: When did we move the door?
Mom/Austin: *Sighs*
~At The Warehouse~
Valt: I’ve got everything ready! Is everyone else ready?!
Adrian (Muffled): I’m ready for the cupcakes!
Ren: He’s broken.
Austin: Nah, he’s just sick but insisted on coming.
Wally: Are you sure you wanna come?
Adrian (Muffled): No, I would not want to put mustard on a squirrel!
Valt: I’ll take that as a yes.
(Hikaru and Hyuga burst through the door)
Hyuga: We made it just in time.
Hikaru: You had to have seconds!
Valt: Hikaru, Hyuga, what’re you doing here?
Hyuga: We heard you were leaving to battle The Demon King, it sounded fun so we decided to ask you if we could come.
Hikaru: What do you say, Valt, can we come along?
Valt: Sure, we don’t have a problem right guys?
Adrian: I like trains.
Austin: Um, I’m going to take that as a yes.
Valt: Great, let’s go!
~In The Car~
Dad: Are you sure he’s fine to go?
Austin: We wanted him to stay home but he insisted on going.
Dad: Adrian’s always been the stubborn one.
Adrian: *Sneezes Loudly*
(Everyone puts Masks on)
Adrian: I’m fine, you don’t need to do that.
Hikaru: Says the person who was spitting out random words a couple of minutes ago.
Hyuga: Yeah, I don’t wanna get sick.
Adrian: Suit yourself.
Austin: You’re seriously sick, it’s not too late to bring you back home!
Adrian: No, I’m fine and I’m going to defeat The Demon King!
Dad: Won’t you at least take your medicine?
Adrian: Nope, it tastes like trash.
Wally: I’m keeping this on in till you get better.
Ren: Yeah mate, I don’t want to get sick.
Adrian: Suit yourself.
Valt: Yeah, maybe you should sit this one out.
Adrian: I’M NOT LEAVING!!!
All: Aah!!
~In The Daikokuten Mansion~
Austin: This place looks creepy.
Valt: Don’t worry, I’ve got you guys!
(Adrian looks at the mansion in fear)
Ren: Are you ok mate?
Adrian: It’s a huge spider!!
Hikaru: Spider?
Adrian: It’s coming for us!!
Wally: He’s hallucinating again.
Austin: He also has Arachnophobia!
Hyuga: “Arachnophobia?”
Hikaru: Fear of Spiders Hyuga.
Adrian: *Screams* It’s coming!!
(Adrian passes out)
All: *Gasps*
Austin: C’mon wake up!
(Austin shakes Adrian frantically)
Hikaru: It’s no good, he’s in a deep sleep and won’t be waking up anytime soon.
Wally: Yeah, but we can’t just leave him here!
Ren: Why don’t you give ‘em the old piggyback ride mate?!
Austin: I don’t think I’ll be able to carry him but ok.
(Austin grabs Adrian and carries him on his back)
Austin: Surprisingly he’s not that heavy!
Ren: Alright then, let’s get going mates!
(We walk into the mansion)
Austin: Woah, this place looks awesome!
Wally: Yeah, looks like The Demon King likes to have his battling domain in a creepy dark place!
(The door slams behind us)
All: *Screams*
Valt: Guys, I’ve been here before, nothing’s gonna hurt you.
Wally: Wha-- What about that!!
(A huge pink robot rushes towards us)
Valt: (Seriously, Bell? This again?)
Ren: It’s over mates!
Valt: Holy Punch!!
(Valt punches the robot's hand and it bursts into white dust)
Austin: Well, at least that was--
(A trap door opens under us)
All: Aah!!
(We slide down in a room with a stadium)
Wally: What was that.
???: Long time no see, Amigo.
Ren: Ransou?!
Ransou: If you wanna battle The Demon King, you’ve gotta go through me, Amigos!!
Valt: Ransou! Long time no see!!
Ransou: Valt?! What’s going on here?
Valt: I took my students to come to battle The Demon King!
Ransou: Well, if you wanna battle The Demon King you’ll have to battle me!
Austin: I’ll--
Ren: Austin, I wanna battle him.
(Ren looks at Ransou seriously)
Ransou: Alright lil’ Cousin, I’ll take you down!
Austin: Ren, I trust you so, you’d better win!
Ren: Thanks, mate.
(Ren has a flashback)
Ransou: Double Wing Cyclone!!
(Ragnaruk creates a huge tornado and bursts Ren’s Cyclone Ragnaruk)
Ren: *Gasps*
Ransou: If you wanna beat me Lil’ Cousin you’ve gotta get way stronger!
Kiyama Family: Awesome, Ransou! You’re so strong!!
Ren: Grr!!
(Ren ends his flashback)
Ren (Thoughts): I’ve always been in your shadow but that’s all going to end now!
(A bat-like drone comes over)
Drone: First battle!
???: Rentaro, let’s see how you’ll handle Ransou.
Ren: I’m going to send you flying with my wicked surging storm!
(Ren puts Ragnaruk in Heavy Mode then shows it to Ransou)
Ransou: I’ve never seen a Bey like that Amigo!
Ren: Yeah, it’s the Yin Yang System and it’ll send you flying!
Ransou: Cyclone Ragnaruk is ready to rumble!
(Ransou puts Cyclone Ragnaruk in Stamina Mode)
Austin: You’ve got this, become the Ragnaruk Master!!
Ren (Thoughts): “Ragnaruk Master?” not a bad idea!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Ren/Ransou: Go, Shoot!
(Ren pulls off a powerful Ellipse Shoot, Ransou pulls off an Explosive Shoot)
Ren: Let me show you how hard I’ve been training! Flaming Winged Tempest!!
(Ren’s Ragnaruk speeds up and slams into Ransou’s Ragnaruk, Ransou’s Ragnaruk gets sent flying)
Ransou: I’m the Ragnaruk Master, Amigo! Double Wing Cyclone!!
(Ransou’s Ragnaruk creates a huge tornado, Ransou and Ren’s Ragnaruks hit each other with a powerful barrage of attacks)
Wally: You’ve got this, show ‘em who’s boss!!
???: Ren’s putting up a challenge for Ransou, The Demon King likes this!
Ransou/Ren: Ragnaruk!!
(Ransou and Ren’s Resonance Auras flares up Both Ragnaruk’s blaze out of the Beys)
Ransou: True Double Wing Cyclone!!
(Cyclone Ragnaruk creates a bigger cyclone and heads straight for Ren’s Ragnaruk)
Ren: I knew you were going to do that! Super Surging Tempest!!
(Ragnaruk creates a humongous tornado, Both Ragnaruk slam into each other blowing wind in all directions)
Ransou/Ren: End this, Ragnaruk!!
(Both Ragnaruks start wobbling)
Ren: Show some guts and glory, Ragnaruk!!
(Cyclone Ragnaruk bursts right before Squall Ragnaruk stops spinning)
Ransou: *Gasps*
Drone: It’s Squall Ragnaruk with a Burst Finish! Rentaro Kiyama wins!!
Ren: Say hello to the new Ragnaruk Master!!
Ransou: You beat me fair and square Ren, you’ve gotten stronger Amigo!
(Ren and Ransou shakes hands)
Ransou: Just keep going forward (And you’ll fall in another Battle Room)
Wally: Excuse me?
Ransou: Nothing, just keep going.
(We walk past Ransou)
???: Ransou, you lost to Ren, they must be powerful, I like powerful Bladers!
Adrian: Give me another coffee, please.
Austin: At least he’s having fun.
Wally: He’s not going to be happy when he wakes up.
Hyuga: He doesn’t really have a choice!
(We fall down another trap door)
Austin: You’ve gotta be kidding me!
(We land on the ground to see a white-haired boy waiting for us)
Hikaru: Who are you?
Basarah: I’m Basarah Suiryu, and if you want to battle The Demon King you’ll have to battle me next!
Wally: I’ll take you on with my Savage Wyvern!!
Basarah: Roar Bahamut will be your opponent!
~In The Middle Of Basarah Vs Wally~
(Bahamut hits Wyvern with a powerful barrage of attacks Wyvern absorbs them all)
Basarah: Bahamut!!
(Basarah’s Resonance Aura flares up Bahamut blazes out of the Bey)
Wally: Wyvern!!
(Wally’s Resonance Aura flares up Wyvern blazes out of the Bey)
Basarah: Moment Crash!!
(Bahamut speeds up on the moment driver and starts crashing down towards Wyvern)
Wally: You fell right into my trap, Savage Shield!!
(Bahamut slams into Wyvern, Bahamut bursts)
Basarah: *Gasps*
Drone: It’s Savage Wyvern with a Burst Finish! Wally Komurasaki!!
Wally: Aw yeah!
Basarah: *Sighs* Keep walking and you’ll find The Demon King waiting for you!
Austin: Awesome, I’m gonna battle and defeat him!
Basarah: I’ll tell you now that he’s one of the strongest Bladers in the world, beating him will be nearly impossible!
Austin: We’ll be able to beat him, no one’s impossible to beat!
Basarah: Suit yourself.
(We walk by Basarah)
Valt: Looks like we finally get to battle him!
(Adrian starts waking up)
Austin: Finally, you were getting heavy.
(Adrian pushes Austin to the ground)
Adrian: Have we battled The Demon King yet?
Valt: Not yet, but we’re about to.
Austin: I’ll take that as thanks for carrying you all the way here.
Adrian: Hmp! Let's get going.
Ren: He’s definitely recovered, he’s as snooty as ever.
Valt: Nice to see you feeling better!
Adrian: Whatever. Also, why does my face hurt so much?
(Austin flashback to all the times Adrian fell on his face)
Austin: Healing process?
Adrian: Good enough.
(We all fall down a hole)
Hikaru: Again, seriously?!
(We land on the ground to see a huge battle area)
All: *Gasps*
Valt: We’re finally here.
???: So, you’re finally here.
Valt: Bell, it's been a long time!
Bell: Valt?! Why’re you here?
Valt: I took my students here to battle you.
Bell: So, they want to battle The Demon King?!
Adrian: Yeah, I’ll be taking you down.
Bell: I didn’t see any of your battles.
Adrian: I was… occupied.
Austin: Asleep!
(Adrian pushes Austin to the side)
Valt: They’re powerful Bladers! They’ve even gone head to head with Free!!
Bell: “Free?” Alright, but, I’ll be battling the winners of The Demon King’s Challenges!!
Ren/Wally: You mean us?!
Bell: Yes, Dynamite Belial will be your opponent!
(Bell holds up Dynamite Belial)
Ren: That’s some Bey mate.
Bell: The Demon King’s Ultimate Bey!!
Wally: Bring it on, we’ll send Belial flying!
(A drone flies over)
Drone: First battle!
Bell: The Demon King will take both of you on at the same time!
Ren: Well, The Ragnaruk Master will defeat you!
Austin: You guys can do it!
(Ren puts Ragnaruk in Heavy Mode)
Bell (Thoughts): The Yin Yang System, makes Beys more powerful than usual, but Belial will be able to defeat the Yin Yang System!
(Bell puts Belial in High Mode)
Wally: No matter what you do we’re still taking you down!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Wally/Ren/Bell: Go, Shoot!
(Wally and Ren pull off powerful Eclipse Shoots, Bell pulls off an Explosive Shoot)
Ren: Go, Ragnaruk!
Bell: Venture Shoot!!
(Belial speeds up and hits Ragnaruk with a powerful barrage of attacks)
Ren: Super Surging Tempest!!
Bell: Stop them, Belial!
(Belial hits Ragnaruk’s stamina blades in before it creates a tornado)
Ren: *Gasps*
Wally: Go, Wyvern!!
(Wyvern speeds up and starts clashing with Belial)
Bell: So, you’re trying to stop The Demon King?!
Wally: Yeah, I’m taking you down right here!
Bell: Now, Belial!
(Belial forces Wyvern into the ground shooting it up in the air)
Wally: *Gasps*
(Belial speeds up and catches onto the stadium rim)
Bell: True Venture Flash!!
(Belial speeds up and slams into Ragnaruk sending it flying out of the stadium)
Ren: Say what?!
Bell: Aah! Belial!!
(Bell’s Resonance Aura flares up Belial blazes out of the Bey, Belial speeds up and hits Wyvern with a powerful barrage of attacks)
Wally: Why isn’t Wyvern blocking the attacks?!
Hikaru: It’s because Belial got taller, that means it’s too tall for you to block attacks!!
Wally: *Gasps* Oh no.
(Belial speeds up and aims for Wyvern)
Bell: Flare-up and explode! Dynamite Bomb!!
(Belial speeds up and slams into Wyvern causing a huge explosion)
All: Aah!!
(Wyvern emerges from the smoke and bursts)
Wally: It can’t be!
Drone: It’s Dynamite Belial with a Burst Finish! Bell Daikokuten is the winner!!
Bell: The Demon King wins again, remember this, Dynamite Belial beat you today!
Ren: Those attacks… They were such powerful blows, mates.
(Ransou and Basarah walk in)
Ransou: So, you couldn’t beat Bell, Amigo!
Basarah: I tried telling you he was strong.
Adrian: I’ll be first up to battle this so-called Demon King!
Bell: I’ll be battling the shorter one first!
Austin: Aw yeah!
Adrian: Are you serious? *Sighs* At least I’ll get a good look at your moves.
Bell: *Laughs* You can’t defeat The Demon King!!
(Lightning crashes down as we all stare each other down)
Austin/Adrian: I’ll be the one to defeat The Demon King!!
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Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 19
Venture To The Demon’s Castle!
Adrian: *Sneezes*
Mom: Adrian, honey, maybe you should stay home today, I’m sure Valt will take you on another field trip later, but you need to rest!
Adrian (Muffled): I’m fine, just a little cold. *Sneezes*
Austin: Seriously, you should stay home!
Adrian (Muffled): Don’t tell me what to do, kitty.
Austin: I’m not sure if I should be offended or…
Mom: He’s so sick that he’s hallucinating!
Adrian (Muffled): I… I just need to battle.
Mom: *Sighs* Austin, make sure your brother doesn’t burn himself out.
Austin: Ok, mom!
(Adrian walks right into the wall and falls over)
Adrian: When did we move the door?
Mom/Austin: *Sighs*
~At The Warehouse~
Valt: I’ve got everything ready! Is everyone else ready?!
Adrian (Muffled): I’m ready for the cupcakes!
Ren: He’s broken.
Austin: Nah, he’s just sick but insisted on coming.
Wally: Are you sure you wanna come?
Adrian (Muffled): No, I would not want to put mustard on a squirrel!
Valt: I’ll take that as a yes.
(Hikaru and Hyuga burst through the door)
Hyuga: We made it just in time.
Hikaru: You had to have seconds!
Valt: Hikaru, Hyuga, what’re you doing here?
Hyuga: We heard you were leaving to battle The Demon King, it sounded fun so we decided to ask you if we could come.
Hikaru: What do you say, Valt, can we come along?
Valt: Sure, we don’t have a problem right guys?
Adrian: I like trains.
Austin: Um, I’m going to take that as a yes.
Valt: Great, let’s go!
~In The Car~
Dad: Are you sure he’s fine to go?
Austin: We wanted him to stay home but he insisted on going.
Dad: Adrian’s always been the stubborn one.
Adrian: *Sneezes Loudly*
(Everyone puts Masks on)
Adrian: I’m fine, you don’t need to do that.
Hikaru: Says the person who was spitting out random words a couple of minutes ago.
Hyuga: Yeah, I don’t wanna get sick.
Adrian: Suit yourself.
Austin: You’re seriously sick, it’s not too late to bring you back home!
Adrian: No, I’m fine and I’m going to defeat The Demon King!
Dad: Won’t you at least take your medicine?
Adrian: Nope, it tastes like trash.
Wally: I’m keeping this on in till you get better.
Ren: Yeah mate, I don’t want to get sick.
Adrian: Suit yourself.
Valt: Yeah, maybe you should sit this one out.
Adrian: I’M NOT LEAVING!!!
All: Aah!!
~In The Daikokuten Mansion~
Austin: This place looks creepy.
Valt: Don’t worry, I’ve got you guys!
(Adrian looks at the mansion in fear)
Ren: Are you ok mate?
Adrian: It’s a huge spider!!
Hikaru: Spider?
Adrian: It’s coming for us!!
Wally: He’s hallucinating again.
Austin: He also has Arachnophobia!
Hyuga: “Arachnophobia?”
Hikaru: Fear of Spiders Hyuga.
Adrian: *Screams* It’s coming!!
(Adrian passes out)
All: *Gasps*
Austin: C’mon wake up!
(Austin shakes Adrian frantically)
Hikaru: It’s no good, he’s in a deep sleep and won’t be waking up anytime soon.
Wally: Yeah, but we can’t just leave him here!
Ren: Why don’t you give ‘em the old piggyback ride mate?!
Austin: I don’t think I’ll be able to carry him but ok.
(Austin grabs Adrian and carries him on his back)
Austin: Surprisingly he’s not that heavy!
Ren: Alright then, let’s get going mates!
(We walk into the mansion)
Austin: Woah, this place looks awesome!
Wally: Yeah, looks like The Demon King likes to have his battling domain in a creepy dark place!
(The door slams behind us)
All: *Screams*
Valt: Guys, I’ve been here before, nothing’s gonna hurt you.
Wally: Wha-- What about that!!
(A huge pink robot rushes towards us)
Valt: (Seriously, Bell? This again?)
Ren: It’s over mates!
Valt: Holy Punch!!
(Valt punches the robot's hand and it bursts into white dust)
Austin: Well, at least that was--
(A trap door opens under us)
All: Aah!!
(We slide down in a room with a stadium)
Wally: What was that.
???: Long time no see, Amigo.
Ren: Ransou?!
Ransou: If you wanna battle The Demon King, you’ve gotta go through me, Amigos!!
Valt: Ransou! Long time no see!!
Ransou: Valt?! What’s going on here?
Valt: I took my students to come to battle The Demon King!
Ransou: Well, if you wanna battle The Demon King you’ll have to battle me!
Austin: I’ll--
Ren: Austin, I wanna battle him.
(Ren looks at Ransou seriously)
Ransou: Alright lil’ Cousin, I’ll take you down!
Austin: Ren, I trust you so, you’d better win!
Ren: Thanks, mate.
(Ren has a flashback)
Ransou: Double Wing Cyclone!!
(Ragnaruk creates a huge tornado and bursts Ren’s Cyclone Ragnaruk)
Ren: *Gasps*
Ransou: If you wanna beat me Lil’ Cousin you’ve gotta get way stronger!
Kiyama Family: Awesome, Ransou! You’re so strong!!
Ren: Grr!!
(Ren ends his flashback)
Ren (Thoughts): I’ve always been in your shadow but that’s all going to end now!
(A bat-like drone comes over)
Drone: First battle!
???: Rentaro, let’s see how you’ll handle Ransou.
Ren: I’m going to send you flying with my wicked surging storm!
(Ren puts Ragnaruk in Heavy Mode then shows it to Ransou)
Ransou: I’ve never seen a Bey like that Amigo!
Ren: Yeah, it’s the Yin Yang System and it’ll send you flying!
Ransou: Cyclone Ragnaruk is ready to rumble!
(Ransou puts Cyclone Ragnaruk in Stamina Mode)
Austin: You’ve got this, become the Ragnaruk Master!!
Ren (Thoughts): “Ragnaruk Master?” not a bad idea!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Ren/Ransou: Go, Shoot!
(Ren pulls off a powerful Ellipse Shoot, Ransou pulls off an Explosive Shoot)
Ren: Let me show you how hard I’ve been training! Flaming Winged Tempest!!
(Ren’s Ragnaruk speeds up and slams into Ransou’s Ragnaruk, Ransou’s Ragnaruk gets sent flying)
Ransou: I’m the Ragnaruk Master, Amigo! Double Wing Cyclone!!
(Ransou’s Ragnaruk creates a huge tornado, Ransou and Ren’s Ragnaruks hit each other with a powerful barrage of attacks)
Wally: You’ve got this, show ‘em who’s boss!!
???: Ren’s putting up a challenge for Ransou, The Demon King likes this!
Ransou/Ren: Ragnaruk!!
(Ransou and Ren’s Resonance Auras flares up Both Ragnaruk’s blaze out of the Beys)
Ransou: True Double Wing Cyclone!!
(Cyclone Ragnaruk creates a bigger cyclone and heads straight for Ren’s Ragnaruk)
Ren: I knew you were going to do that! Super Surging Tempest!!
(Ragnaruk creates a humongous tornado, Both Ragnaruk slam into each other blowing wind in all directions)
Ransou/Ren: End this, Ragnaruk!!
(Both Ragnaruks start wobbling)
Ren: Show some guts and glory, Ragnaruk!!
(Cyclone Ragnaruk bursts right before Squall Ragnaruk stops spinning)
Ransou: *Gasps*
Drone: It’s Squall Ragnaruk with a Burst Finish! Rentaro Kiyama wins!!
Ren: Say hello to the new Ragnaruk Master!!
Ransou: You beat me fair and square Ren, you’ve gotten stronger Amigo!
(Ren and Ransou shakes hands)
Ransou: Just keep going forward (And you’ll fall in another Battle Room)
Wally: Excuse me?
Ransou: Nothing, just keep going.
(We walk past Ransou)
???: Ransou, you lost to Ren, they must be powerful, I like powerful Bladers!
Adrian: Give me another coffee, please.
Austin: At least he’s having fun.
Wally: He’s not going to be happy when he wakes up.
Hyuga: He doesn’t really have a choice!
(We fall down another trap door)
Austin: You’ve gotta be kidding me!
(We land on the ground to see a white-haired boy waiting for us)
Hikaru: Who are you?
Basarah: I’m Basarah Suiryu, and if you want to battle The Demon King you’ll have to battle me next!
Wally: I’ll take you on with my Savage Wyvern!!
Basarah: Roar Bahamut will be your opponent!
~In The Middle Of Basarah Vs Wally~
(Bahamut hits Wyvern with a powerful barrage of attacks Wyvern absorbs them all)
Basarah: Bahamut!!
(Basarah’s Resonance Aura flares up Bahamut blazes out of the Bey)
Wally: Wyvern!!
(Wally’s Resonance Aura flares up Wyvern blazes out of the Bey)
Basarah: Moment Crash!!
(Bahamut speeds up on the moment driver and starts crashing down towards Wyvern)
Wally: You fell right into my trap, Savage Shield!!
(Bahamut slams into Wyvern, Bahamut bursts)
Basarah: *Gasps*
Drone: It’s Savage Wyvern with a Burst Finish! Wally Komurasaki!!
Wally: Aw yeah!
Basarah: *Sighs* Keep walking and you’ll find The Demon King waiting for you!
Austin: Awesome, I’m gonna battle and defeat him!
Basarah: I’ll tell you now that he’s one of the strongest Bladers in the world, beating him will be nearly impossible!
Austin: We’ll be able to beat him, no one’s impossible to beat!
Basarah: Suit yourself.
(We walk by Basarah)
Valt: Looks like we finally get to battle him!
(Adrian starts waking up)
Austin: Finally, you were getting heavy.
(Adrian pushes Austin to the ground)
Adrian: Have we battled The Demon King yet?
Valt: Not yet, but we’re about to.
Austin: I’ll take that as thanks for carrying you all the way here.
Adrian: Hmp! Let's get going.
Ren: He’s definitely recovered, he’s as snooty as ever.
Valt: Nice to see you feeling better!
Adrian: Whatever. Also, why does my face hurt so much?
(Austin flashback to all the times Adrian fell on his face)
Austin: Healing process?
Adrian: Good enough.
(We all fall down a hole)
Hikaru: Again, seriously?!
(We land on the ground to see a huge battle area)
All: *Gasps*
Valt: We’re finally here.
???: So, you’re finally here.
Valt: Bell, it's been a long time!
Bell: Valt?! Why’re you here?
Valt: I took my students here to battle you.
Bell: So, they want to battle The Demon King?!
Adrian: Yeah, I’ll be taking you down.
Bell: I didn’t see any of your battles.
Adrian: I was… occupied.
Austin: Asleep!
(Adrian pushes Austin to the side)
Valt: They’re powerful Bladers! They’ve even gone head to head with Free!!
Bell: “Free?” Alright, but, I’ll be battling the winners of The Demon King’s Challenges!!
Ren/Wally: You mean us?!
Bell: Yes, Dynamite Belial will be your opponent!
(Bell holds up Dynamite Belial)
Ren: That’s some Bey mate.
Bell: The Demon King’s Ultimate Bey!!
Wally: Bring it on, we’ll send Belial flying!
(A drone flies over)
Drone: First battle!
Bell: The Demon King will take both of you on at the same time!
Ren: Well, The Ragnaruk Master will defeat you!
Austin: You guys can do it!
(Ren puts Ragnaruk in Heavy Mode)
Bell (Thoughts): The Yin Yang System, makes Beys more powerful than usual, but Belial will be able to defeat the Yin Yang System!
(Bell puts Belial in High Mode)
Wally: No matter what you do we’re still taking you down!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Wally/Ren/Bell: Go, Shoot!
(Wally and Ren pull off powerful Eclipse Shoots, Bell pulls off an Explosive Shoot)
Ren: Go, Ragnaruk!
Bell: Venture Shoot!!
(Belial speeds up and hits Ragnaruk with a powerful barrage of attacks)
Ren: Super Surging Tempest!!
Bell: Stop them, Belial!
(Belial hits Ragnaruk’s stamina blades in before it creates a tornado)
Ren: *Gasps*
Wally: Go, Wyvern!!
(Wyvern speeds up and starts clashing with Belial)
Bell: So, you’re trying to stop The Demon King?!
Wally: Yeah, I’m taking you down right here!
Bell: Now, Belial!
(Belial forces Wyvern into the ground shooting it up in the air)
Wally: *Gasps*
(Belial speeds up and catches onto the stadium rim)
Bell: True Venture Flash!!
(Belial speeds up and slams into Ragnaruk sending it flying out of the stadium)
Ren: Say what?!
Bell: Aah! Belial!!
(Bell’s Resonance Aura flares up Belial blazes out of the Bey, Belial speeds up and hits Wyvern with a powerful barrage of attacks)
Wally: Why isn’t Wyvern blocking the attacks?!
Hikaru: It’s because Belial got taller, that means it’s too tall for you to block attacks!!
Wally: *Gasps* Oh no.
(Belial speeds up and aims for Wyvern)
Bell: Flare-up and explode! Dynamite Bomb!!
(Belial speeds up and slams into Wyvern causing a huge explosion)
All: Aah!!
(Wyvern emerges from the smoke and bursts)
Wally: It can’t be!
Drone: It’s Dynamite Belial with a Burst Finish! Bell Daikokuten is the winner!!
Bell: The Demon King wins again, remember this, Dynamite Belial beat you today!
Ren: Those attacks… They were such powerful blows, mates.
(Ransou and Basarah walk in)
Ransou: So, you couldn’t beat Bell, Amigo!
Basarah: I tried telling you he was strong.
Adrian: I’ll be first up to battle this so-called Demon King!
Bell: I’ll be battling the shorter one first!
Austin: Aw yeah!
Adrian: Are you serious? *Sighs* At least I’ll get a good look at your moves.
Bell: *Laughs* You can’t defeat The Demon King!!
(Lightning crashes down as we all stare each other down)
Austin/Adrian: I’ll be the one to defeat The Demon King!!
If 3 People Like this post and explain why they liked it I'll tell you what I ate for breakfeast
Aug. 28, 2021 6:12 PM
“(Everyone puts Masks on)”
Me: There’s Covid om beyblade to? (JK) great chapter my Favorite part was when Adrien sneezed XD
Me: There’s Covid om beyblade to? (JK) great chapter my Favorite part was when Adrien sneezed XD
Aug. 28, 2021 6:12 PM
ur kinda sus
Aug. 28, 2021 6:14 PM
(Aug. 28, 2021 6:12 PM)LegendJustice Wrote: [ -> ]“(Everyone puts Masks on)”
Me: There’s Covid om beyblade to? (JK) great chapter my Favorite part was when Adrien sneezed XD
Yeah, Adrian hasn't slept in 3 Days and has been practicing none stop which really took a beating for his health, he just needed a nap but Adrian being as stubborn as always didn't wanna, also, I kinda wanted to give other characters a chance to shine cause Adrian was kinda talking the light for a bit to long
Aug. 28, 2021 6:17 PM
(Aug. 28, 2021 6:14 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ](Aug. 28, 2021 6:12 PM)LegendJustice Wrote: [ -> ]“(Everyone puts Masks on)”
Me: There’s Covid om beyblade to? (JK) great chapter my Favorite part was when Adrien sneezed XD
Yeah, Adrian hasn't slept in 3 Days and has been practicing none stop which really took a beating for his health, he just needed a nap but Adrian being as stubborn as always didn't wanna, also, I kinda wanted to give other characters a chance to shine cause Adrian was kinda talking the light for a bit to long
Now that I agree on! Also it felt like Illius was very quiet in the chapter (Wait was he even there?)
Aug. 28, 2021 6:18 PM
(Aug. 28, 2021 6:17 PM)LegendJustice Wrote: [ -> ](Aug. 28, 2021 6:14 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, Adrian hasn't slept in 3 Days and has been practicing none stop which really took a beating for his health, he just needed a nap but Adrian being as stubborn as always didn't wanna, also, I kinda wanted to give other characters a chance to shine cause Adrian was kinda talking the light for a bit to long
Now that I agree on! Also it felt like Illius was very quiet in the chapter (Wait was he even there?)
That's the problem with Illius, he's the quiet one he didn't even get a nod in this chapter so, it's very difficult to write him lol
Yes he was in the chapter