Aug. 08, 2021 5:54 PM
Aug. 08, 2021 5:54 PM
Hmm which system to choose? which ever system I choose means is better the the other
Aug. 08, 2021 5:55 PM
ok say what you posted in your brain
Aug. 08, 2021 5:56 PM
(Aug. 08, 2021 5:54 PM)LegendJustice Wrote: [ -> ]Hmm which system to choose? which ever system I choose means is better the the other
Both Systems are equal in power, so, it doesn't really matter which one you choose.
Aug. 08, 2021 5:58 PM
Aug. 08, 2021 6:18 PM
Chapter 3 Preview!
???: Mate, do you know where Adrian and Austin at?
Wally: Yeah, I can take you to them!
Ren: I'm Rentaro Kiyama! You can call me Ren!
Austin: Sol Spark!
Ren: Double Wing Cyclone!
(Anpao gets sucked up in the tornado)
Adrian: Next time on Beyblade Burst Yin Yang!
Austin: New Rival?!
3! 2! 1! Go, Shoot!
???: Mate, do you know where Adrian and Austin at?
Wally: Yeah, I can take you to them!
Ren: I'm Rentaro Kiyama! You can call me Ren!
Austin: Sol Spark!
Ren: Double Wing Cyclone!
(Anpao gets sucked up in the tornado)
Adrian: Next time on Beyblade Burst Yin Yang!
Austin: New Rival?!
3! 2! 1! Go, Shoot!
Aug. 08, 2021 6:52 PM
Yang is the destruction one right? or is it the creation? Anyways, Let's do it.
(I'm using Yang system if you didn't noticed)
Version: 1.1.0
(I'm using Yang system if you didn't noticed)
Spoiler (Click to View)
Name: Thalia Amana (Amana means faithful)
Age: 13
Appearance: She has long straight red/orange (in the middle) hair and eyes. She wears a orange t-shirt a little bit bigger than her size with a yellow trident on the middle, red sweat-pants and yellow shoes. She has a severe burn on her left forearm (only the scar).
Personality: She's kind and protective towards everyone. She has ADHD, so she can be distracted very fast if you don't caught her attention. She always sees the best of people and won't judge anyone. She can be the nicest person even to someone that isn't nice, i.e. she made cookies to the guy that broke her random bey. Although everyone sees her as weak, she's actually a strong blader with her bey, Atlantis Trident.
Bey: Atlantis Trident Coastal Stay
Chip - Trident: A right-spin chip with medium teeth, it features it's motif, A trident: Basically a Battle Fork.
Blade - Atlantis: A right-spin, stamina type blade. Atlantis features three large blades to create an overall triangular shape, it is all made out of soft rubber, the whole ring, except the three blades, to absorb impact.
Chassis - Coastal: It's a dual-spin chassis, it features a long, circular POM perimeter (akin to the frame Expand). In theory, it would have contact with the stadium floor, increasing LAD.
Driver - Stay: A stamina type driver, It's simular to Kick, but the tip is made out of metal and the plate around it free spins and is ⅚ the size. It's perimeter has rubber, it was meant to stop the bey from getting pushed (making contact with the stadium floor), it also has a spring, similar to Kick but a looser, made for absorb the force from the pushing.
Special move - Atlantic whirlpool : It stays in the middle absorbing impacts. If you try to get it out, It would lean on it's driver plate and stop getting pushed.
Age: 13
Appearance: She has long straight red/orange (in the middle) hair and eyes. She wears a orange t-shirt a little bit bigger than her size with a yellow trident on the middle, red sweat-pants and yellow shoes. She has a severe burn on her left forearm (only the scar).
Personality: She's kind and protective towards everyone. She has ADHD, so she can be distracted very fast if you don't caught her attention. She always sees the best of people and won't judge anyone. She can be the nicest person even to someone that isn't nice, i.e. she made cookies to the guy that broke her random bey. Although everyone sees her as weak, she's actually a strong blader with her bey, Atlantis Trident.
Bey: Atlantis Trident Coastal Stay
Chip - Trident: A right-spin chip with medium teeth, it features it's motif, A trident: Basically a Battle Fork.
Blade - Atlantis: A right-spin, stamina type blade. Atlantis features three large blades to create an overall triangular shape, it is all made out of soft rubber, the whole ring, except the three blades, to absorb impact.
Chassis - Coastal: It's a dual-spin chassis, it features a long, circular POM perimeter (akin to the frame Expand). In theory, it would have contact with the stadium floor, increasing LAD.
Driver - Stay: A stamina type driver, It's simular to Kick, but the tip is made out of metal and the plate around it free spins and is ⅚ the size. It's perimeter has rubber, it was meant to stop the bey from getting pushed (making contact with the stadium floor), it also has a spring, similar to Kick but a looser, made for absorb the force from the pushing.
Special move - Atlantic whirlpool : It stays in the middle absorbing impacts. If you try to get it out, It would lean on it's driver plate and stop getting pushed.
Aug. 08, 2021 7:21 PM
Name: Po Taint
Age: 15
Appearance: Small for his age, he wears a trench coat with a black shirt and black sport pants
Personality: Angry, all the time. Unless he meets a real challenge then he gets happy. He rarely smiles.
Bey: Typhoon Pirate 8 Bolt Lon
Yin Core Weight: Lon (Goku but for the Yon system)
Yin Armor: 8 (and eight pointed star)
Yin Chip: Pirate (an blue chip with an eyepatch next to a green eye)
Yin Blade: Typhoon (Has four sword like blades lined with metal, and painted Blue)
Driver: Bolt (Spiral with a jolt tip, yellow)
Special Moves:
Typhoon Upper: Tilts down then hits the other bey into the air
Bolt Crash: At high speeds it crashed into its opponent
Raging Typhoon: Summons lots of water around the bey creating a Typhoon
Pirate Launch: The Bey circles the stadium occasionally coming in and hitting the other bey
Bolt Break: Slams the other bey into the wall of the stadium
Age: 15
Appearance: Small for his age, he wears a trench coat with a black shirt and black sport pants
Personality: Angry, all the time. Unless he meets a real challenge then he gets happy. He rarely smiles.
Bey: Typhoon Pirate 8 Bolt Lon
Yin Core Weight: Lon (Goku but for the Yon system)
Yin Armor: 8 (and eight pointed star)
Yin Chip: Pirate (an blue chip with an eyepatch next to a green eye)
Yin Blade: Typhoon (Has four sword like blades lined with metal, and painted Blue)
Driver: Bolt (Spiral with a jolt tip, yellow)
Special Moves:
Typhoon Upper: Tilts down then hits the other bey into the air
Bolt Crash: At high speeds it crashed into its opponent
Raging Typhoon: Summons lots of water around the bey creating a Typhoon
Pirate Launch: The Bey circles the stadium occasionally coming in and hitting the other bey
Bolt Break: Slams the other bey into the wall of the stadium
Aug. 08, 2021 7:22 PM
I will join soon too. (It's midnight here lol)
Aug. 09, 2021 6:30 PM
Chapter 3 is out!
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 3
New Rival?!
~On An Airplane~
Adrian/Austin (On Tv): Twin Gyro!
(Curse Ragnaruk and Glide Satomb burst)
???: Well, these two look interesting, mates, why don’t I check you out?
Airplane Waiter: Rentaro, we’re about to land in Japan then we’re taking you to BC Sol.
Ren: Call me Ren, I’d like to bail and land here.
Airplane Waiter: Ok, I’ll let the captain know right away!
(The Airplane lands in Japan)
Captain: Thanks for flying with us, Rentaro!
Ren: No problem, I’ll be flying, this plane again, mate!
(The Airplane flies off)
Ren: How will I find Adrian and Austin?
(Wally walk past Ren)
Ren: Mate!
Wally: Um, hi.
Ren: Do you know Adrian and Austin Saito?
Wally: Yeah, I actually battled them a couple of days ago.
(Ren wraps his arm around Wally)
Ren: Then you wouldn’t have a problem with taking me there, right mate?
Wally: I guess if you really wanna see them.
Ren: Great! I’m Rentaro Kiyama, mate!
Wally: Wait, Kiyama? Does that mean?!
Ren: Yeah, Rantaro, Ranjiro, and Ransou are my cousins!
Wally: So awesome, do you wanna battle me before we see them?
Ren: It would be my pleasure!
~At The Park~
Wally: This is my third bey, Jet Satomb!
Ren: “Third?” What’d you mean?
Wally: Adrian destroyed my other two.
Ren: Wow, he must be powerful!
Wally: He really is, now, let’s battle!
(Ren holds up Cyclone Ragnaruk Wheel Flugel)
Ren: I’d like to see you try!
Wally: Ready?
Ren/Wally: 3! 2! 1! Go, Shoot!
(Ren pulls off an explosive shoot, Wally pulls off a Sparking Shoot)
Ren: Take the center, mate!
Wally: Don’t let it get to it!
(Ragnaruk takes the center, Ragnaruk and Jet Satomb start clashing)
Ren: True Ragnaruk Zone!
(Ragnaruk takes the center and starts blocking all of Jet Satomb’s attacks)
Wally: No way!
Ren: Ragnaruk’s got stamina for days!
Wally: Hit it harder!
(Jet Satomb speeds up and slams into Ragnaruk, Ragnaruk blocks the attack and sends Jet Satomb flying)
Wally: *Gasps*
Ren: True Double Wing Cyclone!!
(Ragnaruk creates a huge tornado and sucks Jet Satomb in, Jet Satomb gets shot in the air and bursts)
Wally: No…
Ren: Mate, that was a fun battle! We should do it again!!
Wally: Thanks, lemme take you to the Saito brothers.
~At Our House~
(Ren knocks on the door)
Ren: Mate, these battles are gonna be so fun!
Wally: I really hope you have fun!
Ren: Bloody oath, I’ll totally have fun!
(Austin opens the door)
Austin: Hey Wally, who’s your friend?
Ren: Arvo, I’m Rentaro Kiyama, and I’m here to battle you and your brother!
Austin: Me and Adrian?! I’ll go get him!
~In The Basement~
Adrian: So, you wanna battle us?
Ren: Ya mate, I saw your battles and they were amazing! So, let’s get started!!
Wally: I hope you don’t mind that I record this.
Austin: Sure! I wanna go first!!
Adrian: Be my guest.
Wally: First battle!
Austin: I’m going on the attack so I can burst Ragnaruk!
Ren: I’d like to see you try, mate!
(Austin puts Anpao in Attack Mode)
Wally: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Ren/Austin: Go, Shoot!
(Ren pulls off an explosive shoot)
Austin: No Eclipse Shoot?!
(Anpao hits the stadium floor but starts wobbling)
Ren: Mate, get this battle started!
(Ragnaruk slams into Anpao and takes the center)
Austin: Speed up, then use Sol Spark!
(Anpao speeds up on the stadium rim and hits Ragnaruk with a barrage of attacks)
Ren: Mate, try harder than that! Double Wing Cyclone!!
(Ragnaruk creates a huge tornado and sucks Anpao in)
Austin: No!
Adrian: You’re better than that, get in sync with your Bey!
All: *Gasps*
Austin: You’re right, Anpao!!
(Austin’s Resonance Aura flares up Anpao blazes out of the Bey, Anpao hits the wall and speeds up)
Anpao: Let’s go!
Austin: *Gasps*
(Anpao speeds up and slams into Ragnaruk, Ragnaruk and Anpao get sent flying)
Austin/Ren: *Gasps*
(Ragnaruk bursts and Anpao bursts seconds after)
All: *Gasps*
Wally: It’s Sol Anpao with a Burst Finish! Austin Saito is the winner!
Austin: I really won!
Ren: Blimey, you really got the best of me.
Adrian: It’s my turn to battle!
(Adrian’s eyes turn bright purple)
~At BC Sol~
Valt: Wow, Austin Saito is really somethin!
Free: Yeah, let’s see how his brother does.
~Back At Home~
Wally: Alright… First battle!
Adrian: I’m gonna knock you out of the park!
Ren: I’d like to see you try!
(Adrian’s dark Resonance Aura flares up)
Wally: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Ren/Adrian: Go, Shoot!
(Ren pulls off an explosive shoot, Adrian pulls off a powerful Eclipse Shoot, Adrian’s launcher explodes into fragments)
All: *Gasps*
Adrian: End this! Twilight Shoot!!
(Asriel glows purple and hits Ragnaruk with a powerful barrage of attacks, Ragnaruk cracks with each blow)
Ren: True Double Wing Cyclone!!
Adrian: Stop it in its tracks!
(Asriel slams into Ragnaruk’s wings to stop the tornado)
Ren: *Gasps*
Adrian: ASRIEL!!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel blazes out of the Bey)
Adrian: Twilight Blight!!
(Asriel slams into Ragnaruk at full power, Ragnaruk bursts into fragments)
All: *Gasps*
Wally: It’s… Twilight Asriel with a Burst Finish! Adrian’s the winner.
(Ren picks up Ragnaruk’s fragments)
Ren: You bloody idiot! What’d you do to my Ragnaruk?!
(I walk away)
~At BC Sol~
Free: Well, looks like your suspicions were correct.
Valt: I can’t let him do this.
Free: What’re you going to do?
Valt: I need some time to think about it.
Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 3
New Rival?!
~On An Airplane~
Adrian/Austin (On Tv): Twin Gyro!
(Curse Ragnaruk and Glide Satomb burst)
???: Well, these two look interesting, mates, why don’t I check you out?
Airplane Waiter: Rentaro, we’re about to land in Japan then we’re taking you to BC Sol.
Ren: Call me Ren, I’d like to bail and land here.
Airplane Waiter: Ok, I’ll let the captain know right away!
(The Airplane lands in Japan)
Captain: Thanks for flying with us, Rentaro!
Ren: No problem, I’ll be flying, this plane again, mate!
(The Airplane flies off)
Ren: How will I find Adrian and Austin?
(Wally walk past Ren)
Ren: Mate!
Wally: Um, hi.
Ren: Do you know Adrian and Austin Saito?
Wally: Yeah, I actually battled them a couple of days ago.
(Ren wraps his arm around Wally)
Ren: Then you wouldn’t have a problem with taking me there, right mate?
Wally: I guess if you really wanna see them.
Ren: Great! I’m Rentaro Kiyama, mate!
Wally: Wait, Kiyama? Does that mean?!
Ren: Yeah, Rantaro, Ranjiro, and Ransou are my cousins!
Wally: So awesome, do you wanna battle me before we see them?
Ren: It would be my pleasure!
~At The Park~
Wally: This is my third bey, Jet Satomb!
Ren: “Third?” What’d you mean?
Wally: Adrian destroyed my other two.
Ren: Wow, he must be powerful!
Wally: He really is, now, let’s battle!
(Ren holds up Cyclone Ragnaruk Wheel Flugel)
Ren: I’d like to see you try!
Wally: Ready?
Ren/Wally: 3! 2! 1! Go, Shoot!
(Ren pulls off an explosive shoot, Wally pulls off a Sparking Shoot)
Ren: Take the center, mate!
Wally: Don’t let it get to it!
(Ragnaruk takes the center, Ragnaruk and Jet Satomb start clashing)
Ren: True Ragnaruk Zone!
(Ragnaruk takes the center and starts blocking all of Jet Satomb’s attacks)
Wally: No way!
Ren: Ragnaruk’s got stamina for days!
Wally: Hit it harder!
(Jet Satomb speeds up and slams into Ragnaruk, Ragnaruk blocks the attack and sends Jet Satomb flying)
Wally: *Gasps*
Ren: True Double Wing Cyclone!!
(Ragnaruk creates a huge tornado and sucks Jet Satomb in, Jet Satomb gets shot in the air and bursts)
Wally: No…
Ren: Mate, that was a fun battle! We should do it again!!
Wally: Thanks, lemme take you to the Saito brothers.
~At Our House~
(Ren knocks on the door)
Ren: Mate, these battles are gonna be so fun!
Wally: I really hope you have fun!
Ren: Bloody oath, I’ll totally have fun!
(Austin opens the door)
Austin: Hey Wally, who’s your friend?
Ren: Arvo, I’m Rentaro Kiyama, and I’m here to battle you and your brother!
Austin: Me and Adrian?! I’ll go get him!
~In The Basement~
Adrian: So, you wanna battle us?
Ren: Ya mate, I saw your battles and they were amazing! So, let’s get started!!
Wally: I hope you don’t mind that I record this.
Austin: Sure! I wanna go first!!
Adrian: Be my guest.
Wally: First battle!
Austin: I’m going on the attack so I can burst Ragnaruk!
Ren: I’d like to see you try, mate!
(Austin puts Anpao in Attack Mode)
Wally: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Ren/Austin: Go, Shoot!
(Ren pulls off an explosive shoot)
Austin: No Eclipse Shoot?!
(Anpao hits the stadium floor but starts wobbling)
Ren: Mate, get this battle started!
(Ragnaruk slams into Anpao and takes the center)
Austin: Speed up, then use Sol Spark!
(Anpao speeds up on the stadium rim and hits Ragnaruk with a barrage of attacks)
Ren: Mate, try harder than that! Double Wing Cyclone!!
(Ragnaruk creates a huge tornado and sucks Anpao in)
Austin: No!
Adrian: You’re better than that, get in sync with your Bey!
All: *Gasps*
Austin: You’re right, Anpao!!
(Austin’s Resonance Aura flares up Anpao blazes out of the Bey, Anpao hits the wall and speeds up)
Anpao: Let’s go!
Austin: *Gasps*
(Anpao speeds up and slams into Ragnaruk, Ragnaruk and Anpao get sent flying)
Austin/Ren: *Gasps*
(Ragnaruk bursts and Anpao bursts seconds after)
All: *Gasps*
Wally: It’s Sol Anpao with a Burst Finish! Austin Saito is the winner!
Austin: I really won!
Ren: Blimey, you really got the best of me.
Adrian: It’s my turn to battle!
(Adrian’s eyes turn bright purple)
~At BC Sol~
Valt: Wow, Austin Saito is really somethin!
Free: Yeah, let’s see how his brother does.
~Back At Home~
Wally: Alright… First battle!
Adrian: I’m gonna knock you out of the park!
Ren: I’d like to see you try!
(Adrian’s dark Resonance Aura flares up)
Wally: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Ren/Adrian: Go, Shoot!
(Ren pulls off an explosive shoot, Adrian pulls off a powerful Eclipse Shoot, Adrian’s launcher explodes into fragments)
All: *Gasps*
Adrian: End this! Twilight Shoot!!
(Asriel glows purple and hits Ragnaruk with a powerful barrage of attacks, Ragnaruk cracks with each blow)
Ren: True Double Wing Cyclone!!
Adrian: Stop it in its tracks!
(Asriel slams into Ragnaruk’s wings to stop the tornado)
Ren: *Gasps*
Adrian: ASRIEL!!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel blazes out of the Bey)
Adrian: Twilight Blight!!
(Asriel slams into Ragnaruk at full power, Ragnaruk bursts into fragments)
All: *Gasps*
Wally: It’s… Twilight Asriel with a Burst Finish! Adrian’s the winner.
(Ren picks up Ragnaruk’s fragments)
Ren: You bloody idiot! What’d you do to my Ragnaruk?!
(I walk away)
~At BC Sol~
Free: Well, looks like your suspicions were correct.
Valt: I can’t let him do this.
Free: What’re you going to do?
Valt: I need some time to think about it.
Aug. 09, 2021 8:22 PM
(Aug. 09, 2021 6:30 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 3 is out!
Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 4
New Rival?!
~On An Airplane~
Adrian/Austin (On Tv): Twin Gyro!
(Curse Ragnaruk and Glide Satomb burst)
???: Well, these two look interesting, mates, why don’t I check you out?
Airplane Waiter: Rentaro, we’re about to land in Japan then we’re taking you to BC Sol.
Ren: Call me Ren, I’d like to bail and land here.
Airplane Waiter: Ok, I’ll let the captain know right away!
(The Airplane lands in Japan)
Captain: Thanks for flying with us, Rentaro!
Ren: No problem, I’ll be flying, this plane again, mate!
(The Airplane flies off)
Ren: How will I find Adrian and Austin?
(Wally walk past Ren)
Ren: Mate!
Wally: Um, hi.
Ren: Do you know Adrian and Austin Saito?
Wally: Yeah, I actually battled them a couple of days ago.
(Ren wraps his arm around Wally)
Ren: Then you wouldn’t have a problem with taking me there, right mate?
Wally: I guess if you really wanna see them.
Ren: Great! I’m Rentaro Kiyama, mate!
Wally: Wait, Kiyama? Does that mean?!
Ren: Yeah, Rantaro, Ranjiro, and Ransou are my cousins!
Wally: So awesome, do you wanna battle me before we see them?
Ren: It would be my pleasure!
~At The Park~
Wally: This is my third bey, Jet Satomb!
Ren: “Third?” What’d you mean?
Wally: Adrian destroyed my other two.
Ren: Wow, he must be powerful!
Wally: He really is, now, let’s battle!
(Ren holds up Cyclone Ragnaruk Wheel Flugel)
Ren: I’d like to see you try!
Wally: Ready?
Ren/Wally: 3! 2! 1! Go, Shoot!
(Ren pulls off an explosive shoot, Wally pulls off a Sparking Shoot)
Ren: Take the center, mate!
Wally: Don’t let it get to it!
(Ragnaruk takes the center, Ragnaruk and Jet Satomb start clashing)
Ren: True Ragnaruk Zone!
(Ragnaruk takes the center and starts blocking all of Jet Satomb’s attacks)
Wally: No way!
Ren: Ragnaruk’s got stamina for days!
Wally: Hit it harder!
(Jet Satomb speeds up and slams into Ragnaruk, Ragnaruk blocks the attack and sends Jet Satomb flying)
Wally: *Gasps*
Ren: True Double Wing Cyclone!!
(Ragnaruk creates a huge tornado and sucks Jet Satomb in, Jet Satomb gets shot in the air and bursts)
Wally: No…
Ren: Mate, that was a fun battle! We should do it again!!
Wally: Thanks, lemme take you to the Saito brothers.
~At Our House~
(Ren knocks on the door)
Ren: Mate, these battles are gonna be so fun!
Wally: I really hope you have fun!
Ren: Bloody oath, I’ll totally have fun!
(Austin opens the door)
Austin: Hey Wally, who’s your friend?
Ren: Arvo, I’m Rentaro Kiyama, and I’m here to battle you and your brother!
Austin: Me and Adrian?! I’ll go get him!
~In The Basement~
Adrian: So, you wanna battle us?
Ren: Ya mate, I saw your battles and they were amazing! So, let’s get started!!
Wally: I hope you don’t mind that I record this.
Austin: Sure! I wanna go first!!
Adrian: Be my guest.
Wally: First battle!
Austin: I’m going on the attack so I can burst Ragnaruk!
Ren: I’d like to see you try, mate!
(Austin puts Anpao in Attack Mode)
Wally: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Ren/Austin: Go, Shoot!
(Ren pulls off an explosive shoot)
Austin: No Eclipse Shoot?!
(Anpao hits the stadium floor but starts wobbling)
Ren: Mate, get this battle started!
(Ragnaruk slams into Anpao and takes the center)
Austin: Speed up, then use Sol Spark!
(Anpao speeds up on the stadium rim and hits Ragnaruk with a barrage of attacks)
Ren: Mate, try harder than that! Double Wing Cyclone!!
(Ragnaruk creates a huge tornado and sucks Anpao in)
Austin: No!
Adrian: You’re better than that, get in sync with your Bey!
All: *Gasps*
Austin: You’re right, Anpao!!
(Austin’s Resonance Aura flares up Anpao blazes out of the Bey, Anpao hits the wall and speeds up)
Anpao: Let’s go!
Austin: *Gasps*
(Anpao speeds up and slams into Ragnaruk, Ragnaruk and Anpao get sent flying)
Austin/Ren: *Gasps*
(Ragnaruk bursts and Anpao bursts seconds after)
All: *Gasps*
Wally: It’s Sol Anpao with a Burst Finish! Austin Saito is the winner!
Austin: I really won!
Ren: Blimey, you really got the best of me.
Adrian: It’s my turn to battle!
(Adrian’s eyes turn bright purple)
~At BC Sol~
Valt: Wow, Austin Saito is really somethin!
Free: Yeah, let’s see how his brother does.
~Back At Home~
Wally: Alright… First battle!
Adrian: I’m gonna knock you out of the park!
Ren: I’d like to see you try!
(Adrian’s dark Resonance Aura flares up)
Wally: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Ren/Adrian: Go, Shoot!
(Ren pulls off an explosive shoot, Adrian pulls off a powerful Eclipse Shoot, Adrian’s launcher explodes into fragments)
All: *Gasps*
Adrian: End this! Twilight Shoot!!
(Asriel glows purple and hits Ragnaruk with a powerful barrage of attacks, Ragnaruk cracks with each blow)
Ren: True Double Wing Cyclone!!
Adrian: Stop it in its tracks!
(Asriel slams into Ragnaruk’s wings to stop the tornado)
Ren: *Gasps*
Adrian: ASRIEL!!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel blazes out of the Bey)
Adrian: Twilight Blight!!
(Asriel slams into Ragnaruk at full power, Ragnaruk bursts into fragments)
All: *Gasps*
Wally: It’s… Twilight Asriel with a Burst Finish! Adrian’s the winner.
(Ren picks up Ragnaruk’s fragments)
Ren: You bloody idiot! What’d you do to my Ragnaruk?!
(I walk away)
~At BC Sol~
Free: Well, looks like your suspicions were correct.
Valt: I can’t let him do this.
Free: What’re you going to do?
Valt: I need some time to think about it.
nice episode! i like how he speaks like he's in italy or france
Aug. 09, 2021 8:23 PM
(Aug. 09, 2021 6:30 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 3 is out!
Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 4
New Rival?!
~On An Airplane~
Adrian/Austin (On Tv): Twin Gyro!
(Curse Ragnaruk and Glide Satomb burst)
???: Well, these two look interesting, mates, why don’t I check you out?
Airplane Waiter: Rentaro, we’re about to land in Japan then we’re taking you to BC Sol.
Ren: Call me Ren, I’d like to bail and land here.
Airplane Waiter: Ok, I’ll let the captain know right away!
(The Airplane lands in Japan)
Captain: Thanks for flying with us, Rentaro!
Ren: No problem, I’ll be flying, this plane again, mate!
(The Airplane flies off)
Ren: How will I find Adrian and Austin?
(Wally walk past Ren)
Ren: Mate!
Wally: Um, hi.
Ren: Do you know Adrian and Austin Saito?
Wally: Yeah, I actually battled them a couple of days ago.
(Ren wraps his arm around Wally)
Ren: Then you wouldn’t have a problem with taking me there, right mate?
Wally: I guess if you really wanna see them.
Ren: Great! I’m Rentaro Kiyama, mate!
Wally: Wait, Kiyama? Does that mean?!
Ren: Yeah, Rantaro, Ranjiro, and Ransou are my cousins!
Wally: So awesome, do you wanna battle me before we see them?
Ren: It would be my pleasure!
~At The Park~
Wally: This is my third bey, Jet Satomb!
Ren: “Third?” What’d you mean?
Wally: Adrian destroyed my other two.
Ren: Wow, he must be powerful!
Wally: He really is, now, let’s battle!
(Ren holds up Cyclone Ragnaruk Wheel Flugel)
Ren: I’d like to see you try!
Wally: Ready?
Ren/Wally: 3! 2! 1! Go, Shoot!
(Ren pulls off an explosive shoot, Wally pulls off a Sparking Shoot)
Ren: Take the center, mate!
Wally: Don’t let it get to it!
(Ragnaruk takes the center, Ragnaruk and Jet Satomb start clashing)
Ren: True Ragnaruk Zone!
(Ragnaruk takes the center and starts blocking all of Jet Satomb’s attacks)
Wally: No way!
Ren: Ragnaruk’s got stamina for days!
Wally: Hit it harder!
(Jet Satomb speeds up and slams into Ragnaruk, Ragnaruk blocks the attack and sends Jet Satomb flying)
Wally: *Gasps*
Ren: True Double Wing Cyclone!!
(Ragnaruk creates a huge tornado and sucks Jet Satomb in, Jet Satomb gets shot in the air and bursts)
Wally: No…
Ren: Mate, that was a fun battle! We should do it again!!
Wally: Thanks, lemme take you to the Saito brothers.
~At Our House~
(Ren knocks on the door)
Ren: Mate, these battles are gonna be so fun!
Wally: I really hope you have fun!
Ren: Bloody oath, I’ll totally have fun!
(Austin opens the door)
Austin: Hey Wally, who’s your friend?
Ren: Arvo, I’m Rentaro Kiyama, and I’m here to battle you and your brother!
Austin: Me and Adrian?! I’ll go get him!
~In The Basement~
Adrian: So, you wanna battle us?
Ren: Ya mate, I saw your battles and they were amazing! So, let’s get started!!
Wally: I hope you don’t mind that I record this.
Austin: Sure! I wanna go first!!
Adrian: Be my guest.
Wally: First battle!
Austin: I’m going on the attack so I can burst Ragnaruk!
Ren: I’d like to see you try, mate!
(Austin puts Anpao in Attack Mode)
Wally: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Ren/Austin: Go, Shoot!
(Ren pulls off an explosive shoot)
Austin: No Eclipse Shoot?!
(Anpao hits the stadium floor but starts wobbling)
Ren: Mate, get this battle started!
(Ragnaruk slams into Anpao and takes the center)
Austin: Speed up, then use Sol Spark!
(Anpao speeds up on the stadium rim and hits Ragnaruk with a barrage of attacks)
Ren: Mate, try harder than that! Double Wing Cyclone!!
(Ragnaruk creates a huge tornado and sucks Anpao in)
Austin: No!
Adrian: You’re better than that, get in sync with your Bey!
All: *Gasps*
Austin: You’re right, Anpao!!
(Austin’s Resonance Aura flares up Anpao blazes out of the Bey, Anpao hits the wall and speeds up)
Anpao: Let’s go!
Austin: *Gasps*
(Anpao speeds up and slams into Ragnaruk, Ragnaruk and Anpao get sent flying)
Austin/Ren: *Gasps*
(Ragnaruk bursts and Anpao bursts seconds after)
All: *Gasps*
Wally: It’s Sol Anpao with a Burst Finish! Austin Saito is the winner!
Austin: I really won!
Ren: Blimey, you really got the best of me.
Adrian: It’s my turn to battle!
(Adrian’s eyes turn bright purple)
~At BC Sol~
Valt: Wow, Austin Saito is really somethin!
Free: Yeah, let’s see how his brother does.
~Back At Home~
Wally: Alright… First battle!
Adrian: I’m gonna knock you out of the park!
Ren: I’d like to see you try!
(Adrian’s dark Resonance Aura flares up)
Wally: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Ren/Adrian: Go, Shoot!
(Ren pulls off an explosive shoot, Adrian pulls off a powerful Eclipse Shoot, Adrian’s launcher explodes into fragments)
All: *Gasps*
Adrian: End this! Twilight Shoot!!
(Asriel glows purple and hits Ragnaruk with a powerful barrage of attacks, Ragnaruk cracks with each blow)
Ren: True Double Wing Cyclone!!
Adrian: Stop it in its tracks!
(Asriel slams into Ragnaruk’s wings to stop the tornado)
Ren: *Gasps*
Adrian: ASRIEL!!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel blazes out of the Bey)
Adrian: Twilight Blight!!
(Asriel slams into Ragnaruk at full power, Ragnaruk bursts into fragments)
All: *Gasps*
Wally: It’s… Twilight Asriel with a Burst Finish! Adrian’s the winner.
(Ren picks up Ragnaruk’s fragments)
Ren: You bloody idiot! What’d you do to my Ragnaruk?!
(I walk away)
~At BC Sol~
Free: Well, looks like your suspicions were correct.
Valt: I can’t let him do this.
Free: What’re you going to do?
Valt: I need some time to think about it.
It's saying chapter 4 when you open the spoiler (also It seems like I'm not in the contest, lol)
Aug. 09, 2021 8:24 PM
(Aug. 09, 2021 8:23 PM)Hollowmind8 Wrote: [ -> ](Aug. 09, 2021 6:30 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 3 is out!
Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 4
New Rival?!
~On An Airplane~
Adrian/Austin (On Tv): Twin Gyro!
(Curse Ragnaruk and Glide Satomb burst)
???: Well, these two look interesting, mates, why don’t I check you out?
Airplane Waiter: Rentaro, we’re about to land in Japan then we’re taking you to BC Sol.
Ren: Call me Ren, I’d like to bail and land here.
Airplane Waiter: Ok, I’ll let the captain know right away!
(The Airplane lands in Japan)
Captain: Thanks for flying with us, Rentaro!
Ren: No problem, I’ll be flying, this plane again, mate!
(The Airplane flies off)
Ren: How will I find Adrian and Austin?
(Wally walk past Ren)
Ren: Mate!
Wally: Um, hi.
Ren: Do you know Adrian and Austin Saito?
Wally: Yeah, I actually battled them a couple of days ago.
(Ren wraps his arm around Wally)
Ren: Then you wouldn’t have a problem with taking me there, right mate?
Wally: I guess if you really wanna see them.
Ren: Great! I’m Rentaro Kiyama, mate!
Wally: Wait, Kiyama? Does that mean?!
Ren: Yeah, Rantaro, Ranjiro, and Ransou are my cousins!
Wally: So awesome, do you wanna battle me before we see them?
Ren: It would be my pleasure!
~At The Park~
Wally: This is my third bey, Jet Satomb!
Ren: “Third?” What’d you mean?
Wally: Adrian destroyed my other two.
Ren: Wow, he must be powerful!
Wally: He really is, now, let’s battle!
(Ren holds up Cyclone Ragnaruk Wheel Flugel)
Ren: I’d like to see you try!
Wally: Ready?
Ren/Wally: 3! 2! 1! Go, Shoot!
(Ren pulls off an explosive shoot, Wally pulls off a Sparking Shoot)
Ren: Take the center, mate!
Wally: Don’t let it get to it!
(Ragnaruk takes the center, Ragnaruk and Jet Satomb start clashing)
Ren: True Ragnaruk Zone!
(Ragnaruk takes the center and starts blocking all of Jet Satomb’s attacks)
Wally: No way!
Ren: Ragnaruk’s got stamina for days!
Wally: Hit it harder!
(Jet Satomb speeds up and slams into Ragnaruk, Ragnaruk blocks the attack and sends Jet Satomb flying)
Wally: *Gasps*
Ren: True Double Wing Cyclone!!
(Ragnaruk creates a huge tornado and sucks Jet Satomb in, Jet Satomb gets shot in the air and bursts)
Wally: No…
Ren: Mate, that was a fun battle! We should do it again!!
Wally: Thanks, lemme take you to the Saito brothers.
~At Our House~
(Ren knocks on the door)
Ren: Mate, these battles are gonna be so fun!
Wally: I really hope you have fun!
Ren: Bloody oath, I’ll totally have fun!
(Austin opens the door)
Austin: Hey Wally, who’s your friend?
Ren: Arvo, I’m Rentaro Kiyama, and I’m here to battle you and your brother!
Austin: Me and Adrian?! I’ll go get him!
~In The Basement~
Adrian: So, you wanna battle us?
Ren: Ya mate, I saw your battles and they were amazing! So, let’s get started!!
Wally: I hope you don’t mind that I record this.
Austin: Sure! I wanna go first!!
Adrian: Be my guest.
Wally: First battle!
Austin: I’m going on the attack so I can burst Ragnaruk!
Ren: I’d like to see you try, mate!
(Austin puts Anpao in Attack Mode)
Wally: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Ren/Austin: Go, Shoot!
(Ren pulls off an explosive shoot)
Austin: No Eclipse Shoot?!
(Anpao hits the stadium floor but starts wobbling)
Ren: Mate, get this battle started!
(Ragnaruk slams into Anpao and takes the center)
Austin: Speed up, then use Sol Spark!
(Anpao speeds up on the stadium rim and hits Ragnaruk with a barrage of attacks)
Ren: Mate, try harder than that! Double Wing Cyclone!!
(Ragnaruk creates a huge tornado and sucks Anpao in)
Austin: No!
Adrian: You’re better than that, get in sync with your Bey!
All: *Gasps*
Austin: You’re right, Anpao!!
(Austin’s Resonance Aura flares up Anpao blazes out of the Bey, Anpao hits the wall and speeds up)
Anpao: Let’s go!
Austin: *Gasps*
(Anpao speeds up and slams into Ragnaruk, Ragnaruk and Anpao get sent flying)
Austin/Ren: *Gasps*
(Ragnaruk bursts and Anpao bursts seconds after)
All: *Gasps*
Wally: It’s Sol Anpao with a Burst Finish! Austin Saito is the winner!
Austin: I really won!
Ren: Blimey, you really got the best of me.
Adrian: It’s my turn to battle!
(Adrian’s eyes turn bright purple)
~At BC Sol~
Valt: Wow, Austin Saito is really somethin!
Free: Yeah, let’s see how his brother does.
~Back At Home~
Wally: Alright… First battle!
Adrian: I’m gonna knock you out of the park!
Ren: I’d like to see you try!
(Adrian’s dark Resonance Aura flares up)
Wally: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Ren/Adrian: Go, Shoot!
(Ren pulls off an explosive shoot, Adrian pulls off a powerful Eclipse Shoot, Adrian’s launcher explodes into fragments)
All: *Gasps*
Adrian: End this! Twilight Shoot!!
(Asriel glows purple and hits Ragnaruk with a powerful barrage of attacks, Ragnaruk cracks with each blow)
Ren: True Double Wing Cyclone!!
Adrian: Stop it in its tracks!
(Asriel slams into Ragnaruk’s wings to stop the tornado)
Ren: *Gasps*
Adrian: ASRIEL!!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel blazes out of the Bey)
Adrian: Twilight Blight!!
(Asriel slams into Ragnaruk at full power, Ragnaruk bursts into fragments)
All: *Gasps*
Wally: It’s… Twilight Asriel with a Burst Finish! Adrian’s the winner.
(Ren picks up Ragnaruk’s fragments)
Ren: You bloody idiot! What’d you do to my Ragnaruk?!
(I walk away)
~At BC Sol~
Free: Well, looks like your suspicions were correct.
Valt: I can’t let him do this.
Free: What’re you going to do?
Valt: I need some time to think about it.
It's saying chapter 4 when you open the spoiler (also It seems like I'm not in the contest, lol)
Sorry, lemme go back and like some posts and I'll fix that.
Aug. 09, 2021 8:28 PM
(Aug. 09, 2021 8:24 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ](Aug. 09, 2021 8:23 PM)Hollowmind8 Wrote: [ -> ]It's saying chapter 4 when you open the spoiler (also It seems like I'm not in the contest, lol)
Sorry, lemme go back and like some posts and I'll fix that.
Ok, anyways:[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] Is there going to be a winner for each system? Like one for Yin and one for Yang.[/font]
Aug. 09, 2021 8:28 PM
(Aug. 09, 2021 8:28 PM)Hollowmind8 Wrote: [ -> ](Aug. 09, 2021 8:24 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry, lemme go back and like some posts and I'll fix that.
Ok, anyways:[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] Is there going to be a winner for each system? Like one for Yin and one for Yang.[/font]
Yes their will (I defentially didn't just come up with that)
Aug. 09, 2021 8:31 PM
(Aug. 09, 2021 8:28 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ](Aug. 09, 2021 8:28 PM)Hollowmind8 Wrote: [ -> ]Ok, anyways:[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] Is there going to be a winner for each system? Like one for Yin and one for Yang.[/font]
Yes their will (I defentially didn't just come up with that)
definitively not just came up with that, It was part of the plan all along
Aug. 09, 2021 8:37 PM
Great chapter!
Aug. 10, 2021 4:54 AM
Hey Strike (I REFUSE TO CALL U UNSEEN CUZ THAT JUST SOUNDS WEIRD), I'll try to enter tomorrow

Aug. 10, 2021 4:55 AM
(Aug. 10, 2021 4:54 AM)GhostFox Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Strike (I REFUSE TO CALL U UNSEEN CUZ THAT JUST SOUNDS WEIRD), I'll try to enter tomorrow:)
You could just call me UB or Mystic (Dang it, I should've asked for MysticBurst, oh well) Thanks for entering!
Aug. 10, 2021 5:36 AM
(Aug. 09, 2021 6:30 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 3 is out!
Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 3
New Rival?!
~On An Airplane~
Adrian/Austin (On Tv): Twin Gyro!
(Curse Ragnaruk and Glide Satomb burst)
???: Well, these two look interesting, mates, why don’t I check you out?
Airplane Waiter: Rentaro, we’re about to land in Japan then we’re taking you to BC Sol.
Ren: Call me Ren, I’d like to bail and land here.
Airplane Waiter: Ok, I’ll let the captain know right away!
(The Airplane lands in Japan)
Captain: Thanks for flying with us, Rentaro!
Ren: No problem, I’ll be flying, this plane again, mate!
(The Airplane flies off)
Ren: How will I find Adrian and Austin?
(Wally walk past Ren)
Ren: Mate!
Wally: Um, hi.
Ren: Do you know Adrian and Austin Saito?
Wally: Yeah, I actually battled them a couple of days ago.
(Ren wraps his arm around Wally)
Ren: Then you wouldn’t have a problem with taking me there, right mate?
Wally: I guess if you really wanna see them.
Ren: Great! I’m Rentaro Kiyama, mate!
Wally: Wait, Kiyama? Does that mean?!
Ren: Yeah, Rantaro, Ranjiro, and Ransou are my cousins!
Wally: So awesome, do you wanna battle me before we see them?
Ren: It would be my pleasure!
~At The Park~
Wally: This is my third bey, Jet Satomb!
Ren: “Third?” What’d you mean?
Wally: Adrian destroyed my other two.
Ren: Wow, he must be powerful!
Wally: He really is, now, let’s battle!
(Ren holds up Cyclone Ragnaruk Wheel Flugel)
Ren: I’d like to see you try!
Wally: Ready?
Ren/Wally: 3! 2! 1! Go, Shoot!
(Ren pulls off an explosive shoot, Wally pulls off a Sparking Shoot)
Ren: Take the center, mate!
Wally: Don’t let it get to it!
(Ragnaruk takes the center, Ragnaruk and Jet Satomb start clashing)
Ren: True Ragnaruk Zone!
(Ragnaruk takes the center and starts blocking all of Jet Satomb’s attacks)
Wally: No way!
Ren: Ragnaruk’s got stamina for days!
Wally: Hit it harder!
(Jet Satomb speeds up and slams into Ragnaruk, Ragnaruk blocks the attack and sends Jet Satomb flying)
Wally: *Gasps*
Ren: True Double Wing Cyclone!!
(Ragnaruk creates a huge tornado and sucks Jet Satomb in, Jet Satomb gets shot in the air and bursts)
Wally: No…
Ren: Mate, that was a fun battle! We should do it again!!
Wally: Thanks, lemme take you to the Saito brothers.
~At Our House~
(Ren knocks on the door)
Ren: Mate, these battles are gonna be so fun!
Wally: I really hope you have fun!
Ren: Bloody oath, I’ll totally have fun!
(Austin opens the door)
Austin: Hey Wally, who’s your friend?
Ren: Arvo, I’m Rentaro Kiyama, and I’m here to battle you and your brother!
Austin: Me and Adrian?! I’ll go get him!
~In The Basement~
Adrian: So, you wanna battle us?
Ren: Ya mate, I saw your battles and they were amazing! So, let’s get started!!
Wally: I hope you don’t mind that I record this.
Austin: Sure! I wanna go first!!
Adrian: Be my guest.
Wally: First battle!
Austin: I’m going on the attack so I can burst Ragnaruk!
Ren: I’d like to see you try, mate!
(Austin puts Anpao in Attack Mode)
Wally: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Ren/Austin: Go, Shoot!
(Ren pulls off an explosive shoot)
Austin: No Eclipse Shoot?!
(Anpao hits the stadium floor but starts wobbling)
Ren: Mate, get this battle started!
(Ragnaruk slams into Anpao and takes the center)
Austin: Speed up, then use Sol Spark!
(Anpao speeds up on the stadium rim and hits Ragnaruk with a barrage of attacks)
Ren: Mate, try harder than that! Double Wing Cyclone!!
(Ragnaruk creates a huge tornado and sucks Anpao in)
Austin: No!
Adrian: You’re better than that, get in sync with your Bey!
All: *Gasps*
Austin: You’re right, Anpao!!
(Austin’s Resonance Aura flares up Anpao blazes out of the Bey, Anpao hits the wall and speeds up)
Anpao: Let’s go!
Austin: *Gasps*
(Anpao speeds up and slams into Ragnaruk, Ragnaruk and Anpao get sent flying)
Austin/Ren: *Gasps*
(Ragnaruk bursts and Anpao bursts seconds after)
All: *Gasps*
Wally: It’s Sol Anpao with a Burst Finish! Austin Saito is the winner!
Austin: I really won!
Ren: Blimey, you really got the best of me.
Adrian: It’s my turn to battle!
(Adrian’s eyes turn bright purple)
~At BC Sol~
Valt: Wow, Austin Saito is really somethin!
Free: Yeah, let’s see how his brother does.
~Back At Home~
Wally: Alright… First battle!
Adrian: I’m gonna knock you out of the park!
Ren: I’d like to see you try!
(Adrian’s dark Resonance Aura flares up)
Wally: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Ren/Adrian: Go, Shoot!
(Ren pulls off an explosive shoot, Adrian pulls off a powerful Eclipse Shoot, Adrian’s launcher explodes into fragments)
All: *Gasps*
Adrian: End this! Twilight Shoot!!
(Asriel glows purple and hits Ragnaruk with a powerful barrage of attacks, Ragnaruk cracks with each blow)
Ren: True Double Wing Cyclone!!
Adrian: Stop it in its tracks!
(Asriel slams into Ragnaruk’s wings to stop the tornado)
Ren: *Gasps*
Adrian: ASRIEL!!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel blazes out of the Bey)
Adrian: Twilight Blight!!
(Asriel slams into Ragnaruk at full power, Ragnaruk bursts into fragments)
All: *Gasps*
Wally: It’s… Twilight Asriel with a Burst Finish! Adrian’s the winner.
(Ren picks up Ragnaruk’s fragments)
Ren: You bloody idiot! What’d you do to my Ragnaruk?!
(I walk away)
~At BC Sol~
Free: Well, looks like your suspicions were correct.
Valt: I can’t let him do this.
Free: What’re you going to do?
Valt: I need some time to think about it.
Rip Ragnaruk... (Sorry for nitpicking but isn't Satomb the hasbro name?)
Aug. 10, 2021 6:07 AM
(Aug. 10, 2021 5:36 AM)Kiryu Kazuma Wrote: [ -> ](Aug. 09, 2021 6:30 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 3 is out!
Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 3
New Rival?!
~On An Airplane~
Adrian/Austin (On Tv): Twin Gyro!
(Curse Ragnaruk and Glide Satomb burst)
???: Well, these two look interesting, mates, why don’t I check you out?
Airplane Waiter: Rentaro, we’re about to land in Japan then we’re taking you to BC Sol.
Ren: Call me Ren, I’d like to bail and land here.
Airplane Waiter: Ok, I’ll let the captain know right away!
(The Airplane lands in Japan)
Captain: Thanks for flying with us, Rentaro!
Ren: No problem, I’ll be flying, this plane again, mate!
(The Airplane flies off)
Ren: How will I find Adrian and Austin?
(Wally walk past Ren)
Ren: Mate!
Wally: Um, hi.
Ren: Do you know Adrian and Austin Saito?
Wally: Yeah, I actually battled them a couple of days ago.
(Ren wraps his arm around Wally)
Ren: Then you wouldn’t have a problem with taking me there, right mate?
Wally: I guess if you really wanna see them.
Ren: Great! I’m Rentaro Kiyama, mate!
Wally: Wait, Kiyama? Does that mean?!
Ren: Yeah, Rantaro, Ranjiro, and Ransou are my cousins!
Wally: So awesome, do you wanna battle me before we see them?
Ren: It would be my pleasure!
~At The Park~
Wally: This is my third bey, Jet Satomb!
Ren: “Third?” What’d you mean?
Wally: Adrian destroyed my other two.
Ren: Wow, he must be powerful!
Wally: He really is, now, let’s battle!
(Ren holds up Cyclone Ragnaruk Wheel Flugel)
Ren: I’d like to see you try!
Wally: Ready?
Ren/Wally: 3! 2! 1! Go, Shoot!
(Ren pulls off an explosive shoot, Wally pulls off a Sparking Shoot)
Ren: Take the center, mate!
Wally: Don’t let it get to it!
(Ragnaruk takes the center, Ragnaruk and Jet Satomb start clashing)
Ren: True Ragnaruk Zone!
(Ragnaruk takes the center and starts blocking all of Jet Satomb’s attacks)
Wally: No way!
Ren: Ragnaruk’s got stamina for days!
Wally: Hit it harder!
(Jet Satomb speeds up and slams into Ragnaruk, Ragnaruk blocks the attack and sends Jet Satomb flying)
Wally: *Gasps*
Ren: True Double Wing Cyclone!!
(Ragnaruk creates a huge tornado and sucks Jet Satomb in, Jet Satomb gets shot in the air and bursts)
Wally: No…
Ren: Mate, that was a fun battle! We should do it again!!
Wally: Thanks, lemme take you to the Saito brothers.
~At Our House~
(Ren knocks on the door)
Ren: Mate, these battles are gonna be so fun!
Wally: I really hope you have fun!
Ren: Bloody oath, I’ll totally have fun!
(Austin opens the door)
Austin: Hey Wally, who’s your friend?
Ren: Arvo, I’m Rentaro Kiyama, and I’m here to battle you and your brother!
Austin: Me and Adrian?! I’ll go get him!
~In The Basement~
Adrian: So, you wanna battle us?
Ren: Ya mate, I saw your battles and they were amazing! So, let’s get started!!
Wally: I hope you don’t mind that I record this.
Austin: Sure! I wanna go first!!
Adrian: Be my guest.
Wally: First battle!
Austin: I’m going on the attack so I can burst Ragnaruk!
Ren: I’d like to see you try, mate!
(Austin puts Anpao in Attack Mode)
Wally: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Ren/Austin: Go, Shoot!
(Ren pulls off an explosive shoot)
Austin: No Eclipse Shoot?!
(Anpao hits the stadium floor but starts wobbling)
Ren: Mate, get this battle started!
(Ragnaruk slams into Anpao and takes the center)
Austin: Speed up, then use Sol Spark!
(Anpao speeds up on the stadium rim and hits Ragnaruk with a barrage of attacks)
Ren: Mate, try harder than that! Double Wing Cyclone!!
(Ragnaruk creates a huge tornado and sucks Anpao in)
Austin: No!
Adrian: You’re better than that, get in sync with your Bey!
All: *Gasps*
Austin: You’re right, Anpao!!
(Austin’s Resonance Aura flares up Anpao blazes out of the Bey, Anpao hits the wall and speeds up)
Anpao: Let’s go!
Austin: *Gasps*
(Anpao speeds up and slams into Ragnaruk, Ragnaruk and Anpao get sent flying)
Austin/Ren: *Gasps*
(Ragnaruk bursts and Anpao bursts seconds after)
All: *Gasps*
Wally: It’s Sol Anpao with a Burst Finish! Austin Saito is the winner!
Austin: I really won!
Ren: Blimey, you really got the best of me.
Adrian: It’s my turn to battle!
(Adrian’s eyes turn bright purple)
~At BC Sol~
Valt: Wow, Austin Saito is really somethin!
Free: Yeah, let’s see how his brother does.
~Back At Home~
Wally: Alright… First battle!
Adrian: I’m gonna knock you out of the park!
Ren: I’d like to see you try!
(Adrian’s dark Resonance Aura flares up)
Wally: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Ren/Adrian: Go, Shoot!
(Ren pulls off an explosive shoot, Adrian pulls off a powerful Eclipse Shoot, Adrian’s launcher explodes into fragments)
All: *Gasps*
Adrian: End this! Twilight Shoot!!
(Asriel glows purple and hits Ragnaruk with a powerful barrage of attacks, Ragnaruk cracks with each blow)
Ren: True Double Wing Cyclone!!
Adrian: Stop it in its tracks!
(Asriel slams into Ragnaruk’s wings to stop the tornado)
Ren: *Gasps*
Adrian: ASRIEL!!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel blazes out of the Bey)
Adrian: Twilight Blight!!
(Asriel slams into Ragnaruk at full power, Ragnaruk bursts into fragments)
All: *Gasps*
Wally: It’s… Twilight Asriel with a Burst Finish! Adrian’s the winner.
(Ren picks up Ragnaruk’s fragments)
Ren: You bloody idiot! What’d you do to my Ragnaruk?!
(I walk away)
~At BC Sol~
Free: Well, looks like your suspicions were correct.
Valt: I can’t let him do this.
Free: What’re you going to do?
Valt: I need some time to think about it.
Rip Ragnaruk... (Sorry for nitpicking but isn't Satomb the hasbro name?)
Translated for my own reasons
Aug. 10, 2021 10:46 AM
I think Satomb is better than for a toy name.
Spoiler (Click to View)
Aug. 10, 2021 4:44 PM
Adrian's Bey Breaking Streak Currently:
Chapter 4 is out!
can I get a rating, I'll rate whatever chapter you make tomorrow promise
Chapter 4 is out!
Spoiler (Click to View)
[I] [B]
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 4
Surging Storm! Squall Ragnaruk!!
(Ren holds Ragnaruk’s fragments tightly)
Ren: I’m sorry, mate.
Austin: Are you ok?
Ren: What do you want?!
Austin: I just wanna help you.
Ren: Your brother is really messed up.
Austin: I know, he’s something else.
Ren: So are you! *Smiles*
Austin: C’mon, let’s fix Ragnaruk!
~In The House Office~
Ren: Pretty cool place you’ve got! Is that a lappy?
Austin: Um, yes?
Ren: Sorry, I meant computer!
Austin: Yeah! We’re going to type in Ragnaruk’s new specs and abilities! It’ll be a powerful Stamina Type!
(Ren starts typing fast on the computer)
Austin: *Gasps*
Ren: I’ve got a bit of experience with lappies!
Austin: A little is an understatement!
(An image appears on the screen saying “Yin or Yang”)
Ren: “Yin or Yang?”
Austin: The Yin Yang System is a two-part system, so you can either create a Yin Bey or a Yang Bey!
(Ren selects Yin)
Austin: *Gasps* What’s wrong with The Yang System?!
Ren: My Bey got destroyed by a Yin Bey, so, I’ll counter with a Yin Bey!
Austin: I guess if that’s what you want.
(Wally walks in)
Austin: Wally?
Wally: Hey, I came to check on Ren, that loss must’ve been hard on him!
Ren: Hey, mate! I’m doing fine, I’m actually working on my new Ragnaruk!
Wally: “New Ragnaruk?”
Austin: Yeah, after Adrian destroyed Cyclone Ragnaruk, Ren wanted to evolve Ragnaruk!
Wally: I want in on this!
Austin: You can help, come on!
(Austin, Wally, and Ren start working on Ragnaruk)
Ren: Hang in there, mate.
Wally: Need more metal?
Austin: Yeah, a bit more!
~2 Hours Later~
Ren: It’s done! Squall Ragnaruk!!
(Ren holds up his Bey)
Austin: You did awesome on it!
Ren: You mean we did awesome on it!
Austin: So, are you gonna challenge Adrian now?
Ren: I’ll challenge you, then I’ll hit Adrian even harder!
(Mom walks in)
Mom: Austin, who are your friends?
Austin: This is Rentaro and Wally! Rentaro’s from Australia!
Ren: G’Day!
Mom: It’s nice to meet you all, Rentaro, where are you staying?
Ren: *Gasps* Where am I going to go?!
Mom: Huh?
Ren: I was planning on visiting my cousins but got sidetracked into coming here!
Mom: We’ve got a lot of spare rooms, you can stay here as long as you want!
Ren: Seriously?
Mom: I’m serious.
Ren: Defo! Thanks a bunch!!
Wally: So, you’re going to battle Austin first?
Ren: Yeah, this should be fun!
~In The Basement~
Wally: Inspect your opponent’s Bey!
Austin (Thoughts): Squall Ragnaruk, a Clockwise Spinning Stamina Type! It has a pretty circular shape, making it harder to burst and increase stamina! It has metal Stamina Wings that create a strong tornado once spinning fast enough! It also has metal on the rest of the layer, making it heavier! It has a super heavy disk that is really round! Its driver has a chip on it making the driver a bit heavier and has a sharp metal tip on the bottom that increases stamina! Let’s see how this’ll go!
Wally: First battle!
Ren: I can’t wait to see how Squall Ragnaruk does!
Austin: I hope you won’t be disappointed when you lose!
Ren: I’m not losing!
(Austin puts Anpao in Stamina Mode)
Wally: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Ren/Austin: Go, Shoot!
(Ren pulls off an Eclipse Shoot)
Ren: Go for the center, Ragnaruk!
(Ragnaruk takes the center immediately, Anpao and Ragnaruk start clashing)
Austin: Knock ‘em out! Anpao!!
(Anpao sendings Ragnaruk flying up the stadium ramp, Ragnaruk comes crashing down flinging Anpao into the wall)
Ren: You’ll have to try harder than that to knock Ragnaruk outta the center!
Austin: Sol Spark!
(Anpao hits Ragnaruk with a barrage of attacks, Ragnaruk doesn't even flinch, Ren bites down on his lollipop breaking it into fragments)
Ren: Ragnaruk!!
(Ren’s Resonance Aura flares up Ragnaruk blazes out of the Bey)
Ren: Flaming Winged Tempest!!
(Ragnaruk creates a huge powerful tornado and sucks Anpao in, Anpao gets shot up into the air and bursts)
Austin: *Gasps*
Wally: It’s Squall Ragnaruk, with a Burst Finish! Rentaro Kiyama is the winner!
Austin: Just one move…
(Adrian comes into the basement)
Adrian: Austin, if you're playing with soda and mentos again, I’m going to lose it!
Ren: Adrian! Just the man I wanted to see, do you wanna battle?!
Adrian: Didn’t I completely destroy you three hours ago?
Ren: Yeah, that’s why I want a rematch!
(Ren holds up Squall Ragnaruk)
Adrian: Austin, don’t tell me you--
Austin: Helped him evolve his Bey into a Yin Bey? Yeah, I did!
Adrian: Whatever, the stronger my opponent is the better the win is!
Wally: First battle!
Adrian: Get ready to lose!
Ren: I won’t, I can guarantee you that!
Austin: Adrian watch out for--
Possessed Adrian: Don’t tell me what to do!!
All: *Gasps*
Wally: R-R-Ready Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Ren/Adrian: Go, Shoot!
(Ren and Adrian pull off Eclipse Shoots)
Adrian: Twilight Shoot!
Ren: Like I’d let you! Flaming Winged Storm!!
(Ragnaruk takes the center and creates a wind barrier, Asriel’s attacks get blocked by the wind barrier)
Possessed Adrian: Breakthrough it!
(Asriel slams through the windy barrier and slams into Ragnaruk, Ragnaruk gets sent up the stadium ramp)
Ren: We’re not done!
(Ragnaruk slams into Asriel with its heavyweight, Asriel gets sent flying into the wall and starts wobbling)
Adrian: *Gasps*
Ren: Ragnaruk!!
(Ren’s Resonance Aura flares up Ragnaruk blazes out of the Bey)
Ren: Flaming Winged Tempest!!
(Ragnaruk creates a huge tornado, Asriel gets sucked up in the tornado and gets shot into the wall, Asriel bursts)
Adrian: *Gasps*
Wally: It’s Squall Ragnaruk with a--
Adrian: We all know what happened!!
(Adrian storms off)
Ren: Yo, what’s his deal?
Austin: I… I don’t know. [I] [B]
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 4
Surging Storm! Squall Ragnaruk!!
(Ren holds Ragnaruk’s fragments tightly)
Ren: I’m sorry, mate.
Austin: Are you ok?
Ren: What do you want?!
Austin: I just wanna help you.
Ren: Your brother is really messed up.
Austin: I know, he’s something else.
Ren: So are you! *Smiles*
Austin: C’mon, let’s fix Ragnaruk!
~In The House Office~
Ren: Pretty cool place you’ve got! Is that a lappy?
Austin: Um, yes?
Ren: Sorry, I meant computer!
Austin: Yeah! We’re going to type in Ragnaruk’s new specs and abilities! It’ll be a powerful Stamina Type!
(Ren starts typing fast on the computer)
Austin: *Gasps*
Ren: I’ve got a bit of experience with lappies!
Austin: A little is an understatement!
(An image appears on the screen saying “Yin or Yang”)
Ren: “Yin or Yang?”
Austin: The Yin Yang System is a two-part system, so you can either create a Yin Bey or a Yang Bey!
(Ren selects Yin)
Austin: *Gasps* What’s wrong with The Yang System?!
Ren: My Bey got destroyed by a Yin Bey, so, I’ll counter with a Yin Bey!
Austin: I guess if that’s what you want.
(Wally walks in)
Austin: Wally?
Wally: Hey, I came to check on Ren, that loss must’ve been hard on him!
Ren: Hey, mate! I’m doing fine, I’m actually working on my new Ragnaruk!
Wally: “New Ragnaruk?”
Austin: Yeah, after Adrian destroyed Cyclone Ragnaruk, Ren wanted to evolve Ragnaruk!
Wally: I want in on this!
Austin: You can help, come on!
(Austin, Wally, and Ren start working on Ragnaruk)
Ren: Hang in there, mate.
Wally: Need more metal?
Austin: Yeah, a bit more!
~2 Hours Later~
Ren: It’s done! Squall Ragnaruk!!
(Ren holds up his Bey)
Austin: You did awesome on it!
Ren: You mean we did awesome on it!
Austin: So, are you gonna challenge Adrian now?
Ren: I’ll challenge you, then I’ll hit Adrian even harder!
(Mom walks in)
Mom: Austin, who are your friends?
Austin: This is Rentaro and Wally! Rentaro’s from Australia!
Ren: G’Day!
Mom: It’s nice to meet you all, Rentaro, where are you staying?
Ren: *Gasps* Where am I going to go?!
Mom: Huh?
Ren: I was planning on visiting my cousins but got sidetracked into coming here!
Mom: We’ve got a lot of spare rooms, you can stay here as long as you want!
Ren: Seriously?
Mom: I’m serious.
Ren: Defo! Thanks a bunch!!
Wally: So, you’re going to battle Austin first?
Ren: Yeah, this should be fun!
~In The Basement~
Wally: Inspect your opponent’s Bey!
Austin (Thoughts): Squall Ragnaruk, a Clockwise Spinning Stamina Type! It has a pretty circular shape, making it harder to burst and increase stamina! It has metal Stamina Wings that create a strong tornado once spinning fast enough! It also has metal on the rest of the layer, making it heavier! It has a super heavy disk that is really round! Its driver has a chip on it making the driver a bit heavier and has a sharp metal tip on the bottom that increases stamina! Let’s see how this’ll go!
Wally: First battle!
Ren: I can’t wait to see how Squall Ragnaruk does!
Austin: I hope you won’t be disappointed when you lose!
Ren: I’m not losing!
(Austin puts Anpao in Stamina Mode)
Wally: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Ren/Austin: Go, Shoot!
(Ren pulls off an Eclipse Shoot)
Ren: Go for the center, Ragnaruk!
(Ragnaruk takes the center immediately, Anpao and Ragnaruk start clashing)
Austin: Knock ‘em out! Anpao!!
(Anpao sendings Ragnaruk flying up the stadium ramp, Ragnaruk comes crashing down flinging Anpao into the wall)
Ren: You’ll have to try harder than that to knock Ragnaruk outta the center!
Austin: Sol Spark!
(Anpao hits Ragnaruk with a barrage of attacks, Ragnaruk doesn't even flinch, Ren bites down on his lollipop breaking it into fragments)
Ren: Ragnaruk!!
(Ren’s Resonance Aura flares up Ragnaruk blazes out of the Bey)
Ren: Flaming Winged Tempest!!
(Ragnaruk creates a huge powerful tornado and sucks Anpao in, Anpao gets shot up into the air and bursts)
Austin: *Gasps*
Wally: It’s Squall Ragnaruk, with a Burst Finish! Rentaro Kiyama is the winner!
Austin: Just one move…
(Adrian comes into the basement)
Adrian: Austin, if you're playing with soda and mentos again, I’m going to lose it!
Ren: Adrian! Just the man I wanted to see, do you wanna battle?!
Adrian: Didn’t I completely destroy you three hours ago?
Ren: Yeah, that’s why I want a rematch!
(Ren holds up Squall Ragnaruk)
Adrian: Austin, don’t tell me you--
Austin: Helped him evolve his Bey into a Yin Bey? Yeah, I did!
Adrian: Whatever, the stronger my opponent is the better the win is!
Wally: First battle!
Adrian: Get ready to lose!
Ren: I won’t, I can guarantee you that!
Austin: Adrian watch out for--
Possessed Adrian: Don’t tell me what to do!!
All: *Gasps*
Wally: R-R-Ready Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Ren/Adrian: Go, Shoot!
(Ren and Adrian pull off Eclipse Shoots)
Adrian: Twilight Shoot!
Ren: Like I’d let you! Flaming Winged Storm!!
(Ragnaruk takes the center and creates a wind barrier, Asriel’s attacks get blocked by the wind barrier)
Possessed Adrian: Breakthrough it!
(Asriel slams through the windy barrier and slams into Ragnaruk, Ragnaruk gets sent up the stadium ramp)
Ren: We’re not done!
(Ragnaruk slams into Asriel with its heavyweight, Asriel gets sent flying into the wall and starts wobbling)
Adrian: *Gasps*
Ren: Ragnaruk!!
(Ren’s Resonance Aura flares up Ragnaruk blazes out of the Bey)
Ren: Flaming Winged Tempest!!
(Ragnaruk creates a huge tornado, Asriel gets sucked up in the tornado and gets shot into the wall, Asriel bursts)
Adrian: *Gasps*
Wally: It’s Squall Ragnaruk with a--
Adrian: We all know what happened!!
(Adrian storms off)
Ren: Yo, what’s his deal?
Austin: I… I don’t know. [I] [B]
Aug. 10, 2021 10:24 PM
I'll rate in about 5 minutes I'm stacked right now
Aug. 10, 2021 10:32 PM
nice episode man!