Sep. 06, 2021 10:39 PM
Sep. 06, 2021 10:41 PM
(Sep. 06, 2021 10:26 PM)LegendJustice Wrote: [ -> ]Name: Kane Usami
Height: 5'6'
Age: 13
Nationality: Japan
Personality: He has been a blader for a long time, between you and me he has been one for 4 years even tho Valt has been one for 6 years but anyway Kane sometimes like to think about himself but that doesn't make him selfish if he sees an old lady on the street he instantly goes and helps he or her! But around other people, he can be let's say much he once ACCIDENTALLY punched a kid in his kindergarten.
Appearance: Kane where's a Red jacket with a white shirt under it
The white shirt says "King" and black Jeans with black shoes that light up, he has Crimson hair with Ruby eyes, white skin, and has a Ruby-shamed birthmark on his right arm and where's one glove on his left hand.
Beyblade: King Kitsune 00 Expand Destroy Dash
King Kitsune:
Forge Disc- like other odd-numbered Core Discs, is an asymmetrical, elliptical disc that can facilitate a Disc Frame. 00 is one of the heaviest Discs, outclassing 0 by 1 gram, and has an ideal weight distribution for all Combinations. Its high Outward Weight Distribution (OWD) grants it not only the highest Stamina potential out of all other Core Discs, but its weight grants it high Attack and Defense potential. With the use of Disc Frames, 00 can be used to great effect in any Combination. While the weight can increase the risk of Bursts, the weight of most SwitchStrike/God Layers and Cho-Z Layers can compensate
Expand - Information will be added here later
Performance Tip - Destroy' features an eight-pointed star tip, akin to Jaggy, under a free-spinning plate that sits at a standard height.
Due to the tip's shape and diameter, Destroy' will create an aggressive movement pattern equivalent to Jaggy with the same moderately controllable movement pattern and speed.
What sets Destroy' apart from Jaggy is the free-spinning plate that is meant to stabilize a Beyblade if it is knocked off balance by creating a second point of contact with only minimal Stamina loss due to its free-spinning nature. Unlike other Tips with similar gimmicks such as Cycle and Guard, the low placement of Destroy''s plate ensures that lock up does not occur, meaning that Destroy''s gimmick works as intended. Destroy' features an eight-pointed star tip, akin to Jaggy, under a free-spinning plate that sits at a standard height.
Due to the tip's shape and diameter, Destroy' will create an aggressive movement pattern equivalent to Jaggy with the same moderately controllable movement pattern and speed.
What sets Destroy' apart from Jaggy is the free-spinning plate that is meant to stabilize a Beyblade if it is knocked off balance by creating a second point of contact with only minimal Stamina loss due to its free-spinning nature. Unlike other Tips with similar gimmicks such as Cycle and Guard, the low placement of Destroy''s plate ensures that lock up does not occur, meaning that Destroy''s gimmick works as intended.
Activities: Sports, Blading, Writing.
Hope this makes it!
You should probably add the layer info.
Sep. 06, 2021 10:59 PM
ub, can you give me the permission to announce the austin is now a member of the pog clan?
Name: Paxton Kahaja
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Height: 5'0
H/C: Dark Blue/Purple
E/C: Dark Red
Paxton is a slightly shorter-than-average boy for his age. He has a dark purple jacket with blue and white outlines going from his shoulders to his wrists, black pants, and purple top shoes with a blue base and a dark red bottom.
Paxton is a pretty mean individual, often mocking people for their blading skills, or just insulting someone. He doesn't like people who are determined, and he often tries to fill his opponent with as much gloom as possible.
Beyblade: Obscure Pluto 00Dusk Atomic Yen
Type: Defense
Spin Direction: Left
Ring - Obscure: A ring with a black motif, and a whooping 16 jagged, downward contact points, in a perfect circle.
Core - Pluto: A chip with the motif of the roman god of the underworld, Pluto. It has a black motif with a dark blue demon looking down to the right, with it's purple tongue and 4 sharp teeth sticking out.
Forge Disc - 00:
Disc Frame - Dusk: A pitch black defensive frame with 8 circular contact points.
Performance Tip - Atomic:
Weight - Yen: A weight that has a whooping 6 protruding points (3 on each side).
Special Moves:
Obscure Crush: Pluto rides up the stadium slope, then crashes back down onto the opponent, dealing massive damage.
Obscure Barricade: Taking the center, Pluto uses it's Obscure ring and creates a purple energy barrier, blocking off any opponent's attacks.
Spoiler (Click to View)
Name: Paxton Kahaja
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Height: 5'0
H/C: Dark Blue/Purple
E/C: Dark Red
Paxton is a slightly shorter-than-average boy for his age. He has a dark purple jacket with blue and white outlines going from his shoulders to his wrists, black pants, and purple top shoes with a blue base and a dark red bottom.
Paxton is a pretty mean individual, often mocking people for their blading skills, or just insulting someone. He doesn't like people who are determined, and he often tries to fill his opponent with as much gloom as possible.
Beyblade: Obscure Pluto 00Dusk Atomic Yen
Type: Defense
Spin Direction: Left
Ring - Obscure: A ring with a black motif, and a whooping 16 jagged, downward contact points, in a perfect circle.
Core - Pluto: A chip with the motif of the roman god of the underworld, Pluto. It has a black motif with a dark blue demon looking down to the right, with it's purple tongue and 4 sharp teeth sticking out.
Forge Disc - 00:
Disc Frame - Dusk: A pitch black defensive frame with 8 circular contact points.
Performance Tip - Atomic:
Weight - Yen: A weight that has a whooping 6 protruding points (3 on each side).
Special Moves:
Obscure Crush: Pluto rides up the stadium slope, then crashes back down onto the opponent, dealing massive damage.
Obscure Barricade: Taking the center, Pluto uses it's Obscure ring and creates a purple energy barrier, blocking off any opponent's attacks.
Sep. 06, 2021 11:08 PM
Name: Atlas Sane
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Appearance: A brown haired kid that has a rusty watch on his wrist and has silver eyes. He wears a collared shirt with shorts that are tattered.
Personality: Atlas is poor and made his bey after he decided to stop relying on other people. He has a younger brother named Chris that he wants to protect more then anything. He always looks on the bright side and is usually friendly, unless you insult his brother then it is game on.
Bey: Paladin Ares Crisis TriSpin Noble
Core: Ares, has two sword crossing a shield with a warrior behind it. Has a Red and Black color scheme
‘Weight: Noble, Goku but heavier
Ring: Paladin, Vari ring but as a burst layer with the yellow parts being rubber and made of plastic with metal in the blades
Disk: Crisis, Over as a normal disk with three bumps on it
Driver: TriSpin, Zeta with xtend+ outer area and a Jolt tip, a orbit metal tip and Xtend+’s Stamina tip.
Special Moves
Paladin’s Sword: Ares hits his opponent with his blade
Paladin Shield: Ares defends with the rubber
Noble Slam: Slams into the opponent with the center of the blade
Everlasting Spin: Uses the stamina tip to spin gain spin
Crisis Counter: Uses the rubber to absorb impact then counter it with the blade
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Appearance: A brown haired kid that has a rusty watch on his wrist and has silver eyes. He wears a collared shirt with shorts that are tattered.
Personality: Atlas is poor and made his bey after he decided to stop relying on other people. He has a younger brother named Chris that he wants to protect more then anything. He always looks on the bright side and is usually friendly, unless you insult his brother then it is game on.
Bey: Paladin Ares Crisis TriSpin Noble
Core: Ares, has two sword crossing a shield with a warrior behind it. Has a Red and Black color scheme
‘Weight: Noble, Goku but heavier
Ring: Paladin, Vari ring but as a burst layer with the yellow parts being rubber and made of plastic with metal in the blades
Disk: Crisis, Over as a normal disk with three bumps on it
Driver: TriSpin, Zeta with xtend+ outer area and a Jolt tip, a orbit metal tip and Xtend+’s Stamina tip.
Special Moves
Paladin’s Sword: Ares hits his opponent with his blade
Paladin Shield: Ares defends with the rubber
Noble Slam: Slams into the opponent with the center of the blade
Everlasting Spin: Uses the stamina tip to spin gain spin
Crisis Counter: Uses the rubber to absorb impact then counter it with the blade
Sep. 06, 2021 11:10 PM
(Sep. 06, 2021 11:08 PM)LJ-Blader Wrote: [ -> ]Name: Atlas Saneatlas sane?! more like atlas (im going in)sane!
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Appearance: A brown haired kid that has a rusty watch on his wrist and has silver eyes. He wears a collared shirt with shorts that are tattered.
Personality: Atlas is poor and made his bey after he decided to stop relying on other people. He has a younger brother named Chris that he wants to protect more then anything. He always looks on the bright side and is usually friendly, unless you insult his brother then it is game on.
Bey: Paladin Ares Crisis TriSpin Noble
Core: Ares, has two sword crossing a shield with a warrior behind it. Has a Red and Black color scheme
‘Weight: Noble, Goku but heavier
Ring: Paladin, Vari ring but as a burst layer with the yellow parts being rubber and made of plastic with metal in the blades
Disk: Crisis, Over as a normal disk with three bumps on it
Driver: TriSpin, Zeta with xtend+ outer area and a Jolt tip, a orbit metal tip and Xtend+’s Stamina tip.
Sep. 07, 2021 3:16 AM
Chapter 1 of Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash is out!
Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash
Chapter 1
New Revolution, Mystic Vulcan!
~In Japan’s Main Arena~
(Luinor Bursts)
Lui: *Gasps*
Referee: It’s Savior Valkyrie with a Burst Finish! Valt Aoi claims 2 points!
Valt: Aw yeah!
Hanami: Incredible! Our Wonder Boy has just burst Luinor!!
Me: Woah! This is awesome!!
Dad: So, are you happy I could take you to this Legend’s Class Bey Battle?
Me: Yeah, Valt’s super strong, I wanna battle out there too!
Dad: You’ll have to get super strong if you want to battle out there.
Me: Oh I will trust me!
Referee: Second Battle! Ready? Set!!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Lui/Valt: Go, Shoot!!
(Valt and Lui pull off powerful Explosive Shoots)
Valt: Go, Valkyrie!
Lui: Crush ‘em, Luinor!
(Luinor and Valkyrie hit each other with a barrage of attacks)
Hanami: Luinor and Valkyrie are going all out!
Valt: Shot Upper!!
Lui: I don’t think so, Guilty Upper!!
(Luinor and Valkyrie both hit each other with powerful uppercuts, Both Beys get sent flying in the air)
Hanami: *Gasps* They’ve both been sent flying!!
Valt: Aah! Valkyrie!!
(Valt’s Resonance Aura flares up Valkyrie blazes out of the Bey)
Lui: Luinor!!
(Lui’s Resonance Aura flares up Luinor blazes out of the Bey)
Valt: True Savior Slash!!
Lui: Guilty Smash!!
(Luinor and Valkyrie slam into each other at full power, a huge explosion bursts out of the stadium)
Valt/Lui: Aah!!
(Luinor emerges from the light and stops spinning, Valkyrie stops spinning after Luinor)
Referee: It’s Savior Valkyrie with a Spin Finish! The Winner Of This Legend Class Battle is Valt Aoi!!
Valt: Yeah!!
Hanami: Valt Aoi holds his spot as the World’s Top Blader and completely dominates his battle with Lui Shirosagi!
Lui: Grr!!
(Lui walks away in anger)
Me: That battle was awesome, I wanna battle like that so bad!
Dad: Get stronger and maybe you’ll be able to battle Valt Aoi on the Main Stage!
Me: Yeah…
~Outside Of The Main Arena~
(Valt walks out of the building)
Me: Valt Aoi?!
(I run up to Valt at full speed)
Valt: Oh Hi! Sorry, I didn’t see you coming!
Me: Valt! I wanna become the strongest Blader in the world so please tell me your secrets!!
Valt: “My Secrets?” I dunno.
Me: What do you mean you don’t know? You’re literally in the Legend’s Class, you rank first in the world! You’ve gotta have some secrets!!
Valt: I just go all out and trust in Valkyrie!
Me: “Trust in Valkyrie?”
Valt: Yeah! Also, I’m about to evolve my Valkyrie into a Mystic Bey!
Me: “Mystic Bey?” Isn’t that the new up-and-coming Beyblade System that’s supposed to be super powerful?
Valt: That’s right if you create one and train hard you’ll definitely be able to defeat me!
Me: Okay, I’ll create my own Mystic Beyblade and we’ll have an awesome battle!
Valt: Alright, meet me at the park tomorrow afternoon and we’ll have our battle!
Me: You’ve got it!
~Back At Home~
(I burst through the door, Dad follows me from behind)
Me: I’m home!
(A little girl with blond hair runs up to me)
???: You’re back, Victor!
Me: Hey, Emma! How’s it going?
Emma: Good! What’re you doing today?
Me: I’m gonna create a Mystic Bey!
Emma: “A Mystic Bey?” Isn’t that the new popular Beyblade System?
Me: It sure is, I’m gonna make one so I can battle Valt Aoi!!
Emma: Didn’t you go see Valt’s battle with Dad?
Me: I sure did, and I met Valt in person! And he promised to battle me!!
Emma: Awesome! Can I help?
Me: Sure, I’ll take all the help I can get!
Emma: Alright!!
(Me and Emma run up to my room, I open this blue box and it shows mechanical tools)
Me: Dad got me this yesterday, I finally get to put it to good use!
Emma: Alright, I’ll connect your computer to the Printer!
(Emma connects my computer to the Printer, I start typing up a design)
Me: I’ll also need a Mystic Launcher so I can pull out my Bey’s full power!
Emma: We’ll be able to do that too!
(I type up a Launcher and Beyblade Design on my computer)
Me: This is what my Bey and my Launcher is gonna be like, I’m so excited!!
Emma: Yeah, this Bey will be invincible!
Me: I’ll start working, thanks for your help, Emma!
Emma: I wanna help more! Please, give me something else to do!
Me: I guess you can tell me everything you can get about Valt!
Emma: Sure thing!
(I start working on my Bey, Emma grabs her Ipad and starts looking up Data on Valt)
Emma: It says here that “Valt Aoi is a very powerful Blader, he can work around almost any strategy and has explosive shoot power!” I can’t really say anything about his Bey becuase he’s making a new one.
Me: I’m going to beat Valt, no matter what!
Emma: That’s the Victor I know, let’s keep working!
(Me and Emma keep working)
~That Night~
(Emma sleeps on the couch while I keep working)
Me: I’ll become the strongest Mystic Blader and defeat Valt Aoi!
???: That’s right!
Me: *Gasps*
(I get pulled into a white void)
Me: *Gasps* Who are you?
Vulcan: I am Vulcan! The Beyblade you created, my question is… Can you bring out my true potential?
Me: Of course I can, I’ll become the strongest Blader in the world!
Vulcan: I am looking forward to it, we’ll become the strongest… together!
Me: Of course!
(I get pulled out of the white void)
Me: It’s finally finished, Mystic Vulcan!!
(I try holding my Bey up but fall asleep before doing it)
~The Next Morning~
(Mom starts clapping pans together loudly)
Me/Emma: *Gasps*
Mom: Victor! It’s time for your match with Valt!!
Me: How did you know about that?
Mom: You’re Dad told me, now get a move on and get ready!
Me: Okay, C’mon Emma!
~At The Park~
(I run to the park to see Valt waiting for me)
Me: Sorry I’m late!
Valt: No problem, I was late too! Also, I couldn’t finish Valkyrie in time, but when it’s done, I’ll battle you can go all out!
Emma: You’re Valt Aoi!!
Me: Emma, you promised not to freak out.
Valt: It’s fine, nice to meet you!
Emma: I’ll be the referee, Inspect your opponent’s Bey!
Valt (Thoughts): Mystic Vulcan, A Clockwise Spinning Attack Type! It has Two Large Blades and Two Small Blades. The Blades have some metal on them increasing the Attack Power and has a ‘Weight making two points on it to balance the weight. Its disk is super heavy so this will help it with Attack! Its driver has a Rubber Ring around it to help it speed up and has rubber in the middle to help it speed up! Man, looks like The Blading World’s going through another Revolution!
Emma: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Valt: Go, Shoot!!
(Valt pulls off a Mystic Shoot, stars get sent flying out of the launcher and explode)
Me: *Gasps* No Mystic Shoot?!
Valt: Go, Valkyrie!
(Valkyrie speeds up and hits Vulcan with a powerful barrage of attacks)
Me: Counter, Vulcan!
(Vulcan leans on its driver and speeds up, Vulcan launches a powerful barrage of blows on Valkyrie)
Valt: Bound Savior!
(Valkyrie slams into Vulcan sending it flying into the wall, Vulcan starts wobbling)
Me: *Gasps*
Valt: True Shot Upper!!!
(Valkyrie goes under Vulcan and jumps up hitting it with a powerful uppercut and slashes at Vulcan at full power, Vulcan gets shot high in the air)
Me: I’m not going to lose! Vulcan!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up Vulcan blazes out of the Bey)
Me: Take Valkyrie out!
(Vulcan lands on the stadium floor and speeds up, Vulcan slams into Valkyrie sending it flying in the air)
Valt: *Gasps*
Me: What’d you think about that?
Valt (Thoughts): I’ll admit, he’s a powerful Blader.
(Valkyrie lands on the stadium floor, Vulcan continues to hit Valkyrie with a barrage of attacks)
Valt: Valkyrie!!
(Valt’s Resonance Aura flares up Valkyrie blazes out of the Bey)
Valt: True Savior Slash!!
(Valkyrie speeds up and slams into Vulcan, Vulcan gets sent flying into the wall and bursts)
Me: *Gasps*
Emma: *Gasps* It’s Savior Valkyrie with a Burst Finish! Valt’s the winner!!
Me: I lost…
(Valt puts his hand out)
Valt: You did better than I thought you would, you’re a special Blader!
(I grab Valt’s hand and get up)
Me: Yeah thanks! I hope I can battle you again!
Valt: I’ll always be up for battling you!
(Valt walks away)
Emma: I’m sorry you couldn’t win.
Me: It’s ok, but I know what my new goal is.
Emma: What?
Me: To defeat Valt.
Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash
Chapter 1
New Revolution, Mystic Vulcan!
~In Japan’s Main Arena~
(Luinor Bursts)
Lui: *Gasps*
Referee: It’s Savior Valkyrie with a Burst Finish! Valt Aoi claims 2 points!
Valt: Aw yeah!
Hanami: Incredible! Our Wonder Boy has just burst Luinor!!
Me: Woah! This is awesome!!
Dad: So, are you happy I could take you to this Legend’s Class Bey Battle?
Me: Yeah, Valt’s super strong, I wanna battle out there too!
Dad: You’ll have to get super strong if you want to battle out there.
Me: Oh I will trust me!
Referee: Second Battle! Ready? Set!!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Lui/Valt: Go, Shoot!!
(Valt and Lui pull off powerful Explosive Shoots)
Valt: Go, Valkyrie!
Lui: Crush ‘em, Luinor!
(Luinor and Valkyrie hit each other with a barrage of attacks)
Hanami: Luinor and Valkyrie are going all out!
Valt: Shot Upper!!
Lui: I don’t think so, Guilty Upper!!
(Luinor and Valkyrie both hit each other with powerful uppercuts, Both Beys get sent flying in the air)
Hanami: *Gasps* They’ve both been sent flying!!
Valt: Aah! Valkyrie!!
(Valt’s Resonance Aura flares up Valkyrie blazes out of the Bey)
Lui: Luinor!!
(Lui’s Resonance Aura flares up Luinor blazes out of the Bey)
Valt: True Savior Slash!!
Lui: Guilty Smash!!
(Luinor and Valkyrie slam into each other at full power, a huge explosion bursts out of the stadium)
Valt/Lui: Aah!!
(Luinor emerges from the light and stops spinning, Valkyrie stops spinning after Luinor)
Referee: It’s Savior Valkyrie with a Spin Finish! The Winner Of This Legend Class Battle is Valt Aoi!!
Valt: Yeah!!
Hanami: Valt Aoi holds his spot as the World’s Top Blader and completely dominates his battle with Lui Shirosagi!
Lui: Grr!!
(Lui walks away in anger)
Me: That battle was awesome, I wanna battle like that so bad!
Dad: Get stronger and maybe you’ll be able to battle Valt Aoi on the Main Stage!
Me: Yeah…
~Outside Of The Main Arena~
(Valt walks out of the building)
Me: Valt Aoi?!
(I run up to Valt at full speed)
Valt: Oh Hi! Sorry, I didn’t see you coming!
Me: Valt! I wanna become the strongest Blader in the world so please tell me your secrets!!
Valt: “My Secrets?” I dunno.
Me: What do you mean you don’t know? You’re literally in the Legend’s Class, you rank first in the world! You’ve gotta have some secrets!!
Valt: I just go all out and trust in Valkyrie!
Me: “Trust in Valkyrie?”
Valt: Yeah! Also, I’m about to evolve my Valkyrie into a Mystic Bey!
Me: “Mystic Bey?” Isn’t that the new up-and-coming Beyblade System that’s supposed to be super powerful?
Valt: That’s right if you create one and train hard you’ll definitely be able to defeat me!
Me: Okay, I’ll create my own Mystic Beyblade and we’ll have an awesome battle!
Valt: Alright, meet me at the park tomorrow afternoon and we’ll have our battle!
Me: You’ve got it!
~Back At Home~
(I burst through the door, Dad follows me from behind)
Me: I’m home!
(A little girl with blond hair runs up to me)
???: You’re back, Victor!
Me: Hey, Emma! How’s it going?
Emma: Good! What’re you doing today?
Me: I’m gonna create a Mystic Bey!
Emma: “A Mystic Bey?” Isn’t that the new popular Beyblade System?
Me: It sure is, I’m gonna make one so I can battle Valt Aoi!!
Emma: Didn’t you go see Valt’s battle with Dad?
Me: I sure did, and I met Valt in person! And he promised to battle me!!
Emma: Awesome! Can I help?
Me: Sure, I’ll take all the help I can get!
Emma: Alright!!
(Me and Emma run up to my room, I open this blue box and it shows mechanical tools)
Me: Dad got me this yesterday, I finally get to put it to good use!
Emma: Alright, I’ll connect your computer to the Printer!
(Emma connects my computer to the Printer, I start typing up a design)
Me: I’ll also need a Mystic Launcher so I can pull out my Bey’s full power!
Emma: We’ll be able to do that too!
(I type up a Launcher and Beyblade Design on my computer)
Me: This is what my Bey and my Launcher is gonna be like, I’m so excited!!
Emma: Yeah, this Bey will be invincible!
Me: I’ll start working, thanks for your help, Emma!
Emma: I wanna help more! Please, give me something else to do!
Me: I guess you can tell me everything you can get about Valt!
Emma: Sure thing!
(I start working on my Bey, Emma grabs her Ipad and starts looking up Data on Valt)
Emma: It says here that “Valt Aoi is a very powerful Blader, he can work around almost any strategy and has explosive shoot power!” I can’t really say anything about his Bey becuase he’s making a new one.
Me: I’m going to beat Valt, no matter what!
Emma: That’s the Victor I know, let’s keep working!
(Me and Emma keep working)
~That Night~
(Emma sleeps on the couch while I keep working)
Me: I’ll become the strongest Mystic Blader and defeat Valt Aoi!
???: That’s right!
Me: *Gasps*
(I get pulled into a white void)
Me: *Gasps* Who are you?
Vulcan: I am Vulcan! The Beyblade you created, my question is… Can you bring out my true potential?
Me: Of course I can, I’ll become the strongest Blader in the world!
Vulcan: I am looking forward to it, we’ll become the strongest… together!
Me: Of course!
(I get pulled out of the white void)
Me: It’s finally finished, Mystic Vulcan!!
(I try holding my Bey up but fall asleep before doing it)
~The Next Morning~
(Mom starts clapping pans together loudly)
Me/Emma: *Gasps*
Mom: Victor! It’s time for your match with Valt!!
Me: How did you know about that?
Mom: You’re Dad told me, now get a move on and get ready!
Me: Okay, C’mon Emma!
~At The Park~
(I run to the park to see Valt waiting for me)
Me: Sorry I’m late!
Valt: No problem, I was late too! Also, I couldn’t finish Valkyrie in time, but when it’s done, I’ll battle you can go all out!
Emma: You’re Valt Aoi!!
Me: Emma, you promised not to freak out.
Valt: It’s fine, nice to meet you!
Emma: I’ll be the referee, Inspect your opponent’s Bey!
Valt (Thoughts): Mystic Vulcan, A Clockwise Spinning Attack Type! It has Two Large Blades and Two Small Blades. The Blades have some metal on them increasing the Attack Power and has a ‘Weight making two points on it to balance the weight. Its disk is super heavy so this will help it with Attack! Its driver has a Rubber Ring around it to help it speed up and has rubber in the middle to help it speed up! Man, looks like The Blading World’s going through another Revolution!
Emma: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Valt: Go, Shoot!!
(Valt pulls off a Mystic Shoot, stars get sent flying out of the launcher and explode)
Me: *Gasps* No Mystic Shoot?!
Valt: Go, Valkyrie!
(Valkyrie speeds up and hits Vulcan with a powerful barrage of attacks)
Me: Counter, Vulcan!
(Vulcan leans on its driver and speeds up, Vulcan launches a powerful barrage of blows on Valkyrie)
Valt: Bound Savior!
(Valkyrie slams into Vulcan sending it flying into the wall, Vulcan starts wobbling)
Me: *Gasps*
Valt: True Shot Upper!!!
(Valkyrie goes under Vulcan and jumps up hitting it with a powerful uppercut and slashes at Vulcan at full power, Vulcan gets shot high in the air)
Me: I’m not going to lose! Vulcan!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up Vulcan blazes out of the Bey)
Me: Take Valkyrie out!
(Vulcan lands on the stadium floor and speeds up, Vulcan slams into Valkyrie sending it flying in the air)
Valt: *Gasps*
Me: What’d you think about that?
Valt (Thoughts): I’ll admit, he’s a powerful Blader.
(Valkyrie lands on the stadium floor, Vulcan continues to hit Valkyrie with a barrage of attacks)
Valt: Valkyrie!!
(Valt’s Resonance Aura flares up Valkyrie blazes out of the Bey)
Valt: True Savior Slash!!
(Valkyrie speeds up and slams into Vulcan, Vulcan gets sent flying into the wall and bursts)
Me: *Gasps*
Emma: *Gasps* It’s Savior Valkyrie with a Burst Finish! Valt’s the winner!!
Me: I lost…
(Valt puts his hand out)
Valt: You did better than I thought you would, you’re a special Blader!
(I grab Valt’s hand and get up)
Me: Yeah thanks! I hope I can battle you again!
Valt: I’ll always be up for battling you!
(Valt walks away)
Emma: I’m sorry you couldn’t win.
Me: It’s ok, but I know what my new goal is.
Emma: What?
Me: To defeat Valt.
Sep. 07, 2021 4:28 AM
Valt (Thoughts): Mystic Vulcano, A Clockwise Spinning Attack Type! It has Two Large Blades and Two Small Blades. The Blades have some metal on them increasing the Attack Power and has a ‘Weight making two points on it to balance the weight. Its disk is super heavy so this will help it with Attack! Its driver has a Rubber Ring around it to help it speed up and has rubber in the middle to help it speed up! Man, looks like The Blading World’s going through another Revolution!
Mystic Vulcano??? it's vulcan!
Mystic Vulcano??? it's vulcan!
Sep. 07, 2021 11:32 AM
(Sep. 07, 2021 3:16 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 1 of Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash is out!
Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash
Chapter 1
New Revolution, Mystic Vulcan!
~In Japan’s Main Arena~
(Luinor Bursts)
Lui: *Gasps*
Referee: It’s Savior Valkyrie with a Burst Finish! Valt Aoi claims 2 points!
Valt: Aw yeah!
Hanami: Incredible! Our Wonder Boy has just burst Luinor!!
Me: Woah! This is awesome!!
Dad: So, are you happy I could take you to this Legend’s Class Bey Battle?
Me: Yeah, Valt’s super strong, I wanna battle out there too!
Dad: You’ll have to get super strong if you want to battle out there.
Me: Oh I will trust me!
Referee: Second Battle! Ready? Set!!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Lui/Valt: Go, Shoot!!
(Valt and Lui pull off powerful Explosive Shoots)
Valt: Go, Valkyrie!
Lui: Crush ‘em, Luinor!
(Luinor and Valkyrie hit each other with a barrage of attacks)
Hanami: Luinor and Valkyrie are going all out!
Valt: Shot Upper!!
Lui: I don’t think so, Guilty Upper!!
(Luinor and Valkyrie both hit each other with powerful uppercuts, Both Beys get sent flying in the air)
Hanami: *Gasps* They’ve both been sent flying!!
Valt: Aah! Valkyrie!!
(Valt’s Resonance Aura flares up Valkyrie blazes out of the Bey)
Lui: Luinor!!
(Lui’s Resonance Aura flares up Luinor blazes out of the Bey)
Valt: True Savior Slash!!
Lui: Guilty Smash!!
(Luinor and Valkyrie slam into each other at full power, a huge explosion bursts out of the stadium)
Valt/Lui: Aah!!
(Luinor emerges from the light and stops spinning, Valkyrie stops spinning after Luinor)
Referee: It’s Savior Valkyrie with a Spin Finish! The Winner Of This Legend Class Battle is Valt Aoi!!
Valt: Yeah!!
Hanami: Valt Aoi holds his spot as the World’s Top Blader and completely dominates his battle with Lui Shirosagi!
Lui: Grr!!
(Lui walks away in anger)
Me: That battle was awesome, I wanna battle like that so bad!
Dad: Get stronger and maybe you’ll be able to battle Valt Aoi on the Main Stage!
Me: Yeah…
~Outside Of The Main Arena~
(Valt walks out of the building)
Me: Valt Aoi?!
(I run up to Valt at full speed)
Valt: Oh Hi! Sorry, I didn’t see you coming!
Me: Valt! I wanna become the strongest Blader in the world so please tell me your secrets!!
Valt: “My Secrets?” I dunno.
Me: What do you mean you don’t know? You’re literally in the Legend’s Class, you rank first in the world! You’ve gotta have some secrets!!
Valt: I just go all out and trust in Valkyrie!
Me: “Trust in Valkyrie?”
Valt: Yeah! Also, I’m about to evolve my Valkyrie into a Mystic Bey!
Me: “Mystic Bey?” Isn’t that the new up-and-coming Beyblade System that’s supposed to be super powerful?
Valt: That’s right if you create one and train hard you’ll definitely be able to defeat me!
Me: Okay, I’ll create my own Mystic Beyblade and we’ll have an awesome battle!
Valt: Alright, meet me at the park tomorrow afternoon and we’ll have our battle!
Me: You’ve got it!
~Back At Home~
(I burst through the door, Dad follows me from behind)
Me: I’m home!
(A little girl with blond hair runs up to me)
???: You’re back, Victor!
Me: Hey, Emma! How’s it going?
Emma: Good! What’re you doing today?
Me: I’m gonna create a Mystic Bey!
Emma: “A Mystic Bey?” Isn’t that the new popular Beyblade System?
Me: It sure is, I’m gonna make one so I can battle Valt Aoi!!
Emma: Didn’t you go see Valt’s battle with Dad?
Me: I sure did, and I met Valt in person! And he promised to battle me!!
Emma: Awesome! Can I help?
Me: Sure, I’ll take all the help I can get!
Emma: Alright!!
(Me and Emma run up to my room, I open this blue box and it shows mechanical tools)
Me: Dad got me this yesterday, I finally get to put it to good use!
Emma: Alright, I’ll connect your computer to the Printer!
(Emma connects my computer to the Printer, I start typing up a design)
Me: I’ll also need a Mystic Launcher so I can pull out my Bey’s full power!
Emma: We’ll be able to do that too!
(I type up a Launcher and Beyblade Design on my computer)
Me: This is what my Bey and my Launcher is gonna be like, I’m so excited!!
Emma: Yeah, this Bey will be invincible!
Me: I’ll start working, thanks for your help, Emma!
Emma: I wanna help more! Please, give me something else to do!
Me: I guess you can tell me everything you can get about Valt!
Emma: Sure thing!
(I start working on my Bey, Emma grabs her Ipad and starts looking up Data on Valt)
Emma: It says here that “Valt Aoi is a very powerful Blader, he can work around almost any strategy and has explosive shoot power!” I can’t really say anything about his Bey becuase he’s making a new one.
Me: I’m going to beat Valt, no matter what!
Emma: That’s the Victor I know, let’s keep working!
(Me and Emma keep working)
~That Night~
(Emma sleeps on the couch while I keep working)
Me: I’ll become the strongest Mystic Blader and defeat Valt Aoi!
???: That’s right!
Me: *Gasps*
(I get pulled into a white void)
Me: *Gasps* Who are you?
Vulcan: I am Vulcan! The Beyblade you created, my question is… Can you bring out my true potential?
Me: Of course I can, I’ll become the strongest Blader in the world!
Vulcan: I am looking forward to it, we’ll become the strongest… together!
Me: Of course!
(I get pulled out of the white void)
Me: It’s finally finished, Mystic Vulcan!!
(I try holding my Bey up but fall asleep before doing it)
~The Next Morning~
(Mom starts clapping pans together loudly)
Me/Emma: *Gasps*
Mom: Victor! It’s time for your match with Valt!!
Me: How did you know about that?
Mom: You’re Dad told me, now get a move on and get ready!
Me: Okay, C’mon Emma!
~At The Park~
(I run to the park to see Valt waiting for me)
Me: Sorry I’m late!
Valt: No problem, I was late too! Also, I couldn’t finish Valkyrie in time, but when it’s done, I’ll battle you can go all out!
Emma: You’re Valt Aoi!!
Me: Emma, you promised not to freak out.
Valt: It’s fine, nice to meet you!
Emma: I’ll be the referee, Inspect your opponent’s Bey!
Valt (Thoughts): Mystic Vulcan, A Clockwise Spinning Attack Type! It has Two Large Blades and Two Small Blades. The Blades have some metal on them increasing the Attack Power and has a ‘Weight making two points on it to balance the weight. Its disk is super heavy so this will help it with Attack! Its driver has a Rubber Ring around it to help it speed up and has rubber in the middle to help it speed up! Man, looks like The Blading World’s going through another Revolution!
Emma: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Valt: Go, Shoot!!
(Valt pulls off a Mystic Shoot, stars get sent flying out of the launcher and explode)
Me: *Gasps* No Mystic Shoot?!
Valt: Go, Valkyrie!
(Valkyrie speeds up and hits Vulcan with a powerful barrage of attacks)
Me: Counter, Vulcan!
(Vulcan leans on its driver and speeds up, Vulcan launches a powerful barrage of blows on Valkyrie)
Valt: Bound Savior!
(Valkyrie slams into Vulcan sending it flying into the wall, Vulcan starts wobbling)
Me: *Gasps*
Valt: True Shot Upper!!!
(Valkyrie goes under Vulcan and jumps up hitting it with a powerful uppercut and slashes at Vulcan at full power, Vulcan gets shot high in the air)
Me: I’m not going to lose! Vulcan!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up Vulcan blazes out of the Bey)
Me: Take Valkyrie out!
(Vulcan lands on the stadium floor and speeds up, Vulcan slams into Valkyrie sending it flying in the air)
Valt: *Gasps*
Me: What’d you think about that?
Valt (Thoughts): I’ll admit, he’s a powerful Blader.
(Valkyrie lands on the stadium floor, Vulcan continues to hit Valkyrie with a barrage of attacks)
Valt: Valkyrie!!
(Valt’s Resonance Aura flares up Valkyrie blazes out of the Bey)
Valt: True Savior Slash!!
(Valkyrie speeds up and slams into Vulcan, Vulcan gets sent flying into the wall and bursts)
Me: *Gasps*
Emma: *Gasps* It’s Savior Valkyrie with a Burst Finish! Valt’s the winner!!
Me: I lost…
(Valt puts his hand out)
Valt: You did better than I thought you would, you’re a special Blader!
(I grab Valt’s hand and get up)
Me: Yeah thanks! I hope I can battle you again!
Valt: I’ll always be up for battling you!
(Valt walks away)
Emma: I’m sorry you couldn’t win.
Me: It’s ok, but I know what my new goal is.
Emma: What?
Me: To defeat Valt.
i was asleep when this came out but nice job keep up the good work! i like victor's character and i also like how when boys have a girl as a friend, they think we like them, and vice versa but victor proves us wrong! emma's probably gonna become a rival
Sep. 07, 2021 12:36 PM
(Sep. 07, 2021 11:32 AM)GenesisBlader Wrote: [ -> ](Sep. 07, 2021 3:16 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 1 of Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash is out!
Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash
Chapter 1
New Revolution, Mystic Vulcan!
~In Japan’s Main Arena~
(Luinor Bursts)
Lui: *Gasps*
Referee: It’s Savior Valkyrie with a Burst Finish! Valt Aoi claims 2 points!
Valt: Aw yeah!
Hanami: Incredible! Our Wonder Boy has just burst Luinor!!
Me: Woah! This is awesome!!
Dad: So, are you happy I could take you to this Legend’s Class Bey Battle?
Me: Yeah, Valt’s super strong, I wanna battle out there too!
Dad: You’ll have to get super strong if you want to battle out there.
Me: Oh I will trust me!
Referee: Second Battle! Ready? Set!!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Lui/Valt: Go, Shoot!!
(Valt and Lui pull off powerful Explosive Shoots)
Valt: Go, Valkyrie!
Lui: Crush ‘em, Luinor!
(Luinor and Valkyrie hit each other with a barrage of attacks)
Hanami: Luinor and Valkyrie are going all out!
Valt: Shot Upper!!
Lui: I don’t think so, Guilty Upper!!
(Luinor and Valkyrie both hit each other with powerful uppercuts, Both Beys get sent flying in the air)
Hanami: *Gasps* They’ve both been sent flying!!
Valt: Aah! Valkyrie!!
(Valt’s Resonance Aura flares up Valkyrie blazes out of the Bey)
Lui: Luinor!!
(Lui’s Resonance Aura flares up Luinor blazes out of the Bey)
Valt: True Savior Slash!!
Lui: Guilty Smash!!
(Luinor and Valkyrie slam into each other at full power, a huge explosion bursts out of the stadium)
Valt/Lui: Aah!!
(Luinor emerges from the light and stops spinning, Valkyrie stops spinning after Luinor)
Referee: It’s Savior Valkyrie with a Spin Finish! The Winner Of This Legend Class Battle is Valt Aoi!!
Valt: Yeah!!
Hanami: Valt Aoi holds his spot as the World’s Top Blader and completely dominates his battle with Lui Shirosagi!
Lui: Grr!!
(Lui walks away in anger)
Me: That battle was awesome, I wanna battle like that so bad!
Dad: Get stronger and maybe you’ll be able to battle Valt Aoi on the Main Stage!
Me: Yeah…
~Outside Of The Main Arena~
(Valt walks out of the building)
Me: Valt Aoi?!
(I run up to Valt at full speed)
Valt: Oh Hi! Sorry, I didn’t see you coming!
Me: Valt! I wanna become the strongest Blader in the world so please tell me your secrets!!
Valt: “My Secrets?” I dunno.
Me: What do you mean you don’t know? You’re literally in the Legend’s Class, you rank first in the world! You’ve gotta have some secrets!!
Valt: I just go all out and trust in Valkyrie!
Me: “Trust in Valkyrie?”
Valt: Yeah! Also, I’m about to evolve my Valkyrie into a Mystic Bey!
Me: “Mystic Bey?” Isn’t that the new up-and-coming Beyblade System that’s supposed to be super powerful?
Valt: That’s right if you create one and train hard you’ll definitely be able to defeat me!
Me: Okay, I’ll create my own Mystic Beyblade and we’ll have an awesome battle!
Valt: Alright, meet me at the park tomorrow afternoon and we’ll have our battle!
Me: You’ve got it!
~Back At Home~
(I burst through the door, Dad follows me from behind)
Me: I’m home!
(A little girl with blond hair runs up to me)
???: You’re back, Victor!
Me: Hey, Emma! How’s it going?
Emma: Good! What’re you doing today?
Me: I’m gonna create a Mystic Bey!
Emma: “A Mystic Bey?” Isn’t that the new popular Beyblade System?
Me: It sure is, I’m gonna make one so I can battle Valt Aoi!!
Emma: Didn’t you go see Valt’s battle with Dad?
Me: I sure did, and I met Valt in person! And he promised to battle me!!
Emma: Awesome! Can I help?
Me: Sure, I’ll take all the help I can get!
Emma: Alright!!
(Me and Emma run up to my room, I open this blue box and it shows mechanical tools)
Me: Dad got me this yesterday, I finally get to put it to good use!
Emma: Alright, I’ll connect your computer to the Printer!
(Emma connects my computer to the Printer, I start typing up a design)
Me: I’ll also need a Mystic Launcher so I can pull out my Bey’s full power!
Emma: We’ll be able to do that too!
(I type up a Launcher and Beyblade Design on my computer)
Me: This is what my Bey and my Launcher is gonna be like, I’m so excited!!
Emma: Yeah, this Bey will be invincible!
Me: I’ll start working, thanks for your help, Emma!
Emma: I wanna help more! Please, give me something else to do!
Me: I guess you can tell me everything you can get about Valt!
Emma: Sure thing!
(I start working on my Bey, Emma grabs her Ipad and starts looking up Data on Valt)
Emma: It says here that “Valt Aoi is a very powerful Blader, he can work around almost any strategy and has explosive shoot power!” I can’t really say anything about his Bey becuase he’s making a new one.
Me: I’m going to beat Valt, no matter what!
Emma: That’s the Victor I know, let’s keep working!
(Me and Emma keep working)
~That Night~
(Emma sleeps on the couch while I keep working)
Me: I’ll become the strongest Mystic Blader and defeat Valt Aoi!
???: That’s right!
Me: *Gasps*
(I get pulled into a white void)
Me: *Gasps* Who are you?
Vulcan: I am Vulcan! The Beyblade you created, my question is… Can you bring out my true potential?
Me: Of course I can, I’ll become the strongest Blader in the world!
Vulcan: I am looking forward to it, we’ll become the strongest… together!
Me: Of course!
(I get pulled out of the white void)
Me: It’s finally finished, Mystic Vulcan!!
(I try holding my Bey up but fall asleep before doing it)
~The Next Morning~
(Mom starts clapping pans together loudly)
Me/Emma: *Gasps*
Mom: Victor! It’s time for your match with Valt!!
Me: How did you know about that?
Mom: You’re Dad told me, now get a move on and get ready!
Me: Okay, C’mon Emma!
~At The Park~
(I run to the park to see Valt waiting for me)
Me: Sorry I’m late!
Valt: No problem, I was late too! Also, I couldn’t finish Valkyrie in time, but when it’s done, I’ll battle you can go all out!
Emma: You’re Valt Aoi!!
Me: Emma, you promised not to freak out.
Valt: It’s fine, nice to meet you!
Emma: I’ll be the referee, Inspect your opponent’s Bey!
Valt (Thoughts): Mystic Vulcan, A Clockwise Spinning Attack Type! It has Two Large Blades and Two Small Blades. The Blades have some metal on them increasing the Attack Power and has a ‘Weight making two points on it to balance the weight. Its disk is super heavy so this will help it with Attack! Its driver has a Rubber Ring around it to help it speed up and has rubber in the middle to help it speed up! Man, looks like The Blading World’s going through another Revolution!
Emma: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Valt: Go, Shoot!!
(Valt pulls off a Mystic Shoot, stars get sent flying out of the launcher and explode)
Me: *Gasps* No Mystic Shoot?!
Valt: Go, Valkyrie!
(Valkyrie speeds up and hits Vulcan with a powerful barrage of attacks)
Me: Counter, Vulcan!
(Vulcan leans on its driver and speeds up, Vulcan launches a powerful barrage of blows on Valkyrie)
Valt: Bound Savior!
(Valkyrie slams into Vulcan sending it flying into the wall, Vulcan starts wobbling)
Me: *Gasps*
Valt: True Shot Upper!!!
(Valkyrie goes under Vulcan and jumps up hitting it with a powerful uppercut and slashes at Vulcan at full power, Vulcan gets shot high in the air)
Me: I’m not going to lose! Vulcan!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up Vulcan blazes out of the Bey)
Me: Take Valkyrie out!
(Vulcan lands on the stadium floor and speeds up, Vulcan slams into Valkyrie sending it flying in the air)
Valt: *Gasps*
Me: What’d you think about that?
Valt (Thoughts): I’ll admit, he’s a powerful Blader.
(Valkyrie lands on the stadium floor, Vulcan continues to hit Valkyrie with a barrage of attacks)
Valt: Valkyrie!!
(Valt’s Resonance Aura flares up Valkyrie blazes out of the Bey)
Valt: True Savior Slash!!
(Valkyrie speeds up and slams into Vulcan, Vulcan gets sent flying into the wall and bursts)
Me: *Gasps*
Emma: *Gasps* It’s Savior Valkyrie with a Burst Finish! Valt’s the winner!!
Me: I lost…
(Valt puts his hand out)
Valt: You did better than I thought you would, you’re a special Blader!
(I grab Valt’s hand and get up)
Me: Yeah thanks! I hope I can battle you again!
Valt: I’ll always be up for battling you!
(Valt walks away)
Emma: I’m sorry you couldn’t win.
Me: It’s ok, but I know what my new goal is.
Emma: What?
Me: To defeat Valt.
i was asleep when this came out but nice job keep up the good work! i like victor's character and i also like how when boys have a girl as a friend, they think we like them, and vice versa but victor proves us wrong! emma's probably gonna become a rival
Today's Tuesday.
Sep. 07, 2021 2:46 PM
(Sep. 07, 2021 11:32 AM)GenesisBlader Wrote: [ -> ](Sep. 07, 2021 3:16 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 1 of Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash is out!
Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash
Chapter 1
New Revolution, Mystic Vulcan!
~In Japan’s Main Arena~
(Luinor Bursts)
Lui: *Gasps*
Referee: It’s Savior Valkyrie with a Burst Finish! Valt Aoi claims 2 points!
Valt: Aw yeah!
Hanami: Incredible! Our Wonder Boy has just burst Luinor!!
Me: Woah! This is awesome!!
Dad: So, are you happy I could take you to this Legend’s Class Bey Battle?
Me: Yeah, Valt’s super strong, I wanna battle out there too!
Dad: You’ll have to get super strong if you want to battle out there.
Me: Oh I will trust me!
Referee: Second Battle! Ready? Set!!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Lui/Valt: Go, Shoot!!
(Valt and Lui pull off powerful Explosive Shoots)
Valt: Go, Valkyrie!
Lui: Crush ‘em, Luinor!
(Luinor and Valkyrie hit each other with a barrage of attacks)
Hanami: Luinor and Valkyrie are going all out!
Valt: Shot Upper!!
Lui: I don’t think so, Guilty Upper!!
(Luinor and Valkyrie both hit each other with powerful uppercuts, Both Beys get sent flying in the air)
Hanami: *Gasps* They’ve both been sent flying!!
Valt: Aah! Valkyrie!!
(Valt’s Resonance Aura flares up Valkyrie blazes out of the Bey)
Lui: Luinor!!
(Lui’s Resonance Aura flares up Luinor blazes out of the Bey)
Valt: True Savior Slash!!
Lui: Guilty Smash!!
(Luinor and Valkyrie slam into each other at full power, a huge explosion bursts out of the stadium)
Valt/Lui: Aah!!
(Luinor emerges from the light and stops spinning, Valkyrie stops spinning after Luinor)
Referee: It’s Savior Valkyrie with a Spin Finish! The Winner Of This Legend Class Battle is Valt Aoi!!
Valt: Yeah!!
Hanami: Valt Aoi holds his spot as the World’s Top Blader and completely dominates his battle with Lui Shirosagi!
Lui: Grr!!
(Lui walks away in anger)
Me: That battle was awesome, I wanna battle like that so bad!
Dad: Get stronger and maybe you’ll be able to battle Valt Aoi on the Main Stage!
Me: Yeah…
~Outside Of The Main Arena~
(Valt walks out of the building)
Me: Valt Aoi?!
(I run up to Valt at full speed)
Valt: Oh Hi! Sorry, I didn’t see you coming!
Me: Valt! I wanna become the strongest Blader in the world so please tell me your secrets!!
Valt: “My Secrets?” I dunno.
Me: What do you mean you don’t know? You’re literally in the Legend’s Class, you rank first in the world! You’ve gotta have some secrets!!
Valt: I just go all out and trust in Valkyrie!
Me: “Trust in Valkyrie?”
Valt: Yeah! Also, I’m about to evolve my Valkyrie into a Mystic Bey!
Me: “Mystic Bey?” Isn’t that the new up-and-coming Beyblade System that’s supposed to be super powerful?
Valt: That’s right if you create one and train hard you’ll definitely be able to defeat me!
Me: Okay, I’ll create my own Mystic Beyblade and we’ll have an awesome battle!
Valt: Alright, meet me at the park tomorrow afternoon and we’ll have our battle!
Me: You’ve got it!
~Back At Home~
(I burst through the door, Dad follows me from behind)
Me: I’m home!
(A little girl with blond hair runs up to me)
???: You’re back, Victor!
Me: Hey, Emma! How’s it going?
Emma: Good! What’re you doing today?
Me: I’m gonna create a Mystic Bey!
Emma: “A Mystic Bey?” Isn’t that the new popular Beyblade System?
Me: It sure is, I’m gonna make one so I can battle Valt Aoi!!
Emma: Didn’t you go see Valt’s battle with Dad?
Me: I sure did, and I met Valt in person! And he promised to battle me!!
Emma: Awesome! Can I help?
Me: Sure, I’ll take all the help I can get!
Emma: Alright!!
(Me and Emma run up to my room, I open this blue box and it shows mechanical tools)
Me: Dad got me this yesterday, I finally get to put it to good use!
Emma: Alright, I’ll connect your computer to the Printer!
(Emma connects my computer to the Printer, I start typing up a design)
Me: I’ll also need a Mystic Launcher so I can pull out my Bey’s full power!
Emma: We’ll be able to do that too!
(I type up a Launcher and Beyblade Design on my computer)
Me: This is what my Bey and my Launcher is gonna be like, I’m so excited!!
Emma: Yeah, this Bey will be invincible!
Me: I’ll start working, thanks for your help, Emma!
Emma: I wanna help more! Please, give me something else to do!
Me: I guess you can tell me everything you can get about Valt!
Emma: Sure thing!
(I start working on my Bey, Emma grabs her Ipad and starts looking up Data on Valt)
Emma: It says here that “Valt Aoi is a very powerful Blader, he can work around almost any strategy and has explosive shoot power!” I can’t really say anything about his Bey becuase he’s making a new one.
Me: I’m going to beat Valt, no matter what!
Emma: That’s the Victor I know, let’s keep working!
(Me and Emma keep working)
~That Night~
(Emma sleeps on the couch while I keep working)
Me: I’ll become the strongest Mystic Blader and defeat Valt Aoi!
???: That’s right!
Me: *Gasps*
(I get pulled into a white void)
Me: *Gasps* Who are you?
Vulcan: I am Vulcan! The Beyblade you created, my question is… Can you bring out my true potential?
Me: Of course I can, I’ll become the strongest Blader in the world!
Vulcan: I am looking forward to it, we’ll become the strongest… together!
Me: Of course!
(I get pulled out of the white void)
Me: It’s finally finished, Mystic Vulcan!!
(I try holding my Bey up but fall asleep before doing it)
~The Next Morning~
(Mom starts clapping pans together loudly)
Me/Emma: *Gasps*
Mom: Victor! It’s time for your match with Valt!!
Me: How did you know about that?
Mom: You’re Dad told me, now get a move on and get ready!
Me: Okay, C’mon Emma!
~At The Park~
(I run to the park to see Valt waiting for me)
Me: Sorry I’m late!
Valt: No problem, I was late too! Also, I couldn’t finish Valkyrie in time, but when it’s done, I’ll battle you can go all out!
Emma: You’re Valt Aoi!!
Me: Emma, you promised not to freak out.
Valt: It’s fine, nice to meet you!
Emma: I’ll be the referee, Inspect your opponent’s Bey!
Valt (Thoughts): Mystic Vulcan, A Clockwise Spinning Attack Type! It has Two Large Blades and Two Small Blades. The Blades have some metal on them increasing the Attack Power and has a ‘Weight making two points on it to balance the weight. Its disk is super heavy so this will help it with Attack! Its driver has a Rubber Ring around it to help it speed up and has rubber in the middle to help it speed up! Man, looks like The Blading World’s going through another Revolution!
Emma: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Valt: Go, Shoot!!
(Valt pulls off a Mystic Shoot, stars get sent flying out of the launcher and explode)
Me: *Gasps* No Mystic Shoot?!
Valt: Go, Valkyrie!
(Valkyrie speeds up and hits Vulcan with a powerful barrage of attacks)
Me: Counter, Vulcan!
(Vulcan leans on its driver and speeds up, Vulcan launches a powerful barrage of blows on Valkyrie)
Valt: Bound Savior!
(Valkyrie slams into Vulcan sending it flying into the wall, Vulcan starts wobbling)
Me: *Gasps*
Valt: True Shot Upper!!!
(Valkyrie goes under Vulcan and jumps up hitting it with a powerful uppercut and slashes at Vulcan at full power, Vulcan gets shot high in the air)
Me: I’m not going to lose! Vulcan!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up Vulcan blazes out of the Bey)
Me: Take Valkyrie out!
(Vulcan lands on the stadium floor and speeds up, Vulcan slams into Valkyrie sending it flying in the air)
Valt: *Gasps*
Me: What’d you think about that?
Valt (Thoughts): I’ll admit, he’s a powerful Blader.
(Valkyrie lands on the stadium floor, Vulcan continues to hit Valkyrie with a barrage of attacks)
Valt: Valkyrie!!
(Valt’s Resonance Aura flares up Valkyrie blazes out of the Bey)
Valt: True Savior Slash!!
(Valkyrie speeds up and slams into Vulcan, Vulcan gets sent flying into the wall and bursts)
Me: *Gasps*
Emma: *Gasps* It’s Savior Valkyrie with a Burst Finish! Valt’s the winner!!
Me: I lost…
(Valt puts his hand out)
Valt: You did better than I thought you would, you’re a special Blader!
(I grab Valt’s hand and get up)
Me: Yeah thanks! I hope I can battle you again!
Valt: I’ll always be up for battling you!
(Valt walks away)
Emma: I’m sorry you couldn’t win.
Me: It’s ok, but I know what my new goal is.
Emma: What?
Me: To defeat Valt.
i was asleep when this came out but nice job keep up the good work! i like victor's character and i also like how when boys have a girl as a friend, they think we like them, and vice versa but victor proves us wrong! emma's probably gonna become a rival
Um, Emnma's Victor's little Sister, I probably didn't make that clear so that's my fault
Sep. 07, 2021 5:27 PM
(Sep. 07, 2021 3:16 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 1 of Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash is out!
Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash
Chapter 1
New Revolution, Mystic Vulcan!
~In Japan’s Main Arena~
(Luinor Bursts)
Lui: *Gasps*
Referee: It’s Savior Valkyrie with a Burst Finish! Valt Aoi claims 2 points!
Valt: Aw yeah!
Hanami: Incredible! Our Wonder Boy has just burst Luinor!!
Me: Woah! This is awesome!!
Dad: So, are you happy I could take you to this Legend’s Class Bey Battle?
Me: Yeah, Valt’s super strong, I wanna battle out there too!
Dad: You’ll have to get super strong if you want to battle out there.
Me: Oh I will trust me!
Referee: Second Battle! Ready? Set!!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Lui/Valt: Go, Shoot!!
(Valt and Lui pull off powerful Explosive Shoots)
Valt: Go, Valkyrie!
Lui: Crush ‘em, Luinor!
(Luinor and Valkyrie hit each other with a barrage of attacks)
Hanami: Luinor and Valkyrie are going all out!
Valt: Shot Upper!!
Lui: I don’t think so, Guilty Upper!!
(Luinor and Valkyrie both hit each other with powerful uppercuts, Both Beys get sent flying in the air)
Hanami: *Gasps* They’ve both been sent flying!!
Valt: Aah! Valkyrie!!
(Valt’s Resonance Aura flares up Valkyrie blazes out of the Bey)
Lui: Luinor!!
(Lui’s Resonance Aura flares up Luinor blazes out of the Bey)
Valt: True Savior Slash!!
Lui: Guilty Smash!!
(Luinor and Valkyrie slam into each other at full power, a huge explosion bursts out of the stadium)
Valt/Lui: Aah!!
(Luinor emerges from the light and stops spinning, Valkyrie stops spinning after Luinor)
Referee: It’s Savior Valkyrie with a Spin Finish! The Winner Of This Legend Class Battle is Valt Aoi!!
Valt: Yeah!!
Hanami: Valt Aoi holds his spot as the World’s Top Blader and completely dominates his battle with Lui Shirosagi!
Lui: Grr!!
(Lui walks away in anger)
Me: That battle was awesome, I wanna battle like that so bad!
Dad: Get stronger and maybe you’ll be able to battle Valt Aoi on the Main Stage!
Me: Yeah…
~Outside Of The Main Arena~
(Valt walks out of the building)
Me: Valt Aoi?!
(I run up to Valt at full speed)
Valt: Oh Hi! Sorry, I didn’t see you coming!
Me: Valt! I wanna become the strongest Blader in the world so please tell me your secrets!!
Valt: “My Secrets?” I dunno.
Me: What do you mean you don’t know? You’re literally in the Legend’s Class, you rank first in the world! You’ve gotta have some secrets!!
Valt: I just go all out and trust in Valkyrie!
Me: “Trust in Valkyrie?”
Valt: Yeah! Also, I’m about to evolve my Valkyrie into a Mystic Bey!
Me: “Mystic Bey?” Isn’t that the new up-and-coming Beyblade System that’s supposed to be super powerful?
Valt: That’s right if you create one and train hard you’ll definitely be able to defeat me!
Me: Okay, I’ll create my own Mystic Beyblade and we’ll have an awesome battle!
Valt: Alright, meet me at the park tomorrow afternoon and we’ll have our battle!
Me: You’ve got it!
~Back At Home~
(I burst through the door, Dad follows me from behind)
Me: I’m home!
(A little girl with blond hair runs up to me)
???: You’re back, Victor!
Me: Hey, Emma! How’s it going?
Emma: Good! What’re you doing today?
Me: I’m gonna create a Mystic Bey!
Emma: “A Mystic Bey?” Isn’t that the new popular Beyblade System?
Me: It sure is, I’m gonna make one so I can battle Valt Aoi!!
Emma: Didn’t you go see Valt’s battle with Dad?
Me: I sure did, and I met Valt in person! And he promised to battle me!!
Emma: Awesome! Can I help?
Me: Sure, I’ll take all the help I can get!
Emma: Alright!!
(Me and Emma run up to my room, I open this blue box and it shows mechanical tools)
Me: Dad got me this yesterday, I finally get to put it to good use!
Emma: Alright, I’ll connect your computer to the Printer!
(Emma connects my computer to the Printer, I start typing up a design)
Me: I’ll also need a Mystic Launcher so I can pull out my Bey’s full power!
Emma: We’ll be able to do that too!
(I type up a Launcher and Beyblade Design on my computer)
Me: This is what my Bey and my Launcher is gonna be like, I’m so excited!!
Emma: Yeah, this Bey will be invincible!
Me: I’ll start working, thanks for your help, Emma!
Emma: I wanna help more! Please, give me something else to do!
Me: I guess you can tell me everything you can get about Valt!
Emma: Sure thing!
(I start working on my Bey, Emma grabs her Ipad and starts looking up Data on Valt)
Emma: It says here that “Valt Aoi is a very powerful Blader, he can work around almost any strategy and has explosive shoot power!” I can’t really say anything about his Bey becuase he’s making a new one.
Me: I’m going to beat Valt, no matter what!
Emma: That’s the Victor I know, let’s keep working!
(Me and Emma keep working)
~That Night~
(Emma sleeps on the couch while I keep working)
Me: I’ll become the strongest Mystic Blader and defeat Valt Aoi!
???: That’s right!
Me: *Gasps*
(I get pulled into a white void)
Me: *Gasps* Who are you?
Vulcan: I am Vulcan! The Beyblade you created, my question is… Can you bring out my true potential?
Me: Of course I can, I’ll become the strongest Blader in the world!
Vulcan: I am looking forward to it, we’ll become the strongest… together!
Me: Of course!
(I get pulled out of the white void)
Me: It’s finally finished, Mystic Vulcan!!
(I try holding my Bey up but fall asleep before doing it)
~The Next Morning~
(Mom starts clapping pans together loudly)
Me/Emma: *Gasps*
Mom: Victor! It’s time for your match with Valt!!
Me: How did you know about that?
Mom: You’re Dad told me, now get a move on and get ready!
Me: Okay, C’mon Emma!
~At The Park~
(I run to the park to see Valt waiting for me)
Me: Sorry I’m late!
Valt: No problem, I was late too! Also, I couldn’t finish Valkyrie in time, but when it’s done, I’ll battle you can go all out!
Emma: You’re Valt Aoi!!
Me: Emma, you promised not to freak out.
Valt: It’s fine, nice to meet you!
Emma: I’ll be the referee, Inspect your opponent’s Bey!
Valt (Thoughts): Mystic Vulcan, A Clockwise Spinning Attack Type! It has Two Large Blades and Two Small Blades. The Blades have some metal on them increasing the Attack Power and has a ‘Weight making two points on it to balance the weight. Its disk is super heavy so this will help it with Attack! Its driver has a Rubber Ring around it to help it speed up and has rubber in the middle to help it speed up! Man, looks like The Blading World’s going through another Revolution!
Emma: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Valt: Go, Shoot!!
(Valt pulls off a Mystic Shoot, stars get sent flying out of the launcher and explode)
Me: *Gasps* No Mystic Shoot?!
Valt: Go, Valkyrie!
(Valkyrie speeds up and hits Vulcan with a powerful barrage of attacks)
Me: Counter, Vulcan!
(Vulcan leans on its driver and speeds up, Vulcan launches a powerful barrage of blows on Valkyrie)
Valt: Bound Savior!
(Valkyrie slams into Vulcan sending it flying into the wall, Vulcan starts wobbling)
Me: *Gasps*
Valt: True Shot Upper!!!
(Valkyrie goes under Vulcan and jumps up hitting it with a powerful uppercut and slashes at Vulcan at full power, Vulcan gets shot high in the air)
Me: I’m not going to lose! Vulcan!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up Vulcan blazes out of the Bey)
Me: Take Valkyrie out!
(Vulcan lands on the stadium floor and speeds up, Vulcan slams into Valkyrie sending it flying in the air)
Valt: *Gasps*
Me: What’d you think about that?
Valt (Thoughts): I’ll admit, he’s a powerful Blader.
(Valkyrie lands on the stadium floor, Vulcan continues to hit Valkyrie with a barrage of attacks)
Valt: Valkyrie!!
(Valt’s Resonance Aura flares up Valkyrie blazes out of the Bey)
Valt: True Savior Slash!!
(Valkyrie speeds up and slams into Vulcan, Vulcan gets sent flying into the wall and bursts)
Me: *Gasps*
Emma: *Gasps* It’s Savior Valkyrie with a Burst Finish! Valt’s the winner!!
Me: I lost…
(Valt puts his hand out)
Valt: You did better than I thought you would, you’re a special Blader!
(I grab Valt’s hand and get up)
Me: Yeah thanks! I hope I can battle you again!
Valt: I’ll always be up for battling you!
(Valt walks away)
Emma: I’m sorry you couldn’t win.
Me: It’s ok, but I know what my new goal is.
Emma: What?
Me: To defeat Valt.
NICE! but it kinda felt rushed no offense I'll rate when i get back home from school (im using the school computer)
Sep. 07, 2021 5:50 PM
(Sep. 07, 2021 2:46 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ](Sep. 07, 2021 11:32 AM)GenesisBlader Wrote: [ -> ]i was asleep when this came out but nice job keep up the good work! i like victor's character and i also like how when boys have a girl as a friend, they think we like them, and vice versa but victor proves us wrong! emma's probably gonna become a rival
Um, Emnma's Victor's little Sister, I probably didn't make that clear so that's my fault
As far as I know, no kid/teen/under 18/minor on earth asks his/her brother/sister how's everything going or things like that. Mostly because they live at the same house, but also because they already know.
Anyways, nice chapter
Sep. 07, 2021 6:06 PM
(Sep. 07, 2021 5:50 PM)Hollowmind8 Wrote: [ -> ](Sep. 07, 2021 2:46 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Um, Emnma's Victor's little Sister, I probably didn't make that clear so that's my fault
As far as I know, no kid/teen/under 18/minor on earth asks his/her brother/sister how's everything going or things like that. Mostly because they live at the same house, but also because they already know.
Anyways, nice chapter
She said "What're you doing Today?" Becuase usually when Victor gets home he likes doing crafts and weird stuff all the time and his sister's always intrigued
Sep. 07, 2021 7:49 PM
(Sep. 07, 2021 6:06 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ](Sep. 07, 2021 5:50 PM)Hollowmind8 Wrote: [ -> ]As far as I know, no kid/teen/under 18/minor on earth asks his/her brother/sister how's everything going or things like that. Mostly because they live at the same house, but also because they already know.
Anyways, nice chapter
She said "What're you doing Today?" Becuase usually when Victor gets home he likes doing crafts and weird stuff all the time and his sister's always intrigued
Ok, I'll let that pass then.
Sep. 08, 2021 3:06 PM
Well... At least I can use Hinote for sth else--
Sep. 10, 2021 12:21 AM
Chapter 23's out with Burning Hot Battles!
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 23
Legendary Clash Of Blazing Hot Flares!
(Adrian bursts through the door with wind fiercely coming behind him)
All: *Gasps*
Adrian: Bell Daikokuten, I challenge you to one last battle!
(Austin runs next to me)
Austin: Yeah, we want a rematch!
Adrian: Austin… I’m going to be battling him… myself.
(Adrian looks at Austin dead in the eyes)
Austin: *Gasps*
Bell: So, you want to challenge The Demon King to a battle?
Adrian: Yeah, and I promise I’ll crush you.
Bell: *Laughs* I’ve defeated you too many times, are you sure you wanna battle me?!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance flares up as his eyes glow and he stares down Bell with a soft growl)
Possessed Adrian: I want another battle.
All: *Gasps*
Bell: Fine. The Demon King will crush you again!
Jingemon: Hold on!
(Jingemon comes out of a floor tile)
Austin: *Screams* Where’d you come from?
Jingemon: Anyways, since the new Yin Yang System is getting a lot of light lately the WBBA has created the Engulfing Eclipse Stadium! And they’d like you guys to do a Tag Battle in it, Adrian Saito and Austin Saito Vs Hyuga and Hikaru Ashi!!
Adrian: “Engulfing Dusk Stadium?”
Jingemon: Yep, so, in Two Hours you’ll have a Ranked Tag Battle with the Ashi Brothers, so, just keep that in mind!
(Jingemon goes back under the floor)
Austin: That’s so creepy!
Adrian: Well, I’ll need a good warm-up for my match!
Bell: *Smiles*
Drone: First Battle!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up, Adrian’s eye glows through his hair purple)
Possessed Adrian: I’m going to show you my true power!
(Adrian puts Asriel in Heavy Mode)
Bell: The Demon King is going to destroy you in this match!!
Austin: Win this, Adrian!
Possessed Adrian: Grr!!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Bell/Possessed Adrian: Go, Shoot!!
(Bell pulls off a powerful Eclipse Shoot, Adrian pulls off an extremely powerful Eclipse Shoot)
Bell: *Gasps*
(Asriel immediately leans on its driver and gains tons of speed)
Possessed Adrian: Blow ‘em away! Twilight Slash!!
(Asriel speeds up and slams into Belial sending it flying forward)
Bell: *Gasps* Hang in there, Belial!
(Belial leans on its driver and speeds up)
Possessed Adrian: Again! Twilight Slash!!!
(Asriel speeds up and slams into Belial sending it flying again)
Bell: *Chuckles* I know what game you’re playing at, you’re trying to burst Belial before it gains power, aren’t you?
Possessed Adrian: *Smiles* Keep going!!
(Asriel continuously hits Belial with extremely powerful hits sending it flying in the air rapidly)
Bell: Ha! The Demon King isn’t losing!!
(Belial lands on top of Asriel jumps off and speeds off)
Possessed Adrian: Go for broke, True Twilight Flight!!
(Asriel catches onto the stadium rim and picks up crazy amounts of speed, Asriel slams into Belial sending it flying in the air)
Bell: Aah! Belial!!
(Bell’s Resonance Aura flares up Belial blazes out of the Bey)
Belial: Go, Bell!
Possessed Adrian: Asriel!!!
(Asriel blazes out of the Bey and turns pitch black and purple, Asriel stands behind Adrian)
Asriel: Break ‘em, Adrian!
Bell: Torpedo Bomber!!
(Belial picks up unbelievable speed and slams into Asriel causing a humongous explosion, Asriel gets sent flying in the air)
Bell: So, it’s over already.
Possessed Adrian: *Grins Evilly*
Bell: *Gasps*
(Asriel starts crashing back down to the stadium)
Possessed Adrian: Twilight Blight!!!
(Asriel slams down on Belial sending it flying in the air, Belial bursts)
Bell: *Gasps*
Drone: It’s Twilight Asriel with a Burst Finish! Adrian Saito is the winner!!
(Smoke covers Adrian only revealing his evil grin and glowing purple eyes)
Adrian: So, Demon King. I’ve finally beaten you for good.
Bell: You got lucky, The Demon King had more power than Asriel, but, you got lucky and turned the match around, so props to you!
Austin: You were amazing, Adrian!
Adrian: It was nothing, defeating Legends is no biggie.
Hikaru: You won’t be saying that after our Tag Battle!
Hyuga: Yeah, we’ll send you guys flying out of the park!
Adrian: The thing is I can defeat you all on my own, so don’t worry about anything Austin.
Austin: *Gasps* But I wanna battle!
Hyuga/Hikaru: We’re going to destroy our limits and defeat you!
~In Japan’s Main Arena~
Hanami: Welcome everyone to the potentially greatest battle in the world! We’ve got the powerful new generation of Bladers Vs The Tried and True Twin Striking duo! Let’s see how this match goes!!
~In The Locker Room~
Austin: So, I’m going with the Singe Layer and I’m going to blow Hyperion out of the water, you’ll--
Adrian: I don’t need directions.
Austin: But if we’re going to win we’ve gotta have a perfect strategy!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up wildly, Asriel glows as a purple flame appears on Adrian’s eye over his hair)
Possessed Adrian: Stay out of my way and we’ll win.
Austin: No!
Adrian: *Gasps*
Austin: I’ve always got your back, and I’m gonna attack.
Possessed Adrian: Do what pleases you.
(Adrian walks away)
~Out On The Main Stage~
Hanami: And here come our Bladers! In the red corner, we’ve got our Rising Stars, Adrian and Austin Saito!!
(Austin runs up to the Main Stage, people start clapping and applauding)
Austin: Woah, looks like I’m a star!
Adrian: No, dimwit, they’re cheering for an awesome battle.
Austin: Hey! Just let me dream!
(People start chanting my name)
Austin: Hey! Why do you get all the fans?!
Adrian: I was the one who beat Bell.
Austin: :(
Hanami: In the blue corner, they bested the best of the legends, they’ve reached the top in the Tag Team World, give it up for the Ashi Brothers!!!
(People start applauding and clap loudly as Hikaru and Hyuga run-up to the stage)
Hyuga: We’re gonna vroom past our limits and win!
Hikaru: Yeah, you won’t know what hit you!
Austin: Wrong, we’re the ones who are going to win!
Hanami: And, we’ll be using the Engulfing Dusk Stadium!
(A huge new stadium rises from the ground)
All: Woah!
Hanami: This stadium is all about acceleration!! It’s got a small green acceleration ramp on the top of that huge slope like the Dynamite Stadium and it has a crater in the middle of the slope, and finally, on the bottom, there’s a bigger version of the green acceleration ramp!!
Hyuga: I’m gonna go kablam in this stadium!
Hikaru: Go all out man, we’re gonna win!
Austin: I’m going on the Attack!
(Austin puts the Singe Layer on Anpao and puts Anpao in Attack Mode)
Referee: Inspect your opponent's Bey!
Hikaru (Thoughts): Singe Anpao, it’s Anpao but it has four sharp blades that can deal major damage if you take a direct hit from them, they also have rubber on them, man, this Bey will be a tough one to take out!
Hanami: This Tag Battle will be the first to claim Two Points. Whoever does is the winner, so, let’s get started!!
Referee: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Hikaru/Hyuga/Adrian/Austin: Go, Shoot!!
(Everyone pulls off powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Crush Hyperion!!
Hyuga: Kablam!
Austin: Hmp!
(Right before Asriel and Hyperion slam into each other Anpao gets in the middle and slams into Hyperion sending it flying)
Adrian/Hyuga: *Gasps*
Hanami: Anpao has just saved Asriel from what could’ve been a fatal attack from Hyperion!
Possessed Adrian: What’re you doing! I said I don’t need help!!
Austin: Deal with it!
Adrian: *Gasps*
Hikaru: Let’s try this out, Helios!
(Helios goes up the slope and in the crater, Helios speeds up and accelerates, even more, thanks to the green ramp)
Hanami: Helios has just sped up at incredible speed!
Hikaru: Phoebus Strike!
(Helios slams into Asriel causing Asriel to lean on its driver and speed up)
Possessed Adrian: Is that all?! You’ve gotta give me more!!
(Asriel starts speeding up like crazy)
Hanami: After a powerful attack from Helios Asriel is somehow speeding up?
Possessed Adrian: Twilight Slash!!
(Asriel’s blades glow as it speeds up and slams into Helios causing it to lose stamina)
Hikaru: *Gasps*
Hyuga: Hikaru, it’s time!
(Hyperion slams into Helios and they start clashing creating sparks)
Hanami: Helios and Hyperion are starting to collide!!
Hyuga/Hikaru: Now go!!!
(Hyperion and Helios lean creating sparks and aim for Asriel and Anpao at full speed)
Hyuga/Hikaru: Twin Limit Destroyer!!
Adrian/Austin: *Gasps*
(Hyperion and Helios slam into Anpao and Asriel as their Limit Destroyer activates, Anpao and Asriel gets sent flying in the air and bursts, a purple light slashes at Adrian)
Adrian: *Groans*
Referee: Kindle Hyperion and Phoebus Helios gain one point!!
Hanami: Amazing! Hyperion and Helios pull off a crazy combo move and burst Asriel and Anpao with one hit!!
Possessed Adrian: Grr!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel starts glowing purple)
Austin: I’ve got an idea.
Possessed Adrian: I don’t need it, I’ve--
(Austin grabs Adrian’s shoulder and makes Adrian face him)
Adrian: *Gasps*
Austin: I’ve got an idea and you're gonna listen.
Adrian: Fine, what is it?
(Austin whispers something in my ear)
Adrian: Doesn’t hurt to try.
Referee: Second battle!
Hyuga: We’ll win again, just you wait!
Hikaru: Yeah, we’ll burn you away!
(Hikaru and Hyuga’s flare's burn brightly)
Possessed Adrian: Bring it, I’ll crush you!
(Purple flames surround Adrian as his eyes glow)
Austin (Thoughts): Adrian… I’ll surpass your power no matter what!!
(Golden flames surround Austin as his Bey glows)
Hyuga: *Gasps* They have Flares too?!
Hikaru: Awesome, it just makes the battle way more fun!
(Austin looks at the Golden Fire around him with awe)
Austin: Woah! So this is what true power’s like!
Possessed Adrian: Hikaru and Hyuga, I’ll crush you with this new power!
Referee: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Hikaru/Hyuga/Adrian/Austin: Go, Shoot!!
(Everyone pulls off powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Hanami: Super powerful Eclipse Shoots from each corner!!
Possessed Adrian: Tear ‘em apart!!
Hyuga/Hikaru: We’re gonna break our limits!!
(Hyperion and Helios start clashing against Asriel, Asriel continues to push back with a powerful attack, A purple light starts beaming off Adrian’s chest)
Hanami: They’re starting off with a powerful clash! It looks like Asriel has gone in all alone!!
Adrian: *Groans* Finish it, Austin!
(Anpao speeds up in the crater and the mini slope and speeds up, Anpao soars high in the air)
Hanami: Anpao flies over Hyperion and Helios!
(Adrian and Austin’s flares flare-up wildly and start colliding with each other)
Adrian/Austin: Twin Pincer!!
(Anpao lands on Helios and Hyperion forcing them to the ground and sending them flying in the air, Hyperion and Helios slam into the stadium wall and burst)
Hikaru/Hyuga: *Gasps*
Referee: Singe Anpao and Twilight Asriel are the winners!!
Hanami: Amazing! Asriel distracted Hyperion and Helios while Anpao went in with the final kill, amazing!
Adrian: So, your strategy worked out.
Austin: *Gulps* Yeah, I guess it did.
Adrian: It was ok. But I’ll be crushing them my way in this final battle!
Austin: You’ve got it!
Referee: Third Battle!
(Adrian puts Asriel in Heavy Mode as his flare turns into a dark evil grin)
Hikaru: We’ll be taking you down in the next one!
Hyuga: Vroom boom bang! That’s how your Beys will burst!
(Hyuga and Hikaru’s flares fiercely surround them)
Austin: Bring it, we will take on your flames with our own!
(A Golden Flare surrounds Austin)
Hanami: Our Bladers are fired up and ready to go but, who’s fire will burn the brightest and blaze a path to victory! We’ll see soon enough!!
Referee: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Hyuga/Hikaru/Adrian/Austin: Go, Shoot!!
(Everyone pulls off Extremely powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Hyuga: Go, Hyperion!
Possessed Adrian: Send ‘em flying, Twilight Slash!!
(Asriel slams into Hyperion sending it flying in the slope’s crater)
Hanami: After a powerful attack from Asriel Hyperion picks up some major speed in the Dusk Crater!
(Hyperion speeds up and starts crashing down the slope)
Hyuga: Vroom! Kindling Strike!!
Austin: I won’t let you, Singe Slash!
(Anpao speeds up and slashes at Hyperion at full power sending it flying back, Hyperion starts getting close to the outside of the stadium)
Hanami: Hyperion’s been sent flying! Is this going to be an Over Finish?!
Hyuga: Go all out!!
(Hyperion glows brightly and hits the stadium wall, Hyperion hits the wall and speeds up)
Hikaru: Now, Helios!
(Helios speeds up and starts crashing with Anpao)
Hanami: Helios jumps in on the fray and starts a crazy clash with Anpao!
Hyuga: Hyperion--
Possessed Adrian: Blow them out of the water!!
(Hyperion and Asriel start clashing wildly)
Hanami: Amazing! It’s a clash of Blazing hot souls!!
(All the Beys enter flare and speed off in different directions)
Possessed Adrian: Crush them, Twilight Crunch!!
Austin: Singing Burn!!
Hyuga: Kindling Counter!!
Hikaru: Zone Counter!!
(All the Beys speed up and start clashing in the center causing a huge explosion)
Hanami: The Blazing Souls have met and are clashing!!
Hikaru: Phoebus Limit Destroyer!!
Hyuga: Kindling Limit Destroyer!!
(Helios and Hyperion’s Limit Destroyer activates causing Asriel and Anpao to be sent flying into the wall and burst)
Adrian/Austin: *Gasps*
Referee: Kindle Hyperion and Phoebus Helios are the winners with a score of 2-1!!
Hanami: Incredible! Hyperion and Helios knock Asriel and Anpao out with style, they surely are the Legend Super Tag League Champions!!
Adrian (Thoughts): Grr!! Even with our upgrade we still couldn’t defeat him!!
Austin: How powerful can Legends be?
~At The Top Of The Daikokuten Mansion~
(Austin climbs on top of the roof)
Austin: You wanted to meet me here?
Ren: Yeah, I just wanted to say thanks for sticking it to Adrian, mate.
Austin: My question is, why did you want me to do that?
Ren: You just had a good idea and I wanted it to be heard.
Austin: This is about you and Ransou isn’t it?
Ren: What he did to our Beys was unforgivable!
Austin: He’s going through a tough time right now, all we can do is help!
Ren: No, he needs to be crushed in battle and taught a lesson.
Austin: You’re acting no better than him, instead of helping him all you want is revenge. You already beat him, what more do you want?
Ren: That wasn’t enough.
Austin: You’re no better than him! You’re so absorbed in getting revenge that it’s blinded you! You’re not acting like the Ren I used to know!!
Ren: You’re right, I’m a stronger version.
Austin: So, getting stronger is all that matters now.
Ren: Austin!
(Before Ren can say anything Austin storms off)
Ren: *Sighs* I’m sorry Austin, but you’re the one who’s been blinded.
if you wanna get pinged every time I make a chapter just ask!
Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 23
Legendary Clash Of Blazing Hot Flares!
(Adrian bursts through the door with wind fiercely coming behind him)
All: *Gasps*
Adrian: Bell Daikokuten, I challenge you to one last battle!
(Austin runs next to me)
Austin: Yeah, we want a rematch!
Adrian: Austin… I’m going to be battling him… myself.
(Adrian looks at Austin dead in the eyes)
Austin: *Gasps*
Bell: So, you want to challenge The Demon King to a battle?
Adrian: Yeah, and I promise I’ll crush you.
Bell: *Laughs* I’ve defeated you too many times, are you sure you wanna battle me?!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance flares up as his eyes glow and he stares down Bell with a soft growl)
Possessed Adrian: I want another battle.
All: *Gasps*
Bell: Fine. The Demon King will crush you again!
Jingemon: Hold on!
(Jingemon comes out of a floor tile)
Austin: *Screams* Where’d you come from?
Jingemon: Anyways, since the new Yin Yang System is getting a lot of light lately the WBBA has created the Engulfing Eclipse Stadium! And they’d like you guys to do a Tag Battle in it, Adrian Saito and Austin Saito Vs Hyuga and Hikaru Ashi!!
Adrian: “Engulfing Dusk Stadium?”
Jingemon: Yep, so, in Two Hours you’ll have a Ranked Tag Battle with the Ashi Brothers, so, just keep that in mind!
(Jingemon goes back under the floor)
Austin: That’s so creepy!
Adrian: Well, I’ll need a good warm-up for my match!
Bell: *Smiles*
Drone: First Battle!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up, Adrian’s eye glows through his hair purple)
Possessed Adrian: I’m going to show you my true power!
(Adrian puts Asriel in Heavy Mode)
Bell: The Demon King is going to destroy you in this match!!
Austin: Win this, Adrian!
Possessed Adrian: Grr!!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Bell/Possessed Adrian: Go, Shoot!!
(Bell pulls off a powerful Eclipse Shoot, Adrian pulls off an extremely powerful Eclipse Shoot)
Bell: *Gasps*
(Asriel immediately leans on its driver and gains tons of speed)
Possessed Adrian: Blow ‘em away! Twilight Slash!!
(Asriel speeds up and slams into Belial sending it flying forward)
Bell: *Gasps* Hang in there, Belial!
(Belial leans on its driver and speeds up)
Possessed Adrian: Again! Twilight Slash!!!
(Asriel speeds up and slams into Belial sending it flying again)
Bell: *Chuckles* I know what game you’re playing at, you’re trying to burst Belial before it gains power, aren’t you?
Possessed Adrian: *Smiles* Keep going!!
(Asriel continuously hits Belial with extremely powerful hits sending it flying in the air rapidly)
Bell: Ha! The Demon King isn’t losing!!
(Belial lands on top of Asriel jumps off and speeds off)
Possessed Adrian: Go for broke, True Twilight Flight!!
(Asriel catches onto the stadium rim and picks up crazy amounts of speed, Asriel slams into Belial sending it flying in the air)
Bell: Aah! Belial!!
(Bell’s Resonance Aura flares up Belial blazes out of the Bey)
Belial: Go, Bell!
Possessed Adrian: Asriel!!!
(Asriel blazes out of the Bey and turns pitch black and purple, Asriel stands behind Adrian)
Asriel: Break ‘em, Adrian!
Bell: Torpedo Bomber!!
(Belial picks up unbelievable speed and slams into Asriel causing a humongous explosion, Asriel gets sent flying in the air)
Bell: So, it’s over already.
Possessed Adrian: *Grins Evilly*
Bell: *Gasps*
(Asriel starts crashing back down to the stadium)
Possessed Adrian: Twilight Blight!!!
(Asriel slams down on Belial sending it flying in the air, Belial bursts)
Bell: *Gasps*
Drone: It’s Twilight Asriel with a Burst Finish! Adrian Saito is the winner!!
(Smoke covers Adrian only revealing his evil grin and glowing purple eyes)
Adrian: So, Demon King. I’ve finally beaten you for good.
Bell: You got lucky, The Demon King had more power than Asriel, but, you got lucky and turned the match around, so props to you!
Austin: You were amazing, Adrian!
Adrian: It was nothing, defeating Legends is no biggie.
Hikaru: You won’t be saying that after our Tag Battle!
Hyuga: Yeah, we’ll send you guys flying out of the park!
Adrian: The thing is I can defeat you all on my own, so don’t worry about anything Austin.
Austin: *Gasps* But I wanna battle!
Hyuga/Hikaru: We’re going to destroy our limits and defeat you!
~In Japan’s Main Arena~
Hanami: Welcome everyone to the potentially greatest battle in the world! We’ve got the powerful new generation of Bladers Vs The Tried and True Twin Striking duo! Let’s see how this match goes!!
~In The Locker Room~
Austin: So, I’m going with the Singe Layer and I’m going to blow Hyperion out of the water, you’ll--
Adrian: I don’t need directions.
Austin: But if we’re going to win we’ve gotta have a perfect strategy!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up wildly, Asriel glows as a purple flame appears on Adrian’s eye over his hair)
Possessed Adrian: Stay out of my way and we’ll win.
Austin: No!
Adrian: *Gasps*
Austin: I’ve always got your back, and I’m gonna attack.
Possessed Adrian: Do what pleases you.
(Adrian walks away)
~Out On The Main Stage~
Hanami: And here come our Bladers! In the red corner, we’ve got our Rising Stars, Adrian and Austin Saito!!
(Austin runs up to the Main Stage, people start clapping and applauding)
Austin: Woah, looks like I’m a star!
Adrian: No, dimwit, they’re cheering for an awesome battle.
Austin: Hey! Just let me dream!
(People start chanting my name)
Austin: Hey! Why do you get all the fans?!
Adrian: I was the one who beat Bell.
Austin: :(
Hanami: In the blue corner, they bested the best of the legends, they’ve reached the top in the Tag Team World, give it up for the Ashi Brothers!!!
(People start applauding and clap loudly as Hikaru and Hyuga run-up to the stage)
Hyuga: We’re gonna vroom past our limits and win!
Hikaru: Yeah, you won’t know what hit you!
Austin: Wrong, we’re the ones who are going to win!
Hanami: And, we’ll be using the Engulfing Dusk Stadium!
(A huge new stadium rises from the ground)
All: Woah!
Hanami: This stadium is all about acceleration!! It’s got a small green acceleration ramp on the top of that huge slope like the Dynamite Stadium and it has a crater in the middle of the slope, and finally, on the bottom, there’s a bigger version of the green acceleration ramp!!
Hyuga: I’m gonna go kablam in this stadium!
Hikaru: Go all out man, we’re gonna win!
Austin: I’m going on the Attack!
(Austin puts the Singe Layer on Anpao and puts Anpao in Attack Mode)
Referee: Inspect your opponent's Bey!
Hikaru (Thoughts): Singe Anpao, it’s Anpao but it has four sharp blades that can deal major damage if you take a direct hit from them, they also have rubber on them, man, this Bey will be a tough one to take out!
Hanami: This Tag Battle will be the first to claim Two Points. Whoever does is the winner, so, let’s get started!!
Referee: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Hikaru/Hyuga/Adrian/Austin: Go, Shoot!!
(Everyone pulls off powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Crush Hyperion!!
Hyuga: Kablam!
Austin: Hmp!
(Right before Asriel and Hyperion slam into each other Anpao gets in the middle and slams into Hyperion sending it flying)
Adrian/Hyuga: *Gasps*
Hanami: Anpao has just saved Asriel from what could’ve been a fatal attack from Hyperion!
Possessed Adrian: What’re you doing! I said I don’t need help!!
Austin: Deal with it!
Adrian: *Gasps*
Hikaru: Let’s try this out, Helios!
(Helios goes up the slope and in the crater, Helios speeds up and accelerates, even more, thanks to the green ramp)
Hanami: Helios has just sped up at incredible speed!
Hikaru: Phoebus Strike!
(Helios slams into Asriel causing Asriel to lean on its driver and speed up)
Possessed Adrian: Is that all?! You’ve gotta give me more!!
(Asriel starts speeding up like crazy)
Hanami: After a powerful attack from Helios Asriel is somehow speeding up?
Possessed Adrian: Twilight Slash!!
(Asriel’s blades glow as it speeds up and slams into Helios causing it to lose stamina)
Hikaru: *Gasps*
Hyuga: Hikaru, it’s time!
(Hyperion slams into Helios and they start clashing creating sparks)
Hanami: Helios and Hyperion are starting to collide!!
Hyuga/Hikaru: Now go!!!
(Hyperion and Helios lean creating sparks and aim for Asriel and Anpao at full speed)
Hyuga/Hikaru: Twin Limit Destroyer!!
Adrian/Austin: *Gasps*
(Hyperion and Helios slam into Anpao and Asriel as their Limit Destroyer activates, Anpao and Asriel gets sent flying in the air and bursts, a purple light slashes at Adrian)
Adrian: *Groans*
Referee: Kindle Hyperion and Phoebus Helios gain one point!!
Hanami: Amazing! Hyperion and Helios pull off a crazy combo move and burst Asriel and Anpao with one hit!!
Possessed Adrian: Grr!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel starts glowing purple)
Austin: I’ve got an idea.
Possessed Adrian: I don’t need it, I’ve--
(Austin grabs Adrian’s shoulder and makes Adrian face him)
Adrian: *Gasps*
Austin: I’ve got an idea and you're gonna listen.
Adrian: Fine, what is it?
(Austin whispers something in my ear)
Adrian: Doesn’t hurt to try.
Referee: Second battle!
Hyuga: We’ll win again, just you wait!
Hikaru: Yeah, we’ll burn you away!
(Hikaru and Hyuga’s flare's burn brightly)
Possessed Adrian: Bring it, I’ll crush you!
(Purple flames surround Adrian as his eyes glow)
Austin (Thoughts): Adrian… I’ll surpass your power no matter what!!
(Golden flames surround Austin as his Bey glows)
Hyuga: *Gasps* They have Flares too?!
Hikaru: Awesome, it just makes the battle way more fun!
(Austin looks at the Golden Fire around him with awe)
Austin: Woah! So this is what true power’s like!
Possessed Adrian: Hikaru and Hyuga, I’ll crush you with this new power!
Referee: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Hikaru/Hyuga/Adrian/Austin: Go, Shoot!!
(Everyone pulls off powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Hanami: Super powerful Eclipse Shoots from each corner!!
Possessed Adrian: Tear ‘em apart!!
Hyuga/Hikaru: We’re gonna break our limits!!
(Hyperion and Helios start clashing against Asriel, Asriel continues to push back with a powerful attack, A purple light starts beaming off Adrian’s chest)
Hanami: They’re starting off with a powerful clash! It looks like Asriel has gone in all alone!!
Adrian: *Groans* Finish it, Austin!
(Anpao speeds up in the crater and the mini slope and speeds up, Anpao soars high in the air)
Hanami: Anpao flies over Hyperion and Helios!
(Adrian and Austin’s flares flare-up wildly and start colliding with each other)
Adrian/Austin: Twin Pincer!!
(Anpao lands on Helios and Hyperion forcing them to the ground and sending them flying in the air, Hyperion and Helios slam into the stadium wall and burst)
Hikaru/Hyuga: *Gasps*
Referee: Singe Anpao and Twilight Asriel are the winners!!
Hanami: Amazing! Asriel distracted Hyperion and Helios while Anpao went in with the final kill, amazing!
Adrian: So, your strategy worked out.
Austin: *Gulps* Yeah, I guess it did.
Adrian: It was ok. But I’ll be crushing them my way in this final battle!
Austin: You’ve got it!
Referee: Third Battle!
(Adrian puts Asriel in Heavy Mode as his flare turns into a dark evil grin)
Hikaru: We’ll be taking you down in the next one!
Hyuga: Vroom boom bang! That’s how your Beys will burst!
(Hyuga and Hikaru’s flares fiercely surround them)
Austin: Bring it, we will take on your flames with our own!
(A Golden Flare surrounds Austin)
Hanami: Our Bladers are fired up and ready to go but, who’s fire will burn the brightest and blaze a path to victory! We’ll see soon enough!!
Referee: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Hyuga/Hikaru/Adrian/Austin: Go, Shoot!!
(Everyone pulls off Extremely powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Hyuga: Go, Hyperion!
Possessed Adrian: Send ‘em flying, Twilight Slash!!
(Asriel slams into Hyperion sending it flying in the slope’s crater)
Hanami: After a powerful attack from Asriel Hyperion picks up some major speed in the Dusk Crater!
(Hyperion speeds up and starts crashing down the slope)
Hyuga: Vroom! Kindling Strike!!
Austin: I won’t let you, Singe Slash!
(Anpao speeds up and slashes at Hyperion at full power sending it flying back, Hyperion starts getting close to the outside of the stadium)
Hanami: Hyperion’s been sent flying! Is this going to be an Over Finish?!
Hyuga: Go all out!!
(Hyperion glows brightly and hits the stadium wall, Hyperion hits the wall and speeds up)
Hikaru: Now, Helios!
(Helios speeds up and starts crashing with Anpao)
Hanami: Helios jumps in on the fray and starts a crazy clash with Anpao!
Hyuga: Hyperion--
Possessed Adrian: Blow them out of the water!!
(Hyperion and Asriel start clashing wildly)
Hanami: Amazing! It’s a clash of Blazing hot souls!!
(All the Beys enter flare and speed off in different directions)
Possessed Adrian: Crush them, Twilight Crunch!!
Austin: Singing Burn!!
Hyuga: Kindling Counter!!
Hikaru: Zone Counter!!
(All the Beys speed up and start clashing in the center causing a huge explosion)
Hanami: The Blazing Souls have met and are clashing!!
Hikaru: Phoebus Limit Destroyer!!
Hyuga: Kindling Limit Destroyer!!
(Helios and Hyperion’s Limit Destroyer activates causing Asriel and Anpao to be sent flying into the wall and burst)
Adrian/Austin: *Gasps*
Referee: Kindle Hyperion and Phoebus Helios are the winners with a score of 2-1!!
Hanami: Incredible! Hyperion and Helios knock Asriel and Anpao out with style, they surely are the Legend Super Tag League Champions!!
Adrian (Thoughts): Grr!! Even with our upgrade we still couldn’t defeat him!!
Austin: How powerful can Legends be?
~At The Top Of The Daikokuten Mansion~
(Austin climbs on top of the roof)
Austin: You wanted to meet me here?
Ren: Yeah, I just wanted to say thanks for sticking it to Adrian, mate.
Austin: My question is, why did you want me to do that?
Ren: You just had a good idea and I wanted it to be heard.
Austin: This is about you and Ransou isn’t it?
Ren: What he did to our Beys was unforgivable!
Austin: He’s going through a tough time right now, all we can do is help!
Ren: No, he needs to be crushed in battle and taught a lesson.
Austin: You’re acting no better than him, instead of helping him all you want is revenge. You already beat him, what more do you want?
Ren: That wasn’t enough.
Austin: You’re no better than him! You’re so absorbed in getting revenge that it’s blinded you! You’re not acting like the Ren I used to know!!
Ren: You’re right, I’m a stronger version.
Austin: So, getting stronger is all that matters now.
Ren: Austin!
(Before Ren can say anything Austin storms off)
Ren: *Sighs* I’m sorry Austin, but you’re the one who’s been blinded.
if you wanna get pinged every time I make a chapter just ask!
Sep. 10, 2021 4:49 AM
(Sep. 10, 2021 12:21 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 23's out with Burning Hot Battles!
Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 23
Legendary Clash Of Blazing Hot Flares!
(Adrian bursts through the door with wind fiercely coming behind him)
All: *Gasps*
Adrian: Bell Daikokuten, I challenge you to one last battle!
(Austin runs next to me)
Austin: Yeah, we want a rematch!
Adrian: Austin… I’m going to be battling him… myself.
(Adrian looks at Austin dead in the eyes)
Austin: *Gasps*
Bell: So, you want to challenge The Demon King to a battle?
Adrian: Yeah, and I promise I’ll crush you.
Bell: *Laughs* I’ve defeated you too many times, are you sure you wanna battle me?!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance flares up as his eyes glow and he stares down Bell with a soft growl)
Possessed Adrian: I want another battle.
All: *Gasps*
Bell: Fine. The Demon King will crush you again!
Jingemon: Hold on!
(Jingemon comes out of a floor tile)
Austin: *Screams* Where’d you come from?
Jingemon: Anyways, since the new Yin Yang System is getting a lot of light lately the WBBA has created the Engulfing Eclipse Stadium! And they’d like you guys to do a Tag Battle in it, Adrian Saito and Austin Saito Vs Hyuga and Hikaru Ashi!!
Adrian: “Engulfing Dusk Stadium?”
Jingemon: Yep, so, in Two Hours you’ll have a Ranked Tag Battle with the Ashi Brothers, so, just keep that in mind!
(Jingemon goes back under the floor)
Austin: That’s so creepy!
Adrian: Well, I’ll need a good warm-up for my match!
Bell: *Smiles*
Drone: First Battle!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up, Adrian’s eye glows through his hair purple)
Possessed Adrian: I’m going to show you my true power!
(Adrian puts Asriel in Heavy Mode)
Bell: The Demon King is going to destroy you in this match!!
Austin: Win this, Adrian!
Possessed Adrian: Grr!!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Bell/Possessed Adrian: Go, Shoot!!
(Bell pulls off a powerful Eclipse Shoot, Adrian pulls off an extremely powerful Eclipse Shoot)
Bell: *Gasps*
(Asriel immediately leans on its driver and gains tons of speed)
Possessed Adrian: Blow ‘em away! Twilight Slash!!
(Asriel speeds up and slams into Belial sending it flying forward)
Bell: *Gasps* Hang in there, Belial!
(Belial leans on its driver and speeds up)
Possessed Adrian: Again! Twilight Slash!!!
(Asriel speeds up and slams into Belial sending it flying again)
Bell: *Chuckles* I know what game you’re playing at, you’re trying to burst Belial before it gains power, aren’t you?
Possessed Adrian: *Smiles* Keep going!!
(Asriel continuously hits Belial with extremely powerful hits sending it flying in the air rapidly)
Bell: Ha! The Demon King isn’t losing!!
(Belial lands on top of Asriel jumps off and speeds off)
Possessed Adrian: Go for broke, True Twilight Flight!!
(Asriel catches onto the stadium rim and picks up crazy amounts of speed, Asriel slams into Belial sending it flying in the air)
Bell: Aah! Belial!!
(Bell’s Resonance Aura flares up Belial blazes out of the Bey)
Belial: Go, Bell!
Possessed Adrian: Asriel!!!
(Asriel blazes out of the Bey and turns pitch black and purple, Asriel stands behind Adrian)
Asriel: Break ‘em, Adrian!
Bell: Torpedo Bomber!!
(Belial picks up unbelievable speed and slams into Asriel causing a humongous explosion, Asriel gets sent flying in the air)
Bell: So, it’s over already.
Possessed Adrian: *Grins Evilly*
Bell: *Gasps*
(Asriel starts crashing back down to the stadium)
Possessed Adrian: Twilight Blight!!!
(Asriel slams down on Belial sending it flying in the air, Belial bursts)
Bell: *Gasps*
Drone: It’s Twilight Asriel with a Burst Finish! Adrian Saito is the winner!!
(Smoke covers Adrian only revealing his evil grin and glowing purple eyes)
Adrian: So, Demon King. I’ve finally beaten you for good.
Bell: You got lucky, The Demon King had more power than Asriel, but, you got lucky and turned the match around, so props to you!
Austin: You were amazing, Adrian!
Adrian: It was nothing, defeating Legends is no biggie.
Hikaru: You won’t be saying that after our Tag Battle!
Hyuga: Yeah, we’ll send you guys flying out of the park!
Adrian: The thing is I can defeat you all on my own, so don’t worry about anything Austin.
Austin: *Gasps* But I wanna battle!
Hyuga/Hikaru: We’re going to destroy our limits and defeat you!
~In Japan’s Main Arena~
Hanami: Welcome everyone to the potentially greatest battle in the world! We’ve got the powerful new generation of Bladers Vs The Tried and True Twin Striking duo! Let’s see how this match goes!!
~In The Locker Room~
Austin: So, I’m going with the Singe Layer and I’m going to blow Hyperion out of the water, you’ll--
Adrian: I don’t need directions.
Austin: But if we’re going to win we’ve gotta have a perfect strategy!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up wildly, Asriel glows as a purple flame appears on Adrian’s eye over his hair)
Possessed Adrian: Stay out of my way and we’ll win.
Austin: No!
Adrian: *Gasps*
Austin: I’ve always got your back, and I’m gonna attack.
Possessed Adrian: Do what pleases you.
(Adrian walks away)
~Out On The Main Stage~
Hanami: And here come our Bladers! In the red corner, we’ve got our Rising Stars, Adrian and Austin Saito!!
(Austin runs up to the Main Stage, people start clapping and applauding)
Austin: Woah, looks like I’m a star!
Adrian: No, dimwit, they’re cheering for an awesome battle.
Austin: Hey! Just let me dream!
(People start chanting my name)
Austin: Hey! Why do you get all the fans?!
Adrian: I was the one who beat Bell.
Hanami: In the blue corner, they bested the best of the legends, they’ve reached the top in the Tag Team World, give it up for the Ashi Brothers!!!
(People start applauding and clap loudly as Hikaru and Hyuga run-up to the stage)
Hyuga: We’re gonna vroom past our limits and win!
Hikaru: Yeah, you won’t know what hit you!
Austin: Wrong, we’re the ones who are going to win!
Hanami: And, we’ll be using the Engulfing Dusk Stadium!
(A huge new stadium rises from the ground)
All: Woah!
Hanami: This stadium is all about acceleration!! It’s got a small green acceleration ramp on the top of that huge slope like the Dynamite Stadium and it has a crater in the middle of the slope, and finally, on the bottom, there’s a bigger version of the green acceleration ramp!!
Hyuga: I’m gonna go kablam in this stadium!
Hikaru: Go all out man, we’re gonna win!
Austin: I’m going on the Attack!
(Austin puts the Singe Layer on Anpao and puts Anpao in Attack Mode)
Referee: Inspect your opponent's Bey!
Hikaru (Thoughts): Singe Anpao, it’s Anpao but it has four sharp blades that can deal major damage if you take a direct hit from them, they also have rubber on them, man, this Bey will be a tough one to take out!
Hanami: This Tag Battle will be the first to claim Two Points. Whoever does is the winner, so, let’s get started!!
Referee: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Hikaru/Hyuga/Adrian/Austin: Go, Shoot!!
(Everyone pulls off powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Crush Hyperion!!
Hyuga: Kablam!
Austin: Hmp!
(Right before Asriel and Hyperion slam into each other Anpao gets in the middle and slams into Hyperion sending it flying)
Adrian/Hyuga: *Gasps*
Hanami: Anpao has just saved Asriel from what could’ve been a fatal attack from Hyperion!
Possessed Adrian: What’re you doing! I said I don’t need help!!
Austin: Deal with it!
Adrian: *Gasps*
Hikaru: Let’s try this out, Helios!
(Helios goes up the slope and in the crater, Helios speeds up and accelerates, even more, thanks to the green ramp)
Hanami: Helios has just sped up at incredible speed!
Hikaru: Phoebus Strike!
(Helios slams into Asriel causing Asriel to lean on its driver and speed up)
Possessed Adrian: Is that all?! You’ve gotta give me more!!
(Asriel starts speeding up like crazy)
Hanami: After a powerful attack from Helios Asriel is somehow speeding up?
Possessed Adrian: Twilight Slash!!
(Asriel’s blades glow as it speeds up and slams into Helios causing it to lose stamina)
Hikaru: *Gasps*
Hyuga: Hikaru, it’s time!
(Hyperion slams into Helios and they start clashing creating sparks)
Hanami: Helios and Hyperion are starting to collide!!
Hyuga/Hikaru: Now go!!!
(Hyperion and Helios lean creating sparks and aim for Asriel and Anpao at full speed)
Hyuga/Hikaru: Twin Limit Destroyer!!
Adrian/Austin: *Gasps*
(Hyperion and Helios slam into Anpao and Asriel as their Limit Destroyer activates, Anpao and Asriel gets sent flying in the air and bursts, a purple light slashes at Adrian)
Adrian: *Groans*
Referee: Kindle Hyperion and Phoebus Helios gain one point!!
Hanami: Amazing! Hyperion and Helios pull off a crazy combo move and burst Asriel and Anpao with one hit!!
Possessed Adrian: Grr!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel starts glowing purple)
Austin: I’ve got an idea.
Possessed Adrian: I don’t need it, I’ve--
(Austin grabs Adrian’s shoulder and makes Adrian face him)
Adrian: *Gasps*
Austin: I’ve got an idea and you're gonna listen.
Adrian: Fine, what is it?
(Austin whispers something in my ear)
Adrian: Doesn’t hurt to try.
Referee: Second battle!
Hyuga: We’ll win again, just you wait!
Hikaru: Yeah, we’ll burn you away!
(Hikaru and Hyuga’s flare's burn brightly)
Possessed Adrian: Bring it, I’ll crush you!
(Purple flames surround Adrian as his eyes glow)
Austin (Thoughts): Adrian… I’ll surpass your power no matter what!!
(Golden flames surround Austin as his Bey glows)
Hyuga: *Gasps* They have Flares too?!
Hikaru: Awesome, it just makes the battle way more fun!
(Austin looks at the Golden Fire around him with awe)
Austin: Woah! So this is what true power’s like!
Possessed Adrian: Hikaru and Hyuga, I’ll crush you with this new power!
Referee: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Hikaru/Hyuga/Adrian/Austin: Go, Shoot!!
(Everyone pulls off powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Hanami: Super powerful Eclipse Shoots from each corner!!
Possessed Adrian: Tear ‘em apart!!
Hyuga/Hikaru: We’re gonna break our limits!!
(Hyperion and Helios start clashing against Asriel, Asriel continues to push back with a powerful attack, A purple light starts beaming off Adrian’s chest)
Hanami: They’re starting off with a powerful clash! It looks like Asriel has gone in all alone!!
Adrian: *Groans* Finish it, Austin!
(Anpao speeds up in the crater and the mini slope and speeds up, Anpao soars high in the air)
Hanami: Anpao flies over Hyperion and Helios!
(Adrian and Austin’s flares flare-up wildly and start colliding with each other)
Adrian/Austin: Twin Pincer!!
(Anpao lands on Helios and Hyperion forcing them to the ground and sending them flying in the air, Hyperion and Helios slam into the stadium wall and burst)
Hikaru/Hyuga: *Gasps*
Referee: Singe Anpao and Twilight Asriel are the winners!!
Hanami: Amazing! Asriel distracted Hyperion and Helios while Anpao went in with the final kill, amazing!
Adrian: So, your strategy worked out.
Austin: *Gulps* Yeah, I guess it did.
Adrian: It was ok. But I’ll be crushing them my way in this final battle!
Austin: You’ve got it!
Referee: Third Battle!
(Adrian puts Asriel in Heavy Mode as his flare turns into a dark evil grin)
Hikaru: We’ll be taking you down in the next one!
Hyuga: Vroom boom bang! That’s how your Beys will burst!
(Hyuga and Hikaru’s flares fiercely surround them)
Austin: Bring it, we will take on your flames with our own!
(A Golden Flare surrounds Austin)
Hanami: Our Bladers are fired up and ready to go but, who’s fire will burn the brightest and blaze a path to victory! We’ll see soon enough!!
Referee: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Hyuga/Hikaru/Adrian/Austin: Go, Shoot!!
(Everyone pulls off Extremely powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Hyuga: Go, Hyperion!
Possessed Adrian: Send ‘em flying, Twilight Slash!!
(Asriel slams into Hyperion sending it flying in the slope’s crater)
Hanami: After a powerful attack from Asriel Hyperion picks up some major speed in the Dusk Crater!
(Hyperion speeds up and starts crashing down the slope)
Hyuga: Vroom! Kindling Strike!!
Austin: I won’t let you, Singe Slash!
(Anpao speeds up and slashes at Hyperion at full power sending it flying back, Hyperion starts getting close to the outside of the stadium)
Hanami: Hyperion’s been sent flying! Is this going to be an Over Finish?!
Hyuga: Go all out!!
(Hyperion glows brightly and hits the stadium wall, Hyperion hits the wall and speeds up)
Hikaru: Now, Helios!
(Helios speeds up and starts crashing with Anpao)
Hanami: Helios jumps in on the fray and starts a crazy clash with Anpao!
Hyuga: Hyperion--
Possessed Adrian: Blow them out of the water!!
(Hyperion and Asriel start clashing wildly)
Hanami: Amazing! It’s a clash of Blazing hot souls!!
(All the Beys enter flare and speed off in different directions)
Possessed Adrian: Crush them, Twilight Crunch!!
Austin: Singing Burn!!
Hyuga: Kindling Counter!!
Hikaru: Zone Counter!!
(All the Beys speed up and start clashing in the center causing a huge explosion)
Hanami: The Blazing Souls have met and are clashing!!
Hikaru: Phoebus Limit Destroyer!!
Hyuga: Kindling Limit Destroyer!!
(Helios and Hyperion’s Limit Destroyer activates causing Asriel and Anpao to be sent flying into the wall and burst)
Adrian/Austin: *Gasps*
Referee: Kindle Hyperion and Phoebus Helios are the winners with a score of 2-1!!
Hanami: Incredible! Hyperion and Helios knock Asriel and Anpao out with style, they surely are the Legend Super Tag League Champions!!
Adrian (Thoughts): Grr!! Even with our upgrade we still couldn’t defeat him!!
Austin: How powerful can Legends be?
~At The Top Of The Daikokuten Mansion~
(Austin climbs on top of the roof)
Austin: You wanted to meet me here?
Ren: Yeah, I just wanted to say thanks for sticking it to Adrian, mate.
Austin: My question is, why did you want me to do that?
Ren: You just had a good idea and I wanted it to be heard.
Austin: This is about you and Ransou isn’t it?
Ren: What he did to our Beys was unforgivable!
Austin: He’s going through a tough time right now, all we can do is help!
Ren: No, he needs to be crushed in battle and taught a lesson.
Austin: You’re acting no better than him, instead of helping him all you want is revenge. You already beat him, what more do you want?
Ren: That wasn’t enough.
Austin: You’re no better than him! You’re so absorbed in getting revenge that it’s blinded you! You’re not acting like the Ren I used to know!!
Ren: You’re right, I’m a stronger version.
Austin: So, getting stronger is all that matters now.
Ren: Austin!
(Before Ren can say anything Austin storms off)
Ren: *Sighs* I’m sorry Austin, but you’re the one who’s been blinded.
" "
if you wanna get pinged every time I make a chapter just ask!
I liked this chapter a lot!
Please ping me too!
Sep. 10, 2021 11:50 AM
Love the story and character development. The characters just gasp to much. Maybe put in a wha-what? Or a No way!
Sep. 10, 2021 9:37 PM
(Sep. 10, 2021 12:21 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 23's out with Burning Hot Battles!
Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 23
Legendary Clash Of Blazing Hot Flares!
(Adrian bursts through the door with wind fiercely coming behind him)
All: *Gasps*
Adrian: Bell Daikokuten, I challenge you to one last battle!
(Austin runs next to me)
Austin: Yeah, we want a rematch!
Adrian: Austin… I’m going to be battling him… myself.
(Adrian looks at Austin dead in the eyes)
Austin: *Gasps*
Bell: So, you want to challenge The Demon King to a battle?
Adrian: Yeah, and I promise I’ll crush you.
Bell: *Laughs* I’ve defeated you too many times, are you sure you wanna battle me?!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance flares up as his eyes glow and he stares down Bell with a soft growl)
Possessed Adrian: I want another battle.
All: *Gasps*
Bell: Fine. The Demon King will crush you again!
Jingemon: Hold on!
(Jingemon comes out of a floor tile)
Austin: *Screams* Where’d you come from?
Jingemon: Anyways, since the new Yin Yang System is getting a lot of light lately the WBBA has created the Engulfing Eclipse Stadium! And they’d like you guys to do a Tag Battle in it, Adrian Saito and Austin Saito Vs Hyuga and Hikaru Ashi!!
Adrian: “Engulfing Dusk Stadium?”
Jingemon: Yep, so, in Two Hours you’ll have a Ranked Tag Battle with the Ashi Brothers, so, just keep that in mind!
(Jingemon goes back under the floor)
Austin: That’s so creepy!
Adrian: Well, I’ll need a good warm-up for my match!
Bell: *Smiles*
Drone: First Battle!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up, Adrian’s eye glows through his hair purple)
Possessed Adrian: I’m going to show you my true power!
(Adrian puts Asriel in Heavy Mode)
Bell: The Demon King is going to destroy you in this match!!
Austin: Win this, Adrian!
Possessed Adrian: Grr!!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Bell/Possessed Adrian: Go, Shoot!!
(Bell pulls off a powerful Eclipse Shoot, Adrian pulls off an extremely powerful Eclipse Shoot)
Bell: *Gasps*
(Asriel immediately leans on its driver and gains tons of speed)
Possessed Adrian: Blow ‘em away! Twilight Slash!!
(Asriel speeds up and slams into Belial sending it flying forward)
Bell: *Gasps* Hang in there, Belial!
(Belial leans on its driver and speeds up)
Possessed Adrian: Again! Twilight Slash!!!
(Asriel speeds up and slams into Belial sending it flying again)
Bell: *Chuckles* I know what game you’re playing at, you’re trying to burst Belial before it gains power, aren’t you?
Possessed Adrian: *Smiles* Keep going!!
(Asriel continuously hits Belial with extremely powerful hits sending it flying in the air rapidly)
Bell: Ha! The Demon King isn’t losing!!
(Belial lands on top of Asriel jumps off and speeds off)
Possessed Adrian: Go for broke, True Twilight Flight!!
(Asriel catches onto the stadium rim and picks up crazy amounts of speed, Asriel slams into Belial sending it flying in the air)
Bell: Aah! Belial!!
(Bell’s Resonance Aura flares up Belial blazes out of the Bey)
Belial: Go, Bell!
Possessed Adrian: Asriel!!!
(Asriel blazes out of the Bey and turns pitch black and purple, Asriel stands behind Adrian)
Asriel: Break ‘em, Adrian!
Bell: Torpedo Bomber!!
(Belial picks up unbelievable speed and slams into Asriel causing a humongous explosion, Asriel gets sent flying in the air)
Bell: So, it’s over already.
Possessed Adrian: *Grins Evilly*
Bell: *Gasps*
(Asriel starts crashing back down to the stadium)
Possessed Adrian: Twilight Blight!!!
(Asriel slams down on Belial sending it flying in the air, Belial bursts)
Bell: *Gasps*
Drone: It’s Twilight Asriel with a Burst Finish! Adrian Saito is the winner!!
(Smoke covers Adrian only revealing his evil grin and glowing purple eyes)
Adrian: So, Demon King. I’ve finally beaten you for good.
Bell: You got lucky, The Demon King had more power than Asriel, but, you got lucky and turned the match around, so props to you!
Austin: You were amazing, Adrian!
Adrian: It was nothing, defeating Legends is no biggie.
Hikaru: You won’t be saying that after our Tag Battle!
Hyuga: Yeah, we’ll send you guys flying out of the park!
Adrian: The thing is I can defeat you all on my own, so don’t worry about anything Austin.
Austin: *Gasps* But I wanna battle!
Hyuga/Hikaru: We’re going to destroy our limits and defeat you!
~In Japan’s Main Arena~
Hanami: Welcome everyone to the potentially greatest battle in the world! We’ve got the powerful new generation of Bladers Vs The Tried and True Twin Striking duo! Let’s see how this match goes!!
~In The Locker Room~
Austin: So, I’m going with the Singe Layer and I’m going to blow Hyperion out of the water, you’ll--
Adrian: I don’t need directions.
Austin: But if we’re going to win we’ve gotta have a perfect strategy!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up wildly, Asriel glows as a purple flame appears on Adrian’s eye over his hair)
Possessed Adrian: Stay out of my way and we’ll win.
Austin: No!
Adrian: *Gasps*
Austin: I’ve always got your back, and I’m gonna attack.
Possessed Adrian: Do what pleases you.
(Adrian walks away)
~Out On The Main Stage~
Hanami: And here come our Bladers! In the red corner, we’ve got our Rising Stars, Adrian and Austin Saito!!
(Austin runs up to the Main Stage, people start clapping and applauding)
Austin: Woah, looks like I’m a star!
Adrian: No, dimwit, they’re cheering for an awesome battle.
Austin: Hey! Just let me dream!
(People start chanting my name)
Austin: Hey! Why do you get all the fans?!
Adrian: I was the one who beat Bell.
Hanami: In the blue corner, they bested the best of the legends, they’ve reached the top in the Tag Team World, give it up for the Ashi Brothers!!!
(People start applauding and clap loudly as Hikaru and Hyuga run-up to the stage)
Hyuga: We’re gonna vroom past our limits and win!
Hikaru: Yeah, you won’t know what hit you!
Austin: Wrong, we’re the ones who are going to win!
Hanami: And, we’ll be using the Engulfing Dusk Stadium!
(A huge new stadium rises from the ground)
All: Woah!
Hanami: This stadium is all about acceleration!! It’s got a small green acceleration ramp on the top of that huge slope like the Dynamite Stadium and it has a crater in the middle of the slope, and finally, on the bottom, there’s a bigger version of the green acceleration ramp!!
Hyuga: I’m gonna go kablam in this stadium!
Hikaru: Go all out man, we’re gonna win!
Austin: I’m going on the Attack!
(Austin puts the Singe Layer on Anpao and puts Anpao in Attack Mode)
Referee: Inspect your opponent's Bey!
Hikaru (Thoughts): Singe Anpao, it’s Anpao but it has four sharp blades that can deal major damage if you take a direct hit from them, they also have rubber on them, man, this Bey will be a tough one to take out!
Hanami: This Tag Battle will be the first to claim Two Points. Whoever does is the winner, so, let’s get started!!
Referee: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Hikaru/Hyuga/Adrian/Austin: Go, Shoot!!
(Everyone pulls off powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Crush Hyperion!!
Hyuga: Kablam!
Austin: Hmp!
(Right before Asriel and Hyperion slam into each other Anpao gets in the middle and slams into Hyperion sending it flying)
Adrian/Hyuga: *Gasps*
Hanami: Anpao has just saved Asriel from what could’ve been a fatal attack from Hyperion!
Possessed Adrian: What’re you doing! I said I don’t need help!!
Austin: Deal with it!
Adrian: *Gasps*
Hikaru: Let’s try this out, Helios!
(Helios goes up the slope and in the crater, Helios speeds up and accelerates, even more, thanks to the green ramp)
Hanami: Helios has just sped up at incredible speed!
Hikaru: Phoebus Strike!
(Helios slams into Asriel causing Asriel to lean on its driver and speed up)
Possessed Adrian: Is that all?! You’ve gotta give me more!!
(Asriel starts speeding up like crazy)
Hanami: After a powerful attack from Helios Asriel is somehow speeding up?
Possessed Adrian: Twilight Slash!!
(Asriel’s blades glow as it speeds up and slams into Helios causing it to lose stamina)
Hikaru: *Gasps*
Hyuga: Hikaru, it’s time!
(Hyperion slams into Helios and they start clashing creating sparks)
Hanami: Helios and Hyperion are starting to collide!!
Hyuga/Hikaru: Now go!!!
(Hyperion and Helios lean creating sparks and aim for Asriel and Anpao at full speed)
Hyuga/Hikaru: Twin Limit Destroyer!!
Adrian/Austin: *Gasps*
(Hyperion and Helios slam into Anpao and Asriel as their Limit Destroyer activates, Anpao and Asriel gets sent flying in the air and bursts, a purple light slashes at Adrian)
Adrian: *Groans*
Referee: Kindle Hyperion and Phoebus Helios gain one point!!
Hanami: Amazing! Hyperion and Helios pull off a crazy combo move and burst Asriel and Anpao with one hit!!
Possessed Adrian: Grr!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel starts glowing purple)
Austin: I’ve got an idea.
Possessed Adrian: I don’t need it, I’ve--
(Austin grabs Adrian’s shoulder and makes Adrian face him)
Adrian: *Gasps*
Austin: I’ve got an idea and you're gonna listen.
Adrian: Fine, what is it?
(Austin whispers something in my ear)
Adrian: Doesn’t hurt to try.
Referee: Second battle!
Hyuga: We’ll win again, just you wait!
Hikaru: Yeah, we’ll burn you away!
(Hikaru and Hyuga’s flare's burn brightly)
Possessed Adrian: Bring it, I’ll crush you!
(Purple flames surround Adrian as his eyes glow)
Austin (Thoughts): Adrian… I’ll surpass your power no matter what!!
(Golden flames surround Austin as his Bey glows)
Hyuga: *Gasps* They have Flares too?!
Hikaru: Awesome, it just makes the battle way more fun!
(Austin looks at the Golden Fire around him with awe)
Austin: Woah! So this is what true power’s like!
Possessed Adrian: Hikaru and Hyuga, I’ll crush you with this new power!
Referee: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Hikaru/Hyuga/Adrian/Austin: Go, Shoot!!
(Everyone pulls off powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Hanami: Super powerful Eclipse Shoots from each corner!!
Possessed Adrian: Tear ‘em apart!!
Hyuga/Hikaru: We’re gonna break our limits!!
(Hyperion and Helios start clashing against Asriel, Asriel continues to push back with a powerful attack, A purple light starts beaming off Adrian’s chest)
Hanami: They’re starting off with a powerful clash! It looks like Asriel has gone in all alone!!
Adrian: *Groans* Finish it, Austin!
(Anpao speeds up in the crater and the mini slope and speeds up, Anpao soars high in the air)
Hanami: Anpao flies over Hyperion and Helios!
(Adrian and Austin’s flares flare-up wildly and start colliding with each other)
Adrian/Austin: Twin Pincer!!
(Anpao lands on Helios and Hyperion forcing them to the ground and sending them flying in the air, Hyperion and Helios slam into the stadium wall and burst)
Hikaru/Hyuga: *Gasps*
Referee: Singe Anpao and Twilight Asriel are the winners!!
Hanami: Amazing! Asriel distracted Hyperion and Helios while Anpao went in with the final kill, amazing!
Adrian: So, your strategy worked out.
Austin: *Gulps* Yeah, I guess it did.
Adrian: It was ok. But I’ll be crushing them my way in this final battle!
Austin: You’ve got it!
Referee: Third Battle!
(Adrian puts Asriel in Heavy Mode as his flare turns into a dark evil grin)
Hikaru: We’ll be taking you down in the next one!
Hyuga: Vroom boom bang! That’s how your Beys will burst!
(Hyuga and Hikaru’s flares fiercely surround them)
Austin: Bring it, we will take on your flames with our own!
(A Golden Flare surrounds Austin)
Hanami: Our Bladers are fired up and ready to go but, who’s fire will burn the brightest and blaze a path to victory! We’ll see soon enough!!
Referee: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Hyuga/Hikaru/Adrian/Austin: Go, Shoot!!
(Everyone pulls off Extremely powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Hyuga: Go, Hyperion!
Possessed Adrian: Send ‘em flying, Twilight Slash!!
(Asriel slams into Hyperion sending it flying in the slope’s crater)
Hanami: After a powerful attack from Asriel Hyperion picks up some major speed in the Dusk Crater!
(Hyperion speeds up and starts crashing down the slope)
Hyuga: Vroom! Kindling Strike!!
Austin: I won’t let you, Singe Slash!
(Anpao speeds up and slashes at Hyperion at full power sending it flying back, Hyperion starts getting close to the outside of the stadium)
Hanami: Hyperion’s been sent flying! Is this going to be an Over Finish?!
Hyuga: Go all out!!
(Hyperion glows brightly and hits the stadium wall, Hyperion hits the wall and speeds up)
Hikaru: Now, Helios!
(Helios speeds up and starts crashing with Anpao)
Hanami: Helios jumps in on the fray and starts a crazy clash with Anpao!
Hyuga: Hyperion--
Possessed Adrian: Blow them out of the water!!
(Hyperion and Asriel start clashing wildly)
Hanami: Amazing! It’s a clash of Blazing hot souls!!
(All the Beys enter flare and speed off in different directions)
Possessed Adrian: Crush them, Twilight Crunch!!
Austin: Singing Burn!!
Hyuga: Kindling Counter!!
Hikaru: Zone Counter!!
(All the Beys speed up and start clashing in the center causing a huge explosion)
Hanami: The Blazing Souls have met and are clashing!!
Hikaru: Phoebus Limit Destroyer!!
Hyuga: Kindling Limit Destroyer!!
(Helios and Hyperion’s Limit Destroyer activates causing Asriel and Anpao to be sent flying into the wall and burst)
Adrian/Austin: *Gasps*
Referee: Kindle Hyperion and Phoebus Helios are the winners with a score of 2-1!!
Hanami: Incredible! Hyperion and Helios knock Asriel and Anpao out with style, they surely are the Legend Super Tag League Champions!!
Adrian (Thoughts): Grr!! Even with our upgrade we still couldn’t defeat him!!
Austin: How powerful can Legends be?
~At The Top Of The Daikokuten Mansion~
(Austin climbs on top of the roof)
Austin: You wanted to meet me here?
Ren: Yeah, I just wanted to say thanks for sticking it to Adrian, mate.
Austin: My question is, why did you want me to do that?
Ren: You just had a good idea and I wanted it to be heard.
Austin: This is about you and Ransou isn’t it?
Ren: What he did to our Beys was unforgivable!
Austin: He’s going through a tough time right now, all we can do is help!
Ren: No, he needs to be crushed in battle and taught a lesson.
Austin: You’re acting no better than him, instead of helping him all you want is revenge. You already beat him, what more do you want?
Ren: That wasn’t enough.
Austin: You’re no better than him! You’re so absorbed in getting revenge that it’s blinded you! You’re not acting like the Ren I used to know!!
Ren: You’re right, I’m a stronger version.
Austin: So, getting stronger is all that matters now.
Ren: Austin!
(Before Ren can say anything Austin storms off)
Ren: *Sighs* I’m sorry Austin, but you’re the one who’s been blinded.
" "
if you wanna get pinged every time I make a chapter just ask!
GenesisBlader would like to get pinged everytime you post a chapter.
nice chapter and austin my dawg standing up for his evil brother?! wish my brothers would do that for me
Sep. 10, 2021 10:03 PM
(Sep. 10, 2021 12:21 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 23's out with Burning Hot Battles!
Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 23
Legendary Clash Of Blazing Hot Flares!
(Adrian bursts through the door with wind fiercely coming behind him)
All: *Gasps*
Adrian: Bell Daikokuten, I challenge you to one last battle!
(Austin runs next to me)
Austin: Yeah, we want a rematch!
Adrian: Austin… I’m going to be battling him… myself.
(Adrian looks at Austin dead in the eyes)
Austin: *Gasps*
Bell: So, you want to challenge The Demon King to a battle?
Adrian: Yeah, and I promise I’ll crush you.
Bell: *Laughs* I’ve defeated you too many times, are you sure you wanna battle me?!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance flares up as his eyes glow and he stares down Bell with a soft growl)
Possessed Adrian: I want another battle.
All: *Gasps*
Bell: Fine. The Demon King will crush you again!
Jingemon: Hold on!
(Jingemon comes out of a floor tile)
Austin: *Screams* Where’d you come from?
Jingemon: Anyways, since the new Yin Yang System is getting a lot of light lately the WBBA has created the Engulfing Eclipse Stadium! And they’d like you guys to do a Tag Battle in it, Adrian Saito and Austin Saito Vs Hyuga and Hikaru Ashi!!
Adrian: “Engulfing Dusk Stadium?”
Jingemon: Yep, so, in Two Hours you’ll have a Ranked Tag Battle with the Ashi Brothers, so, just keep that in mind!
(Jingemon goes back under the floor)
Austin: That’s so creepy!
Adrian: Well, I’ll need a good warm-up for my match!
Bell: *Smiles*
Drone: First Battle!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up, Adrian’s eye glows through his hair purple)
Possessed Adrian: I’m going to show you my true power!
(Adrian puts Asriel in Heavy Mode)
Bell: The Demon King is going to destroy you in this match!!
Austin: Win this, Adrian!
Possessed Adrian: Grr!!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Bell/Possessed Adrian: Go, Shoot!!
(Bell pulls off a powerful Eclipse Shoot, Adrian pulls off an extremely powerful Eclipse Shoot)
Bell: *Gasps*
(Asriel immediately leans on its driver and gains tons of speed)
Possessed Adrian: Blow ‘em away! Twilight Slash!!
(Asriel speeds up and slams into Belial sending it flying forward)
Bell: *Gasps* Hang in there, Belial!
(Belial leans on its driver and speeds up)
Possessed Adrian: Again! Twilight Slash!!!
(Asriel speeds up and slams into Belial sending it flying again)
Bell: *Chuckles* I know what game you’re playing at, you’re trying to burst Belial before it gains power, aren’t you?
Possessed Adrian: *Smiles* Keep going!!
(Asriel continuously hits Belial with extremely powerful hits sending it flying in the air rapidly)
Bell: Ha! The Demon King isn’t losing!!
(Belial lands on top of Asriel jumps off and speeds off)
Possessed Adrian: Go for broke, True Twilight Flight!!
(Asriel catches onto the stadium rim and picks up crazy amounts of speed, Asriel slams into Belial sending it flying in the air)
Bell: Aah! Belial!!
(Bell’s Resonance Aura flares up Belial blazes out of the Bey)
Belial: Go, Bell!
Possessed Adrian: Asriel!!!
(Asriel blazes out of the Bey and turns pitch black and purple, Asriel stands behind Adrian)
Asriel: Break ‘em, Adrian!
Bell: Torpedo Bomber!!
(Belial picks up unbelievable speed and slams into Asriel causing a humongous explosion, Asriel gets sent flying in the air)
Bell: So, it’s over already.
Possessed Adrian: *Grins Evilly*
Bell: *Gasps*
(Asriel starts crashing back down to the stadium)
Possessed Adrian: Twilight Blight!!!
(Asriel slams down on Belial sending it flying in the air, Belial bursts)
Bell: *Gasps*
Drone: It’s Twilight Asriel with a Burst Finish! Adrian Saito is the winner!!
(Smoke covers Adrian only revealing his evil grin and glowing purple eyes)
Adrian: So, Demon King. I’ve finally beaten you for good.
Bell: You got lucky, The Demon King had more power than Asriel, but, you got lucky and turned the match around, so props to you!
Austin: You were amazing, Adrian!
Adrian: It was nothing, defeating Legends is no biggie.
Hikaru: You won’t be saying that after our Tag Battle!
Hyuga: Yeah, we’ll send you guys flying out of the park!
Adrian: The thing is I can defeat you all on my own, so don’t worry about anything Austin.
Austin: *Gasps* But I wanna battle!
Hyuga/Hikaru: We’re going to destroy our limits and defeat you!
~In Japan’s Main Arena~
Hanami: Welcome everyone to the potentially greatest battle in the world! We’ve got the powerful new generation of Bladers Vs The Tried and True Twin Striking duo! Let’s see how this match goes!!
~In The Locker Room~
Austin: So, I’m going with the Singe Layer and I’m going to blow Hyperion out of the water, you’ll--
Adrian: I don’t need directions.
Austin: But if we’re going to win we’ve gotta have a perfect strategy!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up wildly, Asriel glows as a purple flame appears on Adrian’s eye over his hair)
Possessed Adrian: Stay out of my way and we’ll win.
Austin: No!
Adrian: *Gasps*
Austin: I’ve always got your back, and I’m gonna attack.
Possessed Adrian: Do what pleases you.
(Adrian walks away)
~Out On The Main Stage~
Hanami: And here come our Bladers! In the red corner, we’ve got our Rising Stars, Adrian and Austin Saito!!
(Austin runs up to the Main Stage, people start clapping and applauding)
Austin: Woah, looks like I’m a star!
Adrian: No, dimwit, they’re cheering for an awesome battle.
Austin: Hey! Just let me dream!
(People start chanting my name)
Austin: Hey! Why do you get all the fans?!
Adrian: I was the one who beat Bell.
Hanami: In the blue corner, they bested the best of the legends, they’ve reached the top in the Tag Team World, give it up for the Ashi Brothers!!!
(People start applauding and clap loudly as Hikaru and Hyuga run-up to the stage)
Hyuga: We’re gonna vroom past our limits and win!
Hikaru: Yeah, you won’t know what hit you!
Austin: Wrong, we’re the ones who are going to win!
Hanami: And, we’ll be using the Engulfing Dusk Stadium!
(A huge new stadium rises from the ground)
All: Woah!
Hanami: This stadium is all about acceleration!! It’s got a small green acceleration ramp on the top of that huge slope like the Dynamite Stadium and it has a crater in the middle of the slope, and finally, on the bottom, there’s a bigger version of the green acceleration ramp!!
Hyuga: I’m gonna go kablam in this stadium!
Hikaru: Go all out man, we’re gonna win!
Austin: I’m going on the Attack!
(Austin puts the Singe Layer on Anpao and puts Anpao in Attack Mode)
Referee: Inspect your opponent's Bey!
Hikaru (Thoughts): Singe Anpao, it’s Anpao but it has four sharp blades that can deal major damage if you take a direct hit from them, they also have rubber on them, man, this Bey will be a tough one to take out!
Hanami: This Tag Battle will be the first to claim Two Points. Whoever does is the winner, so, let’s get started!!
Referee: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Hikaru/Hyuga/Adrian/Austin: Go, Shoot!!
(Everyone pulls off powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Crush Hyperion!!
Hyuga: Kablam!
Austin: Hmp!
(Right before Asriel and Hyperion slam into each other Anpao gets in the middle and slams into Hyperion sending it flying)
Adrian/Hyuga: *Gasps*
Hanami: Anpao has just saved Asriel from what could’ve been a fatal attack from Hyperion!
Possessed Adrian: What’re you doing! I said I don’t need help!!
Austin: Deal with it!
Adrian: *Gasps*
Hikaru: Let’s try this out, Helios!
(Helios goes up the slope and in the crater, Helios speeds up and accelerates, even more, thanks to the green ramp)
Hanami: Helios has just sped up at incredible speed!
Hikaru: Phoebus Strike!
(Helios slams into Asriel causing Asriel to lean on its driver and speed up)
Possessed Adrian: Is that all?! You’ve gotta give me more!!
(Asriel starts speeding up like crazy)
Hanami: After a powerful attack from Helios Asriel is somehow speeding up?
Possessed Adrian: Twilight Slash!!
(Asriel’s blades glow as it speeds up and slams into Helios causing it to lose stamina)
Hikaru: *Gasps*
Hyuga: Hikaru, it’s time!
(Hyperion slams into Helios and they start clashing creating sparks)
Hanami: Helios and Hyperion are starting to collide!!
Hyuga/Hikaru: Now go!!!
(Hyperion and Helios lean creating sparks and aim for Asriel and Anpao at full speed)
Hyuga/Hikaru: Twin Limit Destroyer!!
Adrian/Austin: *Gasps*
(Hyperion and Helios slam into Anpao and Asriel as their Limit Destroyer activates, Anpao and Asriel gets sent flying in the air and bursts, a purple light slashes at Adrian)
Adrian: *Groans*
Referee: Kindle Hyperion and Phoebus Helios gain one point!!
Hanami: Amazing! Hyperion and Helios pull off a crazy combo move and burst Asriel and Anpao with one hit!!
Possessed Adrian: Grr!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up Asriel starts glowing purple)
Austin: I’ve got an idea.
Possessed Adrian: I don’t need it, I’ve--
(Austin grabs Adrian’s shoulder and makes Adrian face him)
Adrian: *Gasps*
Austin: I’ve got an idea and you're gonna listen.
Adrian: Fine, what is it?
(Austin whispers something in my ear)
Adrian: Doesn’t hurt to try.
Referee: Second battle!
Hyuga: We’ll win again, just you wait!
Hikaru: Yeah, we’ll burn you away!
(Hikaru and Hyuga’s flare's burn brightly)
Possessed Adrian: Bring it, I’ll crush you!
(Purple flames surround Adrian as his eyes glow)
Austin (Thoughts): Adrian… I’ll surpass your power no matter what!!
(Golden flames surround Austin as his Bey glows)
Hyuga: *Gasps* They have Flares too?!
Hikaru: Awesome, it just makes the battle way more fun!
(Austin looks at the Golden Fire around him with awe)
Austin: Woah! So this is what true power’s like!
Possessed Adrian: Hikaru and Hyuga, I’ll crush you with this new power!
Referee: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Hikaru/Hyuga/Adrian/Austin: Go, Shoot!!
(Everyone pulls off powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Hanami: Super powerful Eclipse Shoots from each corner!!
Possessed Adrian: Tear ‘em apart!!
Hyuga/Hikaru: We’re gonna break our limits!!
(Hyperion and Helios start clashing against Asriel, Asriel continues to push back with a powerful attack, A purple light starts beaming off Adrian’s chest)
Hanami: They’re starting off with a powerful clash! It looks like Asriel has gone in all alone!!
Adrian: *Groans* Finish it, Austin!
(Anpao speeds up in the crater and the mini slope and speeds up, Anpao soars high in the air)
Hanami: Anpao flies over Hyperion and Helios!
(Adrian and Austin’s flares flare-up wildly and start colliding with each other)
Adrian/Austin: Twin Pincer!!
(Anpao lands on Helios and Hyperion forcing them to the ground and sending them flying in the air, Hyperion and Helios slam into the stadium wall and burst)
Hikaru/Hyuga: *Gasps*
Referee: Singe Anpao and Twilight Asriel are the winners!!
Hanami: Amazing! Asriel distracted Hyperion and Helios while Anpao went in with the final kill, amazing!
Adrian: So, your strategy worked out.
Austin: *Gulps* Yeah, I guess it did.
Adrian: It was ok. But I’ll be crushing them my way in this final battle!
Austin: You’ve got it!
Referee: Third Battle!
(Adrian puts Asriel in Heavy Mode as his flare turns into a dark evil grin)
Hikaru: We’ll be taking you down in the next one!
Hyuga: Vroom boom bang! That’s how your Beys will burst!
(Hyuga and Hikaru’s flares fiercely surround them)
Austin: Bring it, we will take on your flames with our own!
(A Golden Flare surrounds Austin)
Hanami: Our Bladers are fired up and ready to go but, who’s fire will burn the brightest and blaze a path to victory! We’ll see soon enough!!
Referee: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Hyuga/Hikaru/Adrian/Austin: Go, Shoot!!
(Everyone pulls off Extremely powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Hyuga: Go, Hyperion!
Possessed Adrian: Send ‘em flying, Twilight Slash!!
(Asriel slams into Hyperion sending it flying in the slope’s crater)
Hanami: After a powerful attack from Asriel Hyperion picks up some major speed in the Dusk Crater!
(Hyperion speeds up and starts crashing down the slope)
Hyuga: Vroom! Kindling Strike!!
Austin: I won’t let you, Singe Slash!
(Anpao speeds up and slashes at Hyperion at full power sending it flying back, Hyperion starts getting close to the outside of the stadium)
Hanami: Hyperion’s been sent flying! Is this going to be an Over Finish?!
Hyuga: Go all out!!
(Hyperion glows brightly and hits the stadium wall, Hyperion hits the wall and speeds up)
Hikaru: Now, Helios!
(Helios speeds up and starts crashing with Anpao)
Hanami: Helios jumps in on the fray and starts a crazy clash with Anpao!
Hyuga: Hyperion--
Possessed Adrian: Blow them out of the water!!
(Hyperion and Asriel start clashing wildly)
Hanami: Amazing! It’s a clash of Blazing hot souls!!
(All the Beys enter flare and speed off in different directions)
Possessed Adrian: Crush them, Twilight Crunch!!
Austin: Singing Burn!!
Hyuga: Kindling Counter!!
Hikaru: Zone Counter!!
(All the Beys speed up and start clashing in the center causing a huge explosion)
Hanami: The Blazing Souls have met and are clashing!!
Hikaru: Phoebus Limit Destroyer!!
Hyuga: Kindling Limit Destroyer!!
(Helios and Hyperion’s Limit Destroyer activates causing Asriel and Anpao to be sent flying into the wall and burst)
Adrian/Austin: *Gasps*
Referee: Kindle Hyperion and Phoebus Helios are the winners with a score of 2-1!!
Hanami: Incredible! Hyperion and Helios knock Asriel and Anpao out with style, they surely are the Legend Super Tag League Champions!!
Adrian (Thoughts): Grr!! Even with our upgrade we still couldn’t defeat him!!
Austin: How powerful can Legends be?
~At The Top Of The Daikokuten Mansion~
(Austin climbs on top of the roof)
Austin: You wanted to meet me here?
Ren: Yeah, I just wanted to say thanks for sticking it to Adrian, mate.
Austin: My question is, why did you want me to do that?
Ren: You just had a good idea and I wanted it to be heard.
Austin: This is about you and Ransou isn’t it?
Ren: What he did to our Beys was unforgivable!
Austin: He’s going through a tough time right now, all we can do is help!
Ren: No, he needs to be crushed in battle and taught a lesson.
Austin: You’re acting no better than him, instead of helping him all you want is revenge. You already beat him, what more do you want?
Ren: That wasn’t enough.
Austin: You’re no better than him! You’re so absorbed in getting revenge that it’s blinded you! You’re not acting like the Ren I used to know!!
Ren: You’re right, I’m a stronger version.
Austin: So, getting stronger is all that matters now.
Ren: Austin!
(Before Ren can say anything Austin storms off)
Ren: *Sighs* I’m sorry Austin, but you’re the one who’s been blinded.
"LegendJustice" "GenesisBlader"
if you wanna get pinged every time I make a chapter just ask!
I'd like if you, the writer of this thread, could include my online name on each chapter to call me and read the chapter.
Anyways, nice chapter.
Sep. 11, 2021 4:39 PM
Chapter 24 Summary
Who is the Famlier Blader? Hint: They've entered Flare before, if you're close I'll give you more hints
Spoiler (Click to View)
Ashtem teaches Ethan the evil ways of Blading and helps him create the ultimate evil Bey that'll take over the Blading world, while Adrian challenges a familiar Blading Legend and shows off his Darkest Flame, will this Legend be able to drag Adrian out of the darkness? Let's find out.
Who is the Famlier Blader? Hint: They've entered Flare before, if you're close I'll give you more hints
Sep. 11, 2021 4:55 PM
(Sep. 11, 2021 4:39 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 24 SummarySpoiler (Click to View)Ashtem teaches Ethan the evil ways of Blading and helps him create the ultimate evil Bey that'll take over the Blading world, while Adrian challenges a familiar Blading Legend and shows off his Darkest Flame, will this Legend be able to drag Adrian out of the darkness? Let's find out.
Who is the Famlier Blader? Hint: They've entered Flare before, if you're close I'll give you more hints
maybe lane or harry?
Sep. 11, 2021 4:57 PM
(Sep. 11, 2021 4:55 PM)GenesisBlader Wrote: [ -> ](Sep. 11, 2021 4:39 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 24 SummarySpoiler (Click to View)Ashtem teaches Ethan the evil ways of Blading and helps him create the ultimate evil Bey that'll take over the Blading world, while Adrian challenges a familiar Blading Legend and shows off his Darkest Flame, will this Legend be able to drag Adrian out of the darkness? Let's find out.
Who is the Famlier Blader? Hint: They've entered Flare before, if you're close I'll give you more hints
maybe lane or harry?
Harry is an animal, not a Human being being capable of making magic Spinning Tops turn into raging beasts and light on fire, so no, also no, it's not Lane
Sep. 11, 2021 5:06 PM
(Sep. 11, 2021 4:57 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ](Sep. 11, 2021 4:55 PM)GenesisBlader Wrote: [ -> ]maybe lane or harry?
Harry is an animal, not a Human being being capable of making magic Spinning Tops turn into raging beasts and light on fire, so no, also no, it's not Lane
i meant the harry from bionic battle
Sep. 11, 2021 5:07 PM
(Sep. 11, 2021 4:39 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 24 SummarySpoiler (Click to View)Ashtem teaches Ethan the evil ways of Blading and helps him create the ultimate evil Bey that'll take over the Blading world, while Adrian challenges a familiar Blading Legend and shows off his Darkest Flame, will this Legend be able to drag Adrian out of the darkness? Let's find out.
Who is the Famlier Blader? Hint: They've entered Flare before, if you're close I'll give you more hints
Aiga maybe? He did went corrupt before. Maybe Shu too.