Chapter 31 has been released and Ethan has pushed his Limits!
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 31
The Burning Flares Vs. The Scorching Blaze!
(Everybody waits in the Cafeteria for Breakfast)
Austin/Hyuga: What’s taking so long, I’m starving!
Bell: The Demon King demands to know what’s taking so long!!
(Everybody starts complaining as Wakiya gets on a box with a Microphone)
Adrian: Wonder what he’s blabbing about today.
Wakiya: Attention everyone! Unfortunately, Ange slipped and hurt her Ankle so she won’t be able to make Breakfast today. But she’ll be out of the infirmary by Lunch with a Wheelchair so you’ll be skipping Breakfast today. Sorry!
All: Boo!!!
Wakiya: Hey!! It’s not my fault that we couldn’t have breakfast today. I’m as displeased as you are!!
Po: Sure, you’re giving us that sorry excuse again!!
Wakiya: Grr!!
(Wakiya walks out of the cafeteria as everyone starts complaining even more)
Ren: I need to eat, you can’t expect me to battle like this!
Hikaru: C’mon, I can’t go any longer!!
Hyuga: I want food!
Adrian: Guys-
Bell: The Demon King demands he gets his food or he’ll be mad!!
Thalia: I was looking forward to bacon today!!
Adrian: Grr!! Stop it!!!
(Adrian’s voice booms in the cafeteria)
Adrian: You’re all so annoying!!
(Adrian storms off into the Kitchen)
Austin: Did… We make him mad?
Po: Like he’s the only one!
Thalia: Yeah, I still want my food!!
(Everyone starts complaining louder than ever)
Hikaru: This is not good.
Bell: We’ve got to-
(A delicious smell fills the room)
Austin: *Sniffs* That smells like…
Hyuga: Breakfast!!
(The Kitchen Serving Window opens with Adrian inside)
All: *Gasps*
Adrian: Come get breakfast! Form a line!!
(Everyone rushes to get in line as Adrian serves Eggs, Bacon, and Pancakes)
Hikaru: Since when can Adrian cook?
Austin: Don’t look at me, this is a new one for me too!
(Austin, Hikaru, Bell, Hyuga, and Ren get to the front of the line after everyone)
Austin: Adrian, since when do you know how to cook?
Adrian: You don’t know everything about me.
Hyuga: Yum! This is seriously good!!
Hikaru: Seriously, when did you learn how to cook?
Adrian: I took a Cooking Class in School plus mom thought I should learn how to cook early.
Hyuga: You’re a really good cook. I want to have this every day!!
Hikaru: Hyuga’s right, this is seriously good.
Austin: Why didn't you ever tell me?
Adrian: You never asked me and it was unnecessary.
Austin: You could’ve just said “BTW Austin, I know how to cook!”
Hikaru: *Laughs* At least everyone’s happy!
Hyuga: Yeah, this food’s amazing!
~In The Airship’s Hallways 10 Minutes After Breakfast~
(Adrian passes Valt in the Hallways, Adrian starts staring him down)
Valt: Need something?
Adrian: I do need something, a battle!
(Adrian’s Dark Flare Surrounds him Sparkling Gold as his eyes glow purple)
Valt (Thoughts): Even though he’s getting closer to Light he’s still consumed by Darkness.
Adrian: What do you say, Valt?!
Valt: I accept your challenge!
(Everyone gets out of their Dorms and starts surrounding us)
Austin: Adrian’s battling Valt?!
Bell: Apparently, personally I could see this going in any way.
Hikaru: Yeah, this battle will be one for the records!
(Everyone follows me and Valt outside to Port of the Ship, Me and Valt get ready for our battle)
Adrian: Valt, I lost to you last time but I won’t be losing again!
Valt: I’ll still be beating you in this match, no matter what!
(The Drone turns on and starts recording)
Drone: First Battle!
Valt (Thoughts): His Resonance is still corrupting him but not as fast as it was before. He wants to get stronger but this just isn’t the way!
Adrian (Thoughts): I’ll prove to you and the world I’m the strongest Blader!
(Ethan would watch the match from the corner)
Ethan: Adrian… Let’s see how powerful your Darkness truly is!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Valt: Go, Shoot!!
(Me and Valt both pull off Incredibly Powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Valt: Get it there, Rush Shoot!!
(Valkyrie speeds up thanks to the ramp and slams into Asriel at full power sending it flying high in the air)
Adrian: We’re not done yet!!
(Asriel hits the wall and hangs in there as Valkyrie speeds around the stadium at full speed)
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Blast them into dust!!
(Asriel and Valkyrie start clashing wildly holding nothing back)
Valt: Strike, Holy Bound!!
(Valkyrie hits Asriel with its Bound Blade sending it flying up the huge ramp)
Austin (Thoughts): Please don’t push it, Adrian.
Possessed Adrian: Counter now!!
(Asriel lands in the Speed Crater and starts picking up extreme speed, Asriel shoots out of the Crater and slams into Valkyrie sending it flying)
Valt: Super Holy Jet Shoot!!
(Valkyrie rebounds off the wall at full speed and slams into Asriel, Valkyrie hits Asriel with an extremely powerful barrage of attacks, Purple Lights slash at Adrian)
Possessed Adrian: *Roars in Pain*
Ethan (Thoughts): His Dark Resonance seems to whip back at him hard.
Possessed Adrian: I won’t give up, no matter what!!
(Asriel leans on its driver and speeds off)
Valt: *Gasps*
Possessed Adrian: Counter with Twilight Shoot!!
(Asriel hits Valkyrie with powerful strikes, Valkyrie takes many huge attacks)
Valt: Tch… We can’t keep going like this!!
Possessed Adrian: *Grins Evilly* Say Goodbye to Valkyrie!!
Valt: Never… Valkyrie!!!
(Valt’s Resonance Aura flares up as Valkyrie blazes out of the Bey)
Valt: Strike it down, Holy Scimitar!!
(Valkyrie speeds up and slashes at Asriel, Asriel gets sent flying high in the air)
Bell: Valt countered!
Hikaru: It’s the end of the line for Adrian…
Possessed Adrian: *Roars* Asriel!!!
(Adrian’s Dark Resonance Aura flares up as Asriel blazes out of the Bey, Asriel enters Dark Flare glowing Purple but Sparkling Gold)
Possessed Adrian: Blow them into bits, Twilight Blight!!!
(Asriel slams down on Valkyrie super hard as the stadium blows up from the intensity sending a huge Purple Beam into the air)
All: Aah!!
(Valkyrie gets sent flying up in the air and bursts)
Valt: *Gasps*
Drone: It’s Twilight Asriel with a Burst Finish! Adrian Saito is the winner!!
Adrian: *Grins* What happened to the Legend Of Legends?!
Valt: Tch…
(Valt picks up Valkyrie’s parts as Adrian stares him down with an evil grin)
Valt (Thoughts): He was so close.
Aiga: Valt…
(Ethan walks away)
Ethan (Thoughts): Adrian Saito’s Flames are strong. Just like his Brother’s. They work together like Yin Yang. I’ll swallow their Blazes when they're good and ready!!
~In The Main Arena~
Hanami: What is up with all you Awesome Bladers?! Today, we’ll be diving Head First into the Last Match of the 2nd Round! I’m sure our Bladers are both bursting with excitement and joy as we wrap up the 2nd Round! So, let’s dive right in with our introductions!! In the Red Corner, we’ve got a Flaring Hot Duo, The Tag Team League’s World Champions! It’s Hikaru and Hyuga Asahi!!
(Hikaru and Hyuga walk out to the stage with determination)
Hyuga: We’re going to send your Beys flying!!
Hikaru: The Hero’s always gotta win in the end!
Hanami: And in the Blue Corner, we’ve got The Darkest King with the Ragnaruk Master himself! It’s Ethan Gilten and Rentaro Kiyama!!
(Ren and Ethan walk out to the stage)
Ren: *Grins* Ragnaruk will slash through the winds and blow you away!!
Hyuga: We’ll send Ragnaruk flying out of the center!!
Hikaru: Yeah!
Drone: First Battle!!
(Everyone takes their stance)
Hikaru: Hyuga, let’s end this fast with a Twin Strike.
Hyuga: Yeah, we’ll hit ‘em super hard!!
Ren: Let’s win this together, okay?
Ethan: I have no interest in working with you.
Ren: Grr!! You’ve got no choice!!
Ethan: That’s where you're wrong.
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Ethan/Ren/Hikaru/Hyuga: Go, Shoot!!
(Everyone pulls off extremely powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Hanami: Eclipse Shoots surround the stadium!!
(Ragnaruk goes for the center as all the Beys circle around the Stadium)
Ren: True Surging Tempest!!
Ethan: *Roars* Get out of my way!!
(As Ragnaruk tries creating a tornado Erebus speeds up and slams into Ragnaruk, Ragnaruk Bursts)
Ren: What?!?
Hanami: Seriously?! Erebus has turned on its Partner and is going on solo!!
Ethan: You were getting in the way.
Ren: Tch…
(Erebus takes the center as Helios and Hyperion start clashing fiercely creating sparks)
Hikaru/Hyuga: Twin Strike!!
(Helios and Hyperion create huge sparks and head towards Erebus)
Ethan: Is that all?!?
Hanami: Helios and Hyperion are going for their Ultimate Twin Strike!!
(Helios and Hyperion slam into Erebus sending it flying in the air, Ethan’s Blaze surrounds him as he grins evilly)
Ethan: Give me more!!!
(Erebus hits the wall and speeds around the center)
Hanami: Erebus hangs in!
Hyuga: Vroom, Vroom! Hyperion!!
Hikaru: Fight with all you’ve got, Helios!!
(Helios and Hyperion both hit Erebus with a powerful barrage of attacks, Erebus barely stays in as it leans on its driver’s plate)
Hanami: Hyperion and Helios are going at full speed!
Ethan: Requiem Bound!!
(Erebus speeds off and slams into Hyperion with its Bound Blade, Hyperion gets sent flying in the air)
Hanami: *Gasps* Hyperion’s flying!!
Hikaru: Keep it going… Hyuga!
(Hyuga Roars loudly as his Hair flares up with Fire and his Flare surrounds him like a Wild Tornado)
Hyuga: Hyperion!!!
(Hyperion enters a Burning Hot Flare as Hyperion blazes out of the Bey, Hyperion starts crashing back down to the stadium as a Raging Fireball)
Hyuga: Kindling Limit Destroyer!!!
Ethan: *Gasps*
(Hyperion slams down on Erebus at full power as Four Blades expand from Hyperion causing a massive explosion, Erebus gets sent flying into the air)
Hanami: Hyperion has countered and Erebus has been sent flying in the air!!
Hikaru: *Grins* My turn!
(Helios slams into the wall as its Limit Destroyer Gimmick activates sending it flying into the air closing in on Erebus)
Hanami: Helios goes in for the attack!!
Ethan: Keep going, Requiem Impulse!!
(Erebus creates a Purple Barrier causing Helios to slam into it and get sent flying back)
Hikaru: *Gasps*
Hanami: Helios has been blasted back!!
Hyuga: I’ve got you, Hikaru!!!
(Hyperion slams into the wall and slams into Helios causing Helios to go back in the stadium as Hyperion rams into the wall again picking up more speed)
Ethan: Tch…
Hanami: Helios has been saved by Hyperion at the last minute!!
(Erebus lands back in the stadium but gets hit by an extremely powerful barrage of attacks from Helios and Hyperion as Hyuga and Hikaru’s Flares burn hotter than ever)
Hikaru/Hyuga: This is the Flare of Heroes!!
Ethan: *Smiles Evilly* Pitiful. Erebus!!!
(Ethan’s Blaze burns as a Burning WIld Tornado surrounding him as Erebus blazes out of the Bey, Erebus absorbs Spin from Helios and speeds up, Erebus creates a Huge Tornado)
All: *Gasps*
Hanami: Erebus uses its Powerful Spin to make a Powerful Counter Attack!!
Ethan: Goodbye… True Requiem Slash!!!
(Erebus slams into Helios and Hyperion with its Humongous Tornado, Helios and Hyperion get hit with a Powerful Slash attack, and both Burst instantly)
Hikaru/Hyuga: *Gasps* No!!
Drone: Requiem Erebus and Squall Ragnaruk are the Winners!!
(Hikaru falls on his knees in Utter Shock, Hyuga picks up his Bey’s Parts and looks at them sadly)
Hanami: Incredible! Erebus clutches another Victor as he has just crushed Two Champions!
Valt: Ethan…
~At The Airship’s Port~
Bell: Wakiya has another announcement?
Austin: Yeah, he said it’d be a Quick One though.
(Wakiya walks up to the stage as we closely arrive to land)
Wakiya: Attention everyone! Right now you may not know it but we’re in Spain!
All: Spain?!
Wakiya: That’s right. After the ending of Every Round, we'll be coming to a Country to fuel up on Gas. But since I’m the Best Host ever and I don’t want you to be bored. We’ll be battling a Legend from that specific area!
All: *Gasps*
Wakiya: Yup, this is also a part of the Tournament. You will be randomly chosen to battle a Legendary Blader from a Specific Region while we fuel up on Gas. Your First Opponent will be Free De La Hoya.
All: Free?!
Wakiya: That’s right! The Lucky Blader will be battling Free! Don’t worry, I’ve already Randomly selected the Blader who will be battling Free!
Po: Spill it then, who is it?!
Wakiya: The Lucky Blader is… Austin Saito!!
All: Seriously?!?
Hikaru: Looks like you’re battling Free, buddy!
(Hikaru puts his hand on Austin’s Shoulder)
Austin: *Smiles* I’m battling Free De La Hoya?! This is going to be awesome!!
Bell: I, The Ultimate Demon King has already beaten Free. So, you’d better carry on my legacy and beat Free!
Austin: Thanks, I totally will win!
Wakiya: The battle will be tomorrow Afternoon. Get yourselves ready for tomorrow if you’re going to go sightseeing or something! Wakiya Out!!
(Wakiya walks away, Adrian and Ethan would watch as Austin goofed off with the others celebrating him battling Free)
Adrian/Ethan (Thoughts): Austin, you currently don’t stand a chance against Free De La Hoya due to your current state.
The Ultimate Battle has Risen in Chapter 6 of Mystic Clash!
Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash
Chapter 6
Mysterious Defense, Galactic Horogium!
(I lie in my Bed looking at Vulcan remembering back on my battle with Valt)
Me (Thoughts): Valt Aoi, The current Mystic Champion. He’s a Powerful Blader, there’s no way I can beat him at my current level. I’ve just got to get stronger!!
(Vulcan starts glowing brightly as I get pulled into a White Void)
Me: I gave it my all and more! I tried my very hardest to win, but I couldn’t.
Vulcan: Every Blader starts off at One Step. With every battle whether you win or lose you choose if you take One Step Forward or One Step Back. That’s how you get stronger. Now, my question for you is… Are you going to take a Step Forward from this loss or a Step Back?
Me: I’ll always be giving it my all, no matter how many times Iose!
Vulcan: Good, keep getting stronger! Then nobody will be able to defeat you.
(I get pulled out of the White Void and return on my Bed looking at Vulcan)
Me: *Grins* I’ll keep getting stronger till I’m the Strongest in the World!
~At Harry’s House~
Harry: Victor, When I first started creating my Bey, Galactic Horogium… I just wanted to have my own Bey to battle with and have crazy awesome battles with! But, after I met you and Tristen and saw the way you battled with Valt Aoi was amazing! But I won’t let you surpass me, I’ll become Ten Times more powerful than you ever will!!
(A Shadow Figure stands behind Harry as he works)
Horogium: Keep going, we’ll beat Victor together!
Harry: *Smiles* We sure will!
~The Next Morning~
Me: Go, Shoot!!
(Victor pulls off a Powerful Mystic Shoot, Vulcan goes straight for Infinite Bahamut)
Me: Mystic Sonic Flare!!
(Vulcan slams into Infinite Bahamut and sends it flying out of the center)
Emma: You’ve leveled up since you’ve battled Valt! To think you just battled him yesterday!!
Me: *Pants* If I want to defeat Valt in a Mystic Coronation battle I have to get even stronger!
???: You’re Shoot could use some work.
Me/Emma: *Gasps*
(Me and Emma look to the corner of the room to see Tristen leaning on the wall)
Me: Tristen? When’d you get here?
Tristen: Let’s cut to the chase. When you shoot you need to have a proper form. Your form is all kinds of sloppy.
Me: Excuse me?!
Tristen: I’m just saying. You need to pull the String with more power and precision, if you do that you’ll become way stronger!
Emma: He’s kinda right.
Me: Fine, let’s try your theory out!
(I hold up Vulcan as I grin)
Tristen: I’ll take you on any day!
Emma: First Battle!
Me (Thoughts): If I nail this Shoot I’ll blow Triton out of the water, just gotta make my Shoot more powerful!
(I enter a Powerful Stance as everyone stares at me)
Tristen: *Grins* Whatever tips I gave you won’t help you in this battle!
Me: We’ll see about that!
Emma: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Tristen: Go, Shoot!!
(Me and Tristen pull off powerful Mystic Shoots)
Tristen: Go for the center, Triton!
Me: Attack!!
(Vulcan picks up a huge amount of speed and slams into Triton with its powerful Blade, Triton gets sent flying high in the air)
All: *Gasps*
Emma: Vulcan’s attack power has gone to its Limit, I’ve never seen it attack like this!
Tristen: Hang in there, Triton!!
(Triton slams into the wall with its rubber and rebounds off)
Tristen: Aqua Counter!!
Me: Send it flying, Upper Strike!!
(Triton and Vulcan start clashing crazily, Vulcan unleashes a Powerful Slash Attack on Triton, Triton takes the center but starts wobbling)
Tristen: Seriously?!
Emma: Vulcan decreased Triton’s Stamina!
Me: Give it your all, Vulcan!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up as Vulcan blazes out of the Bey, Vulcan starts Sparkling Gold and Flickers with Flames)
Tristen: He’s gone to the extreme!
Me: Mystic Sonic Flare!!
(Vulcan slams into Triton at full power causing a huge outburst of Golden Flames, Triton gets sent flying and bursts)
Tristen: Tch…
Emma: It’s Mystic Vulcan with a Burst Finish! Victor Homura is the winner!!
Me: *Grins Happily* Don’t ever underestimate us!
Tristen: You got lucky once, I bet you--
(Emma’s Tablet starts beeping)
All: *Gasps*
Emma: Hmm…
Me: What’s going on?
Emma: It says you’ve got a Mystic Coronation battle with… Harry Zen?!?
Tristen: Harry?! Isn’t that the guy we hung out with yesterday?
Me: Yeah… I’ll gladly take him on!
Emma: Then I guess you’re accepting. The match is down in the park!
(I run off at full speed)
Tristen: Wait for us!
~At The Park~
(I run over to the stadium at the Park where Harry is waiting)
Harry: I’ve been waiting for you for 6 Minutes!! Do you know how late you are?!
Me: But the match officially starts now.
Harry: So?!? I wanted to have a Practice Match before we had our official Match! Grr!!!
Me: Um… Sorry I guess.
(Tristen and Emma catch up to us as the Drone flies down from the sky)
Drone: This Mystic Coronation battle will be First to 3 Points. Time Outs will only be eligible for up to 5 Minutes. First Battle!
Harry: Meet my new Bey. Galactic Horogium!!
(Harry holds up Galactic Horogium)
Me: Woah! You got a New Bey?!
Harry: Yup, Inspect it all you want!
Me (Thoughts): Galactic Horogium, a Clockwise Spinning Defense Type. It has 6 Big Blades and 6 Little Blades on it. The 6 Big Blades can disperse damage while the littler ones hold the Bey steady. Once it takes enough damage its Blades sink in a Connect with the Other Blades turning it into a Perfect Circle making it almost impossible to attack! Its Driver, Dazzle is like the Moment Driver except it’s taller, has Free Spinning Rubber in the middle and the base is wider. This Bey looks like the Ultimate Defense Type, but I’ll burst it before it has a chance to use its Defense!
Harry: I’m so excited to crush you!
Tristen: This kid is something else.
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Harry: Go, Shoot!!
(Me and Harry pull off powerful Mystic Shoots)
Harry: Go for it, Horogium!
Me: Attack, Vulcan!
(Vulcan swings in for an Attack but barely misses Horogium)
All: No way!
Harry: *Grins* I knew you’d start off with an Attack!
Me: We’re just getting started, Mystic Shoot!!
(Vulcan leans on its driver and picks up speed, Vulcan hits Horogium with a barrage of powerful hits, Horogium doesn’t move an inch)
Tristen: How can a Bey be this stable?!
Emma: I honestly don't know. Its Powerful Defense combined with its unbeatable Stability is going to be a challenge for Vulcan!
Me: Show them your Upper Strike!
(Vulcan leans on its driver and speeds up, Vulcan slams into Horogium and sends it flying away from the center)
Tristen: It didn’t get sent flying in the air?!
Harry: That’s because of the rubber on the Dazzle Driver. It grips onto the stadium floor and never let's go!
Me (Thoughts): Tch… I’m backed in a serious corner.
(Vulcan starts glowing brightly)
Vulcan: Don’t give up, keep going!
Me: You’re right, strike it down!
(Vulcan continuously leans on its driver and gains more and more speed)
Emma: I don’t get it, why is he so focused on gaining more speed?
Tristen: Because the faster it is the more of a punch it packs! Victor’s trying to whittle down its Stamina then Burst it!
Emma: Seriously?! Keep going, Vulcan!
Harry: You’ll never beat us, Galactic Guard!!
(Horogium’s Twelve Blades start glowing as it blocks all Vulcan’s attacks)
Tristen: Tch… Keep going, Vulcan!!
Me: You won’t defeat us, not anytime soon! Vulcan!!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up as Vulcan blazes out of the Bey, Vulcan starts Sparkling Gold and Red)
Me: End this with a Bang! Mystic Sonic Flare!!
(Vulcan slams into Horogium sending it flying up the stadium slope)
Harry: Aah! Horogium!!
(Harry’s Resonance Aura flares up as Horogium blazes out of the Bey with a roaring battle cry)
Harry: Coming in hot, Galactic Counter Crash!!
Me: What?!
Emma/Tristen: What?!
(Horogium grins on its driver and picks up massive speed, Horogium slams into Vulcan as it bursts right before my eyes)
Me: No--No Way!!
Drone: Galactic Horogium with a Burst Finish, Harry Zen claims 2 Points!!
Harry: Aw yeah! I’m racking up the points!!
(I pick up Vulcan’s parts and put it back together)
Me (Thoughts): He only got One Point, we can still turn this around!
Tristen: C’mon, Victor! If you lost to me you can’t lose to him!!
Harry: I’m so going to win this battle!
(Me and Harry’s Resonance Aura flares up as we stare each other down and our Beys Avatars stand behind us)
Me/Harry: I’ll be the one winning this battle!!
Me: *Grins* Harry, You’re a strong opponent! But I’m so much stronger!!
(Horogium and Vulcan speed around the stadium hitting each other with powerful blows as I roar out to Vulcan)
Me: This is a battle you won’t soon forget!
(Vulcan leans on its driver and slams into Horogium causing it to wobble)
Me: I’ve even got a New Move!
(Vulcan and Horogium speed up and get ready to slam into each other)
Me: You want to know what it is?! Like I’d spoil the surprise!!
(Vulcan and Horogium start clashing as they glow brightly)
Me: Next time on Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash! The Clash of Blading Titans!
3! 2! 1! Go, Shoot!!
I'd like your thoughts on the Chapters. You can choose one or both of them!