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(Oct. 02, 2021  10:06 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Dang, I'm on a roll this weekend! I finished Chapter 5 of Mystic Clash!


Me: I’m totally going to win our next battle!!

(I look at Vulcan in my Bed)

Me: You want to battle, Harry?!

(Vulcan and Harry’s Bey would start clashing wildly as they hit each other with a barrage of extremely powerful blows)

Me: I’ll totally be the winner!!

(Both Beys start clashing causing a huge explosion)

Me: Next time on Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash!

The Ultimate Defense, Galactic Horogium!

3! 2! 1! Go, Shoot!!

this episode was overly pog nuggets. for a second i thought victor just might have won! i dont really have much to say about this episode, but i enjoyed the battle and the dialouge so i'd give it a 1/10! (jk, an 8.5/10)
I have a Wattpad now! Currently am doing a Beyjitzu Re-Run
(Oct. 03, 2021  9:29 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]I have a Wattpad now! Currently am doing a Beyjitzu Re-Run

By re-run you mean copy pasting the chapters there?
(Oct. 03, 2021  10:23 PM)Hollowmind8 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct. 03, 2021  9:29 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]I have a Wattpad now! Currently am doing a Beyjitzu Re-Run

By re-run you mean copy pasting the chapters there?

Yeah, basically but some dialogue is edited and some battles are also edited
Chapter 29 of Yin Yang has been brought back from a Time Machine
Give me your thoughts you guys!
(Oct. 08, 2021  8:00 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 29 of Yin Yang has been brought back from a Time Machine
Give me your thoughts you guys!
*rick and morty theme song intensifies*

also, thanks for using my idea of blackout! it just warms my extremely small heart that someone remembered! 👍

now 'tis time to read thy fanfic!

i thought this episode/chapter/thing-a-ma-jiggy was pretty cool, but i wont be able to rate it because im working on a chapter rn
i'll rate it soon tho
(Oct. 08, 2021  8:00 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 29 of Yin Yang has been brought back from a Time Machine
"Hollowmind8" "LJ-Blader" "GenesisBlader" "GhostFox" "CelBeyBlade" "LegendJustice" "Lucha Burst" Give me your thoughts you guys!

So, you did pretty well for a "non-plot focused chapter"

(Oct. 08, 2021  9:08 PM)Hollowmind8 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct. 08, 2021  8:00 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 29 of Yin Yang has been brought back from a Time Machine
"Hollowmind8" "LJ-Blader" "GenesisBlader" "GhostFox" "CelBeyBlade" "LegendJustice" "Lucha Burst" Give me your thoughts you guys!

So, you did pretty well for a "non-plot focused chapter"

Yeah, I'm going to try making Ethan's Character more interesting and actually give a reason for why he's so obsessed with Destruction that Chapter will be when Erebus evolves.
you can theorize all you want guys also thanks for the review. Jennifer and Adrian is going to be an... Interesting Team up.
Chapter 30, The Devious Tag Partner. We all know what's going to happen.

The Chapter we've all been waiting for, Chapter 30. You guys will love this.

Give me your thoughts guys! I'd really like your opinion on this Chapter (Especially the Ending)
(Oct. 10, 2021  6:51 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 30, The Devious Tag Partner. We all know what's going to happen.

The Chapter we've all been waiting for, Chapter 30. You guys will love this.

Give me your thoughts guys! I'd really like your opinion on this Chapter (Especially the Ending)

i think that this chapter was pretty swell! it showed how devious jennifer can really get (man, thats messed up li'l jenny...) also the ending was a bit spooky when Ethan wanted to swallow Austin's flare (blaze, i meant) up..
(Oct. 10, 2021  6:51 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 30, The Devious Tag Partner. We all know what's going to happen.

The Chapter we've all been waiting for, Chapter 30. You guys will love this.
"CelBeyBlade" "Hollow'Dead'mind'Cells'8" "Lucha Burst" "GenesisBlader" "LJ-Blader" "LegendJustice" "Kiryu Kazuma" "GhostFox"

Give me your thoughts guys! I'd really like your opinion on this Chapter (Especially the Ending)

So, that's cool.
Edit: Ngl, Jennifer is a cool character.
Chapter 31 has been released and Ethan has pushed his Limits!

The Ultimate Battle has Risen in Chapter 6 of Mystic Clash!


Me: *Grins* Harry, You’re a strong opponent! But I’m so much stronger!!

(Horogium and Vulcan speed around the stadium hitting each other with powerful blows as I roar out to Vulcan)

Me: This is a battle you won’t soon forget!

(Vulcan leans on its driver and slams into Horogium causing it to wobble)

Me: I’ve even got a New Move!

(Vulcan and Horogium speed up and get ready to slam into each other)

Me: You want to know what it is?! Like I’d spoil the surprise!!

(Vulcan and Horogium start clashing as they glow brightly)

Me: Next time on Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash! The Clash of Blading Titans!

3! 2! 1! Go, Shoot!!

I'd like your thoughts on the Chapters. You can choose one or both of them!

(Oct. 15, 2021  11:32 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 31 has been released and Ethan has pushed his Limits!

The Ultimate Battle has Risen in Chapter 6 of Mystic Clash!
I'd like your thoughts on the Chapters. You can choose one or both of them!

"Fellow Internecion Cube enjoyer" "LJ-B" "CelBeyBlade" "LJ" "Lucha Burst" "Deadfox (kinda true)" "KK"
As much as I'd like to do a review, I'm not in the vibe for it. But great job.
(Oct. 18, 2021  1:44 AM)CelBeyBlade Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct. 17, 2021  4:58 AM)Lucha Burst Wrote: [ -> ]You could always find some other fanfics to read, Such as UnseenBurst's, DeltaZakuro's, Mine, and I think Hollowmind8 has some to

I think i've seen you read some of those ones lol

Delta is great but his only fanfics that he will update is always Athena Valhalla
Unseen Burst is now not so active
I read yours dont worry just got bored
I never read hollowmind (plz dont kill me Hollow)

Moved this here because its related to this Fanfic. The I do actually post frequently I just do it on Non-School Days because I'm busy with school and can't be writing all the time but I will Post every weekend/Non-School Day so look out for those chapters!
I just realized when I first read this it was only 3 pages now there's 15
Chapter 32 is Blazing A Path!

Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash

Chapter 7: The Resonating Titans, Battle of Bonds!

Chapter 8: The Angelic Warrior, Greatest Rapheal! (Yes Rashad is returning)

Chapter 9: The Mystical Titans!
Chapter 7 is out yall, hope you enjoy (Mystic Clash) I'd like some Solid Honest feedback please, don't be afraid to hurt my feelings.
Thoughts Please!
(Oct. 24, 2021  5:27 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 7 is out yall, hope you enjoy (Mystic Clash) I'd like some Solid Honest feedback please, don't be afraid to hurt my feelings.
"Holloweenmind8" "LegendJustice-B" "CelBeyBlade" "Lucha Burst" "LJ" "RegaliaGenesis" "GhostFundy" Thoughts Please!

Srry, battery died.
I've created a New Chapter so check it out (Mystic Clash)
I know this chapter is a bit short but I didn't want it to run on with unnecessary stuff. I hope it was an improvement from the last Chapter.

9) The Mystic Titans!

10) The Wild Roaring Earthquake, The Mystic Rematch!

11) Spain Here We Come!

12) The Supreme Dragon, Soul Fafnir!

13) The Supreme King's Training Challenge!

14) Violent Tempest, Vulcan Vs. Fafnir!

15) The King's Halo, Supreme Raphael!

16) The Stormy Arena, BC Sol Vs. The Mystic Titans!

Remaining Chapters of The Yin Yang Airship Tourney! (And a few extra Chapters)

32) The Yin and Yang Unite!

33) The God of Crimson Flames, Regal Spriggan!

34) God Of Flames Vs. The Blaze Prince!

35) The Ultimate Clash of the Juinor Legends!

36) Crash Landing on the Oni's Island!

37) Oni Island's Corruption!

38) The Furious Dragon, Fatal Longinus!

39) Adrian's Revolutionary Blaze Of Light!

40) The Roaring Blazes of the Finale!!

41) Vengeance and Bitterness!

42) The Ultimate Reunion, Starlight Asriel, and Celestial Anpao!

43) The Uncontrollable Wildfire, Shu Vs. Ethan!

44) The Dark Wildfire, Impure Erebus!

45) The Battle Between Good and Evil!

46) Quest for the Gears, Free's Challenge!
First Episode of my exclusive Wattpad Series:
Also I was inspired by DeltaZakuro to write my First OC so props to him and I hope when he has time he can drop by and give us his thoughts Smile
Yall have to read Chapter 32! I pulled off the Most Epic Scene ever. I need your thoughts on it!! (Yin Yang)
(Oct. 30, 2021  4:12 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Yall have to read Chapter 32! I pulled off the Most Epic Scene ever. I need your thoughts on it!! (Yin Yang)

loved the episode! it showed us the value of friendship and determination through bladers thoughts and minds! honestly adrian and austin are a pretty good team, they  combined strategies and won the battle! now with bell i can understand that so much because he's, well, he's the Demon King! with jennifer though, jennifer's just being a jennifer on this specific day to be a jennifer where jennifers and jennifers and other jennifer's jennifer jennifers. lol anyway ethan just pulls out the mighty uno reverse card on Jennifer and then joker, helios, and aenas go bye bye! but with the end my boy Ren pulls an Anakin Skywalker on the bois and thats not really so poggers to be honest because i thought he was a true irish amigo, but when i heard him say "I could care less for what happens to Adrian and Austin", my mind went (ok, he is NOT a pogchamp anymore)  bc it was just so heartbreaking...

anyway for this story since im pretty tired i'll add it up in my head
now that i've added it up i shall give you a P for Please let Ren become a pogchamp once again and for a rating i shall give it a 24.5/25. the battles were intimidatingly epic (perhaps too epic...) and the dialouge between each character was interesting! nice work and i shall give you a pogchamp sticker (definitely not an emoji)   🧐👌

also just for you to be sure, here are the people apart of the pogchamp squad:

Pogchamp Squad:
Adrian (new member)
Thalia (because, well... *rubs hands together evilly*)
Po (just because his name is also the name of a panda who is also the main character of a movie/show called Kung Fu Panda)
Ethan (because right now, he isnt dong much besides intimidating characters like me when i went through my emo phase [jk, it was a joke, and he probably does much more than that] but he's still a pogchamp because lol)
Hikaru (the chad)
Free (though rn his winning streak isn't looking too good)
Lui (the chad Longinus)
(Oct. 30, 2021  4:37 AM)GenesisBlader Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct. 30, 2021  4:12 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Yall have to read Chapter 32! I pulled off the Most Epic Scene ever. I need your thoughts on it!! (Yin Yang)

loved the episode! it showed us the value of friendship and determination through bladers thoughts and minds! honestly adrian and austin are a pretty good team, they  combined strategies and won the battle! now with bell i can understand that so much because he's, well, he's the Demon King! with jennifer though, jennifer's just being a jennifer on this specific day to be a jennifer where jennifers and jennifers and other jennifer's jennifer jennifers. lol anyway ethan just pulls out the mighty uno reverse card on Jennifer and then joker, helios, and aenas go bye bye! but with the end my boy Ren pulls an Anakin Skywalker on the bois and thats not really so poggers to be honest because i thought he was a true irish amigo, but when i heard him say "I could care less for what happens to Adrian and Austin", my mind went (ok, he is NOT a pogchamp anymore)  bc it was just so heartbreaking...

anyway for this story since im pretty tired i'll add it up in my head
now that i've added it up i shall give you a P for Please let Ren become a pogchamp once again and for a rating i shall give it a 24.5/25. the battles were intimidatingly epic (perhaps too epic...) and the dialouge between each character was interesting! nice work and i shall give you a pogchamp sticker (definitely not an emoji)   🧐👌

also just for you to be sure, here are the people apart of the pogchamp squad:

Pogchamp Squad:
Adrian (new member)
Thalia (because, well... *rubs hands together evilly*)
Po (just because his name is also the name of a panda who is also the main character of a movie/show called Kung Fu Panda)
Ethan (because right now, he isnt dong much besides intimidating characters like me when i went through my emo phase [jk, it was a joke, and he probably does much more than that] but he's still a pogchamp because lol)
Hikaru (the chad)
Free (though rn his winning streak isn't looking too good)
Lui (the chad Longinus)

This is single handedly the funniest good review I've ever gotten. Adrian finally joined the Pog Champs! Sorry, Ren.
Beyblade Burst DB: Mystical Boldness

Arc 1.

Episode 2: Death Solomon Strikes Back!

Episode 3: Stormy Winds and Raging Gales, Cyclone Ragnaruk!

Episode 4: The WBBA Champion's Debut!

Episode 5: Fighting with Boldness, Bold Riptide!

Episode 6: Taking the World By Storm!

Episode 7: The Ultimate Dragon, Vanish Fafnir!

Episode 8: The Tale of Two Valkyries!

Episode 9: Copying Greatness, R Gear!

Episode 10: Fafnir Vs. Perseus!

Episode 11: The Bold Rematch, The Demon King Vs. The Ultimate Hero!

Episode 12: The Ultimate Saber, Savior Valkyrie!

Episode 13: Roar of the Mighty Dragon, Roar Bahamut!

(More Might be added more might be taken away but this is what I've got so far)

Give me your thoughts! Does this arc seem interesting to you? Also, The 1st Arc is going to take care of important Anime Events but the Second Arc will be creative and doesn't apply much to the Anime.
(Oct. 30, 2021  5:47 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Beyblade Burst DB: Mystical Boldness

Arc 1.

Episode 2: Death Solomon Strikes Back!

Episode 3: Stormy Winds and Raging Gales, Cyclone Ragnaruk!

Episode 4: The WBBA Champion's Debut!

Episode 5: Fighting with Boldness, Bold Riptide!

Episode 6: Taking the World By Storm!

Episode 7: The Ultimate Dragon, Vanish Fafnir!

Episode 8: The Tale of Two Valkyries!

Episode 9: Copying Greatness, R Gear!

Episode 10: Fafnir Vs. Perseus!

Episode 11: The Bold Rematch, The Demon King Vs. The Ultimate Hero!

Episode 12: The Ultimate Saber, Savior Valkyrie!

Episode 13: Roar of the Mighty Dragon, Roar Bahamut!

(More Might be added more might be taken away but this is what I've got so far)

Give me your thoughts! Does this arc seem interesting to you? Also, The 1st Arc is going to take care of important Anime Events but the Second Arc will be creative and doesn't apply much to the Anime.
this first arc seems pretty pog nuggets to me! though im wondering what (or who) is the WBBA Champion, and also what is the R Gear? all this info has got me intrigued for whats to come! i also wonder is pierce will be able to take the win against the demon king for his 2nd rematch!! looking forward to it!
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