Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash
Chapter 10
The Ultimate Expedition to Spain!
(We all get onto the Airplane as Emma follows us)
Me: Sorry, Emma. I already said Goodbye. Please don’t make this harder on me.
Emma: *Smiles* It took a lot of begging and convincing but Mom said I could come with you guys!
All: She did?
Rashad: Well. More the Merrier I guess!
Tristen: Yeah. You’ll get to see me crush Valt Aoi!
Harry: There’s no way I’ll let you defeat Free before me! I’ll be the one to defeat Valt Aoi!!
Emma: Anyways. She just said to keep an eye on me and I’ll totally behave!
Rashad: Don’t worry, you’ll be fine.
(Emma takes a seat next to me as our Private Plane takes off into the air as we go into the back to see a Stadium)
Tristen: There’s a Stadium here?
Rashad: Yeah. This is an Official WBBA Private Jet after all!
Tristen: There’s four of us! Why don’t we do a Tag Battle?!
Me: A Tag Battle?
Rashad: Yeah. Pair up with someone and you’ll be battling with them!
Harry: I’ll be battling with Victor! I wanna win!!
Me: Alright, so that just leaves Rashad and Tristen together.
Rashad: It’s a pleasure to be teaming up with you, Tristen!
Emma: Alright then! First Battle!!
Tristen: Let’s win this, Rashad!
Rashad: We’ve got this, Tristen!
(Rashad puts Raphael in Defense Mode as he Grins back at us)
Me: We’ve got this thing, Harry!!
Harry: Yeah, Raphael and Triton don’t stand a chance against our Wicked Duo!!
Emma: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Rashad/Tristen/Harry: Go, Shoot!!
(All of us pull off Powerful Mystic Shoots as our Beys all land on the stadium)
Harry: Go for the center, Horogium!!
Rashad: Like I’d let you. Go, Raphael!!
(Both Raphael and Horogium clash in the center as Triton and Vulcan close in on each other)
Me: Mystic Shoot!!
Tristen: Ha! Aqua Typhoon!!
(Triton creates a Huge Water Cyclone as Vulcan slams into it and gets sucked into the Cyclone, Vulcan gets sent flying into the wall and ricochets off)
Rashad: Send ‘em flying out, Greatest Lord!!
Harry: Galactic Guard!!
(Raphael rams into Horogium sending it flying away, Raphael takes the center as its Blades start rising, Raphael’s Blades go all the way up creating a Halo above it)
Me: Harry, we’ve gotta attack together!
Harry: Galactic Counter Crash!!
Me: Mystical Geyser!!
Rashad: Greatest Breaker!!
Tristen: Aqua Counter!!
(All of the Beys speed into the center ram into each other and get sent flying out of the stadium, Vulcan hits Triton hitting it out and getting back inside the stadium)
All: *Gasps*
Emma: *Giggles* Mystic Vulcan is the Winner!!
Rashad: Ha! So, Tristen. You’re helping the enemy now?
Tristen: Sorry… I–
Rashad: I was kidding. Don’t sweat, it happens all the time.
Me/Harry: We won!!
Emma: Yay! Victor won!!
Me: *Grins* Of course I won, this is Perfect Training for my match with Valt!
Tristen: We get it, you won.
Me: *Smiles* Didn’t I totally destroy you?
Tristen: Grr!! You got lucky!!
(Me and Tristen would start bickering as Rashad chuckles in the Background)
Rashad: Man, they really remind me of Those Two.
~A Couple Hours Later as we Arrive in Spain~
Me: We’re finally here! Man, this place looks–
(I trip down the Airplane stairs as I crash down, Someone with a Pink Glove puts their hand out to help me)
???: Need some help?
Me: Thanks a–
(The Pink Glove swiftly moves away as I fall flat on my face)
???: You actually thought I’d help you. *Laughs*
Tristen: Hey! What’s your problem? He fell over and you couldn’t help him?!
???: I don’t associate with Noob Bladers.
Rashad: Anabelle. That was some Rude Greeting. Anyways, this is Annabelle Aki, she’ll be your Guide around Spain. She’s also a Powerful BC Sol Blader.
Anabelle: *Sighs* You told me I’d be Guiding around Powerful Bladers. Not this doofus.
Harry: We’re not doofuses. We’re really Strong Blader, especially Victor!
Rashad: Believe it or not Victor defeated me only on his 2nd Attempt.
Anabelle: *Gasps* There’s no way.
Me: I absolutely did! Meet my Bey, Mystic Vulcan!!
(Anabelle inspects Me and My Bey attentively)
Anabelle: Not really anyone special. But whatever. Valt wants to see you Guys at BC Sol so let’s get going.
Me: What’s your deal? Why are you so mad at me?
Anabelle: Let’s go, C’mon.
(Rashad, Me, and Emma fall behind as Rashad holds my Shoulder)
Me: So why does she despise me again?
Rashad: She’s just jealous.
Me: Jealous?
Rashad: She heard about your heated battle with Valt and it made her very Jealous already. It probably made her even more jealous when she found out that you defeated me. She’s a Powerful Blader but she never reached Resonance as you can. She can’t connect with her Bey as you do and she knows that you’re Powerful because of your Resonance.
Me: So basically she’s mad because I can Resonate with Vulcan?
Emma: Basically. Man, she seems like a Pain to be around.
Rashad: She’s Very Smart and a very skilled Blader. One day she’ll realize how she can become Stronger and reach Resonance. She’s also pretty kind… Most of the time.
Me: Looks like she’ll be fun to battle!
Anabelle: C’mon, keep up or I’ll leave you here. Specifically you, Victor.
Emma: *Sighs* I don’t believe she’s nice.
~At BC Sol’s Training Area~
Valt: You guys finally made it! I’ve been waiting for you!!
Anabelle: Happy? I brought them especially that thing.
Rashad: Anabelle…
Anabelle: Sorry, him.
Valt: I’ve been watching your matches, Victor! You’ve gotten way stronger and I can’t wait to battle you again!!
Anabelle: Hmp. What’s so special about him?
???: You’d be surprised.
All: *Gasps*
(We look back to see a Teenager with Yellow hair and a Yellow Tank Top with Black Eyes)
Rashad: Free? Aren’t you training?
Free: I heard Victor was coming to Spain. I’ve been watching you, you’re a Powerful Blader especially with your Bey, Mystic Vulcan.
Harry: Yeah! He defeated me in a Super Mega Awesome battle!!
Tristen: C’mon, I wanna see a Legendary Battle already!!
Rashad: Well, Valt. Are you up for another showdown?
Valt: Yeah! I’ll put Valkyrie in its Special Mode.
All: Special Mode?
Emma: Can I be the Referee?
Rashad: Sure!
Emma: First Battle!
(Valt takes the Power Attachment off leaving an Ultimate Reboot Driver)
Me: Woah! Your Bey can do that?
Valt: Yup! It’s called the Mystic Driver System. Some Beys are able to detach their Driver Chips and leave a totally different driver!!
Rashad: Valt, you’ll be going down like always!!
Free: Hmp. This should be interesting.
Valt: It’s going to be different, Rashad!
(Rashad puts Raphael in Defense Mode)
Emma: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Valt/Rashad: Go, Shoot!!
(Valt pulls off a Powerful Mystic Shoot as Rashad pulls off a Powerful Shoot)
Valt: Go, Valkyrie! Rush Shoot!!
Rashad: Hold your ground, Raphael!!
(Valkyrie slams into Raphael, Valkyrie gets blasted away as it continuously rams into Raphael)
Tristen: Valkyrie’s striking but Raphael’s Powerful Defense is Blowing its Attacks off. Looks like Valt’s in a pickle.
Rashad: Greatest Halo!!
(Raphael’s Blades rise as they go up in the air as a Gold Orb surrounds it blocking all Valkyrie’s attacks)
Valt: Keep going, Valkyrie!!
(Valkyrie slams into Raphael and starts wobbling wildly, The Ultimate Reboot Driver stick comes in)
All: *Gasps*
Rashad: What?!
Valt: Gallant Reboot!!
(Valkyrie speeds up as it slams into Raphael and knocks it out of the center, Valkyrie aims for Raphael as they both speed up and aim for each other)
Rashad: Greatest Breaker!!
Valt: Gallant Scimitar!!
(Valkyrie and Raphael start clashing wildly sending both Beys flying into the air, Raphael bursts as Valkyrie lands back down on the stadium floor)
Rashad: *Gasps*
Emma: It’s Gallant Valkyrie with a Burst Finish! Valt’s the Winner!!
Valt: Yup. That’s the True Power of Valkyrie!!
Rashad: Tch…
Anabelle (Thoughts): So that’s the Power of a Mystic Bey.
Free: Nice, Valt. Your Bey is pretty strong.
Valt: Thanks, Free.
Me: I wanna have a Legendary Battle now! Free, I challenge you to an Amazing Battle!!
Free: Alright. I accept. You’d better make this battle fun!
(Me and Free stare each other down as our Resonance Aura’s flare-up as Fafnir’s Avatar and Vulcan’s Avatar stands behind us)
Anabelle: Grr!!
Valt: This battle’s going to be Amazing!!