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(Dec. 20, 2021  12:07 PM)Hollowmind8 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 19, 2021  9:44 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 3 of SuperKing Drive is now in theaters.
Hollowmind8" "LegendJustice" "GenesisBlader" "LJ-Blader" "SpeedySuomi" "Ghostfox" ""Kiryu Kazuma" "CelBeyBlade"


I really want Solomon's stock combo to be all S's. Like all "Greek letter beys" that have a stock (Amaterios, Baldur, Orichalcum, and maybe another one that I'm forgetting).
About the chapter itself, it was a battle chapter. 
Idk if Solomon broke or not, since it only says that a "purple mark" is left on Solomon. I suppose it has a crack then?
Is there already a part description on Deimos? just checking.
rating: hmmmmmmm, 8.54396/10 for a battle chapter.
My ratings aren't much accurate, since I use different standards for each writer.

So you know when Bey's use a Slash Move for example God Slash when the Slash at the opposing Bey it kinda leaves a Slash Mark on the Beyblade but its not damage. That was really what I was going for so Solomon's not damaged (Yet) but Deimos did wipe the floor with it.

Chapter 45 of Yin Yang is finally here!
47. A Destruction Rage, Impure Javelin!
47. あ デストラクティブ レイジ, インピュア ジャベリン!

48. The World Champion Returns, Overthrowing the King!
48. テ ワールド チャンピオン レターンズ, オーバースローイング テ キング!

49. The Yin Yang Drive, Challenging the Champions!
49. 陰陽ドライブ、チャンピオンに挑戦!

50. Mission Impossible, Saving our Friends!
50. ミッションインポッシブル、私たちの友人を救う!

51. The Legendary Four Gears, The Ultimate Perfect Gear!
51。 テ レゲンダリー フォール ギアーズ, テ ウルティメイト パーフェクト ジェアー!

52. The True Yin Yang, The Final Blaze!!
52. 真の陰陽、最後の炎!!

I'm limiting my Fanfictions to 52 Episodes now so it'll be easier to manage and I don't have to drag the Fanfic too long. Like what happened with Beyjitzu. That series was way too long.

This Series has ended. I hope yall who read this series enjoyed it and enjoy my Upcoming Fanfics and Chapters because I'm not planning on quitting any time soon.
(Dec. 21, 2021  7:24 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]47. The Demon Emperor, Impure Javelin!
47。 テ でもん エンペロール, インピュア ジャベリン!

48. A Champion's Legacy, Champion Valkyrie!
48. チャンピオンの遺産、チャンピオンヴァルキリー!

49. The Yin Yang Drive, Challenging the Champions!
49. 陰陽ドライブ、チャンピオンに挑戦!

50. Mission Impossible, Saving our Friends!
50. ミッションインポッシブル、私たちの友人を救う!

51. The Final Legendary Battle, Face Me One More Time!
51. 最後の伝説の戦い, 私にもう一度お立ち向け!

52. The True Yin Yang, The Final Blaze!!
52. 真の陰陽、最後の炎!!

I'm limiting my Fanfictions to 52 Episodes now so it'll be easier to manage and I don't have to drag the Fanfic too long. Like what happened with Beyjitzu. That series was way too long.

As long as the chapters don't feel rushed, you can go to +100 chapters for me lol.
Quick Updates: If I don't finish Yin Yang this week I'll have to work on it the following week since I really want to have it done before the New Year and before I have to go back to school. Also, I updated the Chapter List since it was a very bad idea on my end to evolve Valkyrie in the last 6 Chapters because it wouldn't really get much screen time and that'd kinda be lame so the Next Coming Chapters is mostly wrapping up the Story and Finishing off the series. I'm also going to try doing a Christmas/New Year's Special and the only characters that'll be in them are all the Main Characters from this year. Since SuperKing Drive isn't supposed to kick off until 2022 Dax won't be featured in this Special. It'll be kinda like a small tournament between all the Main Characters to see which is stronger and basically them kicking off the New Year's. These changes may seem like a lot in a Short Amount of Time but I'm trying to prepare my Fanfic for 2022 so I'll kinda have to do this. You can expect the Christmas/New Year's Special to air on December 29th at 7:30 PM Sharp. Hopefully, yall enjoy these updates and I wish you all a Happy Upcoming New Year's and Christmas! Smile
Chapter 47 of Yin Yang shows the ULTIMATE battle.
Chapter 48 of Yin Yang. Can we get a round of applause for Adrian?
I'd really like a Rating because this Chapter is really good in my opinion

Ngl, this chapter is very good. I just don't get why nobody was like: "They will really make this decision based on a battle?". But other than that, really cool.
Rating: 9.38786/10
Chapter 49 of Yin Yang shows Austin's Full Power!

I think Yin Yang is Blazing a Perfect Trail to an ending, But I need your thoughts First. What do you think about this Episode?

If you would like to be notified daily please tell me but if you want to stop being notified just tell me.
(Dec. 24, 2021  7:32 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 49 of Yin Yang shows Austin's Full Power!

I think Yin Yang is Blazing a Perfect Trail to an ending, But I need your thoughts First. What do you think about this Episode?

If you would like to be notified daily please tell me but if you want to stop being notified just tell me.
Im gonna read this in a bit but I have a question, would you be able to just notify me for Yin Yang? Thanks!
22. Red Thunder, Magma Smash!
22。 レッド トゥンダー, マグマ スマッシュ!

23. The Eight-Headed Raging Dragon, Guilty Longinus!
23。 テ エイト ヘッドッド レイジング ドラゴン, ギットリー ロンギヌス

24. Raging Flames, Longinus Vs. Ifrit!
24。 レイジング フラメス, ロンギヌス フス。 イフリット!

25. Yuuki's Challenge, Challenging the Dragon!
25。 ゆうき'ス チャレンジ, チャレンギング テ ドラゴン!

26. Bahamut's Determination, A Clash of Dragons!
26。 バハムット'ス デターミネーション, あ クラッシュ オフ ドラゴンズ!

27. A Hero's Ultimate Power, Perfect Gear Perseus!
27。 あ ヒロ'ス ウルティメイト パワー, パーフェクト ジェアー パーセウス!

28. Long live the High King!
28。 ロング ライブ テ ヒヒ キング!

29. Vengence, A Hero's Ultimate Challenge!
29. ヴェンゲンス, あ ヒロ'ス ウルティメイト チャレンジ!

30. The Hero Returns, Heroic Perseus!
30。 テ ヒロ レターンズ, ヘロイク パーセウス!

31. Dangerous Explosion, Dangerous Belial!
31。 ダンゲロース エクスプロジオン, ダンゲロース ベリアル!

32. The Supreme King Goes Higher, Greatest Raphael!
32。 テ スプレーム キング ゴーエス ハイハー, グリーテスト ラファエル!

33. Destroying our Limits, Master the OverDrive Shoot!
33。 デストロイング ウル リミッツ, マスター テ オーバードライブ ショット!

34. It Begins, The Demon Kings Vs. The Supreme Kings!
34。 イット ベギンズ, テ でもん キングス フス。 テ スプレーム キングス!

Chapter 4 of SuperKing Drive since for some reason it wouldn't let me into Yin Yang.
(Dec. 24, 2021  5:40 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]22. Red Thunder, Magma Smash!
22。 レッド トゥンダー, マグマ スマッシュ!

23. The Eight-Headed Raging Dragon, Guilty Longinus!
23。 テ エイト ヘッドッド レイジング ドラゴン, ギットリー ロンギヌス

24. Raging Flames, Longinus Vs. Ifrit!
24。 レイジング フラメス, ロンギヌス フス。 イフリット!

25. Yuuki's Challenge, Challenging the Dragon!
25。 ゆうき'ス チャレンジ, チャレンギング テ ドラゴン!

26. Bahamut's Determination, A Clash of Dragons!
26。 バハムット'ス デターミネーション, あ クラッシュ オフ ドラゴンズ!

27. A Hero's Ultimate Power, Perfect Gear Perseus!
27。 あ ヒロ'ス ウルティメイト パワー, パーフェクト ジェアー パーセウス!

28. Long live the High King!
28。 ロング ライブ テ ヒヒ キング!

29. Vengence, A Hero's Ultimate Challenge!
29. ヴェンゲンス, あ ヒロ'ス ウルティメイト チャレンジ!

30. The Hero Returns, Heroic Perseus!
30。 テ ヒロ レターンズ, ヘロイク パーセウス!

31. Dangerous Explosion, Dangerous Belial!
31。 ダンゲロース エクスプロジオン, ダンゲロース ベリアル!

32. The Supreme King Goes Higher, Greatest Raphael!
32。 テ スプレーム キング ゴーエス ハイハー, グリーテスト ラファエル!

33. Destroying our Limits, Master the OverDrive Shoot!
33。 デストロイング ウル リミッツ, マスター テ オーバードライブ ショット!

34. It Begins, The Demon Kings Vs. The Supreme Kings!
34。 イット ベギンズ, テ でもん キングス フス。 テ スプレーム キングス!

Chapter 4 of SuperKing Drive since for some reason it wouldn't let me into Yin Yang.

Great Chapter today, Also Dax’s arrogance upsets me some how lol
(Dec. 24, 2021  7:32 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 49 of Yin Yang shows Austin's Full Power!

I think Yin Yang is Blazing a Perfect Trail to an ending, But I need your thoughts First. What do you think about this Episode?

"SpeedySuomi" "LegendJustice" "GenesisBlader" "LJ-Blader" "Kiryu Kazuma" "Hollowmind8" "CelBeyBlade" Ghostfox"

If you would like to be notified daily please tell me but if you want to stop being notified just tell me.
Bell mentioned Pierce >.>
Unseen's Written Universe (UWU for short, it is a joke name) I guess.
Real name: Unseen's Fictional BeyUniverse (UFB)
That Chapter was also cool, 9.248737/10
No Chapters Today! Spend some time ripping gifts open and spend some time with family!
There is now a Character Contest going on for Beyblade Burst SuperKing Drive. Remember you're using the Sparking System with Chassis' and only ONE Person is getting in since this is an OC and I don't want to be adding too many OC's. If you win your Character will act as one of the Main Rivals to Dax and get a lot of screen time and be really strong. I'm actually going to be kinda strict on the entries and just do your best yall. It's not over if you don't win. Just keep on trying and please don't continually ask me where's my character if you've one. I'll tell you when your Character is going to be added so just be patient.

The Due Date is Saturday the 2nd and the winner will be decided on Sunday

(Dec. 27, 2021  4:02 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]There is now a Character Contest going on for Beyblade Burst SuperKing Drive. Remember you're using the Sparking System with Chassis' and only ONE Person is getting in since this is an OC and I don't want to be adding too many OC's. If you win your Character will act as one of the Main Rivals to Dax and get a lot of screen time and be really strong. I'm actually going to be kinda strict on the entries and just do your best yall. It's not over if you don't win. Just keep on trying and please don't continually ask me where's my character if you've one. I'll tell you when your Character is going to be added so just be patient.

The Due Date is Saturday the 2nd and the winner will be decided on Sunday
Name- Seth Krueger

Parents- unkown


Hair color-brown(but when his aura appears it turns crimson red)

Eye color- brown (but when his aura appears they glow pure red.)

Skin color-Caucasian


Main info- He is a blade from unknown origins that crushes his opponents with his extreme power. Him and his bey has the power to destroy beys and stadiums with just a thought. His plan is to crush the Beyblade world and make it his own with his justification being it's his purpose.

Bey name- Infinity Arsenal Over Warp'1S'

Ring -Infinity ( A silver metal ring with the ability to change its attack points to pure metal Valkyrie like attack points, to rubber like Fafnir points, to a secret mode which allows Arsenal to use all its power. Which this ring can do mid battle by the thought of Seth. This is also a dual spinning ring which it can also change on mid battle as well. It also has burst stoppers.)

Core- Arsenal (The center has a some type of silver creature with 4 red slit eyes with 2 on each side and a yellow looking gem on top. On the creatures chest on the left side there's two gem looking things with on one on the nearest left being blue then next to it purple. Then on the other side on the nearest right there's a orange gem and next to it a red gem. Then on the bottom of the chest there's a green gem. Each of the gem looking things on the bey control a ability the bey uses. With yellow allowing it to turn its ring into the fafnir rubber mode, the orange gem allowing the driver Warp' to go to its bearing stamina mode, the red allowing it to go to its zone + z balance mode, the purple allowing the ring to go to its metal Valkyrie attack point mode, the blue allowing the Warp' to go to its quick driver mode, and finally the green allows Warp' to go to its drift mode. When the bey changes modes the corresponding abilities gem will glow. And if needed Seth can use all the gems powers at the same time causing them all to glow and the 4 red eyes to glow causing Arsenal to use all its power for a giant explosion. If used with all of Seth's resonance it has enough destructive power to send the arena crumbling like L Drago.)

Chassis- 1S' ( Literally just 1S that weights more and has better teeth. Its also still red.)

Disc- Over (Literally just a red Over)

Driver- Warp' (As explained with the cores when either the orange, red, blue, or green gem glows the driver will go to its corresponding mode being either the Bearing, Zone + Z, Quick, or Drift driver mode. Though when all gems are used together the driver will go into a secret mode which allows Arsenal to use all its power for a giant explosion.)

Infinity slash (Using the Quick driver and the metal Valkyrie contact points Arsenal can deliver a power attack which can cause most beys to burst.)
Infinity spin ( Using the Infinity ring on the fafnir rubber mode Arsenal with this move can steal spin and power better.)
Infinity defense (Using the drift mode on Warp' this move allows Arsenal to be better on defense and be a unmovable and unburstable object.)
Infinity counter (Using the zone + z driver on Warp' Arsenal is able to deliver a powerful counter attack.)
Infinity Destruction (Seth usually snaps his fingers with his right hand when he does this. Using all of Arsenals power the Infinity ring and Warp' driver change to a secret mode where it releases all of Arsenals energy causing anything in the stadium to shatter from its power even the stadium itself.)
Ultimate Infinity Destruction (Arsenal does the same thing with Infinity Destruction but with a power boost from Seth's resonance Arsenal can cause the entire arena to collapse from Arsenal and Seths pure power causing nothing to remain in the stadium its battling. The stadium and the opponents bey itself reduced to atoms.)
(Dec. 27, 2021  4:02 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]There is now a Character Contest going on for Beyblade Burst SuperKing Drive. Remember you're using the Sparking System with Chassis' and only ONE Person is getting in since this is an OC and I don't want to be adding too many OC's. If you win your Character will act as one of the Main Rivals to Dax and get a lot of screen time and be really strong. I'm actually going to be kinda strict on the entries and just do your best yall. It's not over if you don't win. Just keep on trying and please don't continually ask me where's my character if you've one. I'll tell you when your Character is going to be added so just be patient.

The Due Date is Saturday the 2nd and the winner will be decided on Sunday


Wait how bout the OC Contest, DID it end already


Name: Bane Kilagashi

Gender: Male

Hair Color: White

Eye Color: Silver

Nicknames: The White Son, Silver Stone Son, Banny.

Skin Color: Dim White

Appearance: [Image: complete?cd=oZjHN1PzDc]

Age: 14

Orgin: The Blader from the depths of the Ancient Ruins of Greek history.

Nationality: Athens, Greece

Beyblade Name: King Belus Legacy Zen-2B


Blade: King has a X type of form only making room in the middle for the Core.

Core: Belus Has a Creative shape, which fits perfectly with the blade, it's design has blue flames in the middle then red then blue with lighting strikes lol.

Chassis: 2B. (I don't have to explain this)

Disc: Zen, basically Giga but more heavier with attack.
Chapter 50 of Beyblade Burst Yin Yang is Hilarious.

Thoughts and Reviews are much Appreciated and wanted for this specific Chapter.

(Dec. 27, 2021  10:30 AM)CelBeyBlade Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 27, 2021  4:02 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]There is now a Character Contest going on for Beyblade Burst SuperKing Drive. Remember you're using the Sparking System with Chassis' and only ONE Person is getting in since this is an OC and I don't want to be adding too many OC's. If you win your Character will act as one of the Main Rivals to Dax and get a lot of screen time and be really strong. I'm actually going to be kinda strict on the entries and just do your best yall. It's not over if you don't win. Just keep on trying and please don't continually ask me where's my character if you've one. I'll tell you when your Character is going to be added so just be patient.

The Due Date is Saturday the 2nd and the winner will be decided on Sunday


Wait how bout the OC Contest, DID it end already



I actually scrapped the idea because I honestly kinda thought it was a waste. Sorry if any of you were working on a Theme Song, you can still drop it in this thread and I'll read/sing it and give you my personal opinion on the Song.
(Dec. 27, 2021  4:02 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]There is now a Character Contest going on for Beyblade Burst SuperKing Drive. Remember you're using the Sparking System with Chassis' and only ONE Person is getting in since this is an OC and I don't want to be adding too many OC's. If you win your Character will act as one of the Main Rivals to Dax and get a lot of screen time and be really strong. I'm actually going to be kinda strict on the entries and just do your best yall. It's not over if you don't win. Just keep on trying and please don't continually ask me where's my character if you've one. I'll tell you when your Character is going to be added so just be patient.

The Due Date is Saturday the 2nd and the winner will be decided on Sunday

Personal Info
Bey Info

(Dec. 27, 2021  4:02 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]There is now a Character Contest going on for Beyblade Burst SuperKing Drive. Remember you're using the Sparking System with Chassis' and only ONE Person is getting in since this is an OC and I don't want to be adding too many OC's. If you win your Character will act as one of the Main Rivals to Dax and get a lot of screen time and be really strong. I'm actually going to be kinda strict on the entries and just do your best yall. It's not over if you don't win. Just keep on trying and please don't continually ask me where's my character if you've one. I'll tell you when your Character is going to be added so just be patient.

The Due Date is Saturday the 2nd and the winner will be decided on Sunday

Personal Info
Bey Info
(Dec. 27, 2021  4:02 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]There is now a Character Contest going on for Beyblade Burst SuperKing Drive. Remember you're using the Sparking System with Chassis' and only ONE Person is getting in since this is an OC and I don't want to be adding too many OC's. If you win your Character will act as one of the Main Rivals to Dax and get a lot of screen time and be really strong. I'm actually going to be kinda strict on the entries and just do your best yall. It's not over if you don't win. Just keep on trying and please don't continually ask me where's my character if you've one. I'll tell you when your Character is going to be added so just be patient.

The Due Date is Saturday the 2nd and the winner will be decided on Sunday

My entry
Chapter 51 of Beyblade Burst Yin Yang has now been out! I hope yall are hyped for the Finale!

I'd really like a Rating or Thought on this specific Chapter. The Finale will come out on Thursday so I hope you're all excited and it may even come a bit earlier if you guys get lucky. Tomorrow I'll be working on my Christmas/New Year's Special. It may not be super long but it'll be a fun little thing that'll come out tomorrow.
(Dec. 29, 2021  3:33 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 51 of Beyblade Burst Yin Yang has now been out! I hope yall are hyped for the Finale!

I'd really like a Rating or Thought on this specific Chapter. The Finale will come out on Thursday so I hope you're all excited and it may even come a bit earlier if you guys get lucky. Tomorrow I'll be working on my Christmas/New Year's Special. It may not be super long but it'll be a fun little thing that'll come out tomorrow.

This is pretty good. I'm getting some Bell vibes with his bey having gears
Finally my entry!

I was busy today yall so I'm sorry but I didn't get the Christmas/New Year's Special done or even started. I'll work on it on Friday since I'll be busy working on the Finale today and tomorrow and might also post a Mystical Boldness Chapter tomorrow too.

Characters Featured in the Holiday Special.

Asher Suzuki

Vlad Aoi

Percy Nakano

Adrian Saito

Austin Saito

Pierce Atsuhi

Special Mystery Character.

I hope yall will enjoy the Finale of Yin Yang tomorrow and I also hope you enjoy the Holiday Special coming you way on Friday 12/31/2021.
So, my pc actually lags when I try to write while replying to the chapter, so instead I'm going to do this
First, cool chapter, sets off the perfect-er Asriel and shows how much they have grown I guess. I'm quite tired from some things happening in my life but fairly recently things are running smoother, so hopefully I can do more reviews. Overall I'd say a solid 9.37846583756737465762576354514216325461248395801783961056/10 on the UnseenBurst scale
Also, my entry if you don't mind, let's see me getting 2nd again lo.
Also Amaterios motif is actually named Amaterasu soo... Don't mind if I do-
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