Dec. 20, 2021 6:53 PM
(Dec. 20, 2021 12:07 PM)Hollowmind8 Wrote: [ -> ](Dec. 19, 2021 9:44 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 3 of SuperKing Drive is now in theaters.
Hollowmind8" "LegendJustice" "GenesisBlader" "LJ-Blader" "SpeedySuomi" "Ghostfox" ""Kiryu Kazuma" "CelBeyBlade"Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst SuperKing Drive
Chapter 3
The Monarch’s Rage, Death Solomon!
Sammy: Go, Shoot!!
(Sammy would Shoot Solomon into the stadium as sparks fly out of his Launcher, Solomon speeds around the stadium)
Blue: Solomon’s Power and Speed are starting to rise. This’ll definitely be enough to defeat the Abyss King for good!
Sammy: I’m hoping honestly. But even if I go down I’ll go down Fighting with everything I’ve got and more!!
Blue: Yeah. I’ll also be Livestreaming the battle so the Legends can see you take down Dax, The Abyss King!!
Sammy: The Legends tune in on your Livestreams?!
Blue: Yeah. But they mostly tune in on Abyss King battles! If I keep getting viewers like this my Beyblade Livestreaming Channel will become the Greatest!
Sammy: Let’s hope Solomon will be able to defeat Tragic Deimos. Tragic Crusher is the move he always uses to finish the match. It’s very Powerful so I’ll have to come up with a way to block the attack.
Blue: Yeah. I don’t think Dax will be holding back in this battle. He’s looking to utterly crush you.
Sammy: Don’t worry, Comrade. I’ll be able to defeat him. I know I will.
~In The Depths of Tartarus Pit~
(I watch the match between Valt Aoi Vs. Shu Kurenai and Lean Valhalla in the Legend Super Tag League as Lucius The End would get knocked out by Valt Aoi’s Bey, Brave Valkyrie)
Hanami (On TV): And Lucius has been thrown right out of the stadium, Valt and Shu are the only Bladers that remain. The battle we’ve been waiting for!!
Me: The Battle you’ve been waiting for?
Valt (On TV): Shu!!
Shu: Valt!!
Valt: Rush Shoot!!
Shu: Counter Break!!
(Spriggan and Valkyrie would glow brightly as they clash and counter each other’s attacks all around the stadium as they both start clashing wildly in the end)
Hanami: It’s a ferocious clash of the Strongest Legends in the World. Which one will–
(I turn of my Tablet as I’m left completely awestruck, I pick up Deimos and grin evilly at it)
Me: Looks like these Legends are really something! But I’m mostly interested in Valt Aoi.
(I look up Valt Aoi on the WBBA Wiki to see that he’s the #1 Blader in the World and he’s World Champion and all Brave Valkyrie’s parts and specs online)
Me: Valt’s the Strongest Blader in the World?! I don’t think so. The Abyss King is the strongest by far!
Deimos: Yes, we’re the strongest and we’ll crush Valt Aoi to prove it!
(I get pulled into a White Void as Deimos stares straight into my soul)
Me: Deimos. When we get to battle Valt we’re going to crush him and prove to the World that the Abyss King is supreme!
Deimos: Yes, we’ll crush all the Blading Legends one by one and then they’ll have to make us the Strongest!! But, if you want to battle and defeat the Legends you have to leave Tartarus Pit.
Me: I know I do. It was pretty obvious to begin with.
Deimos: Are you willing to leave all of your followers behind to pursue your dreams as becoming the Best in the World?
Me: They can handle themselves. The Abyss King isn’t a Babysitter!
Deimos: *Laughs Wickedly* We’re from the Depths of Tartarus and nobody’s ever going to forget that, we’re the strongest from the Underworld!!
(Deimos pulls me out of the White Void as I leave my Room and sit on my Throne that is above all the Bladers and Stadium’s)
Me: Nobody will ever defeat Daxseus Akagami. They can try but they’ll never succeed.
Sammy: In your dreams, Abyss King! I’ve been training and I’ll send Deimos crying!
(Deimos glows brightly in anger as I look at it in a bit of fear)
Deimos: Okay, he needs to leave.
Me: Don’t worry, I’ll crush him quickly and make him regret ever saying that.
Sammy: So what do you say, Abyss King?! You wanna battle or are you too scared?!
(I jump down from my throne and land right in front of Sammy as we both Glare at each other)
Me: I accept your challenge. You’d better not lose to quickly.
Sammy: I won’t. In fact, I’ll actually be winning this battle and proving to the world which style of Blading is the correct one!
(Me and Sammy both go over to the stadium with our Beys as the Referee comes)
Referee: First Battle!
Sammy (Thoughts): I’ll be putting the 2B Chassis in Defense Mode for now. Deimos is one of the most Powerful Attack Types I’ve ever seen so I’ll have to push it back for now.
Me: Tragic Deimos will send you to the Depths of Tartarus. Weak Bladers have no right to come to Tartarus Pit if they wish to actually win a battle!
Blue: I’m so Livestreaming this!
(Blue starts Livestreaming the Remtach between Me and Sammy)
~At BC Sol~
Rantaro: Guys. The Abyss King is battling again today. I wonder if he’ll try destroying another Bey.
Valt: Honcho, I know it stung to have your brother humiliated in front of Millions of People but we just need to get to know a bit more about him.
???: Seems like a little Blading Brat to me.
Free: Sisco…
Sisco: It’s true. Beating Ranjiro is as easy as baking a Cake so no wonder he defeated him.
Rantaro: That would be a valid argument if you didn’t lose to him in the First Round of the Legend Super Tag League!!!
Sisco: He had Aiga on his side so that’s a no brainer why he won.
Rantaro: Why you–
Valt: Guys, chill out and let’s watch this Match!
~Back at Tartarus Pit~
Referee: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Sammy: Go, Shoot!!
(Me and Sammy pull off Powerful Sparking Shoots as Sparks fly out of the Launchers, Deimos speeds around the stadium as Solomon chases after it)
Me: Sharp Shoot!!
Sammy: Hang in there, Solomon!!
(Deimos leans on its driver and accelerates as it pummles Solomon with a Barrage of Attacks, Solomon gets sent flying into the air as I grin wickedly)
Me: Looks like I’ve already won.
Sammy: Not yet you haven’t. C’mon, Solomon!
Blue: Hang in there, Solomon…
(Solomon hits the wall and gets thrown back into the stadium as Deimos aims directly for it)
Sammy: Yes. Now, King’s Guard!!
Me: Tch… Blast through!
(Deimos rams into Solomon’s 2B Chassis, Solomon gets blown back but blocks the impact thanks to the 2B Chassis in Free Spin Mode as it reclaims the center)
Sammy: Solomon’s defense is top notch now!
Me: We’ll see about it. Keep attacking, Deimos!!
(Deimos goes in for a barrage of attacks but Solomon blocks all the attacks with the 2B Chassis, Deimos speeds up and gets ready for an attack)
Me: End this already, Tragic Crusher!!
Sammy: *Grins* I’ve been waiting for this!
(Deimos rams into Solomon’s 2B Chassis but gets sent flying into the wall, Deimos wobbles around and eventually stops spinning)
Me: *Gasps*
Sammy: Yes!
All: *Gasps*
Referee: It’s Death Solomon with a Spin Finish! Sammy Suiryu claims 1 Point!
Blue: And it looks like after Solomon ramped up its Defense it was able to use Deimos’ Powerful Attack Power to is advantage. What a crazy type of move!
Sammy: *Grins* That’s how me and Solomon do it!
Me: Tch… The Abyss King commends you on your Brilliant Strength. However the Abyss King never loses and he’ll make a comeback in the Second Battle!
Sammy: I’d like to see you try defeating us, we’ll blow you back with our Amazing Defense!
Referee: Second Battle!
Me (Thoughts): Death Solomon is an Extremely Heavy Balance Type so that’s why it was so stable and had enough defensive powers to overpower Deimos with its Defense. But if I use its weight against it…
Sammy: Yo, Dax. Get ready to be blown away by Solomon’s Amazing Defense! I’ll blast you out of the stadium and Burst Deimos in the Next Round!
Me: *Laughs* Burst?! Deimos has never been Burst before in its own domain. Though I’d like to see you try ending this with a Burst Finish!!
(My Eyes glow purple as a bit of Dark Flare flickers off my eyes as I attach Deimos to my Launcher)
Referee: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Sammy: Go, Shoot!!
(Me and Sammy pull off Powerful Sparking Shoots as Purple Sparks fly off my Launcher)
Me: Crush it now, Deimos!!
Sammy: Hold down the center with your King’s Guard!!
(Deimos rams straight into Solomon sending it flying into the air as Solomon lands on the stadium with a thud and reclaims the center)
Sammy: I dare you to blast me out of the center with your Best Shot.
Me: I accept. Speed up, Deimos!!
(Deimos leans hard on its driver and accelerates as it moves around erratically, Deimos bounces off the walls at Sonic Speed causing and explosion of endless winds to burst out of the stadium)
Sammy: *Gasps*
Me: *Laughs Wickedly* More. More. More Destruction!!
(Deimos rams into Solomon at High Speeds, Solomon begins to start wobbling as Deimos leans on its driver again)
Sammy: Tch… Hang in there!
Me: Sharp Shoot!!
(Deimos hits Solomon with a Powerful Flurry of attacks as Solomon struggles to continue spinning)
Sammy: He’s trying to break Solomon!!
Blue: What?!
Me: *Smiles Evilly* Goodbye now, Tragic Crusher!!
(Deimos rams into the 2B Chassis at Full Power, Solomon gets sent flying out of the stadium and bursts on impact of the ground)
Sammy: That was too close…
Referee: It’s Tragic Deimos with an Over Finish! Dax Akagami claims 1 Point. The score is now 1-1!!
Me: You got lucky that the Abyss King decided to spare your Bey last minute. Otherwise it would’ve been destroyed!!
Blue (Thoughts): He didn’t spare Solomon. His Original Plan was to break Solomon by making a huge impact on its layer but it barely missed and hit the 2B Chassis. If Solomon hadn’t been wobbling so much at the end it definately would’ve been destroyed.
Sammy: *Laughs* Your strong, Dax! This battle is actually pretty fun!!
Me: What do you mean fun?! It’s not fun until I destroy you and you continue coming back for revenge yet fail everytime! And I just won a Point.
Sammy: Battles are supposed to be fun whether your winning or losing. That’s what Beyblade’s all about.
Me: Spare me your sentimental garbage and get ready for me to crush you.
Sammy: Whatever you say, Comrade!
Me: I am not your friend!!
Referee: Third Battle!
Me (Thoughts): Beyblade’s all about crushing people and proving your dominance. If your not strong than you don’t stand a chance in the Blading World. Yet this dude things he’s strong enough to beat me just because he’s having fun.
Sammy: C’mon, Dax. Let’s have a fun and heated Final Battle!
Me: This will be your last battle since Deimos will crush you and stomp on your Bey’s shattered parts!
Sammy: Tch… Even if we’re having fun I’ll still have to end this thing with a Burst!
(Sammy puts the 2B Chassis in Attack Mode as he stares at Solomon)
Sammy: Solomon, let’s end this.
Referee: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Sammy: Go, Shoot!!
(Me and Sammy pull off Powerful Sparking Shoots as Sparks fly off our Launchers and fill up the room)
Sammy: Go for your Fusion Break!!
Me: *Laughs* You think that can stop Deimos?! Your mistaken!!
(Solomon leans on the Fusion Driver and accelerates at it slams into Deimos, Deimos and Solomon start clashing wildly as Deimos slashes at Solomon with its Powerful Large Blade sending it flying back)
Sammy: Tch…
Me: We’re not done yet, Sharp Shoot!!
(Deimos leans on its driver and accelerates as it continuously rams into Solomon, Solomon repels the attack back with its 2B Chassis as Deimos hits the wall and accelerates even more)
Sammy: Once again, King’s Guard!!
Me: Blast through that stupid Defense!!
(Solomon takes the center as Deimos continuesly attacks but Solomon blocks each and every hit, Deimos gets sent flying back but catches onto the stadium rim and starts Accelerating)
Sammy: It’s Accelerating?!
Me: It’s time to fly, Deimos!!
(My Dark Resonance Aura flares up as Deimos blazes out of the Bey, Deimos flickers out Purple Flames)
Sammy: We’re not going to lose! Solomon!!
(Sammy’s Resonance Aura flares up as Solomon blazes out of the Bey)
Me: Strike it down, Deimos!!
Sammy: Don’t let it through Solomon!!
(Solomon and Deimos hit each other with a Powerful Flurry of Attacks, Deimos and Solomon’s Avatars clash as wind blows in opposite directions)
Me/Sammy: *Roars*
Blue: *Gasps* They’re both neck and neck!!
(Both Beys get sent flying into the wall and start wobbling, Everyone in the room gasps as they all murmur and start bitting their nails)
Me/Sammy: *Gasps*
Sammy: You’ve gotta keep spinning, Solomon!!
(Deimos leans on its driver and accelerates as it aims directly for Solomon)
Me: Destruction Time, Tragic Crusher!!
Sammy: It recovered?!
(Deimos slashes at Solomon with its Huge Blade as a Purple Mark gets left on Solomon as it bursts instantly, I grin at Solomon’s parts and Sammy’s utterly shocked face)
Referee: It’s Tragic Deimos with a Burst Finish! Dax Akagami wins with a score of 3-1!!
Me: *Laughs* Solomon’s been sent to the Depths of Tartarus. Remember this, Sammy Suiryu. The Abyss King never loses.
(Sammy picks up Solomon’s parts and blinks back tears as Blue ends the Livestream, Sammy and Blue both leave as I laugh wildly)
Me: Nobody can defeat the Abyss King! He rules all of Tartarus and destroys all of his opponent’s!
Random Blader: Abyss King… Sir.
Me: What is it?
Random Blader: Um… I hear that some of the Legnedary Bladers from Spain are coming here to the GT Arena for some Training and to announce a new WBBA Tournament for Legends.
Me: *Laughs* I’ll meet all the Legendary Bladers there and I’ll crush them one by one until they make me the #1 Blader in the Wolrd!!
I really want Solomon's stock combo to be all S's. Like all "Greek letter beys" that have a stock (Amaterios, Baldur, Orichalcum, and maybe another one that I'm forgetting).
About the chapter itself, it was a battle chapter.
Idk if Solomon broke or not, since it only says that a "purple mark" is left on Solomon. I suppose it has a crack then?
Is there already a part description on Deimos? just checking.
rating: hmmmmmmm, 8.54396/10 for a battle chapter.
My ratings aren't much accurate, since I use different standards for each writer.
So you know when Bey's use a Slash Move for example God Slash when the Slash at the opposing Bey it kinda leaves a Slash Mark on the Beyblade but its not damage. That was really what I was going for so Solomon's not damaged (Yet) but Deimos did wipe the floor with it.
Chapter 45 of Yin Yang is finally here!
Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 45
Legendary Tag Battles and… Legendary Shoots?!
Adrian/Hyuga: Go, Shoot!!
(Both Hyuga and Adrian pull off Extremely Powerful Eclipse Shoots, Asriel circles the stadium at High Speeds)
Hyuga: Send ‘em flying back!
Adrian: You’ll never defeat me, Starlight Shoot!!
(Asriel hits Hyperion with a barrage of attacks as Hyperion blocks the attacks with its own with ease)
Hyuga: *Smiles* You’ll never defeat us anytime soon with attacks like those!
Shu (Thoughts): Looks like Asriel is still lacking lots of necessary Attack Power. Looks like we’ll have to work on increasing it.
Austin: Send ‘em flying, Adrian!
Adrian: Hit ‘em hard, Yin Drive!!
(Asriel’s driver activates as it picks up Major Speed and moves around the stadium at the Speed of Light, Asriel start hitting the wall and starts wobbling instantly)
Adrian: *Gasps* It failed?!
Hyuga: Kindling Strike!!
(Hyperion picks up speed and rams straight into Asriel, Asriel gets sent flying into the air as it flies toward Shu and Shu catches it in Mid-Air)
Shu: Looks like you lost control.
Adrian: Yeah. I’m starting to get better but that means the Yin Driver’s activation is also getting stronger to the point where I can’t control it.
Hikaru: It’s your Shoot Power…
Austin: Wait what?
Bell: He’s right. The Yin Driver’s speed Mid-Battle depends on how strong you Shoot, right?
Adrian: Yeah. But the Blackout Launcher is the Strongest Launcher ever created!!
Bell: I know. But you built that Launcher specifically for Twilight Asriel and now you have Starlight Asriel. I’m not saying you have to get rid of your Launcher I’m just saying you should maybe improve on it.
Shu: Well if that’s the case then the same thing could go for Austin and his Celestial Anpao.
Austin: I know this is unrelated but… How’s Spriggan doing Shu.
Shu: *Sighs* It was completely destroyed yesterday but I’m working on it and it should be finished in an hour or so.
Hyuga: I really hope so. The way Ethan destroyed Spriggan was really brutal.
Shu: I know it was. But we’ve just gotta keep pushing back the Snake Pit.
Austin: If we wanna beat him then we’ve got to keep training. Now, who’s battling me next?!
???: I’m battling you next.
All: *Gasps*
(Wally and Illius come through the door as Austin runs up to them and hugs them)
Austin: Wally, Illius! It’s been way too long, guys!!
Wally: Hey, Austin. Sorry we weren’t around when you guys were upset. Wakiya gave us a Special Job and we just couldn’t make it. But we heard about your new Beys, Celestial Anpao and Starlight Asriel!
Adrian: *Grins* Yeah. We’re currently training so that we can Master Them.
Illius: Anyways, Austin. I challenge you to a battle. And I’ll blow you out of the Water with my New Abilities.
Wally: Yeah. He’s been training super hard since the Tournament ended.
Austin: I accept your challenge. You’re not the only one who’s gotten stronger!
(Illius puts Ifrit in Attack Mode as Austin puts Anpao in Defense Mode for now)
Wally: I’ll be the referee. Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Austin/Illius: Go, Shoot!!
(Austin and Illius pull off Extremely Powerful Eclipse Shoots, Anpao takes the center as Ifrit picks up speed)
Illius: Rip ‘em apart, Beast Rampage!!
Austin: Just keep blocking its attacks, Anapo!!
(Ifrit goes in for a Powerful Flurry of attacks as Anpao fails to block the incoming hits and gets sent flying into the air)
Austin: *Gasps* His attacks are so Powerful!
Illius: That’s not all we’ve got. Keep attacking, Ifrit!!
(Ifrit continues its onslaught of attacks as Anpao continues to get hit back up in the air)
Shu: Looks like he’s not giving Anpao any time to take a breath. If this keeps up Anpao will have to burst.
Austin: We’re not going to lose… Give it your all, Anpao!!
(Anpao gets sent flying into the air as it glows brightly and ricochets off the wall, Anapo and Ifrit speed toward each other as they go for the Finishing Blow)
Austin: Celestial Beam!!
Illius: *Roars* Combust Smash!!
(Ifrit and Anpao start clashing wildly as a burst of power comes out of the stadium, Anpao and Ifrit go flying towards the ground as Anpao barely hits the ground first)
Illius: Yes!
Austin: Grr!! I lost!!
Wally: It’s Combust Ifrit with an Over Finish! Illius is the Winner!
Bell: Looks like The Demon King is correct. You guys do need to upgrade your Launchers to fit your New Eclipse Drive Beys!
Adrian: I guess he’s right. If we’re able to pull off even more Powerful Eclipse Shoots we’ll be able to push past our Limits.
Austin: Let’s go to the Office. We should be able to create our Launchers and they’ll be stronger than they ever were before!
Valt: Yeah. And when you done Me and Shu will take you on in a Tag Battle. We’ll blow you guys both away and it’ll be an Official Match at the GT Arena!!
Adrian: *Grins* We’ll be the ones to blow you away!
~In The BeyLab~
Austin: Adrian, what ideas do you have for our New Launchers?
Adrian: Well, we’ll need to have a Powerful Eclipse Launcher Core so the string will be Long and it’ll be able to handle our Maximum Power!
Austin: And we should have a Bearing inside the Spin Unit so it’ll be even More Powerful and it’ll make our Beys spin even faster!!
(Adrian starts typing wildly on his Computer as the Design appears on the Computer as he enters the Design and the Printer starts creating their Launchers)
~An Hour Later~
Adrian: It’s finally done, The Ultra Blackout Launcher!
Austin: Check out my Hyper MorningStar Launcher!!
(Shu watches from the doorway as we gush about our New Launchers)
Shu (Thoughts): Adrian and Austin Saito, I just finished reviving Regal Spriggan and I’m looking forward to an Amazing Tag Battle with the both of you using your True Potential. Don’t let me down.
~In The GT Arena’s Locker Room~
Austin: Adrian, do you think we’ve got enough practice to be able to take on Valt and Shu? They’re very Powerful.
Adrian: We’ve just gotta believe in our Beys and know for fact that we’ll be able to win this battle!
Austin: Do you have a strategy?
Adrian: I’ll go on the Attack and face Valkyrie while Anpao will be in Defense Mode and change into Attack Mode later as it faces Spriggan. After that I’ve got nothing. Just give it your all!
Austin: *Smiles* I was planning on doing that!
Hanami: And the Red Corner we’ve got the Ultimate Team, The Saito Brothers!!
(Adrian and Austin walk out to the stadium to see Valt and Shu already standing there waiting for him as the crowds roar out cheering)
Hanami: This Tag Battle could be the Greatest Tag Battle ever had in History so buckle up everyone because this battle will be a Wild Ride!!
Referee: First Battle!
(Both Shu and Austin glare at each other as Austin sets his Bey in Defense Mode and Shu sets Spriggan in Counterclockwise Balance Mode)
Valt: Holy Valkyrie will knock you out with its Newly Awakened Blades!
Adrian: Our New Launchers are Super Powerful. Valkyrie won’t be able to withstand our Ultimate Attack!
Shu: Don’t disappoint me you two.
Referee: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Shu/Valt/Austin/Adrian: Go, Shoot!!
(Everyone pulls off Extremely Powerful Eclipse Shoots as Burst Stopper's pop out of Anpao and Asriel’s Layers, The Yin Driver fully activates)
Hanami: We’ve got some Powerful Eclipse Drive Shoots!!
Adrian: Starlight Shoot!!
Valt: Rush Shoot!!
(Valkyrie and Asriel hit each other with a Flurry of attacks as Anpao aims for the center, Anpao takes the center as Spriggan hits it with a Barrage of Attacks)
Hanami: All of the Beys are going for it! This Tag Battle is surely turning into something!!
Shu: Push it out, Regal Spark!!
Austin: Hang in there, Celestial Atmosphere!!
(Spriggan hits Anpao with a flurry of Powerful Blows as Anpao blocks all the attacks effortlessly)
Hanami: Spriggan goes in on the Attack but its Attacks get stopped by Anpao’s ferocious Defense! What will it do know?!
Adrian: Take this on for size, Starlight Slash!!
Valt: I don’t think so, Holy Jet Shoot!!
(Valkyrie speeds up and ricochets off the wall as Asriel’s Blades glow and it starts clashing with Valkyrie, Valkyrie gets sent flying into the air)
Hanami: *Gasps* Am I seeing this right? Asriel just absorbed Valkyrie’s Holy Jet Shoot and sent it flying into the air!!
Adrian: Is Valkyrie coming to fight? Or can it withstand Asriel’s attacks?!
Valt: Wonder Reboot!!
(Valkyrie’s Reboot Driver activates as Valkyrie picks up Major Speed, Valkyrie rams straight into Asriel sending it flying into the air)
Hanami: Deja Vu! Now Asriel has been sent flying into the air!!
Adrian: That’s a nice attack. But Asriel will never Burst!!
(Anpao’s Driver changes into Attack Mode as it blasts out of the center and dodges Spriggan’s incoming attack)
Shu: *Gasps*
Hanami: And Anpao has barely dodged Spriggan’s incoming attack!
Austin: Celestial Spark!!
Shu: Regal Upper Shoot!!
(Both Spriggan and Anpao both hit each other with a Ferocious Flurry of Attacks as Spriggan and Anpao start clashing wildly)
Hanami: And Both Spriggan and Anpao are clashing for the Victory! They’re going for it and they are not holding back!!
Austin: Celestial Eclipse!!
(Anpao’s Eclipse Drive gimmick activates as Spriggan gets sent flying into the wall, Spriggan ricochets off and aims for Anpao at Full Speed)
Shu: Regal Slash!!
Austin: Celestial Beam!!
(Spriggan and Anpao ram into each other and get sent flying into the air, Anpao bursts as Spriggan bursts a second after)
Shu/Austin: *Gasps*
Hanami: And both Spriggan and Anpao have burst and that just leaves Valkyrie and Asriel left in the game!!
Valt: It’s time, True Holy Slash!!
(Valkyrie’s Blades glow as it rams into Asriel at Full Power, Asriel starts wobbling as its Yin Driver sinks in)
Adrian: It’s time, Yin Drive!!
(Asriel speeds up and speeds around the stadium faster than the Speed of Light as it erratically rams into the walls missing Valkyrie each time)
Adrian: C’mon, keep speeding around the stadium and give it your all!!
Hanami: Asriel’s movements have reached Sonic Speeds, I can’t even see where it is!!
Valt: Tch… It’s so fast.
(Asriel rams straight into Valkryie causing both Beys to be sent flying into the air and do a 360 Flip, Asriel lands on the stadium wobbling as Valkyrie chases it down at Full Speed)
Adrian: Get out of there!
Hanami: And they finally made contact!!
Valt: Finish ‘em, True Holy Slash!!
(Valkyrie rams into Asriel with its Rubber Blades causing Asriel’s Locks to push past its Burst Lock and bursts)
Adrian: *Gasps*
Referee: Regal Spriggan and Holy Valkyrie are the Winners!!
Hanami: And Valkyrie ends things with a Burst Finish! Valt Aoi and Shu Kurenai prove their dominance as the two Strongest Bladers in the World!!
(Valt and Shu fist bump as I pick up Asriel’s parts and walk up to Valt)
Valt: What’s up, Adrian?
Adrian: Grr!! I just wanted to say… That battle was Super Fun. I’m shocked you were able to sneak past Asriel’s Burst Lock!
Austin: Yeah. You guys are really the Strongest Bladers in the World there’s no doubt!
Shu: Well, you guys almost won. You just need a bit more training and more mastery over your Beys.
Valt: Yeah. You guys will become Super Strong one day!
Adrian/Austin: No doubt, we’ll become the Ultimate Yin Yang!
~In The Snake Pit’s Training Room~
(Ethan’s Dark Blaze surrounds him as he watches Erebus spin around the stadium glowing purple as it hums silently)
Dark Ethan: Don’t worry, Erebus. We’ll feast on Valt Aoi’s despair soon enough.