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(Feb. 19, 2022  5:10 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 9 of SK Drive is the Last Chapter I'll be uploading then I'll be on a Week Break because of Family Stuff.
"Hollowmind8" "LegendJustice" "Kiryu Kazuma" "LJ-Blader"

Yes, Ariana is the Main Antagonist.

Next Chapter: The Dragon of Dark Illusions! Mirage Fafnir!!
Fafnir's gimmick is still a mystery, why does it speed up when hit?
I understand Dax, but I expected Sammy to know it.
Ariana? Possible Apocalypse owner if you take her name (Nyx) into account, I can't recall much night themed creatures/motifs with A, so Apocalypse is an option
I know people say that you can’t have a Favorite Kid or in this case I guess a Main Character because the other ones would get jealous and angry I guess but I’m just straight up saying that Percy has to be my favorite Main Character since he was based on my favorite Book Series: Percy Jackson and I feel like he was written really well but I feel like I could do way better so I have an Announcement to make that I feel like everyone will be excited about and will get hyped about so let me spill the beans.
I hope you all are excited about this announcement and are going to tune in a couple times to read. I know Hollowmind is going to be very excited :)
(Feb. 21, 2022  7:43 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]I know people say that you can’t have a Favorite Kid or in this case I guess a Main Character because the other ones would get jealous and angry I guess but I’m just straight up saying that Percy has to be my favorite Main Character since he was based on my favorite Book Series: Percy Jackson and I feel like he was written really well but I feel like I could do way better so I have an Announcement to make that I feel like everyone will be excited about and will get hyped about so let me spill the beans.
I hope you all are excited about this announcement and are going to tune in a couple times to read. I know Hollowmind is going to be very excited Smile
DJ - Yeah!
I hope it doesn't mess Resonance up tho
And yes it is alive, behind the scenes that is. Just don't touch on Max or USA (at least her region) that much and you should be fine lo. [or do it, idk]
Anyhow, Beyjitzu 2 is sure going to be interesting. I wonder what you're going to do honestly.
(Feb. 21, 2022  9:10 PM)Hollowmind8 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb. 21, 2022  7:43 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]I know people say that you can’t have a Favorite Kid or in this case I guess a Main Character because the other ones would get jealous and angry I guess but I’m just straight up saying that Percy has to be my favorite Main Character since he was based on my favorite Book Series: Percy Jackson and I feel like he was written really well but I feel like I could do way better so I have an Announcement to make that I feel like everyone will be excited about and will get hyped about so let me spill the beans.
I hope you all are excited about this announcement and are going to tune in a couple times to read. I know Hollowmind is going to be very excited Smile
DJ - Yeah!
I hope it doesn't mess Resonance up tho
And yes it is alive, behind the scenes that is. Just don't touch on Max or USA (at least her region) that much and you should be fine lo. [or do it, idk]
Anyhow, Beyjitzu 2 is sure going to be interesting. I wonder what you're going to do honestly.

If you just tell the Major Plot Changes and what happens in the Fanfic that is important to the Timeline then I should be good to go. Just send them to me in a PM if you’ve got the time and I’ll probably have to reread Beyjitzu because the only thing I remember is HYDRO GEYSER!!!! (Every other Bey immediately dies) lol. Anyways I’m excited to write Beyjitzu 2 and I hope it lives up to all of your Expectations.
(Feb. 22, 2022  3:42 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb. 21, 2022  9:10 PM)Hollowmind8 Wrote: [ -> ].
DJ - Yeah!
I hope it doesn't mess Resonance up tho
And yes it is alive, behind the scenes that is. Just don't touch on Max or USA (at least her region) that much and you should be fine lo. [or do it, idk]
Anyhow, Beyjitzu 2 is sure going to be interesting. I wonder what you're going to do honestly.

If you just tell the Major Plot Changes and what happens in the Fanfic that is important to the Timeline then I should be good to go. Just send them to me in a PM if you’ve got the time and I’ll probably have to reread Beyjitzu because the only thing I remember is HYDRO GEYSER!!!! (Every other Bey immediately dies) lol. Anyways I’m excited to write Beyjitzu 2 and I hope it lives up to all of your Expectations.

bro you do realize that no one cant PM u right, right
Guess the Bey from SuperKing Drive!: DmArWh’HgMetalWv (Hints: Think of Rashad Goodman, Ariana will own this Bey)
(Feb. 26, 2022  4:46 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Guess the Bey from SuperKing Drive!: DmArWh’HgMetalWv (Hints: Think of Rashad Goodman, Ariana will own this Bey)

Archangel? I have no idea on angel names, but I'm pretty sure it has Wheel' and High metal Wave
Bell Daikokuten knows your Location in Chapter 23 of Mystic Clash.
Thoughts are Much Appreciated! Don't forget to hit those Bell (Daikokuten) Notifications and be Plus Ultra! *Wait are we talking about Beyblade or My Hero Academia now?*

Can we get an F in the chat for Ariana in Chapter 10 of SK Drive?

Thoughts and or Reviews?
(Mar. 07, 2022  6:02 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Can we get an F in the chat for Ariana in Chapter 10 of SK Drive?

Thoughts and or Reviews?
11. Aiming for Perfection! A Truly Splendid Battle!!
11. 完璧を目指す! 本当に素晴らしい戦い!!

12. A Legendary Strategy! Dax Vs. Free!!
12. 伝説の戦略!ダックス対フリー!!

13. A Dark Winterstorm on the Island of Demons!!
13. 悪魔の島の暗い冬の嵐!!

14. The Winter Tyrant! Rage Longinus!!
14. 冬の暴君!レイジロンギヌス!!

15. 50% Completion! Battling with a Sinister Smile!!
15. 50% 完了!不吉な笑顔と戦う!!

16. A Heart's True Desire! Deluxe Aphrodite!!
16. 心の真の欲望!デラックスアフロディーテ!!

17. Rise to Victory! Tempest Dragon!!
17. 勝利に立ち上がれ!テンペストドラゴン!!

18. It Begins! The League of Legends!!
18. 始まる!リーグ・オブ・レジェンド!!

Your thoughts on these upcoming Chapters and Predictions?
(Mar. 09, 2022  5:11 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ] 11. Aiming for Perfection! A Truly Splendid Battle!!
11. 完璧を目指す! 本当に素晴らしい戦い!!

12. A Legendary Strategy! Dax Vs. Free!!
12. 伝説の戦略!ダックス対フリー!!

13. A Dark Winterstorm on the Island of Demons!!
13. 悪魔の島の暗い冬の嵐!!

14. The Winter Tyrant! Rage Longinus!!
14. 冬の暴君!レイジロンギヌス!!

15. 50% Completion! Battling with a Sinister Smile!!
15. 50% 完了!不吉な笑顔と戦う!!

16. A Heart's True Desire! Deluxe Aphrodite!!
16. 心の真の欲望!デラックスアフロディーテ!!

17. Rise to Victory! Tempest Dragon!!
17. 勝利に立ち上がれ!テンペストドラゴン!!

18. It Begins! The League of Legends!!
18. 始まる!リーグ・オブ・レジェンド!!

Your thoughts on these upcoming Chapters and Predictions?
League of Legends?
Aphrodite huh, makes sense.
Also pretty sure Dax will hame somekind of F gear that will help him beat Free.
50% Completion? What?
"I'll let the World know that there isn't room for someone like Dax!"

Name: Ariana Nyx.

Age: 13.

Personality/Backstory: She is a very kind person and doesn't tolerate bullying at all. She always stands up to bullies and makes sure they get what they deserve in a timely matter. She looks up a lot to her mentors and trainers and Legendary Bladers as she thinks they shaped the Blading World to become the Best Place ever. She lives with her Mom that lives in Spain so she stays with her most of the time and she's loved Blading since the age of 7. She was in the Arena when Valt Aoi bested Red Eye in the Finals of the God Cup. She met Free after his battle with Valt Aoi resulting in his Forfeit and asked him a whole lot of questions about Beyblade which he answered all of them and they became pretty close as she looked up to Free as a mentor. After the Tournament, she enrolled in BC Sol's Youth Blading Program and trained with Free and few times but after the age of 10 she became a Full-Fledged Eligible Blader for BC Sol and she was pretty strong for a Girl her age. Her Dad lives in America and she visits him quite often over there but her Mother and her Father refuse to talk to each other since Ariana was 5 because of some Argument. Ariana is smart for her age and passed all of her classes with flying colors. She is serious about Blading and never gives up even when she's hit her limit. She and Dax are basically exact opposites.

Beyblade: Deluxe Aphrodite Around' Metal Dimension 4B.

Deluxe Aphrodite: It is a Layer that is fused with the Sparking Ring and Core. It has 8 Sharp Spikes like Greatest Raphael's Except Longer and sharper. Which are made out of Metal that goes evenly around the Layer and can be used to Counterattack or make Powerful Attacks. It has an Upward Aphrodite Motif with a Heart in the center made out of Metal which is painted like Gold. Its Layer is pretty round other than the Sharp Long Spikes surrounding its layer. The Spikes are Long, Sharp, and are made out of Metal which cuts through the wind and can deal with Powerful Attacks.

Around': A Bigger Version of Around with Bigger Metal Balls surrounding the Outside. The Width is the exact same as the Over's Disk's Width and the Metal Balls can spin freely and faster.

Metal Dimension: The Dimension Driver with a Sharper and Tougher Rubber Tip and the Lock is made out of Metal.

4B. It is a Single Chassis with Four Powerful Locks which can withstand the Metal Lock Drivers and has 8 Spikes going outward to balance out the 8 Spikes on the Deluxe Aphrodite Layer.


Deluxe Sync: It creates a Powerful Pink Barrier surrounding itself which blocks incoming Attacks and protects itself.

Ultra Deluxe: Once Aphrodite has picked up enough Speed and Power it uses all 8 of It's Spikes to ram into the opposing Beyblade usually bursting or knocking out the opposing Bey. This is its Main Move.

I’m going to be starting a New Strategy to get Chapters done and out faster for the next Two Months. I’ll only work on one WBO Fanfic a Month so this it’ll be SK Drive and work on ApexDrive every other weekend along with it. I will work on Mystic Clash again on April 4th. Just a heads up for all of you.
Dax is coming for you in Chapter 11 of SK Drive Free :>

Who's hyped for Free Vs. Dax?!
(Mar. 11, 2022  3:42 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Dax is coming for you in Chapter 11 of SK Drive Free :>
"LJ-Blader" "LegendJustice" "Hollowmind8" "SpeedySuomi" "CelBeyBlade"

Who's hyped for Free Vs. Dax?!
Dax is slowly leaning about the powers of friendship, meanwhile Ariana will probably also go into the dark path to destroy Deimos.
Dax could win but it would really depend, going reckless will cause him to have no stamina, so he will probably use a strategy? idk
Go Beyond 25%!! in Chapter 12 of SK Drive!! Smile
And don't forget to leave and like a Subscribe for more! :0

SK Drive Chapter 13
Subscribe! Smile

Tragic Saber!! In Chapter 14 of SK Drive!

Man I am Mass Producing these Chapters lol.

15. 50% Completion! Battling with a Sinister Smile!!
15. 50% 完了!不吉な笑顔と戦う!!

16. A Heart's True Desire! Deluxe Aphrodite!!
16. 心の真の欲望!デラックスアフロディーテ!!

17. Rise to Victory! Tempest Dragon!!
17. 勝利に立ち上がれ!テンペストドラゴン!!

18. It Begins! The League of Legends!!
18. 始まる!リーグ・オブ・レジェンド!!

19. The Greek Champion! Infinite Achilles!!

20. Going Beyond! Ultra Deluxe!!

21. Clash! Seriously Serious Legends!!

Power! Super Z Champion!!

A little leak of the Ultimate Sparking League. These titles can make you guess who's going to be in some of the Matches and this Tournament is going to have the Same Format as the Legend's Festival.
Which do you prefer? Dax or Daxseus? Chapter 15 of SK Drive!
What's your Favorite TV Show but with a Twist. It has to be PG or under.

(Mar. 14, 2022  3:25 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Which do you prefer? Dax or Daxseus? Chapter 15 of SK Drive!
What's your Favorite TV Show but with a Twist. It has to be PG or under.

Code Geass but Geass can work on someone all the time and not just once
(Mar. 14, 2022  5:30 AM)Anime Blader Wrote: [ -> ]
(Mar. 14, 2022  3:25 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Which do you prefer? Dax or Daxseus? Chapter 15 of SK Drive!
What's your Favorite TV Show but with a Twist. It has to be PG or under.

Code Geass but Geass can work on someone all the time and not just once

I have no clue whatsoever what that means but I hope you liked the chapter lol
All 52 Episode Seasons for SK Drive. Note: This is 100% Confirmed.

Season 1: Dax trains hard day to become the Strongest and meets the Legends.

Season 2: Feeling the guilt and responsibility over Ariana’s Corruption and goes on a Dangerous Quest to purify her again.

Season 3 BU: Bell Daikokuten has discovered an upgraded version of the DB System and invites Valt to come test it out with him. Valt invites Dax to join him.
Aphrodite go Brrr!! in Chapter 16 of SK Drive.
The Ultimate Sparking League is 3 Days away in Chapter 17 of SK Drive.

If you're new and you'd like to be notified just let me know and don't forget to subscribe!
(Mar. 20, 2022  2:29 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]The Ultimate Sparking League is 3 Days away in Chapter 17 of SK Drive.

If you're new and you'd like to be notified just let me know and don't forget to subscribe!

This fanfiction seems intensely more interesting than mine! So, I ask, can I please be notified? Sometimes I would be on other forums, inspecting them, and I would probably overlook new posts on forums while I am doing this.
Chapter 18 is now up and running! In SK Drive!!
Reviews, Thoughts, or Constructive Criticism is always welcome and I'd like it very much so I can know what to improve on! Don't forget to hit the Like Button and Subscribe! Next week I'll be working on more ApexDrive Episodes
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