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43): The Roar of Destruction, Impure Erebus!

44): The Legendary Tag Battle, Facing the Legendary Bladers!

45): Curroption, Impure Javelin!

46): The Shinning Rainbow! Omega Dragon!

47): Destruction of the Island of Demons!

48): The Scramble for F and V Gear!

49): The Supreme Gears, S and L Gear!

50): The Ultimate Tag Battle!

51): The Champion's Legacy, Champion Valkyrie!

51): The WBBA Vs. The Snake Pit!

52): The Ruler of the Skies Vs. The Tartarus Ruler!

53): A Clash of Clones, Valkyrie's Legacy!

54): A Battle of Friendship, Ragnaruk Vs. Anpao!

55): The Perfect Gold Turbo, Synchronization!

56): Our Resonance, Battling with Perfectness!

57): The Yin Yang Blaze, The Final Tag Battle! (Finale)
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang Preview!

Austin: Alright! It's time to do some serious training for our New Eclipse System Beys!

(Anpao would take the center as Hyperion goes in for a Powerful Barrage of strikes)

Adrian: We'll become the Strongest Duo in the World and crush the rest!

(Belial and Asriel start clashing wildly as Belial starts pushing back with its Glowing Blades)

Austin: Next time on Beyblade Burst Yin Yang!

(Asriel would move at the speed of light as it would slightly bang into the wall and speed off)

Adrian/Austin: Mastering the Burst Lock!

3! 2! 1! Go Shoot!!

Adrian: It's my time to shine!

Austin: It's my time!

(Adrian and Austin start arguing as the Preview ends)
This Contest is a little different from what I usually do but here's the Gist.  You have to make a Theme Song for Beyblade Burst Yin Yang and PM it to me. The Winner will get The First Beyblade Burst Sparking Drive Episode early! But you'll have to wait a long time to get the rest of the Episodes since I need to finish Yin Yang. Alright, I wish yall good luck and hopefully, you can win!

OPTS stands for Opening Theme Song

Beyblade Burst DB Mystical Boldness Episode 20:

(Dec. 11, 2021  5:25 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]This Contest is a little different from what I usually do but here's the Gist.  You have to make a Theme Song for Beyblade Burst Yin Yang and PM it to me. The Winner will get The First Beyblade Burst Sparking Drive Episode early! But you'll have to wait a long time to get the rest of the Episodes since I need to finish Yin Yang. Alright, I wish yall good luck and hopefully, you can win!

OPTS stands for Opening Theme Song

Beyblade Burst DB Mystical Boldness Episode 20:

"SpeedySuomi" "LegendJustice" "GenesisBlader" "Ghostfox" "CelBeyBlade" Kiryu Kazuma" "LJ-Blader"
For one second I thought OPTS was a post-traumatic thing. 
Anyways, not sure if I'll even do it but let's see.
Chapter 43 of Yin Yang! Guess the DB Reference to get a Pat on the back.
Reviews are much appreciated!

(Dec. 11, 2021  5:25 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]This Contest is a little different from what I usually do but here's the Gist.  You have to make a Theme Song for Beyblade Burst Yin Yang and PM it to me. The Winner will get The First Beyblade Burst Sparking Drive Episode early! But you'll have to wait a long time to get the rest of the Episodes since I need to finish Yin Yang. Alright, I wish yall good luck and hopefully, you can win!

OPTS stands for Opening Theme Song

Beyblade Burst DB Mystical Boldness Episode 20:

Yay! Totally gonna enter! It'll take some time tho but still excited!
Mystical Boldness Upcoming Chapters

21. A Battle of Wills and Determination, Yamato Vs. Valkyrie!

22. Red Thunder, Magma Smash!

23. The Eight-Headed Dragon of Rage, Guilty Longinus!

24. The Clash of Beasts on The Island of Demons!

25. Utter Chaos and True Rage, Vagabond Annihilation!

26. The Perfect Hero, Perfect Gear Bold Perseus!

27. Taming the Beast Within!

28): The Demon King's Perfect Battle, Rashad Vs. Bell!

29): The Ultimate Ariel Battle of the Flying Dynamite Tour!

30): The Hero's Reawakening, Heroic Perseus!

31): The Bey of Danger, Dangerous Belial!
Hey can I ask you something? What the heck is an OPTS contest?
Opening Theme Song Contest
(Dec. 13, 2021  1:15 AM)CelBeyBlade Wrote: [ -> ]Opening Theme Song Contest

Ohhhhhh, makes sense
(Aug. 08, 2021  12:07 AM)GenesisBlader Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 08, 2021  12:05 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]You guys probably think Adrian's a heartless Anti Hero but actually, fun fact; Adrian cares about his little brother Austin more than anything in the world, he'd give his life for him, you'll see more of this in later chapters.

i wish my siblings acted like that


May I add a oc?

Name- Alexander kianu

Hair color-blonde and teal

Beyblade- warfare akuma- circle with four round blades

Chassi- 3D-four spikes and five circles

Tip-harm-rubber much like evolution but has a ring around it

Style-golden shirt with a @ on it with a black jacket with a collar and jeans

Personality- nice dude but if you get on his nerves won’t hesitate to burst you has a strong bey and can get a little cocky makes friends fastly



Is a you know you can choose
Mystical Boldness Episode 21 is out!:

Writing Schedule for Winter Break

Mystic Clash and Mystical Boldness are going on hiatus for one whole week (So basically from Friday the 17th to Saturday the 25th.

I'll be hopefully posting Yin Yang Chapters daily from the 17th to the 25th and we'll get the First Three Episodes of Sparking Drive. (Or more). I'm doing this for an early Chrismas Gift for all my friends and viewers of my Fanfiction! But Sparking Drive won't officially Kick Off or get Episodes daily by January 5th. That's when I'm planning to be done with the Yin Yang series. The latest time is January 27th so don't fret yall I've got a plan.

From Sunday the 26th to Sunday the 2nd will be daily Mystic Clash and Mystical Boldness Episodes and Yin Yang is going on hiatus.

If you have any questions about the new Writing Schedule and how daily we'll be getting Chapters just ask me :)

Also I'm still open to do Birthday Specials at the end of the Chapters if its someone's Birthday like I did for #Fafnir.
(Dec. 16, 2021  4:13 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Writing Schedule for Winter Break

Mystic Clash and Mystical Boldness are going on hiatus for one whole week (So basically from Friday the 17th to Saturday the 25th.

I'll be hopefully posting Yin Yang Chapters daily from the 17th to the 25th and we'll get the First Three Episodes of Sparking Drive. (Or more). I'm doing this for an early Chrismas Gift for all my friends and viewers of my Fanfiction! But Sparking Drive won't officially Kick Off or get Episodes daily by January 5th. That's when I'm planning to be done with the Yin Yang series. The latest time is January 27th so don't fret yall I've got a plan.

From Sunday the 26th to Sunday the 2nd will be daily Mystic Clash and Mystical Boldness Episodes and Yin Yang is going on hiatus.

If you have any questions about the new Writing Schedule and how daily we'll be getting Chapters just ask me Smile

Also I'm still open to do Birthday Specials at the end of the Chapters if its someone's Birthday like I did for #Fafnir.

Dang, how long is your winter break? mine is 2 weeks seems like yours is 3.
Chapter one of SuperKing Drive has finally come out. Yes I changed the name to SuperKing Drive at the last minute
I'd like to hear your thoughts on this First Chapter!

Beyblade Burst SuperKing Drive Chapter 2 Preview

Me: *Laughs* The call of the Abyss King has reached the World!

(I jump off my Throne and land straight in front of the Stadium)

Me: Even the Legends have answered the call!

(Ragnaruk takes the center as Deimos rams straight into it sending it flying back)

Me: Nobody tells the Abyss King who's the Strongest in the World!

???: Give it your all, Super Tornado!!

(Ragnaruk creates a Tornado as it rams into Deimos and retakes the center)

Me: Next time on Beyblade Burst SuperKing Drive

(Deimos speeds up and continuously rams into the wall at High Speed causing wind to blow out of the stadium as I grin)

Me: "Tartarus, The Deep Cold Abyss!"

3! 2! 1! Go, Shoot!!
Chapter 2 of Beyblade Burst SuperKing Drive has finally dropped.
(Dec. 18, 2021  6:12 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 2 of Beyblade Burst SuperKing Drive has finally dropped.
"Hollowmind8" "LJ-Blader" "LegendJustice" GenesisBlader" "CelBeyBlade" Kiryu Kazuma" "Ghostfox"

One small thing that I noticed and doesn't make much sense: Deimos was wobbling 2 times on that match, and Ragnaruk had way more stamina. Still, both were being thrown around and keeping the stamina. This is problematic for Deimos, since it is an attack type and it was speeding, which would lower his stamina to an atomic level. You could have given 1 round to Ragnaruk (KO with Tornado) and then having the other to Deimos (merciless burst after analyzing Ranjiro battle style). Other than that, good chapter.
(Dec. 18, 2021  11:05 AM)Hollowmind8 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 18, 2021  6:12 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 2 of Beyblade Burst SuperKing Drive has finally dropped.
"Hollowmind8" "LJ-Blader" "LegendJustice" GenesisBlader" "CelBeyBlade" Kiryu Kazuma" "Ghostfox"

One small thing that I noticed and doesn't make much sense: Deimos was wobbling 2 times on that match, and Ragnaruk had way more stamina. Still, both were being thrown around and keeping the stamina. This is problematic for Deimos, since it is an attack type and it was speeding, which would lower his stamina to an atomic level. You could have given 1 round to Ragnaruk (KO with Tornado) and then having the other to Deimos (merciless burst after analyzing Ranjiro battle style). Other than that, good chapter.

I can explain that. Well it was leaning on the Rubber of its driver (Just like Bell does in the anime) which causes friction against the stadium and forces the Beyblade to pick up speed and if you add the with the Rubber Flat driver then it'll actually be going pretty fast and yes it does theoretically lower its Stamina but it was able to hang in there till the very end and burst Ragnaruk and I was actually thinking off giving Ranjiro one point but what I'm trying to do is hype up and or give you a good level of Dax's Power/Resonance with his Bey. This will further be explained in Chapter 3. But thanks for the Question! Smile
(Dec. 18, 2021  6:12 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 2 of Beyblade Burst SuperKing Drive has finally dropped.
I thought ranjiro was going to win cause it appears Dax hasn't reached full dark flare so I think there's time to save him, and Dax 's dad I dead sooo great chapter!
Chapter 44 of Beyblade Burst Yin Yang leaves all the fans crying.
Ratings are appreciated and or thoughts!

3. The King's Rage, Death Solomon!

4. Legends, The Top Bladers in the World!

5. Trial by Tartarus, Defeating The Legendary 3!

6. A Battle of Curroption, Valkyrie Vs. Deimos!

7. Tag Battles, Abyss Kings Vs. The Legendary Duo!
(Dec. 18, 2021  11:55 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 44 of Beyblade Burst Yin Yang leaves all the fans crying.
Ratings are appreciated and or thoughts!

"SpeedySuomi" "LJ-Blader" "GenesisBlader" "LegendJustice" "CelBeyBlade" "Kiryu Kazuma" "Ghostfox" "Hollowmind8"
Personally, in my opinion, I would love that Shu would have won but by the cost of Spriggan. Like, he would KO Erebus (not burst) and after it got KO'ed, Spriggan would burst into fragments. 
But yeah, nice chapter. 8.1352/10
Chapter 3 of SuperKing Drive is now in theaters.

(Dec. 19, 2021  9:44 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 3 of SuperKing Drive is now in theaters.

One word my friend: Amazing.
(Dec. 19, 2021  9:44 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 3 of SuperKing Drive is now in theaters.
Hollowmind8" "LegendJustice" "GenesisBlader" "LJ-Blader" "SpeedySuomi" "Ghostfox" ""Kiryu Kazuma" "CelBeyBlade"


I really want Solomon's stock combo to be all S's. Like all "Greek letter beys" that have a stock (Amaterios, Baldur, Orichalcum, and maybe another one that I'm forgetting).
About the chapter itself, it was a battle chapter. 
Idk if Solomon broke or not, since it only says that a "purple mark" is left on Solomon. I suppose it has a crack then?
Is there already a part description on Deimos? just checking.
rating: hmmmmmmm, 8.54396/10 for a battle chapter.
My ratings aren't much accurate, since I use different standards for each writer.
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