Sep. 05, 2021 1:38 AM
(Sep. 03, 2021 1:30 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 19 is a long chapter but a good one.
Can I please get a rating?Spoiler (Click to View)[/i] [/b]
Beyblade Burst TechnoX
Chapter 19
The Space Venturer! Galactic Apollo!
(Honcho walks into Kris’ office sadly)
Kris: Rantaro? What’s going on?
Honcho: I’ve got some… news.
Kris: What is it?
Honcho: I won’t be able to participate with BC Sol for the league.
Kris: *Gasps* What happened?
Honcho: The Bombers need me for the tournament, I’m their coach so, I need to do this, I hope you understand.
Kris: Of course I understand, go out there and give it you're all!
Honcho: Thanks, I’m planning on it!!
(Me and Aleph barge in)
Me: You’re leaving BC Sol?!
Honcho: It’s nothing like that Lil bud, I’m just… not going to be able to participate in the tournament with you!
Aleph: But we need you, who else is gonna be our Third Member?
Honcho: I’m sure Kris has that all planned for you, but, I’m sorry, I won’t be able to compete, but now, you guys are the enemies so I’m expecting a great battle once our paths cross again!!
Me: I’ll beat you again any day!
Honcho: Ha! That’ll be a long wait, buddy!!
Aleph (Thoughts): Everyone’s getting stronger… What about me though? I’ve got to start training harder!!
(Hinote barges in the room)
Hinote: There you guys are, where were you?
Aleph: We were in here, talking to Kris and Honcho!
Hinote: Ok, anything interesting going on?
Me/Aleph: Honcho won’t be participating in the tournament with us.
Hinote: Excuse me?!
~Later That Day While Kris Is Doing Paperwork~
Kris: *Sighs* It’s a shame that Rantaro couldn’t join us.
(Kris’ phone starts ringing, Kris picks it up)
Kris: Hello?
???: Kris, I’ve got a hot lead on the Snake Pit project still being in progress, I think I saw Alexander going somewhere!!
Kris: You do? Where are you?!
???: I'm currently hot on his tail, but he's fast. I might lose him!
Kris: Stay on him no matter what, we can’t let the Requiem Project happen again!
???: I will-- I--- *Gasps*
Kris: What--
(Kris’ call gets cut off)
Kris: He’s in trouble, we’ve gotta help him!!
(Valt, Free, Sisco, Honcho and I barge in the room)
Valt: Kris, we heard you yell something! What’s going on?!
Kris: Asher, he’s in trouble!
All (Except Me): *Gasps* Asher’s in trouble?!
Me: Who’s Asher?
Honcho: Asher Suzuki, he’s a powerful Blader on BC Sol and even claimed the Legend’s Champion status! He’s currently looking for any suspicious Snake Pit project’s!
Sisco: Looks like the runt got in trouble and needs us to help him.
Me: Wasn’t the Snake Pit in Mexico? We’ll never make it there in time!
Free: There’s one way.
(A teenager in a purple jacket and black pants bursts through the door)
Wakiya: Wakiya Komurasaki in the building!!
Me/Valt/Honcho/Sisco: Wakiya?!
Waikya: That’s right, in the flesh!!
Kris: Wakiya, what’re you doing here?
Wakiya: I assumed Valt and Honcho were missing me so, they wanted me to visit, so, I did you a favor and came!!
Honcho: Admit it, you were missing us!
Wakiya: What gave you that idea?! I’m perfectly fine without you!!
Honcho: Sure, let’s pretend that’s the reason you came.
Wakiya: And lucky I did, sounds like you need my help to get to Mexico!
Valt: Awesome, we need to get to Mexico asap. Can you get us there in time?
Wakiya: Of course I can, they don’t call me the WBBA’s Commissioner for nothing!
Honcho: I’m pretty sure they do.
Wakiya: Grr!!
Me: Awesome, let’s get going.
Hinote: Not without us, you aren't!
(Hinote and Aleph walk in the room)
Me: Guys, you don’t need to come.
Aleph: We’re with you all the way! What do you say Kris? we promise we’ll help!
Kris: How can I say no? Let’s get going!
~In Wakiya’s Airplane Garage~
Wakiya: As you can see, we’ve got a whole collection of planes! But, we’ll be riding the fastest plane that I have!!
Me: *Gulps* Which one is it?
Wakiya: Roaring Tornado!!
(Wakiya points to a plane with flames on it and a cool design)
Valt: Woah, that looks super fun!!
Kris: Um… Wakiya, are you sure this is safe?
Wakiya: Of course it’s safe, I’ll be flying at full speed!!
Aleph: You’re not letting a Pilot take us?
Wakiya: I’ve had Two Weeks of lessons, I’ll be fine!
Sisco: And how are those going?
Wakiya: Just get on the plane!!
Me: Fine, fine.
(We all get on the plane, Wakiya gets in the Pilot seat, we all buckle up)
Wakiya: Did I mention we have a Plane Junkyard?
Honcho: Why would you have a Plane Junkyard?
Wakiya: For all the planes that couldn’t handle my amazing skills!
All: Wait what?! I want off!!
Wakiya: Too late!!
(Wakiya pulls the lever, the plane blasts off and goes at super-high speeds, The plane wobbles and spins around)
Honcho: Why did we trust you?!
Free: This is actually kinda fun.
Valt: Wee!!
Aleph: I think I’m going to be sick!!
Wakiya: Shall we kick it up a notch?
Me/Aleph/Hinote/Honcho/Sisco/Kris: No!!
Wakiya: I’ll take that as a yes!!
(Wakiya pulls the lever to maximum speeds, we start going hyper fast)
Me: Why are we doing this?!
Wakiya: I’m a great pilot, aren’t I?
All: No!!
Wakiya: Well, we’re in Mexico now!
Sisco: How are we going to stop?
Wakiya: I don’t know, the landing lessons were supposed to be today but I blew them off to come to BC Sol!
All: What?!
(Honcho points to a rock)
Honcho: If the wing hits the rock and we start spiraling on the ground we could get in the hangar without crashing!!
Me: Lean!!
(We all lean to the side, the plane’s wing slams into the rock, we start spiraling on the ground and enter safely in the hanger)
Wakiya: Unbelievable! You wrecked my very expensive plane!!
All: It was the plane or our lives!!
Wakiya: Whatever, let’s get going.
~In The Forest Entrance~
Me: I hope Asher’s alright.
Honcho: Asher’s a weird one but a tough one. If he is in trouble he’ll be able to get himself out of it.
Kris: Honcho's right, Asher’s capable of anything!
Wakiya: Let’s hope he’s capable of getting himself out of trouble.
~20 Minutes Later~
Me: We’ve been searching for twenty minutes, what if he’s not here?
Valt: I’m sure he’s here… somewhere.
Sisco: Maybe we should take a break.
Aleph: Asher could be in trouble, we need to help him!
Wakiya: As Kris said, Asher’s totally capable of taking care of himself, we could take a little break.
Kris: Um… I don’t know.
Hinote: We’ve gotta keep looking!
Sisco: It won’t hurt to take a little break!
Hinote/Aleph: Grr!!
Kris: I guess we’d have a better chance of finding Asher if we took a break.
Hinote: You can’t be serious, Asher could be in serious trouble and we’re just eating?!
Kris: I’ve known Asher for a good amount of time, he’ll be fine. But, if we don’t rest up right now, we could get lost.
Hinote: Grr!!!
Aleph: Hey, man. What Kris says makes sense, maybe we should rest up.
Hinote: How would you feel if you were lost and you knew nobody was looking for you!!
Me: Chill, Hinote--
Hinote: No, I’m going to find him with or without you!!
(Hinote runs off)
Me: Hinote, wait!!
(I run off after him)
Kris: *Gasps* Guys, you’ll get lost!
~Deep Inside The Forest~
(I chase after Hinote at full speed)
Me: Hinote, we can talk about this, just wait!!
Hinote: No!
(Hinote makes a turn, I slip on a rock and go in the opposite direction)
Me: Aah!!
(A mysterious person jumps out of the trees and stops me from hitting a tree)
Me: What happened? Is this--
???: Nah, you’re fine, luckily I saw you before you hit that tree!
Me: Thanks-- Asher Suzuki?!
Asher: Yup, it’s me! Now, what’re you doing deep inside a forest-like here?
Me: We were actually looking for you!
Asher: Why-- Ooh!!
Me: “Ooh” what?
Asher: You see, earlier I was talking to Kris and then the call got cut off, but that isn’t the whole situation.
Me: Spill the beans already!
Asher: So, right when I was about to tell her something, Evel, Hyde’s Beyblade Professor, saw me and launched his Bey at my phone which broke it and cut off the call.
Me: So, why didn’t you catch Evel?
Asher: I was right about to in till he used a Smoke Bomb and ran off, without a trace.
Me: So…
Asher: Yeah, Unova, I’m looking for Evel.
Me: How do you know my name?
Asher: I’ve been keeping up with BC Sol online, you’re getting pretty good!
Me: I could say the same about you!
(Asher holds up his Bey)
Asher: Why don’t we have a battle then?
Me: Woah! What’s that Bey called?!
Asher: It’s my partner, Galactic Apollo!
(Apollo glimmers in the light)
Me: Alright, let’s have a battle!
(Hinote runs over to us)
Hinote: *Gasps* You found him?!
Me: Yeah, we’re going to battle!
Hinote: Of course, anyways, I’ll be the referee!
Me: Before that, why’d you get so angry earlier?
Hinote: *Sighs* I’m one of Asher’s biggest fans.
Me/Asher: *Gasps*
Hinote: He was the one who inspired me to rise up and join BC Sol.
Asher: Awesome, I didn’t know I had fans!
Hinote: Yeah, so when we were taking a break instead of looking, I Kinda lost it.
Me: Yeah, sorry about that.
Hinote: It’s fine now! I wanna see an awesome battle!!
Me: But where are we going to battle?
Asher: Over here!
(Asher pushes some vines out of the way revealing a stadium)
Me/Hinote: Woah!!
Asher: Now, let’s get to battling!
~At The Stadium~
Hinote: Inspect your opponent’s Bey!
Me (Thoughts): Galactic Apollo, a crazy powerful Attack Type! It spins Clockwise, And has Four Blades! Two Huge Blades and Two Smaller ones. The Huge Ones can be used for powerful strikes to try and burst the opponent’s Bey, and the smaller ones have rubber on them and bound blades! The Driver is electric and a Dash Driver, it also has some metal on it, man, Asher’s a tough nut to crack.
Asher: I’ve been getting way stronger since my Legendary Tournament Win! So, don’t expect me to go easy on you!!
Me: Trust me, I won’t!
Hinote: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Asher: Go, Shoot!!
(I pull off a powerful Techno Shoot, Asher pulls off a wickedly powerful Techno Shoot)
Me: *Gasps*
Asher: Take ‘em out! Apollo!!
(Apollo speeds up and hits Ultravor rapidly with a barrage of powerful blows)
Me: Counter, Techno Shoot!!
(Ultravor speeds up and starts countering all of Apollo’s attacks)
Asher: Nice, you’ve got some skill!
Me: Heh! So do you!
(Apollo starts gaining speed as it runs laps in the stadium)
Asher: We’re gonna win! Galactic Shoot!!
(Apollo starts hitting Ultravor rapidly with swift powerful attacks)
Me: It isn’t over yet! Ultravor!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up Ultravor blazes out of the Bey)
Me: Techno Discharge!!
(Ultravor slams into Apollo sending it flying in the air)
Asher: Apollo!!
(Asher’s Resonance Aura flares up Apollo blazes out of the Bey, Apollo starts glowing Rainbow, Apollo lands and starts speeding up)
Me: *Gasps* How did Apollo survive?!
Asher: It’s time to go all out!! Galactic Sonic Boom!!!
(Apollo slams into Ultravor at full power sending it flying in the air, a Rainbow Sonic Bomb gets sent all across the forest as Ultravor bursts)
Me: *Gasps*
Hinote: It’s Galactic Apollo with a Burst Finish! Asher Suzuki is the winner!!
~During Kris And The Gang’s Break~
Kris: Why aren’t they--
(A huge boom sound ouccers, everyone looks up to see a Rainbow Sonic Boom)
Sisco: I’m going to guess that’s where Asher is.
Honcho: C’mon, we’ve gotta follow it to the source!
(Honcho and the gang runoff)
~Back At The Stadium In The Forest~
Me: Apollo’s so powerful and fast… No matter what I did it’d just gain speed.
Asher: Don’t be too upset, you’re the first person I’ve battled that could almost match Apollo.
Me: Almost isn’t enough.
(Kris and the gang burst through the vines)
Kris: Amazing! You guys found him!
Valt: Asher, long time no see!
Asher: Yeah, it’s been a while, Valt!
Honcho: We’ve been worried sick, come out all the way here, and you’re completely fine?!
Asher: I know, Unova told me, let me tell you everything that happened.
(Asher explains what happened)
Kris: So, you lost Evel?
Asher: Yeah, but, I feel like I’m really getting close to catching them!
Honcho: So, what’s the stadium for?
Asher: Practice, I’ve gotta become wicked strong if I wanna defeat the Snake Pit Bladers!
Kris: Can I ask a favor of you?
Asher: Sure, what is it?
Kris: Would you be willing to join BC Sol in the tournament we’re joining soon?
All: *Gasps*
Kris: The Snake Pit isn’t going anywhere, you deserve a break.
Asher: As much as I want to keep looking, I guess Justin and Harry could handle it!
Honcho: Asher, you’re taking my spot so, you better lead them to victory!!
Valt: Nah, I’ll be doing that!
Honcho: Oh please, you’d lose your head if it wasn’t bolted on.
Kris: BC Sol is going through some changes, but, we’ll be able to win this tournament, no matter what!
All: Yeah!!
~On The Plane Ride Home~
Wakiya: Ugh. Why do we have to take this boring plane when I could have one of mine shipped here in a couple of days?
Honcho: Yeah, I’m never going to go on a plane where you’re the Pilot ever again.
Wakiya: Grr!! Why you!
Me: So, Asher, I’ve got a question for you.
Asher: Ask me anything except Math!
Me: How’d you become so strong in a short period of time, and what happened to Apollo when you Resonated with it?
Asher: That’s called Rainbow Blaze.
Me: “Rainbow Blaze?”
Asher: Yeah, I trained super hard with Apollo and Resonated with it a bunch, he’s always with me so I’m always checking in with him!
Me: So, you bonded with Apollo and trained to become stronger?
Asher: Exactly, and--
(I fall asleep)
Asher: Man, you’re going places.
~In My Dream~
Me: Ultravor, let’s become the strongest together!
Ultravor: We’ll become the strongest team in the world!
Me/Ultravor: We’ll surpass all the Legends!!
[b][i]I cannot put in words how much nostalgia was projected from this episode. Nice one! Asher's gotten pretty strong![/b][/i]