Oct. 30, 2021 6:36 PM
Oct. 30, 2021 6:50 PM
(Oct. 30, 2021 6:36 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Mystical Boldness Episode 2: https://www.wattpad.com/1148151564-beybl...-episode-2
honestly speaking this episode was pretty cool! it didn't have plot twists everywhere and took it smooth with a battle between basara and my boi pierce! i think the battle made a bit of a power wedge between pierce and basara, which imo feels pretty cool! the vibe the episode set off really had my bones shaking! (for a second, i thought basara was gonna win the battle) i also love the fact that it also makes sense with the storyline of DB (also with
for this episode, of all the things that happened, i'd literally give it a 24/25! dialogue was intensely descriptive, and battles were... gOoOdD. looking forward to chapter 3!
Oct. 30, 2021 7:38 PM
(Oct. 30, 2021 4:12 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Yall have to read Chapter 32! I pulled off the Most Epic Scene ever. I need your thoughts on it!! (Yin Yang)
"LJ, The Blader" "LegendaryJust" "Genesus" "Hm8" "CelularBeyBlade" "AliveFox" "Lucha Burst"Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 33
The Yin Yang Unite!
Wakiya: The Matches for today will consist of! Adrian Saito and Austin Saito Vs. Illius Mao and Hyuga Asahi!
Austin: We’re going to be Teammates, this is so cool!
Adrian: *Grins* You’d better not lose right away!
Hyuga: This is going to be fun, Illius! We’ll go zoom in and burst them!
Illius: *Grins*
Wakiya: Our Second Battle will be Ren Kiyama and Thalia Amana Vs. Po Taint and Bell Daikokuten!!
Bell: *Laughs* The Demon King will win this battle with a Burst Finish! So get ready to lose!!
Po: Bell Daikokuten, A Powerful Blader. I respect you so don’t disappoint me!
Ren: We’re going to be the winners, Mate! I’ll be going all out and I’ll kindly win this battle with a Burst Finish!
Thalia: I’ll totally give it my all! get ready to lose, Bell!!
Wakiya: And the Final Battle will be Hikaru Asahi and Acheros Izumi Vs. Ethan Gilten and Jennifer Pratton!!
Jennier: *Grins Evilly* I’m paired with The Powerful Rogue Blader. This will be an interesting battle!
Ethan: Try any tricks and I’ll destroy that Bey of yours!
(Ethan’s Eyes Flicker Purple Flames as he stares Jennifer down)
Hikaru: Acheros, we’ll totally be able to win this battle!
Acheros: Yeah… I’m counting on it.
Wakiya: The Matches are starting now so get to the Big Arena!
Thalia: You expect us to go into this Round without any Practice?
Wakiya: Well, we’re behind schedule because someone left without permission.
(Wakiya stares Ethan down)
Ethan: I wanted to battle Free and you couldn’t stop me from doing what I liked.
Wakiya: Grr!!
~In The Big Arena Right Before The Match Started~
Drone: First Battle!
Austin: Anpao, we’ll be going on the Attack in this battle!
(Austin puts the Attack Ring on Anpao and sets the Driver to Attack Mode)
Adrian: Follow my lead. Alright?
Austin: You’ve got it!
Illius: Adrian! I’ll crush you in this battle. Ifrit’s going to crush you with its Bare Fangs!!
(Adrian Grins Evilly as his Dark Flare surrounds him Sparkling Gold)
Possessed Adrian: I’m looking forward to you trying. Asriel will swallow Ifrit whole and leave nothing behind!!
Hyuga: Austin! Show me that Burning Hot Blaze again!!
Austin: One Serving of Burning Hot Blaze coming up! Would you like a Coffee with that?
Hanami: The Smack Talk is through the roof, but do they have the bark to back it up? Let’s get started!!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Adrian/Austin/Hyuga/Illius: Go, Shoot!!
(Everyone pulls off Extremely Powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Hanami: The Eclipse Shoots are through the roof!
Illius: *Roars* Beast Barrage!!
(Ifrit slams into Asriel with a barrage of Powerful Blows, Asriel brushes them off using the Rubber on the R Gear)
Illius: What?!
Adrian: *Grins* Twilight Rebound!!
(Asriel slams into the wall using its Rubber and ricochets off at full speed, Asriel slams into Ifrit causing it to start wobbling)
Illius: Grr!!
Hanami: And Asriel starts off with a Powerful Strike!
Austin: Strike, Singeing Blaze!!
(Singe Anpao slashes at Hyperion at full power dealing tons of damage, Hyperion gets flung in the air)
Hanami: Hyperion’s been sent flying!
Hyuga: Vroom!!
(Hyperion slams into the wall and aims right back at Anpao, Austin’s Blaze Surrounds him brightly as he grins)
Austin: Anpao!!!
(Austin’s Blaze Burns Hot as Anpao blazes out of the Bey and enters Blaze)
All: *Gasps*
Austin: Singeing Beam!!
(Anpao slams into Hyperion at full power, Hyperion’s Limit Destroyer slowly starts activating)
Hyuga: Kindling Limit: Destroyer!!
(Hyperion’s Blades extend out sending Anpao flying, Asriel and Ifrit start clashing as Anpao slams into Asriel and sends both of them up the slope)
Adrian/Austin: *Gasps*
Hanami: Both Beys have been sent flying from that Powerful Attack from Hyperion!!
Adrian: Austin, it’s time!
Austin: *Grins* Slam into ‘em, Anpao!!
All: *Gasps*
(Anpao slams into Asriel sending it flying at full speed towards Hyperion and Ifrit)
Hyuga/Illius: What?!
Adrian/Austin: Twin Motar!!
(Asriel slams down at Ifrit and Hyperion at full power causing a humongous explosion, Both Hyperion and Ifrit burst)
Illius: Grr!!
Hyuga: Seriously?! I lost!!
Drone: Singe Anpao and Twilight Asriel are the Winners!!
Adrian: *Grins* Wasn’t expecting any less.
Austin: What do you think, Adrian! Did I do well?
Adrian: You did… Decent. That is expected since you’re my Younger Brother.
(Adrian walks away as Austin stares at him)
Austin: *Smiles* You’re only 3 Minutes Older than me.
Ren: Is it just me or did Adrian just get a whole lot nicer?
Hikaru: Yeah, it’s kinda weird.
Bell: He’s not being nicer.
Hikaru/Ren: *Gasps*
Bell: He’s found respect for Austin ever since he was able to take on Free, and because of his recent accomplishments. Austin’s proven himself to Adrian as a Blader that needs to be taken seriously.
Wally: Well what do you know, they’ve finally gotten used to each other!
Valt (Thoughts): He’s still suffering from a Never-Ending Quest for Destruction, when will it all end?
~In The Middle of Bell and Po Vs. Thalia and Ren~
Bell: *Roars* Belial!!
(Bell’s Resonance Aura flares up as Belial blazes out of the Bey, Belial glows brightly)
Belial: Crush them, Bell!
Bell: Will do!
(Trident and Ragnaruk circle around the center in Perfect Synchronization as Pirate launches a barrage of strikes wearing down their Stamina)
Po: Keep going, Pirate!!
Bell: Ignite and Explode! Torpedo Bomber!!
(Belial speeds up and slams into Trident at full power, Trident bursts on the spot leaving Thalia in shock)
Thalia: *Gasps* Seriously?
Po: Bolt Crash!!
(Pirate slams into Ragnaruk at Full Speed, Pirate bursts right through Ragnaruk as Ren gasps in shock, Ren falls to his knees)
Drone: Torpedo Belial and Typhoon Pirate are the winners!!
Hanami: Incredible! The Amazing team of Bell Daikokuten and Po Taint proves to be unstoppable while Ren Kiyama and Thalia Amana have a ways to go!
Ren: I lost…
~In The Hallways~
Austin: Don’t beat yourself up, you did amazing in that battle! Screw what Hanami said. He’s getting paid to say this stuff, don’t let it get into your head.
Ren: But he’s right. I’m… I’m not a Ragnaruk Master. I won’t be making it to the Finals.
Hikaru: Don’t you dare say that you’ve still got a chance!
Ren: If I lose the next battle then I don’t have a chance.
Hyuga: Don’t go thinking about losing! You’ve got to go out there and give it your all No Matter what!
Ren: I’m a weak Blader. Weak Bladers don’t make it to the Finals. They get forgotten and lose all the time.
(Tears start welling up in Ren’s Eyes as he looks at Ragnaruk sadly)
Bell: If you lose a battle you’re preparing yourself for an even bigger victory! You’ve got to keep going with all your strength and become The Ultimate Ragnaruk King!!
Ren: Just leave me, alone guys.
Austin: But Ren–
Ren: I said leave me alone!!!
(Ren runs off in Anger as we watch him sadly)
Austin: Ren…
~Out On The Airship’s Port~
(Ren looks at Ragnaruk on the balcony of the ship)
Ren: I’m sorry, Ragnaruk. I’m just not good enough.
???: You’re not good enough… Now.
(A successful-looking man in a Business Suit comes up to Ren)
Ren: Alexander Gilten.
Alexander: It seems that you remember me, what a lovely surprise.
Ren: Rantaro told me what you tried doing, stealing the Ragnaruk’s just so you could get more data on them!
Alexander: Yes… But that was in the Past now was it? I’m a better-changed man helping Bladers achieve their Ultimate Goal. You know Ethan? The Powerful Blader in the tournament?
Ren: I could say I do. What about him?
Alexander: He’s my son. I trained him and pushed him to his limits. Now he’s the Ultimate Blader, he can destroy anyone who gets in his way.
(Ren balls up his fists in anger but Alexander responds with a Calm and Cool look)
Alexander: There was this one Blader 5 Years Ago who stood up to BC Sol in the Team World Championships. He lost so naturally I kicked him out but he was a Skilled Ragnaruk Blader, he could teach you how to become More Powerful and so much more. So, what do you say?
Ren: Grr!! No!
Alexander: Your Mouth is saying No but Deep Inside I know you want this more than you know. So let me sweeten the deal, if you refuse to join my club, I’ll instruct Ethan to Destroy Anpao and Asriel and make sure it's so painful for the both of them that they’ll be living the rest of their days in depression.
Ren: You monster! You wouldn’t!!
Alexander: *Grins Evilly* I can and will.
(Ren looks at Ragnaruk for a moment and thinks for a bit)
Ren: *Sighs* I’m in. But just to be clear, I’m only doing this for me and me alone! I could care less about what happens to Austin and Adrian.
Alexander: *Smiles* Great… After you're done with the tournament and you’re ready just come over to Mexico and go to the Jungle’s Opening. From there, someone will escort you to The Snake Pit where you’ll Train Hard and become The Third Member of the Snake Pit’s Top 3!
Ren: Top 3? Who else is there?
Alexander: There’s Poltergeist Gilten, Ethan Gilten and You.
Ren: I’m ready, I won’t let you down.
Alexander: Great, now act like everything is normal between you and your Friends then once the 4th Round ends come meet me in the Snake Pit. You’ll be known as… Squall Eye.
(Alexander attaches a Parachute onto his back and jumps off the Airship and activates it as he waves Goodbye to Ren, The Other run-up to Ren)
Austin: Ren… Are you okay? I know this is hard on you but–
Ren: *Grins*, Of course, I’m okay. I just needed some time to myself.
(Ren walks away as he Grins Evilly, Austin looks over at Ren in confusion)
Adrian: Something wrong?
Austin: Usually Ren ends his conversations with Mate at the end. But he didn’t this time, he’s probably still bummed out and trying to hide it from us.
Bell: The Demon King will make it his personal job to Prank the Living Bats in him!
Hikaru: Now’s probably not the best time. Maybe tomorrow or something, Bell.
Bell: Hmph!
Austin (Thoughts): I’ve got this feeling that Ren’s trying to hide something from us. Suspicious…
~In The Main Arena~
Hanami: Okay, Boys and Girls! This match will be wrapping up the 3rd Round! So, let’s get right into this and see how it goes! It’s Hikaru Asahi and Acheros Izumi Vs. Ethan Gilten and Jennifer Pratton!
(Everyone would step out to the Stadium as Ethan stares Jennifer down)
Drone: First Battle!
Jennifer: No tricks, I promise!
Ethan: We’ll see about that.
Hikaru: *Grins* Me and Acheros make The Ultimate Team, we’ll blow you away!
Acheros: We’ll defeat you and show you what Blading’s Truly about!
Ethan: I’ll crush you both. I’m the most powerful Blader in the Snake Pit and I’ll prove it!
Jennifer: Yeah, we’ll crush you!
Hanami: Our Bladers are ready and willing to dive into the Battle! So, why don’t we get right into this?!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Hikaru/Acheros/Jennifer/Ethan: Go, Shoot!!!
(Everyone pulls off Powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Ethan: Crush them, Erebus!
(Erebus slams into Aeneas and Helios sending them both flying)
Hanami: Erebus starts off with a Powerful Strike!
Jennifer: Knock ‘em out, Joker!!
(Joker speeds up and starts hitting Aeneas with a Powerful Barrage of attacks as Aeneas just sits in the center)
Hanami: Aeneas is surviving Joker’s Powerful Barrage of attacks, this is the True Definition of Defense Mode!
Acheros: Dire Guard!!
(Aeneas’ Defense Blades start glowing as it starts blocking all Joker’s attacks)
Jennifer: Tch… Now!
All: What?!
(Joker hits Erebus into Aeneas and traps both Aeneas and Erebus in a Vortex causing Erebus to hit Aeneas with an Extremely Powerful Barrage of attacks)
Ethan: *Roars* You’ve crossed the Snake Pit Champion’s Line!!!
Jennifer: *Giggles* You can’t do anything!
Hikaru: Go, Helios!!
(Helios speeds up and slams into Joker sending it flying across the stadium)
Jennifer: Uh Oh…
Hanami: Helios has attacked!
Ethan: Erebus!!
(Ethan’s Dark Blazes corrupts him as Erebus blazes out of the Bey)
Acheros: *Gasps* What’s going on?!
Hikaru: Stop it, Ethan!!
Jennifer: I’ll win this battle myself!!
(Erebus, Helios, and Joker all charge towards the center)
Ethan: True Requiem Slash!!
(Erebus creates a Powerful Dark Twister as it slashes through Aeneas, Helios, and Joker, All of the Beys would burst instantly leaving black dust on the stadium)
Hikaru/Jennifer/Acheros: *Gasps* Seriously?!
Drone: Requiem Erebus and Rogue Joker are the Winners!!
Hanami: What?! Erebus has just burst everything in sight with one fatal move! How strong can a Bey get?!
Ethan: You turned on me, Jennifer Pratton. And I’m going to break Joker so you’ll never Blade again!!
(Ethan’s Dark Flare surrounds him as his eyes glow evilly, Jennifer stands there shaking in her place)
Jennifer: You… You weren’t supposed to survive that attack.
Hikaru: He’s seriously on the Wrong Path.
Acheros: I know, someone will have to stop him eventually.
Adrian (Thoughts): If I battle someone as strong as Ethan I’ll definitely become stronger. I’ve just got to keep evolving my Flare so I can burn his Blaze away!
Austin: He’s so scary.
(Ren starts walking away with an evil smug face)
Ren: Ethan… You’d better win this tournament so I can crush you once we battle in the Snake Pit.
Spoiler (Click to View)
I guess you're going to make a Phantom evo, Poltergeist is a very specific name.
Imagine making it have dual spin and spin steal, couldn't be me.
Imagine making it have dual spin and spin steal, couldn't be me.
Oct. 31, 2021 1:36 AM
(Oct. 30, 2021 7:38 PM)Hollowmind8 Wrote: [ -> ](Oct. 30, 2021 4:12 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Yall have to read Chapter 32! I pulled off the Most Epic Scene ever. I need your thoughts on it!! (Yin Yang)
"LJ, The Blader" "LegendaryJust" "Genesus" "Hm8" "CelularBeyBlade" "AliveFox" "Lucha Burst"Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 33
The Yin Yang Unite!
Wakiya: The Matches for today will consist of! Adrian Saito and Austin Saito Vs. Illius Mao and Hyuga Asahi!
Austin: We’re going to be Teammates, this is so cool!
Adrian: *Grins* You’d better not lose right away!
Hyuga: This is going to be fun, Illius! We’ll go zoom in and burst them!
Illius: *Grins*
Wakiya: Our Second Battle will be Ren Kiyama and Thalia Amana Vs. Po Taint and Bell Daikokuten!!
Bell: *Laughs* The Demon King will win this battle with a Burst Finish! So get ready to lose!!
Po: Bell Daikokuten, A Powerful Blader. I respect you so don’t disappoint me!
Ren: We’re going to be the winners, Mate! I’ll be going all out and I’ll kindly win this battle with a Burst Finish!
Thalia: I’ll totally give it my all! get ready to lose, Bell!!
Wakiya: And the Final Battle will be Hikaru Asahi and Acheros Izumi Vs. Ethan Gilten and Jennifer Pratton!!
Jennier: *Grins Evilly* I’m paired with The Powerful Rogue Blader. This will be an interesting battle!
Ethan: Try any tricks and I’ll destroy that Bey of yours!
(Ethan’s Eyes Flicker Purple Flames as he stares Jennifer down)
Hikaru: Acheros, we’ll totally be able to win this battle!
Acheros: Yeah… I’m counting on it.
Wakiya: The Matches are starting now so get to the Big Arena!
Thalia: You expect us to go into this Round without any Practice?
Wakiya: Well, we’re behind schedule because someone left without permission.
(Wakiya stares Ethan down)
Ethan: I wanted to battle Free and you couldn’t stop me from doing what I liked.
Wakiya: Grr!!
~In The Big Arena Right Before The Match Started~
Drone: First Battle!
Austin: Anpao, we’ll be going on the Attack in this battle!
(Austin puts the Attack Ring on Anpao and sets the Driver to Attack Mode)
Adrian: Follow my lead. Alright?
Austin: You’ve got it!
Illius: Adrian! I’ll crush you in this battle. Ifrit’s going to crush you with its Bare Fangs!!
(Adrian Grins Evilly as his Dark Flare surrounds him Sparkling Gold)
Possessed Adrian: I’m looking forward to you trying. Asriel will swallow Ifrit whole and leave nothing behind!!
Hyuga: Austin! Show me that Burning Hot Blaze again!!
Austin: One Serving of Burning Hot Blaze coming up! Would you like a Coffee with that?
Hanami: The Smack Talk is through the roof, but do they have the bark to back it up? Let’s get started!!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Adrian/Austin/Hyuga/Illius: Go, Shoot!!
(Everyone pulls off Extremely Powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Hanami: The Eclipse Shoots are through the roof!
Illius: *Roars* Beast Barrage!!
(Ifrit slams into Asriel with a barrage of Powerful Blows, Asriel brushes them off using the Rubber on the R Gear)
Illius: What?!
Adrian: *Grins* Twilight Rebound!!
(Asriel slams into the wall using its Rubber and ricochets off at full speed, Asriel slams into Ifrit causing it to start wobbling)
Illius: Grr!!
Hanami: And Asriel starts off with a Powerful Strike!
Austin: Strike, Singeing Blaze!!
(Singe Anpao slashes at Hyperion at full power dealing tons of damage, Hyperion gets flung in the air)
Hanami: Hyperion’s been sent flying!
Hyuga: Vroom!!
(Hyperion slams into the wall and aims right back at Anpao, Austin’s Blaze Surrounds him brightly as he grins)
Austin: Anpao!!!
(Austin’s Blaze Burns Hot as Anpao blazes out of the Bey and enters Blaze)
All: *Gasps*
Austin: Singeing Beam!!
(Anpao slams into Hyperion at full power, Hyperion’s Limit Destroyer slowly starts activating)
Hyuga: Kindling Limit: Destroyer!!
(Hyperion’s Blades extend out sending Anpao flying, Asriel and Ifrit start clashing as Anpao slams into Asriel and sends both of them up the slope)
Adrian/Austin: *Gasps*
Hanami: Both Beys have been sent flying from that Powerful Attack from Hyperion!!
Adrian: Austin, it’s time!
Austin: *Grins* Slam into ‘em, Anpao!!
All: *Gasps*
(Anpao slams into Asriel sending it flying at full speed towards Hyperion and Ifrit)
Hyuga/Illius: What?!
Adrian/Austin: Twin Motar!!
(Asriel slams down at Ifrit and Hyperion at full power causing a humongous explosion, Both Hyperion and Ifrit burst)
Illius: Grr!!
Hyuga: Seriously?! I lost!!
Drone: Singe Anpao and Twilight Asriel are the Winners!!
Adrian: *Grins* Wasn’t expecting any less.
Austin: What do you think, Adrian! Did I do well?
Adrian: You did… Decent. That is expected since you’re my Younger Brother.
(Adrian walks away as Austin stares at him)
Austin: *Smiles* You’re only 3 Minutes Older than me.
Ren: Is it just me or did Adrian just get a whole lot nicer?
Hikaru: Yeah, it’s kinda weird.
Bell: He’s not being nicer.
Hikaru/Ren: *Gasps*
Bell: He’s found respect for Austin ever since he was able to take on Free, and because of his recent accomplishments. Austin’s proven himself to Adrian as a Blader that needs to be taken seriously.
Wally: Well what do you know, they’ve finally gotten used to each other!
Valt (Thoughts): He’s still suffering from a Never-Ending Quest for Destruction, when will it all end?
~In The Middle of Bell and Po Vs. Thalia and Ren~
Bell: *Roars* Belial!!
(Bell’s Resonance Aura flares up as Belial blazes out of the Bey, Belial glows brightly)
Belial: Crush them, Bell!
Bell: Will do!
(Trident and Ragnaruk circle around the center in Perfect Synchronization as Pirate launches a barrage of strikes wearing down their Stamina)
Po: Keep going, Pirate!!
Bell: Ignite and Explode! Torpedo Bomber!!
(Belial speeds up and slams into Trident at full power, Trident bursts on the spot leaving Thalia in shock)
Thalia: *Gasps* Seriously?
Po: Bolt Crash!!
(Pirate slams into Ragnaruk at Full Speed, Pirate bursts right through Ragnaruk as Ren gasps in shock, Ren falls to his knees)
Drone: Torpedo Belial and Typhoon Pirate are the winners!!
Hanami: Incredible! The Amazing team of Bell Daikokuten and Po Taint proves to be unstoppable while Ren Kiyama and Thalia Amana have a ways to go!
Ren: I lost…
~In The Hallways~
Austin: Don’t beat yourself up, you did amazing in that battle! Screw what Hanami said. He’s getting paid to say this stuff, don’t let it get into your head.
Ren: But he’s right. I’m… I’m not a Ragnaruk Master. I won’t be making it to the Finals.
Hikaru: Don’t you dare say that you’ve still got a chance!
Ren: If I lose the next battle then I don’t have a chance.
Hyuga: Don’t go thinking about losing! You’ve got to go out there and give it your all No Matter what!
Ren: I’m a weak Blader. Weak Bladers don’t make it to the Finals. They get forgotten and lose all the time.
(Tears start welling up in Ren’s Eyes as he looks at Ragnaruk sadly)
Bell: If you lose a battle you’re preparing yourself for an even bigger victory! You’ve got to keep going with all your strength and become The Ultimate Ragnaruk King!!
Ren: Just leave me, alone guys.
Austin: But Ren–
Ren: I said leave me alone!!!
(Ren runs off in Anger as we watch him sadly)
Austin: Ren…
~Out On The Airship’s Port~
(Ren looks at Ragnaruk on the balcony of the ship)
Ren: I’m sorry, Ragnaruk. I’m just not good enough.
???: You’re not good enough… Now.
(A successful-looking man in a Business Suit comes up to Ren)
Ren: Alexander Gilten.
Alexander: It seems that you remember me, what a lovely surprise.
Ren: Rantaro told me what you tried doing, stealing the Ragnaruk’s just so you could get more data on them!
Alexander: Yes… But that was in the Past now was it? I’m a better-changed man helping Bladers achieve their Ultimate Goal. You know Ethan? The Powerful Blader in the tournament?
Ren: I could say I do. What about him?
Alexander: He’s my son. I trained him and pushed him to his limits. Now he’s the Ultimate Blader, he can destroy anyone who gets in his way.
(Ren balls up his fists in anger but Alexander responds with a Calm and Cool look)
Alexander: There was this one Blader 5 Years Ago who stood up to BC Sol in the Team World Championships. He lost so naturally I kicked him out but he was a Skilled Ragnaruk Blader, he could teach you how to become More Powerful and so much more. So, what do you say?
Ren: Grr!! No!
Alexander: Your Mouth is saying No but Deep Inside I know you want this more than you know. So let me sweeten the deal, if you refuse to join my club, I’ll instruct Ethan to Destroy Anpao and Asriel and make sure it's so painful for the both of them that they’ll be living the rest of their days in depression.
Ren: You monster! You wouldn’t!!
Alexander: *Grins Evilly* I can and will.
(Ren looks at Ragnaruk for a moment and thinks for a bit)
Ren: *Sighs* I’m in. But just to be clear, I’m only doing this for me and me alone! I could care less about what happens to Austin and Adrian.
Alexander: *Smiles* Great… After you're done with the tournament and you’re ready just come over to Mexico and go to the Jungle’s Opening. From there, someone will escort you to The Snake Pit where you’ll Train Hard and become The Third Member of the Snake Pit’s Top 3!
Ren: Top 3? Who else is there?
Alexander: There’s Poltergeist Gilten, Ethan Gilten and You.
Ren: I’m ready, I won’t let you down.
Alexander: Great, now act like everything is normal between you and your Friends then once the 4th Round ends come meet me in the Snake Pit. You’ll be known as… Squall Eye.
(Alexander attaches a Parachute onto his back and jumps off the Airship and activates it as he waves Goodbye to Ren, The Other run-up to Ren)
Austin: Ren… Are you okay? I know this is hard on you but–
Ren: *Grins*, Of course, I’m okay. I just needed some time to myself.
(Ren walks away as he Grins Evilly, Austin looks over at Ren in confusion)
Adrian: Something wrong?
Austin: Usually Ren ends his conversations with Mate at the end. But he didn’t this time, he’s probably still bummed out and trying to hide it from us.
Bell: The Demon King will make it his personal job to Prank the Living Bats in him!
Hikaru: Now’s probably not the best time. Maybe tomorrow or something, Bell.
Bell: Hmph!
Austin (Thoughts): I’ve got this feeling that Ren’s trying to hide something from us. Suspicious…
~In The Main Arena~
Hanami: Okay, Boys and Girls! This match will be wrapping up the 3rd Round! So, let’s get right into this and see how it goes! It’s Hikaru Asahi and Acheros Izumi Vs. Ethan Gilten and Jennifer Pratton!
(Everyone would step out to the Stadium as Ethan stares Jennifer down)
Drone: First Battle!
Jennifer: No tricks, I promise!
Ethan: We’ll see about that.
Hikaru: *Grins* Me and Acheros make The Ultimate Team, we’ll blow you away!
Acheros: We’ll defeat you and show you what Blading’s Truly about!
Ethan: I’ll crush you both. I’m the most powerful Blader in the Snake Pit and I’ll prove it!
Jennifer: Yeah, we’ll crush you!
Hanami: Our Bladers are ready and willing to dive into the Battle! So, why don’t we get right into this?!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Hikaru/Acheros/Jennifer/Ethan: Go, Shoot!!!
(Everyone pulls off Powerful Eclipse Shoots)
Ethan: Crush them, Erebus!
(Erebus slams into Aeneas and Helios sending them both flying)
Hanami: Erebus starts off with a Powerful Strike!
Jennifer: Knock ‘em out, Joker!!
(Joker speeds up and starts hitting Aeneas with a Powerful Barrage of attacks as Aeneas just sits in the center)
Hanami: Aeneas is surviving Joker’s Powerful Barrage of attacks, this is the True Definition of Defense Mode!
Acheros: Dire Guard!!
(Aeneas’ Defense Blades start glowing as it starts blocking all Joker’s attacks)
Jennifer: Tch… Now!
All: What?!
(Joker hits Erebus into Aeneas and traps both Aeneas and Erebus in a Vortex causing Erebus to hit Aeneas with an Extremely Powerful Barrage of attacks)
Ethan: *Roars* You’ve crossed the Snake Pit Champion’s Line!!!
Jennifer: *Giggles* You can’t do anything!
Hikaru: Go, Helios!!
(Helios speeds up and slams into Joker sending it flying across the stadium)
Jennifer: Uh Oh…
Hanami: Helios has attacked!
Ethan: Erebus!!
(Ethan’s Dark Blazes corrupts him as Erebus blazes out of the Bey)
Acheros: *Gasps* What’s going on?!
Hikaru: Stop it, Ethan!!
Jennifer: I’ll win this battle myself!!
(Erebus, Helios, and Joker all charge towards the center)
Ethan: True Requiem Slash!!
(Erebus creates a Powerful Dark Twister as it slashes through Aeneas, Helios, and Joker, All of the Beys would burst instantly leaving black dust on the stadium)
Hikaru/Jennifer/Acheros: *Gasps* Seriously?!
Drone: Requiem Erebus and Rogue Joker are the Winners!!
Hanami: What?! Erebus has just burst everything in sight with one fatal move! How strong can a Bey get?!
Ethan: You turned on me, Jennifer Pratton. And I’m going to break Joker so you’ll never Blade again!!
(Ethan’s Dark Flare surrounds him as his eyes glow evilly, Jennifer stands there shaking in her place)
Jennifer: You… You weren’t supposed to survive that attack.
Hikaru: He’s seriously on the Wrong Path.
Acheros: I know, someone will have to stop him eventually.
Adrian (Thoughts): If I battle someone as strong as Ethan I’ll definitely become stronger. I’ve just got to keep evolving my Flare so I can burn his Blaze away!
Austin: He’s so scary.
(Ren starts walking away with an evil smug face)
Ren: Ethan… You’d better win this tournament so I can crush you once we battle in the Snake Pit.I would normally give my opinion, but I am not going to rn. What I will say is that it was a good chapter.Spoiler (Click to View)I guess you're going to make a Phantom evo, Poltergeist is a very specific name.
Imagine making it have dual spin and spin steal, couldn't be me.
Poltergeist Gilten is actually a Phonix user
Beyblade Burst Mystical Boldness Episode 3: https://www.wattpad.com/1148379162-beybl...-episode-3
Oct. 31, 2021 4:40 AM
(Oct. 31, 2021 1:36 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ](Oct. 30, 2021 7:38 PM)Hollowmind8 Wrote: [ -> ]I would normally give my opinion, but I am not going to rn. What I will say is that it was a good chapter.Spoiler (Click to View)I guess you're going to make a Phantom evo, Poltergeist is a very specific name.
Imagine making it have dual spin and spin steal, couldn't be me.
Poltergeist Gilten is actually a Phonix user
Beyblade Burst Mystical Boldness Episode 3: https://www.wattpad.com/1148379162-beybl...-episode-3
nice episode! i would give a full-on rating but i am pretty burned out and am working on something. also i did read it and i'll say pierce's getting really strong, and it isn't even plot armor! love it!
Oct. 31, 2021 3:55 PM
Since I'm in School now and making time to write is getting harder I've come up with my own Chapter Upload Schedule. So basically each Weekend I'll focus on 1 Fanfiction. For example, this weekend I'm focusing on Beyblade Burst MB (Mystical Boldness) and Next Weekend I'll focus on Beyblade Burst Yin Yang. I have extra time this week so I'll work on Mystic Clash so I'll do that.
Oct. 31, 2021 4:03 PM
(Oct. 31, 2021 3:55 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Since I'm in School now and making time to write is getting harder I've come up with my own Chapter Upload Schedule. So basically each Weekend I'll focus on 1 Fanfiction. For example, this weekend I'm focusing on Beyblade Burst MB (Mystical Boldness) and Next Weekend I'll focus on Beyblade Burst Yin Yang. I have extra time this week so I'll work on Mystic Clash so I'll do that.
liking this schedule! now all of a sudden mystical boldness s my new fav fanfic from you...
Oct. 31, 2021 4:56 PM
(Oct. 31, 2021 3:55 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Since I'm in School now and making time to write is getting harder I've come up with my own Chapter Upload Schedule. So basically each Weekend I'll focus on 1 Fanfiction. For example, this weekend I'm focusing on Beyblade Burst MB (Mystical Boldness) and Next Weekend I'll focus on Beyblade Burst Yin Yang. I have extra time this week so I'll work on Mystic Clash so I'll do that.
And that's why I put my fic on a fridge and check every once in a while. Keep up the good work and continue givinv school the priority.
Spoiler (Click to View)
(I recently discovered that my country have so much school hours per student that if I were to live on... Idk, maybe the UK, I would instantly skip 2 school years)
Nov. 01, 2021 4:31 AM
Beyblade Burst Mystical Boldness Episode 4: https://www.wattpad.com/1148721701-beybl...sode-4-the
This is the Last MB Episode for a while since I have Two Other fanfictions I need to work on so I gave you guys 4 Episodes so far. You're Welcome.
This is the Last MB Episode for a while since I have Two Other fanfictions I need to work on so I gave you guys 4 Episodes so far. You're Welcome.
Nov. 04, 2021 2:43 AM
Name: Annabelle Aki
Age: 14
Appearance: She's a tall girl that has a Short Princess Skirt and she has a Scholar Shirt with a Pink Bowtie and a Pink Hairband keeping her hair in a Ponytail. She wears Jean Shorts and White Sneakers with a Heart Symbole on them. She also wears White Long Gloves.
Personality: She's very Smart and a Powerful Blader using her smarts to win almost any battle. She's very kind and understanding but she also gets mad when people can't understand something that she deems obvious. She loves it when she wins a battle and usually tells her opponent what they did wrong and to get stronger
so that she can get stronger.
Beyblade: Sage Athena Dimond Wisdom.
Mystic Chip: Athena. Athena is a Mystic Chip with very loose teeth but has Rubber in the Middle and has Two Rubber Burst Stoppers inside the Core making it almost Impossible to Burst.
Mystic Blade: Sage. Sage has 6 Long Blades that can be used for Attack and Defense. 3 Of those Blades have Burst Stoppers so when you hit those Three Specific Blades hard enough a Burst Stopper pokes out going Inward into the Layer.
Disk: Dimond. Dimond is a Combination between Over, Giga and Nexus+S. It has a Pink Ring Around it and it is extremely Heavy. The Pink Ring is mainly to balance the Beyblade out but it can also counter Upper/Lower attacks.
Driver: Wisdom. Wisdom is a Combination between Quattro and High Xtend+'. It has Three Modes. Attack Defense and Stamina. Stamina has a Sharp Metal Tip and causes the Chip to Free Spin and give it more LAD. The Attack Driver has a shape like Spiral and is made out of Rubber Causing the Bey to go faster. In Defense Mode it has a Rounder tip made out of Rubber so it can stick to the center and never let go. The Chip is Free Spin in this mode.
Moves: Sage Delphic, Athena speeds up and slams into the opposing Bey causing a massive Explosion. Sage Guard, In Defense Mode Athena, takes the center and defends itself from incoming attacks.
Age: 14
Appearance: She's a tall girl that has a Short Princess Skirt and she has a Scholar Shirt with a Pink Bowtie and a Pink Hairband keeping her hair in a Ponytail. She wears Jean Shorts and White Sneakers with a Heart Symbole on them. She also wears White Long Gloves.
Personality: She's very Smart and a Powerful Blader using her smarts to win almost any battle. She's very kind and understanding but she also gets mad when people can't understand something that she deems obvious. She loves it when she wins a battle and usually tells her opponent what they did wrong and to get stronger
so that she can get stronger.
Beyblade: Sage Athena Dimond Wisdom.
Mystic Chip: Athena. Athena is a Mystic Chip with very loose teeth but has Rubber in the Middle and has Two Rubber Burst Stoppers inside the Core making it almost Impossible to Burst.
Mystic Blade: Sage. Sage has 6 Long Blades that can be used for Attack and Defense. 3 Of those Blades have Burst Stoppers so when you hit those Three Specific Blades hard enough a Burst Stopper pokes out going Inward into the Layer.
Disk: Dimond. Dimond is a Combination between Over, Giga and Nexus+S. It has a Pink Ring Around it and it is extremely Heavy. The Pink Ring is mainly to balance the Beyblade out but it can also counter Upper/Lower attacks.
Driver: Wisdom. Wisdom is a Combination between Quattro and High Xtend+'. It has Three Modes. Attack Defense and Stamina. Stamina has a Sharp Metal Tip and causes the Chip to Free Spin and give it more LAD. The Attack Driver has a shape like Spiral and is made out of Rubber Causing the Bey to go faster. In Defense Mode it has a Rounder tip made out of Rubber so it can stick to the center and never let go. The Chip is Free Spin in this mode.
Moves: Sage Delphic, Athena speeds up and slams into the opposing Bey causing a massive Explosion. Sage Guard, In Defense Mode Athena, takes the center and defends itself from incoming attacks.
Nov. 04, 2021 2:54 AM
Someone has been reading Percy Jackson…
Nov. 04, 2021 3:09 AM
(Nov. 04, 2021 2:54 AM)LJ-Blader Wrote: [ -> ]Someone has been reading Percy Jackson…
Dang, Looks like I got caught. I've been reading the series and I'm really into it! I'm currently on The Last Olympian. (Please no Spoilers) But I'm glad and surprised you figured that out so quickly
Nov. 04, 2021 3:27 AM
(Nov. 04, 2021 3:09 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ](Nov. 04, 2021 2:54 AM)LJ-Blader Wrote: [ -> ]Someone has been reading Percy Jackson…
Dang, Looks like I got caught. I've been reading the series and I'm really into it! I'm currently on The Last Olympian. (Please no Spoilers) But I'm glad and surprised you figured that out so quickly
I have reveled your secret! I love that sereis and
Spoiler (Click to View)
Got'em, I would never spoil a book 

Nov. 04, 2021 3:54 PM
Mystic Clash has reached the Tip of the Iceberg. (Chapter 9)
Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash
Chapter 9
The Earthquake of Mystical Titans!
(We Walk up to a New Looking Gym as we stare at it in Awe)
Me: He… He built this?!
Harry: I’m so going to win when we start Battling!!
Tristen: *Grins* You’re not going to be able to defeat me.
Harry: Wanna bet?!
(A gigantic Voice would boom out laughing as Rashad walks out Laughing Wildly)
Rashad: Save the battling for when you get inside the Building. I spent forever working on this Gym for you to have your Club in.
Emma: How do you Build this in a Day?
Rashad: This used to be an abandoned Warehouse so turning it into this Beauty wasn’t the hardest.
Harry: So you’re a Builder?
Rashad: Somewhat of one I guess. C’mon, let me show you around!
(Rashad takes us in as we gasp in Awe looking around the Gym)
Me: I’m going to win and have some amazing battles here!
Rashad: Why wait? I already showed you the Main Battle Room and the Workout Area. We’re totally ready for a battle.
Tristen: Rashad Goodman, I’ve been hearing that you beat Valt Aoi. Is that true?
Emma: Tristen! It’s rude to–
Rashad: I don’t mind. Tristen, I’ve beaten Valt before. I’m guessing that means you want to battle?
Tristen: You read my mind, I’m going to crush you!
(A Green Drone with a Camera comes up to the Stadium and oversees the Stadium)
Me: What’s that?
Rashad: It’s a Drone that I borrowed from an Old Friend. Now you’ll be able to have Official Ranked Battles here whenever!
Hanami: And I’ll be able to watch them! What’s up everyone in the Mystic Coronation Series! Today we’ll be diving into the Amazing match of Rashad Goodman Vs. Tristen Chiaki!!
Me: *Gasps* Hanami?! This just got Interesting.
Drone: First Battle!
Rashad: Greatest Raphael will defeat you and show you how powerful we truly are.
Tristen: Triton never holds anything back! And it certainly won’t hold back on Raphael!
(Rashad puts Raphael in Defense Mode)
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Rashad/Tristen: Go, Shoot!!
(Tristen pulls off a Mystic Shoot as Rashad pulls off a Powerful Shoot)
Hanami: We’ve got Powerful Shoots from all corners!
Tristen: Go for the center, Triton!
Rashad: The center is ours!
(Triton tries taking the center but Raphael slams it out of the way)
Hanami: Raphael brutally takes the center by slamming Triton away!
Harry: C’mon, you’ve gotta get the center!
Emma: It can’t. Raphael’s Defensive and Attack Power is too High for Triton to strike it out of the center.
Tristen: Aqua Strike!
(Triton slams into Raphael but gets sent flying right back, Raphael’s Blades start rising as it starts Spinning Faster)
Hanami: Raphael’s Defenses are on the Rise!
Rashad: Greatest Lord!!
Tristen: *Roars* Send it flying!
(Triton slams into Raphael causing both Beys to be sent flying back, Raphael’s Blades fully rise)
Hanami: Triton finally makes an Attack but Raphael’s Defenses are at their Peak! Will it be able to knock it out?
Me: Go, Triton!!
Emma: You’ve got this!
Rashad: Greatest Halo!!
(A Golden Orb surrounds Raphael as Triton slams into it and gets sent flying back)
Hanami: And another failed attack! Triton can’t make a Decent Hit!!
Tristen: *Roars* Triton!!
(Triston’s Resonance Aura flares up as Triton blazes out of the Bey, Triton speeds around the stadium at full speed aiming for Raphael)
Hanami: Triton clocks at Raphael at Full Speed!!
Harry: He’s ending this!
Rashad: C'mon, Raphael!!
(Rashad’s Resonance Aura flares up as Raphael blazes out of the Bey, Raphael ricochets off the wall and picks up massive speed)
Hanami: Both Beys are aiming for impact!!
Tristen: Aqua Drench!!
Rashad: Greatest Breaker!!
(Both Beys slam into each other as a Powerful Golden Beam of Light bursts out of the Stadium, Triton gets shot up in the Explosion and Bursts)
Rashad: *Grins*
Tristen: *Gasps*
Drone: It’s Greatest Raphael with a Burst Finish! Rashad Goodman is the Winner with a score of 2-0!!
Hanami: Amazing! Rashad makes Quick Work of Tristen and proves why he’s a Powerful Blader!!
Me: Grr!! I wanna have an Amazing Battle like that!
Rashad: *Laughs* I’ve finally decided.
Harry: Decided what?
Rashad: When I told the WBBA about your Club they offered me to be your coach but I couldn’t make a decision. But after this Amazing battle your friend Tristen showed me I’m totally going to be your Coach!
Tristen *Sniffles* Seriously?
Rashad: Yeah. But we need a Captain. So we’ll have a battle between Victor Homura and Harry Zen! The Winner becomes Captain.
Hanami: Did you hear that folks?! Rashad has just announced a Ranked Battle between the two Powerhouses! Let’s see who’ll become Captain!!
Emma: You can win this Victor!
Tristen: What about me?! You said it yourself! I inspired you to become the Coach!!
Rashad: I don’t know how or why but I have the ability to sense the Resonance between a Blader and Bey and that’s how I determine how Strong people are. You aren’t there yet. But Victor and Harry on the other hand have what it takes.
Emma: So basically he’s too weak to become Captain?
Tristen: Grr!!
Drone: First Battle!
Me: Vulcan’s been waiting for a Rematch.
Harry: Same here. I can’t wait to beat you at Full Strength.
Hanami: Both Bladers stare each other down with such intensity! I wonder who will be the winner!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Harry: Go, Shoot!!
(Me and Harry pull off Powerful Mystic Shoots as Our Beys land with a thud)
Me: Mystic Shoot!!
Harry: Galactic Guard!!
(Vulcan speeds up as it slams into Horogium and gets sent flying back and hits the wall)
Hanami: Horogium starts off by blocking Vulcan’s Attack!
Rashad (Thoughts): So, Victor. What’re you going to do now?
Me: Mystic Geyser!!
(Vulcan leans on its driver speeds up and slams into Horogium sending it flying into the air)
Harry: Galactic Counter Crash!!
Me: *Gasps*
(Horogium slams down on Vulcan sending it flying out of the stadium)
Drone: It’s Galactic Horogium with an Over Finish! Harry Zen Claims 1 Point!!
Me: Grr!!
Hanami: And Horogium claims Another Point with its Ultimate Galactic Counter Crash!
Harry: Looks like me and Horogium are going to be the Captains!
(Vulcan starts glowing in my hand)
Vulcan: Victor. Calm down a focus. I know you’ve got what it takes to win this battle! Just give it your all!!
Me: Thanks, Vulcan. I’ll continue to do just that.
(Vulcan would stop glowing as my Resonance Aura flares up brightly)
Harry: I’m totally going to win! Nothing will stop me!!
Drone: Second Battle!
Rashad (Thoughts): Victor, give it your all. Harry, you’ve got what it takes to push Victor to his limit, so do just that!
Me (Thoughts): I’ve gotta pull off a way more Powerful Shoot if I wanna beat Harry.
(I stomp my foot onto the ground as I grin)
Harry: I’ll blow you away in this battle!
Hanami: Both Bladers are ready so let’s get into this!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3!
(I stomp my foot onto the ground)
All: 2!
(I grab the String as I grin and push my foot back)
All: 1!
Me/Harry: Go, Shoot!!
(I jump in the air and pull off a Powerful Mystic Shoot, Harry also pulls off a Powerful Mystic Shoot)
All: *Gasps*
Hanami: Victor has switched up his Shoot Form and has pulled off a Powerful Shoot!
Me: *Roars* Mystic Shoot!!
(Vulcan leans on the Rubber on its Driver as it speeds up and continuously slams into Horogium)
Hanami: Vulcan is on the attack! It isn’t holding back anything!
Harry: Galactic Guard!!
(Horogium holds up its Defenses as Vulcan continuously attacks)
Hanami: Now Horogium’s on the Defensive!
Me: *Roars* Awaken Mystical Titan! Vulcan!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up as Vulcan blazes out of the Bey)
Harry: You think I’m gonna lose?! Horogium!!
(Harry’s Resonance Aura flares up as Horogium blazes out of the Bey)
Harry: Galactic Counter Crash!!
Me: Counter, Upper Strike!!
(Horogium comes speeding back at Vulcan but Vulcan slams into it sending it flying into the air with a powerful Uppercut, Horogium bursts)
Harry: *Gasps*
Me: Yes!!
Drone: It’s Mystic Vulcan with a Burst Finish! Victor Homura is the Winner!!
Hanami: It’s been decided! The Captain of the Mystical Titans will be Victor Homura! He’ll be the one to guide his team to victory against BC Sol!
Emma: Victor, you’re Team Captain!
(Me and Harry High Five as we Grin at each other)
Harry: That’s how I wanted to see you battle.
Me: Took me long enough.
Rashad: Everyone! Let’s prepare and train for our trip to Spain! Where Victor will lead us to victory. Right, when we get to Spain we’ll start Hardcore Training!
All: Alright!!
Episode 5 of Mystical Boldness: https://www.wattpad.com/1150327979-beybl...-episode-5
Episode 6 of Mystical Boldnes: https://www.wattpad.com/1150447894-beybl...sode-6-the
Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash
Chapter 9
The Earthquake of Mystical Titans!
(We Walk up to a New Looking Gym as we stare at it in Awe)
Me: He… He built this?!
Harry: I’m so going to win when we start Battling!!
Tristen: *Grins* You’re not going to be able to defeat me.
Harry: Wanna bet?!
(A gigantic Voice would boom out laughing as Rashad walks out Laughing Wildly)
Rashad: Save the battling for when you get inside the Building. I spent forever working on this Gym for you to have your Club in.
Emma: How do you Build this in a Day?
Rashad: This used to be an abandoned Warehouse so turning it into this Beauty wasn’t the hardest.
Harry: So you’re a Builder?
Rashad: Somewhat of one I guess. C’mon, let me show you around!
(Rashad takes us in as we gasp in Awe looking around the Gym)
Me: I’m going to win and have some amazing battles here!
Rashad: Why wait? I already showed you the Main Battle Room and the Workout Area. We’re totally ready for a battle.
Tristen: Rashad Goodman, I’ve been hearing that you beat Valt Aoi. Is that true?
Emma: Tristen! It’s rude to–
Rashad: I don’t mind. Tristen, I’ve beaten Valt before. I’m guessing that means you want to battle?
Tristen: You read my mind, I’m going to crush you!
(A Green Drone with a Camera comes up to the Stadium and oversees the Stadium)
Me: What’s that?
Rashad: It’s a Drone that I borrowed from an Old Friend. Now you’ll be able to have Official Ranked Battles here whenever!
Hanami: And I’ll be able to watch them! What’s up everyone in the Mystic Coronation Series! Today we’ll be diving into the Amazing match of Rashad Goodman Vs. Tristen Chiaki!!
Me: *Gasps* Hanami?! This just got Interesting.
Drone: First Battle!
Rashad: Greatest Raphael will defeat you and show you how powerful we truly are.
Tristen: Triton never holds anything back! And it certainly won’t hold back on Raphael!
(Rashad puts Raphael in Defense Mode)
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Rashad/Tristen: Go, Shoot!!
(Tristen pulls off a Mystic Shoot as Rashad pulls off a Powerful Shoot)
Hanami: We’ve got Powerful Shoots from all corners!
Tristen: Go for the center, Triton!
Rashad: The center is ours!
(Triton tries taking the center but Raphael slams it out of the way)
Hanami: Raphael brutally takes the center by slamming Triton away!
Harry: C’mon, you’ve gotta get the center!
Emma: It can’t. Raphael’s Defensive and Attack Power is too High for Triton to strike it out of the center.
Tristen: Aqua Strike!
(Triton slams into Raphael but gets sent flying right back, Raphael’s Blades start rising as it starts Spinning Faster)
Hanami: Raphael’s Defenses are on the Rise!
Rashad: Greatest Lord!!
Tristen: *Roars* Send it flying!
(Triton slams into Raphael causing both Beys to be sent flying back, Raphael’s Blades fully rise)
Hanami: Triton finally makes an Attack but Raphael’s Defenses are at their Peak! Will it be able to knock it out?
Me: Go, Triton!!
Emma: You’ve got this!
Rashad: Greatest Halo!!
(A Golden Orb surrounds Raphael as Triton slams into it and gets sent flying back)
Hanami: And another failed attack! Triton can’t make a Decent Hit!!
Tristen: *Roars* Triton!!
(Triston’s Resonance Aura flares up as Triton blazes out of the Bey, Triton speeds around the stadium at full speed aiming for Raphael)
Hanami: Triton clocks at Raphael at Full Speed!!
Harry: He’s ending this!
Rashad: C'mon, Raphael!!
(Rashad’s Resonance Aura flares up as Raphael blazes out of the Bey, Raphael ricochets off the wall and picks up massive speed)
Hanami: Both Beys are aiming for impact!!
Tristen: Aqua Drench!!
Rashad: Greatest Breaker!!
(Both Beys slam into each other as a Powerful Golden Beam of Light bursts out of the Stadium, Triton gets shot up in the Explosion and Bursts)
Rashad: *Grins*
Tristen: *Gasps*
Drone: It’s Greatest Raphael with a Burst Finish! Rashad Goodman is the Winner with a score of 2-0!!
Hanami: Amazing! Rashad makes Quick Work of Tristen and proves why he’s a Powerful Blader!!
Me: Grr!! I wanna have an Amazing Battle like that!
Rashad: *Laughs* I’ve finally decided.
Harry: Decided what?
Rashad: When I told the WBBA about your Club they offered me to be your coach but I couldn’t make a decision. But after this Amazing battle your friend Tristen showed me I’m totally going to be your Coach!
Tristen *Sniffles* Seriously?
Rashad: Yeah. But we need a Captain. So we’ll have a battle between Victor Homura and Harry Zen! The Winner becomes Captain.
Hanami: Did you hear that folks?! Rashad has just announced a Ranked Battle between the two Powerhouses! Let’s see who’ll become Captain!!
Emma: You can win this Victor!
Tristen: What about me?! You said it yourself! I inspired you to become the Coach!!
Rashad: I don’t know how or why but I have the ability to sense the Resonance between a Blader and Bey and that’s how I determine how Strong people are. You aren’t there yet. But Victor and Harry on the other hand have what it takes.
Emma: So basically he’s too weak to become Captain?
Tristen: Grr!!
Drone: First Battle!
Me: Vulcan’s been waiting for a Rematch.
Harry: Same here. I can’t wait to beat you at Full Strength.
Hanami: Both Bladers stare each other down with such intensity! I wonder who will be the winner!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Harry: Go, Shoot!!
(Me and Harry pull off Powerful Mystic Shoots as Our Beys land with a thud)
Me: Mystic Shoot!!
Harry: Galactic Guard!!
(Vulcan speeds up as it slams into Horogium and gets sent flying back and hits the wall)
Hanami: Horogium starts off by blocking Vulcan’s Attack!
Rashad (Thoughts): So, Victor. What’re you going to do now?
Me: Mystic Geyser!!
(Vulcan leans on its driver speeds up and slams into Horogium sending it flying into the air)
Harry: Galactic Counter Crash!!
Me: *Gasps*
(Horogium slams down on Vulcan sending it flying out of the stadium)
Drone: It’s Galactic Horogium with an Over Finish! Harry Zen Claims 1 Point!!
Me: Grr!!
Hanami: And Horogium claims Another Point with its Ultimate Galactic Counter Crash!
Harry: Looks like me and Horogium are going to be the Captains!
(Vulcan starts glowing in my hand)
Vulcan: Victor. Calm down a focus. I know you’ve got what it takes to win this battle! Just give it your all!!
Me: Thanks, Vulcan. I’ll continue to do just that.
(Vulcan would stop glowing as my Resonance Aura flares up brightly)
Harry: I’m totally going to win! Nothing will stop me!!
Drone: Second Battle!
Rashad (Thoughts): Victor, give it your all. Harry, you’ve got what it takes to push Victor to his limit, so do just that!
Me (Thoughts): I’ve gotta pull off a way more Powerful Shoot if I wanna beat Harry.
(I stomp my foot onto the ground as I grin)
Harry: I’ll blow you away in this battle!
Hanami: Both Bladers are ready so let’s get into this!
Drone: Ready? Set!
All: 3!
(I stomp my foot onto the ground)
All: 2!
(I grab the String as I grin and push my foot back)
All: 1!
Me/Harry: Go, Shoot!!
(I jump in the air and pull off a Powerful Mystic Shoot, Harry also pulls off a Powerful Mystic Shoot)
All: *Gasps*
Hanami: Victor has switched up his Shoot Form and has pulled off a Powerful Shoot!
Me: *Roars* Mystic Shoot!!
(Vulcan leans on the Rubber on its Driver as it speeds up and continuously slams into Horogium)
Hanami: Vulcan is on the attack! It isn’t holding back anything!
Harry: Galactic Guard!!
(Horogium holds up its Defenses as Vulcan continuously attacks)
Hanami: Now Horogium’s on the Defensive!
Me: *Roars* Awaken Mystical Titan! Vulcan!!
(My Resonance Aura flares up as Vulcan blazes out of the Bey)
Harry: You think I’m gonna lose?! Horogium!!
(Harry’s Resonance Aura flares up as Horogium blazes out of the Bey)
Harry: Galactic Counter Crash!!
Me: Counter, Upper Strike!!
(Horogium comes speeding back at Vulcan but Vulcan slams into it sending it flying into the air with a powerful Uppercut, Horogium bursts)
Harry: *Gasps*
Me: Yes!!
Drone: It’s Mystic Vulcan with a Burst Finish! Victor Homura is the Winner!!
Hanami: It’s been decided! The Captain of the Mystical Titans will be Victor Homura! He’ll be the one to guide his team to victory against BC Sol!
Emma: Victor, you’re Team Captain!
(Me and Harry High Five as we Grin at each other)
Harry: That’s how I wanted to see you battle.
Me: Took me long enough.
Rashad: Everyone! Let’s prepare and train for our trip to Spain! Where Victor will lead us to victory. Right, when we get to Spain we’ll start Hardcore Training!
All: Alright!!
Episode 5 of Mystical Boldness: https://www.wattpad.com/1150327979-beybl...-episode-5
Episode 6 of Mystical Boldnes: https://www.wattpad.com/1150447894-beybl...sode-6-the
Nov. 05, 2021 5:50 PM
Episode 7 of Beyblade Burst DB Mystical Boldness: https://www.wattpad.com/1150707938-beybl...sode-7-the
Thoughts would be much apperciated
Thoughts would be much apperciated
Nov. 05, 2021 11:27 PM
(Nov. 05, 2021 5:50 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Episode 7 of Beyblade Burst DB Mystical Boldness: https://www.wattpad.com/1150707938-beybl...sode-7-the
Thoughts would be much apperciated
pretty cool episode! i thought the battle with rashad was pretty epic and the predicament in next episode will maybe be cool!
Nov. 06, 2021 1:40 AM
To celebrate Mystical Boldness getting over 90 Reads and 4 Likes we're doing a Character Contest. But this Contest is going to be extremely hard to get into since this is a DB OC. I'll only be accepting the best entry and there will only be one Winner. Your Character will play a Major Part in the story and be a Part of the Main Cast. The last day to enter is Sunday the 21st at 5:00 PM Sharp. I won't be taking any late entries. Remember, you'll be using the DB System
People that might be interested: mentioned you and you don't wanna enter that's fine I was just Mentioning people that might be interested.
Chapter 33 of Yin Yang is the Ultimate Battle between Powerhouses!
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 33
The God of Crimson Flames, Regal Spriggan!
Wakiya: Attention everyone! We’re currently landing in America. Brace yourselves!
Austin: I wonder which Legendary Blader we’ll be facing today!
Adrian: Shu Kurenai. The Blader I want to crush again.
Wally: Guys have you seen Ren?
Hyuga: I’ve seen Ren, what’s up? Can’t find him or something?
Wally: No. He’s acting strange. He won’t ever talk to me and whenever I come close to him he pushes me away.
Hikaru: It could just be a phase. Maybe he’s realizing that friendships in Tournaments don’t work out and he has to do this on his own.
Austin: No. Rentaro would never do anything like that! It must be an accident! Or maybe he hurt himself and doesn’t remember–
Bell: I refuse to believe Ren would turn his back on us! Friends stick together and we’re not about to lose one!!
(Ren walks out of the Ship and just walks by us as he looks outside from the Balcony on the Port)
Hikaru: Yo, Ren! What’s up with you?!
Ren: It’s none of your concern. Now leave me be.
Austin: It’s okay, Ren. We understand you need to get serious for the Tournament but we’re your friends! You may act Tough but we know it’s just an act.
Hyuga: Yeah! Just be straightforward with us!!
Hikaru: If this is an act then drop it. You can be honest with us.
(Ren puts on an Emotionless Face as he walks right past us)
Adrian: Hey. We’re talking to you!
Ren: Shut it. I have no friends and you certainly aren’t them. I may have been your friend in the past but I’ve chosen another path.
Bell: Grr!! What happened to you?! The Demon King demands to know!!
Ren: If you want to play pretend and be my friend go for it.
Illius: Is this just because you're losing?! Are you abandoning us because of your failures?
Adrian: Failure is right. You’re the biggest Failure I’ve seen in my entire life.
Ren: Grr!! Get outta my face. All of you. I hate all of you so much!!
(Austin tries putting his hand on Ren’s shoulder but he slaps it away, Ren walks away furiously)
Hikaru: He… He left us.
Illius: Tch… And we called him a Friend.
Austin: There’s no way. This is seriously just an act.
Bell: There’s no hope. All we can do is beat him in the next match.
Wakiya: Everyone! We have arrived in America. Get ready to do some touring and whatever you need to do. Also, The Blader eligible to battle our Legendary Blader, Shu Kurnai tomorrow is Adrian Saito!!
All: *Gasps*
Austin: Adrian, you get to beat Shu Kurenai again! Aren’t you excited?!
Adrian: *Grins* Shu Kurenai’s gonna get crushed big time by me.
Valt: Hey, guys! I’m going to the Raging Bulls to visit Shu. You wanna come?
Austin: Are you and Shu buddies?
Valt: Yeah. We’ve been Best Friends for a long time. He was my Biggest Rival when I was around your age!
Adrian: Count me in. I need to learn about my opponent before the match.
Hikaru: Sorry. Me, Hyuga, Wally, and Illius already made some Sightseeing plans.
Bell: *Laughs* The Demon King would love to see Shu Kurenai again!
Valt: Welp, we’re heading out. We’ll be back later today!
(We all walk away in separate directions as we wave goodbye to each other)
~At The Raging Bulls~
Valt: Here we are! The Raging Bulls!
Austin: What’re we waiting for? Ring the doorbell!
(Valt rings the doorbell as Shu walks up and opens the door)
Shu: Valt, nice to see you again. Looks like you brought some friends.
Austin: Hi, Shu Kurenai! I’m a Big Fan of yours!!
Bell: Shu, long time no see.
Shu: Hi, Bell. And hello Austin.
Austin: You know who I am?
Shu: Yeah. I went to the Gates of Hell and battled your brother. He won but it was seriously fun.
Adrian: Did you see the News? We’re going to be having another Battle. I’ll crush you in that battle and prove that I’m way stronger than you!!
Austin: Adrian, you’re embarrassing me.
(We all walk inside as we see the Raging Bulls from the inside)
Bell: So this is your club, Shu?
Shu: Yeah. I took the Raging Bulls over after Alexander Gilten was using this Club to corrupt Bladers. Just like how Ethan is corrupted.
All: *Gasps*
Austin: Gilten?!
Valt: How did I just realize this?! Ethan’s last name is Gilten! No wonder he’s going down the Dark Path.
Shu: *Gasps* Ashtem’s working on the Snake Pit again?!
Bell: What’s the Snake Pit?
Valt: An Evil Organization of Bladers Me and some of my friends took down a couple of years back.
Shu: Yeah. They lured me into their scheme and I can’t let the same thing happen to anyone else!
Adrian: That’d explain Ren’s behavior. They probably lured him in.
Austin: No… There’s no way Ren would fall for a Petty Scheme like that!
Bell: But Austin, it all adds up.
Valt: What’s going on with Ren?
Bell: He’s ignoring all of us and putting us to the side and keeps stating that we’re not his friends. He’s also way more aggressive than usual.
Shu: *Sighs* It sounds like Me when I was lured into the Snake Pit. Alexander has his ways to lure anyone he wants in. The possibility that he tricked your friend into going down my path is… High.
(Tears start welling up in Austin’s eyes as he looks at us angrily)
Austin: Ren’s one of my closest friends! He’d never dump us for some Stupid Snake Pit.
Shu: I’m sorry, Austin. But it is a possibility! If you really care about your friend then you need to look into this and if he has gone down that path we need to do everything we can to stop it. There is a High Chance he is working with Ethan Gilten and the Snake Pit. We must stop him.
Austin: I know Ren better than anyone! Shu Kurenai I challenge you to a battle! If you win, I’ll start looking into Ren working with the Snake Pit but if you lose you have to believe me!
Adrian: *Gasps* Austin stop this is–
(Bell puts his hand on my shoulder)
Bell: Adrian, Austin needs to do this. Even if you don’t agree there’s no changing his mind.
Shu: Challenge accepted! I’ll battle you with my New Regal Spriggan!!
(Shu holds up his Regal Spriggan as everyone gasps in Shock)
Valt: So you decided to create a Yin or Yang Beyblade?!
Shu: Yeah. It is a Yin Bey. I’ll defeat Anpao and prove to Austin that Ren is potentially a threat to the Blading World.
Bell: First Battle!
Austin (Thoughts): Regal Spriggan, a Dual Spinning Balance Type. In its Right Spin Form, It has Two Huge Rubber Blades on it and Burst Stoppers that don’t entirely stop it from bursting but help Prevent it from Bursting. In its Left Spin Mode, it has 4 Metal Blades that can be used for Attacking and Defending. Its Long Metal Blade is used to make powerful Slash Attacks! Its Disk Justice is able to change from Free Spin Mode to Locked Mode. Locked Mode increases Attack and Free Spin increases Defense. The Driver Quattro’ is able to switch from Attack Mode, Balance Mode, Defense Mode, and Stamina Mode! It’s super versatile and it’ll be hard to defeat. But I have to do this for Ren!
Shu: For the First Battle I’ll be going in Left Spin Defense Mode.
(Shu puts Spriggan in Left Spin Defense Mode)
Austin: I’m going to go on the Attack for the Whole Battle!
(Austin puts the Singe Layer on Anpao and puts its Driver in Attack Mode)
Adrian (Thoughts): Put up a Good Fight, Austin. So I can use that Data for my match tomorrow!
Bell: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Austin/Shu: Go, Shoot!!
(Both Shu and Austin pull off Extremely Powerful Eclipse Shoots, Spriggan immediately takes the center as Anpao speeds around the stadium)
Austin: *Roars* Singeing Spark!!
Shu: Show it your Defense, Spriggan!
(Anpao continuously slams into Spriggan, Spriggan barely even budges as it tanks the rest of Anpao’s Attacks)
Valt: Spriggan’s tanking all of Anpao’s attacks like they never even happened. That’s some defense!!
Bell: C’mon, Austin! You can do better than that!!
Austin: Go, Singeing Burn!!
Shu: Justice Spin!!
(Anpao clashes with the Justice Disk but the Justice Disk blocks the attack thanks to its Free Spinning Gimmick)
Austin: *Gasps* My Attack was blocked?!
Shu: Yeah. Is this seriously all you can do? Can’t you handle Defense like this?!
Austin: Grr!! Of course, I can, Singeing Upper!!
(Anpao shoots its Blade up as it hits Spriggan with a Powerful Uppercut sending it flying into the wall)
Shu: *Gasps*
Adrian (Thoughts): So Spriggan has a Powerful Defense that can only be broken with Powerful Attacks…
Bell: *Gasps* Anpao broke through!
(Spriggan starts wobbling as Anpao enters Blaze and heads right for it)
Shu: *Gasps*
Austin: Anpao!!
(Austin’s Blaze Burns Brightly as Anpao blazes out of the Bey)
Valt: So Blaze can just keep evolving… Huh.
Austin: Singeing Slash!!
(Anpao slams into Spriggan sending it flying into the air)
Shu: Now switch to Attack Mode!!
All: What?!
(Spriggan’s driver slams into the wall and changes to Attack Mode as Spriggan lands on the stadium and picks up Major Speed)
All: It switched to Attack Mode?!
Shu: *Roars* Spriggan!!
(Shu’s Resonance Aura flares up as Spriggan blazes out of the Bey)
Shu: Regal Slash!!
(Spriggan slams into Anpao causing a Massive Bombing Explosion causing Anpao to burst right before Austin’s Eyes)
Austin: Seriously?!
Bell: It’s Regal Spriggan with a Burst Finish! Shu Kurenai is the Winner!!
(Shu’s Eyes and Scar glows through the smoke as he stares Austin down seriously)
Shu: Whether you like it or not your Friend may be a part of the Snake Pit and we need to do some investigating. I’ll admit, you put up a Way better fight than I expected but a Deal is a Deal.
Austin: *Gasps*
Adrian (Thoughts): So Regal Spriggan is a Powerful Balance Type Beyblade. I’ve got to Upgrade Asriel if I’m going to stand a chance against Shu Kurenai. *Grins Evilly*
People that might be interested:
Chapter 33 of Yin Yang is the Ultimate Battle between Powerhouses!
Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 33
The God of Crimson Flames, Regal Spriggan!
Wakiya: Attention everyone! We’re currently landing in America. Brace yourselves!
Austin: I wonder which Legendary Blader we’ll be facing today!
Adrian: Shu Kurenai. The Blader I want to crush again.
Wally: Guys have you seen Ren?
Hyuga: I’ve seen Ren, what’s up? Can’t find him or something?
Wally: No. He’s acting strange. He won’t ever talk to me and whenever I come close to him he pushes me away.
Hikaru: It could just be a phase. Maybe he’s realizing that friendships in Tournaments don’t work out and he has to do this on his own.
Austin: No. Rentaro would never do anything like that! It must be an accident! Or maybe he hurt himself and doesn’t remember–
Bell: I refuse to believe Ren would turn his back on us! Friends stick together and we’re not about to lose one!!
(Ren walks out of the Ship and just walks by us as he looks outside from the Balcony on the Port)
Hikaru: Yo, Ren! What’s up with you?!
Ren: It’s none of your concern. Now leave me be.
Austin: It’s okay, Ren. We understand you need to get serious for the Tournament but we’re your friends! You may act Tough but we know it’s just an act.
Hyuga: Yeah! Just be straightforward with us!!
Hikaru: If this is an act then drop it. You can be honest with us.
(Ren puts on an Emotionless Face as he walks right past us)
Adrian: Hey. We’re talking to you!
Ren: Shut it. I have no friends and you certainly aren’t them. I may have been your friend in the past but I’ve chosen another path.
Bell: Grr!! What happened to you?! The Demon King demands to know!!
Ren: If you want to play pretend and be my friend go for it.
Illius: Is this just because you're losing?! Are you abandoning us because of your failures?
Adrian: Failure is right. You’re the biggest Failure I’ve seen in my entire life.
Ren: Grr!! Get outta my face. All of you. I hate all of you so much!!
(Austin tries putting his hand on Ren’s shoulder but he slaps it away, Ren walks away furiously)
Hikaru: He… He left us.
Illius: Tch… And we called him a Friend.
Austin: There’s no way. This is seriously just an act.
Bell: There’s no hope. All we can do is beat him in the next match.
Wakiya: Everyone! We have arrived in America. Get ready to do some touring and whatever you need to do. Also, The Blader eligible to battle our Legendary Blader, Shu Kurnai tomorrow is Adrian Saito!!
All: *Gasps*
Austin: Adrian, you get to beat Shu Kurenai again! Aren’t you excited?!
Adrian: *Grins* Shu Kurenai’s gonna get crushed big time by me.
Valt: Hey, guys! I’m going to the Raging Bulls to visit Shu. You wanna come?
Austin: Are you and Shu buddies?
Valt: Yeah. We’ve been Best Friends for a long time. He was my Biggest Rival when I was around your age!
Adrian: Count me in. I need to learn about my opponent before the match.
Hikaru: Sorry. Me, Hyuga, Wally, and Illius already made some Sightseeing plans.
Bell: *Laughs* The Demon King would love to see Shu Kurenai again!
Valt: Welp, we’re heading out. We’ll be back later today!
(We all walk away in separate directions as we wave goodbye to each other)
~At The Raging Bulls~
Valt: Here we are! The Raging Bulls!
Austin: What’re we waiting for? Ring the doorbell!
(Valt rings the doorbell as Shu walks up and opens the door)
Shu: Valt, nice to see you again. Looks like you brought some friends.
Austin: Hi, Shu Kurenai! I’m a Big Fan of yours!!
Bell: Shu, long time no see.
Shu: Hi, Bell. And hello Austin.
Austin: You know who I am?
Shu: Yeah. I went to the Gates of Hell and battled your brother. He won but it was seriously fun.
Adrian: Did you see the News? We’re going to be having another Battle. I’ll crush you in that battle and prove that I’m way stronger than you!!
Austin: Adrian, you’re embarrassing me.
(We all walk inside as we see the Raging Bulls from the inside)
Bell: So this is your club, Shu?
Shu: Yeah. I took the Raging Bulls over after Alexander Gilten was using this Club to corrupt Bladers. Just like how Ethan is corrupted.
All: *Gasps*
Austin: Gilten?!
Valt: How did I just realize this?! Ethan’s last name is Gilten! No wonder he’s going down the Dark Path.
Shu: *Gasps* Ashtem’s working on the Snake Pit again?!
Bell: What’s the Snake Pit?
Valt: An Evil Organization of Bladers Me and some of my friends took down a couple of years back.
Shu: Yeah. They lured me into their scheme and I can’t let the same thing happen to anyone else!
Adrian: That’d explain Ren’s behavior. They probably lured him in.
Austin: No… There’s no way Ren would fall for a Petty Scheme like that!
Bell: But Austin, it all adds up.
Valt: What’s going on with Ren?
Bell: He’s ignoring all of us and putting us to the side and keeps stating that we’re not his friends. He’s also way more aggressive than usual.
Shu: *Sighs* It sounds like Me when I was lured into the Snake Pit. Alexander has his ways to lure anyone he wants in. The possibility that he tricked your friend into going down my path is… High.
(Tears start welling up in Austin’s eyes as he looks at us angrily)
Austin: Ren’s one of my closest friends! He’d never dump us for some Stupid Snake Pit.
Shu: I’m sorry, Austin. But it is a possibility! If you really care about your friend then you need to look into this and if he has gone down that path we need to do everything we can to stop it. There is a High Chance he is working with Ethan Gilten and the Snake Pit. We must stop him.
Austin: I know Ren better than anyone! Shu Kurenai I challenge you to a battle! If you win, I’ll start looking into Ren working with the Snake Pit but if you lose you have to believe me!
Adrian: *Gasps* Austin stop this is–
(Bell puts his hand on my shoulder)
Bell: Adrian, Austin needs to do this. Even if you don’t agree there’s no changing his mind.
Shu: Challenge accepted! I’ll battle you with my New Regal Spriggan!!
(Shu holds up his Regal Spriggan as everyone gasps in Shock)
Valt: So you decided to create a Yin or Yang Beyblade?!
Shu: Yeah. It is a Yin Bey. I’ll defeat Anpao and prove to Austin that Ren is potentially a threat to the Blading World.
Bell: First Battle!
Austin (Thoughts): Regal Spriggan, a Dual Spinning Balance Type. In its Right Spin Form, It has Two Huge Rubber Blades on it and Burst Stoppers that don’t entirely stop it from bursting but help Prevent it from Bursting. In its Left Spin Mode, it has 4 Metal Blades that can be used for Attacking and Defending. Its Long Metal Blade is used to make powerful Slash Attacks! Its Disk Justice is able to change from Free Spin Mode to Locked Mode. Locked Mode increases Attack and Free Spin increases Defense. The Driver Quattro’ is able to switch from Attack Mode, Balance Mode, Defense Mode, and Stamina Mode! It’s super versatile and it’ll be hard to defeat. But I have to do this for Ren!
Shu: For the First Battle I’ll be going in Left Spin Defense Mode.
(Shu puts Spriggan in Left Spin Defense Mode)
Austin: I’m going to go on the Attack for the Whole Battle!
(Austin puts the Singe Layer on Anpao and puts its Driver in Attack Mode)
Adrian (Thoughts): Put up a Good Fight, Austin. So I can use that Data for my match tomorrow!
Bell: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Austin/Shu: Go, Shoot!!
(Both Shu and Austin pull off Extremely Powerful Eclipse Shoots, Spriggan immediately takes the center as Anpao speeds around the stadium)
Austin: *Roars* Singeing Spark!!
Shu: Show it your Defense, Spriggan!
(Anpao continuously slams into Spriggan, Spriggan barely even budges as it tanks the rest of Anpao’s Attacks)
Valt: Spriggan’s tanking all of Anpao’s attacks like they never even happened. That’s some defense!!
Bell: C’mon, Austin! You can do better than that!!
Austin: Go, Singeing Burn!!
Shu: Justice Spin!!
(Anpao clashes with the Justice Disk but the Justice Disk blocks the attack thanks to its Free Spinning Gimmick)
Austin: *Gasps* My Attack was blocked?!
Shu: Yeah. Is this seriously all you can do? Can’t you handle Defense like this?!
Austin: Grr!! Of course, I can, Singeing Upper!!
(Anpao shoots its Blade up as it hits Spriggan with a Powerful Uppercut sending it flying into the wall)
Shu: *Gasps*
Adrian (Thoughts): So Spriggan has a Powerful Defense that can only be broken with Powerful Attacks…
Bell: *Gasps* Anpao broke through!
(Spriggan starts wobbling as Anpao enters Blaze and heads right for it)
Shu: *Gasps*
Austin: Anpao!!
(Austin’s Blaze Burns Brightly as Anpao blazes out of the Bey)
Valt: So Blaze can just keep evolving… Huh.
Austin: Singeing Slash!!
(Anpao slams into Spriggan sending it flying into the air)
Shu: Now switch to Attack Mode!!
All: What?!
(Spriggan’s driver slams into the wall and changes to Attack Mode as Spriggan lands on the stadium and picks up Major Speed)
All: It switched to Attack Mode?!
Shu: *Roars* Spriggan!!
(Shu’s Resonance Aura flares up as Spriggan blazes out of the Bey)
Shu: Regal Slash!!
(Spriggan slams into Anpao causing a Massive Bombing Explosion causing Anpao to burst right before Austin’s Eyes)
Austin: Seriously?!
Bell: It’s Regal Spriggan with a Burst Finish! Shu Kurenai is the Winner!!
(Shu’s Eyes and Scar glows through the smoke as he stares Austin down seriously)
Shu: Whether you like it or not your Friend may be a part of the Snake Pit and we need to do some investigating. I’ll admit, you put up a Way better fight than I expected but a Deal is a Deal.
Austin: *Gasps*
Adrian (Thoughts): So Regal Spriggan is a Powerful Balance Type Beyblade. I’ve got to Upgrade Asriel if I’m going to stand a chance against Shu Kurenai. *Grins Evilly*
Nov. 06, 2021 7:31 AM
(Nov. 06, 2021 1:40 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]To celebrate Mystical Boldness getting over 90 Reads and 4 Likes we're doing a Character Contest. But this Contest is going to be extremely hard to get into since this is a DB OC. I'll only be accepting the best entry and there will only be one Winner. Your Character will play a Major Part in the story and be a Part of the Main Cast. The last day to enter is Sunday the 21st at 5:00 PM Sharp. I won't be taking any late entries. Remember, you'll be using the DB System
People that might be interested:mentioned you and you don't wanna enter that's fine I was just Mentioning people that might be interested.
Chapter 33 of Yin Yang is the Ultimate Battle between Powerhouses!
Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 33
The God of Crimson Flames, Regal Spriggan!
Wakiya: Attention everyone! We’re currently landing in America. Brace yourselves!
Austin: I wonder which Legendary Blader we’ll be facing today!
Adrian: Shu Kurenai. The Blader I want to crush again.
Wally: Guys have you seen Ren?
Hyuga: I’ve seen Ren, what’s up? Can’t find him or something?
Wally: No. He’s acting strange. He won’t ever talk to me and whenever I come close to him he pushes me away.
Hikaru: It could just be a phase. Maybe he’s realizing that friendships in Tournaments don’t work out and he has to do this on his own.
Austin: No. Rentaro would never do anything like that! It must be an accident! Or maybe he hurt himself and doesn’t remember–
Bell: I refuse to believe Ren would turn his back on us! Friends stick together and we’re not about to lose one!!
(Ren walks out of the Ship and just walks by us as he looks outside from the Balcony on the Port)
Hikaru: Yo, Ren! What’s up with you?!
Ren: It’s none of your concern. Now leave me be.
Austin: It’s okay, Ren. We understand you need to get serious for the Tournament but we’re your friends! You may act Tough but we know it’s just an act.
Hyuga: Yeah! Just be straightforward with us!!
Hikaru: If this is an act then drop it. You can be honest with us.
(Ren puts on an Emotionless Face as he walks right past us)
Adrian: Hey. We’re talking to you!
Ren: Shut it. I have no friends and you certainly aren’t them. I may have been your friend in the past but I’ve chosen another path.
Bell: Grr!! What happened to you?! The Demon King demands to know!!
Ren: If you want to play pretend and be my friend go for it.
Illius: Is this just because you're losing?! Are you abandoning us because of your failures?
Adrian: Failure is right. You’re the biggest Failure I’ve seen in my entire life.
Ren: Grr!! Get outta my face. All of you. I hate all of you so much!!
(Austin tries putting his hand on Ren’s shoulder but he slaps it away, Ren walks away furiously)
Hikaru: He… He left us.
Illius: Tch… And we called him a Friend.
Austin: There’s no way. This is seriously just an act.
Bell: There’s no hope. All we can do is beat him in the next match.
Wakiya: Everyone! We have arrived in America. Get ready to do some touring and whatever you need to do. Also, The Blader eligible to battle our Legendary Blader, Shu Kurnai tomorrow is Adrian Saito!!
All: *Gasps*
Austin: Adrian, you get to beat Shu Kurenai again! Aren’t you excited?!
Adrian: *Grins* Shu Kurenai’s gonna get crushed big time by me.
Valt: Hey, guys! I’m going to the Raging Bulls to visit Shu. You wanna come?
Austin: Are you and Shu buddies?
Valt: Yeah. We’ve been Best Friends for a long time. He was my Biggest Rival when I was around your age!
Adrian: Count me in. I need to learn about my opponent before the match.
Hikaru: Sorry. Me, Hyuga, Wally, and Illius already made some Sightseeing plans.
Bell: *Laughs* The Demon King would love to see Shu Kurenai again!
Valt: Welp, we’re heading out. We’ll be back later today!
(We all walk away in separate directions as we wave goodbye to each other)
~At The Raging Bulls~
Valt: Here we are! The Raging Bulls!
Austin: What’re we waiting for? Ring the doorbell!
(Valt rings the doorbell as Shu walks up and opens the door)
Shu: Valt, nice to see you again. Looks like you brought some friends.
Austin: Hi, Shu Kurenai! I’m a Big Fan of yours!!
Bell: Shu, long time no see.
Shu: Hi, Bell. And hello Austin.
Austin: You know who I am?
Shu: Yeah. I went to the Gates of Hell and battled your brother. He won but it was seriously fun.
Adrian: Did you see the News? We’re going to be having another Battle. I’ll crush you in that battle and prove that I’m way stronger than you!!
Austin: Adrian, you’re embarrassing me.
(We all walk inside as we see the Raging Bulls from the inside)
Bell: So this is your club, Shu?
Shu: Yeah. I took the Raging Bulls over after Alexander Gilten was using this Club to corrupt Bladers. Just like how Ethan is corrupted.
All: *Gasps*
Austin: Gilten?!
Valt: How did I just realize this?! Ethan’s last name is Gilten! No wonder he’s going down the Dark Path.
Shu: *Gasps* Ashtem’s working on the Snake Pit again?!
Bell: What’s the Snake Pit?
Valt: An Evil Organization of Bladers Me and some of my friends took down a couple of years back.
Shu: Yeah. They lured me into their scheme and I can’t let the same thing happen to anyone else!
Adrian: That’d explain Ren’s behavior. They probably lured him in.
Austin: No… There’s no way Ren would fall for a Petty Scheme like that!
Bell: But Austin, it all adds up.
Valt: What’s going on with Ren?
Bell: He’s ignoring all of us and putting us to the side and keeps stating that we’re not his friends. He’s also way more aggressive than usual.
Shu: *Sighs* It sounds like Me when I was lured into the Snake Pit. Alexander has his ways to lure anyone he wants in. The possibility that he tricked your friend into going down my path is… High.
(Tears start welling up in Austin’s eyes as he looks at us angrily)
Austin: Ren’s one of my closest friends! He’d never dump us for some Stupid Snake Pit.
Shu: I’m sorry, Austin. But it is a possibility! If you really care about your friend then you need to look into this and if he has gone down that path we need to do everything we can to stop it. There is a High Chance he is working with Ethan Gilten and the Snake Pit. We must stop him.
Austin: I know Ren better than anyone! Shu Kurenai I challenge you to a battle! If you win, I’ll start looking into Ren working with the Snake Pit but if you lose you have to believe me!
Adrian: *Gasps* Austin stop this is–
(Bell puts his hand on my shoulder)
Bell: Adrian, Austin needs to do this. Even if you don’t agree there’s no changing his mind.
Shu: Challenge accepted! I’ll battle you with my New Regal Spriggan!!
(Shu holds up his Regal Spriggan as everyone gasps in Shock)
Valt: So you decided to create a Yin or Yang Beyblade?!
Shu: Yeah. It is a Yin Bey. I’ll defeat Anpao and prove to Austin that Ren is potentially a threat to the Blading World.
Bell: First Battle!
Austin (Thoughts): Regal Spriggan, a Dual Spinning Balance Type. In its Right Spin Form, It has Two Huge Rubber Blades on it and Burst Stoppers that don’t entirely stop it from bursting but help Prevent it from Bursting. In its Left Spin Mode, it has 4 Metal Blades that can be used for Attacking and Defending. Its Long Metal Blade is used to make powerful Slash Attacks! Its Disk Justice is able to change from Free Spin Mode to Locked Mode. Locked Mode increases Attack and Free Spin increases Defense. The Driver Quattro’ is able to switch from Attack Mode, Balance Mode, Defense Mode, and Stamina Mode! It’s super versatile and it’ll be hard to defeat. But I have to do this for Ren!
Shu: For the First Battle I’ll be going in Left Spin Defense Mode.
(Shu puts Spriggan in Left Spin Defense Mode)
Austin: I’m going to go on the Attack for the Whole Battle!
(Austin puts the Singe Layer on Anpao and puts its Driver in Attack Mode)
Adrian (Thoughts): Put up a Good Fight, Austin. So I can use that Data for my match tomorrow!
Bell: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Austin/Shu: Go, Shoot!!
(Both Shu and Austin pull off Extremely Powerful Eclipse Shoots, Spriggan immediately takes the center as Anpao speeds around the stadium)
Austin: *Roars* Singeing Spark!!
Shu: Show it your Defense, Spriggan!
(Anpao continuously slams into Spriggan, Spriggan barely even budges as it tanks the rest of Anpao’s Attacks)
Valt: Spriggan’s tanking all of Anpao’s attacks like they never even happened. That’s some defense!!
Bell: C’mon, Austin! You can do better than that!!
Austin: Go, Singeing Burn!!
Shu: Justice Spin!!
(Anpao clashes with the Justice Disk but the Justice Disk blocks the attack thanks to its Free Spinning Gimmick)
Austin: *Gasps* My Attack was blocked?!
Shu: Yeah. Is this seriously all you can do? Can’t you handle Defense like this?!
Austin: Grr!! Of course, I can, Singeing Upper!!
(Anpao shoots its Blade up as it hits Spriggan with a Powerful Uppercut sending it flying into the wall)
Shu: *Gasps*
Adrian (Thoughts): So Spriggan has a Powerful Defense that can only be broken with Powerful Attacks…
Bell: *Gasps* Anpao broke through!
(Spriggan starts wobbling as Anpao enters Blaze and heads right for it)
Shu: *Gasps*
Austin: Anpao!!
(Austin’s Blaze Burns Brightly as Anpao blazes out of the Bey)
Valt: So Blaze can just keep evolving… Huh.
Austin: Singeing Slash!!
(Anpao slams into Spriggan sending it flying into the air)
Shu: Now switch to Attack Mode!!
All: What?!
(Spriggan’s driver slams into the wall and changes to Attack Mode as Spriggan lands on the stadium and picks up Major Speed)
All: It switched to Attack Mode?!
Shu: *Roars* Spriggan!!
(Shu’s Resonance Aura flares up as Spriggan blazes out of the Bey)
Shu: Regal Slash!!
(Spriggan slams into Anpao causing a Massive Bombing Explosion causing Anpao to burst right before Austin’s Eyes)
Austin: Seriously?!
Bell: It’s Regal Spriggan with a Burst Finish! Shu Kurenai is the Winner!!
(Shu’s Eyes and Scar glows through the smoke as he stares Austin down seriously)
Shu: Whether you like it or not your Friend may be a part of the Snake Pit and we need to do some investigating. I’ll admit, you put up a Way better fight than I expected but a Deal is a Deal.
Austin: *Gasps*
Adrian (Thoughts): So Regal Spriggan is a Powerful Balance Type Beyblade. I’ve got to Upgrade Asriel if I’m going to stand a chance against Shu Kurenai. *Grins Evilly*
Can i join the contest also can i do a couple of entrys
UB Can i PM u
Nov. 06, 2021 2:52 PM
Mystical Boldness Chapter 8: https://www.wattpad.com/1150913349-beybl...-episode-8
Upcoming Episodes of Mystical Boldness
Episode 9: The Explosive Saber, Savior Valkyrie!
Episode 10: The Bold Rematch, Dynamite Bomber Vs. Bold Riptide!
Episode 11: The Wicked Dragon Arises, Roar Bahamut!
One entry Per Person and I'm sorry but you can't PM Me because I've had some... Very concerning PM's so I have them off All Times now.
Upcoming Episodes of Mystical Boldness
Episode 9: The Explosive Saber, Savior Valkyrie!
Episode 10: The Bold Rematch, Dynamite Bomber Vs. Bold Riptide!
Episode 11: The Wicked Dragon Arises, Roar Bahamut!
(Nov. 06, 2021 7:31 AM)CelBeyBlade Wrote: [ -> ](Nov. 06, 2021 1:40 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]To celebrate Mystical Boldness getting over 90 Reads and 4 Likes we're doing a Character Contest. But this Contest is going to be extremely hard to get into since this is a DB OC. I'll only be accepting the best entry and there will only be one Winner. Your Character will play a Major Part in the story and be a Part of the Main Cast. The last day to enter is Sunday the 21st at 5:00 PM Sharp. I won't be taking any late entries. Remember, you'll be using the DB SystemCan i join the contest also can i do a couple of entrys
People that might be interested:mentioned you and you don't wanna enter that's fine I was just Mentioning people that might be interested.
Chapter 33 of Yin Yang is the Ultimate Battle between Powerhouses!
Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 33
The God of Crimson Flames, Regal Spriggan!
Wakiya: Attention everyone! We’re currently landing in America. Brace yourselves!
Austin: I wonder which Legendary Blader we’ll be facing today!
Adrian: Shu Kurenai. The Blader I want to crush again.
Wally: Guys have you seen Ren?
Hyuga: I’ve seen Ren, what’s up? Can’t find him or something?
Wally: No. He’s acting strange. He won’t ever talk to me and whenever I come close to him he pushes me away.
Hikaru: It could just be a phase. Maybe he’s realizing that friendships in Tournaments don’t work out and he has to do this on his own.
Austin: No. Rentaro would never do anything like that! It must be an accident! Or maybe he hurt himself and doesn’t remember–
Bell: I refuse to believe Ren would turn his back on us! Friends stick together and we’re not about to lose one!!
(Ren walks out of the Ship and just walks by us as he looks outside from the Balcony on the Port)
Hikaru: Yo, Ren! What’s up with you?!
Ren: It’s none of your concern. Now leave me be.
Austin: It’s okay, Ren. We understand you need to get serious for the Tournament but we’re your friends! You may act Tough but we know it’s just an act.
Hyuga: Yeah! Just be straightforward with us!!
Hikaru: If this is an act then drop it. You can be honest with us.
(Ren puts on an Emotionless Face as he walks right past us)
Adrian: Hey. We’re talking to you!
Ren: Shut it. I have no friends and you certainly aren’t them. I may have been your friend in the past but I’ve chosen another path.
Bell: Grr!! What happened to you?! The Demon King demands to know!!
Ren: If you want to play pretend and be my friend go for it.
Illius: Is this just because you're losing?! Are you abandoning us because of your failures?
Adrian: Failure is right. You’re the biggest Failure I’ve seen in my entire life.
Ren: Grr!! Get outta my face. All of you. I hate all of you so much!!
(Austin tries putting his hand on Ren’s shoulder but he slaps it away, Ren walks away furiously)
Hikaru: He… He left us.
Illius: Tch… And we called him a Friend.
Austin: There’s no way. This is seriously just an act.
Bell: There’s no hope. All we can do is beat him in the next match.
Wakiya: Everyone! We have arrived in America. Get ready to do some touring and whatever you need to do. Also, The Blader eligible to battle our Legendary Blader, Shu Kurnai tomorrow is Adrian Saito!!
All: *Gasps*
Austin: Adrian, you get to beat Shu Kurenai again! Aren’t you excited?!
Adrian: *Grins* Shu Kurenai’s gonna get crushed big time by me.
Valt: Hey, guys! I’m going to the Raging Bulls to visit Shu. You wanna come?
Austin: Are you and Shu buddies?
Valt: Yeah. We’ve been Best Friends for a long time. He was my Biggest Rival when I was around your age!
Adrian: Count me in. I need to learn about my opponent before the match.
Hikaru: Sorry. Me, Hyuga, Wally, and Illius already made some Sightseeing plans.
Bell: *Laughs* The Demon King would love to see Shu Kurenai again!
Valt: Welp, we’re heading out. We’ll be back later today!
(We all walk away in separate directions as we wave goodbye to each other)
~At The Raging Bulls~
Valt: Here we are! The Raging Bulls!
Austin: What’re we waiting for? Ring the doorbell!
(Valt rings the doorbell as Shu walks up and opens the door)
Shu: Valt, nice to see you again. Looks like you brought some friends.
Austin: Hi, Shu Kurenai! I’m a Big Fan of yours!!
Bell: Shu, long time no see.
Shu: Hi, Bell. And hello Austin.
Austin: You know who I am?
Shu: Yeah. I went to the Gates of Hell and battled your brother. He won but it was seriously fun.
Adrian: Did you see the News? We’re going to be having another Battle. I’ll crush you in that battle and prove that I’m way stronger than you!!
Austin: Adrian, you’re embarrassing me.
(We all walk inside as we see the Raging Bulls from the inside)
Bell: So this is your club, Shu?
Shu: Yeah. I took the Raging Bulls over after Alexander Gilten was using this Club to corrupt Bladers. Just like how Ethan is corrupted.
All: *Gasps*
Austin: Gilten?!
Valt: How did I just realize this?! Ethan’s last name is Gilten! No wonder he’s going down the Dark Path.
Shu: *Gasps* Ashtem’s working on the Snake Pit again?!
Bell: What’s the Snake Pit?
Valt: An Evil Organization of Bladers Me and some of my friends took down a couple of years back.
Shu: Yeah. They lured me into their scheme and I can’t let the same thing happen to anyone else!
Adrian: That’d explain Ren’s behavior. They probably lured him in.
Austin: No… There’s no way Ren would fall for a Petty Scheme like that!
Bell: But Austin, it all adds up.
Valt: What’s going on with Ren?
Bell: He’s ignoring all of us and putting us to the side and keeps stating that we’re not his friends. He’s also way more aggressive than usual.
Shu: *Sighs* It sounds like Me when I was lured into the Snake Pit. Alexander has his ways to lure anyone he wants in. The possibility that he tricked your friend into going down my path is… High.
(Tears start welling up in Austin’s eyes as he looks at us angrily)
Austin: Ren’s one of my closest friends! He’d never dump us for some Stupid Snake Pit.
Shu: I’m sorry, Austin. But it is a possibility! If you really care about your friend then you need to look into this and if he has gone down that path we need to do everything we can to stop it. There is a High Chance he is working with Ethan Gilten and the Snake Pit. We must stop him.
Austin: I know Ren better than anyone! Shu Kurenai I challenge you to a battle! If you win, I’ll start looking into Ren working with the Snake Pit but if you lose you have to believe me!
Adrian: *Gasps* Austin stop this is–
(Bell puts his hand on my shoulder)
Bell: Adrian, Austin needs to do this. Even if you don’t agree there’s no changing his mind.
Shu: Challenge accepted! I’ll battle you with my New Regal Spriggan!!
(Shu holds up his Regal Spriggan as everyone gasps in Shock)
Valt: So you decided to create a Yin or Yang Beyblade?!
Shu: Yeah. It is a Yin Bey. I’ll defeat Anpao and prove to Austin that Ren is potentially a threat to the Blading World.
Bell: First Battle!
Austin (Thoughts): Regal Spriggan, a Dual Spinning Balance Type. In its Right Spin Form, It has Two Huge Rubber Blades on it and Burst Stoppers that don’t entirely stop it from bursting but help Prevent it from Bursting. In its Left Spin Mode, it has 4 Metal Blades that can be used for Attacking and Defending. Its Long Metal Blade is used to make powerful Slash Attacks! Its Disk Justice is able to change from Free Spin Mode to Locked Mode. Locked Mode increases Attack and Free Spin increases Defense. The Driver Quattro’ is able to switch from Attack Mode, Balance Mode, Defense Mode, and Stamina Mode! It’s super versatile and it’ll be hard to defeat. But I have to do this for Ren!
Shu: For the First Battle I’ll be going in Left Spin Defense Mode.
(Shu puts Spriggan in Left Spin Defense Mode)
Austin: I’m going to go on the Attack for the Whole Battle!
(Austin puts the Singe Layer on Anpao and puts its Driver in Attack Mode)
Adrian (Thoughts): Put up a Good Fight, Austin. So I can use that Data for my match tomorrow!
Bell: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Austin/Shu: Go, Shoot!!
(Both Shu and Austin pull off Extremely Powerful Eclipse Shoots, Spriggan immediately takes the center as Anpao speeds around the stadium)
Austin: *Roars* Singeing Spark!!
Shu: Show it your Defense, Spriggan!
(Anpao continuously slams into Spriggan, Spriggan barely even budges as it tanks the rest of Anpao’s Attacks)
Valt: Spriggan’s tanking all of Anpao’s attacks like they never even happened. That’s some defense!!
Bell: C’mon, Austin! You can do better than that!!
Austin: Go, Singeing Burn!!
Shu: Justice Spin!!
(Anpao clashes with the Justice Disk but the Justice Disk blocks the attack thanks to its Free Spinning Gimmick)
Austin: *Gasps* My Attack was blocked?!
Shu: Yeah. Is this seriously all you can do? Can’t you handle Defense like this?!
Austin: Grr!! Of course, I can, Singeing Upper!!
(Anpao shoots its Blade up as it hits Spriggan with a Powerful Uppercut sending it flying into the wall)
Shu: *Gasps*
Adrian (Thoughts): So Spriggan has a Powerful Defense that can only be broken with Powerful Attacks…
Bell: *Gasps* Anpao broke through!
(Spriggan starts wobbling as Anpao enters Blaze and heads right for it)
Shu: *Gasps*
Austin: Anpao!!
(Austin’s Blaze Burns Brightly as Anpao blazes out of the Bey)
Valt: So Blaze can just keep evolving… Huh.
Austin: Singeing Slash!!
(Anpao slams into Spriggan sending it flying into the air)
Shu: Now switch to Attack Mode!!
All: What?!
(Spriggan’s driver slams into the wall and changes to Attack Mode as Spriggan lands on the stadium and picks up Major Speed)
All: It switched to Attack Mode?!
Shu: *Roars* Spriggan!!
(Shu’s Resonance Aura flares up as Spriggan blazes out of the Bey)
Shu: Regal Slash!!
(Spriggan slams into Anpao causing a Massive Bombing Explosion causing Anpao to burst right before Austin’s Eyes)
Austin: Seriously?!
Bell: It’s Regal Spriggan with a Burst Finish! Shu Kurenai is the Winner!!
(Shu’s Eyes and Scar glows through the smoke as he stares Austin down seriously)
Shu: Whether you like it or not your Friend may be a part of the Snake Pit and we need to do some investigating. I’ll admit, you put up a Way better fight than I expected but a Deal is a Deal.
Austin: *Gasps*
Adrian (Thoughts): So Regal Spriggan is a Powerful Balance Type Beyblade. I’ve got to Upgrade Asriel if I’m going to stand a chance against Shu Kurenai. *Grins Evilly*
UB Can i PM u
One entry Per Person and I'm sorry but you can't PM Me because I've had some... Very concerning PM's so I have them off All Times now.
Nov. 06, 2021 7:40 PM
yo im sorry if it seems like i am ignoring ur fanfics but trust me im not its just i've been getting a bit burned out from reading and rating all of your massively great chapters... but i will try my best to give a full-on rating of ur next chapter 👌. also i will be joining the character contest, cause no way im not gonna turn down an excuse to make a dynamite battle oc!
Nov. 06, 2021 8:25 PM
(Nov. 06, 2021 1:40 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]To celebrate Mystical Boldness getting over 90 Reads and 4 Likes we're doing a Character Contest. But this Contest is going to be extremely hard to get into since this is a DB OC. I'll only be accepting the best entry and there will only be one Winner. Your Character will play a Major Part in the story and be a Part of the Main Cast. The last day to enter is Sunday the 21st at 5:00 PM Sharp. I won't be taking any late entries. Remember, you'll be using the DB System
People that might be interested: "LA-Blader" "Genesus" "I can't mess with DeltaZakuro's name, he's gonna one hit kill me" "me" I mentioned you and you don't wanna enter that's fine I was just Mentioning people that might be interested.
Chapter 33 of Yin Yang is the Ultimate Battle between Powerhouses!
"LJ's Blader" "Average TommyInnit enjoyer" "JusticeLegend "GeneticsBlader" "Celularbeyblade" "PhantomFox" "Lucha"Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 33
The God of Crimson Flames, Regal Spriggan!
Wakiya: Attention everyone! We’re currently landing in America. Brace yourselves!
Austin: I wonder which Legendary Blader we’ll be facing today!
Adrian: Shu Kurenai. The Blader I want to crush again.
Wally: Guys have you seen Ren?
Hyuga: I’ve seen Ren, what’s up? Can’t find him or something?
Wally: No. He’s acting strange. He won’t ever talk to me and whenever I come close to him he pushes me away.
Hikaru: It could just be a phase. Maybe he’s realizing that friendships in Tournaments don’t work out and he has to do this on his own.
Austin: No. Rentaro would never do anything like that! It must be an accident! Or maybe he hurt himself and doesn’t remember–
Bell: I refuse to believe Ren would turn his back on us! Friends stick together and we’re not about to lose one!!
(Ren walks out of the Ship and just walks by us as he looks outside from the Balcony on the Port)
Hikaru: Yo, Ren! What’s up with you?!
Ren: It’s none of your concern. Now leave me be.
Austin: It’s okay, Ren. We understand you need to get serious for the Tournament but we’re your friends! You may act Tough but we know it’s just an act.
Hyuga: Yeah! Just be straightforward with us!!
Hikaru: If this is an act then drop it. You can be honest with us.
(Ren puts on an Emotionless Face as he walks right past us)
Adrian: Hey. We’re talking to you!
Ren: Shut it. I have no friends and you certainly aren’t them. I may have been your friend in the past but I’ve chosen another path.
Bell: Grr!! What happened to you?! The Demon King demands to know!!
Ren: If you want to play pretend and be my friend go for it.
Illius: Is this just because you're losing?! Are you abandoning us because of your failures?
Adrian: Failure is right. You’re the biggest Failure I’ve seen in my entire life.
Ren: Grr!! Get outta my face. All of you. I hate all of you so much!!
(Austin tries putting his hand on Ren’s shoulder but he slaps it away, Ren walks away furiously)
Hikaru: He… He left us.
Illius: Tch… And we called him a Friend.
Austin: There’s no way. This is seriously just an act.
Bell: There’s no hope. All we can do is beat him in the next match.
Wakiya: Everyone! We have arrived in America. Get ready to do some touring and whatever you need to do. Also, The Blader eligible to battle our Legendary Blader, Shu Kurnai tomorrow is Adrian Saito!!
All: *Gasps*
Austin: Adrian, you get to beat Shu Kurenai again! Aren’t you excited?!
Adrian: *Grins* Shu Kurenai’s gonna get crushed big time by me.
Valt: Hey, guys! I’m going to the Raging Bulls to visit Shu. You wanna come?
Austin: Are you and Shu buddies?
Valt: Yeah. We’ve been Best Friends for a long time. He was my Biggest Rival when I was around your age!
Adrian: Count me in. I need to learn about my opponent before the match.
Hikaru: Sorry. Me, Hyuga, Wally, and Illius already made some Sightseeing plans.
Bell: *Laughs* The Demon King would love to see Shu Kurenai again!
Valt: Welp, we’re heading out. We’ll be back later today!
(We all walk away in separate directions as we wave goodbye to each other)
~At The Raging Bulls~
Valt: Here we are! The Raging Bulls!
Austin: What’re we waiting for? Ring the doorbell!
(Valt rings the doorbell as Shu walks up and opens the door)
Shu: Valt, nice to see you again. Looks like you brought some friends.
Austin: Hi, Shu Kurenai! I’m a Big Fan of yours!!
Bell: Shu, long time no see.
Shu: Hi, Bell. And hello Austin.
Austin: You know who I am?
Shu: Yeah. I went to the Gates of Hell and battled your brother. He won but it was seriously fun.
Adrian: Did you see the News? We’re going to be having another Battle. I’ll crush you in that battle and prove that I’m way stronger than you!!
Austin: Adrian, you’re embarrassing me.
(We all walk inside as we see the Raging Bulls from the inside)
Bell: So this is your club, Shu?
Shu: Yeah. I took the Raging Bulls over after Alexander Gilten was using this Club to corrupt Bladers. Just like how Ethan is corrupted.
All: *Gasps*
Austin: Gilten?!
Valt: How did I just realize this?! Ethan’s last name is Gilten! No wonder he’s going down the Dark Path.
Shu: *Gasps* Ashtem’s working on the Snake Pit again?!
Bell: What’s the Snake Pit?
Valt: An Evil Organization of Bladers Me and some of my friends took down a couple of years back.
Shu: Yeah. They lured me into their scheme and I can’t let the same thing happen to anyone else!
Adrian: That’d explain Ren’s behavior. They probably lured him in.
Austin: No… There’s no way Ren would fall for a Petty Scheme like that!
Bell: But Austin, it all adds up.
Valt: What’s going on with Ren?
Bell: He’s ignoring all of us and putting us to the side and keeps stating that we’re not his friends. He’s also way more aggressive than usual.
Shu: *Sighs* It sounds like Me when I was lured into the Snake Pit. Alexander has his ways to lure anyone he wants in. The possibility that he tricked your friend into going down my path is… High.
(Tears start welling up in Austin’s eyes as he looks at us angrily)
Austin: Ren’s one of my closest friends! He’d never dump us for some Stupid Snake Pit.
Shu: I’m sorry, Austin. But it is a possibility! If you really care about your friend then you need to look into this and if he has gone down that path we need to do everything we can to stop it. There is a High Chance he is working with Ethan Gilten and the Snake Pit. We must stop him.
Austin: I know Ren better than anyone! Shu Kurenai I challenge you to a battle! If you win, I’ll start looking into Ren working with the Snake Pit but if you lose you have to believe me!
Adrian: *Gasps* Austin stop this is–
(Bell puts his hand on my shoulder)
Bell: Adrian, Austin needs to do this. Even if you don’t agree there’s no changing his mind.
Shu: Challenge accepted! I’ll battle you with my New Regal Spriggan!!
(Shu holds up his Regal Spriggan as everyone gasps in Shock)
Valt: So you decided to create a Yin or Yang Beyblade?!
Shu: Yeah. It is a Yin Bey. I’ll defeat Anpao and prove to Austin that Ren is potentially a threat to the Blading World.
Bell: First Battle!
Austin (Thoughts): Regal Spriggan, a Dual Spinning Balance Type. In its Right Spin Form, It has Two Huge Rubber Blades on it and Burst Stoppers that don’t entirely stop it from bursting but help Prevent it from Bursting. In its Left Spin Mode, it has 4 Metal Blades that can be used for Attacking and Defending. Its Long Metal Blade is used to make powerful Slash Attacks! Its Disk Justice is able to change from Free Spin Mode to Locked Mode. Locked Mode increases Attack and Free Spin increases Defense. The Driver Quattro’ is able to switch from Attack Mode, Balance Mode, Defense Mode, and Stamina Mode! It’s super versatile and it’ll be hard to defeat. But I have to do this for Ren!
Shu: For the First Battle I’ll be going in Left Spin Defense Mode.
(Shu puts Spriggan in Left Spin Defense Mode)
Austin: I’m going to go on the Attack for the Whole Battle!
(Austin puts the Singe Layer on Anpao and puts its Driver in Attack Mode)
Adrian (Thoughts): Put up a Good Fight, Austin. So I can use that Data for my match tomorrow!
Bell: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Austin/Shu: Go, Shoot!!
(Both Shu and Austin pull off Extremely Powerful Eclipse Shoots, Spriggan immediately takes the center as Anpao speeds around the stadium)
Austin: *Roars* Singeing Spark!!
Shu: Show it your Defense, Spriggan!
(Anpao continuously slams into Spriggan, Spriggan barely even budges as it tanks the rest of Anpao’s Attacks)
Valt: Spriggan’s tanking all of Anpao’s attacks like they never even happened. That’s some defense!!
Bell: C’mon, Austin! You can do better than that!!
Austin: Go, Singeing Burn!!
Shu: Justice Spin!!
(Anpao clashes with the Justice Disk but the Justice Disk blocks the attack thanks to its Free Spinning Gimmick)
Austin: *Gasps* My Attack was blocked?!
Shu: Yeah. Is this seriously all you can do? Can’t you handle Defense like this?!
Austin: Grr!! Of course, I can, Singeing Upper!!
(Anpao shoots its Blade up as it hits Spriggan with a Powerful Uppercut sending it flying into the wall)
Shu: *Gasps*
Adrian (Thoughts): So Spriggan has a Powerful Defense that can only be broken with Powerful Attacks…
Bell: *Gasps* Anpao broke through!
(Spriggan starts wobbling as Anpao enters Blaze and heads right for it)
Shu: *Gasps*
Austin: Anpao!!
(Austin’s Blaze Burns Brightly as Anpao blazes out of the Bey)
Valt: So Blaze can just keep evolving… Huh.
Austin: Singeing Slash!!
(Anpao slams into Spriggan sending it flying into the air)
Shu: Now switch to Attack Mode!!
All: What?!
(Spriggan’s driver slams into the wall and changes to Attack Mode as Spriggan lands on the stadium and picks up Major Speed)
All: It switched to Attack Mode?!
Shu: *Roars* Spriggan!!
(Shu’s Resonance Aura flares up as Spriggan blazes out of the Bey)
Shu: Regal Slash!!
(Spriggan slams into Anpao causing a Massive Bombing Explosion causing Anpao to burst right before Austin’s Eyes)
Austin: Seriously?!
Bell: It’s Regal Spriggan with a Burst Finish! Shu Kurenai is the Winner!!
(Shu’s Eyes and Scar glows through the smoke as he stares Austin down seriously)
Shu: Whether you like it or not your Friend may be a part of the Snake Pit and we need to do some investigating. I’ll admit, you put up a Way better fight than I expected but a Deal is a Deal.
Austin: *Gasps*
Adrian (Thoughts): So Regal Spriggan is a Powerful Balance Type Beyblade. I’ve got to Upgrade Asriel if I’m going to stand a chance against Shu Kurenai. *Grins Evilly*
Nice chapter, but since I don't have a brain, I cannot share thoughts.
Oh, a character contest? I would enter, but I don't know if I will. I mean, maybe? I don't know for sure yet and, for some reason, I didn't read any chapter from Mystical Boldness so... I'll consider after I read it, IF I read it.
Just to make sure: since I won quite a lot of your character contest, would it be allowed for me to enter?
Nov. 06, 2021 8:30 PM
(Nov. 06, 2021 8:25 PM)Hollowmind8 Wrote: [ -> ](Nov. 06, 2021 1:40 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]To celebrate Mystical Boldness getting over 90 Reads and 4 Likes we're doing a Character Contest. But this Contest is going to be extremely hard to get into since this is a DB OC. I'll only be accepting the best entry and there will only be one Winner. Your Character will play a Major Part in the story and be a Part of the Main Cast. The last day to enter is Sunday the 21st at 5:00 PM Sharp. I won't be taking any late entries. Remember, you'll be using the DB System
People that might be interested: "LA-Blader" "Genesus" "I can't mess with DeltaZakuro's name, he's gonna one hit kill me" "me" I mentioned you and you don't wanna enter that's fine I was just Mentioning people that might be interested.
Chapter 33 of Yin Yang is the Ultimate Battle between Powerhouses!
"LJ's Blader" "Average TommyInnit enjoyer" "JusticeLegend "GeneticsBlader" "Celularbeyblade" "PhantomFox" "Lucha"Spoiler (Click to View)
Beyblade Burst Yin Yang
Chapter 33
The God of Crimson Flames, Regal Spriggan!
Wakiya: Attention everyone! We’re currently landing in America. Brace yourselves!
Austin: I wonder which Legendary Blader we’ll be facing today!
Adrian: Shu Kurenai. The Blader I want to crush again.
Wally: Guys have you seen Ren?
Hyuga: I’ve seen Ren, what’s up? Can’t find him or something?
Wally: No. He’s acting strange. He won’t ever talk to me and whenever I come close to him he pushes me away.
Hikaru: It could just be a phase. Maybe he’s realizing that friendships in Tournaments don’t work out and he has to do this on his own.
Austin: No. Rentaro would never do anything like that! It must be an accident! Or maybe he hurt himself and doesn’t remember–
Bell: I refuse to believe Ren would turn his back on us! Friends stick together and we’re not about to lose one!!
(Ren walks out of the Ship and just walks by us as he looks outside from the Balcony on the Port)
Hikaru: Yo, Ren! What’s up with you?!
Ren: It’s none of your concern. Now leave me be.
Austin: It’s okay, Ren. We understand you need to get serious for the Tournament but we’re your friends! You may act Tough but we know it’s just an act.
Hyuga: Yeah! Just be straightforward with us!!
Hikaru: If this is an act then drop it. You can be honest with us.
(Ren puts on an Emotionless Face as he walks right past us)
Adrian: Hey. We’re talking to you!
Ren: Shut it. I have no friends and you certainly aren’t them. I may have been your friend in the past but I’ve chosen another path.
Bell: Grr!! What happened to you?! The Demon King demands to know!!
Ren: If you want to play pretend and be my friend go for it.
Illius: Is this just because you're losing?! Are you abandoning us because of your failures?
Adrian: Failure is right. You’re the biggest Failure I’ve seen in my entire life.
Ren: Grr!! Get outta my face. All of you. I hate all of you so much!!
(Austin tries putting his hand on Ren’s shoulder but he slaps it away, Ren walks away furiously)
Hikaru: He… He left us.
Illius: Tch… And we called him a Friend.
Austin: There’s no way. This is seriously just an act.
Bell: There’s no hope. All we can do is beat him in the next match.
Wakiya: Everyone! We have arrived in America. Get ready to do some touring and whatever you need to do. Also, The Blader eligible to battle our Legendary Blader, Shu Kurnai tomorrow is Adrian Saito!!
All: *Gasps*
Austin: Adrian, you get to beat Shu Kurenai again! Aren’t you excited?!
Adrian: *Grins* Shu Kurenai’s gonna get crushed big time by me.
Valt: Hey, guys! I’m going to the Raging Bulls to visit Shu. You wanna come?
Austin: Are you and Shu buddies?
Valt: Yeah. We’ve been Best Friends for a long time. He was my Biggest Rival when I was around your age!
Adrian: Count me in. I need to learn about my opponent before the match.
Hikaru: Sorry. Me, Hyuga, Wally, and Illius already made some Sightseeing plans.
Bell: *Laughs* The Demon King would love to see Shu Kurenai again!
Valt: Welp, we’re heading out. We’ll be back later today!
(We all walk away in separate directions as we wave goodbye to each other)
~At The Raging Bulls~
Valt: Here we are! The Raging Bulls!
Austin: What’re we waiting for? Ring the doorbell!
(Valt rings the doorbell as Shu walks up and opens the door)
Shu: Valt, nice to see you again. Looks like you brought some friends.
Austin: Hi, Shu Kurenai! I’m a Big Fan of yours!!
Bell: Shu, long time no see.
Shu: Hi, Bell. And hello Austin.
Austin: You know who I am?
Shu: Yeah. I went to the Gates of Hell and battled your brother. He won but it was seriously fun.
Adrian: Did you see the News? We’re going to be having another Battle. I’ll crush you in that battle and prove that I’m way stronger than you!!
Austin: Adrian, you’re embarrassing me.
(We all walk inside as we see the Raging Bulls from the inside)
Bell: So this is your club, Shu?
Shu: Yeah. I took the Raging Bulls over after Alexander Gilten was using this Club to corrupt Bladers. Just like how Ethan is corrupted.
All: *Gasps*
Austin: Gilten?!
Valt: How did I just realize this?! Ethan’s last name is Gilten! No wonder he’s going down the Dark Path.
Shu: *Gasps* Ashtem’s working on the Snake Pit again?!
Bell: What’s the Snake Pit?
Valt: An Evil Organization of Bladers Me and some of my friends took down a couple of years back.
Shu: Yeah. They lured me into their scheme and I can’t let the same thing happen to anyone else!
Adrian: That’d explain Ren’s behavior. They probably lured him in.
Austin: No… There’s no way Ren would fall for a Petty Scheme like that!
Bell: But Austin, it all adds up.
Valt: What’s going on with Ren?
Bell: He’s ignoring all of us and putting us to the side and keeps stating that we’re not his friends. He’s also way more aggressive than usual.
Shu: *Sighs* It sounds like Me when I was lured into the Snake Pit. Alexander has his ways to lure anyone he wants in. The possibility that he tricked your friend into going down my path is… High.
(Tears start welling up in Austin’s eyes as he looks at us angrily)
Austin: Ren’s one of my closest friends! He’d never dump us for some Stupid Snake Pit.
Shu: I’m sorry, Austin. But it is a possibility! If you really care about your friend then you need to look into this and if he has gone down that path we need to do everything we can to stop it. There is a High Chance he is working with Ethan Gilten and the Snake Pit. We must stop him.
Austin: I know Ren better than anyone! Shu Kurenai I challenge you to a battle! If you win, I’ll start looking into Ren working with the Snake Pit but if you lose you have to believe me!
Adrian: *Gasps* Austin stop this is–
(Bell puts his hand on my shoulder)
Bell: Adrian, Austin needs to do this. Even if you don’t agree there’s no changing his mind.
Shu: Challenge accepted! I’ll battle you with my New Regal Spriggan!!
(Shu holds up his Regal Spriggan as everyone gasps in Shock)
Valt: So you decided to create a Yin or Yang Beyblade?!
Shu: Yeah. It is a Yin Bey. I’ll defeat Anpao and prove to Austin that Ren is potentially a threat to the Blading World.
Bell: First Battle!
Austin (Thoughts): Regal Spriggan, a Dual Spinning Balance Type. In its Right Spin Form, It has Two Huge Rubber Blades on it and Burst Stoppers that don’t entirely stop it from bursting but help Prevent it from Bursting. In its Left Spin Mode, it has 4 Metal Blades that can be used for Attacking and Defending. Its Long Metal Blade is used to make powerful Slash Attacks! Its Disk Justice is able to change from Free Spin Mode to Locked Mode. Locked Mode increases Attack and Free Spin increases Defense. The Driver Quattro’ is able to switch from Attack Mode, Balance Mode, Defense Mode, and Stamina Mode! It’s super versatile and it’ll be hard to defeat. But I have to do this for Ren!
Shu: For the First Battle I’ll be going in Left Spin Defense Mode.
(Shu puts Spriggan in Left Spin Defense Mode)
Austin: I’m going to go on the Attack for the Whole Battle!
(Austin puts the Singe Layer on Anpao and puts its Driver in Attack Mode)
Adrian (Thoughts): Put up a Good Fight, Austin. So I can use that Data for my match tomorrow!
Bell: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Austin/Shu: Go, Shoot!!
(Both Shu and Austin pull off Extremely Powerful Eclipse Shoots, Spriggan immediately takes the center as Anpao speeds around the stadium)
Austin: *Roars* Singeing Spark!!
Shu: Show it your Defense, Spriggan!
(Anpao continuously slams into Spriggan, Spriggan barely even budges as it tanks the rest of Anpao’s Attacks)
Valt: Spriggan’s tanking all of Anpao’s attacks like they never even happened. That’s some defense!!
Bell: C’mon, Austin! You can do better than that!!
Austin: Go, Singeing Burn!!
Shu: Justice Spin!!
(Anpao clashes with the Justice Disk but the Justice Disk blocks the attack thanks to its Free Spinning Gimmick)
Austin: *Gasps* My Attack was blocked?!
Shu: Yeah. Is this seriously all you can do? Can’t you handle Defense like this?!
Austin: Grr!! Of course, I can, Singeing Upper!!
(Anpao shoots its Blade up as it hits Spriggan with a Powerful Uppercut sending it flying into the wall)
Shu: *Gasps*
Adrian (Thoughts): So Spriggan has a Powerful Defense that can only be broken with Powerful Attacks…
Bell: *Gasps* Anpao broke through!
(Spriggan starts wobbling as Anpao enters Blaze and heads right for it)
Shu: *Gasps*
Austin: Anpao!!
(Austin’s Blaze Burns Brightly as Anpao blazes out of the Bey)
Valt: So Blaze can just keep evolving… Huh.
Austin: Singeing Slash!!
(Anpao slams into Spriggan sending it flying into the air)
Shu: Now switch to Attack Mode!!
All: What?!
(Spriggan’s driver slams into the wall and changes to Attack Mode as Spriggan lands on the stadium and picks up Major Speed)
All: It switched to Attack Mode?!
Shu: *Roars* Spriggan!!
(Shu’s Resonance Aura flares up as Spriggan blazes out of the Bey)
Shu: Regal Slash!!
(Spriggan slams into Anpao causing a Massive Bombing Explosion causing Anpao to burst right before Austin’s Eyes)
Austin: Seriously?!
Bell: It’s Regal Spriggan with a Burst Finish! Shu Kurenai is the Winner!!
(Shu’s Eyes and Scar glows through the smoke as he stares Austin down seriously)
Shu: Whether you like it or not your Friend may be a part of the Snake Pit and we need to do some investigating. I’ll admit, you put up a Way better fight than I expected but a Deal is a Deal.
Austin: *Gasps*
Adrian (Thoughts): So Regal Spriggan is a Powerful Balance Type Beyblade. I’ve got to Upgrade Asriel if I’m going to stand a chance against Shu Kurenai. *Grins Evilly*
Nice chapter, but since I don't have a brain, I cannot share thoughts.
Oh, a character contest? I would enter, but I don't know if I will. I mean, maybe? I don't know for sure yet and, for some reason, I didn't read any chapter from Mystical Boldness so... I'll consider after I read it, IF I read it.
Just to make sure: since I won quite a lot of your character contest, would it be allowed for me to enter?
It doesn't matter how many Character Contests you've won you can still enter. That goes for everyone planning on entering. If we get a lot of entries before the Due Date then I'll announce the Winners early. Also If you enter during the Week I won't see it till Wenseday since I'm kinda busy during the Week
Nov. 06, 2021 8:45 PM
(Nov. 06, 2021 8:30 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ].(Nov. 06, 2021 8:25 PM)Hollowmind8 Wrote: [ -> ]Nice chapter, but since I don't have a brain, I cannot share thoughts.
Oh, a character contest? I would enter, but I don't know if I will. I mean, maybe? I don't know for sure yet and, for some reason, I didn't read any chapter from Mystical Boldness so... I'll consider after I read it, IF I read it.
Just to make sure: since I won quite a lot of your character contest, would it be allowed for me to enter?
It doesn't matter how many Character Contests you've won you can still enter. That goes for everyone planning on entering. If we get a lot of entries before the Due Date then I'll announce the Winners early. Also If you enter during the Week I won't see it till Wednesday since I'm kinda busy during the Week
Understandable, time can sometimes take a lot of time. And I'll surely think about entering, thanks for clarifying.
Nov. 06, 2021 11:09 PM
Name: Din Aza
Age: 12
Personality: Very much an anti hero. He is a rich kid but is not a jerk. His parents want him to be perfect but he often gets up to no good to annoy them. His parents don’t support him blading and think it’s “a waste of you valuable time”. He is very loyal to his friends and is not afraid to give the harsh truth. Outside of his house he is quick to crack a joke, with his parents though, he is always serious.
Appearance: Has Blonde hair that always seems to be messy. He has dark blue eyes
That twinkle in battle. He wears khaki cargo shorts and an untucked red T-Shirt with an white sports jacket and is a big advocate for flip flops (much to his parents displeasure). Din wears a gold Rolex that is actually electronic and has Dragoon’s spirit is inside. It projects a 3D model right above it and can analyze both other bladers and beys. It was given to him by his grandfather who supports him in all his in-devours.
Bey: Omega Dragoon Nexus+S High Xtend X
Omega - A blade that has 4 black dragon heads with lightning running down them (ie: l Drago disaster) it has claws on the bottom that are weighted and the blades are made of red rubber
Dragoon - A white dragon head with red eyes and a gold horn. There is a black background. Has 2 medium locks and one hard lock.
High Xtend X - High Xtend+ with a metal cap and rubber tip. The cap is free spin except when you pull it all the way out, then the tip works like generate.
Age: 12
Personality: Very much an anti hero. He is a rich kid but is not a jerk. His parents want him to be perfect but he often gets up to no good to annoy them. His parents don’t support him blading and think it’s “a waste of you valuable time”. He is very loyal to his friends and is not afraid to give the harsh truth. Outside of his house he is quick to crack a joke, with his parents though, he is always serious.
Appearance: Has Blonde hair that always seems to be messy. He has dark blue eyes
That twinkle in battle. He wears khaki cargo shorts and an untucked red T-Shirt with an white sports jacket and is a big advocate for flip flops (much to his parents displeasure). Din wears a gold Rolex that is actually electronic and has Dragoon’s spirit is inside. It projects a 3D model right above it and can analyze both other bladers and beys. It was given to him by his grandfather who supports him in all his in-devours.
Bey: Omega Dragoon Nexus+S High Xtend X
Omega - A blade that has 4 black dragon heads with lightning running down them (ie: l Drago disaster) it has claws on the bottom that are weighted and the blades are made of red rubber
Dragoon - A white dragon head with red eyes and a gold horn. There is a black background. Has 2 medium locks and one hard lock.
High Xtend X - High Xtend+ with a metal cap and rubber tip. The cap is free spin except when you pull it all the way out, then the tip works like generate.
Nov. 06, 2021 11:24 PM
Participants for the Mystical Boldness Character Contest (So I can keep track of who's in)
1st Particapant:
2nd Particapant:
3rd Particapant:
4th Particapant:
Episode 9 of Mystical Boldness is out: https://www.wattpad.com/1151191746-beybl...sode-9-the
1st Particapant:
2nd Particapant:
3rd Particapant:
4th Particapant:
Episode 9 of Mystical Boldness is out: https://www.wattpad.com/1151191746-beybl...sode-9-the