Sorry it took me so long but Chapter 25 is finally up. I hope you enjoy.
Beyblade Burst SK Drive
Chapter 25
100% Mastery! Ultimate Cogged Deimos!!
~In the GT Arena Training Area~
Shu: Give it you all, World Spriggan!
Sammy: We won’t give up yet, Solomon!
(Both Solomon and Spriggan clash wildly in the stadium center as Solomon gets blown back and immediately bursts as Sammy falls to his knees as he punches the ground)
Sammy: We’ve been training all day and I still haven’t even improved a bit! How can I beat you, Shu?!
Shu: Maybe try changing up your Combo. It seems it lacks the necessary punch and maybe Solomon needs to undergo an “Evolution”.
Sammy: You’re right. Have any parts I can borrow?
(Shu picks up a Whole Box Full of Beyblade Parts as he slides it over to Sammy as he gasps to see all the parts inside of the box)
Sammy: Are you seriously just letting me pick out of those Boxes?!
Shu: I’m here to help you get stronger, aren’t I? Some changes to your Bey might be necessary for that.
(Sammy picks out some parts out of the Box and puts his old parts in his pocket as he puts all the parts together and grins)
Sammy: This is the New Solomon! World Solomon!!
Shu (Thoughts): World Solomon Wheel Zephyr’ 1D, huh? What an interesting selection, Sammy Suiryu.
Sammy: Can we have another battle, Shu?!
Shu: Why not, I’ll be using World Spriggan in Counterclockwise Attack Mode.
Sammy: *Grins* I can’t wait to test out World Solomon!!
Blue: *Yawns* Alright, 44th Battle. Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Shu/Sammy: Go, Shoot!!
(Both Sammy and Shu pull off Powerful Sparking Shoots as Shu would be impressed with Sammy’s Sparking Shoot as he’d grin)
Shu: Nice Shoot! I see our training’s paid off!
Sammy: Yeah! But you’ll be losing to World Solomon today!
(Spriggan speeds around the stadium as Solomon catches up to its speed as it rams into Spriggan from behind as Spriggan tilts hard on its driver and accelerates thanks to the Rubber on its driver as it slashes its Powerful Blade at Solomon as it gets blown back but doesn’t burst)
Shu: You didn’t burst! But we’re still not done! World Upper Shoot!!
Sammy: C’mon, don’t give up just yet!
(Spriggan launches a Powerful Barrage of Extremely Fast Strikes as Solomon gets blown back and ricochets off the wall as it catches onto the stadium rim and picks up speed as it aims for Spriggan)
Sammy: Go! Zephyr Blow!!
Shu: I don’t think so! Shut it down, World Slash!!
(Spriggan picks up speed as it accelerated and rams right into Solomon as it slashes across its Layer bursting it immediately as a Gust of Wind erupts from the stadium as World Solomon’s Parts would all fly past Sammy)
Sammy: Tch… I was closer than the other times. The battles may be short but that doesn’t mean I’m not improving!
Shu: C’mon, let’s keep improving. Master World Solomon and then one day, maybe you’ll defeat me!
Blue: You’ve got this, Sammy! Just keep pushing!
Sammy: *Pants* Thanks, Blue. C’mon, Shu! One more time!
Shu: *Grins* Let’s go, c’mon, Sammy!
~At my House~
Me: Deimos is a Powerful Clockwise Spinning Attack Type, it has 3 Cogs on it currently but the Cogs can’t really work together at the same time. I want to make a Cog that works with all the other Cogs in syncs them together. If I balance out the perimeter and main contact points of the Beys and I need to make sure the Center is balanced out too! I know exactly what I need to do!
(I write up a Blueprint with my Pencil and Paper as I draw a Chip very similar to the Strike God Chip and an Armor that has 3 Dragon Heads and 2 Contect Points in the center that can easily fit with Deimos’ Blades as I grin as I start creating it)
Me: Deimos! We’ll become the strongest and defeat Valt! Trust me!
(I get pulled into a White Void as Deimos’ Avatar looms over me as I grin as I raise my hand in excitement)
Me: We’ll completely crush Valt in this battle! He’ll wish he never met the Abyss King!!
Deimos: Is that really what you want?
Me: What do you mean?! I’ll be the King of all the Legends, that’s what we both want!!
Deimos: I know, but is it worth pushing everybody that cares about you out of your life? Your friends and Mother supported you on your journey to enter that League yet you pushed them away when you're in the Semi-Finals? Is this the type of Person and Blader you want to grow into?
Me: Tch… What’re you talking about?! They just didn’t understand how important these battles are to me!
Deimos: But you need to realize you’re also important to your friends and family. Shu’s right, this Aura is corrupted and if you don't do something about it, everyone will have to pay the price.
(I try asking another question but the White Void crumbles around me into dust as I wake up continuing to work on my Bey, I continue working on Deimos’ New Cog as my eyes would glow Purple brightly, I would continue working hard as Deimos’ Avatar just looms over me)
~At Beigoma Academy’s Rooftop~
Valt/Rantaro: Go, Shoot!!
(Both Valt and Rantaro pull off Powerful Sparking Shoots as they pull their string at Full Power as Sparks fly through the air as both Beys speed around the stadium)
Valt: Go, Valkyrie! Rush Shoot!!
Rantaro: Glide Tornado!!
(Ragnaruk spins at High Speeds as it takes the center as Valkyrie launches a Powerful Swift barrage of strikes as Valkyrie knocks it back as it retakes the center)
Rantaro: You seem serious about your match with Dax tomorrow. You’re planning on going all out, aren’t you?
Valt: Yeah. Dax is way stronger than he was when we last battled. I’ve got to win this battle, no matter what!
(Valt clenches his fists and as Rantaro just grins at him as Valkyrie rams right into Ragnaruk sending it flying out of the stadium)
Rantaro: Isn’t it obvious you’re going to win? Even though he’s gotten stronger, you’ve outclassed him in almost every aspect.
Valt: Yeah. But Dax is a Powerful Opponent. The Abyss King is going to refuse to lose this battle.
(Valkyrie races around the stadium and ricochets off the stadium wall and flies out of the stadium as it shines in the light of the sun as it glows brightly with Blue Aura flames surrounding it)
~At the Rebel Bey Club’s Hideout~
Aiga: Go! Infinite Buster!!
Ranjiro: Super Tornado!! Rip ‘em apart!!
(Achilles and Ragnaruk both clash wildly as they would both be sent flying but as Ragnaruk would burst and Achilles would land back in the stadium speeding around at High Speeds)
Ranjiro: *Pants* Man, you really are going at it strong, huh?
Aiga: Yeah, Ariana has gotten stronger and she’s been training with legends. I heard that she’s currently training with Lui and Drum right now on the Island of Demons, that’ll be lots of hardcore training and she is probably going to use her Powerful Defenses to outclass Achilles in this battle. I won’t let her win!!
Ranjiro: Then we should practice with Infinite Shield! Try defeating her defense with your own Defense! Then she doesn’t stand a chance!
Aiga: Yeah. If we’re able to max out Achilles' already Powerful Defensive Powers then Ariana doesn’t stand a chance! I wanna meet Valt in the Finals and finish the match we had in the Tag Battle! It’ll be the most fun battle ever!! *Grins*
Ranjiro: You’d better not lose, World Champ!
Aiga: I’m going to win this! Super Z 100%!!
~Back at My House~
Me: It’s finally finished! Deimos’ Final Cogs!!
(I pick up the Cog that looks similar to the Strike God Chip and the Cog with the 3 Sharp Dragon Heads and attach them onto Deimos as Deimos would be stacked with Cogs and completely perfected)
Me: Yes! The Unity Gears are finished!! This is 100% Ultimate Cogged Deimos!!! This will be the Abyss King’s Ultimate Bey!! Now, Deimos, we’ll take Shu down!
(Deimos’ Gears all glow brightly as its eyes flicker with light too, I run off and out of the house and run full speed all the way to the GT Arena as I see Shu and Sammy battling)
Shu: World Slash!!
Sammy: Don’t give up! World Solomon!!
(Spriggan slashes across World Solomon’s Layer at Full Power as it would get blown back with ease, World Solomon would land outside of the stadium as I’d run in and pick it up as Sammy would look at me in shock)
Sammy: D-Dax! What’re you doing?! That’s my World Solomon!
Me: So you evolved it, huh? That’s great! I was getting tired of facing such a weak Bey!
Blue: What’re you doing here though?
Me: Shu Kurenai! The 100% Abyss King is ready to challenge you! Take this, 100% Ultimate Cogged Deimos coming at you!!
(I hold up my Completed Deimos as Blue and Sammy would stare at it in shock as Shu would just sigh and pull Spriggan out from his pocket)
Shu: If you want to battle so bad then I guess I shouldn’t turn down your offer. Let’s go!
Me: *Grins* You’ll be crushed by my Deimos!!
Sammy: I’ll be the Referee. First Battle!
Me: This will be so good! I finally get to crush you!!
(My eyes turn purple as lightning starts coming off of my eyes as I roar loudly and a burst of Purple Aura bursts out and surrounds me)
Dark Me: I’m the True Abyss King!!
Sammy: *Gasps*
Shu (Thoughts): His Dark Aura has gotten more powerful. It must be from the power of the completed Deimos. Each Cog represents a memory that Deimos and Dax share together to become stronger. All that power fused into one could end in some devastating results.
Sammy: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Shu: Go, Shoot!!
(Me and Shu both pull our Launcher Strings at Full Power as we pull off Powerful Sparking Shoots as Sparks fly through the air)
Me: Go, Deimos! Sharp Shoot!!
Shu: Take the center, Spriggan!
(Deimos launches a Powerful Barrage of Blows onto Spriggan as Spriggan gets knocked around with ease, Deimos speeds on the rim of the stadium as it tilts on its driver and accelerates forward and rams into Spriggan as it gets sent flying through the air)
Dark Me: Yeah! That’s our True Power!
Shu: Counter Break!!
Dark Me: Now! Tragic Spin!!
(Spriggan tilts on its driver and accelerates forward as it rams right into Deimos’ Disk but Deimos brushes off the hit with its Free Spinning Fisk as both Beys get blown back)
Shu: Now! Go for a World Slash!!
Dark Me: *Grins* That won’t work!
(Spriggan’s Blade glows brightly as it slashes across Deimos’ Layer, Deimos gets blown back and ricochets off the wall as it bounces back toward Spriggan)
Shu: *Gasps*
Dark Me: This is a Real Attack! Tragic Saber!!
(Deimos rams right into Spriggan and uses its Heavy Blade combined with its Metal Dragon Head as it slashes across Spriggan’s Layer and sends it flying back as Spriggan comes in at Full Speed)
Dark Me: Use the Jet Cog to dodge the attack!
Shu: Are you sure?!
(Deimos scraps on its Metal Chip on its driver as it accelerates but Spriggan also tilts on its driver and immediately appears in front of Deimos while its scraping on its driver)
Dark Me: No! Use the Justice Cog–
Shu: World Slash!!!
(All of Deimos’ Cogs glitch out in wildly different colors as it would start wobbling, Spriggan rams into Deimos sending it flying out of the stadium)
Shu: It still didn’t burst, huh?
Me: Tch… The Unity Cog in the center has 2 Small Rubber Taps that help with Burst Resistance but I still lost. Why can’t I beat you, Shu?!
Shu: It’s as simple as you still don’t have Full Control over Deimos. This is over.
Me: One more battle! You got lucky! I’ll crush you in our next battle!
Sammy: *Sighs* You don’t learn, do you?
Shu: Fine.
(Me and Shu continue battling over a long course of time and all of the battles would end in either Deimos getting out spun or completely knocked out of the stadium, After the 25th Battle, Deimos flies out of the stadium and lands next to my feet as I’d be dripping with sweat)
Me: Why can’t I win?! Deimos is a Legend Crusher! It should be able to win!!
Shu: You still don’t understand how to control 100% of Deimos’ Power. Just battling recklessly won’t get you anywhere.
Me: What do you know about– *Gasps*
(All of Deimos Cogs glow at the exact same time and give off a Powerful Aura of their perspective color as gold flashes in my eyes as I grin and hold up Deimos)
Me (Thoughts): Of course, I’ve only been focusing on using One Cog per match but I have more than One Cog. If I want to win against Valt and Shu, I’ve got to use all of them in synchronization! That’s the only way I can win!
Sammy: Are you guys finally done? I’m getting tired of–
Me: One more! I’ll totally defeat you in this battle! Just one more chance!
Shu: Fine. Sammy, if you would please.
Sammy: 26th Battle! Ready?! Set!!
(I start running back as I run decently far from the stadium as I grin at Shu)
All: 3!
(I charge forward at Full Speed as I would pull my Launcher behind my head)
All: 2!
(I start sliding on the ground and getting closer to the stadium as I’d grin)
All: 1!
(I jump back on my feet and twist my foot back as I leap into the air and spin in the air)
Me/Shu: Go, Shoot!!
(I stop spinning as I pull my Launcher string with all my might as Sparks surround me as Shu also pulls off a Powerful Sparking Shoot)
Sammy: *Gasps* A New Shoot Style?!
Me: Go! Sharp Shoot!!
(Deimos moves at much faster speeds as it would continue to hammer at Spriggan as it spins in the center as it gets knocked around by Deimos and its Powerful and Swift Attacks)
Shu: Spriggan! Block the attacks! World Spin!!
Dark Me: This is your doom! Tragic Saber!!
(Deimos slashes across Spriggan’s Layer as Spriggan gets sent flying back and ricochets off the wall as it tilts on its driver and accelerates)
Shu: We’re not done! World Counter Break!!
(Spriggan catches onto the stadium’s rim as it moves at Extremely High Speeds, Spriggan rams right into Deimos as Deimos gets blown back)
Dark Me: That attack… Won’t work on us!!
(My eyes glow bright purple as Purple Lightning erupts from my body surrounding my as I grin at Shu, Deimos continuously rams into Spriggan at High Speeds using the combination of its Locked Disk, Metal Dragon Head, and Jet Cog to move at High Speeds and continuously ram into Spriggan)
Shu (Thoughts): He’s using more than One Cog at a time?! Amazing, he’s really something special!!
Dark Me: Push it even more! It’s all over for you!
(Deimos moves at Extremely High Speeds as it ricochets off the wall and flies into the air as it rams into Spriggan with its Bound Disk)
Shu: What?!
Dark Me: Push it! Tragic Bound!!
(Deimos sends Spriggan flying away from it as it jumps higher into the air using its Bound Disk and slams Spriggan into the ground as my eyes glow brighter as all of Deimos’ Gears glow in Perfect Sync)
Dark Me: *Roars* Spread your Dark Twilight Wings! Deimos!!
(My Dark Resonance Aura surrounds me as Burning Flames would also burn around me as Deimos’ Gears would all burst with Dark Light as Deimos would get surrounded by its Powerful Dark Flare as its Avatar would blaze out of the Bey)
Shu: We’re not going down so easy!! Now, Spriggan!!!
(Shu’s Resonance Aura flares up as Spriggan’s Avatar blazes out of the Bey)
Dark Me: Once more!! Sharp Shoot!!!
Shu: World Upper Shoot!!
(Both Spriggan and Deimos move around the stadium at Amazing Speeds ramming into each other and slashing at each other as they move around the stadium, Both Beys get blown back as they charge in for the Final Attack)
Shu: Now!! World Slash!!!
100% Dark Me: Now!! 100% Tragic Crusher!!!
(I roar at the top of my lungs as my hair bursts into a Purple Raging Inferno as my eyes would glow and my Flare would burn wildly like a Wildfire around me as I’d get a flashback as it would be Black and Dark Red around and I’d see myself lying on the ground while my Dad glared at me from above, Both Spriggan and Deimos clash as I scream at the top of my lungs as a Huge Explosion would erupt from the stadium, Both Beys would get sent flying back as Deimos would hit the wall and burst as Spriggan would burst right after)
All: *Gasps*
Me: After all of that… We still lost…
(I pass out as I collapse on the floor, I’d last see Sammy and Blue rushing to my side as I’d look to my other side to see Deimos’ Parts lying next to me as everything would turn black)
~A Few Hours Later~
Blue: He’s still… When will he…
Sammy: Soon… Maybe we shouldn’t have…
Shu: He’ll be alright. He just needs time.
(I barely lift myself up and brush myself off as Shu and the others would look at me in shock, I almost fall back down but Sammy catches me and wraps my arm around his neck)
Sammy: Take it slow, Abyss King. You were seriously knocked out just now.
Me: No… I’ve got to face Shu again… I’ve gotta win.
Blue: You can barely walk. You’ll need a long sleep before you face Valt tomorrow. Otherwise, there’s no way you’ll be able to beat him.
Shu: Dax, keep that Resonance in control tomorrow. Otherwise, you’ll regret it.
(Blue and Sammy help me leave the GT Training Arena and help me on my entire way home as Shu would just stare at his Glowing Spriggan)
Shu: For a moment, there was no doubt in my mind that I was going to lose.
~The Next Day~
Hanami: What is up all you Blading Girls and Boys?! Today, we’ll be starting off the Semi-Finals with a bang! It’s the Legend of Legends, Valt Aoi!! Vs. The Abyss King himself, Dax Akagami! These are some Wickedly Powerful Bladers so why don’t we just get right into this?!
Referee: First Battle!!
Valt: So, Dax. Shu told me you Mastered a New Shoot Style for your New Ultimate Deimos, what is it called?!
Me: Tch… Shu that snitch. It's called the Tartarus Shoot, it’ll send you to the depths of the Abyss!!
Valt: You have no clue how hard I’ve been training! Sorry, but I’m going to but winning this battle!!
Sammy: This is going to be an interesting battle. Dax and Valt have both gotten a lot stronger than the last time they battled.
Blue: I’m betting on Dax! The way he’s been training with Shu, Valt shouldn’t be a problem!
Sammy: We’ll see about that.
Referee: Ready? Set!
All: 3! 2! 1!
Me/Valt: Go, Shoot!!
(Me and Valt pull off Powerful Shoots as I use my Tartarus Shoot, Sparks fly through the air as both of our Beys speed around the stadium)
Valt: Rush Shoot!!
Me: Don’t give it an inch! Sharp Shoot!!
(Both Valkyrie and Deimos launch a Barrage of Strikes onto each other as wind starts blowing out of the stadium wildly, Deimos rams right into Valkyrie as both Beys speed off)
Me/Valt: Tch… Good going! End it here!
Hanami: Valkyrie and Deimos are giving it all they’ve got! Look at those two Beys go!
(Both Deimos and Valkryie clash in the center as Deimos uses its Bound Disk to hit its Chasis and send it flying back as Valkyrie catches onto the rim and moves at Amazingly Fast Speeds)
Valt: Now, Brave Flash!!
Me: If you really think it’ll be that easy to win then you’re wrong! Tragic Saber!!
(Deimos quickly tilts on its driver and accelerates as both Valkyrie and Deimos start clashing as wind bursts out of the stadium as I brace myself as both Beys get blown back)
Dark Me: C’mon!! Crush them already, Deimos!!
(My Dark Flare bursts out from my skin as Burning Flames surround me, Deimos’ Avatar blazes out of the Bey as it gets surrounded with its Dark Flare as it speeds around the stadium completely Black, Purple, and Crimson)
Valt: H-His Flare has gotten that much stronger?!
Dark Me: Now! Tragic Saber!!
(Deimos rams right into Valkyrie sending it flying back as Valt flips backward with Valkyrie as he stomps on the ground to regain his footing as his Resonance Aura flares up)
Valt: Don’t give up yet, Valkyrie!!
(Valt’s Resonance Aura burns brightly as Valkyrie’s Avatar blazes out of the Bey as Valt’s eyes glow brightly)
Dark Me: 100% Tragic Crusher!!
Valt: Brave Sword!!
(Both Deimos and Valkyrie start clashing wildly as Deimos gets sent flying out of the stadium and Valkyrie ricochets off the wall, I gasp as I see Deimos next to my foot)
Referee: It’s Brave Valkyrie with an Over Finish! Valt Aoi claims 1 Point!
Me: Tch… Totally unfair! You didn’t even give me a chance to use my Full Strength!!
Valt: You should’ve gotten there faster! C’mon, Dax, you can do way better!
Me: Grr…
(I look up to see Valt hovering over me as a Giant and he’d be holding Valkyrie as Valkyrie’s Avatar stands behind him as I look up in fear)
Valt: I’ll win this, Dax!! I can promise you that!