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Chapter 52 of Beyblade Burst Yin Yang finally wraps up this never-ending Series of Delight...

I would really like Ratings and Thoughts for the Series as a whole because I want to know what you liked and or disliked so I could include it or improve it in the Next Fanfics. It's been a long ride yall but we're finally here. The End of Yin Yang. I'm pretty fond of this series since I've been working on it for so long so this ending actually almost made me cry while writing it. I'd like to thank all the people who tune in to my Fanfics and enjoy reading them. Big Thanks to Hollowmind for taking the time to review my Chapters and giving me some suggestions. You're all amazing and I love the attention yall give to my Fanfics and I know it's bittersweet to say goodbye to a Fanfic that I've made especially if it was one of your favorites but don't worry. I'll be making sure that my Fanfics to come are as amazing as this one has been. Good Night yall and have an Awesome New Year's Eve.

"With each year that passes, new Things and New People come into the Light and affect our lives in so many ways. Even if they're just Fanfic Characters. Tongue_out" -UnseenBurst

(Dec. 31, 2021  6:50 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 52 of Beyblade Burst Yin Yang finally wraps up this never-ending Series of Delight...

I would really like Ratings and Thoughts for the Series as a whole because I want to know what you liked and or disliked so I could include it or improve it in the Next Fanfics. It's been a long ride yall but we're finally here. The End of Yin Yang. I'm pretty fond of this series since I've been working on it for so long so this ending actually almost made me cry while writing it. I'd like to thank all the people who tune in to my Fanfics and enjoy reading them. Big Thanks to Hollowmind for taking the time to review my Chapters and giving me some suggestions. You're all amazing and I love the attention yall give to my Fanfics and I know it's bittersweet to say goodbye to a Fanfic that I've made especially if it was one of your favorites but don't worry. I'll be making sure that my Fanfics to come are as amazing as this one has been. Good Night yall and have an Awesome New Year's Eve.

"With each year that passes, new Things and New People come into the Light and affect our lives in so many ways. Even if they're just Fanfic Characters. Tongue_out" -UnseenBurst

I really enjoyed this finally I would give it a 9/10 I really liked Phoenix being a part of it since its one of my favorite beys with Phi.
I rarely ever give feedback (as I am too lazy) but here is my report.

Blader Descriptions for Mystic Clash Pt 1. Got this idea from DeltaZakuro so give him a Shout-Out.

Victor Humora

An 11-Year-Old Blader who strives to defeat all the Blading Legends and become the Mystic Champion in the Mystic Coronation Series. He's from a family of 5 People, he has a Little Sister named Emma Humora and he has an Older Brother that is currently in College in Finland and is also a Part-Time Blader. He comes from a Long Line of Powerful Bladers that never actually made it to the top because they would always find one Blader they couldn't defeat and simply give up on their Beyblade Dreams. His Legal Name is actually Vaughan Humora but that's his Uncle's Name so he goes by his middle name Victor. He only gets called by his real name when his Mom is Extremely Mad at him. He currently battles with his Mystic Vulcan Quantum Spark.

Tristen Chiaki

An 11-Year-Old Blader who strives to be a Leader and a Perfect Roll Model for everyone. After Aiga Akaba won his Champion Title in the Title Match at the end of Cho Z. Tristen wanted to become as strong as he was so when he heard that Aiga trained at the BeyClub he signed himself up and would practice hard every day. He was inspired by Toko and Fubuki to train hard and always give it his all so once a Week he'd always challenge both of them to a battle one at a time and each week after his Long and Grueling Traning he got closer and closer to defeating the both of them. Eventually, Two Months passed and Tristen actually defeated Fubuki and after a long and hard-fought battle with Toko he defeated him and then Toko decided that it was time for him to Retire from Blading and he made Tristen the New Captain and handed his Trident down to him. Tristen is an example for the BeyClub like Toko was and is always willing to battle others when they need to get stronger. He currently battles with his Aqua Triton Tidal Oceanic.

Harry Zen

He doesn't really know much about himself to be completely honest. One day when he was 4 he woke up at his Aunt's House with no Memory of what happened beforehand. His Aunt told him that him and his Parents got in a crash and he was lucky enough to survive through his Parents weren't as lucky. That's all he knows about his Past Life since his Aunt didn't really visit since apparently her and Harry's Mom always fought so they thought it was better for him to just stay away from each other. Harry lives and helps her Aunt around the House and his Aunt is Very Kind and Generous. She always supports the decisions he makes and especially supports his Blading Carrer and offers to drive him to the beach often so they can have some Quality Family Time. He has a Cousin that also lives with them and they're so close that they feel like Brothers even though they're only cousins.

Anabelle Aki

An 11-Year-Old Self Proclaimed Blading Genuis that easily won her way through the Entry Tournament at BC Sol and is becoming one of the Strongest Bladers there. She is even almost at the Legend's Level, but she was lacking one thing that even she couldn't find the Answer to. She wanted to have a Special Bond with her Bey as the Legends did and wanted to be able to use Resonance. She tried using Math and even asked Valt and Free to have some Intense Battles for her as she runs the calculations for how they might be able to use Resonance. She even once wired up Free and Valt to a Computer to see what changes might happen. All the Computer said was that their Power Levels were rising but they couldn't come to a conclusion. After Anabelle watched a Couple of Battles that Victor Humora was in and how he could talk to his Bey and Resonate she was extremely jealous and kinda found him... Interesting for some reasons even she couldn't calculate also. After she saw Vulcan glow in the battle between Victor and Free she deiced that she needed to create her on Bey that reflects on her Personality a bit more so that she could Resonate. She used all the Math and Brains she could as she built her Bey and made it a Balance Type since in her Opinion Balance Types are the superior Beys. After she created her Bey she felt a sense of connection between her and the Spinning Top so she dubbed her Bey Sage Athena since Athena is the Greek Goddess of Wisdom and Battling Strategies. She loves her Bey and loves battling more than ever and she looks u[ to Rashad Goodman and Valt Aoi more than anyone else. She currently fights with her Sage Athena Dimond Wisdom.
(Dec. 31, 2021  11:12 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Blader Descriptions for Mystic Clash Pt 1. Got this idea from DeltaZakuro so give him a Shout-Out.

Victor Humora

An 11-Year-Old Blader who strives to defeat all the Blading Legends and become the Mystic Champion in the Mystic Coronation Series. He's from a family of 5 People, he has a Little Sister named Emma Humora and he has an Older Brother that is currently in College in Finland and is also a Part-Time Blader. He comes from a Long Line of Powerful Bladers that never actually made it to the top because they would always find one Blader they couldn't defeat and simply give up on their Beyblade Dreams. His Legal Name is actually Vaughan Humora but that's his Uncle's Name so he goes by his middle name Victor. He only gets called by his real name when his Mom is Extremely Mad at him. He currently battles with his Mystic Vulcan Quantum Spark.

Tristen Chiaki

An 11-Year-Old Blader who strives to be a Leader and a Perfect Roll Model for everyone. After Aiga Akaba won his Champion Title in the Title Match at the end of Cho Z. Tristen wanted to become as strong as he was so when he heard that Aiga trained at the BeyClub he signed himself up and would practice hard every day. He was inspired by Toko and Fubuki to train hard and always give it his all so once a Week he'd always challenge both of them to a battle one at a time and each week after his Long and Grueling Traning he got closer and closer to defeating the both of them. Eventually, Two Months passed and Tristen actually defeated Fubuki and after a long and hard-fought battle with Toko he defeated him and then Toko decided that it was time for him to Retire from Blading and he made Tristen the New Captain and handed his Trident down to him. Tristen is an example for the BeyClub like Toko was and is always willing to battle others when they need to get stronger. He currently battles with his Aqua Triton Tidal Oceanic.

Harry Zen

He doesn't really know much about himself to be completely honest. One day when he was 4 he woke up at his Aunt's House with no Memory of what happened beforehand. His Aunt told him that him and his Parents got in a crash and he was lucky enough to survive through his Parents weren't as lucky. That's all he knows about his Past Life since his Aunt didn't really visit since apparently her and Harry's Mom always fought so they thought it was better for him to just stay away from each other. Harry lives and helps her Aunt around the House and his Aunt is Very Kind and Generous. She always supports the decisions he makes and especially supports his Blading Carrer and offers to drive him to the beach often so they can have some Quality Family Time. He has a Cousin that also lives with them and they're so close that they feel like Brothers even though they're only cousins.

Anabelle Aki

An 11-Year-Old Self Proclaimed Blading Genuis that easily won her way through the Entry Tournament at BC Sol and is becoming one of the Strongest Bladers there. She is even almost at the Legend's Level, but she was lacking one thing that even she couldn't find the Answer to. She wanted to have a Special Bond with her Bey as the Legends did and wanted to be able to use Resonance. She tried using Math and even asked Valt and Free to have some Intense Battles for her as she runs the calculations for how they might be able to use Resonance. She even once wired up Free and Valt to a Computer to see what changes might happen. All the Computer said was that their Power Levels were rising but they couldn't come to a conclusion. After Anabelle watched a Couple of Battles that Victor Humora was in and how he could talk to his Bey and Resonate she was extremely jealous and kinda found him... Interesting for some reasons even she couldn't calculate also. After she saw Vulcan glow in the battle between Victor and Free she deiced that she needed to create her on Bey that reflects on her Personality a bit more so that she could Resonate. She used all the Math and Brains she could as she built her Bey and made it a Balance Type since in her Opinion Balance Types are the superior Beys. After she created her Bey she felt a sense of connection between her and the Spinning Top so she dubbed her Bey Sage Athena since Athena is the Greek Goddess of Wisdom and Battling Strategies. She loves her Bey and loves battling more than ever and she looks u[ to Rashad Goodman and Valt Aoi more than anyone else. She currently fights with her Sage Athena Dimond Wisdom.

Victor: I have a big lovely family and I'm from a lineage of Powerful bladers! I am also the MC!

Tristen: I'm a club captain and I trained very hard to defeat both Fubuki and Toko! I'm also the MC rival.

Annabeth: I'm a calculator and have resonance issues, but I strive to be better every day! Also I may or may not like Victor later on.

Harry: So, uhh... I forgot. Apparently I had a pretty messed up life so, yeah... Idk how I don't have PTSD at this point.

Jokes aside, I'm very happy that there are actual character descriptions. That's not something that you will see that often from UnseenBurst.

(also I have the same opinion on the finale as LJ-B, Ethan changed sides too fast)
(Jan. 01, 2022  12:14 AM)Hollowmind8 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 31, 2021  11:12 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Blader Descriptions for Mystic Clash Pt 1. Got this idea from DeltaZakuro so give him a Shout-Out.

Victor Humora

An 11-Year-Old Blader who strives to defeat all the Blading Legends and become the Mystic Champion in the Mystic Coronation Series. He's from a family of 5 People, he has a Little Sister named Emma Humora and he has an Older Brother that is currently in College in Finland and is also a Part-Time Blader. He comes from a Long Line of Powerful Bladers that never actually made it to the top because they would always find one Blader they couldn't defeat and simply give up on their Beyblade Dreams. His Legal Name is actually Vaughan Humora but that's his Uncle's Name so he goes by his middle name Victor. He only gets called by his real name when his Mom is Extremely Mad at him. He currently battles with his Mystic Vulcan Quantum Spark.

Tristen Chiaki

An 11-Year-Old Blader who strives to be a Leader and a Perfect Roll Model for everyone. After Aiga Akaba won his Champion Title in the Title Match at the end of Cho Z. Tristen wanted to become as strong as he was so when he heard that Aiga trained at the BeyClub he signed himself up and would practice hard every day. He was inspired by Toko and Fubuki to train hard and always give it his all so once a Week he'd always challenge both of them to a battle one at a time and each week after his Long and Grueling Traning he got closer and closer to defeating the both of them. Eventually, Two Months passed and Tristen actually defeated Fubuki and after a long and hard-fought battle with Toko he defeated him and then Toko decided that it was time for him to Retire from Blading and he made Tristen the New Captain and handed his Trident down to him. Tristen is an example for the BeyClub like Toko was and is always willing to battle others when they need to get stronger. He currently battles with his Aqua Triton Tidal Oceanic.

Harry Zen

He doesn't really know much about himself to be completely honest. One day when he was 4 he woke up at his Aunt's House with no Memory of what happened beforehand. His Aunt told him that him and his Parents got in a crash and he was lucky enough to survive through his Parents weren't as lucky. That's all he knows about his Past Life since his Aunt didn't really visit since apparently her and Harry's Mom always fought so they thought it was better for him to just stay away from each other. Harry lives and helps her Aunt around the House and his Aunt is Very Kind and Generous. She always supports the decisions he makes and especially supports his Blading Carrer and offers to drive him to the beach often so they can have some Quality Family Time. He has a Cousin that also lives with them and they're so close that they feel like Brothers even though they're only cousins.

Anabelle Aki

An 11-Year-Old Self Proclaimed Blading Genuis that easily won her way through the Entry Tournament at BC Sol and is becoming one of the Strongest Bladers there. She is even almost at the Legend's Level, but she was lacking one thing that even she couldn't find the Answer to. She wanted to have a Special Bond with her Bey as the Legends did and wanted to be able to use Resonance. She tried using Math and even asked Valt and Free to have some Intense Battles for her as she runs the calculations for how they might be able to use Resonance. She even once wired up Free and Valt to a Computer to see what changes might happen. All the Computer said was that their Power Levels were rising but they couldn't come to a conclusion. After Anabelle watched a Couple of Battles that Victor Humora was in and how he could talk to his Bey and Resonate she was extremely jealous and kinda found him... Interesting for some reasons even she couldn't calculate also. After she saw Vulcan glow in the battle between Victor and Free she deiced that she needed to create her on Bey that reflects on her Personality a bit more so that she could Resonate. She used all the Math and Brains she could as she built her Bey and made it a Balance Type since in her Opinion Balance Types are the superior Beys. After she created her Bey she felt a sense of connection between her and the Spinning Top so she dubbed her Bey Sage Athena since Athena is the Greek Goddess of Wisdom and Battling Strategies. She loves her Bey and loves battling more than ever and she looks u[ to Rashad Goodman and Valt Aoi more than anyone else. She currently fights with her Sage Athena Dimond Wisdom.

Victor: I have a big lovely family and I'm from a lineage of Powerful bladers! I am also the MC!

Tristen: I'm a club captain and I trained very hard to defeat both Fubuki and Toko! I'm also the MC rival.

Annabeth: I'm a calculator and have resonance issues, but I strive to be better every day! Also I may or may not like Victor later on.

Harry: So, uhh... I forgot. Apparently I had a pretty messed up life so, yeah... Idk how I don't have PTSD at this point.

Jokes aside, I'm very happy that there are actual character descriptions. That's not something that you will see that often from UnseenBurst.

(also I have the same opinion on the finale as LJ-B, Ethan changed sides too fast)

Yeah. I was planning on having more Chapters to develop Ethan's Change so I'm going to make a Poor Excuse why he changed so Fast. Ethan kinda realized at one point while he was going through the Impure Project that Ashtem doesn't really care about him and basically the fact that he's just using him as a Pawn to own the Blading World without even doing anything so that's what kinda inspired him to kinda change his ways from the beginning but the speech and the Pep Talk plus the affection from his Brother, Poltergeist is really what pushed him to change to the good side.

Yup, This is basically all the Characters in a Nutshell but the Victor and Anabelle thing... We'll have to see what'll happen in the Future. Also yes Tristen is the Main Rival but this season is kinda set up like GT so the Main Character will have a Main Rival like Amane in the GT Anime but he'll also have an even Bigger Rival like Protag True Rival which Delta Akane was kinda like in the GT Anime. So for now the Main Rival is Tristen but the True Main Rival is Anabelle since their Blading Styles kinda Rival each other just like Bell and Rashad. Victor's a Blader who's smart but nowhere as smart as Anabelle (Which is why she was kinda ticked off with him) so he usually goes in without a plan and just adapts to the battle. While Anabelle always needs to be in control of the battle knowing everything that's going to happen and having a Perfect Strategy after studying her opponents Bey's. As you will see in the Upcoming Tournament Arc she is usually a Lone Wolf and doesn't really like Working with others. And that's it for UnseenBurst's Ultimate Game Show Question and Answers or Whatever! Come back next time for even more Answers to your Questions!
(Dec. 31, 2021  6:50 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Chapter 52 of Beyblade Burst Yin Yang finally wraps up this never-ending Series of Delight...

I would really like Ratings and Thoughts for the Series as a whole because I want to know what you liked and or disliked so I could include it or improve it in the Next Fanfics. It's been a long ride yall but we're finally here. The End of Yin Yang. I'm pretty fond of this series since I've been working on it for so long so this ending actually almost made me cry while writing it. I'd like to thank all the people who tune in to my Fanfics and enjoy reading them. Big Thanks to Hollowmind for taking the time to review my Chapters and giving me some suggestions. You're all amazing and I love the attention yall give to my Fanfics and I know it's bittersweet to say goodbye to a Fanfic that I've made especially if it was one of your favorites but don't worry. I'll be making sure that my Fanfics to come are as amazing as this one has been. Good Night yall and have an Awesome New Year's Eve.

"With each year that passes, new Things and New People come into the Light and affect our lives in so many ways. Even if they're just Fanfic Characters. Tongue_out" -UnseenBurst

Wow, this it the final episode like i don't know what to say, I'm just ggonna say it was beautiful and I almost cried and I'm excited for the next one
Chapter 13 of Mystic Clash Has Been sent to Mars

Thoughts on Anabelle's Character and her Upcoming Chapters in the Series. I'm trying to build her up as a sort of True Rival so tell me what I should be doing and what I should improve on. Or plan old Reviews are fine too.

Annebelle’s character is improving and is getting kinder towards the protag. (Where has that happens before? *Cough* Percy Jackson *Cough*) She is definitely a good rival for Victor.
14. Team Battles Commence, BC Sol Vs. The Mystical Titans!

15. Breakthrough, Eruption of BC Sol Grounds!

16. Loving Blast, Free Vs. Anabelle!

17. A Supreme Battle, Raphael Vs. Athena!

18. The Rage of the Blood Moon, Blight Ganon!

Finale of Arc 2

19. A Tournament on Islands?! The Mystic Bey Isle!

20. Phoenix Rises Again, Pure Phoenix!

21. Working With The Enemy?! Blighting Barrier!

22. Goddess of the Flames, Scorch Hesita!

(Jan. 01, 2022  10:22 PM)LJ-Blader Wrote: [ -> ]Annebelle’s character is improving and is getting kinder towards the protag. (Where has that happens before? *Cough* Percy Jackson *Cough*) She is definitely a good rival for Victor.

We all know what happened at the end of the Last Olympian between them. Anyways, Yeah, there are going to be a lot of Percy Jackson references in my Fanfictions and Zelda References since that's the type of stuff I like and I hope yall pick up and enjoy all the little references! Smile
Quick question:
Cool chapter, also did Harry always had Horogium? I forgot lo.
Supreme Raphael (Oh that's meme fuel) seems powerful and Athena seems nice too. That was mainly battle focused, so I guess I have not much to say.
About the True rival thing, it depends on how you want her to interact with Victor I guess.
Sorry if I'm late but here's my oc

Name- Seth Krueger

Gender- male

Hair color- White

Eye color- Grey (The white part of the eye turns black and the color turns red like Phi's left eye when his aura appears and like Phi this only happens when his aura appears.)


Main info- Kind and sensitive but when he goes into battle he becomes cruel and sadistic at times wanting to destroy you. He also may act like he's friends or cool with you even though he doesn't because he doesn't trust people 100% because like in his own words "Never trust anyone too much, remember the devil was once an angel."
Bey name- Chained Samael 3A' Xtreme'

Ring Chained (A left spinning black ring with red wings with two strong metal attack points like rage Longinus.)

Core- Samael ( A red left spinning core with the avatar being a fallen angel wearing a black robe.)

Chassis- 3A' (Basically 3A but instead of it being purple its red.)

Driver- Xtreme' (A black Xtreme' with red rubber)

Chained Upper (The metal attack points on Chained glow red and do a strong upper attack like Raging Upper.)
Chained Vortex (Samael keeps slamming into the apposing bey while Samael goes around in a circle basically like Dead Gravity.)
Fallen Angel (Samael hits the side of the stadium causing Samael to fly in the air and with all Samael's power Samael dives down and slams into the apposing bey using the metal attack points to either burst or break the apposing bey.)
Anabelle turns into a Tomato in Chapter 14 of Mystic Clash.

Thoughts on this Chapter or Anabelle's Character? Or just Reviews?
Annebelle must be a ballerina as she is dancing around the truth!

Nice battle and I am excited to see what happens next.
Pretty sure Annabelle has got a fever, she should seek out the nurse too.
Also RIP Tristen's hand.
Alright, I couldn't decide between Two Entries so I decided what I was going to do is make 1st Place appear in the 1st Season and 2nd Place in the Second Season. Yes, there are going to be Two Seasons of SK Drive. All the entires were very good and it was very hard to choose only two Entries to pick so don't feel bad if you didn't win. It was a Very Very Close call. Note: Only 1st and 2nd Place is going to be added so if you're not 1st or 2nd Place don't be asking me when your Character is going to make an Aperrance.

1st Place... Nice Job!

2nd Place... Awesome!

3rd Place: So close! Nice job though

4th Place... Good Job!

So Hollowmind's Character is going to appear in Season 1 and LJ-Blader's Character is going to appear in Season 2. Thank you everyone for participating and I wish you luck in the Next Contest! Smile
Yeah! That is awesome! See you soon Drake! GG to everyone!
I’m looking for a Beyblade tournament or battle in the East Bay, California do you know who to contact or who I can connect with?
(Jan. 03, 2022  3:51 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Alright, I couldn't decide between Two Entries so I decided what I was going to do is make 1st Place appear in the 1st Season and 2nd Place in the Second Season. Yes, there are going to be Two Seasons of SK Drive. All the entires were very good and it was very hard to choose only two Entries to pick so don't feel bad if you didn't win. It was a Very Very Close call. Note: Only 1st and 2nd Place is going to be added so if you're not 1st or 2nd Place don't be asking me when your Character is going to make an Aperrance.

1st Place... "Hollowblind8" Nice Job!

2nd Place... "LG-Blader" Awesome!

3rd Place: "MysticJustice" So close! Nice job though

4th Place... "CelBeyBlade" Good Job!

So Hollowmind's Character is going to appear in Season 1 and LJ-Blader's Character is going to appear in Season 2. Thank you everyone for participating and I wish you luck in the Next Contest! Smile
I got 1st... what the- GG
So, world is ending very soon. Pack your things and go to the nearest bunker.
Jokes apart, I actually got first. Cool. Awesome. Nice. Strike.
(Jan. 03, 2022  6:50 AM)Jedeyeskye Wrote: [ -> ]I’m looking for a Beyblade tournament or battle in the East Bay, California do you know who to contact or who I can connect with?

Why are you asking this in a fan fiction lol?
i lost but im happy
Character Descriptions for Beyblade Burst SuperKing Drive Part 1

Dax Akagami

Dax Akagami, a 12-Year-Old Self Proclaimed King of Tartarus and the Monsters the lie within the Abyss. Dax resides in Japan with his Mother. His dad left around when he was 2  and he never understood why but he came to a conclusion it was because he wasn't good enough, he didn't meet his Father's expectations and he felt like he didn't belong. But his Mother always made sure that he never felt this way, that's why Dax is very fond of his mother, Dax's Mother is the only Person who respects and will actually treat with Respect and never doubt their skills. When Dax was 6, he was still sad about his Dad leaving and wanted to help his Mom so he walked all the way to MCDonald's to request a job and put in a Job Application. The Workers laughed at him which made Dax feel embarrassed and they called his Mom. His Mom told him that all he needed to do was focus in School and do well, that'll help both of them. Even though Dax's Mom was pretty wealthy, he put his mind to this and started studying as hard as he could before his Mom put him in Kindergarten, Surprisingly, Dax was actually too smart for Kindergarten and the 2nd Grade so his Mom had to get the School District to test him to see what Grade he belonged in and when she got the results her Jaw Dropped. Dax was 5 and the School District stated that he belonged in the 8th Grade. When Dax heard about this news he was too scared to go to School since he heard that Middle Schoolers were mean so his Mom Home Schooled him till he finished all his 10th Grade work at the age of 7 and a half. Dax wanted to continue but his Mom said that he was getting a bit too far and that he should take a Break from School. Of course, she tested him and made him practice daily stuff so he wouldn't fall behind but still he didn't do often regular School like normal kids are supposed to do. When Dax was 10, his Mom introduced him to Beyblade and hand made him a Beyblade and a Launcher and he immediately fell in love with the Game. After becoming very strong in a couple of months he decided to test his might against the Local District Champion... Which was Lean Valhalla since he was visiting for a bit. Lean used his Dark Flare to utterly shatter Dax's Bey and he was fully aware that he was a Young Kid but Dax insisted on a Battle. After that, Dax wanted vengeance on Lean and became fully dedicated to Winning and Becoming the Strongest Blader Alive. He repaired his Bey and headed off to Tartarus Pit, where it was said the strong Bladers gather, he defeated everyone there, even the current Abyss King. Once Dax beat him, he became the Abyss King and ruled the place with an Iron Fist. He would battle opponent's with no Mercy and Crush them if they were to weak to keep up with him. His Dark Resonance was slowly growing... Evantually, when he turned 12 on his 12th Birthday, his mom told him about the Sparking System and asked him if he was interested. Dax was very interested and created his own Sparking Bey, Tragic Deimos. He continued to rule Tartarus Pit with an Iron Fist and continue crushing opponent's. And then one Opponent came and changed his life forever. His name was, Sammy Suiryu. He is a Pretty Skinny and he is 5'3. He currently fights with Tragic Deimos Lunar Sharp 5A

Sammy Suiryu

Sammy Suiryu, a 12-Year-Old Blader who is part of the Suiryu Family. Sammy is a Powerful A Ranked Blader and a Very Smart Engineer. Sammy is a BeyLab Professor who creates Beys and some Launchers. Sammy's Beyblade Gear is also top notch, he even created his Bey, Death Solomon out of Pure Scrap Metal. He created his Bey, Launcher, and even his own Goggles and Mini BeyLab Briefcase he would in case he wasn't at home in his BeyLab. Sammy is pretty High Spirited, he lives with his Mom and takes care of his little siblings Basara and Hannah. Sammy always helps Basara and Hannah with anything, even if they sometimes take advantage of him. Sammy also always tells Basara that when he is old enough that he will be the next person to use Death Solomon and he'll become a Powerful Blader who can defeat anyone. He even teaches Basara how to properly wield Solomon so that he'll be the Perfect Blader for Solomon. Sammy is 5'6, he is a pretty tall for his age. When Sammy was younger he'd always lose BeyBattles causing some of his Closest Friends to leave him because they simply got bored of battling him and said he was kinda weak for a Blader. Sammy's only friend was a boy the same age as him that was 4'5. He's always get made fun of by his height but Sammy would always tell them to go away and to leave him alone. Sammy and his Friend were inseparable until one day his friend was getting badly bullied by some Older Kids and when Sammy tried to run up and help him, his body wouldn't move an inch. He was too scared to go help his friend and all he could do was watch him get bullied, tossed, and thrown around. Eventually, the bullies got bored of Sammy's friend and just left him there, Sammy ran up to help his friend but his friend just pushed him away and shouted at him demanding why he didn't help him. Sammy admitted that he was too scared to help him and he couldn't move a muscle even when he tried. Sammy's Friend just pushed him away and ran away crying. What made matters even more upsetting is the fact that his friend moved a couple days after the incident. Sammy never got a chance to Apologize or see his friend again since they moved across the country. Sammy went to cry in a Junkyard since that's the only place he could really think and then he saw lots of extra Scrap Metal and then remembered the New Sparking System that all the Legendary Bladers were using. So, he took everything he could and started building his Bey. Sammy promised himself that he would never make anymore friends and he would become stronger so he could protect Basara and Hannah in case they ever got in a situation that his friend did. He created his Bey and dubbed it Death Solomon. He battled a lot in Ranked Battles and just battles for fun and became stronger with each battle. Many people would try being his friends but would just get rejected by Sammy by him just saying. "Sorry, gotta run." Sammy is currently an A Tier Blader who fights with his Death Solomon Fusion Metal 2B.
I decided to finally make the First Product List of Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash since I kinda forgot about Product lists and stuff. Yes, I'm following the July Rule in this Product List to let you all know.

Part 1

March: B-196 Mystic Vulcan Booster. March 22nd 20.99$

B-197 Aqua Triton Random Booster. March 22nd 18.99$ for each Booster

B-198 Mystic Launcher Booster. March 22nd 15.99

B-199 Mystic Clash Standard Stadium. March 22nd 40.99$

B-200 Beyblade Burst Mystic Clash Entry Set. March 29th 110.99$

April: B-201 Gallant Valkyrie Booster. April 9th 20.99$

May: B-202 Galactic Horogium Starter. (Comes Mystic Launcher) May 28th 32.99$

June: B-203 Shadow Fafnir Booster. June 18th 20.99$

July: B-204 Sage Athena Starter. (Comes with Power Mystic Launcher. It works exactly like the DB Power Launcher with Savior Valkyrie except it also calculates your Shoot Power) July 9th. 36.99$

B-205-Supreme Raphael Booster. July 30th 23.99$
(Jan. 05, 2022  2:23 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Character Descriptions for Beyblade Burst SuperKing Drive Part 1

Dax Akagami

Dax Akagami, a 12-Year-Old Self Proclaimed King of Tartarus and the Monsters the lie within the Abyss. Dax resides in Japan with his Mother. His dad left around when he was 2  and he never understood why but he came to a conclusion it was because he wasn't good enough, he didn't meet his Father's expectations and he felt like he didn't belong. But his Mother always made sure that he never felt this way, that's why Dax is very fond of his mother, Dax's Mother is the only Person who respects and will actually treat with Respect and never doubt their skills. When Dax was 6, he was still sad about his Dad leaving and wanted to help his Mom so he walked all the way to MCDonald's to request a job and put in a Job Application. The Workers laughed at him which made Dax feel embarrassed and they called his Mom. His Mom told him that all he needed to do was focus in School and do well, that'll help both of them. Even though Dax's Mom was pretty wealthy, he put his mind to this and started studying as hard as he could before his Mom put him in Kindergarten, Surprisingly, Dax was actually too smart for Kindergarten and the 2nd Grade so his Mom had to get the School District to test him to see what Grade he belonged in and when she got the results her Jaw Dropped. Dax was 5 and the School District stated that he belonged in the 8th Grade. When Dax heard about this news he was too scared to go to School since he heard that Middle Schoolers were mean so his Mom Home Schooled him till he finished all his 10th Grade work at the age of 7 and a half. Dax wanted to continue but his Mom said that he was getting a bit too far and that he should take a Break from School. Of course, she tested him and made him practice daily stuff so he wouldn't fall behind but still he didn't do often regular School like normal kids are supposed to do. When Dax was 10, his Mom introduced him to Beyblade and hand made him a Beyblade and a Launcher and he immediately fell in love with the Game. After becoming very strong in a couple of months he decided to test his might against the Local District Champion... Which was Lean Valhalla since he was visiting for a bit. Lean used his Dark Flare to utterly shatter Dax's Bey and he was fully aware that he was a Young Kid but Dax insisted on a Battle. After that, Dax wanted vengeance on Lean and became fully dedicated to Winning and Becoming the Strongest Blader Alive. He repaired his Bey and headed off to Tartarus Pit, where it was said the strong Bladers gather, he defeated everyone there, even the current Abyss King. Once Dax beat him, he became the Abyss King and ruled the place with an Iron Fist. He would battle opponent's with no Mercy and Crush them if they were to weak to keep up with him. His Dark Resonance was slowly growing... Evantually, when he turned 12 on his 12th Birthday, his mom told him about the Sparking System and asked him if he was interested. Dax was very interested and created his own Sparking Bey, Tragic Deimos. He continued to rule Tartarus Pit with an Iron Fist and continue crushing opponent's. And then one Opponent came and changed his life forever. His name was, Sammy Suiryu. He is a Pretty Skinny and he is 5'3. He currently fights with Tragic Deimos Lunar Sharp 5A

Sammy Suiryu

Sammy Suiryu, a 12-Year-Old Blader who is part of the Suiryu Family. Sammy is a Powerful A Ranked Blader and a Very Smart Engineer. Sammy is a BeyLab Professor who creates Beys and some Launchers. Sammy's Beyblade Gear is also top notch, he even created his Bey, Death Solomon out of Pure Scrap Metal. He created his Bey, Launcher, and even his own Goggles and Mini BeyLab Briefcase he would in case he wasn't at home in his BeyLab. Sammy is pretty High Spirited, he lives with his Mom and takes care of his little siblings Basara and Hannah. Sammy always helps Basara and Hannah with anything, even if they sometimes take advantage of him. Sammy also always tells Basara that when he is old enough that he will be the next person to use Death Solomon and he'll become a Powerful Blader who can defeat anyone. He even teaches Basara how to properly wield Solomon so that he'll be the Perfect Blader for Solomon. Sammy is 5'6, he is a pretty tall for his age. When Sammy was younger he'd always lose BeyBattles causing some of his Closest Friends to leave him because they simply got bored of battling him and said he was kinda weak for a Blader. Sammy's only friend was a boy the same age as him that was 4'5. He's always get made fun of by his height but Sammy would always tell them to go away and to leave him alone. Sammy and his Friend were inseparable until one day his friend was getting badly bullied by some Older Kids and when Sammy tried to run up and help him, his body wouldn't move an inch. He was too scared to go help his friend and all he could do was watch him get bullied, tossed, and thrown around. Eventually, the bullies got bored of Sammy's friend and just left him there, Sammy ran up to help his friend but his friend just pushed him away and shouted at him demanding why he didn't help him. Sammy admitted that he was too scared to help him and he couldn't move a muscle even when he tried. Sammy's Friend just pushed him away and ran away crying. What made matters even more upsetting is the fact that his friend moved a couple days after the incident. Sammy never got a chance to Apologize or see his friend again since they moved across the country. Sammy went to cry in a Junkyard since that's the only place he could really think and then he saw lots of extra Scrap Metal and then remembered the New Sparking System that all the Legendary Bladers were using. So, he took everything he could and started building his Bey. Sammy promised himself that he would never make anymore friends and he would become stronger so he could protect Basara and Hannah in case they ever got in a situation that his friend did. He created his Bey and dubbed it Death Solomon. He battled a lot in Ranked Battles and just battles for fun and became stronger with each battle. Many people would try being his friends but would just get rejected by Sammy by him just saying. "Sorry, gotta run." Sammy is currently an A Tier Blader who fights with his Death Solomon Fusion Metal 2B.

hmmmm that mcdonalds stuff with dax, were have i heard it before?

You watch it to?
4. Venture Through Tartarus! Legends Arise!!

5. Crazy Speed and Rubber Attacks?! Brave Valkyrie!!

6. The Hyper Cyclone! Glide Ragnaruk!!

7. Tournament of Legends?! The Ultimate Legend's League!!

8. The Kings of the Sun! Hyperion Burn and Helios Volcano!!

9. The Most Destructive Flare!!

10. The Unseen Dragon! Mirage Fafnir!!

(Jan. 06, 2022  6:44 PM)LegendJustice Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 05, 2022  2:23 AM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Character Descriptions for Beyblade Burst SuperKing Drive Part 1

Dax Akagami

Dax Akagami, a 12-Year-Old Self Proclaimed King of Tartarus and the Monsters the lie within the Abyss. Dax resides in Japan with his Mother. His dad left around when he was 2  and he never understood why but he came to a conclusion it was because he wasn't good enough, he didn't meet his Father's expectations and he felt like he didn't belong. But his Mother always made sure that he never felt this way, that's why Dax is very fond of his mother, Dax's Mother is the only Person who respects and will actually treat with Respect and never doubt their skills. When Dax was 6, he was still sad about his Dad leaving and wanted to help his Mom so he walked all the way to MCDonald's to request a job and put in a Job Application. The Workers laughed at him which made Dax feel embarrassed and they called his Mom. His Mom told him that all he needed to do was focus in School and do well, that'll help both of them. Even though Dax's Mom was pretty wealthy, he put his mind to this and started studying as hard as he could before his Mom put him in Kindergarten, Surprisingly, Dax was actually too smart for Kindergarten and the 2nd Grade so his Mom had to get the School District to test him to see what Grade he belonged in and when she got the results her Jaw Dropped. Dax was 5 and the School District stated that he belonged in the 8th Grade. When Dax heard about this news he was too scared to go to School since he heard that Middle Schoolers were mean so his Mom Home Schooled him till he finished all his 10th Grade work at the age of 7 and a half. Dax wanted to continue but his Mom said that he was getting a bit too far and that he should take a Break from School. Of course, she tested him and made him practice daily stuff so he wouldn't fall behind but still he didn't do often regular School like normal kids are supposed to do. When Dax was 10, his Mom introduced him to Beyblade and hand made him a Beyblade and a Launcher and he immediately fell in love with the Game. After becoming very strong in a couple of months he decided to test his might against the Local District Champion... Which was Lean Valhalla since he was visiting for a bit. Lean used his Dark Flare to utterly shatter Dax's Bey and he was fully aware that he was a Young Kid but Dax insisted on a Battle. After that, Dax wanted vengeance on Lean and became fully dedicated to Winning and Becoming the Strongest Blader Alive. He repaired his Bey and headed off to Tartarus Pit, where it was said the strong Bladers gather, he defeated everyone there, even the current Abyss King. Once Dax beat him, he became the Abyss King and ruled the place with an Iron Fist. He would battle opponent's with no Mercy and Crush them if they were to weak to keep up with him. His Dark Resonance was slowly growing... Evantually, when he turned 12 on his 12th Birthday, his mom told him about the Sparking System and asked him if he was interested. Dax was very interested and created his own Sparking Bey, Tragic Deimos. He continued to rule Tartarus Pit with an Iron Fist and continue crushing opponent's. And then one Opponent came and changed his life forever. His name was, Sammy Suiryu. He is a Pretty Skinny and he is 5'3. He currently fights with Tragic Deimos Lunar Sharp 5A

Sammy Suiryu

Sammy Suiryu, a 12-Year-Old Blader who is part of the Suiryu Family. Sammy is a Powerful A Ranked Blader and a Very Smart Engineer. Sammy is a BeyLab Professor who creates Beys and some Launchers. Sammy's Beyblade Gear is also top notch, he even created his Bey, Death Solomon out of Pure Scrap Metal. He created his Bey, Launcher, and even his own Goggles and Mini BeyLab Briefcase he would in case he wasn't at home in his BeyLab. Sammy is pretty High Spirited, he lives with his Mom and takes care of his little siblings Basara and Hannah. Sammy always helps Basara and Hannah with anything, even if they sometimes take advantage of him. Sammy also always tells Basara that when he is old enough that he will be the next person to use Death Solomon and he'll become a Powerful Blader who can defeat anyone. He even teaches Basara how to properly wield Solomon so that he'll be the Perfect Blader for Solomon. Sammy is 5'6, he is a pretty tall for his age. When Sammy was younger he'd always lose BeyBattles causing some of his Closest Friends to leave him because they simply got bored of battling him and said he was kinda weak for a Blader. Sammy's only friend was a boy the same age as him that was 4'5. He's always get made fun of by his height but Sammy would always tell them to go away and to leave him alone. Sammy and his Friend were inseparable until one day his friend was getting badly bullied by some Older Kids and when Sammy tried to run up and help him, his body wouldn't move an inch. He was too scared to go help his friend and all he could do was watch him get bullied, tossed, and thrown around. Eventually, the bullies got bored of Sammy's friend and just left him there, Sammy ran up to help his friend but his friend just pushed him away and shouted at him demanding why he didn't help him. Sammy admitted that he was too scared to help him and he couldn't move a muscle even when he tried. Sammy's Friend just pushed him away and ran away crying. What made matters even more upsetting is the fact that his friend moved a couple days after the incident. Sammy never got a chance to Apologize or see his friend again since they moved across the country. Sammy went to cry in a Junkyard since that's the only place he could really think and then he saw lots of extra Scrap Metal and then remembered the New Sparking System that all the Legendary Bladers were using. So, he took everything he could and started building his Bey. Sammy promised himself that he would never make anymore friends and he would become stronger so he could protect Basara and Hannah in case they ever got in a situation that his friend did. He created his Bey and dubbed it Death Solomon. He battled a lot in Ranked Battles and just battles for fun and became stronger with each battle. Many people would try being his friends but would just get rejected by Sammy by him just saying. "Sorry, gotta run." Sammy is currently an A Tier Blader who fights with his Death Solomon Fusion Metal 2B.

hmmmm that mcdonalds stuff with dax, were have i heard it before?

You watch it to?

It was just something I came up with from the top of my head but sometimes when I have some time to kill I watch some stories.

Chapter 5 of Beyblade Burst SuperKing Drive has arisen

I know I know, I haven't released a Mystical Boldness Episode is forever. Don't worry, I'll do it tomorrow since I like Uploading them on Fridays and I might get an extra one in on Saturday too.
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