I thought before that it was a render problem but if so, shouldn't it be consistent throughout? I'm not saying it's not though, simply that this should be looked into. If it turns out that they actually do have a mold of dark where half the blades are shrunken that much, it's practically a new wheel and could do with some testing.
It looks a lot like the Mad light wheel, and I've seen renders of Dark Wolf like that before, I think.
It'd be cool if they released it like that though.
Also: Looks like they're releasing a BB-10, so I guess that gives more people the chance to get one, which is nice.
(Dec. 14, 2011 7:58 PM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]It looks a lot like the Mad light wheel, and I've seen renders of Dark Wolf like that before, I think.
It'd be cool if they released it like that though.
Most likely the performance would be different, and perhaps more useful. Maybe it would be released like that?
That's what I was implying, yes. But I doubt it will be released like that.
(Dec. 14, 2011 8:04 PM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]That's what I was implying, yes. But I doubt it will be released like that.
My thought was just that possibly that wheel would be exclusive in the Middle East. That would be interesting. Too bad it wasn't like that. Although, thinking about it, it being different could go either way. It could perform worse than Dark, which is already pretty bad, or better.
Logic would dictate that the greater gap size at the top would make it far more smashy in matchups where it is the lower bey. Whether this would be a plus or just induce suicidal recoil is anyone's guess for now but it certainly wouldn't act like the current Dark unless it was on 230.
(Dec. 14, 2011 8:10 PM)Dracomageat Wrote: [ -> ]Logic would dictate that the greater gap size at the top would make it far more smashy in matchups where it is the lower bey. Whether this would be a plus or just induce suicidal recoil is anyone's guess for now but it certainly wouldn't act like the current Dark unless it was on 230.
Yes, but most likely that was just a bad illustration or picture, render of Dark. It would be cool if that was a real metal wheel, but at the moment, it is most likely not, if even possible.
I know that, I'm just going along with the what if scenario.
Still, the possibility cannot be ruled out just yet.
EDIT: I found the newboy promotional videos but they only show LLD, Earth Eagle and a stadium that is similar but not identical to the BB-10. The stadium shown is opaque blue with smaller walls and an indented ring around the central area just slightly less wide than RF (the ring, not the center) that appears to be intended to force aggression in a similar fashion to the powered centers. Still, stadium info is still interesting, even if it isn't what was wanted, right?
Custom Unicolyon!
AR: Dragon Breaker
S-AR: Twin Wing
WD: 6 Wide
BB: Customize Grip
SP: Defense Ring
B: Uriel's Grip/Red Grip.
Colour: Pink
What is Twin Wing?
Also, Unicolyon could not have had SP, as it is from the previous season, and though it seems to have a small, red, rubber tip (storm grip size), Uriel's is rather too large, and the base itself doesn't look like Customise Grip.
It has some kinda oddly shaped section at the bottom, and is rather "rounded".
Unicolyon lol, wish it got realesed !
It's would porperly have had a BB like salamolyon or griffolyon though aswell, since it came from the sane team.
Honestly, even griffolyon's first appearance and iirc the second, didn't look anything like the bey.
Eh, SG wing base's SAR never got a name iirc, though that is a good name, and I worked it out in the end. I could be wrong, of course.
I didn't really get the impression that it had an SAR, though dragon breaker is a good choice.
As for the base, if only Uriel's tip could fit in Wolborg 2's base properly....
OMG yea, or just...idk....paint Gearing Core's shaft red? XP
Cross Survive literally suprised me.
Dragoon S went flying while hitting it, but the Ramp should make it totally vulnerable to Upper attack...
Hmm... I just got the mail and saw a 'We missed you today!' notice from the post office. Says it was from 'Ideal 4 U' (which, when I put 2 and 2 together, I figured out was the eBay seller 2010ideal4u) and that it was a large package or something like that.
We didn't get one of those when my VariAres came in, and I had the SBS on my Christmas wishlist, soo... Possible SBS?
(Dec. 14, 2011 11:07 PM)KaizerMFB Wrote: [ -> ]OMG yea, or just...idk....paint Gearing Core's shaft red? XP
Cross Survive literally suprised me.
Dragoon S went flying while hitting it, but the Ramp should make it totally vulnerable to Upper attack...
Those slopes make it difficult for upper attackers to work, apparently.
Tbh I greatly prefer defense ring anyway.
Anyways, dragoon s isn't amazing un-customised.
Some big recoil though!
and meh, I only like Defense Ring with the Voltaic Ape set-up.
It has better LAD than cross survivor and survivor ring, which is the main thing zombies need, and it works nicely in terms of defense. There's very little that's not to like about defense ring.
oh..aesthetically not pleasing in Zombie Combos, but defnitely makes up for it I guess...
I'ma try it out nao
(Dec. 14, 2011 11:19 PM)Kaiba Wrote: [ -> ]Hmm... I just got the mail and saw a 'We missed you today!' notice from the post office. Says it was from 'Ideal 4 U' (which, when I put 2 and 2 together, I figured out was the eBay seller 2010ideal4u) and that it was a large package or something like that.
We didn't get one of those when my VariAres came in, and I had the SBS on my Christmas wishlist, soo... Possible SBS?
And kinda
SBS isn't that big, though... lol. But mine came from the US, so it makes sense... bleh bleh, I'll just shut up... too much goin' through my mind on what this could mean XD
Nah, it's not my BB-21; I
stole got that from good ol' Dimsum
Gah, so much suspense... ;_; Gotta wait 11 mor dayz, I guess.
Fail launching, fail matchups, fail combos, and fail numbers of rounds equals fail results.
And this, kids, is why we're so strict on testing.
The name of that video should be (The Fail Tournament). It has OUTCLASSED AND FAIL written all over it.
Given all of the parts are fail, but that's also give because that video was posted in 2009.