No way! Dude, how can you crack a War Lion? Did it have it's SAR? XD Wow that sucks man.
Also, that post would actually go in "Whine about your breaks"
And that VVV would go in Recent Beyblade Purchases I believe.
So yeah,my dad brought me a Kinder egg.
I picked it up and noticed; IT WAS A ORIGINAL BEYBLADE EGG.
So yeah,openned the egg and something was inside.
It didn't came with a launcher,but then,it had a built in launcher.
Also,it's bit beast is Max from the original series.
It's so awesome,gonna buy another one of these.
oops, almost forgot about that, but anyways, a pic.....from battle after a couple of weeks.
[Image: img0181yk.jpg]
I could literally cry right now... D;
Guess that that finishing attack Dranzer V2 delivered really did it in...
Now to find Galeon 2....I guess since you get a new bey whenever it gets old or it breaks...
Galeon 2 is awful, iirc.
Just get another Galeon...
Ahah, got a couple surface though....
I'm gluing it back together for use since it seems pretty stable even after breakage.
Under hairdryer currently.
When it breaks again(and it will), it'll split completely if you use it after gluing.
Just a warning.
So. . . . I tried Quez in left spin right? AND ITS SO FREAKIN BEASTLY!!! It can actually hang to the Beylauncher L like a regular left bey. Im telling you, its game breaking; but there comes along Death
. Death is actually pretty good. Outclassing basalt slowly like a venom.
Actually, the loose AR acts as a shock absorber unglued, so maybe this is a blessing in disguise!
Or just a broken Galeon...
I think this was just great to post here, I mean its based on the website of Beyblade (here) so:
. Like whats the point of that? WBO started in 2007 so. . . . not that big of a deal. Kai-V is just a human being like all of us. :V
Calm down, man. It was just something cool to see.
Society here now..
Lol, more like stalking :>
Anyways I am now a committed Balance/Attack blader. After tonight with testings of MF-H PhantomTH170RDF, results were great and unpredictable. Phantom kept KOing, OSing numerous times. Like I said its the evolution of MF Hell KerbecsBD145CS. And RDF is easy to control I love RDF, its my baby now :V
(Dec. 02, 2011 11:13 PM)KaizerMFB Wrote: [ -> ]So appaerently, a War Lion can crack, the whole AR.....FUUU_-----
(Dec. 02, 2011 11:15 PM)Raigeko13 Wrote: [ -> ]No way! Dude, how can you crack a War Lion? Did it have it's SAR? XD Wow that sucks man.
Also, that post would actually go in "Whine about your breaks"
And that VVV would go in Recent Beyblade Purchases I believe.
It's actually not uncommon, though I have mainly suffered wing breaks, that is another stress point right there. It is not a resilient part.
(Dec. 03, 2011 4:48 AM)J o n Wrote: [ -> ]Lol, more like stalking :>
Oh man.. It's called a
web archive, it's worth knowing something you want to major in someday.
Today I was effectively working through a new combination with VariAres that I might try out soon.
Waiting to see some new gimmick tracks soon..
I'm going to try and collect all of the Phantom Force Series Beys!
(Dec. 03, 2011 4:53 AM)BeybladeStation Wrote: [ -> ] (Dec. 03, 2011 4:48 AM)J o n Wrote: [ -> ]Lol, more like stalking :>
Oh man.. It's called a web archive, it's worth knowing something you want to major in someday.
Today I was effectively working through a new combination with VariAres that I might try out soon.
Waiting to see some new gimmick tracks soon..
Is that a major in Web Stalking or a major in posting things in inappropriate threads?
It's a good lesson for all of us actually, that everything we post is archived forever and won't be deleted until the heat death of the universe (or the big crunch if that's your take).
And another reason why posting your real name online is a bad idea too. Just wait until you go in for a job interview, and the first question is, "So tell me again why you think that carping noobs should post their carp combos up their carps rather than on the customizations forum?"
OK, so no one would ever ask you that, but you get my drift.
Lol Aru watcha doing up in 3 AM? ;]. But yah, I get your drift also.
I am absolutely sure that the harder, more firm plastic it is, it can also mean less friction.
So think if any recolours make different performance.
Also Recommended
Wild Fox
BC: Custom Wild Fox
AR: Triple Wing/Upper Wolf/Scissor Cutter
WD: 8 Balance
SG: SG Right ver
BB: Metal Sting Base/SG Metal Change/Customize Metal Change
Wild Foxes AR was far too different from any released AR to be imitated with any sort of accuracy.
Something can be hard and rough, with high friction. That said, my Phantom Force Bearing Stinger has amazingly low friction, it is a real shame it doesn't spin completely freely in Customise Grip Base.
: True, but this is hardly the place for internet lessons. As for that, I'd call it a "direct, managerial style". It's at least more effective than the indirect stuff my bosses do instead of just saying whether or not we're doing a good job. But anyway, can we please keep this about spinning tops, not the spinning tops website? This is beyblade random thoughts, not "Beyblade and also WBO random thoughts."
So yeah,that little bey I was talking about ( page 946 ) is a red Draciel S.
I named it Max Defender
Guys, look what I have come across?
A strange beyblade. The guy who put it in yahoo auctions Hong Kong said it is called Sea Drago UW145LF but it has LRF bottom.
Pictures are shown there.
The parts included are:
Metal Face: Ldrago Destroy Gold armour ver.
4D clear wheel: Blitz Unicorno
4D Metal Wheel: Blitz Unicorno
Metal Wheel: Hell
Track: UW145
Bottom: LRF not LF
That is definitely an LF.
And that bey has been illegally modified to an insane extent.