(Dec. 05, 2011 10:42 PM)Hazel Wrote: [ -> ]...RBV7 was a plethora of great everything, so it's impossible - in my mind - for anything to ever live up to it, and I suspect TT knew that, as well.
Right, because what every toy company plans to do is release the best product ever and then perpetually disappoint customers ever after by consistently failing to meet their expectations? LOL
To me that only means the best is yet to come! (ever the optimist, me)
(Dec. 06, 2011 2:19 AM)Kei Wrote: [ -> ]This is why I've always used Aquario with Basalt. It just sort of seems like the obvious choice, you know? Just by looking at the two parts, you can tell they have synergy.
I don't have any sort of scientific evidence, but the combination of the two made sense because a) Aquario has great weight distribution and b) the shape/thickness of the Clear Wheel seems to be much better suited for Defense customs than any other Clear Wheel currently available. And for Clear Wheels in particular, I'll take superior shape over heavier weight any day when you consider how minuscule the difference in weight is between them.
Yeah, Aquario is generally the first thing I try on any defensive combo. As a bonus, it's also one of my favourite CW's in terms of looks, particularly the BB-86 one.
That said, Kerbecs was/is pretty vital to MF-H Basalt Kerbecs TH170WF. The odd thing is, the orientation which it needs to outspin a bunch of important opponents actually had a shorter solo spin when Hero tested it (though from what I could tell, it
should have been more balanced).
But then, on BD145, Aquario seems to do better (as well as low track customs, as it's shape doesn't provide any real contact points for taller opponents).
Basalt is quite an odd Metal Wheel to work with, really.
If I remember correctly, Arupaeo, Hazel and I were discussing some sort of device to measure the balance of Parts and combinations, by suspending them or something...
Random Frustration-
I am tired of owning beys which cannot be customized effectively...
I have LLD, MLD, Hell Kerbecs.
Now, you can't interchange CWs.
You can't interchange MWs.
Changing faces is boring. :\
BD145 can be used only with Hell, as I do not own a tip that is tall enough(yes, I have LF, but do you expect me to use that? O_O) to prevent normal-mode scraping.
I can interchange between just LW105 and 100, which doesn't account for a significant difference...
Only the tips are actually interchangeable, and alter the performance... Then again, I have just one useful tip and that is DS...
And guess what? I didn't manage to save up enough for Christmas. So I'll be lucky even if I get just one.
Sad thing is, Basalt ain't out here yet...
- TT released the RBV7 when it was at its peak. We had the best beys and parts coming in. Not to mention that the prize bey from the aforementioned RB acquired enough footage.
Now, if TT is brave enough to release Death, Phantom, RDF, B: D, XF, LRF, WF, Blitz, etc. with a high class prize bey in a whole new Random Booster, RBV7 will finally have a twin...
20 thumbs up to this post and I'll say this in front of the TT HQs
This was my version of the 'Beg for Thumbs Up' posts on YouTube. Also, as its not possible to Thumbs Up this post, I will never have to do it!
If beyblades are explicitly known to only be used in beystadiums, what in the hell was the point of JB? And even then it still wouldnt serve its intended purpose...
(Dec. 06, 2011 10:24 PM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote: [ -> ]If beyblades are explicitly known to only be used in beystadiums, what in the hell was the point of JB? And even then it still wouldnt serve its intended purpose...
I thought it was just a gimmick to serve function in the anime, not to be actually used in oil and what-not.
I think it was meant to have more grip on the stadium floor, if I can remember the packaging of my Rock Scorpio correctly.
They've always made goofy tips with no real valuable purpose in reality, knowing people will buy useless yet amusing things from the anime.
Is this true?
Quote:Hasbro's release of Metal Fight Beyblade 4D will be distributed under the name; Beyblade: Metal Fury. One noticeable difference between Takara Tomy and Hasbro's Metal Fury Beys are that, Hasbro's, will have the Fusion Wheel put together and will not be able to change it's Modes if it consists of at least two parts. However, it is not known whether Hasbro will incorporate PC Frames onto the Beys.
Because of this, Hasbro will release variants of these Beyblades with different Modes. For example, if a Death Quetzalcoatl 125RDF is released in Attack Mode, then a variant of Death Quetzalcoatl in Defense Mode will be released separately. It is not known why Hasbro has decided to do this, but it's most likely reason is cost, as the 4D System Beyblades are more expensive to produce than the Hybrid Wheel System Beys, due to the inclusion of more parts; specifically the 4D Fusion Wheel.
I got it from BeyBlade Wiki. It if it is, I'll be really unhappy! I was looking forward to n00bs getting mixed up between parts. And some using them without PC Frames and what not.
It does have more surface area, true, and it is an interesting design, but still, the part's description says it is intended to be used on other surfaces, which contradicts the beystadium only policy...the grip portion was also part of the description as well, which is actualy true as compared to what i said before.
It's a defense type part given extra attack (and thus less stamina) via an anime gimmick. Isn't that all there is too it?
Not every part has to serve a purpose competitively.
^fair point
(Dec. 06, 2011 10:38 PM)Aura Wrote: [ -> ]Is this true?
Quote:Hasbro's release of Metal Fight Beyblade 4D will be distributed under the name; Beyblade: Metal Fury. One noticeable difference between Takara Tomy and Hasbro's Metal Fury Beys are that, Hasbro's, will have the Fusion Wheel put together and will not be able to change it's Modes if it consists of at least two parts. However, it is not known whether Hasbro will incorporate PC Frames onto the Beys.
Because of this, Hasbro will release variants of these Beyblades with different Modes. For example, if a Death Quetzalcoatl 125RDF is released in Attack Mode, then a variant of Death Quetzalcoatl in Defense Mode will be released separately. It is not known why Hasbro has decided to do this, but it's most likely reason is cost, as the 4D System Beyblades are more expensive to produce than the Hybrid Wheel System Beys, due to the inclusion of more parts; specifically the 4D Fusion Wheel.
I got it from BeyWiki. It if it is, I'll be really unhappy! I was looking forward to n00bs getting mixed up between parts. And some using them without PC Frames and what not.
If that is true, i may cry. But it just looks like speculation that someone shouldnt have posted on the wiki, can anyone confirm this?
Wait, beywiki or the beyblade wiki? There is a difference, the latter being just terrible most of the time
BeyBlade Wiki. I got the names mixed up. It does seem to be a rumour. I'm trying to find more information.
It doesn't seem to say anything about that in the 4D section of the Metal Fight Beyblade Article on BeyWiki...
That's just a rumor, and won't be confirmed to be true or not until we see the eventual release/revelation of Metal Fury. Most of this was discussed in the Metal Masters thread, about a month or so back.
EDIT: Try not to believe everything Beyblade Wikia says.
So it isnt sponsored by the WBO? do not trust it, it is probobly carp. unless you hear info from the WBO 1st, then I would ignore things like that. The beyblade Wiki is really just a copy paste of the WBO beywiki, with extra speculation, uncited sources, and less than adequete fan base contributing to the site with almost no regulation what so ever.
Thanks. I just really hope it is a rumor. After waiting and not buying 4D BeyBlades, I really hope Hasbro release them as they should be.
This is an extremely old, unconfirmed rumor. Talking about it has been strictly prohibited for more than a month. Do not buy into nonsense rumors you see on the wikia, and definitely do not bring them here.
The site is also called "Beyblade Wikia". Never confuse the two names ...
For reasons unknown to me, the names Wiki and Wikia are interchanged within the Wikia's, dont ask me why because if i knew i would tell you, but that is how it is, which just make sit all the more confusing...what can you do, right?
XD I dont think this counts but i have something to say afterwards but, As I was trolling the forums for info it just dawned on me that Brad's face was in the banner
....OAN. Im very anxious to see how Kreis Cygnus's gimmicl will work out
......Ooh, uh yes!
Falborg should've been released.........*screech*
On the conversation from beyblade wikia: Once again, that information was taken from something posted as a possibility here, and then regurgitated as "fact" on their horrid little site. Just ignore the place and don't discuss it.
: True. Also, whilst I can see why Drac-Attack and co. weren't released due to unrealistic designs, most beys that appeared in V-Force looked like they could've been produced. It's a shame they weren't. :\
Anyway, my random thought:
Phantom=Burn 2.0
Death=Duo= Earth 2.0
Honestly, the purposes both serve and how they serve them are basically identical, they're just more "extreme".
(Dec. 07, 2011 1:38 PM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]: True. Also, whilst I can see why Drac-Attack and co. weren't released due to unrealistic designs, most beys that appeared in V-Force looked like they could've been produced. It's a shame they weren't. :\
ya, that's really my point as well.
I am trying to adjust some pieces of the AR from Trygle,
Master Dranzer and Dark Dragoon to make the Wild Fox AR. 8-Balance and the bladebase is easily available.
After my Wild Fox AR is done, I will cast it in a mold and then a perfect Wild Fox AR will appear. XD.
[Image: 6471312471_3d2ef44cfd_z.jpg]
(Dec. 06, 2011 5:25 PM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]: Variares D. I mean, seriously, two parts and a facebolt.
I liked how 4D was supposed to bring customisability, and instead has just abandoned it.
I'm probably not getting beys this christmas, because I tend to buy everything myself. Getting 8 new beys today was like christmas anyway, ahah.
"Considering the most recent conversation around here was pointless(full of rumors which hold no real value), I do not consider replying to this post as 'quoting an old post' or something."
Seriously. When BBP was out, and BeyWiki got its article up for the 4D system, people expected better ways of customization. But sadly, customization opportunities ceased actually.
Pre HWS --> HWS
That was a good move. Interchangeable CWs. But, they didn't make too big a difference whatsoever.
HWS --> 4D
Just what did TT get my further dividing the MW? Yes, the Mode Change is cool; but only if PC Frame, Metal Frame and Core were all interchangeable...
They fused the bottoms and tracks, so Customization reduced instead of increasing...