Re: My cancer level, IDK, haven't counted. IDK if it's over 10, but if it's 10, that's still around a seventh to an eight of my collection, which is a pretty big proportion. Basically, my collection is riddled with cancer.
(Jun. 10, 2011 2:50 AM)blah Wrote: [ -> ]I think that L Drago Destroy looks much better without the red stickers on ... (:
Left LL2 is really cool.
That and I <3 L Drago Destroy.
It does :3, but I'm still gonna paint my LDD either white or black before I put them on, or might just get out some paint and paint the details on, IDK.
I can't actually use LL2's at all, I end up throwing my bey out of the stadium/never landing in it. They feel too, uhh, torquey I think is the word, compared to a beylauncher. Not worth learning how to use them IMO anyway
Still, left LL2 looks nice.
(Jun. 10, 2011 4:10 AM)U JELLY BORT? Wrote: [ -> ]Eventually they will figure out that CH120's roundness (where it inserts onto the metal wheel) is impractical and give it a proper shape at the top- either way it will have to happen. Maybe when Hasbro releases a faceoff pack it will happen, or when Takara's next Random Booster includes a different CH120 mold.
Nice. You Hit The Nail On The Head!
That is probably the main problem, as it causes a lot of difficulty when tightening it, and means there's less to hold them together if it breaks mid-battle.
That said, I doubt it'll be changed, and definitely not by hasbro, unless TT or SK make a new mold of a minor part like CH120, I doubt they will.
That said, they obviously saw the issue when they made TH170, it's centre area is better reinforced than CH120, though maybe they needed more room to do that, IDK.
To quote from my wishlist post: I go through CH120's like Arnold Schwarzenegger goes through enemy soldiers in the 1985 Action Masterpiece “Commandoâ€