(Jul. 07, 2011 10:38 PM)Ultrablader Wrote: [ -> ]um they released the movie from the old series in english yet Hasbro never released any of the dark series so I don't think it's very likely that they'll release sol blaze.
IIRC, Hasbro is not the same company it was back then. Plus, Sol Blaze is so heavily featured in that movie, it can't hurt to release it when they inevitably create a video game adaptation of the movie
(Jul. 08, 2011 12:08 AM)Kaioya Wrote: [ -> ]lolwut
My firend took Variares off of his wants list because D isn't auto-changing. He wouldn't listen to me when I told him that the gaps would kill it.
Such a silly boy.
tell him the metal wheel has an auto changing mode...
I've always wanted an auto changing mode for metal wheel.
(Jul. 08, 2011 12:26 AM)Callum6939 Wrote: [ -> ] (Jul. 08, 2011 12:08 AM)Kaioya Wrote: [ -> ]lolwut
My firend took Variares off of his wants list because D isn't auto-changing. He wouldn't listen to me when I told him that the gaps would kill it.
Such a silly boy.
tell him the metal wheel has an auto changing mode...
I've always wanted an auto changing mode for metal wheel.
Eh, I won't bother. It's his loss, anyways...
Actually, he just gets to keep his money. Ares is probably going to be around 30 bucks on ebay when its released
(Jul. 08, 2011 12:39 AM)NightWolf7919 Wrote: [ -> ]Actually, he just gets to keep his money. Ares is probably going to be around 30 bucks on ebay when its released
You make a good point... Eh, either way he probably won't get it, since D:D isn't auto-changing.
Stop being friends with him, he's dumb.
GOD I HATE THE Q TIP!!! its so useless...
(Jul. 08, 2011 12:44 AM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]Stop being friends with him, he's dumb.
He's a good friend; it's just that he's so stubborn. He's a little rusty on bey-logic. For example, he thinks that Beafowl is a better stamina CW than Aquario (yes, I kow that CWs don't make that much of a difference, but hey).
I actually for one love the Q tip :v
Even though I don't even own one... I kinda wish they did a recolor of M145Q, I've always wanted a Storm Capricorn because I'm a capricorn. Hence why my intro in my videos has Storm Capricorn and Tobi are some of my favs
Ironic though, I don't even own one.
(Jul. 08, 2011 1:01 AM)Raigeko13 Wrote: [ -> ]I actually for one love the Q tip :v
Even though I don't even own one... I kinda wish they did a recolor of M145Q, I've always wanted a Storm Capricorn because I'm a capricorn. Hence why my intro in my videos has Storm Capricorn and Tobi are some of my favs Ironic though, I don't even own one.
I'm pretty sure they had a recolor of M145... IIRC, it was in the 2-pack with Storm Capricorn(e) and Rock Gasher, I think it was.
I wanna say that too, but I think it was only the Clear Wheel that was recolored... Correct me if I'm wrong.
There's another recolor of M145 in one of the MM faceoff packs, if you want to get that as well.
Think you can point me to the exact one? Lol I've wanted M145Q for a while now.
Also I find that all legend Metal Wheels are better than poison. Torch and Fury are on par with it.
(Jul. 08, 2011 1:01 AM)Raigeko13 Wrote: [ -> ]I actually for one love the Q tip :v
i just hate it... mostly coz it bounces about half a centimetre in the air where as in the show it bounces metres.... and i know its just a cartoon but cmon!!! HALF A CENTIMETRE!!!! RAGEEE!!
Pretty sure it doesn't have Q though.
There's also a 2-pack with Burn Fireblaze 135MS and Poison Scorpio M145Q. IIRC, the M145 and Q are black or purple and lime green, repsectively.
OMG i want the Lightning sword showdown for the Ray Unicorno recolour and SW145, and i want solid iron showdown, for the black GB145 recolour
Ooohh, I want that one. The one where it's translucent
(If there is one that is) Oh and th!nk, it appears to have a Q yes, but it's an ugly green barfish color...
I'd much rather have a translucent one
Hmm, that one sounds even better. Thanks for the help guys!
A black GB145 you say?
I shall be getting that in due time xD
Black GB145? Sweet! It's always been terrible colours. I need thunder soon to settle something in the lld bd145lrf thread.
(Jul. 08, 2011 1:34 AM)Raigeko13 Wrote: [ -> ]Ooohh, I want that one. The one where it's translucent (If there is one that is) Oh and th!nk, it appears to have a Q yes, but it's an ugly green barfish color...
I'd much rather have a translucent one
Hmm, that one sounds even better. Thanks for the help guys!
A black GB145 you say?
I shall be getting that in due time xD
Actually if u r talking about the on shadow strike standoff it comes with MS
Link posted by beybladestation in metal masters thread
That link is corrupt, I think.
But seriously, how could Hasbro leak the Fang Leone face?
yeah, the black translucent (maybe grey) GB145 is in this image.
The Image of the iron fist showdown set
it comes with a kinda set, but the GB145 looks nice.... and the rotten pumpkin, well thats another story...
What have they done i love the GB145 but i cant stand to have that 'rotten pumpkin' in my collection.
Also just a random thought when I launch 100% with no technique the bey doesn't spin as long as when I let my hand slide off the launcher smoothly.
Well I don't know if this should go here, but it's beyblade related, but it really isn't a thought lol.
My ex gf is now getting into beyblades, I think she's trying to win me back over xD
And that double pack with the black GB145? So sexy.
But the rotten pumpkin...
It... It's one bey I will not be using, rofl.