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Roan, I can't really describe how I play a deck, I just do. o:
I proxied all the cards like about 2 months ago and was playing around with that, it just seems like that there's never enough things in the graveyard for Hyperion's eff.
(Jun. 19, 2011  1:57 AM)Pockyx3 Wrote: [ -> ]Roan, I can't really describe how I play a deck, I just do. o:
I proxied all the cards like about 2 months ago and was playing around with that, it just seems like that there's never enough things in the graveyard for Hyperion's eff.

Between Hecatrice and Zeradias, there should always be things in the GY for Hyperion to remove.

Also, depending on the build you're playing, there might be Mystic Shine Balls in there as well.

Anyway, the reason I asked is because there are like 4 different, viable builds of the deck floating around and I'm trying to get an idea of which one is being most widely played. There's the Counter Trap version, Mystic Shine Ball/Trishula spam version, Beat down version and, arguably this could be included with the third one, the RFP beat down version.

The build I've been testing on DN is a cross between the last two and I really think it's the best way to be playing it.

Finally, I played in two local tournaments today. Went 3-0-1 (3 wins, 0 losses, 1 tie) in the first one and split top 4 for $16.25 in store credit, then went 4-0-1 in the second, split top 4 again and won $30 more store credit. Like. A. Boss.

Who said Blackwings are dead again?
Comparing how you play Agents to how I've seen other people use it on DN, I can honestly say that your build is more sturdy. Others had a lot of holes in them or weren't as fast as how you play them.

Gratz on the tournaments though
I mean my build is nowhere near perfect, but that's why I'm asking about other builds, to get ideas and make the deck better. I kind of like the Mystic Shine Ball build, but I think if you're going to go that route you really have to commit to making it a synchro deck rather than a Hyperion-spam deck, and in all honesty the MSB build is far less consistent because there's so much potential for dead draws.

The way I built the deck is to get to Hyperion and Sanctuary ASAP.
Well my sister gave all of her Yu-gi-oh cards to me ( the old ones this was about 5 years ago ) anyway i found some she was hiding from me and it had the best card ever Exodia the dark master
Fake card is fake, Exodia the Dark Master is fake, look it up on Yu-Gi-Oh Wikia, unless they have fakes on there, no results will come up,

Also *High Fives Roan.*

Zephyros is REALLY hard to get, we pulled over 14 packs and no Zephy, Unhappy

Has anyone tried Black Return? It seems pretty good, I still have to test it yet.
Congrats on the wins, Roan. Where they both at the same store?

As BFireblaze said, it's fake. There is Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord and Exodia Necross but no "Exodia the Dark Master." Were either of the two above the one you're thinking of?

Fireblaze, I think that Black Return would be good in a Blackwing deck, too. Chinmoku

A couple guys at the after-tournament that I saw yesterday were talking about "D-Mach," or "D Moch," or something like that. Could anyone enlighten me as to what that meant?
My post is gone, what happened?
Hm... Apparently the board is having the infamous "bug" again.

The wins I got were at the same store. They have two separate tournaments on Saturdays, one at 1 o'clock and another at 6.

Black Return is terrible. Literally the card has no redeeming factors whatsoever and you shouldn't even be considering playing it.

Also, for anyone interested, here's the build I played yesterday:

Side Deck:
Main deck TKRO kind of slows my build down, This build is getting weird, it's almost NOTHING like the mix you said. I don't think BR sounds bad, sadly it can only be played on your turn, unless in a mirror match, if they don't work, I'll just throw something else in, How does main deck Oppression run? I tried it, but it murdered me, it got rid of all my good plays.
I changed my build up a lot over the course of play testing the past few weeks. I was anticipating a lot of Tengu Plant Synchro and Agent Angel decks at the tournaments I went to yesterday, so I was main decking some tech cards to help in those match ups, namely TKRO, Effect Veiler and Forbidden Chalice. I never played against any Angel decks, but TKRO, Veiler AND Chalice were all amazing for me. I stopped so many Ryko's with Chalice after attacking with Shura, people were getting so annoyed.

Also, Gozen Match is seriously the best side card ever right now. Plants have next to no way to get around it and it wrecks Samurai too, without negatively impacting my deck at all.

As for Oppression, you absolutely have to be main decking that in Blackwing. Yes, it slows your plays down, but it also wreaks havoc on most of the other meta decks (Samurai, Plants and Angels all have a terrible time getting around Oppression) and gives you enough time to set up your board so that by the time they've minused themselves horribly to get rid of Oppression you've built up enough answers to punish them for over-extending.

Blackwing is a control deck and it shouldn't be played any other way, unless of course you're playing Vayu Turbo.
Made top 4 with Vayu Turbo at another tournament tonight. Cool
The commons in GS04 have been announced.... They're AMAZING............. -LY TRASH. It's nothing that was needing a reprint, the only intresting thing was Orichachos Shunoros or whatever it's called, and that's only because they're kind of hard to get, other than that, the commons are trash. GS04 is a disappointment, hopefully GS05 will blow us away to say sorry.
Why, Konami??? Why??? Why could you have not given us something GOOD?!?!?!? Although, in all honesty, it was pretty obvious this would happen. I mean, no good cards were made Gold Rare, so what's to say anything good would come common?

, congratulations. But when did the tournament start/end?
Started at like 6, ended around 10. Played 3 rounds, went 2-1 (lost to a Final Countdown deck, which I knew I would -- Vayu Turbo doesn't do well against stall decks lol), then split top 4.
Who's excited for release of generation force? I want to go to the pre-release of it so I can be the first to get xyz monsters.
x3 of each Gadget + Ultimate offering is going to become way more fun. 8D
Yeah, I'm looking forward to Xyz monsters to be released, and I'm looking forward to Priority being gone, it's kind of a stupid rule.
Priority? I'm confused. What's that?
Priority is not going away. Priority for Ignition effect monsters are gone, and you still have to realize that Konami isn't doing anything with it for the TCG, it's only gone in the OCG.

There's no announcements at all that says that it's going to be gone for the TCG and people need to stop assuming that it is going to go.

EDIT: And, Megablader9 "Priority" is the turn player's ability to secure their spot on chain link one.
Ah. Got it.
Nothing to with the topic, but my friend Ben has 232 wins and one loss, because of me. Hahahahah!
(Jun. 23, 2011  2:20 AM)Pockyx3 Wrote: [ -> ]x3 of each Gadget + Ultimate offering is going to become way more fun. 8D

Tired I'd hate to see what you think isn't "fun." That's gonna be horrific, if I know Ryuk... [/Doesn't have anything to do with the current topic, really.]

I'm not displeased by Xyz. I mean, there could have been more packs with Synchros, but maybe Xyz will be as big a hit as Synchros were? (I also thought Synchros were dumb, until I tried them. Shows what I know...)

And, adding on to Pocky's post, here's a bit more on Priority:

Priority is, simply put, A player's 'right' to be able to activate their effect, ensuring the effect is Chain Link 1. It doesn't allow players to automatically activate and resolve effects without a chain; it simply assures a card's activation (not resolution), and guarantees a place on Chain Link 1. Priority tells you who can activate an effect at any certain point in the game. Also, to clarify, the cards themselves don't hold priority, it is the players. The Turn Player always has priority.

Like so:
Chain Link 1: Player 1 Synchro Summons Hundred-Eyes Dragon, and activates its ability with priority, choosing "Infernity Mirage". Infernity Mirage is Removed From Play.
Chain Link 2: Player 2 activates Solemn Warning. Player 2 pays 2000 Life Points.
Chain Link 3: Player 1 activates Solemn Judgement. Player 1 pays 1/2 his/her Life Points.
The Chain resolves. Solemn Judgement, as Link 3, negates Warning, which cannot negate Hundred-Eyes Dragon's Special Summon. Hundred-Eyes gains the name and effect of Infernity Mirage. Then, the game continues on.
Ah. Thanks. I don't see why it is annoying, though.
Well, in BFireBlaze's opinion it's annoying.
To me personally I welcome it, as then cards like bottomless trap hole, and Naturia Beast + Barkion + Landoise aren't as overly powered.