He played infernity, he swarmed every match, except for one, which he drew all monsters lol. he plays so quick, he doesn't even need to think...
Anyways, i didn't duel him, thank god lol. I got my invite and a t-shirt, no mats
(Dec. 04, 2011 8:40 PM)TylerPT Wrote: [ -> ]He played infernity
OH HECK YA! That made my day! Also, great job topping at second, Tyler. You have done the Yu-Gi-Oh! thread proud. Also, Infernity can be like that. Can you get his decklist for me?
So, what was the level of play at Dragon Duels like? What was the most common deck? What was your most memorable duel?
Thanks odin, also, i dont know his decklist, and i dont think i can get it from him
Well in dragon duel, some r good, some r bad. dragonduel r tier 2 events. The most common deck, twilight
Anyways, my most memorable duel was round 1... Mirror match, i misplayed, lost in 2 minutes... he also had a broken hand..
Then afterwards, next 2 duels, i owned him
Lol, im finally getting a name in yugioh
dang lots of smily faces
I've been playing t.g. tengu plants (no tourguide) and gladiator beast with d-fissure, so pwnage! which 1 do u think is better?
Who thinks inzecter will be the next tier 1 deck when its released in tcg?
I personally don't think Inzects (My new name for them) are going to be tier 1. They are pretty broke, but I wouldn't say game-breakingly good.
Ye i know what u mean, u have to have the right hand... if u dont, ur play will never start
can i have a cheap competitive decklist here
not allowed to talk about decklists here, although, i suggest u to get lost santuary structure decks x3 if u want a cheap and competitive deck. Its super good, tier 1 i believe for now
Oh man! 2nd time i went to locals with my twilight deck, and i finally topped! my first local with twilight, i lost 2-2, but this time i went 3-1, pretty good i guess.. Topped 2nd
just like dragon duel
1st match, i played against tengu plants, i sacked him first match, next 2 matches, all i can say is that side deck hurts, and i lost
2nd match, i played against tengu plants with tourguides, won both matches, i love honest lol
3rd match, i won 2-1 ONLY BECUZ IT WAS MAH FRIEND, i knew i could beat him, + i really had to pee, so i just let him win 1st match and went to the washroom lol, won next matches
4th match, played against relinqushed, i won first match by removing relinqushed with sorc, next match, he sided, which i knew i would lose, but i manage to stay in, i broght out sorc, he brought out bls, i brought out bls, and attacked 3 times in 3 turns with it lol
last match, played against relinqushed
he had the whole field, my wulff lived with honest, then i dropped jds
BY THE WAY! any1 know how to get sephylon the ultimate time lord? I cant get the release date... and i know people have it... i've been told it doesn't come out in the shonen jump magazine, u have to subcribe to shonen jump to get it?
Cuz its beast in my twilight, so i wanna run it
Want so bad. SO bad. Wonder if it will become English, and legal?
Wow, so good! Too bad it can be affected by effects... Anyway, Odin... Basicly any card released in V-Jump will be released in English Shonon Jump. And, didya notice, all 3 ejypt god cards were released in January on different years?
slifer is pretty good, but it takes 3 tributes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyways, any1 found any use to kuriboh lvl 9?
(Dec. 09, 2011 4:47 AM)qwertxj3 Wrote: [ -> ]Wow, so good! Too bad it can be affected by effects... Anyway, Odin... Basicly any card released in V-Jump will be released in English Shonon Jump. And, didya notice, all 3 ejypt god cards were released in January on different years?
Yeah, I did. But, I that is released in January 2012 V-JUMP, then there is a 45% chance that it won't make it into the March or April 2012 Shonen JUMPs before they stop the print totally. Although, that would be a great way to go out, with Slifer.
i just did an ftk/otk!!! he played inzektor
My opponent went first, summoned sangan, set mst and activated an insect spell (continuous)
i used both of my recharges, then brigade, then allure...
I brought out lumina, then discarded bulb and brought out lyla, lyla destroyed his set mst.
I brought out sorcerer, removed his sangan.
I glowup bulbed, sync to stardust
i reborn lumina, discarded celestia, brought out another lyla, then special jd...
as u can see, i think i made good plays
I play twilight. I went to my locals and entered steelswarm box tourney. I won first 3 matches against morphthronics, karakuri and darkworld...
Round 4, this guy and me were the only ones who didn't lose, he played tengu plants, i owned him first round, he sided and won 2-1... although he was mad cuz i was such a sacker lol
Top 4 went to playoffs, and we decided not to split, and i dueled the same guy and lost 2-1... lol
cards of the day : chaos sorcerer and fiend comedian
did you guys hear about Dan Greens wife? she died while giving birth D: seems like the king of games is having it rough...
at first i thought that, but dan green is yugi's voice actor.
Also "king of games"
(Dec. 12, 2011 1:01 PM)TylerPT Wrote: [ -> ]at first i thought that, but dan green is yugi's voice actor.
Also "king of games"
yes for both yugis actually i learned it recently YTAS is holding a cardgames for charity to help him out
what do you guys think about wind-ups?I think they are pretty cute and useful.
they're okay, theres a combo with it which wipes ur opponent's hand... i don't necessarily think they r tier 1 or near tier 1