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Trading Beyblades For Yugioh Card!!!PM If Intrested

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You really shouldn't advertise trading Beys for Cards, you know. You aren't allowed to advertise.

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From the first impressions left by the Sneak Peak, does anyone think that Extreme Victory is a good set? Or did anyone pull Life Stream Dragon?
I went to the preview today, and overall, I'd say that it's a pretty good set. I pulled a T.G. Power Guardian, and I traded some cards for a T.G. Blade Blaster. Unfortunately, the best card I pulled was...T.G. Power Guardian, so yeah, no Life Stream.
I just have to put my ten cents; I personally think this Set stunk. From my perspective, there really was nothing that could benefit me at all, and looking at all the Cards that were pulled, they're just "meh" Cards.

I traded two of my Emmersblades today for two Kristyas, so I'm quite happy actually. I can't wait to build a Deck that can stomp on Sabers and Sams. ^^
(May. 01, 2011  7:56 AM)桃太郎 Wrote: [ -> ]I just have to put my ten cents

i thought it was two cents oh well and even though i have played and understood this game since age 4 whatcha talkin bout?
I find the set to suck, however the new Blackwing - Kogarashi intrigues me. I think they are trying to put people off blackwings even more, I mean, seriously, Jin has nothing on Kogarashi and neither of them have anything on Gale / Bora / Sirocco e.t.c.
I just read something: The X in Zexal is supposed to be silent?!

What the hell?! I've never heard of a silent X before, that's just weird...

Also, is it just me, or those Zexal (Or...Zeal, I guess) really seem like more of a parody of the Yu-Gi-Oh franchise than an actual show?

Pop Flying, dude. (What does that even mean?)
(Apr. 30, 2011  9:58 PM)BFireblaze 6509 Wrote: [ -> ]I pulled awful stuff at the sneak peek, Silent Psychic Wizard? and a T.G. Gladiator thing, meforthewin got so many offers for that Scrap Othros, one was amazingly good but he got cards for his own deck, he could have got a Vajrayana for me and a Gyzarus for himself, but, like a douche, he traded for Test Tiger X2, Forbidden Lance, a Gyzarus and someother carp I don't need, *SIGH* Also, We had 5 rounds, I won one duel out of the 4 I played, I dropped out of the 5th round. I only went to help meforthewin get the new GB fusion, which we couldn't, and to win and sell a mat which, again, we didn't succeed to do.

Also, has anyone other than me realised how useful Genex Ally Powercell is in Blackwings?
I guess i see it, but its not like they aren't powerful enough already. Shura,bora, sirroco, etc. And oh my god, the lost sanctuary structure deck is realllly good. Smashing ground, solem judgement, torrential tribute,return and burial from a diffrent dimesnion,terraforming(meh), honest, beckoning and concentrated light, and then the main Archetype of the deck mixed other good light fairies. I think i might by this just for the spells and traps.

Is the card really worth it, Emmersblades are like 40-60 and u traded 2 where on ebay its a lot cheaper.
Emmersblades have drastically dropped in price because they're getting reprinted in the Hidden Arsenal Special Edition Set as a Super. Daegor confirmed for me that the value of it is about $20.00 to $30.00 for the Secret, and since I wanted Kristyas for my upcoming Counter Agents, and my friend wanted the Emmersblades to finish his Sabers, we were all happy.

I thought it was worth it.
I'm pretty sure I said it was possible for the price to drop, or that it could retain most, if not all, of its value a la secret DAD.
However Momo, Krystya's also getting reprinted as a common from the Agent structure deck.
I would've just kept the Emmersblades, seeing how you'll be getting a common krystya as soon as you get the structure deck.

Unless you like secrets that much?
Blackwings. Forbidden Lance, or Swords of R L. What would fit in better? o_o
FL anyday, SORL just doesn't work.
Swords of Revealing Light is still a really bad card, even with heavy storm banned.
We actually need Heavy Storm back in my opinion, I'm tired of watching five back rows and a morphing jar set on the first turn. I would welcome cold wave more though, and goyo REALLY needs to come back, six sams are just too overpowered with shien, plus I don't think any of us are feeling the Gaia Force of Earth replacement.

After feeling the March 2011 metagame, I like the september 2010 way better.
(May. 01, 2011  6:50 PM)Pockyx3 Wrote: [ -> ]However Momo, Krystya's also getting reprinted as a common from the Agent structure deck.
I would've just kept the Emmersblades, seeing how you'll be getting a common krystya as soon as you get the structure deck.

Unless you like secrets that much?

Well, if I'm given the option to go for something shiny, I'll go for it; Kristya is still worth quite a bit, and even though I dished out tons to get the Emmersblades, I feel I still got a fair trade. Although it may be possible for Emmersblade to retain it's extremely high value, I'm fine with it; I helped out a friend, and he helped me.

Besides, I'm sick of using Synchros, lol. Time to go back to the old school Main Deck beatdown style~ ^^
Im Gonna Sell My Red Dragon Archfiend + Red Niva Dragon For 50$ and also who wants to start using Exceed Summon
^ That's possibly one of the worst deals anybody could make....
(May. 01, 2011  6:41 PM)Daegor42 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm pretty sure I said it was possible for the price to drop, or that it could retain most, if not all, of its value a la secret DAD.
...sold mine for $60 just the other day.

@Mr.Armani Go buy RND for $20 and get those plus other cards or go on ebay and them for 50-1.00 dollar each.
I just MAking Awful Deals also I dint NAme the price he did I said How much will you pay he said 50$ so i did the deal...
The guy who bought it is a moron. No offense meant to him, but it's true.

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I think, if there is ever a Rank 8 Exceed Monster, Infernity might get slightly better. Archfiend+Necromancer+Avenger, Synchro level 8, Launcher, repeat, Mirage if necessary, Exceed Rank 8. Stupid Am I weird for continually hoping for ways for Infernity to get better?
Whats Are Your Expectations For Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal When Its Goes World Wide?
Utter confusion, especially with little kids.
In my opinion, they should just give every deck that's a bit behind in the meta, a couple of it's stuff back.

Lightsworns: gaining one honest, Lumina, Charge.
Infernities: Gaining one launcher. I think Launcher is the only thing in the deck that's touched by the banlist anyways.
Blackwings: x2 Kalut, x1 Icarus, x1 Whirlwind.

^ Those changes would make the game a lot more interesting, plus we would see a bit of every deck, there would be no "boss deck" or the "deck we see every tournament". Which would have to be LSS and Gravekeepers at this point. I just want this game to have more diversity involving of what's being run.

add in some decks and cards if you think they need the boost, I want to see everybody's opinion involving the metagame and should it change, or do you like it like this.

EDIT: And, for the Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal! Thing, I think Synchros are just going to be plain better than Exceeds, just because almost all Exceeds need to remove a overlay unit to use it's effects. IIRC there isn't a good enough exceed yet to make a big impact/splash on the game anyways.
No to the extra Lumina and the extra Charge.
No to the Launcher.
No to the Whirlwind.

Icarus could potentially come back, along with Kalut and Honest, but personally, I like the amounts they are at.
Yeah, I'm fine with Whirlwind at one, I don't draw it much but it doesn't really affect the deck, 2 would be rather nice though. Kalut back up to 3? YES PLEASE, Like Whirlwind, I don't draw it much but when I do I don't really use it for the ATK bonus.