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I need help! I'm trying to make a charmer deck. Got any good ideas?

Also at my school the 8th graders that duel take YGO very competitively. Some have $300 decks in their pockets all the time. However, most of us are good friends. And stick up for each other.
YGO does get very pricey. I think it's safe to say that in all my years of dueling (since the Yugi and Kaiba decks released in USA, geez time flies) I've spent at least $800 on packs, boosters, tins, sleeves, decks, and individual cards.
$40.00 on more DREV packs today. I'm stopping myself from buying packs unless I really "need" them.
(Jan. 08, 2011  8:20 AM)桃太郎 Wrote: [ -> ]$40.00 on more DREV packs today. I'm stopping myself from buying packs unless I really "need" them.

Just buy singles. Saves you money most of the time.
(Jan. 08, 2011  8:20 AM)桃太郎 Wrote: [ -> ]$40.00 on more DREV packs today. I'm stopping myself from buying packs unless I really "need" them.

This has been repeated a lot, but Singles will help you a lot more financially.
For example, you could spend 10$ looking for a Shura through packs, but you could just buy one for about 50 cents - $1. There's always the possibility that you will pull things like Pot Of Duality, but the chance of getting a pot of Duality from a DREV Booster box for example is roughly 1:8, as on average each booster box contains one secret rare, and DREV has 8 secret rares.

Booster boxes of DREV typically costs $80+ , and PoD is worth roughly....$120?
So basically a booster box and a half is the only chance you will have to get a PoD which is a 1.5:8 ratio. This is all just for example of course, but you shouldn't have to look through packs to get the cards you need for your deck.
True that, guys. I actually placed bids on two listings for PoD at $10.00 and $20.00, and I just checked now, and I've been outbid. If I can't get PoD, I'll need a different card that will allow me a quicker draw in my BW Deck. I'll stop talking about my deck now.
OK, listen, here's the thing...

Pot of Duality is an absolutely amazing card, and definitely benefits Blackwings, but it's really not absolutely necessary. You can still make a great deck that can hang with the big boys without Duality. I personally only play 2 Duality, and that's not even because I don't have access to 3, I just don't like it at 3.

Don't break your bank trying to get Pot of Duality. I'm sure eventually it will be reprinted, it will get limited or the value will drop. Just hold off until one of those things happens.
I hate to double post, but I've finally gotten around to writing the article on Proper Side Decking over on my blog!

Check it out guys:
Very interesting article, would you mind giving an example of what cards to side out?
As, I believe I have the correct side deck choices for my Lightsworn build, but I'm never too sure of what to side out.
I didn't touch siding out primarily because I thought it was more or less common sense.

Try and keep your spell/trap/monster ratio as close to its original count as possible and side out the cards you feel won't be useful to you in whatever match you're up against.
Is X-Saber Uruz hard to get?....
(Jan. 08, 2011  10:57 PM)ShadowZoroark Wrote: [ -> ]Is X-Saber Uruz hard to get?....

No, but it's also jank.
whats jank?
He means junk. "Jank" is what they write in Japanese, when it's written in Roumaji. An inside YGO joke. =P
I think this is the place to say what I was thinking of.
Does anybody or has anybody used Ordeal of the Traveller it's effect looks totally awesome
the attack person has only 1/3 chance to attack successfully and if it isn't successful the monster goes back into the opponents hand also considering it's a continous effect,
I think it's awesome does anyone else have some thoughts.
Easily countered. MST, Dust Tornado, and other destruction cards get rid of it. Hand destruction does a lot of work for you too. Machina Fortress lets you see your opponents hand when targeted by a monster effect, so it is easier to keep track of cards in the hand. Plus, there are much better cards to defend yourself with. MST actually does something to Ordeal, while it is useless against Magical Cylinder, Sakuretsu, Mirror Force and the like. (Personally, I like Justi-Break.)
(Jan. 09, 2011  4:09 AM)Megablader9 Wrote: [ -> ]Easily countered. MST, Dust Tornado, and other destruction cards get rid of it. Hand destruction does a lot of work for you too. Machina Fortress lets you see your opponents hand when targeted by a monster effect, so it is easier to keep track of cards in the hand. Plus, there are much better cards to defend yourself with. MST actually does something to Ordeal, while it (Ordeal of a Traveler) is useless against Magical Cylinder, Sakuretsu, Mirror Force and the like. (Personally, I like Justi-Break.)

I thought you may want to specify the card, in case other people don't understand what you were getting at. But for the most part, you're right. Ordeal of a Traveler would only take up space in a Deck, space that could be used for more useful cards.

And unless you run a whole bunch of Normal and or Gemini Monsters, I think it's quite useless to have Justi-Break. Heck, I don't even like Gemini Monsters; too slow imo.
That would be me. I like Gemini monsters. I use them when my Beast Rising Takeover deck is unavailable, or is under modification.
(Jan. 09, 2011  6:03 AM)桃太郎 Wrote: [ -> ]I don't even like Gemini Monsters


on the topic of Geminis, I dont run Justi-Break because most of the time you want your Geminis to have their effects. I'd always end up destroying my own monsters. i use Gemini Trap Hole instead. Its better imo.
I think they just waste too much time. You need to re-summon them for them to gain their effects, right? That means for a high level Gemini Monster such as Phoenix Gearfried, you will have had to sac a total of four Monsters to activate its effect, iirc. Basically, it is a waste of turns, and a waste of Monsters imo.
Meh. It also works well when I want to Beast Rising my Big Koala. Beast Rising Ancient Crimson Ape to Big Koala, plus Justi Break, creates some serious problems, assuming you can protect Beast Rising, and Big Koala. Opponent, meet 5300 points of damage!
(Jan. 09, 2011  6:27 AM)桃太郎 Wrote: [ -> ]I think they just waste too much time. You need to re-summon them for them to gain their effects, right? That means for a high level Gemini Monster such as Phoenix Gearfried, you will have had to sac a total of four Monsters to activate its effect, iirc. Basically, it is a waste of turns, and a waste of Monsters imo.

actually, if a Gemini Monster is Level 5 or higher, then you dont have to tribute any monsters to Gemini Summon it.

and the way most Gemini decks work is to send your monsters to the grave to summon them to the field. how my deck works is Apprentice Magician to fetch Featherizer to send PG to the grave and bring him back with Birthright/Blazewing/Supervise
RE: Geminis

Immortal Bushi + Knight of Red Lotus. EHero Neos Alius/Evocator Chevaliar. Gemini Spark.

That is the only combo involving geminis that I would ever run.
Evocator is awesome. But I like Spell Striker+Rocket Plider better.
(Jan. 09, 2011  6:47 AM)Red_Eyes_Zombie Wrote: [ -> ]actually, if a Gemini Monster is Level 5 or higher, then you dont have to tribute any monsters to Gemini Summon it.

and the way most Gemini decks work is to send your monsters to the grave to summon them to the field. how my deck works is Apprentice Magician to fetch Featherizer to send PG to the grave and bring him back with Birthright/Blazewing/Supervise

See, if that's the case, then Gemini Monsters, in my opinion, work way too slow. When you compare them with Blackwings, Gravekeeper's, etc., they all focus on running quickly, especially BW's; they swarm. Fast.

But, fast-paced cards are just my playing style. If Geminis work for you, great.