(Aug. 21, 2016 8:09 AM)Kei Wrote: Wow! So many questions and comments on this. Cool to see such variety. Where to begin ...
- Pretty shocking that nobody used Deathscyther at all in the top three. How did people counter Dark Deathscyther?
- Interesting that @[*Ginga*] and @[Wombat] used Neptune. JesseObre used it in our last tournament too I guess, but I can't really think of any situation now where it would really be the best choice given that both Deathscyther and Dark Deathscyther destroy it. And its defense isn't incredible either.
- How did Valkyrie Spread Trans fare for you, Wombat? What did you play against?
- Why Upper on Dark Deathscyther Orbit?!
- Unicorn Ring Fusion???
- As for Limited, I'm consistently amazed that @[Sniper] places with Meteo L Drago on RF ... I've never found it to be any good especially over Lightning or Dark Knight. Impressive!
- No Dark Knight at all? 
- I still don't trust Deathscyther not to Burst enough to use it on a stationary combo. I considered pulling Deathscyther Spread Revolve in the finals a few times since in my testing at home it's the only Revolve combo D2 Orbit can't outspin (it beats Heavy and goes about 50/50 with Knuckle), but *Ginga* and Time scared me off it with VTI and VMX respectively. I don't know how other people countered it but I found that Valkyrie is pretty effective against the Orbit variant (Yami was faced with the decision of launching hard vs my Armed Claw Setup and risking the self KO or launching a bit weaker and risk getting Bursted). Valkyrie/V2 Xtreme KOs the Defense variant pretty easily for me as well, though even on Knuckle it gets Burst-Prioritied a good bit.
- I only used Neptune Knuckle Revolve for a safe win against Kerbeus Spread Survive, though the Unite combo was intended to be KO Defense - and it worked: I 3-0ed Valkyrie Heavy Xtreme with it. As for its Defense, I would say that while Wyvern has better KO Defense, Neptune has better Burst Defense, which is why I chose it over Wyvern on Disk/Driver setup as prone to Bursting as Heavy Unite. Given how Burst-based the meta still is and that Neptune has better Stamina than Wyvern I still think it's a viable option, though.
- Valkyrie Spread Trans was beymazing. I used it to beat RHO and D2HR, and then lost 2-3 to *Ginga*'s D2KO in the finals, but it was a very winnable matchup (messed up my Sliding Shoot in the last round). It's such a great combo because it can beat literally anything if you use it right, and it always has a backup plan for when you force your opponent to change tactics.
- Zoroaste had told me a while back that one of the Japanese members here had told him Japanese players had been using Boost and Upper on their D2 Destabilizers. I tried Boost then and didn't like it better than Gravity or Armed, but Upper seemed to be on the same level as those two. I know Dark_Mousy said that Heavy is best for it in his video (which makes sense because compact/high RPM/heavy weight stuff is generally really good for destabilizer types) but I have yet to try it myself.
- Yes!!! Believe it or not, due to its OWD Unicorn has about the same amount of Stamina as Neptune (From my testing slightly more, but it's a small enough difference that it might just be due to external variables), but the problem is that it's easier to Burst. Ring has the same problem, but for whatever reason Unicorn Ring doesn't burst nearly as much as Unicorn or Ring do on other combos. Plastic Change is actually not that bad of a Staller tip if you aren't worried about speed - while I haven't directly compared it to Accel or Zephyr I think the point in the middle might give it slightly more Stamina than them. It also catches the Tornado Ridge rather well and Bursts a lot less than you would think. Basically URF is just a combo where parts that normally suck randomly have good synergy together. For me, it outspins Deathscyther Heavy Defense about 50% of the time depending on which combo is launched first.
While I'm not Yami, after seeing it in action at this tournament I personally have a pretty low opinion of Jeir Jorgumand. It seems to Burst really easily and has awful Stamina. PidgeotWiz used J2 Heavy Claw and got KOed by Tech's Victory Valkyrie Gravity Xtreme, and I think it lost to a Spriggan Central Defense once too lol. It did get a few Bursts on Time's Neptune though so who knows. As for Kaiser Kerbeus vs Dark Deathscyther, I find K2 a lot more difficult to Burst and KO than D2, though the latter has better Stamina.
- Sniper has placed with weirder Attack types before (Divine, Wolf) lol. Meteo actually hits harder than you'd think, and I learned during an unofficial tournament last year that those teeth on the bottom give it a surprising amount of Smash too: it KOed my Bakushin combo to win 3-1. It actually beat TheGrimRipper13's Scythe 230MB by outspin during the Block round robin.
- *Ginga* used Dark Knight a few times, but Time was able to outrun it with his Scythe Staller and Tech and I were able to scare him off it by threatening Bakushin/Jade LTDC. It took a nosedive once he got to the finals too. EDIT: geetster used it a few times too, but Sniper took it out with his Bakushin combo in the block tiebreaker.