Random Thoughts 5 - READ RULES IN FIRST POST

wow todays your birthday what a coinencadence mine's tommorow wich I said in the birtday topic thread and you should to and anyways happy birthday The supreme one and happy birthday 1-day early birthday to me Smile
bleh school

My skedwal:
(Aug. 15, 2013  11:54 AM)Kujikato Wrote: School seems to be a fad eh?

I'm in my sophomore highschool year (Grade 10) right now, and it's going alright. Just need to keep myself going at 101%.

On Basketball matters, I finally beat one of my seniors. Twice. Gawd it was awesome that 1 vs 1 match.

lol I thought I was one of the only 10th graders on here! Anyway, i had a bully problem last year, read the Bullying thread, and that same guy I saw today, he said "What the _____ are you doing this is my spot!" If he felt drug strong like last year, he would have thrown me, or grab me by the shirt. Pretty amazing that last year he thought he was tough and now, he's slightly scared of me... Hmm maybe I should copy and paste to the bullying thread.
I'm in 10th grade too! Many members are around our age.
I don't know how much exclusion counts as bullying, but I don't think I'll have to worry about it at my new school.

Oh yah, first period study hall! Woo!
Actually, I'd rather have it later, but oh well.
The summer school was definetely worth the experience and the whole year study hall.
How school has been.

lol My food is flavored paste, and no more cuppa nooodles! My school had a fad of Cuppa Nooodles and they got banned cause some kid had a migraine from the salt, worse yet it was during PE.
Edit: Oh and happy birthday The Supreme One!
(Aug. 15, 2013  7:53 PM)Switchblad3r Wrote: Happy Birthday to The Supreme One! I noticed her Birthday was coming up last week or so Tongue_out_wink anyways Have a great Birthday!
(Aug. 15, 2013  7:55 PM)Lazer Wrote: wow todays your birthday what a coinencadence mine's tommorow wich I said in the birtday topic thread and you should to and anyways happy birthday The supreme one and happy birthday 1-day early birthday to me Smile
Haha thanks guys Smile
All right I can't draw anime without making whoever I draw as an alien! YYYEAHHH! Okay, jokes aside, can someone give me tips how to draw, and sorry if this is the wrong place to post.
@ Cake: Eww. Nuuuuuuuuuuuu. Calculus is the devil. In like 4 of my classes there are 2 teachers that teach all the students. In every pair there's a nice one and a very suggestible term for the other. I'm just hoping I get at least 2 nice ones Uncertain
Once you get to a uni level, calculus has nothing on stats (though I think that's partially because at that point stats starts using calculus for a lot of things so you get a mix of the two and it's pretty bad). I mean, it's not super-duper hard, but boy do I ever find it a slog to get through - I'm good with maths in general, but I've failed a couple of stats units through sheer boredom because I haven't been able to get myself to do study or go to lectures or tutes when I find gouging my eyes out preferable. Perhaps it's just me though.

That and notes-less exams where we're told the equations we need will be provided and only like half of them are. That was a real treat, given I needed to do well in said exam to pass. Unit Co-ordinator for that unit was a massive jerk to students, too. I think I sent him a rather pointed email after he posted a very dismissive and rather taunting reply to a student's email about the lack of notes for the exam (very unusual for a math unit) on his Q&A page - probably something about the number of times you would actually need these equations in real life and not be able to look them up, and how much his attitude makes people want to ask questions and learn, etc. Doing so before the exam was marked might have been a poor choice but I didn't expect to pass it at that point anyway. (And no, I didn't pass or change his mind (or get a reply as far as I remember, either), and don't follow my example I'm not a sensible person at the best of times and when I was at uni I was getting at best 6 hours sleep a night, usually 4-5).
I get 1-3 1/2 most nights regularly, it's not healthy Uncertain I used to love math, but the recent teacher I had just BLEW it for me.
(Aug. 16, 2013  11:36 AM)th!nk Wrote: That and notes-less exams where we're told the equations we need will be provided and only like half of them are. That was a real treat, given I needed to do well in said exam to pass. Unit Co-ordinator for that unit was a massive jerk to students, too.
Ugh, I had a Chemistry class like that last year... The teacher assigned massive amounts of homework and couldn't understand or tolerate the fact that students might have trouble with the material.
Kaboom!!! (Explosion guy) is competing in a martial arts tournament today and I asked him to yell, "STARBLAST ATTACK!" when he axe kicks someone XD
I hope he does it... XD
Well, I never thought it would come to existence, but Pepsi Cheetos? They just came out in Japan 3 days ago...
(Aug. 17, 2013  8:26 PM)OwnageDerp Wrote: Well, I never thought it would come to existence, but Pepsi Cheetos? They just came out in Japan 3 days ago...

Wth are Pipsi Cheetos?Uncertain
WTF WHY WOULD THEY CREATE THAT.lol japan is finally out of ides,
(Aug. 17, 2013  10:01 PM)ryukiba Wrote:
(Aug. 17, 2013  8:26 PM)OwnageDerp Wrote: Well, I never thought it would come to existence, but Pepsi Cheetos? They just came out in Japan 3 days ago...

Wth are Pipsi Cheetos?Uncertain


I figure the reason for stuff like this is actually the "why?" factor it causes - it's basically free marketing via word of mouth, and people will try it just to see what it is like etc. It generates word of mouth for both products that one is based on, too.
Haven't really looked into whether these sorts of things are usually actually believed by the company to be good enough that people will like them and come back for more and thus deliver profit that way, or whether they're entirely just a viral marketing strategy to promote/create more awareness of the brand itself etc.
I just started listening to the "Welcome to Night Vale" podcast/radio station.

Its great, really, it is like extreme information overload regarding obscure events that makes my head hurt due to the inability to comprehend it all at once.

But something about it is super addicting and the voice of Cecil matches perfectly.
(Aug. 17, 2013  8:26 PM)OwnageDerp Wrote: Well, I never thought it would come to existence, but Pepsi Cheetos? They just came out in Japan 3 days ago...
You have got to be kidding me!? Gasp, Grin, Unhappy), :-)!!!!

(Aug. 17, 2013  3:36 PM)DrPepsidew Wrote: Kaboom!!! (Explosion guy) is competing in a martial arts tournament today and I asked him to yell, "STARBLAST ATTACK!" when he axe kicks someone XD
I hope he does it... XD
So, earlier today, I brought up the Pepsi Cheetos, and now, I'll tell you how these funky chips taste: this isn't my taste test, but apparently it tastes like lemon, with carbon dioxide, so it's more less a Mello Yello or Squirt Cheetos... And the Cheetos color isn't brown, like Pepsi, but it's... Orange.
----Barfs---- Gross!
I'm currently working on a new gfx sig and for a first timer is really hard. Other than that I'm getting better at using photoshop touch
DrPepsicheeto... I wonder...
Oh my gosh, my sides XD. When the ability to change your username is back, do it or else.
But I use this username for everything! XD I'll change the little thing under my avatar XD