Biggest WTH moments in beyblade

(Apr. 07, 2012  3:43 AM)Shirayuki Wrote:
(Apr. 06, 2012  9:39 PM)Aetherman Wrote: Something that always happens to me, when ever I launch a beyblade using the ripcord launcher, it always flies out my hand knocking over both beyblades. Is it me or does that happen to other people as well

its probally you XD

Yeah, I guessed that
I was battling two beyblades and the most amazing thing happened. they both came at me from opposites end i shouted "you can do it pegasus" then the opposing beys got knocked into the opposites pockets. I mad this face 0o0
Rock Capricorne D125 BS vs. Counter Libra 125 B: Rock and Counter both have tons of recoil. These two beys got about 3 or so simultaneous KOs against each other in a row...
I have one more: Torch Aires 125D beating MF Variares H145RF. How did this happen? I used sliding shoot with Variares and Aires still won.
my dragoon g (without winding EG) OUTSPUN my Hell Kerbecs.....TWICE IN A ROW Chocked_2Chocked_2Chocked_2 someone explain to me how that happens (also i launched both beyblades as hard as i could and Dragoon was launched without a dragon winder, only a normal hasbro ripcord) it also beats my flame byxis regularly :\
(Apr. 15, 2012  3:50 AM)AwesomeDragoon Wrote: my dragoon g (without winding EG) OUTSPUN my Hell Kerbecs.....TWICE IN A ROW Chocked_2Chocked_2Chocked_2 someone explain to me how that happens (also i launched both beyblades as hard as i could and Dragoon was launched without a dragon winder, only a normal hasbro ripcord) it also beats my flame byxis regularly :\
Dragoon still got it!
A few months ago I had a battle. Diablo Nemesis v.s. Cyber Pegasis(Legend).
Cyber was obviously overpowered by Nemesis, but out of nowhere they clashed so hard that Nemesis had been dismantled, and Cyber ended up in a pocket!
That was the best draw ever until I almost got hit in the wrong place by Dragoon F. That is a different story though.
my biggest moment recently was when i won against duo aquario 230MB with diablo aquario 230HF/S in stamina mode
Today was my birthday, and one of my friends bought me a Pegasus Jumper (I had actually asked for it) and we went outside and bladed in a wheelbarrow Tongue_out. Another friend used the first friend's Storm Bull H145F (all hasbro) and we all launched, there was four Beys (another friend) and we were doing Infinite Knockout(like Japan VS Brazil, but after your Bey goes down you launch another or same Bey), and my new Jumper was battling. Bull went down, and he launched it again. As he launched , Pegasus Jumper jumped at Bull and BROKE THE HORNS CLEAN OFF. It. Was. Awesome. And then I said,"Still think Stealth battlers suck?"
Once I was playing Beyblade with my friend and he was using flame libra and I was using Lighting L drago. So we where about to battle and I launch mine in and so does he and within seconds we here a boom sound! So I look at the stadium and only Flame Libra is there! I'm like what the heck! So I went to the direction L drago went flying and it made this dent in the wall right by his mom's favorite lamp! It was crazy and I didn't even see what happened, all I really saw was a beyblade flying and smash a wall and libra was in terrible shape itself. I still remember it. I wish I caught it on video to slow it down and see what happened because I never saw the Beys collide all I really saw was Lighting L drago flying and hitting the wall
Once I launched two lightning l dragos into my vortex set. The two kept chacing eachother until one of them
stopped spinning......I actually got it on camera.
The other day my friend's Tornado Bull 100R2F was spinning in his MXS and it charged the wall and smashed a hole in it. Then I said "Bull used Maximum Stampede!"
simple i saunched my diablo nemesis bd145cs it fell apart because it was loose hey gess where the heviest mfb metal wheel hit me........ ouch
How about Earth Eagle 145 WD vs Flame Byxis 230 WD? They, like, DANCE together, lol.
One time when I was battling someone who was using the same combo as me (Flash Scorpio H145R²F, Both in attack mode) the beys hit each other in mid-air and our beys hit us both in the stomach Pinching_eyes_2
what i have on my you-tube channel, the time i got my spiral capricorn M145Q to jump out of hasbro's portable stadium and knock out an earth aquilla 230BS in a battle strikers stadium and keep capricorn spinning in the battle strikers stadium. can't seam to recreate it.
Man I wish I knew about this thread a couple weeks ago after my last tournament!
I lost with MF-H Diablo Kerbecs H145RF to (Get This combo) Flash Kerbecs S130RS 3-2 with 2 OS and a SKO for its 3 wins
Then... I lost with my very successful combo Flash Capricorn CH120LRF to Fusion Hades AD145SWD(stock) 3-2 last round loss I sent it straight up in the air and proceded to go underneath it straight out an opening...
Seriously WTH! lol Some days you're the dog some days you're the hydrant...
Once, I ripped my Flash Orion CH120R2F.
With a LL2.
With my feet.

Yes, you read that.
Another WTH moment: my Dragoon G made Earth Eagle 145 WD fly out of the stadium. I even got video of it on my iPod. Will upload it when I can.

EDIT: I will not upload, but it did happen.
I gave my launcher grip to a friend and in one shot he just broke. and he doesn't look even sorry for that.
(Jul. 21, 2012  11:45 AM)BattleLion Wrote: I gave my launcher grip to a friend and in one shot he just broke. and he doesn't look even sorry for that.

Well, you did give it to him. He can then do what ever he wants with it. XD
(Jul. 21, 2012  11:45 AM)BattleLion Wrote: I gave my launcher grip to a friend and in one shot he just broke. and he doesn't look even sorry for that.

Was it fake? Serious
It probably is.
mine was when my friend launched his "awesome" bull combo into the stadium.
Then i launched mine in on top of his.
His bull completely fell apart and pieces went everywhere
So, last night, my little sis and I were battling her Rock Zurafa 100WB against my Hades Kerbecs BD145DS Boost Mode. Kerbecs won in about seven seconds. My sister (who pretty much idolizes me when it comes to Beyblade), asked me to take all of my parts off and make two 'invincible' combos. So, I did. The first was Twisted Bull 145DS, and the second was Hades Gemios BD145WD Boost Mode. First, we battled Thermal Susanow ED145HF against Twisted Bull. Bull won, of course. Then, we battled Hades Tempo against Poison Virgo ED145ES. Tempo stopped spinning before the beys even clashed. Confused, I picked up Tempo, wondering what was wrong. I had forgotten to attach the Performance Tip.

My face = Bull_Frustrated

Her face = Libruhhh