Just post here instead of making a whole new topic to inform us.
I'll be away most of the time during my break, but I'll see if I can pop up whenever I can.
I'll probably be away for the next few weeks (school days) because I just switched schools. I'll try to get on as much as I can though.
I'll be leaving for a while.
I feel like I'm about 5 seconds from a breakdown.
I've been really depressed over the past days, weeks.. whatever. Nearly any single thing can go wrong and I'll cry about it.
I guess I just need time away from my computer life, I've been finding that lately, everyone is pissing me off, on these forums and other ones.
So, bye for now BeyWiki.
I hope you start to feel better soon Crim... everything will work out fine! Spend lots of time with friends.
Come back soon and let us know how you are though.
Crimson Wrote:I'll be leaving for a while.
I feel like I'm about 5 seconds from a breakdown.
I've been really depressed over the past days, weeks.. whatever. Nearly any single thing can go wrong and I'll cry about it.
I guess I just need time away from my computer life, I've been finding that lately, everyone is pissing me off, on these forums and other ones.
So, bye for now BeyWiki.
I know how you feel. I know we don't know each other very well anymore but I'd be happy to chat if you felt it would help. Good luck hun.
Not sure if anyone else realizes, but I was away for quite some time as my Internet service was down the past few days. Back for now. XD
Z Wrote:Not sure if anyone else realizes, but I was away for quite some time as my Internet service was down the past few days. Back for now. XD
We all noticed! I was worried I drove you away.
Tamer Brad Wrote:Z Wrote:Not sure if anyone else realizes, but I was away for quite some time as my Internet service was down the past few days. Back for now. XD
We all noticed! I was worried I drove you away.
lol! I think I have a better temper than you thought so.
Despite never really integrating particularly deeply into the community, i really wished to remember the fun i used to have with beyblades and old forums years ago. Consequentially I dipped in and bought a bunch of the ones i always wanted off YJA.
They were fun to play with for a little while, but now i feel mostly empty about them. With few people to play with, a little bit of regret has surfaced over the money i spent on them, for it was a fair chunk of my small savings (my part time job isn't very regular but i hope to get a new one soon).
Then, i had alot of stressful events happen in my life, including having to make decisions to direct the next step in my life as i completed school, and some troubling results which blocked some pathways if i were to pursue further education. Fortunately i now feel alot better about everything now and can relax a bit (i've also now enrolled at a university).
However, as my mind has cleared, i've understood that i feel less attachment the community due to the declining beyblade interest in combination with the lack of close friendships to keep up with the social/off-topic sections of the forum.
So this all leads to my conclusion.
Thanks for the fun environment which also allowed me to relive a bit of my past interest and enjoy discussion, but i will probably refrain from posting here regularly any more (i may come back from time to time to check things out).
I wish the best for the community and that everyone finds happiness to enter their lives,
awww..OSW I liked you

Silver Kane Wrote:awww..OSW I liked you 
yeah me too

see ya around, OSW
if you don't want your blades maybe think about selling them in the forums here?
Aww, thats a shame. I hope you at least come around sometimes like you said though and like Brad said, if you don't have any use for your Beyblades why don't you sell them to someone who does?
Thanks guys. I'll give it some thought.
Well, who knows, i might get interested in the forum again after a while.
Hope to see ya sometime in the future!
Okay, I might vanish any moment since my timetable is getting much more hectic and packed. Training for my national physics team, research work, etc.etc., and this being my final year of high school as well, I've no idea how much time I'm having to go on these forums. I'll be back within half a year or so, though, and I'll still be online on msn.
Just don't strain yourself too badly now!
I've been waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too addicted to Maplestory. I've been looking at the threads, no doubt, but I haven't really been participating. There hasn't really been much to respond to, however. :\ Beyblade is dying away, and the community seems to be diminishing as well

Elmo Wrote:I've been waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too addicted to Maplestory. I've been looking at the threads, no doubt, but I haven't really been participating. There hasn't really been much to respond to, however. :\ Beyblade is dying away, and the community seems to be diminishing as well 
So post about something! Agh I need my Beyblades back, now the dude is saying the price to ship it to me is just ridiculous. D:
ive been away for the last week but im back now
im back, nobody here probly remembers me i left in october. i decided to come back after i heard about the new beyblades
I remember you, thanks for coming back!
got the email about beyblade coming back!
sounds pretty cool and it could entice me to get back into the community.
first i'll see whether the new series turns ot any good, and then if i've got enough time (lol), since university is incredibly busy.
plus I'm preoccupied with my first love

(that takes even more time lol)
at least in the meantime i'll be lurking around here checking for news, maybe making the occasional post (if topic be deemed of interest to me regarding beyblade or possibly general discussion)