World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: How long have you been blading?
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It's been 11 years since I started beyblading.(When metal fusion started in my country) I made all of my friends crazy about beyblade. But they quitted beyblading every early. Cuz they began to think that it's a child's play toy and I quitted Beyblade on 2018, Cuz nobody was there to play with me.
Since 2018
I started blading in 2001. Beyblade had just been release and it was huge. Every shop was sold out and we all used to gather to watch these two older kids on my street battle in a stadium made from wood. Eventually the corner shop started selling very good and accurate fakes for £2.99 so we used those until we could get hold of real ones.

Beyblade is will always be a huge part of my life, to this day I carry a plastic, mfb and a burst blade in my car's center console just incase I ever need to throw down.
I started in july 2019, the story how I got in is kinda weird tho, wanna hear it?
About a week now. Grin I'd wanted to for ages but couldn't back in the day and finally just said to heck with it I'm an adult nobody can stop me from buying Beyblades.
i've been blading for about 3 years. I first got into it when my friends started to bring them into school in 2018! and i got my first beyblade in summer, then i noticed there was an anime, so i watched it. and now, im a blader!
I have been a fan of beyblade since 2017-ish and I started blading at the end of 2019.
I did had a bey before that but I never used it, also I was caught up again by the burst anime.
(Jul. 12, 2021  2:52 PM)ValtryekBoricua Wrote: [ -> ]I started in july 2019, the story how I got in is kinda weird tho, wanna hear it?

let me just make some popcorn and get settled in for story time. Grin
i played in the metal saga of cource but that was like 2012 but i have gotten back in with burst 8 months ago with a burst collection of 40
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