World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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lol see for some reason im rather sure alot of people wouldnt be honest about how long they stopped for.
(May. 07, 2009  5:54 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]I stopped for about three years. Even when I first opened Beywiki, I was unable to play Beyblade because all of my Beyblades were at my friend's house very far away in storage ... I'm happy to have them back. Grin

3 years ... woah, When was this ?
I would imagine it would be a good 1 or 2 years for most people.
Stopped for about 3 years as well. Just before turning 16 and started up just before turning 19
I played for like 3 years, then stopped for 3 years, and I've come back to it now.
(May. 08, 2009  1:30 AM)josh-jf Wrote: [ -> ]lol see for some reason im rather sure alot of people wouldnt be honest about how long they stopped for.

It depends on what "stopped" refers to. I can't say that I ever exclusively made a decision to "stop" playing. I would periodically buy a top or two when I found them in stores. And I played with them every few months when I found them in my room. But I wouldn't say that I was really seriously into customizations for the whole 7 years.
i stopped for a couple of years but when i started back up i bladed everyday when ever i think about it those years that i stopped they were kinda slow and a litle dull because i had so much spare time on my hands i guess, did that happen to anyone else or were you always busy or had something else to do, i know that i still bladed at least a few times a in those years
i was about 7 when i got draciel my first blade
I stopped for quite a while, but seeing as I run a site I never really gave up Beyblade as such. The site was running through the drought, infact the site was around a year or two prior to the drought (properly).
(May. 07, 2009  12:46 PM)josh-jf Wrote: [ -> ]Most people generally have the same answer. A question that would get different answers would be how long did people actually stop blading for.

Hm, even though I had a break where I stopped battling, I never really stopped loving beyblade. I still watched the anime for a number of months after and, though I tried to grow out of it, I could never really shake it. I'm so glad I stuck with it. Unsmith
(May. 09, 2009  12:19 AM)Rocky Wrote: [ -> ]Hm, even though I had a break where I stopped battling, I never really stopped loving beyblade. I still watched the anime for a number of months after and, though I tried to grow out of it, I could never really shake it. I'm so glad I stuck with it. Unsmith

Same here, though back in 2002 I stopped for a few months and gave away my blades, I since got them all back and haven't quit since.
actually i just remembered i quit once back at the start when i was a kid. Because i had a wing defender and got a driger f ar so i went with that and it one day they both broke and blades were to hard to find so i had to stop since i had nothing to battle with. But a month later i got a dragoon f ar and got back into it Smile
(May. 08, 2009  11:57 AM)Raykon Wrote: [ -> ]3 years ... woah, When was this ?

When I wasn't around Grin
(May. 09, 2009  3:56 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]When I wasn't around Grin

I'm still amazed you came back!
You and me both ...
Is that a hint of regret? Crying Or just suprised at how one can possibly love beyblade so much, even after three years? Unsmith
for me it would have to have been the full eight
since i was three
I can't remember how old I was, but I got them when they first came out in the UK
(May. 12, 2009  7:09 AM)BEYKID247 Wrote: [ -> ]for me it would have to have been the full eight
since i was three

They've only been out since 02 in NA and Europe. So I think you mean 7 Wink
I suppose I started when it came out in Australia, around 5 years ago? I remember I couldn't get hold of a beyblade for a few weeks, so I managed to get one of those large ones. (It made noises and had flashing lights) And I pretty much beat every ones blades at school. =)
I just started blading now and have been in 10 battles,but I lost all of them Unhappy
So your new to the game ^^, oh well it's your first couple of battles you will win some soon, at the auzzie bey day (if you go) I'm sure you will win some battles Grin
(May. 16, 2009  1:36 PM)Scorpio Wrote: [ -> ]I just started blading now and have been in 10 battles,but I lost all of them Unhappy

Hey remember me its josh lol. Tell your brother to stop picking on you and come and verse me Smile its alright dont worry you will get some wins soon your brother seems to want to get you alot more blades so its a good sign.
ive been blading since 2004 that's 5 years
i stopped for a while because i never could find beybladers
Uhh, I was in Year 1, so early-mid 2002 probably. I played until around late 2004/early 2005, and stopped after that. I sold all my plastics (I had around 15 or so). One day late last year (December) I was bored. Searched BeyBlade on YouTube, from YouTube I found WBO, and found out that MFB was going to revive BeyBlade. Been playing since then.
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