World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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about 7 years
Um.. 7 years. Started blading when I was 3.
I started playing when my godbrother showed me his Dark Wolf last year in September 2010.
His best combo was Burn Leone 135WB.
I couldn't beat it before I joined the WBO.
Now, I know how to beat it with a Earth Kerbecs BD145CS.
(Sep. 17, 2011  7:09 PM)Raigeko13 Wrote: [ -> ]Ever since the first episode aired in America.
Ahh, the good ole days...
Same here. I took a hiatus once V-Force ended, but I came back to it once G-Rev started, then took another hiatus until just recently.
(Oct. 04, 2011  8:00 AM)Kamikaze Pyro Wrote: [ -> ]Same here. I took a hiatus once V-Force ended, but I came back to it once G-Rev started, then took another hiatus until just recently.

... How long was that first hiatus ? In Japan, seasons are shown right after the other, so surely it must have been just a few weeks or months ...
I have been blading since the first beyblade came out.
Suprisingly, not even a year. However, It WILL be 1 year since I started blading this December. And I'm pretty good at blading
During plastic gen, bout 1 year, when metal fusion came right now almost a year in november
I used to play when the plastics were out then I stopped for a while and now I am back in the beyblading game. I am excited I made my first takara tomy bey purchase today.
Since I was like two with my friends.
ive been blading since 2nd grade so 6 years
I've been blading since the first beyblade came out.
Around the time Kid Dragoon was realesed. I was around 3 or 5? My parents thought "kid" dragoon was the beyblade for the younger ages.
Well let's see I got my first Beyblade at the age of 3 (about 9 years ago), but that didnt last long. Then I achieved my first 'official' bey, Driger MS. Then Gaia Dragoon MS, then Draciel MS (which didnt last long). Then Metal Fusion followed by Metal Masters.

I've been blading for about 3-4 years.
blading since 3 and still have my first bey!
Since 2010...I only knew about MFB back then...
Since like 2002. I'd much rater have my old plastics and HMS than my MFB now, haha.

13 years of blading, 16 years of life. I think we can agree my time as a toddler was awful before I doscovered Beyblade lol.
since 2012.
I started in 2003 Christmas, which sadly I got Zinrai Navy blue and I HATED it.
I was blading 2003 July [almost 13 years]. My first bey was tourch pegasis

Blading since 2010...
A loooooooong time haha I'm a veteran lol it been about 16 years, actively playing is 9 years , in the plastics saga and burst saga (I like to call them neo plastics) haha
Since 2010
2009/10 - 2013 then stopped then restarted in 2016
First started blading in kindergarten. Now I've been back into beyblade for 2-4 months. After summer I'll try to make a school beyblade club, just like the animeSmile

My first bey was either L-Drago Destructor or Ronin Dragoon
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