World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: How long have you been blading?
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ehh 4.5-5.5 years
(Mar. 29, 2021  7:51 PM)The Blacknight Wrote: [ -> ]ehh 4.5-5.5 years

nice. that's a good amount of time.
Less then a year my friend got me into it
I've been in the hobby since the release of Metal Fusion here in the US in 2010, meaning I've spent a lot of time learning. However I had not started actively engaging with the competitive scene until the release of Burst which reinvigorated my passion for it and made me join the WBO. Started playing in Tournaments in 2016 with LA's Big Trouble in Little Tokyo after Beyblades were found to be sold right off of Downtown at Anime Jungle (I however did not go there until years later even though it was across the street from our typical tournament location). I've met quite a few dear friends these tournaments, like Achi Baba and Ultimate Master, as well.
3 years and that's it
My first bey was Metal Draciel in…I wanna say 2001? Had lots of fun in casual competition up through the release of HMS which I wanna say I was 2005 or 2006. Then I was out for awhile and totally missed Metal Fight. I got back into stuff with Burst this year and have really been enjoying the competitive scene. Back when I first got into it Hasbro hosted tournaments very seldom so it’s nice to be able to get out to them almost monthly now!

So…sort of been blading for 20 years but probably only 6.5 actively.
ive been blading over 8 yrs
I got into blading during the russia arc of the OG beyblade anime so the early 2000s lol maybe around 20 or 19 years.
I started back when Hasbros Beyblade Burst came out back in 2016 and I'm pretty sure I started watching the anime around that time too so I've been in it for about 6 years and I'm closing in on 17 years old so I was about 10-11 years old when I got my first Beyblades.
i've been blading since 2012 i was 4
4 years long
(May. 30, 2021  12:21 AM)Beyl0v3r Wrote: [ -> ]4 years long

4 and 2/4 years long
(May. 30, 2021  12:45 AM)TheRogueBlader Wrote: [ -> ]4 and 2/4 years long

ill consider subbing to your channel

(May. 30, 2021  12:49 AM)Johnnyboy7 Wrote: [ -> ]
(May. 30, 2021  12:45 AM)TheRogueBlader Wrote: [ -> ]4 and 2/4 years long

ill consider subbing to your channel

also i would like to do a colabaration with you sometime
Less than a year
(May. 30, 2021  12:49 AM)Johnnyboy7 Wrote: [ -> ]
(May. 30, 2021  12:45 AM)TheRogueBlader Wrote: [ -> ]4 and 2/4 years long

ill consider subbing to your channel

(May. 30, 2021  12:49 AM)Johnnyboy7 Wrote: [ -> ]ill consider subbing to your channel

also i would like to do a colabaration with you sometime

Thanks, and feel free to pm me if you want to collab or something. Obviously, not physically together though cause covid.
8 years since I was 6
since about 8 months ago when Beyblades got to my area, But I've watched since the original burst
3 years since we watched Metal fusion on Netflix.
About 3-4 years ago, but I just recently got into the WBO and competitive and I LOVE IT.
Since Beyblade burst god
for about 8 years
I've been since 10 years ago, so it's around MFB season 1 & MFB Explosion
Been beyblading 3 years as of now.
I was Blading with Dragoon and company back when they first released in the US. If there wasn't a years-long void in between the end of plastics and mfb, I'd likely have kept playing through middle school.

Anyway, came back to the hobby a couple months ago as a nostalgia kick, but so far I'm really liking it.
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