World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: How long have you been blading?
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Approximately seven years. I started back in Grade four.
I started when I was 12, then stopped when I was 14. Then started again at 17 when I found my old Plastic Beyblades then stumbled across Beywiki (now WBO Tongue_out) and been playing since. So been actually blading for about 3 and half years now.
so are we not counting hiatus time? If so about 4ish years.
hmmm I started when I was 8... then kept on watching beyblade and collecting until 10. I even remember when I was sitting down to watch beyblade like normal. But it didn't come on. I was like WTF then I cried because i realized that beyblade had ended. I even remember that I was spinning a Dragoon GT during this time. Then I learned that beyblade came back in august last year, so I got back in to it and found this sight. so alltogether... about 3-4 years.
About 7 years too. I recall myself being member number 134 at OtC haha
Since before some of the new generation of beybladers were born! How scary is that.. Well, the anime came to the UK in 2002. So yeah, about 7 years.
I've been blading since beyblade first came to America.
7 years for me too, I think it's really impressive that we've all been playing since the very beginning, and that we are all still so dedicated to the game. When I picked up my first top, I would never have thought that 7 years down the line- the friends I made with it would still be around to talk about it. Smile
Yep we all have spent far too much time on this game. Think about all the other things we could have spend our money on XD

But hey, what's the point of having money if you can't be a bit frivolous with it (as long as you are within your means)
(May. 06, 2009  4:07 PM)Khel Wrote: [ -> ]Yep we all have spent far too much time on this game. Think about all the other things we could have spend our money on XD

But hey, what's the point of having money if you can't be a bit frivolous with it (as long as you are within your means)

Honestly, the carp I would have spent my money on instead is probably much worse than a spinning top hobby.
Same as everyone else, probably. Really discovered it last year though.
i have been blading for 7 years
Since you were 3? Skeptic
I've been blading for about 6 years.
Since the first blades were published in german stores - well i bought the Blade with the Beyblade-Nr "1".
So it is like 7-8 years i think.
Most people generally have the same answer. A question that would get different answers would be how long did people actually stop blading for.
I stopped playing for half a year or so ... the game just wasn't popular enough so I just hid my beyblades in my room, Then when I found them again it just made me like them again when I saw them all, So I thought I would tell my best friend (Beybi) that I like beyblade again and she did and then thats how it all started and started getting heaps of people I know back into the game, Then I found this site in late october last year. D: Which was when I really had gotten back into it. lol is this the kinda story or something you meant Josh-jf ?
lol yeah pretty much. I stopped for awhile because other things came out it would hae been a few years but yeah ive been back for awhile lol
a few years back i stopped for about 12 months
By the way sorry for changing the thread jamesleenguyen it just seems like the thread was getting rather dead. I could make a new topic for this but i dont think theres really any point.
(May. 07, 2009  12:46 PM)josh-jf Wrote: [ -> ]Most people generally have the same answer. A question that would get different answers would be how long did people actually stop blading for.

I stopped for about three years. Even when I first opened Beywiki, I was unable to play Beyblade because all of my Beyblades were at my friend's house very far away in storage ... I'm happy to have them back. Grin
(May. 07, 2009  5:54 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]I stopped for about three years. Even when I first opened Beywiki, I was unable to play Beyblade because all of my Beyblades were at my friend's house very far away in storage ... I'm happy to have them back. Grin
(May. 07, 2009  6:17 PM)Giga Wrote: [ -> ]


I kept all my favourite plastics though Grin
How many Trygles do you have?
(May. 07, 2009  6:30 PM)Giga Wrote: [ -> ]Yay!
How many Trygles do you have?

three or four
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