As a reminder, the tournament is on Saturday! Registration will likely close around 12:45PM, so that we can get started close to 1:00PM.
After 12:45, bladers registered for the tournament who aren't present at the tournament may lose their spot in the tournament to bladers who didn't or couldn't pre-register, but are actually there. You have been warned! Aside from people helping to judge the tournament, there will be very few exceptions granted for lateness.
It's a 24 person tournament, So it will likely be a 5 round swiss. That means the first stage before the finals could take an uncertain amount of time! If you make it to the finals, you'll be there perhaps a half an hour to an hour longer!
That first stage will likely take less than 3 hours, but just in case, you should expect to be there at least 3 hours.
If you and the person driving you cannot commit to you staying until at least 4PM, you should unregister for the tournament now.
EDIT: Also, if anyone has a Wedge-S they'd be willing to trade me, I have some parts they might find interesting.
Hey, parents! Here are all the answers to any questions about WBO Tournaments you might have! Thread-Guide-Hey-Parents-Answers-to-your-WBO-Tournament-questions
Please consult this guide linked below on how to arrive at tournaments before they start!