@Shining God MS: The only problem with that, is that you're now creating an anti-attacker. Yes, it works, but in the category of anti-attack, wheels like Diablo work much better, so if you're gonna go with an aggressive tip, you should use a metal wheel that can utilize smash as well (IE Girago).
However, If you're just sitting there, Duo is obviously the better choice, because you don't need the smash.
Time: Duo is absolutely amazing for defense... It pulls win rate against Wyvang attackers that are around 80% higher than Reviser sometimes. It can also OS just about any defense type out there, and, on a side note, can pretty much OS absolutely anything spinning to the left. Duo is definitely a keeper...
@Kyler_the best: LTACs need more testing by more users... I believe I'm the only one who has formally tested synchrom LTACs... but I would like to see a couple on future lists if more users get the same results.
shinobuXD: I completely forgot about that! I had it on my brain to add Wyvang earlier today... Thanks for the reminder.
As for MF-M on Duo, you're totally right... just something I overlooked. Added and added.
Anyone object to putting Wyvang Wyvang BD145RSF up there?
Well, if not, here's the edited list:
1. MSF-H Wyvang Wyvang (GB145/W145) (R2F/RF)
2. Wyvang Dragooon SA165 (Zero-G attack mode) (R2F/RF/LRF)
These combos have both put up stunning results against some tough defenders,
here and
1. Balro Balro (CH120/D125/T125/W145) (RF/R2F)
Although Balro has not been formally tested with these exact tracks, it's put up great results with the same heights in
this thread. W145 is obviously the superior substitute for CH145 if you don't want the height-change function. I found GB145 and MSF-H to slow this down a bit much for my taste...
1. MF-H Flash (Orion/Escolpio/Pisces/Beelzebub/Ionis) (GB145/H145/S130/CH120) (R2F/RF)
2. MF-H Flash (Orion/Escolpio/Pisces/Beelzebub/Ionis) W145MF
Although its weight can be a bit of a problem in some scenarios, flash does have relatively low recoil, and its speed and controllability can be advantageous. It's smash is very viable as well, hitting up to 60-70% against Revizer, as well as pulling higher numbers than any Synchrom attacker against the ever popular Duo defenders. I mean, come on, it's flash...
1. MF-H Duo (Aquario/Bull/Cancer/Hades/Cygnus) BD145 (RDF/RB)
Duo is just amazing... it's got more stamina than any other defensive wheel out there, and yet it can still pull some of the highest numbers against the new Synchrom attacker.
1. MSF-H Revizer/Killerken Revizer/Killerken BD145 (RDF/RB/CS/RSF)
2. MSF-H Revizer Reviser/Killerken E230 (RDF/RSF/RS/CS/RB)
Both of the Chrome Wheels have put up and still put up amazing results against traditional attackers in the past, and nothing seems to have topped them yet, so...
1. MSF-H Genbull/Revizer Genbull BD145 (RDF/RB)
No one seemed to pay much attention to it, but when Genbull was first tested for defense, it put up numbers 50%
higher than Reviser against Flash. From testing Both Formal and informal, I have found it to be absolutely amazing on BD145. Although it doesn't seem to perform well on CS or E230, it can be an amazing mid-height defender. Check out some formal results
here and
1. MF-H Scythe ______ 85RS
This thing is amazing... although it seems a bit, well, weird, it's put up some startling results against incredibly powerful attack types
here and
1. Duo (Cancer/Cygnus/Hades/Aquario) W145 (WD/EWD)
2. Duo (Cancer/Cygnus/Hades/Aquario) 230 (D/SD)
3. Duo (Cancer/Cygnus/Hades/Aquario) TH170 (D/SD)
4. Duo (Cacner/Cygnus/Hades/Aquario) SR200TB
It's Duo... it just totally rocks. The only thing that can come close to matching this wheel IMO is Genbull.
1. Genbull Genbull SR200 (TB/CS)
2. Genbull Genbull TH170TB
Genbull has put up some impressive numbers used in stamina combinations
here and
1. Phantom (Cygnus/Cancer/Hades) W145 (WD/EWD)
2. Phantom (Cygnus/Cancer/Hades) 230 (D/SD)
These combos are continuing to succeed in events as I have heard, and although its recoil can produce a huge issue in certain circumstances, you just can't ignore Phantom's amazing endurance capabilities, putting up far higher solo spin times than any other wheel released so far.
1. (MSF-H) Reviser Dragooon SA165 (normal mode) EWD
This thing rocks... it takes down pretty much anything using right rotation (save most attackers). It's Precession and LAD are incredible. Check it out
1. MF-L Phantom Cygnus 85MF
This combo continues to succeed against so many combos I can't keep count. Just the pure spin time alone is enough to impress me...
2. MF-H Diablo Kerbecs BD145RF
This combo is still a great counter to most attack types, and it can still produce very, very viable results against stamina types as well. I see no reason to leave it off of the list.
3. (MF-H/MF-M) Duo (Cancer/Cygnus) 230MB
This combo is still dominant in specific areas, and continues to put up stunning results against most of the new combos we have been testing. This one's definitely a keeper.
4. MSF Gryph Gryph E230BSF
This combo is pretty decent. Not one of my favorites, but you really can't ignore the results it's been able to put up. This thing can pretty much force smash the polycarbonate out of anything below 160. Tests are
5. MSF-H Wyvang Dragooon BD145RDF
This thing is absolutely beast in every way, shape, and form... this is one of my favorite combos of all time. Check it out
6. MSF-L Girago Girago BD145RF
I've tried this a LOT against just about everything, and so far, it's completely stomped anything remotely related to attack. Check it out
7. Reviser Dragooon SA165 (normal mode) RDF
I like this combo... it's a nice variation of spin equalizer, with the added defense to back it up against right-spin attackers. Check out the results
8. Wyvang Wyvang BD145RSF
This combo has put up some viable numbers as a balance type, and seems to be a popular combo among the users I've discussed it with... so, up it goes! Check out the testing
The only edits I made are that I added Wyvang Wyvang BD145RSF for balance, and fixed the metal face on Duo.