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Full Version: Beyblade Zero-G Series. (Watch video in first post!)
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Hey Kai V, any news on a Pegasis model?
If there's no thread for one, then no...
(Jan. 24, 2012  2:06 PM)Harkins Wrote: [ -> ]Heh, I wonder what the BeybladeGeeks from YouTube think about the "BBG" product code.

Probably very little of any substance or entertainment value, much like every other thought they have.

: all releases there are information about have their own threads in the beyblade general forum, but no, nothing of a new pegasis has been mentioned.
I just got done adding articles about the new Beyblades in Beyblade Wiki. I hope this is another reboot to Beyblade, that would be cool, there would be both a Bakugan and a Beyblade reboot in 2012. Personally, I think the Metal Saga is over, they could still keep Gingka, but they'll give him Samurai Ifreid Smile.
Still, it looks to be a revival of the plastics/ HMS era, if you look closely at the beyblade in the Zero G stadium.

That's from my perspective. Anybody else agree?
(Jan. 24, 2012  2:32 PM)Harkins Wrote: [ -> ]I just got done adding articles about the new Beyblades in Beyblade Wiki. I hope this is another reboot to Beyblade, that would be cool, there would be both a Bakugan and a Beyblade reboot in 2012. Personally, I think the Metal Saga is over, they could still keep Gingka, but they'll give him Samurai Ifreid Smile.

So you simply feed off this board to add information somewhere else without even thanking me at all ? I hope you gave credit to this site in all the articles ...
How do people sleep at night thinking a wiki is some child's game?

I really want to contribute, but I don't really battle...
Well, read the names of the beys which are supposed to be released... Thanks for those updates, Kai-V
Even though few of the names are tentative, they are, on the most part, influenced by martial arts(?)...
Ninjas, Samurais, and what not.
I may expect a lot from this new series, but as I have seen just the stadium; I can't say much. Confused
But at the same time, I view these as tops which will work quite efficiently in the fulcrum-based stadiums which created much hype recently. I don't believe that a company's first stadium release for a new series would be the one with a gimmick. Or who knows, I might have a lot to learn about marketing.
EDIT- Beaten.
Thank you Kai-V! Sorry I forgot Unhappy but thank you so much for the information. It looks like I'm going to refrain from buying in Metal saga Beyblades now so I can save up to buy all of these.
There is not even any content to make an article about, it is unbelievable.
I wonder whats up with the gap of information. BBG 01-09 but nothing on 5,6 and 7
wait, is it confirmed that the beys are plastic? There's a lot of talk about it...
(Jan. 24, 2012  3:01 PM)Hyper27 Wrote: [ -> ]wait, is it confirmed that the beys are plastic? There's a lot of talk about it...

Considering that the Boosters are called "Thin Chrome Boosters", they definitely contain metal.
Interesting... the second part of the names seem to refer to mythological creatures/beings...
Ifried -> Ifrit (Arabic)
Salamander (European)
Oroja -> Orochi (Japanese)

So, technically, a Pegasis Zero-G is quite possible.

The only thing that's bothering me is Fennec -> Fennec Fox. Is it a misspelling of Phoenix and they are unaware of the real animal? But a Fox makes sense because they are one of the animals associated with thieves. But then it wouldn't be only myths only.

Edit: I seem to have found another possibility for Ifrit: the blue-capped Ifrita, which of course is sometimes referred to as Ifrit. On the other hand, salamander also refers to the real amphibian animals. The only problem would be how Oroja fits in terms of regular animals.

Edit 2: Unless its a type of Cactus from South America, similarly named Oroya, assuming that they use the common Spanish "Y" sound, which of course sounds like a "J." Then it would be plants and animals...
Of all times, why would they go back to plastic?

For all we know, these could be entirely metal with barely any plastic.
Kai-V, based on your expert opinion, previous series, plastics, HMS and all. What's your take on this? Do you feel 4D is ending and this G series is replacing it?

I know that nothing is confirmed and everything is tentative, but it's fun once in a while to speculate, and your opinion matters most, since it actually has substance behind it.
(Jan. 24, 2012  3:05 PM)Codeine Extorts Wrote: [ -> ]Of all times, why would they go back to plastic?

For all we know, these could be entirely metal with barely any plastic.

Ill get my hands on the CoroCoro when i come home, but they bey in the stadium resembles that of plastic origin...

And Im backing up Uwik, whats your spin on this Mrs. V?
I think this new series will innovate all that we know about beyblades ^^ , the names are Awesome ! I think the Zero-G beys will not be so much different from the ones that we know ! But We have to force ourselves to wait for the pics Grin !!!
I just laughed out loud when you said they won't be so much different....
Whatever ^^ I like the names :') and I will wait for them as all of us will do ^^ We gotta be patient Smile
Yeah you're right Smile but I didn't make that assumption ! And I don't want to think about it further just let be surprised right? Smile
(Jan. 24, 2012  5:39 PM)Uwik Wrote: [ -> ]Kai-V, based on your expert opinion, previous series, plastics, HMS and all. What's your take on this? Do you feel 4D is ending and this G series is replacing it?

I know that nothing is confirmed and everything is tentative, but it's fun once in a while to speculate, and your opinion matters most, since it actually has substance behind it.

Hm, I really do not like the fact that BB-127 seems to be inexistent. The fact that I found information on these new releases for March and April should mean that it is time for all of TAKARA-TOMY's releases for March and April to start appearing on Internet ... And if it is the time for new information yet that there is no BB-127, that is weird to me ... Also, the fact that Zero G starts very strongly with Starters, Boosters, a starting set and even a Random Booster, it is not just a side series like the Super Control Beys.
I see, how was it historically with the plastics and HMS? Was there a solid information prior, that the season was ending or something similar to this?

It just seems that ending it with a sagittario seems rather weak.
I would not be surprised, I don't really think there's much more they can do in MFB. They probably want to avoid it becoming unpopular before they can revive it, or something...

Still, odd.
(Jan. 24, 2012  6:49 PM)Uwik Wrote: [ -> ]It just seems that ending it with a sagittario seems rather weak.

This was my thinking–ending the current series with something like Diablo Nemesis would have made much more sense, given its concept–but what Kai-V's saying is true. It's hard to say at this point.
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