World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Beyblade Zero-G Series. (Watch video in first post!)
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If we look at it from the business point of view, distribution-wise, 4D still has not hit the retail market globally. It's risky for the producer and quite senseless for the customers to purchase / invest on a 'no longer developed' product. Especially if the Zero G is released even before Hasbro does 4D (if Hasbro actually is planning on releasing 4D).
In Bakuten Shoot Beyblade, there were a lot more product codes, but to be honest I was not really interested in the hobby back then, so I was not the one who found out about the latest releases and everything. Actually, I think the community at that time only had as resources : Beholder, the owner of Beyblade Damashii, and Takara's official Beyblade site.

In the context of Metal Fight Beyblade though, a different product code is weird, both because it can indeed imply a completely new series, or just a side toyline like the Super Control Beys. Up until now, it was only BB- ...
(Jan. 24, 2012  3:04 PM)phantomcellistf Wrote: [ -> ]The only thing that's bothering me is Fennec -> Fennec Fox. Is it a misspelling of Phoenix and they are unaware of the real animal? But a Fox makes sense because they are one of the animals associated with thieves. But then it wouldn't be only myths only.

Are you seriously unaware of how many fox miths there are?
Okay this is seriously ominous, a year or two back someone on the Your Creations Forum made a Beyblade system called just "Zero" or something. Look it up if you don't know what I'm talking about.

Very odd.
(Jan. 24, 2012  7:15 PM)miztechwizard Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 24, 2012  3:04 PM)phantomcellistf Wrote: [ -> ]The only thing that's bothering me is Fennec -> Fennec Fox. Is it a misspelling of Phoenix and they are unaware of the real animal? But a Fox makes sense because they are one of the animals associated with thieves. But then it wouldn't be only myths only.

Are you seriously unaware of how many fox miths there are?

No, I'm not, but I am unaware if there are ones for the Fennec Fox specifically.
"Chrome Boosters"?
That's an amazing name. I love it!
Thin Chrome Boosters.
I know. I forgot to add Thin lol
awesome we now know the month, so i guess i should start saving up, to buy these new beys if the are cool enough.
I'm enthused and sad at the same time!

I hope MFB doesn't end now.. It would be strange, especially with a Sagittario. (then again didn't they tell us this awhile ago? haha) but this new series seems interesting. I can only hope for a RF-ish tip and a decent naming system like MFB.
inb4 bad naming system like plastics and everything needs a nickname
Even still, it would be pretty cool I'd think.
What seems weird, and makes me think this is only a side series is this:

1) Series ends with saggitario. IMO it should have ended with Duo uranus, LDG and WingPeggy.
2) Tournaments are being planned for use in the new Zero G stadium. I thought TT didn't use stadiums out of series.
3) The tourneys using these stadiums allow you to win prize facebolts. Why let you win something from a now defunct series?

Now it could be a new series with parts that are interchangeable with the MFB line. To me it seems possible. it seems more than likely, given the facts from above, and from how the bey in the zero G stadium looks, I think that parts between the 2 series are interchangeable.
Have you guys Not read Kai-V's post a couple pages back, a fourth season HAS been Conferimed.
Both series could definitely be compatible. Keep in mind that Zero G could still have the same naming system, but it is simply not known right now and it will not be for months.
I think in terms of this being a completely new series, we are all being to linear in our way of thinking. This is not something that has been done before, so we cant compare it to a previous pattern or way of doing things. It is something unique, and we will have to accept it as it comes.

I do not think anyone who knows what they are talking about is making firm claims on anything at the moment. We all acknowledge that it is a weird situation.

Your post was deleted because I am however absolutely certain that Hasbro's recolours and illegal parts/combinations are not related to Zero G at all. The names are completely stupid, and they even have an Earth on top of a Flame, from what I remember. None of that is TAKARA-TOMY material.
i just got a hold of the new magazine. the beyblade on the top left looks definate that it has a new facebolt. the beyblade in the stadium on the other hand. reminds me very much of a dranzer bitbeast from hms. THATS SEPCULATION. but the facebolt just remeinds me of hms it looks rounded. i may be wrong though.
edit: everything im talking about is on the page with the stadium.
(Jan. 25, 2012  2:16 AM)Fury Wrote: [ -> ]i just got a hold of the new magazine. the beyblade on the top left looks definate that it has a new facebolt. the beyblade in the stadium on the other hand. reminds me very much of a dranzer bitbeast from hms. THATS SEPCULATION. but the facebolt just remeinds me of hms it looks rounded. i may be wrong though.
edit: everything im talking about is on the page with the stadium.

Look at this close-up, it does not really look like a circular Face, and it does not not look like a hexagonal Face :
I'm not saying it's octagons, but it's octagons.

That's really all I can see with that shape. Unless it's some weird system where you push down on it and the face pops out. That would eliminate the tools.
I REALLY hope Zero G is just like the "Super Control" series, but it has more to it like MFB (thin chrome boosters I ASSUME are like random boosters). That being said i am aware or the renewal of MFB for a 4th season, but I HOPE Zero G is not just the Beyblade replacement that overlaps thier current series (if Zero G does better and TT decides to cut a 5th MFB season and keep going with Zero G). Unlikely? Yes. But I just hope this isn't the case...
There is no dot after the "G", for your information. I just always want to add periods after what I type in a sign of completion, but as you can see in the new title, the dot did not follow the "G" ...
(Jan. 25, 2012  2:27 AM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 25, 2012  2:16 AM)Fury Wrote: [ -> ]i just got a hold of the new magazine. the beyblade on the top left looks definate that it has a new facebolt. the beyblade in the stadium on the other hand. reminds me very much of a dranzer bitbeast from hms. THATS SEPCULATION. but the facebolt just remeinds me of hms it looks rounded. i may be wrong though.
edit: everything im talking about is on the page with the stadium.

Look at this close-up, it does not really look like a circular Face, and it does not not look like a hexagonal Face :

im looking at my magazine right now and the picture you sent we too wasnt the one im talking about. the one you sent me looks like a regular facebolt but the one in the stadium had a circular facebolt
Dang a new series already!? I like I said before HMS might be like 4D when they had cool gimmicks but only for a short time with the show and releases. Time sure flew by! I'm hoping for cool new gimmicks in this one, once again, thank you Kai V for the info.
(Jan. 25, 2012  4:17 AM)Fury Wrote: [ -> ]im looking at my magazine right now and the picture you sent we too wasnt the one im talking about. the one you sent me looks like a regular facebolt but the one in the stadium had a circular facebolt

The one in the Zero G Stadium Attack Type is spinning, so of course the hexagonal/octogonal shape would blur into a circle ...

Thank you J o n, Meteor-V, Ryu-X, LeonTempestXIII, Shabalabadoo, Raigeko13, ScottPilgrimWBA, KaizerMFB, Vamasco_, Jaygrazer, Janstarblast, and Harkins.
Samurai/Martial Arts themes must be the in thing for toys and games now.

Shinobi remake.
Pokemon: Nobunaga's Ambition
That lego ninja stuff.

Now Beyblade? I don't really know what to expect from this new series.

I just know it has a funny name for a series with a samurai theme xD
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