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More than one type of Stadium has always existed, though.

I cannot see a Tornado Ridge being remotely helpful in this kind of environment, since the entire gimmick hinges - especially for Attackers - on being able to move the whole Stadium. Restricting movement obviously seems counter-intuitive to that goal.

In either event, I do really love the swaying KOs.
A fast Attack type hitting against a Tornado Ridge can move a stadium with a base around with its movements, so it is not as if Attack types would be completely hindered.
When I think about it (although I may just be getting too excited), I'm excited to see if new styles of Attack, Defense, and Stamina arise. I think it probably will, and obviously Attack has the possibility of making the stadium sway to KO, however who knows if it will even be prominent. (I think it will, I'm just not being presumptuous and spreading stuff.)
I am extremely interested in what the Defense metagame will be like - but it's obvious that it will almost absolutely have to be weight and grip-based, judging by the wild kinetic forces in play.

If I'm right, this could mean a Defense metagame that doesn't revolve around 2+ minute long out-spin wars, like the old Plastics one, which has got me giddy as an octopus on a drum set.
I actually thought that less grip would be better because if the stadium sways, more grip will mean that it will catch on to that sway better.

However, now that I think about it from your perspective, I'm not at all sure, and that's what I love!
Well you can say beyblades are now double the price now cuz of syncrom haha.I love the fact that tools are now abbreviated by zero g compact launcher.

Anyways I'm on the shinkansen to nagoya and I'll do tests of ifraid and saramanda.I'll do with both stadiums for now
BD145 will scrape like hell on anything other than Hell, in boost mode, in this stadium! The Attack Type Stadium looks real fun to have battles with friends, and just to mess about in, but i can't see it being legal for WBO tournament play... but... hey, let the testing do the talking...
(Apr. 02, 2012  9:37 AM)BeyHyperKiLLer Wrote: [ -> ]BD145 will scrape like hell on anything other than Hell, in boost mode, in this stadium! The Attack Type Stadium looks real fun to have battles with friends, and just to mess about in, but i can't see it being legal for WBO tournament play... but... hey, let the testing do the talking...

Floor scraps are pretty common on any heights below 145 now.You can actually consider 145 as 100 in zero-g
Yeah, I feel like a Tornado Ridge would've helped a lot. I also feel like the exits need some sort of barrier -- when the Beyblade just "slides" out it's pretty lame. If Hasbro had released this stadium like this you guys would be up in arms about it. I feel like TT is getting a free pass, here.
I think we are mostly impressed by the new gimmick of stadiums, which Hasbro would have probably not have thought of. But yes, now we are realising that there are a few flaws and we just have to hope that they release better stadiums for Zero-G in the future.

Or, perhaps the new gimmick is that battles must end quickly, too ...
Wouldn't sliding out of the stadium too much wreck the stadiums edge? There is no protection on where the bey slides out, and the plastic doesn't look like it can handle too much of it..

Also, not very interesting since the battles are only like a mere second..
(Apr. 02, 2012  2:53 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, I feel like a Tornado Ridge would've helped a lot. I also feel like the exits need some sort of barrier -- when the Beyblade just "slides" out it's pretty lame. If Hasbro had released this stadium like this you guys would be up in arms about it. I feel like TT is getting a free pass, here.

If Hasbro had released this, I'd be just as excited - but then again, I do not hold any particular company bias on anything but a case-by-case basis. I actually like the slide out method of KO/Stadium-Out, but I suppose I really can't speak for anything until I get my hands on it.
I agree with the few people who have said that the battles are a little underwhelming. I've never been particularly drawn with the whole idea but I reserved judgement until I saw more videos and less advertising, but it seems that scraping happens far too often and it all looks far too unpredictable. I'm sure a well-formed, organised metagame can arise from this however, and I'm looking forward to it.
(Apr. 02, 2012  4:02 PM)Hazel Wrote: [ -> ]
(Apr. 02, 2012  2:53 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, I feel like a Tornado Ridge would've helped a lot. I also feel like the exits need some sort of barrier -- when the Beyblade just "slides" out it's pretty lame. If Hasbro had released this stadium like this you guys would be up in arms about it. I feel like TT is getting a free pass, here.

If Hasbro had released this, I'd be just as excited - but then again, I do not hold any particular company bias on anything but a case-by-case basis. I actually like the slide out method of KO/Stadium-Out, but I suppose I really can't speak for anything until I get my hands on it.

This. At first I was put off by the stadium, but now I see it more as a new mode of gameplay that requires new modes of thinking about combos. I'm champing at the bit here waiting for the gear to arrive, and when it does I won't hold anything back from my analysis be it positive or negative...
Yeah, I still think it's a solid idea really, but the solution they've come to isn't elegant. This seems like it should be a prototype, but they were likely in a rush to deliver something to market. Then again, this isn't the first time TT has released a horrible stadium as a finished product, see: Stamina Stadium.

Tornado Attack is still the best stadium ever made sorry guys
+1 for Tornado Attack, but, I think it's also definitely promising in that they seem to be willing to release multiple Stadia for this generation as well, and later renditions could definitely be much more "perfect".

Even without the finishing touches, though, "something different piques my interest", I guess.
I agree about something different being good, hope they stick with it for a while rather than abandoning it as a gimmick (e.g. MG Series).
I think it'd be a little more awkward to jump ship in this case, unless they go full blown ridiculous... which I am not really ruling out as a possibility, haha.

I just hope nothing like Engine Gears ever happens again.
I wouldn't count on them releasing another "Attack Stadium" with a Tornado Ridge, because if you think about it ... we were basically stuck with the same MFB Attack Stadium for the entire series (Super Attack does not exist). I was always hoping they would release a TBTS-esque stadium for MFB, but clearly, that never happened.

But who knows, it's possible. I'm not sure how much a Tornado Ridge would help, but stadiums with differently sized holes/exits or slope angles would be interesting.
The fact is they created the ideal stadium like eight years ago and haven't been able to match it since. Maybe Zero-G has potential, but so far it's just too erratic. The entire game is going to become a matter of counter comboing. Skill just went from 30% to 10% importance.

I feel like if the stadium was shallower/flatter it would help a lot ...
(Apr. 02, 2012  11:49 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]The entire game is going to become a matter of counter comboing. Skill just went from 30% to 10% importance.

This is my only fear; that there will be "strategy", but it will be limited to "my beyblade should beat your beyblade". We'll have to wait and see, though.
I agree with Brad. There really isn't much skill involved, at least based on what I have seen. A more shallow stadium might make it wobble at extreme angles, which should have a sort of "wave" effect. Sounds pretty cool.
(Apr. 02, 2012  11:49 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]The fact is they created the ideal stadium like eight years ago and haven't been able to match it since. Maybe Zero-G has potential, but so far it's just too erratic. The entire game is going to become a matter of counter comboing. Skill just went from 30% to 10% importance.

I feel like if the stadium was shallower/flatter it would help a lot ...

PTW. Did it help?
I do not think that is at all relevant, since PTW is shallowing an already shallow bowl, while he is recommending shallowing something that is basically a sphere cut in half, kbuno...

Seriously, your completely random hasbro thrashing is making your posting nothing but irrelevant, lately. Please tone it down.
I don't even know what that means hahaha. Pegasus Thunder Whip? Either way it's not relevant ...
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