World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Beyblade Zero-G Series. (Watch video in first post!)
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I am not particularly opposed to gimmicks as long as they are fun, and this looks like it will be pretty enjoyably frenetic!

Sometimes one needs a break from the shenanigans of "THIS IS THE BEST THING FOR THIS AND NOTHING ELSE IS GOOD"ery of the competitive metagame. I think Zero-G will be pretty enjoyable for that.

It will also drive my cats absolutely bonkers.
(Feb. 15, 2012  6:15 PM)Hazel Wrote: [ -> ]It will also drive my cats absolutely bonkers.

You've just made me realise, that, given my dog is the biggest wuss in the world (seems traumatised by a previous owner...), and is terrified of things that move, make noise, and dislikes beyblades, that Zero-G is probably her worst nightmare...

Good to know that i am not the only one who did not like this zero g thing. And i agree with brad... I already dislike stadiums interfering with the customs and this may make the matters worse. Unless the series turns out to be some huge success by the end of september, i dont think i'll be buying it... Not when there are still people selling plastics and hms... I am yet to spin an hms bey...
I wouldn't throw my old parts away yet...
My SD and WD performance tips, at least, go wild in my salad bowl.
New gimmicks eventually bring new ideas for experimentation.
I dont know about you guys but until its released and testing and what not is done im gonna be on the fence with this
The one-single "jewel" being on the top reminds me of Odin The Wanderer (Norse mythology), since Odin had one eye. Very interesting reference there.
(Feb. 15, 2012  9:11 PM)Codeine Extorts Wrote: [ -> ]The one-single "jewel" being on the top (thin chrome?) reminds me of Odin The Wanderer (Norse mythology), since Odin had one eye. Very interesting reference there.

No, that is not "thin chrome", it is the crystal we have been talking about all along ...
The gimmick of that stadium is akin to the stuff many users on this forum criticize the Hasbro gimmick lines for. I seriously hope it isn't the central stadium for the Zero-G line.
I really hope this doesnt end up with beys getting killed by the stadium instead each other...
(Feb. 16, 2012  6:47 AM)Blazeburn Wrote: [ -> ]I really hope this doesnt end up with beys getting killed by the stadium instead each other...

So I guess pockets or exits don't count as being "killed" by the stadium...??
(Feb. 15, 2012  6:06 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]Just looks like gimmickry for the sake of gimmickry. You can see that a lot of the Beyblades are just totally shut down by the stadium rather than the opposing Bey. Anyone who's complained about Hasbro's terrible stadium designs should be very scared by this. Also seems very inelegant, is this thing going to roll all over the floor or did I miss some attachment mechanism?

I agree. In the video, I only saw one legitimate KO. The other ones were from the tilting stadium. Also, there is no attachment to keep the stadium in one place, as far as I know.

(Feb. 16, 2012  5:29 AM)To Wrote: [ -> ]The gimmick of that stadium is akin to the stuff many users on this forum criticize the Hasbro gimmick lines for. I seriously hope it isn't the central stadium for the Zero-G line.

There are still considerable differences that does not make the Zero-G Stadium Attack Type so similar to Hasbro's stadiums. If it were just BB-1xx in the regular line of Metal Fight Beyblade, yes, it would be absolutely weird, but if this is the new step, whether backwards or forward, that Beyblade is taking as a whole, then that is just it, a new standard stadium. Hasbro's BeyStadiums are visibly restrictive within the Metal Fight Beyblade line, while these are totally meant for a whole new type of play since the tops also have designs more or less based on the fact that they will be turning in a swaying stadium.

An image of the new launchers, possibly with a Launcher Grip attached to them, but I do not know. The two Beyblades are also unknown, which is why I do not want to mention them ...
Those look nice(?)
Even though the picture doesn't show the launchers clearly, that seems to be a rather small launcher (especially if the Launcher Grip is attached, as Kai-V said), or those two bladers have really BIG hands...
But that ripcord reminds me of Light Launcher 2, tbh.

Thanks for the updates, Kai-V. Smile
The launchers almost look like LLR and a LL2 combined...
EDIT: most likely not though.
Why is nobody crazy about the fact that there is a red winder, hah.
Looks to me like the red launcher is in left-spin position while the black launcher is in right-spin.

The red launcher appears to only have one entry point for a ripcord. The black launcher doesn't have enough contrast to make such a statement.
(Feb. 16, 2012  5:20 PM)Arupaeo Wrote: [ -> ]Looks to me like the red launcher is in left-spin position while the black launcher is in right-spin.

The red launcher appears to only have one entry point for a ripcord. The black launcher doesn't have enough contrast to make such a statement.

I do not actually see whatever you are seeing.
There is a hole above the launcher. It can't really be just for aesthetics right? It doesn't really make sense if it serves no purpose.

Also, I don't think there's a Launcher Grip in that picture. The thing is 3 fingers long. A Launcher Grip can't be that small.
Is the one on the red launcher perhaps Shinobi Salamander?
(Feb. 16, 2012  5:52 PM)PhantomKid Wrote: [ -> ]Is the one on the red launcher perhaps Shinobi Salamander?

I clearly wrote that I did not want to talk about what they could be since we cannot confirm anything, only guess pointlessly.

Uwik Wrote:There is a hole above the launcher. It can't really be just for aesthetics right? It doesn't really make sense if it serves no purpose.

Also, I don't think there's a Launcher Grip in that picture. The thing is 3 fingers long. A Launcher Grip can't be that small.

Perhaps for add-ons, such as a Zero-G Angle Compass possibly ? I hope it is not just to put a Face sticker in it ...

But you see that they are holding the launchers on the side ? With normal Metal Fight Beyblade launchers, even though I have small hands, I can essentially only hold the Light Launcher with two fingers. There is no way I could wrap my hand around it and still shoot.
So then, if there is already a sort of grip form onto the Zero-G Light Launchers, then what could the Launcher Grip possibly do ?
(Feb. 16, 2012  5:56 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]But you see that they are holding the launchers on the side ? With normal Metal Fight Beyblade launchers, even though I have small hands, I can essentially only hold the Light Launcher with two fingers. There is no way I could wrap my hand around it and still shoot.
So then, if there is already a sort of grip form onto the Zero-G Light Launchers, then what could the Launcher Grip possibly do ?

Hmm, I see what you mean. It could also be a big launcher to begin with, or carabiner style grip or a small Launcher Grip.

Anyway, thanks for the update.
I believe the hole is most likely how HMS had thier tool for assembling the bey on thier launchers
(Feb. 16, 2012  6:16 PM)Sniperâ„¢ Wrote: [ -> ]I believe the hole is most likely how HMS had thier tool for assembling the bey on thier launchers

Except that you did not read what I last wrote in the Samurai Ifreid topic added to the fact that the new Faces are "diamond-shaped".
I simply want to say this myself; If this somehow replaces MFB, I will be ultra pissed. The thought of having to recollect and re-strategize, and finding all new techniques of blading legitimately scares me. But only if that replacement should happen. Just throwin that out there.
(Feb. 16, 2012  6:33 PM)xXBlueHoodXx Wrote: [ -> ]I simply want to say this myself; If this somehow replaces MFB, I will be ultra pissed. The thought of having to recollect and re-strategize, and finding all new techniques of blading legitimately scares me. But only if that replacement should happen. Just throwin that out there.

It inevitably will. What you are describing is almost word for word the fear of the new. For me, the idea of having to discover everything about this new type of game is very exciting.

Metal Fight Beyblade tournaments will continue happening, but, especially considering the metagame right now, it could only excite you for so long.
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