World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Beyblade Zero-G Series. (Watch video in first post!)
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(Feb. 26, 2012  2:34 PM)TheBladerin Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry but I don't understand anything about you talking. What is Zero-G?

Reading is the hardest thing to do in your spare time, right?

It's like we need to quote the OP every time we post now. Every post should have the OP information in a spoil-quote.

On a relevant front, cannot wait to have the correct names of parts (native, like wheel, clear wheel, face bolt, etc) so that "Beyblade Parts Names" thread can stay.
I just received my Zero.G poster and at the top it says Metal Fight Beyblade Zero.G information.

So the official title is Metal fight Beyblade Zero.G

I apologize if this has been posted before.
(Feb. 27, 2012  9:57 PM)Bio438 Wrote: [ -> ]I just received my Zero.G poster and at the top it says Metal Fight Beyblade Zero.G information.

So the official title is Metal fight Beyblade Zero.G

I apologize if this has been posted before.

Cool, so it will be part of MFB, yes! I was unsure when nobody officially confirmed it Uncertain
I posted all the images already anyway, so you could have seen it for yourself there.
(Jan. 12, 2012  10:17 PM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote: [ -> ]Interesting...a swaying stadium...maybe like what would happen if you put a stadium in a bath tub filled with water?
Actually, no. That isn't what happens. I have made my own stadium that is like the stadium from the episode in Metal Fusion where Kenta and Benkei enter that competition with the water stuff, execept more sloped and easier to get stadium outs in. Twisted wins there every time. But onto topic, TT shouldn't call it Zero-G, because it is possible to make a Zero-G stadium involving complex magnet movements under the stadium, knocking a bey off course, and with powerful enough magnets, along with magnetic tips, to float beys, although unstable, creating ZERO GRAVITY. Making stadiums like ones I mentioned would revolutionize games in general, not just Beyblade.
(Feb. 28, 2012  2:10 AM)mayaman2 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 12, 2012  10:17 PM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote: [ -> ]Interesting...a swaying stadium...maybe like what would happen if you put a stadium in a bath tub filled with water?
Actually, no. That isn't what happens. I have made my own stadium that is like the stadium from the episode in Metal Fusion where Kenta and Benkei enter that competition with the water stuff, execept more sloped and easier to get stadium outs in. Twisted wins there every time. But onto topic, TT shouldn't call it Zero-G, because it is possible to make a Zero-G stadium involving complex magnet movements under the stadium, knocking a bey off course, and with powerful enough magnets, along with magnetic tips, to float beys, although unstable, creating ZERO GRAVITY. Making stadiums like ones I mentioned would revolutionize games in general, not just Beyblade.
Yeah but If there was real zero gravity, in a left spin vs right spin battle they would probably spin forever.

Why are we quoting a post of mine that was made more than a month ago, especialy one that has already been addressed? I made that post when Zero G was first announced, There is no reason to comment on it now...

(Feb. 28, 2012  3:13 AM)bladermax Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb. 28, 2012  2:10 AM)mayaman2 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 12, 2012  10:17 PM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote: [ -> ]Interesting...a swaying stadium...maybe like what would happen if you put a stadium in a bath tub filled with water?
Actually, no. That isn't what happens. I have made my own stadium that is like the stadium from the episode in Metal Fusion where Kenta and Benkei enter that competition with the water stuff, execept more sloped and easier to get stadium outs in. Twisted wins there every time. But onto topic, TT shouldn't call it Zero-G, because it is possible to make a Zero-G stadium involving complex magnet movements under the stadium, knocking a bey off course, and with powerful enough magnets, along with magnetic tips, to float beys, although unstable, creating ZERO GRAVITY. Making stadiums like ones I mentioned would revolutionize games in general, not just Beyblade.
Yeah but If there was real zero gravity, in a left spin vs right spin battle they would probably spin forever. gravity has nothing to do with can have a zero gravity environment, but still have air resistance/friction. Also, it is possible to create a vacum where there is no air resistance, and the only force acting on something would be gravity. Space is a vacum with zero gravity. If you launched a bey in space, it may possibbly spin forever, or atleast for a very very very long time, so long as no outside force acts upon it.

Also keep in mind that technicaly speaking, Zero Gravity isnt really possible. So long as planatery bodies exist, forces will always act upon an object, no matter how insignifigant
(Feb. 20, 2012  7:26 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb. 20, 2012  7:25 PM)-Vulcan- Wrote: [ -> ]
So, I guess MFB and Zero G are cross compatible then?

I already posted that in the Samurai Ifraid topic, yes ... Both Track and Bottom should work with regular Faces and everything.

Okay, so I watched the video; didn't answer the question I had in mind. But this is what I'd like to know:

If the new Zero-G Tracks and Bottoms can be used with MFB Wheels, will this series have potential of not only combining with MFB but also outclassing and obsoleting (if obsoleting is a proper word...) today's top tier MFB parts? I know that there hasn't been any testing on any Zero-G stuff yet, since practically none are out yet, but I just wanted to know if this will really change today's game or just somewhat "add on" to it.
(Feb. 28, 2012  5:39 AM)Kaji Motomiya Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb. 20, 2012  7:26 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb. 20, 2012  7:25 PM)-Vulcan- Wrote: [ -> ]
So, I guess MFB and Zero G are cross compatible then?

I already posted that in the Samurai Ifraid topic, yes ... Both Track and Bottom should work with regular Faces and everything.

Okay, so I watched the video; didn't answer the question I had in mind. But this is what I'd like to know:

If the new Zero-G Tracks and Bottoms can be used with MFB Wheels, will this series have potential of not only combining with MFB but also outclassing and obsoleting (if obsoleting is a proper word...) today's top tier MFB parts? I know that there hasn't been any testing on any Zero-G stuff yet, since practically none are out yet, but I just wanted to know if this will really change today's game or just somewhat "add on" to it.

It looks although Zero.G beys are only for using against each other.

And there is no way to know how these new beyblades preform competitively until possibly weeks after their release.

I have not watched it yet because I am at school.

More or less related, but this post on the WBBA Diary as well as a picture in the last CoroCoro issue make me think that they might be replacing Blader DJ, for Zero-G. Admittedly, his smile seems really forced in the photographs, and it is probably good for him to retire before it gets really bothersome.
The photos of those DJ are so funny. One is smiling the other not smiling.
Anyways, hope Zero G will be a long lasting series.
Im in school too, Ill have to wait to see the vid

No offense to any current and future Blader DJs, but there is only 1 true Blader DJ Wink
For those who havent watched the video. Its pretty awesome. Its mainly telling the battles are now in 3D. And its also says beyblade is going into a new era. And it says MFB is heading into the next chapter wit ha picture of a new character at the end.
OK, so nothing we could not have figured out by watching the Japanese video, hah.
Well, the 3D thing is kinda new, I'm assuming that's some indication that the swaying gimmick is going to stay, or whatever...
That was basically logical. Also, battles are always in three dimensions anyway, they should talk about a fourth dimension or something ...
I considered that myself, but physicists, philosophers, and generally everyone who isn't a child aren't their target audience. Also, 3D is a huge buzzword right now, haha.
Plus, I suppose it would be confusing with "4D" ...
Oh yea, even I think so. Smile
But its true that 3D has nothing new as all battles are 3D...
It'd only be an eye-catching tag line and nothing else, as th!nk said.

Its quite confusing though... Does TT actually mean to indicate somehing new by '3D' or just wishes to attract more customers by the buzzword?
I think TT might try to refer to the plane on which battles take place?
(Feb. 28, 2012  3:58 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]OK, so nothing we could not have figured out by watching the Japanese video, hah.

Pretty Much. You do see a battle in the stadium. For me this pretty much confirms these stadiums are more luck based then anything.
Wait a second... does that mean that we have all been battling in 2 dimensions?!? Oh no! I'm a flatlander! Sagittario_Worried

To Blader DJ: Props man, thank you. And "Surely be seeing if there is a bond of the bay" to you too!
I dont think that video was made by TT itself. It appears to be an english voice over done by a fan? I could be wrong.

based on the way it was described, it seems like this entire series will be attack oriented. The more the stadium moves, the more likely a KO will occur
No, that is indeed by TAKARA-TOMY. They have done English versions for some of their Beyblade videos before, you could have checked ...
(Feb. 29, 2012  1:39 AM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote: [ -> ]based on the way it was described, it seems like this entire series will be attack oriented. The more the stadium moves, the more likely a KO will occur

Heh, at least those awkward battles where one circles around the other until they KO or Stadium-Out won't ever happen again.

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