World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Beyblade Zero-G Series. (Watch video in first post!)
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Looks cool.
I'm still interested what their own actual beys will look like.
this new series looks promising, did someone say there wasnt going to be a new anime series tied to these?
hopefully the zero g beyblades hold some competitive value, and aren't completely useless.
I am looking forward to the new zero g series. ha.
(Jan. 22, 2012  8:07 AM)beyblade-oregon Wrote: [ -> ]this new series looks promising, did someone say there wasnt going to be a new anime series tied to these?

There is no new anime series...even if there was, 95% of the time, you would have seen/heard of a manga 1st, even if there was, which there isnt.


There is no new anime series...even if there was, 95% of the time, you would have seen/heard of a manga 1st, even if there was, which there isnt.


is that true? there is definately no new beyblade anime or new season? Unhappy i havnt followed the past beyblade seasons so i dont know the trends or dates the details are released or things begin to leak etc.

i really hope 4D doesnt conclude the anime but if it does im glad TT are still releasing the toys
there is no news saying that Beyblade is ending anytime soon, and also I highly doubt that this would become an anime series considering Beyblade 4D is still ongoing, I must say that I am intrigued in the beys that you can get, I wonder how they can counteract the massive loss of spin caused by hitting the edges.
oh this is gonna be fun Grin now we know its a series i cant wait to see all the new stuff XD
... On the very few occasions that I actually post Bey News, I expect you all to read them ...

But, as I wrote in the Bey News, there is currently no confirmed relation between this fourth season and Zero G, so do not establish any.
Haha, as long as there's a fourth I'm happy. BEY NEWS! Woo!

Also, I like the title change, no more "Is this new seerees?!?!"
I would hope to know already if I can write "Metal Fight Beyblade Zero G Series", but I suppose that that will come sooner or later ...

It is cool to know that Metal Fight Beyblade is better than Bakuten Shoot Beyblade.
Just a question, does this thing tilt based on where the beyblade is at the time, or is it motorized and the tilting makes they bey go there? I haven't been keeping up with this well, also it's great to know all these rumors about beyblade ending can finally be put to rest.
You should really watch the video posted, you would see that there is absolutely nothing motorised in there.
Yes baby!!!!

I still get to make some more $$$ Grin

Thanks Kai V for the hard work.
So grabbing some of these for my store.

Thanks, Kai-V for everything.
does this mean that in tournaments we will use these stadiums????? HELL NO!
(Jan. 23, 2012  10:02 PM)shadow x 9365 Wrote: [ -> ]does this mean that in tournaments we will use these stadiums????? HELL NO!

Hasbro will never bring this to the rest of the world, and it will probably not be legal for World Beyblade Organization tournaments. Therefore no, it will not be used in tournaments.
Most likely not...the BB-10 is still the official stadium that we use.

It would still be fun to use though.
Like many things, it must be tested first... However from what I can see, it honestly doesn't have any potential (In my opinion) for being legal.
But you never know, they said 230 would be bad.
But that was a track Rai, a track affects only the performance of a single beyblade. This stadium affects to performance of both beys, regardless of their parts. Stamina battles go for 30 seconds or less, and if that isn't changing a beys performance to the point of illegality, then I don't know what is.
Haha, I know. I was just using it as a reference.
So, good news and bad news :

As you can judge by the latest threads I made, TAKARA-TOMY is using a new product code for this series' items, "BBG-". The Super Control Beys also had a unique product code, "BBC-".

However, the status of known releases now is that we know all the upcoming releases for up to March at this moment. Flash Sagittario will get released in February. There is currently no news at all about a BB-127 release in March ... Unless TAKARA-TOMY decided to publish information on the new series earlier in order to build "hype" and that we will simply later find out about a BB-127 and so on, it is possible that BB-126 Flash Sagittario is the last product of the BB-'s ...

Anyway, as can be observed by the names, there seems to be a ninja theme in the currently known releases.
Reminds me of those Lego ninjago things, as well as that new Pokemon game, nobunaga's ambition. The start of a line with no pegasis is quite odd, for sure...
Also, as usual we are the first to post this information on a fansite, even in the Japanese community ...
Heh, I wonder what the BeybladeGeeks from YouTube think about the "BBG" product code.
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